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Antigone: an Assessment of Antigone’s and Creon Essay. How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the of a paper, work developed through the interactive oral? After taking part in the interactive oral presentation carried out by boston university prompts 2013, Sonia’s group, I now believe that I have gained a much greater understanding of the play Antigone. Cover Page Apa? Themes commented on by the presentation were women, religion and tragedy; further examining their place in essay, society at the time the of a paper, play was written by contrasting it to society today. Obstacles hindering my understanding of the play, including its time and questions setting, have been removed. After comparing so vividly the society of cover page, Ancient Greece and that of the one I live in, I can now empathize with Antigone and the rest of the characters in profiles, the play, consequently broadening my understanding of the hard times that they had to endure. Many of the issues regarding women, religion and politics in the country during the period were observed in research paper, Sophocles’ Antigone, clearly displaying their importance. The contemporary issues that shaped the play deserve further exploration. Women’s roles in profiles, ancient Greek society were shockingly different in comparison to that of today. Before the page paper, presentation, I was aware of some differences between their society and courage ours but I was unaware that they were so extreme. Although she seems extremely negative and page erratic, Ismene was shown to be a leading example of winning essays courage, a woman at the time – the first difference between their society and ours.

Although she is elevated in society she doesn#8217;t hear about cover page paper apa anything important #8220;No one has told me anything, Antigone, I have heard nothing#8230;#8221; Before the presentation, the irrelevant positions of women were unknown to me. As well as seen to be worthless, women were also presented as being a negative influence on men – “Don’t let any woman ensnare you…” was Creon’s advice to Haemon, displaying the general consensus on women. On Characterization Flies? We examined Creon’s motives, prospecting that if Antigone weren’t a woman, would the punishment be the same? Another important theme that was brought to my attention during the interactive oral presentation was that of page of a paper apa, religion. And Games? The religious laws in this time and country were incredibly significant. This society’s view on cover research paper religion is a major influence in the play Antigone. It would have affected how the people in the country (the characters in the play) acted and what they thought, a large contrast to today. The themes examined by Antigone would have been incredibly shocking to the original audience as they were the social norms. After being informed, I was then able to make connections in the text, as to why certain things were said and boston university prompts 2013 insinuated about being rewarded in the afterlife and page of a paper why specific acts were committed – all under the influence of religion.

Prior to the presentation, I was completely uninformed as to the religion and an essay many other cultural aspects of Ancient Greece. Antigone: An Assessment of Antigone’s and Creon’s Deeply Held Beliefs and Views On Familial and State Responsibilities. In his play Antigone, Sophocles explores the ethical integrity of familial and state ties through the opposing viewpoints and beliefs of the central characters, Antigone and Creon. Cover Page Paper? By pitching these two individuals against each other, Sophocles also successfully reveals the raw and multi-faceted nature of humanity. The tragic consequences that conclude Antigone emphasize the deadly differences between each character’s views on the unwritten duty towards family and the binding laws of the city-state, a conflict that would very likely be less of an issue in boston, modern society. Sophocles promotes Antigone’s character, as she is the traditional protagonist of the play.

By doing so, Sophocles succeeds in building the audience’s compassion towards her. The audience is cover of a apa, influenced therefore, through this empathy created towards Antigone, to view Creon’s ethical actions as being less moral than her own. However, it must be added that Creon’s points of view and actions can nevertheless also be justified. By studying the destiny of essay of the, each character, and how each of their fates come to pass, one can get a clearer understanding of page of a, how and an essay and games why Sophocles influences the audience into favoring Antigone and her domestic role, rather than Creon and his cold inflexibility. The contrasting views and principles that drive each character deserve assessment as the opposing passions driving each of them, lead to the play’s tragic, dramatic and poignant conclusion.

Sophocles brings to life the characters of Antigone and Creon, developing for each, a sense of responsibility and a set of morals, which clash dramatically with the opposite cover page of a research paper, character’s. By pitting these two characters against one another, Sophocles not only successfully contrasts the ethical views of each, but also cleverly exposes the true face of humanity. Antigone is placed as both lead character and heroine of the play, as she holds a domestic, reasoned and more acceptable stance; any audience would name her as heroine. A.E. Haigh, author of questions, ‘An analysis of the play by research apa, Sophocles – The Tragic Drama of the Greeks’ clearly states that Antigone lives a more familial motivated lifestyle, saying, “Antigone, however, seems to have been of a more domestic type.”1 Antigone’s resilient, and essay by robert somewhat egotistical, feeling of cover of a research apa, responsibility toward family is population essay, what drives her to publicly violate Creon’s new decree and to question his judgment on, and of a research paper apa knowledge of, divine law. Antigone does this without question, so deep is her respect of the gods over the state. She clearly feels more obligated towards her religious responsibilities and ties than anything else. This somewhat defiant character believes that the gods alone determine her fate; she will do whatever is necessary to appease them. On Characterization Of The Flies? “I shall die in the knowledge that I have acted justly. What greater satisfaction than that … We have too little time to waste it on men, and cover research paper the laws they make. The approval of the dead is everlasting, and I shall bask in write an essay, it as I lie among them.”2.

Here Antigone’s use of language shocks the audience as she has clearly prioritized her existence in accepting death and rejecting mortal life. This strong and deeply held belief drives Antigone to stand by page of a paper apa, her familial responsibilities with steely determination and to perform the burial rights for her deceased brother that were callously denied him by Creon. Her acceptance of death shocks the audience as it almost seems as if she desires it. She remains certain throughout the play that the gods will reward her devotion and her heroic actions in the afterlife. Write? Although she says differently, it appears that Antigone also strives for public acclaim in Thebes. When Ismene mentions that she won’t inform anyone of Antigone’s plans, Antigone responds strongly, “Don’t you dare! You must tell everybody, shout it in the streets.” This rebellious response from Antigone seems to indicate that her actions are not only divinely, but also somewhat egotistically motivated. The second central character, Creon, shares Antigone’s determinism in abiding by principles and beliefs.

However, contrary to Antigone, Creon remains certain that humans can in fact dictate the moral laws of society and page research apa that the state should and can handle its own matters by asking, “Is it likely, remotely likely that the gods will think twice over that stinking pile of meat?” Rather than fearing the immortal gods and their unwritten laws, Creon strives to uphold those of man and of state. His stubborn punishment of essays, Antigone, a woman whose only desire is to bury her brother, shows a lack of respect and contempt for all family values and ties. Although Creon could justify his actions as being those required of a king, it is evident that they are too extreme. G.H. Gellie in ‘Sophocles: A Reading’ states, “He reminds us repeatedly of the cover page research paper apa, physical nastiness of the [body’s] exposure … We are made to population, feel in our stomachs that this is of a research paper apa, no way to treat the body of essays profiles, a human being.”3 Any empathy that the audience may have felt towards Creon quickly vanishes at this point in the play. Page Of A Research? However, this is somewhat redressed later when, ironically he loses his family members: his wife and son. Throughout Antigone, Creon appears to be unable to grasp the key traits of ruling and living in an ethical society.

This is evident when he states, “I#8217;ve just seen her inside in fury, not like someone in winning, full control of of a research, her senses. The heart of population questions, one who weaves wickedness in darkness is usually convicted beforehand. I, for my part, hate anyone caught in the act who tries to beautify his crimes thereupon.”2 Statements of this nature show Creon’s cold and callous assessments of the morally upright Antigone the cover research apa, effect on the audience is unambiguous: One can feel nothing but disdain for such a harsh and unfeeling character. It is Creon’s own rules and regulations that publicly expose his apparent lack of respect for family values and population essay duties. This is evident when he introduces his new decree, stating that Polynices cannot be buried. Creon’s secondary flaw is that he continually acts on his own self interest. His motivations are driven by his selfishness and not by the opinions or interest of his people. Egotistical traits such as these are neither honorable nor wise for a successful ruler. Creon’s son, Haemon, challenges his father, informing him that he neglects to serve the people of Thebes and fails to pay attention to their cries. Cover Research Paper? He argues, “How the city weeps for this girl, says she#8217;s the least worthy of all women to die so badly for such noble deeds.”2 Creon responds, with an outrageous outburst, displaying his arrogance through his strong views. He asks, “The city will tell me how I ought to wrigley, rule it? #8230; Isn#8217;t the city thought to be her ruler#8217;s?”2 His blatantly conceited claims, coupled with his unconcealed disregard for fair judgment, build tension towards a seemingly inevitable clash with Antigone, who is filled with equal tenacity but whose views are diametrically opposed to his.

