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arrow of god essay Arrow of God (1964) by Chinua Achebe, a political and biology report, cultural novel, is set in Nigeria in the early twentieth century when colonization by British government officials and Christian missionaries was well underway. In this novel two cultures confront their differences. Achebe portrays the disrupting effect an externally imposed power system (the British) has on an internally imposed power system (African tradition and sample business store, customs). Conflicts within the Igbo society coupled with repercussions from biology book report, external invasion result in disaster for the Igbo society which disintegrates from within and reorients itself to Christianity. This reorientation will lead not only to the assimilation of good essay, Western values and beliefs, but also to the eventual loss of the Igbo cultural identity. Arrow of God , Achebe's third novel, is an intricate and complex narrative. Ezeulu, the main character, is the chief priest of Ulu, a god created by the people almost a century before when the six villages of Umuaro united to withstand the Abam slave raiders.

As chief priest, Ezeulu is responsible for safeguarding the traditions and rituals of the people. For example, Ezeulu watches each month for the new moon. Book Report! He eats a sacred yam and beats the ogene to mark the beginning of sample for clothing store, each new month. Only the chief priest can name the book report, day for the feast of the Pumpkin Leaves or for is greed essay, the New Yam Feast, which ushers in the yam harvest. Ezeulu considers himself merely a watchman (3) for biology book, Ulu. His power was no more than the power of a child over a goat that was said to be his (3). Achebe is interested in investigating this power and how a priest determines the gods' decrees (Interview with Lewis Nkosi 21). Structurally, Arrow of God begins en medias res with a flashback to sample business plan store, explain a disagreement between Ezeulu and biology book, Nwaka five years before. Nwaka is a prosperous man and a supporter of Ezidemili, the chief priest of the case and related disciplines, god, Idemili.

The initial conflict between the two men is over a land dispute between Umuaro and biology book report, the nearby village of is greed essay, Okperi. Nwaka leads a group of book report, villagers who want to go to sample plan for clothing, war against Okperi. Ezeulu opposes them. All six villages of Umuaro side with Nwaka and override Ezeulu. Akukalia, an report emissary from Umuaro, is sent to Okperi to announce the war. Feeling as if he was not properly received, Akukalia, in a fit of anger, breaks one of the is greed good, villager's personal gods which prompts the biology book, people of Okperi to kill the messenger from Umuaro igniting open conflict. The war ends abruptly when the British get involved.

Captain T.K.Winterbottom, the District Officer, stops the war and breaks all the guns in Okperi and Umuaro. Ezeulu later testifies on Government Hill that the thesis editing rates, people of Umuaro had no claim to Okperi land, thus impressing Captain Winterbottom with his lack of biology book report, bias. Ezeulu, on his part, was also impressed with Captain Winterbottom. All of this, told in flashback, foreshadows the future conflict between Ezeulu and his people, which will fracture the community. Ezeulu has four sons-Edogo, Obika, Oduche, and Nwafo.

Ezeulu sends Oduche to study Christianity with the white missionaries led by Mr. Goodcountry. Ezeulu initial motive is plan for clothing store, so that Oduche might learn the wisdom of the white men (42). Later, he realizes that if the biology, white men take over the country, as it seems obvious they will, it would be prudent to is greed good essay, have one of biology book, his own sons in the inside circle. I have sent you to be my eyes there (189) he says.

Ezeulu's old friend, Akuebue discourages Ezeulu's decision to send Oduche to the white men. When you spoke against the war with Okperi you were not alone . . .But if you send your son to join strangers in desecrating the usb oscilloscope thesis, land you will be alone (134). Nevertheless, Ezeulu sends his son. Report! Oduche is instructed by Mr. Goodcountry to kill the is greed, sacred python. Oduche places a python in a footlocker, but the snake is discovered and is released unharmed. Even though everyone in Umuaro knows that Oduche is responsible for this desecration of a sacred symbol, Ezeulu does not punish his son.

The incident further fuels the divide between Ezeulu and his enemies. Book! Shortly after this, Ezeulu is summoned to usb oscilloscope, Okperi to Government Hill for book report, a meeting with Winterbottom who wants to essays on taxes, make Ezeulu a puppet chief. Report! The British attempted to instigate a policy advanced by essays on taxes, Lord Lugard, governor-General of Nigeria from 1912-19. The idea of indirect rule allows the colonizers to rule the colonized people through appointed native chiefs (Maja-Pearce 18). Before Ezeulu leaves for Okperi, Ezeulu's enemy, Nwaka draws attention to Ezeulu's friendship with the book report, white men who are taking the Igbo land.

Ezeulu angers Winterbottom by delaying his departure for Okperi. When Ezeulu arrives on Government Hill he is imprisoned. Plan For Clothing! Winterbottom has become ill and is in the hospital. Assistant District Officer Tony Clarke makes the offer to Ezeulu that the British would like to make him a ruler. Ezeulu declines to be a white man's chief (175). Ezeulu angers the British administration, which detains him for two more months. During his imprisonment, Ezeulu cannot eat the biology, sacred yams or announce the new moons. Angry with his people for letting the school essay, British detain him, Ezeulu refuses to eat the yams. When he is released he stubbornly moves the New Yam Festival forward two months.

By refusing to announce the feast, the yams cannot be harvested and they rot in the fields causing avfamine. You all know our custom, Ezeulu says, I only call a new festival when there is only one yam left from the last. Today I have three yams and so I know that the biology book report, time has not come (207). Aware that he is my hero essay, punishing and hurting his people, Ezeulu likens himself to biology book, the arrow in the bow of my hero essay, Ulu. The people become divided between their loyalty to Ulu and their loyalty to the survival of the community. They begin to question the chief priest and ask that the custom be altered. While the people argue and starve, Ezeulu's son Obika dies suddenly while performing as Ogbazulobodo, the night spirit, in a ritual for a funeral. Biology! The people take Obika's death as a sign that Ulu had either chastised or abandoned his priest and that no man however great was greater than his people; that no one ever won judgment against his clan (230).

Ezeulu is a tragic hero who imperiled his community to make a point. Because Ulu failed them, the people of Umuaro turned to Christianity, harvesting the yams and taking a sacrificial offering to Mr. Goodcountry who received them with open arms. Of the ending John Updike says that the events of the conclusion proved unexpected and, as I think about them, beautifully resonant, tragic and theological. That Ezeulu, whom we had seen stand up so invincibly to both Nwaka and Clarke, should be so suddenly vanquished by thesis, his own god Ulu and by something harsh and vengeful within himself, and his defeat in biology a page or two be the fulcrum of a Christian lever upon his people, is an my hero ending few Western novelists would have contrived (Letter from John Updike 56). Biology! Achebe's achievement, then, in this novel, is to portray his obvious love and respect for the Igbo people balanced with an essays on taxes honest representation of their lives, conflicts, and culture. Examining the biology book report, influence traditional canonical texts had on Achebe leads to Joseph Conrad's Heart of thesis editing rates australia, Darkness (1902) (http://www.heartofdarkness.html). When studying the venerated Conradian text, Achebe realized that the African characters are stereotypes and that Conrad is giving the typical colonial view of the natives.

In contrast to Conrad's half-naked, silent, spear rattling savages, Achebe creates complex and complicated human beings existing within an equally complex and complicated society. As if pointedly playing with Conrad, Achebe presents his European characters, Winterbottom, Clark, and Wright as one dimensional stereotypes. So successful is he that one critic misses the apparent irony and takes Achebe to task saying, Once again the white characters are not much more than parodies, though perfectly fair ones . . . some day Chinua Achebe must give us a white man whom he takes as seriously as he does his Ibos, rather than a series of biology book report, dei ex machina (Moore 52) . Another traditional text that influenced Achebe is Joyce Cary's Mister Johnson . This novel, also set in Nigeria, struck Achebe as a most superficial picture of-not only of the essay, country-but even of the Nigerian characters, and so I thought if this was famous, then perhaps someone ought to try and look at this from the inside (Pieterse and biology, Duerden 4). Conducting a dialogue with Achebe's other novels shows that all of Achebe's texts look at Nigeria from the inside. Arrow of God is the third of four novels Achebe wrote between 1955-1965, which are about Nigeria from the beginning of British colonization in the 1890's through the military coup in the 1960's. Achebe's first novel, Things Fall Apart (1958) (http://www.thingsfallapart.html) is my hero school essay, set in pre-colonial Nigeria and addresses the book report, first encounters of the Igbo people with the British invaders.

The main character, Okonkwo, like the main character Ezeulu in Arrow of God , is destroyed by setting himself apart from his people. The two main characters, however, have totally different reactions to colonization. No Longer at Ease (1960) (http://nolongeratease.html) is set in thesis both the Nigerian capital of Lagos and in biology report Umuofia, a Nigerian village. The main character is an educated Nigerian man who attempts to negotiate a past and present Nigerian society in the 1950's-a time of great political change. A Man of the People (1966) (http://www.manofthepeople.html) investigates the study method in psychology disciplines, impact of politics on native culture. The action is set in contemporary Nigeria after achieving independence from biology book, British rule. Sample Business Plan! Anthills of the Savannah (1987) (http://www.anthillsofthesavannah.html) raises questions about power and military rule in Nigeria after independence from Britain.

Comparing Achebe's Arrow of God to Rigoberta Menchu's I, Rigoberta Menchu (http://www.irigobertamenchu.html),one of the best known Latin American post colonial texts, there are similarities and differences. One obvious difference is genre. Arrow of biology book, God is a novel, while Menchu's text is a testimonio. While both texts deal with a colonized situation, Achebe's novel does not idealize the indigenous African people as Menchu's text idealizes the Guatemalans. Case Method In Psychology! Achebe's characters have both good and bad traits, which are equally exposed and explored in the novel. Biology! Achebe's point is that the Igbo people were in some way susceptible to assimilation by Western culture because they could not reconcile the internal discord within their own culture. Perhaps the same dissension within led to the subjugation of Menchu's Mayan culture by australia, the Spanish, but it is not a theme she explores as readily as Achebe. Menchu admits that the Indians are separated by ethnic barriers, linguistic barriers, that there's no dialogue between us (143), and that the government uses these divisions within the book report, culture to exploit the people (143), but she does not draw any conclusions from the good, implications. Instead, she places the blame on the government, saying this is what the biology book, White Man did; it's the fault of the White Man (69). Menchu, of course, is is greed essay, not an artist in report the sense Achebe means, nor was she writing a novel. However, by her failure to be more balanced, or, at least slightly detached, Menchu opens the door for plan, detractors who feel her testimony at times borders on propaganda.

It is well for the reader of Menchu to keep in mind that Menchu is on a crusade and that her anger is a sort of righteous anger that fuels the emotion of report, her story, but may not give a completely balanced view of reality. This conflict between 'two brothers' is usb oscilloscope, one Menchu does not elaborate on. When the villagers capture the government soldier she says that for the pregnant girls raped by the soldiers, the baby was like a monster, something unbearable (148), implying that the bloodlines could not mix, yet she later says the soldier was also an Indian, not from a different race at all. Why brother is fighting against brother, why Igbo betrays Igbo is a cultural psychological question, one Menchu sidesteps but Achebe tackles head on. Another interesting textual dialogue is to compare Achebe's text with other counter narratives.

Arrow of God , like the Latin American text of Miquel Angel Asturias' Men of Maize (1949) (http://www.menofmaize.html), is a counter narrative. Both Achebe and Asturias investigate the colonization of indigenous peoples by Europeans. Both texts present counter narratives and counter histories to the official European narrative. Neither Achebe nor Asturias demonizes the colonizers; instead, both authors show the biology book, faults within the indigenous culture they represent. Chinua Achebe, novelist, short story writer and essayist, is usb oscilloscope thesis, considered one of Africa's most important novelists. He is so important that many scholars believe him to be the originator of modern African literature (Gikandi 2), even though there were many impressive African writers who preceded Achebe such as Amos Tutuola, Thomas Mofolo, Sol Plaatje, and Peter Abrahams.

Achebe, christened Albert Chinualumogu, was born at Ogidi in biology book Eastern Nigeria November 16,1930 to Isaiah Okafor and Janet Achebe. My Hero Essay! His father was a catechist for the Church Missionary Society and his mother was also a convert to Christianity. Biology Report! His father was in charge of the thesis, village school run by the Church Missionary Society. Growing up Achebe felt the impact of living between two cultures-the traditional Igbo culture of Ogidi and the European Christian culture his parents both embraced. He says, On one arm of the biology report, cross we sang hymns and read the bible night and day. On the other my father's brother and his family, blinded by heathenism, offered food to idols. That was how it was supposed to be anyhow ( Morning Yet on Creation Day 68). After being educated in business plan for clothing the village school, Achebe went to Government College in Umuahia in Eastern Nigeria during the years, 1944-1948. He originally intended to study medicine, but changed his major to the arts.

By the time he graduated in 1953 from University College at Ibadan, a British style university, he had been taught that European values and culture were superior to biology report, his native Igbo culture. Achebe took issue with this point of view. He felt that canonical literary books did not accurately or adequately represent Africans as anything other than stereotypes. He began to think about writing a new African literature in which African culture and people were realistically represented. In 1954 Achebe became Talks Producer for the Nigerian Broadcasting Service and studied in London with the BBC in 1956.

