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anti bush essay The Internet abounds with Bush-bashing websites. By Tamara Straus. ACCORDING to a Fox News poll taken in late June, 58 percent of papers, Americans are still angry about the 2000 presidential election. That's Fox News, TV's most conservative network. And that's June, more than six months after the oliver, Supreme Court handed over the presidency to George W. Bush. Polls often aren't reliable. Researched! They can be easily manipulated. But a 58 percent anger rating among Americans toward an election that has widely been called a stolen election, an illegitimate election, and hamitic thesis an undemocratic election feels right. Americans who reside in the blue states, to put it bluntly, are pissed. Still, there has been very little press attention on anger about the Florida ballot debacle.

No major news documentaries have been made on the subject. A senior producer at Frontline proposed one this spring, but supposedly it was shelved because there was no story in papers it. (However, Globalvision, the New York-based independent media company, is completing an investigative film, Counting on Democracy , that will likely go to the underbelly of the Florida election.) The corporate-owned media also have been working extra hard to avoid the subject. Essay Oliver Twist! Only the briefest coverage was given to papers, the June Civil Rights Commission report on the election, which found, among other voting disasters, that black voters' ballots were 10 times more likely to hamitic thesis, be thrown out than those of white voters. Log onto the Web, though, and researched type anti-Bush, and you will be faced with a different vision of personal essay, American public opinion. There are now approximately 800 sites whose mission is to analyze, attack, and especially ridicule the 43rd president of the United States. Researched Papers! Anti-Bush websites may not be visited by all the Americans of the Fox News poll, but they do show that the Internet has become home to the largest, most underreported political coalition in the United States--what I call the anti-Bushies.

FIRST STOP on the anti-Bushie Web tour should be There you will find links to hundreds of sites that not only give in-depth accounts of thesis binding lancaster university, Dubya's past and current dealings (often barely reported by the mainstream press), but offer information about researched papers protests, letter-writing campaigns, and strategies to take back the dark night of hamitic thesis, American politics. Or go to, another top anti-Bush hub, whose tag line is The Will of the People vs. the Never-Elected President, and from there embarks on what amounts to a cathartic online journey for those who loathe the president. Sites of this sort include,, and researched papers, the last of which seeks to put racy back in democracy. What's amazing about fa anti-Bush websites is not just their sophomoric humor but the researched, steadfastness with which some follow the president., for example, offers on a daily basis 20 to 40 handmade, linked headlines on any gaffe or guarantee the president makes. And there are a few more, such as and, which not only aim to personal, skewer Bush but do so in a sophisticated, hard-news fashion, with tiny staffs who often get no pay.

The editors of papers, these sites say they receive on average 200,000 monthly visits. Why is the readership of these 1- or 2-year-old zines so high? Well, according to the editor of, one of the most irreverent anti-Bush sites, it's because people can't believe the media [are] giving Bush such a free ride. David Allen, the editor of, also says he is fueled by anger at the press, which he argues is one of the hamitic thesis, reasons anti-Bush websites are so acerbic. Papers! At first we were typical liberals, says Allen, bent on being fair and understanding the opposition's point of fit essay, view.

But then we said to ourselves: 'Why should we, when they don't bother to papers, understand ours?' Democratic Underground's most popular feature is a weekly column called The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, which Allen says is a joy to publish. Allen is in short oliver a good company among those who get a guilty pleasure from researched papers, bashing Bush. I spoke to one woman who lives in a gated community in essay about family North Carolina who said that the maintenance of her site,, is pure therapy. It's so satisfying, says Kim (who asked her last name be withheld). I've gotten so much e-mail thanking me for researched my work, which means a lot since I live in an area where there isn't much outrage against the administration. Are the family, anti-Bushies, then, just a disconnected coterie of angry, tech-oriented liberals?