The viewpoints of each character can be interpreted as quite ironic and at odds: Although Antigone strives to defend family values by violating the state’s laws, she remains a prominent and functioning member of Theban society. Likewise, even though Creon remains a loving husband and of a father, his ability to completely disregard familial ties in support of state laws is shocking. As the two are directly opposed, it is interesting to see how the university, characters cope in cover of a paper apa, the same culture. Antigone and write on christmas Creon are of such determined characters, that the irony considering each of their particular devotions to cover page research paper, family and state becomes even more alarming. Antigone appears the essay by robert, most ethical of the two as she is willing to risk her life over her decision to uphold family rights; Creon can also appear morally just, because, as king, he is motivated solely by his duty to serve Thebes. It could also be argued that neither Creon nor Antigone are wrong in cover page of a research apa, their convictions: they are two sides that are simply conflicting.

As the two protagonists stubbornly remain true to their deeply held beliefs and responsibilities, they are driven to make decisions that ultimately lead to write essay on christmas, their mutual destruction. This destruction in itself demonstrates the ethical validations of both Antigone’s and Creon’s opposing characters. As well as highlighting the problems with society at research apa that time, Sophocles through the characters of Antigone and essay Creon, reveals the true face of humanity, in all its ugliness. Sophocles cleverly manipulates the emotions of his audience in order to of a paper apa, expose humanity’s true nature. Write? G.H. Gellie identifies the page of a apa, depth of the audience’s feelings when he says that we feel this response “in our stomachs”3 Our response is almost instinctive: we cannot help but react deeply in this way. Sophocles successfully plays with our emotions and makes us feel outraged. By Robert? Although Creon’s flaws reflect the flaws of humanity, Antigone herself is not without flaws. Like her king, Antigone demonstrates strong opinions and, at times, acts in her own interest. She passionately defies the state’s dominance over domestic values. These obstinate principles are what lead Antigone down the path of destruction, glorified nonetheless.

Sophocles portrays Antigone’s reasons, as being nobler than Creon’s who is profoundly selfish and possesses a frightening persistence to carry out his brutal deed. Tiresias, another character, provides an omen when he sternly warns king to be more understanding and to consider the impact of what he is doing, “You don#8217;t protect it when you trample the honors of the cover page apa, gods!”2 Haemon and winning essays courage the chorus also warn the research, king, impartially informing him that his actions may not be as ethical as he imagines they are. Each character’s warnings are disregarded, amid wild accusations of bribery and foul play. Consequently, the audience is encouraged to feel less sympathy for Creon than they do for Antigone, a woman whose only desire is to bury her slain brother. Antigone is prepared to lose her life trying to uphold family values and feels she has no choice but to accept her fate. On the other hand, after pleas from essay, numerous characters, Creon repeatedly fails to see sense and strives to avoid his dark fate. To conclude, in the play Antigone, the cover page paper apa, catastrophic conflict of beliefs that occurred between family and state in ancient Thebes is carefully demonstrated in the disastrous events that take place.

Questions of essay questions, morality and duty are challenged throughout the play as the cover page paper apa, two central characters, Antigone and essays courage Creon, clash violently in their battle to cover of a research paper apa, uphold the views they so diligently and an essay and games resolutely stand behind. The views and deeply held beliefs of Antigone and Creon are of key significance in the play; they are what drive the plot to its tragic conclusion. However, they are not simply the driving force of the play, but the vehicle through which Sophocles exposes the many facets of humanity: its beauty and its ugliness. Through the tragic events that conclude the story, Sophocles was likely indicating that an page paper amalgamation of the two characters’ contrasting approaches would be the best way to operate in write on christmas, ancient Greek society. Cover Page Research Apa? 1. An analysis of the play by Sophocles – The Tragic Drama of the on sports, Greeks A.E. Page Of A Research? Haigh -Oxford: Clarendon Press 1896. 2. Sophocles Antigone. Essay Wrigley? 3. Sophocles: A Reading – G. H. Gellie Melbourne University Press 1972.

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love is essay . .] That Othello's love too is a love that is noble and perfect is evident in his simple: She lov'd me for the dangers I had pass'd, And I lov'd her that she did pity them. (155) Quite respected and famous is the love between these two. The love between Othello and apa Desdemona is on christmas, a great venture of apa, faith. He is free; she achieves her freedom, and at a great cost. Shakespeare, in creating the figure of her wronged father, who dies of grief at her revolt, sharpened and heightened, as. would agree with Rusoue theory of by robert, “free love.” Rusoue believed that there is no such thing as a “greater good” and page research apa all love is, is just a need to feel pleasure, instead of university, a need to be loved. I disagree completely with Rusoue. I refuse to believe that love is driven solely by lust.

This idea in my opinion is cover apa, completely ludicrous. Love is the most mystifying and complex emotion that we have. What’s the difference between Platonic love, and Sexual love? Which love is real? What does it really mean when. mistakes do come into the picture. However why can't we start new and watch our souls collide. This love I speak of is unlike anything i've ever experienced before.

I patiently wait for the moment that you'll realize that I was in love all along but I have just began to figure it out. On Characterization In Lord Of The Flies? If I don't know how to fix my mistakes, then of cover page of a, course you'll never know if I don't take a chance to explain why I love you so much, or even how or why this all came about. Out of all the rest you stand out. Was it fate. thusfar the two loves which we have examined have both been very imperfect, distorted, selfish. On the other hand, the audience perceives the an essay ideal form of love, a very pure, exclusive love, existing between Othello and cover page of a paper apa Desdemona.

This love is clearly evidenced on essay by robert, numerous occasions throughout the play. Cover Page Of A Paper? In the second scene the general responds to Iago with “I love the gentle Desdemona;” in the third scene Othello, defending himself before the Council of Venice, exhibits a deep love of his new. The Journey of Love and Marriage Essay example. was not part of it. In fact love ranks in the lowest category in write, a marriage. One of the examples that marriage wasn’t always about love but an economic move is having co spouses. In some cultures having co spouses help strengthen one’s marriage because if a wife cant satisfy her husband’s sexual need then he can achieve that through co spouses or vice versa.

Couples in page research apa, the past didn’t think about love as a necessity because there are more important things than finding love. The necessity to find food. Wuthering Heights Love Essay example. embracing him with love like his father had done. The love of a parent, whether or not it is natural born or chosen, is the beginning of the story that turned twisted as the an essay and games three children grew into adulthood and of a research apa had their own respective families. The only paternal love that survived was that of Catherine’s daughter through her husband Edgar Linton, for their daughter Cathy.

Although there are many different love stories within the pages of Wuthering Heights, the passion and love between Heathcliff. John Donne Love Poetry Essay examples. John Donne’s View of “love” The Petrarchan “love” John Donne’s stance in regard to love was very much different from the Medieval Philosophy of courtly love. Donne’s love poetry expressed a wide variety of population, changing views and outlooks towards love, love was portrayed at times as physical at other times as spiritual and at instances the combination of both. The poet when speaking about a physical love often expresses it in terms of cover page apa, a religious experience where love making is not only an action. The Poem Love by Emily Dickinson Essay examples. education, unlike most women of her time (Lerman). A Short Essay? Likewise, Elizabeth knows how to read and often travels to visit her aunt and uncle, the Gardiner’s, in page of a paper apa, London.

Austen, like Elizabeth, meets her true love at write an essay on sports and games a ball. Although Austen’s relationship does not work out cover of a, Austen always hoped to wrigley marry for love not money, just like Elizabeth. The sex of their siblings marks the one major difference between Austen and Elizabeth. Austen has five brothers and one sister, but she desired to cover of a have multiple sisters. Marriage and Love in Elizabethan England Essay examples. In much the write a short on christmas same way Viola realizes that she is not free to make a marriage choice based on love; but is determined that she will go to marriage as “a widow” from apa, her from her love with Shakespeare (Shakespeare). “She despairs that the men at court, “If they see [her] they see [her] father’s fortune” (Shakespeare).

Although their circumstances are different the prospect of marriage, for boston 2013, both women, constitutes the same thing: it is matter of “family, duty and fate, and is as. Entrapment in A Country Love Story Essay example. unstable and may even have a slight disorder of the cover of a research paper mind (423). May is not someone Daniel loves so much as someone he can take his frustration out on and blame for everything that is wrong in his life. The patriarchal code goes beyond May's feminine character. The language of the story also possesses a distinct feminine quality, especially when describing May and Daniel's relationship. Essay? To May, their love has become choked off, overgrown, invisible -- a garden filled with weeds (417). Her. Unlikely Love in Pride and Prejudice Essay examples. married right away.

But when she got her first proposal, she rejected it, and that was a very huge deal. In this time period, they lived a very different lifestyle, as we can see. Cover Paper? Elizabeth, even though strong-willed as she is, eventually falls in love with Mr. Darcy. Mr. Of The Flies? Darcy is considered to be a very unlikeable man. It seems that he is so involved in himself that nobody else is cover research, good enough to even be in his presence. He was a very attractive man and had a great deal of money. Boston University Essay Prompts? His attitude. I Just Called to Say I Love You Essay examples. impact was because he himself was not impacted because he does not have a very high compassion for cover page of a research apa, others.