In 1958 he published Things Fall Apart which is about the effect of British colonization on the Igbo culture. Essays On Taxes! During 1960-1961 he went to East Africa on a Rockefeller Fellowship. In 1961 Achebe married Christie Chinwe Okoli and became Director of External Broadcasting for biology report, the Nigerian Broadcasting Service. In 1963 Achebe traveled to the United States, Brazil and Britain. In 1964 he published Arrow of God. After the military coup in Nigeria in 1966, Achebe returned to Eastern Nigeria and became a spokesman for Biafra. In later years Achebe became Visiting Professor of Literature at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and the University of rates, Connecticut, Storrs. Book Report! He has continued to publish books, short stories, children's books and essays.

His latest book, Anthills of the Savannah was published in 1989. Achebe received the my hero school essay, Nigerian National Merit Award for intellectual achievement. Achebe is committed to helping create a national African culture through African literature. The worst thing that can happen to any people is the loss of their dignity and self-respect. The writer's duty is to help them regain it by showing them in human terms what happened to them, what they lost. There is a saying in Ibo that a man who can't tell where the rain began to beat him cannot know where he dried his body. The writer can tell the people where the rain began to beat them (The Role of the Writer in a New Nation 158) In his novels, and as an biology report African writer, Achebe shows his people where and my hero school essay, how they lost their identity.

He can also assist them in reclaiming it. I'm an Igbo writer, he says, because this is my basic culture; Nigerian, African and report, a writer . . . no, black first, then a writer. Is Greed Essay! Each of these identities does call for a certain commitment on my part. I must see what it is to be black-and this means being sufficiently intelligent to biology book, know how the world is moving and editing rates australia, how the black people fare in the world. This is what it means to book, be black. Or an African-the same: what does Africa mean to the world? When you see an African what does it mean to a white man? (Appiah Achebe's goal, then, as a writer is to instruct. He says, I would be quite satisfied if my novels (especially the ones I set in the past) did no more than teach my readers that their past-with all its imperfections-was not one long night of rates, savagery from which the biology, first Europeans acting on God's behalf delivered them (The Novelist as Teacher 45). Good Essay! Achebe's novels not only biology book report teach Africans, they also enlarge the knowledge and understanding of non-Africans about the Igbo culture, as well as about universal truths of human nature. There are three main ethnic groups in Nigeria-the Hausa-Fulani, the Yoruba, and the Igbo.

The Igbos, or Ibos, of southeastern Nigeria are one of 250 tribes. These many diverse tribes each have their own dialects, culture, and political systems. Each village has its own marketplace, gods, and shrines. The Ibos have one supreme god, Chukwu. Each Ibo, male and female, is given a chi at birth-a personal god who controls that person's fate (Innes 2) British colonization between 1900-1910 formed the is greed essay, many tribes into the one nation of Nigeria. The British set up a system of direct rule.

In 1918 direct rule was replaced with indirect rule as the District Commissioners appointed native chiefs as puppet rulers within each village. This system remained in effect until 1960. For more information on the Igbo's see: J.C. Anene, Southern Nigeria in Transition (1966); Richard Henderson, The King in Every Man (1971); Igbo Traditional Life, Culture and Literature, edited by M.J.C. Echeruo and E.N. Obiechina (1971); E.N. Obiechina, Culture, Tradition and Society in the West African Novel (1975). The following sites give a brief summary of the history of Nigeria: ( and ( This site is maintained by Boomie Olunbunmi. Contents are extensive and include: Geography, Patriotic information, People, Languages, Names and Origins, Marriage, Food and Drink, Recipes, Healthcare, Education, Holidays, Festivals, Attire, Transportation, Sports, The Arts, Music, Pictures, Brief History, Government, Historical Government, Democracy Watch, Legal system, Economics, Agriculture, Telephone, Travel information, Tourist Attractions, Famous Nigerians, Notable Women of Nigeria, Other links, Nigerian organizations, Kidzone, Humor, Stories, Proverbs, Games.

This site has a discussion of Pre-colonialism, colonialism and Post-colonialism and a Nigerian History Overview. Biology! There is also information on essay, women's history with a detailed look at the role of Nigerian women in pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial Nigeria. This site has Biographies, Chat Rooms, Classified, Codes of Honor, Culture, Education, Embassies, Ethnic Groups, Folk Tales, Government, Literature, Message Center, Music, Nigerian News, Personals, Polls, Quizzes, Recipes, Religions, Nigerian Nation Store. This site provides information about biology book report, teaching African Literature. Also, under Selection of Resources on the World Wide Web one can find background information and current affairs on Africa. Proverb links include: Arrow of God can be taught in many ways.

Some teachers prefer to confront the primary text and usb oscilloscope thesis, allow it to biology book report, explicate its own background information; some prefer to goround students with background reading and supplemental texts before reading the primary text. Good! This section will examine both techniques, as well as the biology, strategy of approaching the book as a counternarrative. In teaching any cultural text the teacher is good essay, confronted at the outset with the reality that the student will need background information. Without understanding the culture represented in the text, a reader may fail to comprehend or appreciate its significance. Assigning reports on Nigeria, the Ibos, Achebe, British colonization in Africa from a pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial perspective, examining the role of the book report, family and case study and related disciplines, women in Ibo society or how the British invasion upset the natural checks and balances within the Ibo culture would be one way to help students beginlearning more about the time period and the conflicting cultures Achebe portrays. Biology Book! However, since the text itself is a place of rates australia, cultural interaction some instructors might opt to forego background information and immerse the students directly in the text. If so, it would be helpful to raise questions at the beginning that the student can keep in mind as he reads. Such questions might be Who is the arrow of biology book report, God? Could Ezeulu disobey Ulu? Did you sympathize with Ezeulu or the starving people?

Why did Ezeulu not eat the sacred yams? What will be the result of Umuaro's conversion to Christianity? After the my hero, students have read the text in depth analysis can be assigned examining narrative techniques, rhetorical techniques, historical/cultural contrasts and comparisions, character analysis, theme, point of view, the interrelationship between literature and biology, politics. The students could analyze Ezeulu's character and compare it with his sons' characters; compare and contrast the thesis, protagonist, Ezeulu, and the antagonist, Nwaka; identify other protagonist/antagonist conflicts in the text; identify the central conflict. Biology Book Report! Another focus might be to is greed, examine Achebe's use of language.

One could study African folktales, songs, and proverbs. Biology Report! Achebe uses proverbs as a way to communicate the African oral tradition within the frame of the western novel. Thesis Editing! In Things Fall Apart , Achebe writes, Among the Ibo the art of conversations is regarded very highly and proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten (7). An examination of report, how proverbs work in the novel would be a way to discuss theme, clarify character, and essays on taxes, explain the report, culture. Case Study! Achebe says, when I use these forms in my novels, they both serve a utilitarian purpose, which is to reenact the life of the people that I am describing, and also delight through elegance and aptness of imagery. This is what proverbs are supposed to do (Lindfors 67). For a detailed analysis of Achebe's use of biology book report, proverbs see Austin Shelton's 'The Palm-Oil' of Language: Provrebs in Chinua Achebe's Novels. Modern Language Quarterly 30(1969): 103.

Another suggestion is to explore the text as a counternarrative. To do this it would be beneficial for my hero school essay, the instructor to become acquainted with Achebe's article The Novelist as Teacher. Biology Book Report! In this essay Achebe explains his purpose in sample store his novels. He wants to portray Africans as real human beings in order to correct their misrepresentation in canonical literary texts. Having the students read Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness , then read Achebe's essay An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness would be an ideal way to compare and contrast Arrow of God with a canonical literary text and confront the stereotypes Achebe points out. Other novels about British colonization would work as well, for biology, example, Rudyard Kipling's Kim, E.M. Forrester's Passage to India , George Orwell's Burmese Days , or Olive Schreiner's Story of an school African Farm . Examining how Arrow of biology book, God works as a counternarrative is an excellent segway to studying Point of View. One could even broaden the study and related, scope to include Latin American counternarratives such as Asturias' Men of Maize or Castellanos' Nine Guardians. To find the latest articles and biology report, books on Achebe consult the MLA International Bibliography, the Journal of Commonwealth Literature , and Callaloo . For biographical sources, interviews, Igbo studies, background studies on anthropology, history, politics, religion, critical commentary sources, and information on audio visual aids see Bernth Lindors' Approaches to Teaching Achebe's Things Fall Apart.

New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1991. Achebe, Chinua. A Man of the People. London: Heinemann, 1966. ___. An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Hopes and Impediments Selected Essays . New York: Doubleday, 1988. 1-13. ___.

Anthills of the Savannah . London: Heinemann, 1987. ___. The Novelist as Teacher. Hopes and Impediments Selected Essays . Is Greed! New York:Doubleday, 1988. 40-46. ___. Interview with Lewis Nkosi. Africa Report . July 1964. Biology Report! ___.

Letter from John Updike. The Writer and his Community. Hopes and my hero school essay, Impediments Selected Essays. Biology! New York: Doubleday, 1988. 47-61. ___. Morning Yet on Creation Day: Essays. London: Heinemann, 1975. ___.

No Longer at Ease . London: Heinemann, 1960. ___. My Hero Essay! The Role of the Writer in the New Nation. Nigeria Magazine. Biology Report! 81 (June1964): 158-79. Things Fall Apart. London: Heinemann, 1958. ___. Things Fall Apart. London: Heinemann, 1958. Case Study Method Disciplines! Appiah, Anthony, Ryle, John and Jones, D.A.N.

Interview with Chinua Achebe: Times Literary Supplement , February 26, 1982. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of biology report, Darkness. Ed. Ross C. Murfin. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Essays On Taxes! Martin's P, 1989. Egejuru, Phanuel Akubueze, ed. Towards African Literary Independence: A Dialogue With Contemporary African Writers.

Westport: Greenwood, 1980. Gikandi, Simon. Reading Chinua Achebe . London: James Currey, 1991. Innes, C.L. Biology! Chinua Achebe . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990. Lindfors,Bernth, ed. Approaches to for clothing, Teaching Achebe's Things Fall Apart . New York: The Modern Language Association of report, America, 1991. Essays On Taxes! ___. Conversations with Chinua Achebe. Book Report! Jackson: Un. of Mississippi P, 1997.

Maja-Pearce, Adewale. A Mask Dancing Nigerian Novelists of the Eighties . My Hero! London:Hans Zell Pub., 1992. Menchu, Rigoberta. Report! I, Rigoberta Menchu An Indian Woman in Guatemala. New York:Verso, 1984. Moore, Gerald. Is Greed Good Essay! Achebe's New Novel. Transition . 4 (May/June 1964): 52. Pieterse, Cosmo and Duerden, Dennis, eds.

African Writers Talking: A Collection of Radio Interviews. London: Heinemann, 1972.

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ms 137 homework ELA: Finish Frederick Douglass questions chapter 8 #1,3,7 ONLY. Science: Sound and light vocab only test on Wednesday. Math: Finish perimeter and area handout. Biology Report? Test on Thursday on essays on taxes, triangles. Social Studies: Finish Compromise of 1850 handout. #8203;*Permission slips and money due Wednesday. ELA: Finish Frederick Douglass questions. Math: Finish rotation, reflection drawing handout. Social Studies: Study for chapter 12 test on Thursday.

*any remaining science project needs are due by the end of the week!* Reading Log: Read and book report, write a 2-3 paragraph response about what you read. Science: Finish wheel and axle, level, pulley handout and essays on taxes, crossword puzzle. Biology Report? Test Monday. Social Studies: Finish Westward expansion handout. Vocab: pages 3 and 4 of unit 18. Test Friday. Spanish: Test Wednesday -greetings. Math: Finish solving two step equations. Assigned numbers only. Social Studies: Chapter 10 test Thursday.

ELA: Any remaining Lyddie questions. ELA: Students are writing a two paragraph reflection on our trip. Paragraph 1 - what we saw. Paragraph 2- what they thought about the trip as a whole (not the bus ride) ELA: Finish any remaining Lyddie chapter 19 questions. Math: Complete slope questions 7,8,22 - Use your notes and example to help you. Social Studies: Finish expansion handouts. *Bring item for bagel sale in by Friday*

ELA: Finish any remaining Lyddie chap 14 questions. Math: Finish upto number 7. Science: Finish anything left on is greed, lab questions. *$5 for biology, pizza party on Thursday. ELA: Lyddie chapter 10 questions. Social: Chapter 9 vocab review, quiz Friday. Math: Page 331. Quiz Thursday multiply and divide fractions. 1) Pick your favorite poem and bring it in. 2) Social Studies: DBQ 5 and thesis, 6 ONLY. 3) ELA: if you didn't finish Lyddie chapter 4 questions.

Finish those, they must include a quote from the chapter. 4) Science: If you didn't finish the two classwork questions, finish those. Test Friday Chapt 3. 5) Math: Page 286 #7-8 and Page 287 # 7-9. Quiz Friday. Reading Log: Work on book report. *Get a good night sleep. *Eat a good breakfast. * 2 number 2 pencils. *NO OUT TO LUNCH - Students must bring lunch.

Reading Log: Work on book report. Math: Page 275 questions 5-10. Book? Test Friday. Social Studies: Embargo Act Political Cartoon handout. *Permission slip for Thursday* *CLassroom tissues and thesis, paper towels needed* *Summer Program Form* Social Studies: Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark handout. Math: Finish What is book Pi handout.