As Franzen said after the 9/11 incident it became easier for people to say I love you because people realized that one never knows what tomorrow will bring. For this reason Franzen should understand that saying I love you should never be a problem no matter where one is. Franzen continues in his article talking about his own personal life and about mother and fathers relationship. Questions? He reads to. Tragic Love in Grace Ogot#x27;s Short Stories Essay example. The young men no longer fight for their right to true love, but instead accept the marriages arranged by their parents. The narrator even goes as far to say that, “marriage itself seemed to page of a paper have no significance beyond a union for the production of children” (375). Tselane and Keaja, however, share a passionate connection between each other molded by true love, but they also retain an affectionate bond between their relations. 2013? Tselane is cover paper apa, especially close to her father’s second wife, Mma-Monosi. Mma-Monosi. How John Donne Showed His Love Essay example.

in Donne’s poems is essay by robert wrigley, love. Joan Bennett puts it in her article entitled “The Poetry of John Donne';, we can not be certain if it was written for Anne, another women or even God. (180) Bennett also argues that “But the fact remains that such touches of description are very rare in Donne’s poetry. His interests lay elsewhere, namely in dramatizing, and analyzing, and illustrating by cover page a wealth of essay questions, analogy the state, or rather states, of being in love'; (180) In other words saying. , , , , , . , , , , . Of A Apa? , , , , , , . . • Demonstrate the ability to questions work cooperatively in a team to complete a team project and deliver an effective group presentation; • Develop a resume that represents effectively your current status. • Demonstrate your understanding of basic interviewing skills during a mock interview. Cover Page Of A Research Apa? In addition, I expect all students to participate willingly in class exercises and discussions. Success in accomplishing these outcomes requires a C or better. CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION: • As the movie came to an end the students decided to invite Mr.

Sir to essays courage a party. The party was originally for the students but, they decided to dedicate it to Mr. Sir. The party starts off with everyone dancing and having fun. Mr. Sir and Pam danced together on a requested song from Pam. The dance she been waiting for, that Mr.

Sir promised to her. He starts dancing but, doesn’t know how to dance and began to catch the groove of it. Once the dance was over Denim made an paper announcement to give Mr. On Christmas? Sir. level of page research apa, love that brought about the a short essay on christmas phrase, blood is thicker than water.

We will do things for our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and children before we would even consider doing them for anyone else. Page Of A? Many wars have been started because of this family level, brother avenging brother or father, father protecting his wife and children, or even vice versa. Boston University Prompts? This simple family bond can even extend to include our pets, amazingly enough, and that is a good thing. Paper? A third level to boston university prompts love, is the bond. level of love that brought about the phrase, blood is thicker than water. We will do things for our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and children before we would even consider doing them for anyone else. Many wars have been started because of this family level, brother avenging brother or father, father protecting his wife and children, or even vice versa. This simple family bond can even extend to include our pets, amazingly enough, and that is a good thing. A third level to love, is the bond. have taught them to their own lives and pass these values to their children.

The love we have for our spouse or partner is a love that is also a good kind of love. Page Research? It is a love shared by two, one that fuels the other and winning essays keeps both in tune. Having someone to share all the joys, heartaches and the journey of life with is page of a paper, a kind of love that becomes a natural, never-ending and a comfortable kind of love. Profiles Courage? It is a love that we depend on, and of a research paper when the other is not with us, it makes our heart yearn for. Love as a general expression of positive sentiment (a stronger form of profiles, like) is commonly contrasted with hate (or neutral apathy); as a less sexual and more emotionally intimate form of romantic attachment, love is commonly contrasted with lust; and page research paper apa as an interpersonal relationship with romantic overtones, love is sometimes contrasted with friendship, although the word love is often applied to close friendships. (Further possible ambiguities come with usages girlfriend, boyfriend, just good. finally find the essay on characterization in lord love we have been looking for, I beleive you can not imagine life with anybody else. Romantic love is a connection between two people that is captured with a feeling that is not only felt within the cover page of a research heart but within their body as well.

I have never been in essay prompts, love with a girl, I can only imagine what it might be like to be in love. But, from my observations of cover page research paper, my friends and family love just seems like a big headache more than anything else. To simply write a definition of love is complicated. Kinsey was consulted, in order to help clarify the write on christmas importance of the research psychology of by robert wrigley, love. Finally, an cover page paper apa interview with Dr. William Krieger revealed the in lord of the importance of the study of philosophy and how it relates to the concept of love. Research has concluded that the cover of a research paper disciplines of biology, psychology, and philosophy are all important in analyzing love; however, more research needs to be done in order to write an essay on sports and games define what love actually is, and how we can apply this knowledge in our everyday lives. With the. is based more on the attraction of physical traits. This form of love is the weakest because once this infatuation fades, the people involved fallout of love.

Another weakness of this type of love is that it is purely self-beneficial, for page paper apa, example is a short, if a person would state, “I love you because you make ME happy.” A recurring theme in conversation when a person speaks of this type of love is the word, me. Even though this type of page of a, love seems shallow, it is essential in the early stages of a relationship. beauty, being rarely fair, is rarely virtuous; chiefly in write a short essay, her love, and page of a research paper apa chiefly in that love, her love to essay me”, create a unity and logic to his argument. This means that it is up to the friar, ever the rationalist, to highlight Giovanni’s satanic inconsistency of argument with his exclamation, “O ignorance in page of a research apa, knowledge!”. These In contrast to Giovanni’s lustful desire, some believe Annabella to have also been seeking something other than love through her incestuous relationship with her brother; the. Love cannot be taken away at will even when the essays courage lovers want it removed. This kind is cover page research apa, more common.

Everyone is familiar with this sort of love. Essays Profiles Courage? I might love my family in a way that someone else will not. However, fraternal love for others goes beyond family. One can also love his or her friends. What sort of storms comes between lovers? Arguments, even those as strong as this thunderstorm or even a force 5 hurricane, do not shake love, cannot scare it away, if it's true love.

Many of us have best. do we stay in cover page paper, these relationships when we know its going to end? Is it denial? Love is blind; or do we confuse it with infatuation? “Infatuation” was just a word given to an emotion that people needed an excuse of having when their love didn’t work out. Deep down in our hearts we know things will come to a stop and a new record gets put on the machine. An Essay? The play button will be pressed again and cover page of a paper apa the rotation of the love life repeats itself, new and lively, until the record gets old and weary again. Essay on Only Love and Then Oblivion. The readers then reflect over it, just like McEwan did. By addressing the audience this way, he hopes to make us feel something, for example the love or the horror of being on the planes. In other words, he’s using the appeal form pathos, which appeals to the reader’s feelings. He mainly uses this in his article, but he also uses ethos, which creates credibility.

A quote to prove it could be this: “In our delirium, most of write on sports, us wanted to talk”. This creates credibility by stating something that we. This is why Rogers defines ‘love’ as unconditional positive regard. On analysis of Freud and of a paper Rogers’ separate theories it can be seen that they both contain strengths and write weaknesses. While Freud’s ideas in the explanation of love as being aim-inhibited libido seem quite unusual, they can be supported by observations of love in society.

For example, Freud’s assumption that the sucking of the mother’s breast by the child forms the basis of the model for finding a love-object later and that in fact. swear that he wouldn't. I try to make him believe that I'm fine, but he knows otherwise. Some people might think I'm crazy for cover of a research paper apa, not letting him tell, and it's not that I want to stay with them, I just can't leave Christine. She is the only person who loves me in this world. Write A Short Essay On Christmas? I'm afraid if I leave then Bill will go after Christine next and cover research apa I can't live with that on my conscience. We pull up to school and start walking towards our class together.

So, do you wanna come over after school and hang out? Marcus. Chaucer,Boccaccio,and the debate of essay, love Essay example. Chapter Three examines the debates about the function of literature - utile vs diletto, sentence vs solas - that appear in each text, to suggest that fiction need not be overtly didactic in order to be useful. After briefly treating how each text frames those terms - Boccaccio in his Proemio, Chaucer in the variety of views voiced by his pilgrims - Thompson focuses on Day VI as an page research paper extended treatment of the power of words, and on christmas Fragment VII (following Gaylord in research, labelling it the write 'Literature Group') The Treatment of love in Love is not all by Edna Millay Essay.

response to a love poem, one may shudder at the thought of “A man making friends with death” (Millay, 7) as the result of love –or lack there of- and it could be that this is the very reaction that Millay wants. Cover Page Of A Research Apa? Later, she continues to tell us the things that she feels love is not equal to; “Not meat nor drink” (Millay, 1), indicating even from winning profiles, that very first line that her opinion is cover page, that love is not crucial to life and living, very different from classical love poems, in which love is usually portrayed. emphasize with you and vice versa. This is the wrigley best example of cover of a apa, love in a family. Wrigley? It is true that young people tend to rebel against their parents and that the parents cannot understand their children at a certain age. You as the cover page apa young ones should understand your family with empathy.

Put yourself in the place of your parents, would you like to feel hurt? Certainly not and I'll say it again that's the best proof of love in a family. As you have just seen the sketch presented. If love involves chemicals beyond our understanding, then love can be in essay, many forms, not just one life long live. Of A Research? Hook ups are becoming more common on population essay, college campuses. There are no strings attached – sexual encounters may be replacing romantic relationships. Traditional dating requires two things that college students don’t have: time and page of a research paper money. University Essay Prompts? Jack Grimes writes in Hook-Up Culture that it seems like dating doesn’t exist anymore like it used to.

He questions, “Where did it come from? Is it. Another example of symbolism shown was the cover page apa use of the chapel which represented rules that enslave adults in society. An Essay On Sports? Blake is oriented towards playfulness and fun activities and the chapel symbolizes the opposite of Blake’s desires which is stillness and apa order. The rhyme scheme of the first stanza is A-B-C-B.

The use of figurative language along with the simple rhyme scheme combines to offer a soothing effect for the reader. Also, the repetition of I in the opening stanza encourages. power of love. He also is suffering from the ghost that has hunted him, “Prithee, see there! Behold! Look! Lo! How say you? Why, what care I? If thou canst nod, speak too. If charnel houses and our graves must send Those that we bury back, our monuments Shall be the maws of essay by robert wrigley, kites. ( Act 3,scene4 line82-87).” He starts to hallucinate that he sees the ghost of unknown, perhaps one of the research apa body he killed. This is the bad consequence that Macbeth has to suffer after he misuses the essay prompts concept of love.

Those. Love and Death in The Epic of Gilgamesh Essay example. An incomplete being, nearing godhood but still mortal, Gilgamesh must face the cover page research paper possibility of an essay and games, death. Cover Of A Paper? When Enkidu is created to oppose him by acting as a counterbalance, an alter-ego, the population two men mutually elevate each other above their individual failings as demi-gods. They become heroes, a union greater than the page of a research apa sum of their individual characters.

Their initial meeting in front of the bridal house symbolizes this union: they consummate their relationship by wrestling with each other, testing and. Love in the Time of Visitors Study Essay examples. Riguardo tutta l’archeologia in generale. Capirete bene che per un professionista dei beni culturali, per un archeologo, cio equivalga a decostruirsi da capo a piedi. Di per essay by robert, se, l’archeologia pubblica e una forma mentis prima che un settore disciplinare, una metodologia o un case study. Molti ora sostengono, e in generale il mondo accademico sembra essere d’accordo per cover of a research apa, una volta con la politica, che il turismo e (o almeno dovrebbe) essere una delle prime forse di sostentamento dell’archeologia. The Truth and Nature of Love in #x27;Shakespeare in Love#x27; Essay. appreciated the population questions two protagonists for going against the laws of society and seeing each other in secret struggling to convince themselves that “love knows nothing of rank or riverbank.” Throughout the film the viewer is constantly reminded of the difference between Will and Viola’s respective positions in the hierarchy of the cover age and however strong it may be their love is not one that will last the write a short expectations and realities of Elizabethan England. Madden engrains this into the viewer through mis-en-scene. difference in context between the two situations.

The land presents a feel of action and chaos, while the page research apa girl brings a sense of peace and purpose. The city is a scene of chaos, with war and profiles courage death and therefore the page research paper apa girl brings the speaker peace. For example, the speaker describes the city by saying, “Where the domed and daring palace shot its spires Up like fires… And a burning ring, all around, the chariots traced As they raced ” (19-20, 45-46). Whereas, he describes the girl with a slow and. or move some part of essay in lord flies, your body or have your heart beat a little faster. Certain times are attached to music in our lives. I hear a song from a different time in my life and it takes me right back there. That is powerful. Cover Page? I have found that I love Baroque music.

I found that out because I heard a piece, and winning courage liked it, then heard another that I loved, and another. Cover Of A Paper Apa? Then a friend picked up a cd that had only baroque music on it, a greatest hits of sorts. Several of the songs I liked were on winning essays courage, it. tricked into cover of a research thinking that these affairs are, in fact, love. But more often than not, they are simply a whirlwind of emotions, that generally end in heartache. Take Romeo and Juliet, for an essay, example. Davies dissects it quite well in his piece, but we won't go too deep into it (you can always read his Essay on the topic; quite moving).

But there was a young couple, who were so deeply caught in the throes of cover of a research paper apa, passion, that they believed it was love. And look what happened to them! Do we really want to of the end. Representation of Love in Romeo and Juliet Essays. Another important view of love is Friar Lawrence's view. Cover Research Paper Apa? He is the an essay one to help Romeo and Juliet to of a get married in the first place. This was dangerous due to the feud between the two families and the feelings that might have been directed towards him. He also devised the plan to keep Romeo and Juliet together, in prompts, order to avoid Juliet's second marriage to Paris. Of A Paper? This shows that the Friar had such a wonderful view of love that he was willing to risk his own life and reputation for Romeo and Juliet's. The Theme of Love and Loss in Poetry Essays. across the main message of the poem, the fact that one?s love for God can never be broken and that it is essays profiles, never ending just as a circle is. ?My True Love Hath My Heart? is the oldest poem which we have read and it was written in the 16th century, and this could be a clue as to why the meaning of the page research apa poem is related to spiritual love rather than romantic love.

As mentioned above, Sidney was a religious man and his use of population questions, ?My True Love? in the title is a metaphor for God or some other form of. find similarities. For instance, her book The Age of Innocence relates a great extent to her love affair with Morton Fullerton while she was married to Edward Wharton. Cover Page Paper Apa? The character, Newland Archer, reminds me most of Edith herself because Newland is write on sports, about to be married and he falls for of a paper, a woman named Ellen Olenska. The man Edith had an affair with, Morton Fullerton, compares to Ellen Olenska. Write And Games? Another example is her book The House of cover paper apa, Mirth it compares to essays profiles courage the relationship she had with Walter Berry; a. Here we see the springing forth of the natural love of affection from the Author of Love, who is Jesus. He is the One, who embodies love and gave the boost to show affection through kindness and appreciation.

The next form of page of a research paper, love addressed by essay Lewis is Philia or friendship love. Of this love he said, “Friendship arises out of mere companionship when two or more of the companions discover that they share some interest or insight” (p. Of A Research Apa? 96). A Short? This means that people will gravitate towards someone with. many loves, desperately, but states Juliet as the most worthy, and she also says it does not matter whether you take part in the life of a Montague or Capulet; love will be love and cover page of a paper apa should not have rules or regulations. The way Shakespeare portrays the thoughts and words of Romeo and Juliet; you know it comes from the heart and that it shows love. “Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night ‘til it be morrow,” says Juliet after they both share their love for. day basis, nor does she say anything about how her love feels about her. The poem could very well be written to someone who doesn’t return her feelings or it could even be written to someone that she doesn’t love in a romantic way. It all depends on how the reader interprets the essay poem.

When viewed in this light, Browning’s traditional love poem is no longer traditional. Cover Page Of A Research Paper Apa? It can even be seen as rather ridiculous, the belief that anything, even love, can be as perfect and complete as she describes. friendship love for each other than a male and female friend pair may have; the same for male friends. Male and Female friends may sometimes undergo a lot of pressure from other friends and family to turn their friendship love into romantic love, which doesn’t always work. There is a line that friends may cross over, and to know that line is to know the difference between romantic and friendship love. Friends have complete trust for university prompts, someone and naturally want to be around him/her. People who love each. The Nature of Love and Compassion Essay. second way of developing compassion, which attains factors contributing to compassion, such as love or tolerance. Furthermore, the Dalai Lama proclaims that love is an essential need in human development and is prevalent in page of a paper, the most basic of boston university essay prompts 2013, relationships.

Starting in cover page of a apa, the womb, love is essential to the proper development of the child and is crucial during the essay questions very first years of page of a paper, life. Compassion and love are not only fundamental to survival but they are also sources.

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SPRINGBACK EFFECT CONCEPTS IN SHEET METAL. The springback in sheet metal forming is described as the change of sheet metal shape compared with the shape of the tools after forming process operations. Sheet metals with high strength-to-modulus ratio such as high strength steels and aluminum alloys are particularly prone to springback, and these materials are becoming more important in automotive industry to cover paper reduce the car weight and winning essays courage increase fuel efficiency. Springback makes die design difficult because the final part shape does not conform to the tool geometry. In order to compensate springback, die tryout is required in current automotive die development and construction process. Die designs and construction is one of the paper, most time-consuming steps in new car type developing process. Therefore, finding an effective and reliable method for springback prediction is very important. [1] Currently, finite element method (FEM) is used for calculating the winning essays courage, springback of cover of a research paper sheet metal in forming process, but due to inherent errors it can’t be directly used for die design.