ELA: Work on my hero school essay, your second draft of your circle story. Spanish: Test Wed on vehicles. *Any missing or incomplete work is due by Friday* *Parent Teacher conferences will be via phone call tomorrow* Reading Log: Read and write a paragraph about what you read. Math: Study for biology report, Test on Friday. Chap 4 lesson 1 ONLY.

Social Studies: ALien Act handout. Science: Finish volume handout from class if you did not. *Parent teacher sign up. *Love for Lowell. Reading log: Select a fiction/nonfiction sports themed book. Book report due 3.31. Good? Read and biology report, write a summary of what you read. Science: Metric System handout. Color in metric tools in your NB.

ELA: Research 3 facts about my hero school your Black History month person that relate to your paragraph. *classroom needs - tissues and book report, Lysol wipes. Reading Log: Read an article and summarize on thesis, another cultural tradition. Vocab: Unit 12 flash cards and sentence. Spanish: Test on Wednesday. Book Report? Family members (front sheet of packet) Social Studies: Finish last page of the Bill of Rights packet.

*student gov't bake sale tomorrow. Good? If you are in student gov't bring in biology report an item* Reading Log: Read an article about a tradition in another culture. Summarize the aspects of this tradition. Test Wednesday (absolute value, adding and subtracting positive and negative integers) Social Studies: Finish branches of gov't handout.

*classroom needs: paper towels and tissues. #8203;*bagel sale on Friday. Usb Oscilloscope Thesis? Please bring in your items by Thursday. Reading log: Read and book report, summary. Science: Projects are due tomorrow. Be ready to present. S.S.: Finish Great Compromise handout. Vocab: Unit 11 test Friday. Work on finishing pages.

Reading Log: read and summary. Science: Cloud project due 1/31cloud_project.docx. Math: First die of the handout on finding the balance from the simple interest. Reading Log: Read and 5 bullet points. Social Studies: Colonist Respond Handout.

ELA: Turn your current events articles into a written paragraph. Use your orgnizer to help you. Math: Page 155 finish the page. *permission slip and money due by Friday* Reading Log: Read and study in psychology and related disciplines, work on book report. Science: Study for test tomorrow on biology, Chap 8 lessons 2-5. Spanish: Test on Wednesday on winter clothing items and usb oscilloscope, weather phrases. Math: Ms. C: finish questions on biology book, page 133. *Ugly sweater day Wednesday $1.

* Bring in essays on taxes Santa hat for Wednesday. Reading Log: Read and your choice (5 bullet points or summary) Social Studies: work on project part 3. Due Friday. Math: Ms. Biology Book? C: page 125 1-6. #8203;*Bring in hot chocolate packet* Vocab: finish unit 7 flash cards and sentences.

Math:Ms.C study for essay, quiz on Tuesday. ELA: Finish Last Of Mohican chapter 5 illustration. Must include color, title, and biology book, caption. Spcial Studies: Part 2 of colony project is due 12/7. *recipes for Mrs.Forte* * Santa hats for holiday show*

Reading Log: Read write down 5 things you learned about your person. Book report due 1/2/17. Vocab: Finish Unit 6 flash cards with sentences. Thesis? Test Fri. Social Studies: Work on colony project. Part 2 due 12/7. Math: Ms. C: Answer two questions in biology your notebook.

Reading Log: Read 5 bullet points on what you read. Science: Finish page 134 questions 1-5. Spanish: test on Wednesday on usb oscilloscope thesis, Classroom items. Social: Map part of project due 11/28. Math: Ms. Biology? C: Finish page 85 and 86. #8203;*classroom thanksgiving on Wednesday. ELA: Finish any remaining ALWTW chapter 18 questions.

Reading Log: Read and write a summary of what you read. Socail Studies: Indentured Servant handout. *tomorrow is my hero school twin day for spirit week* *bring in canned goods/nonperishable items for local food pantry* ELA: Finish chapter 13 ALWTW questions. Reading Log: Read for 40-45 minutes. Book Report? Summary of what you read.

Science: What is school a star? handout. Math: Ms.C: Finish classroom handout and biology, page 59 solving_proportions_hw.pdf. *Parent teacher conferences tomorrow* * Wednesday is our healthy snack sale - be sure to bring in thesis editing rates australia a healthy snack for our sale* *Be safe and have happy Halloween* ELA: Finish any remaining chap 8 questions. Book Report due Wednesday. Math: Ms. C: Any remaining pages of 51 and 52. Biology Book Report? *Graphing vocab quiz Wednesday. Graphing tables test Friday* *those who didn’t hand in the responsibility sheet it is essays on taxes due tomorrow* Reading Log: Work on biology book, book report. ELA: Finish any chapter 4 Long Walk to sample store, Water questions you have remaining from class.

Vocab: Lesson 4 flash cards with original sentence. Math: Ms. Biology Book Report? C: Workbook pages 38 and 39 hw_10.24_example.png. *Tomorrow is picture day* *Friday is the Walk-a-Thon* Reading Log: Read 35 minutes - Work on sample business plan store, book report. Math: Ms. C - Workbook pages 13 and 14 (use your notes and book examples to help you) Vocab - Lesson 3 flash cards and biology report, sentences - Test Fri. Social Studies: Jamestown handout. *Picture Day Money Due. *Walk A Thon Envelope due.

Reading Log: reading and summary of what you read. You're reading your Oct. book. Science: work on project. Essay? Due Thursday. Spanish: test on seasons and months on Friday. Reading Log 30-35 minutes. Vocab: Finish unit 2 words on biology book report, flash cards with original sentence. Social Studies: Print out from an article on the US Presidential Debate. Science: Look under project page. Layers of the earth project is posted. Business Plan? Get sheet signed.

Social Studies: Three bullet points for Northwest Coast and biology, Southwest Regions ONLY. Thesis Editing Rates Australia? Use your workbook page 10 and 11 for biology book report, answers. Math: Finish Distributive Property handout from class. Test on good essay, all properties on Friday capture_2016-09-19_09_36_16.png. ELA: Finish any remaining chapter 9 Frederick Douglass questions # 4,10, 11.

#8203;MAth: Finish triangle handout. Test Thursday. Science: Sound vocab test tomorrow. Finish light and report, sound handouts. *Permission slip and money due tomorrow* #8203;ELA: Finish Frederick Douglass questions 3,4,6. Social Studies: Study chapter 12 . Test on Thursday.

#8203;Math: Finish triangle handout. Health: Finish “follow the herd” article. #8203;Reading Log: read and write 1 paragraph about what you read. Math: top half of sheet only. Health: Finish Sunburn questions. Science: Finish work handout - test Monday.

ELA: Finish Frederick Douglass Questions. 1) Current Events: Select an article on any political topic around the world, print it out, read and highlight! Must come to school essay, school tomorrow. 2) Science: Finish Inclines Planes, Wedges, and Screws. 3) Math: Write a paragraph on the history of biology report Geometry (8-10 sentences) (who, when, where, why, how do we use it today) 4) Science Fair supplies MUST be in tomorrow. Vocab: Finish unit 18 pages 186187. Math: Finish algebraic handout.

Social: Finish Chapter 10 review. Test Thursday. Science: Finish any remaining questions on thesis, laws of motion. Spanish: Greetings test tomorrow. ELA: Finish Lyddie questions. Math: Finish 6 and 12.

Vocab: complete pages 165-167. Social: Complete Eli Whitney reading. Answer all questions. *Permission slip change* *Bagel sale Item by Friday. ELA: Finish simile and Metaphor worksheet. * $5 for pizza party.

*look for S.S. Textbooks. ELA: Finish Lyddie questions chapter 11. Report? Must include: Restate, answer, quote. Math: Page 333. Test Thursday on multiply and dividing fractions. #8203;Science: Periodic Table handout. Page one ONLY. Social: Finish any remaining review questions and study.

Use topics belowchapter_9_test_topics_.pdf. 1) Reading Log: Read your poem write three sentences about you thought it meant. #8203;2) Math: Finish 2 step equation sheet. 3) Science: Review packet due Friday. Test Friday. 4) ELA: Finish chapter 5 questions. Reading Log: Work on book report.

Due Date Changed to April 3rd. *Get a good night sleep. *Eat a good breakfast. * 2 number 2 pencils. *NO OUT TO LUNCH - Students must bring lunch. Reading Log: Work on book report. Math: page 276.

Test on Friday. ELA: Test prep packet. Vocab: Test on Thursday - unit 13. *Classroom Needs: Tissues and Paper Towels* *bagel sale tomorrow* Reading Log: Read your sports book and write a summary on what you read. ELA: Pick any 6 boxes from the Mardi Gras handout and answer the questions. Thesis Rates? Then complete the two paragraph response.

Math: Page 266 #1-5. Science: Metric System handout. Reading Log: Read about a different religion and write 5 bullet points about it. Vocab: Work on biology book report, unit 12 pages- due Friday. Test Friday. Spanish: Members of the family test tomorrow. Social Studies: Finish pages 152-153 chapter review questions 11-18. *bring in supplies for diversity project* Math: Study for test. Page 221 bonus. Health: Finish Emoji article questions.

*Finish any missing or makeup work* *Bring in items for rates, bagel sale* Reading log: read and 5 bullet points. S.S.: Shay Rebellion pages only (1 and biology report, 2) Math: Finish handout on thesis australia, integers. Vocab: Finish story and test on Friday. *classroom needs: paper towels and tissues* #8203;Reading Log” Read and summary. Math: Page 173 # 18-21. Science Project: Cloud Project due 1/31.

Flash Card: All missing assignments are due by book Thursday. #8203;Quarter ends on Friday. Reading Log: Read and 5 bullet points. Spanish: Study animals for test tomorrow. Social Studies: Study for test on Thursday. My Hero School? Finish questions 1-12 on pages 128 and 129. Write out the biology report, full question. *permission slip and money due by Thursday* Vocab: Unit 10 flash cards with original sentence. ELA: Summarizing sheet numbers 3 and sample business for clothing store, 4.

Math: Complete sales tax handout. Biology Report? Test 1/13/17. Social Studies: Declaration of Independence handout- due Thursday. #8203;*Permission slip and is greed good, money due by Friday* Vocab: Unit 9 flashcards with original sentences. Social Studies: Find, print/cut out, highlight a current events article.

Something happening in the U.S. Math: Ms.C: Page 147 numebrs 1-6. *if you owe your social studies project or book report it is due TOMORROW!! Reading Log: Read and work on biology report, book report. Science: Test moved to essays on taxes, tomorrow. Report? Study. Spanish: Test moved to Thursday. Study. Social Studies: Proclamation handout.

*Tomorrow is is greed good ugly holiday sweater day $1* *Thursday - holiday show wear a red, blue, or green solid shirt* #8203;Reading Log: Read and summary of biology book what you read. Social Studies: Work on essays on taxes, project. Due Friday. Science: Bring in biology book report hot chocolate packet for lab tomorrow. Business For Clothing? Page 200 in Earth Science textbook.

Just the vocabulary review 1-10. Write out the biology book, sentences. Sample Business Plan For Clothing? Test 12/20 Chapt 8 lessons 2-5. Math: Ms. C: 125 prove the answers to numbers 10-12. Reading Log: Reading your biography.

Summary of biology report what you read. Vocab: Unit 7 pages 72-73 test Friday. Social: Part 2 of project due tomorrow. Be sure to case method disciplines, follow the biology book, directions. Math: study for quiz on conversion. Science: Any remaining question on igneous rock handout. Reading log: Read and write a summary of what you read.

Vocab: Finish pages 60 and 61. Social Studies: Work on editing rates, colony project part 2. Math: Ms.C: Converting - Sections 1-4math_hw.pdf. *Bring in item for the Thanksgiving Feast* Reading Log: Summary of what you rad. Science: Chemical vs.

Physical change. Social: Map part of book project due Monday. Math: Ms. C: 2 problems from Smartboard. Spanish: Items in the classroom test tomorrow. ELA: Finish any remaining ALWTW quesitons. Reading Log: Read and 5 bullet points about what you read. Science: Review for star vocab quiz. Social Studies: Finish any remaining South Carolina questions on my hero essay, the handout. *Food Drive Starts Tomorrow* *Book report due with cover page* Math: Ms.C: graphing vocab quiz tomorrow.

Bonus packet due tomorrow. Book Report? Ratio table/Graphing test friday. Science: Moon packet due: Social Studies: chapter 3 test (colonies, pilgrims, puritans) Monday 11/7. Health: Read and thesis editing australia, summarize (2 paragraph minimum) Choices Magazine article, How Healthy Are You. Book Report? Due Thursday. * Toiletry donations for my hero school, troops* *walk a thon Friday* *think about biology book report what you want to bring in for plan for clothing store, our class harvest party.

*Reading log: Work on book report. *Vocab: Finish pages 40-41. Report? Test Friday. ELA: Finish any remaining Long Walk to Water chapter 5 questions you have left. *Socail: Finish vocab upto Quaker in 13 colonies packet. Just list the colonies. *Health: Mood tracker for today and any remaining questions. Based on Choice article on case in psychology disciplines, pages 20-23. *great job at report, the high school today* Reading Log: Reading 35 minutes and work on essays on taxes, book report.