In the automotive industry, engineering guidelines and finite element software are used in the design process for a short essay on christmas, new sheet metal parts. Metal forming has historically played a distinctive role in cover page research the process of industrialization, and an essay remains one of the most important industries. Metal forming processes can be categorized into two major groups: one is bulk forming, which contains various traditional forming methods, such as: forging, rolling, extrusion etc. and the other is sheet metal forming which primarily refers to stamping processes. Metal forming has been a traditional research field in mechanical engineering. Most of the time, its content has been exclusively related to the mechanical behavior of metal forming processes. Cover Of A Apa? The theoretical development in this field has been closely connected to the developments of the theory of winning profiles courage plasticity and computer methods. Although most of the mathematical fundamentals on plasticity have been established for page research paper apa, nearly one hundred years, metal forming processes still represent a major challenge to modern engineering analysis methods. In terms of mechanics, almost all metal forming processes involve large deformation with nonlinear material behavior and contact boundaries. The analysis of essay such a process extremely nonlinear and finite element method (FEA) has brought a new tool the analysis of metal forming processes.

With FEM, metal forming processes could be solved with minimum mathematical simplifications, which made it possible to simulate the whole deformation process with the history of page research paper apa material yielding, hardening, loading and unloading, etc. Finite element simulation of sheet metal forming is a powerful tool, which allows testing any modifications of the deep drawing process parameters, prior to the actual tools manufacturing. In sheet metal forming the quality of the final product depends on the proper tools’ design, choice of the blank material, blank holder force, lubrication and profiles courage some other process parameters. Cover? As there is always a discrepancy between the level of springback obtained in simulations and reality, especially for the products with complicated geometry, the aim of this study is to understand the springback phenomenon and to write an essay on sports ascertain the cover page research, reasons of its inaccurate numerical prediction. Based on this prediction, the essay of the flies, tools geometry and page of a apa process parameters are modified to obtain the write a short essay on christmas, required product shape. There is a need to start an extensive experimental trial and error process to determine the necessary tools’ geometry and of a paper other variables, which will enable production of the required product shape. 1.1. SPRINGBACK EFFECT CONCEPTS IN SHEET METAL. Springback is the amount of elastic distortion a material has to winning essays go through before it becomes permanently deformed, or formed. Page Paper Apa? It is the amount of elastic tolerance, which is to some extent present in every material, be it a ductile, annealed metal or hard-strength merging steel.

In ductile materials, the springback is much lower than in hard metals, with dependence on the modulus of elasticity (also called Young Modulus) of a particular material. The amount of essay on characterization in lord flies springback increases with greater yield strength or with the material’s strain-hardening tendency. Comparably, the springback of low-strength steel material will be smaller than that of high-strength steel and springback of aluminum will be two or three times higher yet.[4] Fig.1.1 Springback Terminology. Fig.1.2 Stress ‘Strain Curve.

Springback occurs in all formed or bent-up parts on release of forming pressure and withdrawal of the punch. Cover Research Paper Apa? The material, previously held in a predetermined arrangement by the influence of write essay these two elements, is suddenly free from cover of a apa outside restrictions and immediately makes an attempt to return to essay on christmas its original shape and cover page of a paper apa form. This is write an essay and games a common phenomenon in forming of sheet. So, springback can either positive or it can be in paper apa some cases in case of winning essays profiles courage some metals, it can be negative also. So, it depends that under what conditions we are trying to bend.

So, depending upon page apa the conditions and the requirements it will be seen that either the plastic recovery sorry the elastic recovery will be positive or the elastic recovery will be negative. On Characterization Of The Flies? Thereby, we can say that springback, either it will be positive or the springback can be even be negative. So, now we have to cover page of a paper apa device some ways in by robert which we can avoid this phenomenon of springback. So, how we can avoid springback, we will see in this project. [12] Following literature have been studied for analysis of springback effect of sheet metal in forming process: Slota Jan et al [1] described springback in air bending process. Using three different categories of steel first part deals with experiment of paper air bending process, different bending depths and different die geometry. Implicit and explicit commercial codes were used performed in MATLAB system. In experimental same yield criterion and hardening curve were used. Fahd Fathi Ahmed Abd El AU[2] stated springback resulting from unloading following stretch forming.

This is essay questions concerned with the development of a finite element mode1 of the stretch forming process accounting for material and geometric nonlinearities, and page paper apa interface conditions using ANSYS software. Wan Cheng et al[3] described modem nonlinear mechanics in forming i.e. large deformation, boundary contact and material nonlinearity. Essay By Robert Wrigley? In this difficulties arise are stated like element distortion, volume locking and shear locking. Ander Jerberg [4] talked about amount of springback which occurs during the bending procedure so that an anticipated part profile. Parametric study conducted in order to reduce the time spent on manual corrections of the die showed how the inclusion of a step in the die can reduce the springback. Besides affecting the bending tools, springback largely affects the dimensional accuracy of the bent sheets. G.M. Sayyed Ahmed et al[5] experimentally studied of spring back in cover research paper mild steel and the results are validated with finite element analysis software LS-DYNA with factors like different thickness of sheet metal and at different die angles. Prabhakar.A et al[6] described process includes larger deformation of the structure either with temperature or without temperature application.

But in the every mechanical process certain defects exists due to the inherent resistance property of the material for forming it to the required shape. In this work, sheet metal thickness and depth of forming effect on spring back is analyzed using Finite element methods. Esther T. Akinlabi[7] stated about the bending operation and springback based geometrical inaccuracies of bent parts. To curb springback, various factors such as bending parameters and on characterization in lord material properties need to research paper apa be considered. Experimental work using circular bending was conducted to analyze the effect of on sports and games springback on the formed steel sheets. Cover Of A Research? It was found that the 2 mm formed sheets exhibited an average springback of 4.24%. Mohamed Faraj Alfaidi[8] described instantaneous unloading method and which found not applicable for predicting springback of buckling dominated problems. In this slight variations of a yield stress, R-values, hardening parameters and a sheet thickness comparable with scatter of population essay material properties due to research apa production process influence the a short essay, springback behavior.

Maciej Nowosielski et al [9] described stamping process simulations using the eta/Dynaform for non-deformed samples and achieved compatibility at cover page research paper apa the level of 90%. H K Yi et al[10] studied the springback of sheet metal during unloading causing deviation from a desired shape in sheet stamping operations. The analysis of the springback of sheet metal during bending to a radius with applied tensile strain requires the use of boston essay 2013 six different deformation patterns. Cover Page Of A Research Paper Apa? These patterns are elastic’elastic, plastic’ elastic, and population essay questions plastic’plastic for the outer and inner surfaces and plastic’plastic with an elastic core, elastic’plastic, and plastic’plastic for the inner and outer. Cover Page Of A Research Paper Apa? Two different analytical models for springback have been derived. A-M. Yan and I. Klappka [11] stated the springback behaviors of panel forming productions using multi-point stretch forming technique. Various possible influencing factors on the springback effect were analyzed. Essay In Lord Of The Flies? Numerical simulations indicated that the springback effect is loading-path dependent and may be linearly related to material properties in the case of simple geometry. The effect of sheet thickness and curvature found to be less significant due to strain distribution through the sheet thickness. Hariharasudhan Palaniswamy et al [12] studied springback of the part during unloading.

Finite element analysis has been used to simulate a flex forming operation and to predict the springback in the manufacturing of a cone shaped part. Research? Sensitivity analysis on the influence of interface friction and blank dimensions on write and games, springback were carried out. Based on the results of the sensitivity analysis, an optimization problem was formulated to find the optimum blank dimensions that minimize the springback. 2.1 FINDINGS FROM LITERATURE REVIEW. In literature review most of the researcher used Numerical method (FEA) to find amount of springback effect occurs in sheet component using variable: Thickness and bend angle of sheet. Cover Page Of A Apa? FEA method used to know where and profiles courage how the stresses occur in the component surface. Using software’s like LS-DYNA, ANSYS, MATLAB etc.

FEA analysis carried out of sheet metal part to find various stresses like Von-Mises, yield stress occurs in apa it. Some researchers find out causes of springback effect using experimental method changing with process parameters. Most of papers comprise process parameter: Thickness, bend angle and punch radius. Various materials also studied to questions see springback. After studying findings from literature review, and live problem of Wiper motor bracket, following problem statement is defined: To make Analysis of Springback Effect of Sheet Metal in Forming Process of Wiper motor bracket by considering various influencing parameters for spring back and cover page of a paper so using various methods to minimize the Springback occurs during sheet metal operation. 1. The main purpose of university prompts 2013 this work is to investigate causes of cover of a paper sheet metal spring back effect, such as process parameter, geometry of tools etc. 2. Using theoretical Method and assuming different bend radius and sheet thickness get the variations in springback value. 3. After analytical method experiments on by robert, press machine get the variations in springback values, take different height of punch using different thicknesses of cover page of a apa sheet component.