You must get your sheet signed. Vocab- Finish lesson 3 upto page 32. Social Studies: Complete current events organizer based on your articles. Science: Finish any part of the Solar System handout from this morning. *picture $ due. *walk a thon $ due. Reading log: Read and write a brief summary about what you read. Science: Project due tomorrow. Spanish: Test tomorrow. Math: Ms. Biology Book? Corlett: Finish the page you are on sample for clothing, and one other one. Reading Log: 30-35 minutes and box.

Social Studies: Before Columbus handout. If you did not print our a news article on the US Election please do so tonight. Science: Get project sheet signed. Book Report? Project is done at home. Math: Ms.

C: Finish Distributive Handout. Thesis? Test on all properties on Friday. ELA: Finish H.K. Chap 4 questions 2-4. Sci: Earth's layers handout. *Make a gmail account with a parent. Biology Report? Bring in study method in psychology and related disciplines email name and password. 9/13 Reading Log:#8203; Read 25 minutes and book, one box from “Four in a Row” Math: Finish Associative Property Handout. BRING IN ALL SUPPLIES.

1 ) ELA: Frederick Douglass chapter 10 questions 2,5,13. 2) Math: study for study and related, triangle test. 3) Spanish: Finish packet. *DRESS NICELY FOR AWARDS CEREMONY AND DANCE. * PERMISSION SLIPS AND MONEY FOR FRIDAY#8203; ELA: Finish Frederick Douglass questions chapter 6 : 1,2,3, and 7 Social Studies: Chapter 12 Test tomorrow. Reading Log: Reading (45 minutes - minimum) and write a paragraph about what you read. Math: Finish measuring angles handout. #8203;ELA: Finish answers Frederick Douglass questions 9, 10, 11, 13. Restate, quote, explain.

Social Studies: Finish any remaining questions on Pony Express Handout. Book Report? Test Thursday chapter 12. Science: Test Monday chapter 8 Simple machines, power, work, complex machines. Vocab: Finish unit 18 - test Friday. Math: Finish translation page. Social Studies: Chapter 10 test tomorrow. #8203;ELA: Finish coloring in usb oscilloscope poem.

1) Finish vocabulary story using 4 words from unit 17. 2) Spanish: Test Wednesday - Finish matching column ONLY. 3) Math: Bonus page - test Friday. ELA: Finish Lyddie Questions. Math: Numbers 7,8 and book, 11-14. #8203;Science: Newton’s Law of Motion Handout.

Vocab: Work on unit 16 pages. Test Friday. *permission slip change form* *bagel sale item by Friday* ELA: Finish any Lyddie questions remaining upto and including chapter 16. Science: Test Monday chapter 4. *Tomorrow Pizza Party Lunch. *Go to bed early.

Math: Study for usb oscilloscope, quiz on multiplying and biology book, dividing fractions. Social Studies: Study for quiz on Chapter 9 on Friday. Science: Page one of Periodic Table packet. Is Greed Essay? Use your notes to help you. Test Monday, May 8th. Chapter 4. Reading Log: Select a 2 stanza poem, read it, write what each stanza means. ELA: Finish Lyddie chapter 7 questions, and other chapters that are incomplete, - finish.

Math: Page 315 numbers 10, 11, 12, 13. *if you owe a book report or science project turn them in tomorrow* #8203;1) ELA: Finish Lyddie chapters 6 questions and biology, illustration. 2) Math: Page 294 and essays on taxes, 295. Quiz Friday. 3) Science: Packet due Friday.Test Friday Physical Science - chapter 3. 4) Bring in two hard boiled eggs by Friday. 5) Spanish: Finish greetings handout.

*Trip tomorrow, you must bring your lunch* *Special persons day Friday - please let us know if you are coming* #8203; Reading Log: Work on book report. *Get a good night sleep. *Eat a good breakfast. * 2 number 2 pencils. *NO OUT TO LUNCH - Students must bring lunch. * SCIENCE TEST CHAP 3 TEST FRIDAY, APRIL 7th. Reading Log: Work on report, Book report. Math: Bonus packet due Friday. Essays On Taxes? Test Friday. Vocab: Unit 13 test tomorrow. Science: bring in three small objects - that can get wet.

Science: Bring in 10 pennies by Friday. #8203;*MUST BRING LUNCH TOMORROW. #8203;Reading Log: Read and write about how your sport, team, person got started. Science: Finish the biology, first two Chemical vs Physical change writing questions from essays on taxes, class. Social Studies: Lewis and Clark handout, first two pages ONLY. *Make up work due Friday* *Permission slip and money due tomorrow. * Reading Log: Read sports book write 5 facts about theperson /team/franchise. Social Studies: Alexander Hamilton handout. Science: using your notes re-try last nights homework.

Math: Finish any remaining questions on biology report, page 267. SHOW YOUR WORK. Vocab: Finish unit 12 pages due Friday. Test Friday. Math: Page 239 All and essays on taxes, page 247 #1-7. Science: Metric System handout. *Diversity supplies due TOMORROW. * Food group ONLY due Friday* Reading Log: Read about schools in another country and write about what a students day looks like. Science: Finish handout on biology book, Earthquakes. Spanish: Finish pages on Family Members. Usb Oscilloscope? Test on Wednesday 2/15.

*items for Bagel sale due tomorrow* *any makeup work owed by Friday* Vocab: Study for test on book report, Friday unit 11. Social Studies: Thomas Jefferson on sample plan store, Shay’s Rebellion pages in the packet from book report, yesterday. Reading Log: Read and essays on taxes, summary. One paragraph minimum. Math: Complete pages 196 and 197. Reading Log: Read and summary. Social Studies: Study chapter 6 for test tomorrow. Math: Ms.C: Page 171 numbers 5-8- Show your work. Science: Pick a type of cloud you'd like to research. Vocab: Pages 103-105.

ELA: Finish summarizing sheet. Socail Studies: Delcaration of Indpeendnece handout. test 1/19. Spanish: Animals test 1/18. Math: Page 157 all. test Firday. #8203;*permission slip and money* Vocab: Unit 9 synonym and antonym pages. ELA: Summarizing sheet. Math: Ms. C: PAge 147 numbers 7-10. #8203;Social Studies: First Congressional Congress handout.

Reading Log: work on book report. Social Studies: Growing Anger handout. Math: Algebra handout. Biology Book? Show all work. *Wear a solid red, green, or blue shirt for the holiday show* *Social Studies break work due 1/3/17.

Reading Log: Read and summary. Social Studies: Part 3 of project due 12/16. Science: Page 200 numbers 11-15. Write out the questions. Test 12/20 Chap 8 lessons 2-5. Math: Ms. C: Page 127 19-22. Spanish: Winter clothing articles test 12/21. Reading log: Read and 5 bullet points. Vocab: unit 7 pages 74 an 75.Test Friday. Math: Ms.

C: Study for Quiz part 2. Social studies: Work on business for clothing, part 3 of the project due 12/16. * Bring in jingle bells for the holiday show* Reading Log: Read and 5 bullet points on your biography person. Socail Studies: Work on biology, project part 2. Math: Ms. C: Section 4 ONLY. Study Method And Related Disciplines? Converting fractions to decimals. Use your notebook model to book, help you. Vocab: Finish pages 60 and 61.

#8203;Reading Log: Select a biography for the December book report. Social Studies: Work on sample business plan for clothing, your project. Map is due on Monday. Reading Log: Reading 40-45 minutes. One paragraph minimum summary on what you read. Spanish: Test on Wednesday 11/23 items in the classroom, look under class notes page if you forgot your book . HW complete handout. Math: Ms.

C: Finish pages 71-72 from class. Social Studies: 13 Colonies Venn Diagram. *Thanksgiving Food Drive* ELA: Finish 2 paragraph response to Giving Question giving_cw.hw.png. Math: Ms.

C- Review page 59. Solving proportions test on Monday. Social studies: Finish turning the Election article into a summary- Use your organizer to help you. Science: Finish Galaxy bottle observations. Format attached. Science: Finish moon packet from yesterday. Biology Report? Start Moon Tracker. Math: Ms. C: Page 58 #1-5 /Graphing test Friday.

Health: Finish 2 paragraph summary on editing, Are You Being Healthy article from report, yesterday. Social Studies: Chapter 3 test on Monday 11/7. * Any missing or incomplete work please turn in* *Decide what you would like to bring in for our Healthy Snack Classroom Sale on 11/9* Reading Log: Work on thesis, book report. Due 11/2. Vocab: Finish upto page 42. Test on Friday. Math: Finish pages 39 and 40. Reading Log: 35-40 minutes - work on book report.

Use format we laid out in class today. Math: Ms. Biology Book? C: page 21 1-6 only. Science: solar system packet page 115 only. Vocab: Finish 33-35 from this morning. 6 words from lesson 3 in your own story. Reading Log: 35 minutes.

You are reading your October mystery book. 6 bullet points about what you read. Science: Work on project. get contract signed. Math: Ms. Usb Oscilloscope? C- Study for remaining time on ratio test. Vocab: Lesson 2- select 6 words write a story. Reading Log 30-35. Vocab: Finish lesson 2 pages 20-21.

Math: Ms. Biology? C: Ratio packet page 2 ONLY. Spanish: Test 10/5 (color and essays on taxes, days) Spanish: Test 10/14 (months and seasons) #8203;Science: Work on biology report, project. * high school visit permission slip* *science project permission slip* #8203;* Lunch program forms* Math: Ms. C: Finish simplifying using distribution handout.

Test Friday. ELA: H.K. chapter 5 - summary (typed or written) Vocab: Finish 12 words flash cards with sentence (due Friday 9/23) Science: Finish rotation/revolution vocabulary sheet img-921124822-0001.pdf. Reading Log: Read for thesis editing australia, 25 minute minimum and biology report, answer one box in your row. Math Ms. C: Finish Associative Property Handout. Science: Finish map handout from essay, class. Reminder: Meet and Greet is biology tomorrow night at 7pm. We’re room 6. ELA: Finish Frederick Douglass questions #1,2,4,6 - Must include a quote.

Reading Log: Read 45 minutes minimum and write a paragraph response. Science: Finish Complex Machine handout. Test Monday on Chapter 8. Social Studies: Test on chapter 12 on Thursday. VOcab: Test tomorrow unit 18.

Math: Finish handout. Science: Simple Machines handout. Bring in science supplies by Tuesday. Vocab: Test tomorrow. Math: test tomorrow. #8203;Any make up work due tomorrow. ELA: Lyddie question for 23 and book review organizer. Vocab: Unit 16 test tomorrow. Math: Finish 16-26 - You must show work.

Social Studies: Finish Missouri Compromise sheet. * Items for my hero, bagel sale due tomorrow. * *Bowling Trip Tomorrow* Science: Chapter 4 test Monday. Finish Metal vs. Biology? Nonmetal sheet.

*Bring in something for thesis australia, our Cinco de Mayo celebration. Vocab: unit 15 quiz. Finish Lyddie questions chap 12. Report? Must have a quote. Social: Study for quiz tomorrow.

Print out a current events topic happening within the US. Science: Periodic Table packet page 2. Reading Log: Select a 5-8 stanza poem and bring it in. Social Studies: Finish activity 41. Science: Periodic Table handout. ELA: Finish Lyddie chapter 8 questions.

Responses must include a quote. ELA: Finish and print out Famous Female Reference page. (3 paragraphs - 1) who they are, family life, where are they from. 2) Why are they famous? 3) What have they done to give back to usb oscilloscope, society?) Science: 2 hard boiled eggs (white shell) Math: Study for quiz tomorrow (adding and subtracting multiple fractions) Science: Study for test tomorrow on book, Chapter 3.

Break Week Project: Start working on is greed, your science project. #8203; Reading Log: Work on book report due Monday. Science: Chapter 3 test Friday. *Permission Slip and Money. *Tomorrow is mix and biology book report, match day. Reading Log: WOrk on my hero school, BK Rpt. Math: Study for test.

Bonus packet. Science: Bring in 10 pennies. #8203;Reading Log: Paragraph about the biology report, setting impacts your book. Science: Chemical vs Physical change handout. Math: Inequality problems. *any missing work is due by Friday - unless otherwise instructed* *tomorrow -spirit day - $1 wear green. Reading Log: Read and write a paragraph about sample business plan for clothing store what you read. Science: Volume handout.

Spanish: Test Wed. Math: Converting handout Test Tomorrow. #8203;* Sports Spirit Day. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss. Reading Log: Read sports book. Write about the setting of the biology book, book. Social Studies: Complete George Washington handout. Math: Finish page 268 and 269.

Get permission slip signed and money due. Yearbook money due ASAP. Vocab: Finish any remaining unit 12 pages. Usb Oscilloscope? Test tomorrow. Math: Finish any make up pages and page 238. Begin break week packet. ELA: Finish 100 positive words to biology report, describe you and case study method in psychology and related, include a picture that best describes you in biology book the middle. Begin break week packet.

*wear something nice tomorrow for diversity presentations and thesis editing australia, the dance. No Sweat Pants. #8203;*snow day - have fun and play outside* Vocab: Unit 11 test tomorrow. Book? Using the remaining 6 words create an is greed good essay original story. Science: Plate tectonics handout. Math: Page 207 #1-9. Test Wednesday 1/8 absolute value, adding and biology book report, subtracting integers, graphing integers.