4. To know stresses in part in forming process, analysis on a short, ANSYS software of its design. 5. After theoretical, experimental and FEA analysis then again springback is produce, and then it is required to changes in die design parameters where springback occur in forming area of sheet metal part. 4.1 SHEET METAL FORMING PROCESS. Following processes included in forming of sheet metal to form a shape as per cover page of a, design. Fig.4.1 Method Plan of Forming Process. The prediction of Springback has proven challenging for essay flies, a variety of reasons, including numerical and physical sensitivity.

The material poorly characterized behavior under loading and cover paper unloading conditions. Write A Short? Springback of sheet metal parts after forming causes deviation from the designed target shape and page paper apa produce quality problems as well as assembly difficulties in vehicle where wiper motor bracket. In this project first sheet metal part FEA Non-linear analysis with applying boundary conditions. Experimental analysis performing on press machine takes different height of punch and thicknesses. 4.2 FORMING OPERATION ON PRESS MACHINE. Fig. 4.2 Press Machine. and reliability. Essay On Christmas? Maintenance and components of hydraulic power equipment technicians required who know how to service hydraulic in manufacturing. New fast acting valves, electrical components, and more efficient hydraulic circuits have enhanced the performance capability of cover of a research apa hydraulic presses.

Sheet metal forming operations consists of simple bending, press forming, stretch forming, roll forming, rubber-pad forming, stamping, flanging, spinning, embossing, bulging, hyper plastic forming, peen forming, explosive forming, magnetic-pulse forming and deep drawing of complex parts. The sheet metal products have become current also due to low price, accuracy of dimensions, durability and favorable physical properties. In today’s industry, where the costs play a very important role the sheet metal products have replaced many products made by forming process. In every industry, quality and productivity are major issues for being competitive. For example, a car frame needs to write be designed to achieve strength requirements and cover of a paper apa aesthetic aspects; on the other hand, cost of production and repeatability is crucial to the business. Fig.4.3 Wiper Motor Bracket. A forming process has been used in practice to achieve these goals in the sheet metal fabrication business.

However, Springback, a shape discrepancy between the fully loaded and in lord of the unloaded configurations, undermines the stamping benefits, since a major effort on the tooling design is cover page of a needed to reduce Springback. In many industries, e.g. Essays Courage? automotive industries, Springback plays an important role in tooling, process designs and forming operations. To effectively predict Springback for a potential applicant determining optimal tooling shapes and process parameters, understanding the mechanics of Springback, a mainly elastic recovery process, is cover of a paper essential. In the forming technology it is difficult to achieve accurate and repeatable angle of a bend. This problem is caused by elastic Springback, which is considerable in processes of sheet metal forming. Springback in processes of sheet metal forming causes troubles in assembling processes, because Springback entails anomaly of required shape of the part.

After experimental analysis theoretical method to write and games assuming different bend angle and thickness to get variations springback values then with the of a research paper, help of Ansys changing parameters like thickness, bend angle to know springback decrease or not. Fig.4.4 Flow Chart Method Approach. It has been shown that many process variables such as friction, temperature, variations in the thickness and mechanical properties of the incoming sheet metals along with numerical parameters such as material model, element type and size, integration algorithms, contact definition and convergence criteria, etc. affect the accuracy and a short on christmas validity of the solution. Moreover, complex strain histories and highly nonlinear deformation of the material during the forming process add to the difficulty of predicting springback. Therefore, it is important to cover of a research paper apa critically review related studies before selecting the appropriate solution method for the problem.

4.3 SHEET MATERIAL. As discussed, many purely hardening laws have been proposed in the literature with the purpose of population essay describing the cyclic behavior of metal sheets. The complexity of these models can vary considerably with respect to the number of of a paper material parameters and strain history variables. Sheet material used in this study D513 SS4010 Grade Steel having malleability property; it is formed shape to boston essay prompts 2013 hammering and pressing. Table 4.1 Chemical Composition of the sheet material. Sr. No. Chemical Composition % 1. Carbon 0.16 Max. 2. Page Of A Research Paper Apa? Manganese 0.30 Min. 3. Phosphorus 0.03 Max.

4. Silicon 0.25 Max. 5. Sulphur 0.03 Max. 6. Essay By Robert? Aluminum 0.02Min. Table 4.2 Sheet Material Properties. Sr. Page Research? No. Material Properties Value. 1. Write Essay? Density 7850(Kg/m3) 2. Young Modulus 2?105(N/mm2) 3. Tensile Strength 350(Kgf/mm2)

4. Yield Strength 250(Kg/mm2) The forming of page paper apa sheet metal requires an boston essay prompts 2013 understanding of a wide range of technical knowledge, the geometric difference between the loaded and unloaded configurations, is affected by many factors, such as material properties, sheet thickness, lubrication conditions, tooling geometry and process parameters. It is extremely difficult to develop an analytical model for springback effect control including all of these factors. The major difficulty with the analytical solution is due to the lack of understanding of the cover page research, stress distribution throughout the sheet, which limits the analytical approach to simple geometries and simple deformation. In the manufacturing industry, it is questions still a practical problem to predict them final geometry of the wiper motor bracket part after springback and to design the appropriate tooling in order to compensate for springback.

One is to page research paper apa predict springback for dies design and essay by robert wrigley compensation in order to obtain high dimension accuracy of sheet forming parts. Different methods such as analytical method, semi-analytical method and finite element method have been applied to analyze the cover of a research, forming process. Essay By Robert Wrigley? Analytical method is a time-saving method and has been widely used for predicting springback of cover of a research paper apa bending parts. Fig.5.1 Sheet Bending [5]. Elastic recovery of the sheet after the bend load is removed is called springback. Write And Games? Even after plastic deformation, small elastic recovery may happen in page of a apa ductile materials, after removal of load.

In bending springback reduces the bend angle. Similarly, the bend radius after springback is larger. Springback will be larger for materials having lower elastic modulus and higher yield strength. Springback increases for a sheet with higher width to thickness ratio as the stress state is in lord flies biaxial or plane stress. After releasing the punch load during forming bent radius changes. However, the bend allowance does not change. Cover Page Of A Research? Therefore, we have: Consider a sheet metal thickness-‘t’ subjected to essays profiles courage bending so that it is bent to a radius of curvature ‘r’ Fig.5.2 Sheet Bending Terminology [6]

Bend Radius (Ri) = 7mm. Profile Angle (”1) = 700. Sheet Thickness (t) = 1mm. 5.1 BEND ALLOWANCE. From equation (1), There are two ways to understand and evaluate for spring back. One is to develop a predictive model of the amount of springback and the other way is to define a quantity to describe the cover of a research paper, amount of springback. Positive springback is a situation in which the bend angle becomes smaller after removal of load. The material bends inward after the load removal due to large strains.

Another expression for boston university 2013, springback in terms of bend radius is: t = Thickness of the sheet =8mm. E = Modulus of elasticity =2?105 N/mm”. Ri = Initial radius curvature (before spring back) (mm) Rf = Final radius curvature (after spring back) (mm) ”y = Yield stress = 250 Mpa. From equation (2), = 1- 3 (8.75x 10-3) + 4 (8.75x 10-3)3. = 1- 0.0262 + 2.6796 x 10-6. From equation (1),

For Final Bend Angle (”f), The above equation is derived from forming a full plasticity and cover page of a paper apa flexibility beam, and by calculating final bend angle and in order to know to the modulus of elasticity and the yield stress. An Essay On Sports? The amount of the value Ri/Rf depends on the mechanical properties of the metal which will vary depending on the value of (”yRi / ET) , if Ri/Rf= 0, so the metal is with full spring back but if Ri/Rf =1 there is no spring back in the metal. In the first step the forming process itself is page research paper optimized with the help of accurate parameters, the spring back after forming is calculated with the a short on christmas, required accuracy. Spring back is analyzed by variation in some input parameters, e.g. Cover Research Apa? material properties and lubrication. This can be done by different problem solving method, based on springback behavior; final shape of the formed part is seriously affected by essays, spring back phenomenon and tries to prove the important role of the metal sheet thickness and bend angle in the spring back effect. 5.3 RESULT: THEORETICAL APPROACH. Table 5.1 Results of theoretical method. Bend Radius Before Springback (Ri) Bend Radius After Springback (Rf) Initial Bend Angle(”i)

Final Bend Angle(”f) Fig.5.3 Variations of Springback when Sheet Thickness changes. From the table it is observed that the springback effect changes with change the parameters like bend radius and bend angle. Stretch bending, in which the sheet is subjected to tensile stress at page of a paper apa the time of essay on characterization of the flies bending can also reduce springback. Fig.5.4 Variations of Springback when bend angle changes.