*classroom needs: tissues and business for clothing, paper towels* *Craft making sale tomorrow* Reading Log: Read and report, summary. Science: Work on project due 1/31. Vocab - finish unit 10 pages - test Tuesday. ELA: Watch/Read Obama's Farewell address and rates australia, write down 5 points. Social Studies: Finish More Fighting handout. Biology? Test chapt 6 Thursday. Math: Study for test tomorrow. Sales tax and percent of thesis editing rates australia change.

Spanish: Test on animal names Wednesday. *Permission slip and money due* VOcab: Finish unit 9 pages. Test on Monday. ELA: Summarizing handout. Social Studies: Review handout on LExington and Concord. Math: Page 147-148 ONLY numbers 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, and report, 24. GREAT JOB TODAY. Reading Log: work on book report due 1/3. Social Studies: Work on proaganda project due 1/3.

Math: Ms. C: finish page 135 from class. *bring in your item for our class party* *Break Week Work: Social studies poster project - on a half piece of usb oscilloscope octage. -index card with work. Reading Log: Read and work on book report. Social Studies: Part 3 of your project is biology report due tomorrow. Math: Page 129 the review questions with fractions. Science: Chapter 8 lessons 2-5 test Tues 12/20. #8203;Spanish: Winter clothing items test Wed 12/21.

Reading Log: Read and summary. Vocab: Unit 7 test. Social Studies: Treaty of my hero school essay Paris handout. Part 3 of biology project due 12/16. *permission slip and is greed good, $ Reading Log: Read and summary.

Vocab: unit 6 test tomorrow. Finish story with 6 words. Social Studies: Work on project. Book Report? Due 12/7. Math: Finish handout. Quiz Wed and Thursday on converting precentages.

Science: Chapter 6 vocab quiz Monday. Reading Log: Reading 40-45 mintues - 5 bullet points about what you read. Social Studie: Triangular Trade hand out. triangular_trade_.pdf. Work on part one of project. Math: Ms. C: Finish pages 76 and 77.

*Canned food drive* *tomorrow is sports day for Spirit Week. Wear you favorite sports team shirt or jersey* ELA: Finish any remaining ALWTW chapter 16 questions. Math: Ms. C.: Finish page 60 and student Chapter 1 lesson 6 ONLY for test on essays on taxes, Monday. Science: Finish defining the Start Vocabulary.

Quiz on book, Wednesday. *spirit week starts Monday* Reading Log: Pick a book for November. Read 40-45 minutes - 5 bullet points about what you read; Science: Moon Phase sheet (2 sides) Track tonights moon on sample plan for clothing store, your moon tracker. *Math: Ms. C: Study for graphing ratio tables test. ELA: Finish any questions you have left for biology book, ALWTW chapt. 11.

#8203;Social stuides: Test Monday chapt 3. R.L.- work on essays on taxes, book report. Socail Studies: Finish New England handoutresponsbility.pdf. Vocab: Study for lesson 4 test. ELA: Finish responsbility questions.responsbility.pdf. *tomorrow walk a thon* *don't forget your halloween party stuff on book report, Monday* #8203;*Play auditions are Friday. You must have a song/dance ready* Reading Log: 35 minutes work on case in psychology, book report. Math:Ms. C: Page 23 numbers 21-25.

Vocab:Lesson 3 test tomorrow. Social Studies: Jamestown handout. Use chapter 3 lesson 1 ONLY for book, your answers. *Walk a thon tomorrow. Bring in donation money* *Picture money due*

Great Job With Your Projects. Reading Log: Reading 35 minutes- write a summary about what you read- you are reading your Oct. Book. Social Studies: Complete colony handou t. Math: Ms.

C - complete ratio table handout. *parent teacher time form due tomorrow. Reminder- 10/26 is our healthy snack sale - Please bring in plan for clothing store your assigned snack to sell at the sale. R eading Log 35 minutes. Math: Ms.

C's page two only of simplifying ratios.simplyfing_ratios_homework.pdf. Test on ratios 10/5. Science: Work on project. Social Studies: Read and highlight your Election article from Monday. Spanish: Test 10/5 (days of the week and colors) * High School visit permission slip. Math: Ms. C: Test Tomorrow Properties of book Multiplication. Vocab: Flash cards with own definition. Social Studies: Age of Exploration handout. Math: Ms. C: Finish Commutative Property Handout.

Science: Finish Types of Maps handout. Reminder: Meet and Greet at 7pm. FEILD DAY PERMISSION SLIPS MUST BE TURNED IN ON TUESDAY. ELA: Finish Frederick Douglass chapter 7 questions due Tuesday. Math: . Test Thursday 6/22. Science: Sound and Light vocab ONLY quiz Wednesday 6/21. Music: Complete 2 paragraph write up on your movie music due Tuesday.

*Gino permission slipped signed and money returned by is greed Tuesday 6/20. *Award ceremony handout returned by 6/19. Science: Finish specific lesson review questions for test on Monday. Chapter 8. Social Studies: Chapter 12 test Thursday.

Math: Flip, Slide, Spin handout. #8203;Science: Supplies for biology, the science fair must be in by Tuesday. ELA: finish all Lyddie questions in the packet. ELA: Finish Lyddie book review organizer. Bring lunch for the trip. Happy Cinco de Mayo.

ELA: Finish any remaining Lyddie questions. Science: Finish chap 4 review. Test on Monday. Math: Finish the slope questions. Get math test signed. Lyddie chapter 13 questions. Get vocab part 2 signed. Science packet page 3.

Select a 5 stanza poem that you will be later using for a project. Bring in a regular size water bottle. Bring in a current events article if you didn't yesterday. ELA: Finish Lyddie Chap 9 questions. MUST INCLUDE A QUOTE. Math: Page 317 #18-25.

Social Studies: Handout on Treaty of Ghent. *Bowling permission slips* Reading Log: Book report due Monday. Essay Format. Science:Chapter 3 test Friday. S.S.: Star Spangled Banner handout. *Permission Slip and money. * Lunch all day next week. Reading Log: Work on book report. ELA: finish famous woman summary.

S.S.: Finish chapter 8 (pg. Essay? 176-`77) review. Numbers 1-18. *tissues and paper towels* Reading Log: Read your sports book. 5 bullet points about what you read. Social Studies: Jefferson handout. Spanish: Test Wednesday on Vehicles. Vocab: Unit 13 pages 136-137.

#8203;* Lunch provided on Monday* Reading Log: Read and write a paragraph or 5 bullets about what you read. Must be in biology your own words! Social Studies: Finish George Washington handout from class. #8203;ELA: Pick a famous female to my hero, research. ELA: Break Week Packet. Math: Break Week Packet.

*If you have not finished the 100 words to describe you - please complete* *any missing work due Monday* Spanish: Test Wed. *student gov’t students - baked good for biology book report, the bake sale due Tuesday* Reading log: Read and summary. #8203;Social Studies: 3 branches of gov’t handout. #8203;Science: Cloud project due 1/31. Vocab: Finish 6 word story from morning work. Test on Monday. Science: Handout on The Earth's Atmosphere.

Math: Test Friday 1/13 lessons 5 and 6 pages 143-158. Book report due TUesday. Propaganada poster due Tuesday. #8203;Card with missing work to be completed. Reading Log: Read and work on your book report. Social Studies: Taxation without Representation handout. Science: Hot chocolate packet for science lab. Test chapt 8 lessons 2-5 on Tuesday. Spanish: Winter clothing items test 12/21. * Friday bring in your contribution to our holiday party.

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The Politics of Terror Mirrors the book report Politics of Heroin. “The White House is sample business plan for clothing, not just doubling the bet in Iraq…..It’s doubling the bet across the region [and the world]. This could get very complicated. Everything is book, upside down.” — Martin Indyk (former US ambassador to Israel) 2007. The West’s policies in usb oscilloscope thesis the Middle East are coming home. Remember the “Vietnamese” heroin that showed up in the body bags at home? Well there’s a lot of body bags at home right now that are full of “Islamic” terrorism. And remember the army that invaded Basra? The British one! Well it’s now on the streets of Britain.

And the book army that destroyed Libya? The French one! It’s now on the streets of France. Meanwhile in America the US President is fighting the FBI and the US media are begging for a coup. And everywhere in the trans-Atlantic sewer the populists are freaking out the elitists. The Empire of chaos is a structural mess. It is a case of thesis one contradiction too many. On top of the West’s never ending class wars and imperial wars, the West’s latest “forever and ever war on book terror” is a fiasco that has tipped the balance in favour disbelief and dissent. The illegitimacy of this “war on terrorism” points to the illegitimacy of all the structural wars the West is fighting across the planet.

It is the domino theory in reverse. One imperial war stops making sense and so all the wars stop making sense (if they ever did). Good. The Western establishment has tied itself in a knot in an attempt to biology report, prolong itself. Watch it fall. Our Western governments tell us that they’re at is greed, war with “Islamic terror”. Yet in the geopolitics of the Middle East our governments align themselves with Saudi Arabia and biology report the Gulf States – the kingdoms which sponsor “Islamic terror”. Everyone with half a brain knows that Saudi Wahhabism is the mother of Al-Qaeda and ISIS. And a half of that half a brain can connect the dots between Western Interests in Arabia and “Islamic terror”. It’s obvious that the West have used and still are using “Islamic terrorism” as a proxy in places like Syria, Libya and Iraq.

So when these same “terrorists” pop up in the West and cause mayhem: what the fuck? Could it be that the usb oscilloscope West’s terrorists in the Middle East are still working for the West when they bomb and shoot in the West? Could our Western governments be targeting the West? The House of Saud and the House of Commons as well as the White House (you can add the Houses of Rothschild and Rockefeller to this list of elite Houses) do nothing without each other. Biology Book Report. So if a Saudi linked death squad attacks the West: the Western establishment is complicit. Why? To begin with the House of Saud was a British intelligence asset during World War I – long before Saudi Arabia was born in 1932. The British paid for Saudi head chopping back in the 1920s.

And nothing has changed since then. For example, since the Saudi invasion of Yemen in 2015 the UK has sold ?3.3 billion worth of military equipment to the Saudis. The USA joined the Saudi bloodbath in the interwar period. The California -Arabian Standard Oil Company institutionalised this nefarious relationship in thesis editing australia the 1930s. And Henry Kissinger cemented it in the 1970s. Oil and petrodollars therefore were the parents of Al-Qaeda. And any jihad since the 1980s has been a happy meeting of CIA and Saudi minds. This includes ISIS. Seymour Hersh explains the latest US/Saudi cooperation explicitly in his 2007 New Yorker article ‘The Redirection’. After the US lost control of Iraq, Washington DC allowed the book report Saudis to ‘redirect’ US foreign policy in the region – in an effort to “contain” Iran. The end result was Sunni extremism in Iraq and eventually ISIS.

And a US/Saudi 2017 military deal worth $110 billion. This fundamental link between the essay Western establishment and Saudi Arabia’s overt and covert terror networks doesn’t categorically connect the West’s governments to the bullets and bombs of ISIS that explode in the West. It doesn’t suggest anything else other than blowback. But a more sinister connection than ‘guilt by association’ comes to the surface if we analyse Western elite behaviour elsewhere. If we widen our perspective and book look at usb oscilloscope thesis, the war on drugs and compare it to the war on biology book report terror, then what the case method and related disciplines Western elite are capable of biology report within the West is alarming. It isn’t just blowback – it’s by design. That’s the is greed good lesson of the “war on drugs”. Richard Nixon started this war in 1971. However in 2015, according to RT, the biology illegal drug market was “ bigger than the thesis editing automotive industry and it’s volume is approaching that of the oil and biology book gas sector “. My Hero. In his book The CIA As Organised Crime , Douglas Valentine answers the biology report following question: Ken McCarthy: A member of the Sinaloa cartel, Vicente Zambada-Niebla, is currently in prison in the US “on charges of trafficking more than a billion dollars in cocaine and heroin.” Zambada’s attorney is saying that since the late 1990s, the Sinaloa cartel has provided various US law enforcement agencies with information about the other cartels. They help the US eliminate their rivals and in for clothing exchange they’re allowed to import limitless quantities of drugs into the US.

Chicago is biology book, one of their main drop-off points. So, Doug, has there ever been a case when the US government through its various law enforcement agencies gave a pass to drug dealers in exchange for something else? How often does it happen and how far back does it go? Valentine: An old FBN [Federal Bureau of Narcotics] agent, Lenny Schrier, once told me: “The only study in psychology way you can make cases is if your informant sells dope.” So, yes; not only has it happened, and not only does it still happen, but giving dealers a free pass to deal drugs is the foundation stone upon which federal drug law enforcement is based. Report. Once you realise that, you have to look beyond, at the political and economic context that makes such an editing rates australia, extra-legal practice possible… The point here, is biology, that the disciplines “war on drugs” is a contradiction.

The official Western attempt to stop the trafficking of biology book report drugs is responsible for the proliferation of drugs in the West. Valentine’s point is that politics and economics trumps the law in the “war on plan for clothing drugs”. For political and economic reasons the West and its intelligence agencies (primarily the CIA) allows drug trafficking to flourish. Maybe the reason is that drug money is a good way to fund a secret war (the Contra war against Nicaragua in the 1980s, for example). Maybe drug money maintains Third World CIA assets (landlords, generals, right-wing politicians, organised criminals – the biology book report usual anti-communists). Maybe drugs destabilise and therefore controls a strategic country (Mexico) or a strategic class (the working class and underclass). Or maybe drug money fuels a key part of the economy (the Western banks and corporations). Whatever the political or economic reasons the world’s illegal hard drugs are secretly tolerated and encouraged by essay the West despite the law.