Above theoretical results graph shows that the page of a research paper, springback decreases from 3.06mm to winning essays profiles 1.05mm.This is because excess tensile stress applied during stretching reduces the bending moment for theoretical studies we change parameters like bend radius, bend angle thickness and get the springback respectively. 6. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD. 6.1 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP. In recent years, various experimental techniques have been developed to study and characterize springback in sheet metals. Reduce the Sensitivity of springback to page apa basic parameters, such as the tool radius to sheet thickness (R/t) ratio, mechanical properties of essay on christmas sheet material and contact parameters is usually studied.

In experimental setup first take different entry height of punch to page paper apa minimize springback effect in sheet metal using different thicknesses. After taking different height of punch observed that springback decrease or not, then decide continue next procedure of experiment. To minimize some more amount the springback get an boston prompts alignment of cover of a paper apa forming die and do same procedure. In second experiment, some amount of springback is reduce in the first experiment then again get glue test of forming die and same procedure as early used on press machine. The major drawback of the stretch bending test is the lack of control or direct measurement of sheet tension, which makes this experimental procedure less suitable for verifying the results of simulations. Fig.6.1 Mechanical Press Machine.[9] The amount of springback during unloading depends on the Young’s modulus and yield strength of the material. Essay Questions? In analysis of sheet metal forming it is common practice to assume that the research apa, elastic modulus remains constant. However, experimental investigations revealed that elastic constants of a material may change during the plastic deformation. Fig.6.2 Second Forming Die. Simulation of springback comprises of two major steps: loading (actual forming) and unloading.

In most springback analysis the instantaneous release method is employed, According to this method the change of write shape of the drawn sheet due to the release of the tools is calculated in one increment. Sometimes this increment is subdivided into a number of sub increments to avoid numerical instabilities in forming. This method is used since it is more computationally costly; it is more realistic because the cover page research paper apa, contact forces are present during the unloading step. Additional difficulties may arise unloading during springback step in buckling dominated problems.. The gradual unloading method is commonly used to stabilize the computation stabilization techniques or numerical damping. Write A Short On Christmas? The main disadvantage of the gradual unloading method comparing to page of a paper apa the instantaneous unloading is the computation time. In gradual unloading requires a lot of time and is very often accompanied with bad convergence behavior of the simulation due to the presence of tools sliding with low normal forces. There are two main solution procedures for the simulation of sheet metal forming: the dynamic explicit and the static implicit. There is an essay and games no need to generate the stiffness matrix and there are no unbalance forces, since the difference between the external and internal forces determines the values of nodal accelerations at the start of every time increment. Absence of unbalance forces means that the explicit method does not suffer from the convergence problems within the time increment. The major disadvantage of the explicit integration scheme is its conditional stability and prohibitively small maximum allowable time increment.

Usually to solve this problem and to decrease the total computation time mass scaling is cover of a research apa employed. In this way the critical time increment is enlarged by winning profiles courage, artificially increasing the mass of the material. The implicit time integration method is unconditionally stable. The sensitivity of springback decrease solution procedures was studied by various researchers. 6.2 CO-ORDINATE MEASURING MACHINE: CMM. With the advent of numerically controlled machine tools, the demand has grown for cover paper apa, some means to support this equipment. University Essay Prompts 2013? There has been growing need to have an apparatus that can do faster first piece inspection and many times, dimensional inspection. The Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) plays a important role in the mechanization of the page research, inspection process.

Some of the CMMs can even be used as layout machines before machining and for checking feature locations after machining. Coordinate measuring machines are relatively recent developments in measurement technology. Basically, they consist of a platform on which the population questions, work piece being measured is placed and moved linearly or rotated. A probe attached to a head capable of lateral and vertical movements records all measurements. Coordinate measuring machines are also called measuring machines. They are versatile in their capability to record measurement of complex profiles with high sensitivity (0.25 ”m) and speed. Cover Page? In this unit, we will discuss the principle and the working of boston essay a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM). Fig.6.3 Co-ordinate Measuring Machine. 6.2.1 Advantages of CMM. CMM has got a number of advantages. The precision and accuracy given by a CMM is very high.

It is because of the inherent characteristics of the cover apa, measuring techniques used in CMM. Following are the by robert wrigley, main advantages that CMM can offer: CMMs are essentially universal measuring machines and need not be dedicated to any particular task. Of A Paper Apa? They can measure almost any dimensional characteristic of a part configuration, including cams, gears and essay warped surfaces. No special fixtures or gages are required.

Because probe contact is light, most parts can be inspected without being clamped to the table. Reduced Setup Time. Part alignment and establishing appropriate reference points are very time consuming with conventional surface plate inspection techniques. Of A Paper Apa? Software allows the operator to define the orientation of the part on the CMM, and all subsequent data are corrected for misalignment between the parts-reference system and the machine coordinates. Most parts can be inspected in a single setup, thus eliminating the need to reorient the parts for access to all features.

All measurements in a CMM are taken from a common geometrically fixed measuring system, eliminating the winning profiles courage, introduction and cover page research apa the accumulation of errors that can result with hand-gage inspection methods and transfer techniques. The above-mentioned advantages help make CMMs more productive than conventional inspection techniques. Courage? Furthermore, productivity is realized through the computational and analytical capabilities of associated data-handling systems, including calculators and all levels of computers. 6.3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS. Table 6.1 Experimental Results (CMM). Entry Height of Punch.

Glue Test of Die. Alignment of Die. It is observed that the metal outside the bend radius is stretched and the metal on of a research paper apa, the inside of the bend radius is compressed. This means that the metal near the neutral axis may be stressed to values below the elastic limit and a short essay on christmas the metal far away from the neutral axis may be stresses beyond the cover of a research paper apa, yield stress. The stress distribution changes until plastic and elastic zone inside the deformed sheet comes to equilibrium. This final configuration change is known as Springback. Population Essay Questions? In other words, springback is mainly due to elastic recovery of the bending process.

Experiments have been carried out of the work piece after forming operation and of a measuring springback on CMM with difference (D) between nominal value (N) to actual value (A) as shown in table 6.2. Fig.6.4 Forming Parts With Different Thicknesses. When Part is formed, the base metal must be transformed from flat blank into a complicated, undesirable shape dimensional part. This requires permanent deformation of the base metal. However, most connector materials are chosen due to their resistance to essay permanent deformation. Naturally, this tends to complicate the of a research apa, fabrication process. This conflict between manufacturability and required performance can best be seen in elastic springback. Fig.6.5 Variations of Springback in a short essay on christmas Experimental Analysis when Sheet Thickness. When a component is formed, the stamping tool bends the metal into a certain angle with a given bend radius.

Once the tool is page apa removed, the metal will spring back, widening the angle and increasing the on characterization in lord of the flies, radius. The springback ratio is defined as the final angle after springback divided by the initial stamping angle. In order to understand springback, it is necessary to look at a material’s stress-strain curve. When a bend is page apa being formed, the material is deliberately over-stressed beyond the yield strength in order to induce a permanent deformation. When the load is removed, the stress will return to zero along a path parallel to the elastic modulus. Therefore, with some exceptions, the permanent deformation will usually be less than the designer-intended deformation of the sheet blank. The springback will be equal to the amount of elastic strain recovered when the die is removed.

From the graph it was observed that springback decreases 3.44mm to 1.39mm and thickness 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, and essay on christmas 2.5mm respectively. FINITE ELEMENT METHOD. 7.1 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS. The finite element method is cover page of a a numerical method, which can be implemented to solve many problems. An assembly process, duly considering the loading and constraints, results in a set of equations, solution of these equations gives us the approximate behavior of the continuum. The analysis which uses FEM is known as FEA. A general purpose FEA program consists of three modules; a pre-processor, a solver, and by robert wrigley a post processor. Commercial FEA programs can handle very large number of nodes and page research nodal degrees of freedom provided a powerful hardware is made available. User’s manual, theoretical manual, and verification problems manual, document a commercial FEA program. Fig.7.1 Part Drawing. 7.2 A TYPICAL ANSYS STEPS:

7.2.1 Material Specifications. Material: D513 SS4010 Young’s modulus=200Gpa, Density =7800kg/m3. Fig.7.2 Material Specifications. The material is considered as elasto-plastic with strain hardening behavior. Up-to yield point tangent modulus will be defined and later plastic or tangent modulus will be defined for the problem. Wrigley? Generally plastic modulus value is small compared to the Young’s modulus value specified. The material will follow linear relation up to yield point and later follows tangent modulus for strain calculation. This is cover page apa region is the source of residual stresses in the structure.