If this is the reality of the war on drugs: can the same contradiction be found in the war on terror? If we superimpose the war on terror onto Valentine’s description of the biology report war on drugs: will the case and related disciplines patterns of biology one fit into the patterns of the usb oscilloscope thesis other? In the war on terror does politics and report economics trump the law? Is terrorism secretly tolerated and usb oscilloscope encouraged by the Western powers? According to the UK’s Independent newspaper in November 2016:

“A 650 per cent increase in deaths from terrorism in biology book report OECD countries and a marked rise in transnational terrorist attacks means the world is now a yet-more dangerous place in terms of terrorism, according to the IEP [Institute for Economics and Peace].” Is the war on terror therefore like the war on drugs: does it actually promote what it allegedly is fighting against? The facts suggest that this is the essays on taxes case. Report. Why? As Valentine argues in relation to the war on drugs: the reasons concern politics and economics. The war on terror which George W. Bush began in the 2000s and which Donald Trump continues today is in fact similar to the war on my hero school essay terror which Ronald Reagan initiated in biology report the 1980s. In short, it’s a hoax.

It’s deceitful because to paraphrase Martin Luther King: the is greed good essay USA and the West back in the 1980s was, as it is today in the 2010s, the greatest purveyor of terror in the world. And it is so for political and biology book economic reasons. Like drugs, terrorism facilitates Western power. If no non-Western military force can compete with the military power of the West, then what scares the West? Why is the West panicking if it dominates the sample for clothing air, sea and land when it comes to conventional warfare? Why?

Because that which makes the West nervous is the world’s civilian population. Cue unconventional warfare! When the US war on drugs began in biology book report 1971, the US and it’s allies were producing heroin and killing civilians on case method and related disciplines a massive scale in South East Asia. A postmodern (anti-modern) partnership was born. A postmodern (two faced) pattern was set. Under the cover of Western self righteousness – drugs and terror became tools of the biology book West. And they’ve been dovetailing each other ever since – targeting civilians all the way. The template for essays on taxes the West’s postmodern terror onslaught, according to Douglas Valentine, was the Phoenix Program that shaped the underbelly of America’s war in Vietnam. Realising that the civilian population of South Vietnam was it’s real enemy the US – using it’s secret CIA “warriors” – in a very conscious, bureaucratic and bloody way covertly attacked it. Secret detention centres, torture and biology book report executions terrorised the south Vietnamese population in method and related the late 1960s and into the early 1970s. Up to 40,000 civilians were killed.

And the rest were psyched out with propaganda – if they were not killed by biology report a straightforward bombing raid. Essays On Taxes. In this darkly coordinated approach to disobedient civilians the Western state-mafia found a formula that could be systematically used elsewhere. Like heroin, programmatic terrorism could be exported in a clandestine fashion. Book Report. And in a massive scale it was. The Phoenix Program was exported to Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s.

It was called the ‘Salvador Option’ up north and business for clothing store ‘Operation Condor’ down south. And it ripped the guts out of civilian life in Central America and the Southern Cone. A few hundred thousand executed civilians here and a few hundred thousand butchered civilians there. And, it’s fair to say, every one of the Latin American state terrorists responsible for this systematic killing of biology book report civilians passed through the US [Terror] School of the Americas which was located in Panama and now, under the name the “Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation”, is based in Fort Benning, Georgia. And, significantly, all of these terrorists had the political support of Latin America’s Cocaine kings and that ultimate king of war: Henry Kissinger. At about the usb oscilloscope same time the biology book CIA was training the mujahideen in the arts of terror and letting them blow secular civilian life in Afghanistan to bits. And so the usb oscilloscope thesis Phoenix Program slowly made its way back to biology report, Asia and the heroin business. This Western attempt to contain modern civilian life around the world, by throwing hardcore drugs and organised terrorism in the way of social progress, doubled it’s bet – in the 21st century – in Iraq, Syria and Libya. If the Western 1% or 5% or 10% were to remain sure of their social position in global society, then they needed a countervailing primitive force or forces in the face of modern secular trends. Neoliberal capitalism and all it’s talk of competitive market forces became the primitive mainstream ideology of the 1% – the myth of free market individualism.

And as it turned out hardcore drugs and hardcore terrorism covered the social and political backs of essays on taxes this 1% as they globalised themselves. The catch for the Western 1% was that globalisation implied universalism. In capitalist terms, globalisation weirdly implied global equality or at least a level playing field. The BRICS took advantage of this. And the West hit back with a plethora of book excuses to maintain inequality and it’s own privileged access to resources. Samuel Huntington’s The Clash of Civilisations was one excuse.

And 911 and the subsequent “war on terror” was another excuse. My Hero. The bet was that chaos in the heart of the Eurasian continent (think Zbigniew Brzezinski) would divert globalisation back into the familiar ways of biology Western domination. However universalism, or the 21st century global civilian, had already bolted from Western parochialism. It was too late to thesis editing australia, slam the doors of book report history shut. Hence the need to double the bet against the progressive secular tendencies of the 21st century – the global dimensions of science and technology (reason), and as a result the global (non-Western) dimensions of human society. Feeling unsure of itself the parochial 1% backtracked away from globalisation and doubled it’s belief in the “Phoenix Program”.

The 1% and it’s allies and tools – NATO, Israel, the Saudis and all their secret services – combined in an attempt to divide and rule the world’s citizens one more time. Strategic cultural and political fractures were exploited in order to engineer social chaos and social reaction. The reason was Western power. And no price was too much for that. Since World War II, at least, Western governments (the US leading the pack) have had no qualms about working with drug dealers so as to sample business plan for clothing store, promote their interests.

Likewise, since at least the biology report Vietnam War, the West has systematically used for editing rates australia it’s own benefit terrorism and terrorists freely. From Vietnam to the Middle East – via Latin America – even the names of the Western teachers of terror are the same. For example, US colonel James Steele and US diplomat John Negroponte. And hovering above the biology likes of these are the gods of terror – the case in psychology and related disciplines CIA, MI6, Mossad, etc. (figures like the ghostly Ted Shackley). Which brings us back to Saudi Arabia and it’s “free pass” to commit acts of terrorism in what Seymour Hersh calls “The Redirection”. Biology Report. The importance of case in psychology disciplines Saudi Arabia to the financial and petroleum heights of the Western establishment are beyond doubt. So the question now is whether that Saudi free pass extends to Western cities? Are policies like the Salvador Option on the elite table when dealing with Western countries? If the war on drugs is any guide then Western society is as much a target for a “Phoenix type Program” as any other Third World society.

Indeed Douglas Valentine believes that The United States Department of Homeland Security is a direct descendant of the Phoenix Program. And the bombs and bullets in the streets of Europe? If the black neighbourhoods of Los Angeles could be flooded with drugs with the biology book discreet blessing of essays on taxes a US government which was allegedly fighting a war against drugs: then the working class streets of Europe can be flooded with terrorism with the surreptitious blessing of the Western governments which are allegedly fighting a war against terror. Aidan O’Brien is a hospital worker in Dublin, Ireland.

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A Critical Review of Myron Penner’s “The End of Apologetics” Theologian Myron Penner (not to be confused with philosopher Myron A. Penner) recently released a 193 page book against apologetics—titled The End of Apologetics: Christian Witness in a Postmodern Context (Baker Publishing Group, 2013).[1] It isn’t difficult to discern the central thesis of Penner’s book. He writes, This is a book about apologetics. Or, more precisely, it is a book against biology book apologetics. (p.4) Apologetics itself might be the single biggest threat to genuine Christian faith that we face today. (p.12) I suggest modern Christian apologetics subtly undermines the very gospel it seeks to essays on taxes defend and biology report does not offer us a good alternative to the skepticism and ultimate meaninglessness of the modern secular condition. (p.49) Penner even compares the modern day apologist with the modern day atheist—both of whom “deny Christ.” He writes, The lesson of is greed good essay apologetic violence is that there is book more than one way to deny Christ in modernity . Essays On Taxes? There is the biology book report straightforward way of the atheist … or it may be done indirectly, perhaps even with sincerity, by a Christian who uses the objective truths of Christianity to do things that are themselves unloving and unedifying . Case Study Method In Psychology And Related Disciplines? (pp.

162-163) In his book, Penner openly attacks the work of Christian apologists such as William Lane Craig, Douglas Groothuis, and J.P. Biology Book? Moreland. And surprisingly, the book has received rather positive reviews. Thesis? In the 2014 book awards, Christianity Today gave Penner’s book an “award merit.” Others, such as Louis Markos—professor at book report Houston Baptist University—have also come forward to endorse the book. We are surprised (or outraged!) at the fact that Christianity Today would award Penner’s book an “award merit,” when it makes claims such as these. We found Penner’s work to be as incoherent to the philosopher, as it is damaging to essay the practitioner. His work is an report, affront to both theology and theopraxy . In this review, we will critique ten central aspects of Penner’s work:

1. Is Greed Essay? Penner claims revelation as his basis, but seldom quotes Scripture. Penner emphasizes the need to place revelation over reason (p.51). But after a careful reading of The End of Apologetics , we found less than a dozen explicit references to biology Scripture in the entire book.[2] By contrast, Penner references philosopher Soren Kierkegaard nearly 100 times . Thesis? For a book that claims to be rooted in biology book the revelation of sample business God, it’s odd that Penner doesn’t appeal to Scripture to make his case. 2. Penner ignores the biology biblical texts that support Christian apologetics. If Penner wants evangelicals to editing rates australia abandon apologetics, then he needs to offer a convincing exegesis of the biology book clear biblical passages that support this practice. Business Plan? However, far from book report this, Penner never even cites these passages.

As we have already argued in our recent work Evidence Unseen: Exposing the Myth of Blind Faith , apologetics are not a modernist—but a biblical —endeavor. Jesus appealed to evidence—such as his miracles, his resurrection, and his fulfillment of messianic prophecy—in order to validate his divinity (Lk. 24:25-27; 44-46). He repeatedly used rational arguments to make his case (Mt. 7:11; 10:25; 12:12; Luke 12:24, 28). Jesus debated publicly with skeptics, and listeners would notice that he had “answered well” (Mk. Usb Oscilloscope Thesis? 12:28 NLT). Even though critics would try to report “trap” Jesus with arguments (Mt.

22:15), he was able to retort so persuasively that they “were amazed” (Mt. Case In Psychology And Related Disciplines? 22:22). In fact, Jesus’ arguments were so good that in biology one case he utterly “silenced” his opponents in debate (Mt. 22:34, 46). The NT authors utilized apologetics (Acts 25:16; 1 Cor. 9:3; Phil. 1:7, 17). Peter writes, “Always be ready to make a defense [Greek apologia ] to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” (1 Pet. 3:15). Penner claims that “Paul steadfastly resists any form of persuasion with the Corinthians other than the message of the cross and the power of the method in psychology Holy Spirit.” (p.146) And yet, Paul wrote to biology book the Corinthians that believers are to “knock down the strongholds of human reasoning,” destroying “false arguments” against God (2 Cor. 10:5 NLT).

Moreover, Paul himself “reasoned” and “persuaded” with skeptical people on his missionary journeys (Acts 17:2, 4, 17; 18:4, 19; 26:28), and his opponents “couldn’t refute his proofs that Jesus was indeed the Messiah” (Acts 9:22). In fact, his arguments were so good that he “powerfully refuted the Jews in public, demonstrating by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ” (Acts 18:28). Even at the end of his life, Paul claimed that Christianity was “true and reasonable” (Acts 26:25). None of these passages are exposited or even mentioned by Penner. This alone should be damning to Penner’s central thesis. That is, if apologetics are such an usb oscilloscope thesis, ungodly endeavor, then why is this practice described and prescribed all throughout the New Testament?

3. Penner does not offer evidence for his postmodern view; he merely assumes it. What reason have we to biology book report believe in Penner’s view? According to for clothing him, the answer is simple: none . He writes, “Rather than arguing for the superiority of postmodernism, I assume postmodernism as a starting point and try to make this standpoint intelligible.” (p.14) We appreciate Penner’s consistency here: namely, if he offered evidence for his view, he would be acting against his own postmodern underpinnings. Biology? But we have to note that this has been a consistent critique of postmodern thinking. As Moreland and DeWeese have written, postmodern thinkers typically “offer no argument, and one looks in vain for arguments for essay, such claims in biology report other postconservative writers. They seem to regard the claim as self-evident; to assert it is to prove it.”[3] But why should we believe in Penner’s postmodern perspective? Other religions assert their claims to spirituality as well. What makes Penner’s view any different?

Penner writes, “[Christianity] enables me to interpret my life fruitfully and the world meaningfully through the practices, categories, and language of Christian faith, so that I have a more authentic understanding of myself and a sense of wholeness to essay my life.” (p.76) However, practitioners from biology report other religions make identical claims. What reason do we have to adjudicate between these claims? 4. Penner denies the usb oscilloscope thesis importance of reason and truth. Penner wants his view of truth to be “immune from the charge of arbitrariness, relativism, or denial of objectivity.” (p.129) And yet, he seems to be speaking out of both sides of his mouth, because elsewhere he writes, Reason is book not a timeless, universal, or unchanging judge that is unaffected by school essay its concrete circumstances . Report? Human reason is thoroughly immanent and as such does not occupy a transcendent perspective. (p.53) We can, of course, say objectively “true” things directly—like, for example, that it is –27 ° C outside this morning or that God was in my hero Jesus Christ reconciling to himself the world . The point, however, is first that these sorts of objective “facts” or statements are only approximately true and are made from a finite, contingent perspective . (p.99) Contingent “approximations” are all we finite, fallible creatures have available to us. Absolute, timeless Truth is God’s alone . Report? We perceive things from our various perspectives, within time, with these limited and changing bodies, and from the social contexts we inhabit. We won’t, in other words, get to the bottom of reality to perceive reality as it really is apart from how it is for us. (pp.109-110) Prophetic speech is not universally prophetic . Addressed to others outside the situation and specific context of the audience, prophetic witness may be superfluous and even unedifying —and to good that extent untrue , in biology report my sense. (p.131) Prophetic speech has a specific audience in mind.

The prophet is preaching, you will recall, to persons and has a word tailored to good essay them and their situation. In the same way, Christian witness does not proclaim a set of timeless and necessary truths . Book? To this person or audience prophetic witness presents this truth that can be edifying for them. (p.131) It shouldn’t surprise us to study method and related disciplines discover that Penner alludes to the fact that those outside of Christ will be saved. He cites C.S. Lewis’ story from The Last Battle (a favorite for postmodern or emergent writers!), where the character Emeth is saved—even though he was worshipping Tash—a false god (pp.140-141). Of course, Lewis was writing fiction—not theology. But Penner seems to affirm Lewis’ view in the story that unbelievers will go to heaven for having the right sincerity in their faith—even if they lacked the proper object of biology book faith. And speaking of unbelievers, it seems that Penner regards this title as a veritable swear word. He writes, I commit this first kind of apologetic violence when I treat those without my faith en masse under a universal category, such as “unbeliever,” so that their individual subjectivity is effectively erased or ignored. (pp.148-149) When I engage “the unbeliever,” I am less concerned with who they are; how their cultural concepts, categories, and symbols function to case study method in psychology and related disciplines convey the gospel; where they are in their spiritual journey; or why they believe and biology report think like they do, than I am with whether they acknowledge a specific set of beliefs.

And I certainly do not treat them as those through whom the voice of God may speak to usb oscilloscope me or even as those from whom I may learn or who may inform my life and perspective in some way. They simply are “unbelievers.” (p.151) Reason’s function, then, is not to ground our truths but to explain them. Reason depends on a (logically) prior Truth to situate it. (p.170) But we wonder if Penner realizes that the term “unbeliever” comes directly from Scripture (Lk. 12:46; 1 Cor. 6:6; 7:12; 10:27; 2 Cor.

6:14; 1 Tim. 5:8). Did the authors of report Scripture err in using this term to describe those without faith? 5. My Hero? Penner claims that apologetics are abusive. While we would admit that apologetics can (and have) been used abusively by believers, Penner takes this further. He writes, “Not only can apologetics curse; it actually is a curse.” (p.9) In typical postmodern fashion, he favors “conversation and report dialogue,” as opposed to study method “debate.” (p.68) He writes,

My focus will be on what I argue about—the conclusions and propositions, the facts and the evidence to support them, and biology whether my opponent and I believe them—not how I engage another person. And, in the end, it will be difficult to escape the conclusion that my primary objective in an apologetic encounter is winning the argument. (p.143) In the essay end, these exercises of “reason” seem to function in a manner that is virtually indistinguishable from ideological power plays. We—the “power-crazed crowd,” as Kierkegaard would say—become a law and biology book reason unto ourselves: we determine what is rates reasonable, we decide the correct form of belief, and we assume the biology book right to label those who disagree with us not only as ignorant and irrational but also as immoral and depraved. (p.61) We would, of course, agree that apologetics can be used abusively.

But is my hero this a good enough reason to reject their use altogether? We believe that this is equivalent to throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Years ago, C.S. Lewis observed, “Nearly everyone I know who has embraced Christianity in adult life has been influenced by what seemed to him to be at least probable arguments for Theism.” [4] More recently, William Lane Craig writes, “Lee Strobel recently remarked to me that he has lost count of the number of people who have come to Christ through his books… Nor has it been my experience that apologetics is ineffective in biology report evangelism. We continually are thrilled to see people committing their lives to case study method in psychology and related Christ through presentations of the gospel coupled with apologetics.” [5]

We concur with these observations. In our campus ministry, we regularly see people coming to Christ through apologetics presentations and literature. It is a postmodern myth that people no longer care about reason and evidence. While apologetics can be used abusively, this should cause us to counsel the apologist —not to throw out apologetics . 6. Penner seeks to replace a correspondent view of truth with an “edification view” This, in our opinion, is the most bizarre part of Penner’s work. He writes, “I now wish to redescribe truth by changing metaphors from biology ‘correspondence’ to edification.” (p.110) He abhors J.P. Moreland’s case for a correspondent view of truth as “transparently ideological” (p.61; footnote 127)

But Scripture often speaks of truth in is greed the abstract, correspondent sense.[6] For instance, the Bible teaches that God cannot lie (Heb. 6:18), God is the God of truth (Ps. 31:15), God’s word is truth (Jn. 17:17), the Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of book truth” (Jn. 14:17; 15:26; 16:13), and Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life” (Jn. 14:6). Plan Store? Of the false prophets, Jeremiah writes, “How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us’? But behold, the lying pen of the biology book report scribes has made it into a lie” (Jer. Business? 8:8). 17 of the 22 letters of the NT (including Rev. 2-3) mention false teachers.

All of biology this presupposes that truth can be known in a correspondent sense, and falsehood should be rejected. 7. Penner exaggerates the inability of language to study and related communicate truth. While our human language cannot transmit truth perfectly , it can still transmit truth sufficiently and accurately . But Penner exaggerates this, when he writes, “We cannot equate our speech about God with the being of book God. Sample For Clothing? Instead, we appropriate the words and biology book report creeds we receive as true because they capture us, mold and shape us, and make us true.” (p.95) Regarding J.P. Moreland’s correspondent view of truth, he writes, “One trouble with a view such as this, of course, is that it still has the difficulty of school explaining how the sentences we use to express our thoughts are true.” (p.113; footnote 234) But we see at least two problems with this view: First, if language is really that poor of a vehicle for transmitting truth, then why write a book about it? This seems self-defeating. Moreover, when Penner reads this review of report his book, we doubt that he will make the mistake of thesis rates australia interpreting our words as favorable. But if this is the case, then it demonstrates the fact that language can transmit truth and biology interpretation is possible. As Groothuis has written, “While deconstructionists of various stripes claim that texts have no fixed and objective meaning, they still object when others ‘misinterpret’ their own writings.”[7] This is not only sample plan store self-defeating; it is hypocritical. Second, if we “cannot equate our speech about God with the book being of God,” then this would radically depreciate the thesis australia inspiration of Scripture . Biology Report? That is, what use is an inspired text, if we cannot interpret it?

We admit that not everything in Scripture is clear and understandable. Certain parts of the Bible are difficult to thesis editing interpret (2 Pet. 3:15-16). But most of the Bible does not fit into book, this category. Readers of Scripture quickly discover that the main doctrines are clearly taught and emphasized—over and over.

For instance, Isaiah writes, “I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides Me there is study method disciplines no God” (Isa. 45:5). After reading this, ask yourself: How many different ways are there to interpret this verse? Does it tell us that there is one God, or many? Postmodern thinkers—like Penner—usually focus on the 10% of biology report obscure passages in school essay the Bible, rather than the 90% that is clear, straightforward and understandable. 8. Penner offers many false dilemmas throughout his book. It surprises us to see such blatant, logical fallacies, which are legion throughout his book.

No doubt, Penner’s most common fallacy is the false dilemma : The earliest Christian apologists saw theology not just as a rational principle… but as intimately connected to a wider way of living and being together that embodies the report truth of the gospel. (p.45) The focus of thesis modern apologetics is on epistemic justification of belief as the apologetic bottom-line rather than on the personal edification of book report those whom we encounter. (p.87) What our age needs is not a scientific or theoretical answer to intellectual challenges of belief but a personal response to the spiritual problems of people who have been unable to receive and have faith. (p.88) But the usb oscilloscope actual witnesses—the actual people, their lives—display or show the truth of biology report what they announce and sample business plan for clothing not just their words. (p.101) As a witness, I proclaim the truth not only book report with my lips but by my life. (p.102) Attestation is… [an] epistemological “belief that”; it is, rather, a more subjective “belief in,” which nevertheless is in no way inferior to knowledge. (p.124) When our concern is with how we believe, not only what we believe, and when being in the truth is just as important as possessing it, then our Christian witness must be such that it is edifying to those who receive our witness. (p.138) In each of these statements above, why can’t it be both? Why can’t we be confident in our rational justification and be filled with love and compassion for others? As Paul writes, we are to “speak the truth in love” (Eph.

4:15). It shouldn’t be one or the other; it should be both . 9. Penner mischaracterizes his opponents in their character and beliefs. Penner (deliberately?) mischaracterizes the position of modern apologists in a classic straw man fallacy throughout his book: First, he claims that modern apologists are unconcerned about how our faith should affect our way of life . He writes, What is at the bottom of our Christian belief, for modern apologists, is not a set of practices —a way of life, a confession, etc.— but a set of essays on taxes propositional asseverations that can be epistemically justified. Biology Book Report? And that is what it means for them to have faith . (p.42)

This is really an attack on the character of modern apologists today. Penner is really claiming that philosophers like W.L. Craig, J.P. Moreland, and Douglas Groothuis (whom he cites repeatedly throughout the book) are not concerned with living out their faith, rather they are just concerned with a set of logical propositions. Editing? This is biology report as offensive to this author, as it is misguided. This neither characterizes the lives of these men, any more than it articulates their view of faith. Second, he claims that modern apologists believe that they are unbiased . He writes that W.L.

Craig and other apologists believe that their arguments and evidences are “free from bias or partisanship.” (p.32) Of course, W.L. Craig would not hold that he is business plan free from bias. No one is biology book free from bias. Essays On Taxes? But bias does not inherently eliminate truth. As we have written elsewhere: Imagine talking to biology book report Michael Jordan’s mother about her son’s basketball abilities. Of course, Michael Jordan’s mother would probably say that her son was the best basketball player in is greed good essay N.B.A. history.

A polite listener might smile and book report tell her, “That’s very nice, Mrs. Jordan, but aren’t you a little biased in your opinion of your son? You are his mother after all.” Of course, Michael Jordan’s mother is biased, but her statement is also true! In the good same way, we shouldn’t discredit someone’s views based purely on biology their bias, but rather, based on their truth and evidence. [8] Third, he claims that modern apologists support Western, white cultural imperialism . Penner writes, As a Christian witness, am I called to be an apostle of Western (and white) values—or some other specific set of business plan for clothing store conceptual and biology book linguistic formulations that give expression to the dominant cultural expression of Christianity? Is my goal as a witness to convert people from other cultures to the thought forms of Western culture and to approximate Western, European Christian behavior as best they can? (pp.136-137) This is such a gross mischaracterization of the field of Christian apologists that it hardly warrants a retort. Thesis Editing Australia? But simply put, the spread of Christian truth does not imply the spread of Christian culture . That is, we can spread the truth of biology book report God without spreading Western or white cultural customs. This is a key problem in Penner’s thinking: He equates the use of reason and evidence with “dominance,” “mastery,” “control,” (p.46) “coercion,” “force,” “intimidation,” and “militancy.” (p.143-144) He describes this approach to is greed essay Christian witness as an attempt to “coerce my neighbor.” This proves that “I really don’t love my neighbor as I love myself.” (p.147). But ask yourself: Is this the biology way that I would characterize one of William Lane Craig’s debates?

Is Craig really a bully, who is seeking to essays on taxes militantly dominate others? 10. Book? Penner believes that appealing to academic authorities (whom he calls geniuses) is a faulty way to substantiate our beliefs. Penner writes, “We trust geniuses and experts and treat them as authorities because they present us with the highest expression of case in psychology and related disciplines what is reasonable for us to biology report believe.” (pp.50-51) Penner argues that the apostles did not appeal to thesis editing rates authorities or intellectuals; instead, they appealed to report their calling from God. Essay? He writes, The apostle, however, appeals not to reason but to revelation as the biology report basis on which claims are warranted. A genius is born, Kierkegaard points out, while an apostle is thesis editing called. (p.51) Of course, this ignores the book report various passages that we have already cited, where the apostles did appeal to reason. He continues: The apostolic message does not have authority because it is demonstrably rational or exceptionally brilliant but because it is a word from God. God’s word does not come to school us as the result of human calculation or brilliance and cannot be improved upon, nor will it ever become obsolete.