Also this region influences the spring back phenomenon. 7.2.2 Building a Model. Building a finite element model requires more time than any other part of the analysis. First, the user specifies a job name and analysis title. Then using the winning essays profiles courage, pre-processor, the element types are defined, element real constants, material properties, and the model geometry. Fig.7.3 Sheet Metal Part. The main goal of a finite element analysis is to examine how a structure or component responds to certain loading conditions. Specifying the page apa, proper loading conditions is, therefore, a key step in essay on characterization of the flies the analysis. Loads can be applied on the model in a variety of ways in the ANSYS program.

The word Loads in ANSYS terminology includes boundary conditions and externally or internally applied forcing functions. In this work, for sheet metal forming load 100 tonne will be applied. The postprocessors in cover of a paper the ANSYS program can help the a short essay on christmas, user to obtaining the solution and others. Post processing means reviewing the results of an analysis. Cover Research Paper Apa? It is probably the most important step in the analysis.

Contact Stress Analysis. Contact problems are highly nonlinear and require significant computer resources to solve. Contact problems present two significant difficulties. First, the write essay on christmas, exact area of contact will not be known until the problem is cover page research paper apa executed. Depending on the loads, materials, boundary conditions, and other factors, surfaces can come into and go out of contact with each other in a largely unpredictable and abrupt manner. Second, most contact problems need to boston university prompts 2013 account for friction. We can use the surface-to-surface contact elements to model either rigid-flexible or flexible-flexible contact between surfaces. Cover? The Contact Manager, accessible through the Main MenuPreprocessorModeling Create Contact Pair menu item, provides an easy-to-use interface to help to construct and manage contact definitions. Fig.7.4 Nodes Model.

The dimensional details are given in the problem. The primary objective is to analyze the effect of thickness on spring back of the problem. ANSYS mixed approach is used to build the geometry. Different colors are used to winning essays represent the cover page paper, problem. Thickness of the sheet metal is considered as 1 mm. Flies? The mixed up approach considers point, line and area approach for complicated object (Punch and die) and direct rectangle creation for the sheet metal. Fig.7.5 Mesh Model. The members are map mesh with the appropriate material properties.

Steel properties are given for sheet metal and rigid material properties are given for die and punch members. Since the sheet metal is the point of interest, the body is meshed with deformable material properties.Solid185 element with plane strain option is used for meshing. Plane182 element has the page, properties of large deformation effects which is the essential requirement of the forming materials. A finer mesh is considered at the corner regions for winning profiles, better convergence. 41454 elements and 14364 nodes are used for meshing half symmetric geometry. SOLID185 is used for 3-D modeling of solid structures. It is defined by eight nodes having three degrees of freedom at apa each node: translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions. Write An Essay On Sports? The element has plasticity, hyper elasticity, stress stiffening, creep, large deflection, and large strain capabilities. It also has mixed formulation capability for simulating deformations of nearly incompressible elastoplastic materials, and fully incompressible hyperplastic materials. Analysis has been carried out after giving displacement to the punch elements. Apa? Here the area mesh of both punch and die are cleared to increase the speed of computation.

This is possible after the contact pairs are created. So the punch target elements are given the required displacement load for bending process. The die target nodes are fixed in the position. Incremental procedure based on Newton Raphson method applied to solve the problem in the nonlinear material and a short geometrical domain. Fig.7.6 Time vs Deformation Graph. Spring back phenomenon in the metal forming process has been analyzed using Finite element Analysis. Spring back phenomenon is a undesirable process in the manufacturing industry. Many parameters influence spring back phenomenon.

In the present work, sheet metal thickness and page of a apa depth of forming effect on courage, spring back is analyzed using Finite element methods. As see in ANSYS results shows the large deformation takes place in of a research apa part. If a structure experiences large deformations, its changing geometric configuration can cause the structure to essay in lord flies respond nonlinearly. Following figures shows deformations in sheet metal. Fig.7.7 Total deformation 1. Fig.7.8 Total deformation 2. Fig.7.9 Total Deformation 3. The figure shows final equivalent (von mises )stress in the structure. Maximum stress is around 268.9 Mpa at the bottom bent corner of the sheet metal. This can be attributed to higher deformation at the bent region. Cover Page Paper? The strain is directly proportional to stress.

Here strain is maximum due to plastic yielding of the sheet metal. Essay In Lord? Minimum stresses are developed at the end portions of research paper apa sheet metal which are not displaced from the original configuration. Fig.7.10 Equivalent (Von Mises) Stress 1. The status bar at side shows the winning courage, stress variation in of a the geometry along the sheet metal. Von-mises stress is considered for on characterization of the flies, plastic condition as the von-mises theory of failure is the cover page of a apa, most used theory in the failure of ductile materials. Von-mises stress is the on characterization of the flies, stress corresponding to the stored energy and also it is called as equivalent stress.

Generally the structures are called yielded after it is crossing the yielding stress of the material. Fig.7.11 Equivalent (Von Mises) Stress 2. During design, compensation for cover of a apa, the spring back has to be incorporated such that the bend part attains the desired shape and schematic optimization inputs as shown in figure. Essays Profiles? Springback becomes more severe with increase in yield strength of sheet metals (as the same implies greater possibility of cover of a research elastic deformation and recovery) and essay by robert wrigley section thickness. 7.4 CHANGE PARAMETERS. Experiments have been carried out to measure springback angle of the of a research paper apa, work piece after forming operation with steel material under different bend angles and thickness is constant. The materials used in this study are grade: D513 SS4010 steel Young’s modulus=200Gpa, Density =7800kg/m3, steel part of length 276.5mm,thicknesses is 1mm,1.5mm,2mm,2.5mm and bending at angle 60o,50o,40o,30o Respectively. Fig.7.12 Software Inputs.

Bending is the boston university prompts, simplest sheet forming operation. The greatest formability in bending is obtained when the bend is made across the metal grain or in the direction of rolling The largest possible bend radius should be used and it should not usually be lesser than the sheet thickness ‘t’. The cost in page paper apa sheet metal forming operation can be reduced by using thinner sheets if the strength and rigidity are increased by bending and essay forming into ribs configuration. Fig.7.13 Schematic Optimization. Table.7.1 Variation of springback Thickness and bend Angle of sheet metal Using FEA. Part bend Angle. It is page research paper observed that the metal outside the profiles courage, bend radius is stretched and the metal on the inside of the cover page of a apa, bend radius is essay on characterization of the flies compressed. This means that the metal near the page paper apa, neutral axis may be stressed to values below the elastic limit and the metal far away from the population, neutral axis may be stresses beyond the yield stress.

When the bending moment is removed, the elastic deformation tends to return to the original configuration but is restricted by the plastic deformation. The stress distribution changes until plastic and elastic zone inside the page of a research, deformed sheet comes to equilibrium. From above table it was observed that springback decreases from 3.25mm to write an essay on sports and games 1.78mm. 7.5 ANALYSIS OF MODIFIED DESIGN COMPONENT. Spring back is one of the key factors which influence the quality of forming sheet metal parts. Modified Design Component shows the dimples on surface because of this reinforcement of part is strong than the first part. Fig. 7.14 Modified Part Design.

In this design model we embossing the dimples on sheet metal where the formed shape. The diameter of a dimple should be no more than 6 times the material thickness. The inside depth of a dimple should be no more than the inside radius. A hole should be at least three times material thickness away from the cover research paper, edge of the dimple, or the inside radius of the dimple plus three times material thickness. From the wrigley, parts edge, dimples should be at least four times material thickness plus the radius of the dimple.

Dimples should be at least two times material thickness from a bend from another dimple dimples should be four times material thickness plus the inside radius of page of a apa each dimple. Fig.7.15 Force Reaction of boston university 2013 Modified Design Part. Metal forming has been a major challenge to modem nonlinear mechanics, because almost every such process involves all three major nonlinearities, i.e. large deformation, boundary contact and material nonlinearity. In applications, difficulties arise also numerically, such as, element distortion, volume locking, shear locking and etc. Therefore, the success of the numerical simulation of metal forming processes demands a systematic effort to attack various aspects of cover page of a research paper apa such a procedure. In this work, efforts are focused on three major areas. Search our thousands of essays: If this essay isn't quite what you're looking for, why not order your own custom Engineering essay, dissertation or piece of coursework that answers your exact question? There are UK writers just like me on hand, waiting to help you.

Each of us is qualified to a high level in our area of expertise, and population essay questions we can write you a fully researched, fully referenced complete original answer to your essay question. Cover Paper? Just complete our simple order form and you could have your customised Engineering work in your email box, in university essay as little as 3 hours. This Engineering essay was submitted to us by a student in of a research paper apa order to help you with your studies. This page has approximately words. If you use part of this page in your own work, you need to provide a citation, as follows: Essay UK, SPRINGBACK EFFECT CONCEPTS IN SHEET METAL . Available from: [03-10-17]. If you are the original author of this content and no longer wish to have it published on our website then please click on write and games, the link below to request removal:

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