The truths of revelation are not realities humans will inevitably discover through their research projects, nor will they be able to assimilate them into their collective potential. (p.51) Here Penner confuses the truths of Scripture (which cannot come through human reason) with the defense of Scripture (which can come through human reason). Penner continues, One of the problems with appealing to report reason is that our beliefs are “always (in theory) provisional and usb oscilloscope potentially reversible. Human reason simply gives us the best answer we have so far, and not anything like the final truth about the matter.” (pp.52-53) What Penner fails to notice is that this is true of all of our beliefs. We are not given the luxury of certainty in book report any area of life (with the exception of logical truths or truths by definition). We believe that W.L. Craig’s Reformed epistemology offers a way for us to retain our faith—in spite of thesis contrary evidence. But Penner didn’t offer convincing evidences against this. Biology Report? He continues elsewhere,

Instead, I want to pattern our apologetic efforts after apostles who do not ground their message in their own genius but in a transcendent word from God. Case Study Disciplines? (p.82) If we really want to follow the apostles, then we should engage in apologetics as they did. But Penner sees no need to biology report quote the is greed good essay various passages where the biology book report apostles engaged in reason, evidence, and debate. And Related Disciplines? He would rather cite from Soren Kierkegaard, Jacques Derrida, and Michel Foucault. The purpose of this review was not to book offer a cogent epistemology or an sample, able hermeneutic for the texts of Scripture. Biology Book? Others have done this more effectively than us (see below “Further Resources”).

Instead, the purpose of this review was to show that Penner’s postmodern dialectic is incompatible with biblical Christianity. It is neither supported from Scripture, nor allowed by Scripture. Therefore, we would not encourage any reader to adopt the views or practices of apologetics that Penner espouses. Essays On Taxes? Personally, we came away from this book more convinced than ever that apologetics should be one of the vital ways that we should reach people in our culture. Further Resources for Understanding Postmodernism. D.A.

Carson’s two part lecture on biology book report postmodernism (Part One and Part Two). James Rochford’s talk at the Xenos Summer Institute titled “The Role of Apologetics in Evangelism.” Erickson, Millard J., Paul Kjoss Helseth, and usb oscilloscope Justin Taylor. Reclaiming the biology report Center: Confronting Evangelical Accommodation in Postmodern times . Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2004. See in particular Part Two: Truth, Foundationalism, and Language. Groothuis, Douglas R. Good? Truth Decay: Defending Christianity against the Challenges of Postmodernism . Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2000.

McCallum, Dennis. The Death of biology Truth: What’s Wrong with Multiculturalism, the school essay Rejection of Reason, and the New Postmodern Diversity . Biology Book Report? Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 1996. See also our earlier articles: Principles of Reasoning This article responds to the common objections that the canons of logic and thesis reason are just a Western way of thinking. Biology Book Report? Moreover, it articulates several of the essays on taxes most common informal fallacies. Aren’t All Religions Equally Valid? This article offers seven reasons why thinking people should be suspicious of relativism. The Perils of Pragmatism This article offers three reasons why thinking people should reject a pragmatic view of biology report truth. [1] Penner, Myron B. The End of Apologetics: Christian Witness in a Postmodern Context . Method And Related? Baker Publishing Group.

Grand Rapids, MI. 2013. [2] We list this Scriptural citations in the order in which they appeared in the work: Amos 5 (p.86), James 2:19 (p.87), Ezekiel 4 and book report Hosea (p.105-106), 1 Corinthians 13:9, 13 (p.120), John 6:68 (p.123), several passages in 1 Corinthians including 1:10; 9:22; 2:3; 1:17 (p.146), Mt. 22:37-39 (p.147), Gal. 5:6 (p.147), Mt. 22:39 (p.152).

[3] Erickson, Millard J., Paul Kjoss Helseth, and thesis rates australia Justin Taylor. Reclaiming the Center: Confronting Evangelical Accommodation in Postmodern times . Biology Book? Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2004. 90. [4] Lewis, C. Sample Business For Clothing? S. God in biology the Dock: Essays on Theology and plan for clothing store Ethics . Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970. 173. [5] Craig, William Lane. On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision . Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2010. 23. [6] I am indebted to Douglas Groothuis for this list of Scriptures.

See Erickson, Millard J., Paul Kjoss Helseth, and Justin Taylor. Reclaiming the Center: Confronting Evangelical Accommodation in Postmodern times . Book Report? Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2004. 68-69. [7] Erickson, Millard J., Paul Kjoss Helseth, and Justin Taylor. Sample Business For Clothing Store? Reclaiming the Center: Confronting Evangelical Accommodation in Postmodern times . Biology Book? Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2004. 72. [8] Rochford, James.

Evidence Unseen: Exposing the Myth of Blind Faith . Columbus, OH: New Paradigm Publishing, 2013. 132.

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In addition to your contact information, you should have: Relevant skills, relevant experience, and relevant education. If you have multiple jobs dating back for a number of report, years, try to business plan for clothing, list only the biology book report most relevant jobs within the essays on taxes past 5-7 years on the first page and either make a note that a more extensive job history is available upon request or attach a separate sheet with a complete history in case the reviewer is so inclined to read it. Whatever you do, DO NOT let a full page of report, outdated and business for clothing irrelevant details take away from the book report razzle and school dazzle of the first page of biology, your resume. Remember that your developed skills are more important than your experience. Yes, you need experience to demonstrate the fact that you’ve had time to thesis, hone those skills, but employers need to know the report capabilities you have that are relevant to the job for which you’re applying. The Verbiage of essay, Your Curriculum Vitae. You want your C.V to sound professional, but it doesn’t have to sound like it came out of the Oxford Dictionary. Remember, it’s not as though you’re writing a dissertation; you’re listing bits and pieces of concise and relevant information to biology book, present a snapshot of what you have to offer.

Refer to the job description and other material posted by essays on taxes, your prospective employers. If they used industry-specific jargon, use the same jargon wherever applicable. Review their posted list of required skills and job duties and use it as a guide for biology listing all of your valid and applicable skills and job duties with previous employers. If you have additional skills or job skills than are not posted on the job description by your prospective employer, consider leaving them out. If you feel you must include them somewhere, follow the same rule as job history: Keep them off the first page. Instead, attach them at the top of the page containing your extensive job history. You have 2 primary goals for essays on taxes your curriculum vitae: Make it easy to read and make every word count. In order to accomplish this, you need to use a font of at least 10-12 and make each section of your document stand out from the next by staggering blocks of information that take up different levels of horizontal space. For example, you may place your name, physical address, phone number, and email address at biology book report, the top in the center. For contrast, you would place a sentence outlining your objective; perhaps something like: To obtain consistent and long term employment with a company in which my skills and talents will be utilized and appreciated. Because that sentence will take the entire width of the page, your next sections should be small and centered.

This would be a great place to list your skills. If you place your employment in the next section, that would be a great contrast to your skills. Make a table with 2 columns and good a few rows (just enough for your most relevant jobs). Add your title, previous employers, and their contact information in biology book the left column and your job duties on the right. Finally, underneath your employment history, enter your education information centered on the page. Employers may or may not be interested in speaking with your personal references.

If there is any reason why your prospective employers shouldn’t speak with your previous supervisors, try to thesis editing rates australia, avoid putting their contact information on your Curriculum Vitae. Otherwise, there should be plenty of professional references in your format for them to review. You can post a sentence on biology book report the bottom of your Curriculum Vitae either inviting your potential employer to call contacts from your employment history and/or letting him/her know that you have a list of personal references available if requested. If you have room on good essay the page after leaving plenty of report, space in essays on taxes between each section, increase the biology book report font size of your name. If you have adequate or advanced linguistic skills, consider writing a short cover letter (3-5 small to moderate paragraphs) introducing yourself and in psychology outlining your skills, dedication, ambition, work ethic, and any other relevant piece of information that increases your appeal to an employer but may not have a proper place on your Curriculum Vitae.

Cover letters are easy to disregard if an employer isn’t interested, and they can help to set you aside from other applicants if there is an interest in learning more about you by reading your cover letter. You can either use the outline provided in this article or you can create your own curriculum vitae outline containing your name, contact information, and the basic sections you will need to fill out per biology book, application. Save the outline and consistent information in a master file, and once you’ve finished preparing a Curriculum Vitae for study and related a job, choose ‘Save as’ and create a specific name for it. Biology Book. To find your Curriculum Vitae more quickly and conveniently, consider using the same name and changing only the last word. For example, you may save your resume as ‘MyResumeCompany.doc’. Replace the word ‘Company’ with each different place to which you submit your curriculum. How to Write a Great Cover Letter.

Landing a job is undoubtedly difficult in today’s economy. Writing a great cover letter is probably the most important step you can towards landing the business for clothing store job of their dreams. Why is writing a cover letter so important? It is the biology book first thing a potential employer sees, and it will dictate whether or not the employer even looks at your resume. Even the most polished, professional resume doesn’t stand a chance against a poorly written cover letter. How do you write a cover letter that not only a potential employer to thesis, read your resume, but also gets you invited for an interview? Writing a winning cover letter is biology book not difficult if you follow a few simple steps: Just like an employer won’t look at a resume that’s attached to a poorly written cover letter, the employer won’t even bother to usb oscilloscope, read the biology book report cover letter if it’s a messy jumble of text. To create a professional-looking cover letter, be sure to use plenty of white space.

You should have, at a minimum, one inch margins and double spaces between paragraphs. Follow the guidelines for writing a basic business letter and be sure to include a simple, text-only letterhead. Essays On Taxes. Your letterhead should be the same letterhead that appears on biology report your resume. This is your one and only chance to name drop, so take advantage of is greed good essay, it. Potential employers want to know how you heard about the position. You should also identify the specific position that you are seeking, and state that you are applying for this position. Yes, it’s obvious, but cover letters follow a long-established pattern, and this isn’t the time to biology report, be a rebel.

Finally, set the tone for the rest of the letter, and briefly state what you will be discussing.. If you have more than a few years of experience in the field to which you are applying, your professional experience should be presented before your educational experience. First, write a topic sentence that presents one unified idea. If you’ve held several jobs in this career, find the one aspect that these jobs have in study method in psychology common that will most impress your potential employer. Report. You also need to is greed essay, link this paragraph to your educational experience. Similar to biology book, your employment paragraph, you need to develop one unified idea rather than simply presenting a list of all the schools you’ve attended and courses you’ve taken.

Determine which aspect of your education is most important to the position you’re applying for and present it here. A fourth and even fifth paragraph may be added if you need to present additional relevant information. Just remember to develop one idea per paragraph, and to keep the entire letter under one page. This is your opportunity to tie everything together, leading the reader to usb oscilloscope thesis, invite you to an interview. You need to reference your resume and any other included attachments. In addition, you need to politely, yet confidently state that you wish to be invited to biology, an interview. Finally, state the easiest way for the employer to reach you, referring to the phone number and in psychology and related e-mail address in biology book report your letterhead. For important documents like cover letters, you need to go beyond your computer’s spell check and grammar check. Store. Place the cover letter aside for a few hours, or overnight if possible, and look at it with fresh eyes. You might find errors that you didn’t see previously. As a final step, ask someone, who you trust will do a decent job, to proofread your cover letter.

Now, you have a well-written cover letter that will hopefully lead a potential employer to read your resume and ultimately invite you to an interview. The rest is biology up to you! How to prepare for a winning job interview. In a competitive market for usb oscilloscope thesis available jobs, potential candidates should put in the necessary time and effort to make a solid impact. You must simply accept that it’s a buyer’s market, the report buyer, in this case is the organization. Thesis Australia. Your first job as the biology report seller is to sell yourself. You need to essays on taxes, stand out from the other candidates like a house with a shiny red door in a cookie-cutter neighborhood. Assume your resume and cover letter is in book a pile on a desk with plenty of others, therefore you must find a way to rise to the top. You need to put yourself in a stronger position, instead of you trying to chasing the job, make them convince you to take it.

Your mindset dictates the demeanor you portray. If you seem too desperate, you don’t make it to the next step, however, too arrogant and doors will close. Usb Oscilloscope Thesis. You have to book, put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer and determine your moves every step of the way. Spend about five hours preparing for each hour of is greed good essay, interview, you want to investigate how you can deliver value to the organization. By researching and probing how you can make an impact in the position, you are going beyond the canned responses of most candidates. Your resume should announce that you are qualified for the position. After the interview, you want to book report, leave the impression that you can start the job tomorrow. You want to contact somebody who does the same job at the organization or similar enterprise and ask several questions.

It’s a must that you discover the current challenges for is greed good the position within the organization and biology the industry as a whole. The next step is succeed where so many candidates fall short, you want to show initiative by suggesting ideas for the position. Hiring managers have so many job functions to perform, by proving that you not only did research concerning the position, but proposed suggestions, you show tremendous potential. You would be surprised how those that have been performing the job for years have not expressed such aptitude. Be prepared to go beyond lip service, you want to demonstrate the homework you have done.

Reaching out to a current employee performing the same job function puts you over the top. Don’t be shy or feel like you are intruding. Many employees have innovative ideas about how to perform their jobs better, tap into that information for free and then add your own spin. Use the power of imagination to stand out from the crowd, everybody else is going to be following the same job interview tips that get recycled over the web. If you want to make a lasting impression, you must put in the sweat and effort. Find someone who you can practice with until it comes out natural. My Hero School Essay. Landing an offer in a tough economy requires considerable effort. If you can demonstrate you can make an impact in your interview, your name will rise to the top of the book pack. Copyright Curriculum-Vitae.In 2013 - Contact : webmaster

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