Not so, according to Bob Fertik, editor of, a daily news service and grassroots networking organization. Fertik argues that websites critical of Bush, and the people who are drawn to researched, them, are just one manifestation of the tremendous anger and frustration felt by hamitic thesis, an enormous [number] of Americans toward the White House. You have to papers, realize that every place Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Reinquist, and Scalia have gone, there [have been] protests, he says. Thesis Lancaster! And none of these protests have received the researched, slightest media coverage. Fertik argues that the websites, the protests, or any actions or opinions that are highly critical of Bush's policies are systematically denied by how to write for thesis, the mainstream media. ANTI-BUSH sites did have a very small day in the media sun in May. Researched Papers! Tipped off that he was being eviscerated on the Web, Bush filed a legal complaint with the Federal Communications Commission against the creators of the satirical And, in an attempt to quash the cyber-rebellion, Karl Rove, Bush's White House adviser, used his Karl Rove Company to hamitic thesis, buy up 57 anti-Bush domain names.

The result: no FCC lawsuit but 6 million visits to and only 30,000 to Bush's official site. Now when you go to Karl Rove Company's or, you are redirected (for an even greater joke) to the placid Bush site. Go anywhere else on the anti-Bush cyber-realm, though, and you get 600 pages of documented lies, T-Shirts That Tell the Truth, and an encyclopedia of Bushisms with hourly additions. The desire to bash Bush and to read such bashing has also been good for researched papers all manner of personal essay about family, progressive publications, which have seen their readership increase with every new article damning Dubya. Researched!'s lead story in June was Bush Speak: An Interview with Mark Crispin Miller, who also has been enjoying hearty sales of his book The Bush Dyslexicon . Thesis Binding Lancaster! The Nation , The American Prospect , and papers The Progressive assault Bush at every turn. can't seem to get enough of Bush bashing. Its new section, Bushed!, was conceived of as a journalistically pleasurable moneymaker. Explains Gary Kamiya, Salon 's executive editor, We launched Bushed! because it was just too painful to suffer through the term of this reactionary bumbler in silence, and because we suspected that there were many people across this great country who would pay money to see a whoopee cushion placed under him on a daily or even hourly basis. Hamitic Thesis! That money would allow us, in Bush's words, to put food on our family. IT IS NOT CLEAR that Salon is researched, putting food on its family by asking its readers to pay for its Bushed! rabble-rousing. Nor does anyone know how many anti-Bushies are out there, or if they even vote. But given the fit essay, amount of time and energy being expended on sites blasting Bush and papers the fact that the lead ones have received millions of visitors, there is no doubt that the Internet has replaced the soapbox for left-wing Americans. Naturally, Bush websites could not exist without two ingredients, Bush and hamitic thesis the Internet, offers Jerry Politex, editor of

If Bush has not been selected as our president by the Supreme Court, there would be no need for Bush sites. If the papers, Internet did not exist, we would be passing out broadsheets about Bush on street corners. Essay Twist! But imagine if all the anti-Bush messages went beyond the researched, confines of cyberspace. Imagine if they were echoed by the networks and written about in the mainstream dailies. Personal! Then the anti-Bushies would be considered an researched, unavoidable political group.

In fact, a majority coalition in an era of apathy toward politics. From the July 26-August 1, 2001 issue of the Northern California Bohemian.

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resume personnage Le personnage de roman du XVIIme sicle nos jours . Gustave Flaubert : Madame Bovary (1857) Stendhal : Le Rouge et le Noir (1830) Honor de Balzac : Le Pre Goriot (1835) Victor Hugo : Quatrevingt-treize (1874) Emile Zola : L'Assommoir (1877) Guy de Maupassant : Bel-Ami (1885). e terme de personnage dsigne chacune des personnes fictives d'une ?uvre littraire. Researched Papers? Le roman, en devenant au XIX me sicle le genre dominant, a redfini ce concept apparu la Renaissance et qu'on rservait au thtre : c'est travers l'criture romanesque en effet que peut le mieux se dissiper une confusion encore entretenue dans le public entre la ralit et la fiction, et que le cinma a contribu fortifier.

Car le personnage est un cration concerte par le romancier, dans la logique de l'univers qu'il fait natre et du regard qu'il est dcid porter sur le monde. Fit Essay? Avec lui se vrifie l'avertissement d'Albert Thibaudet : « Le romancier authentique cre ses personnages avec les directions infinies de sa vie possible, le romancier factice les cre avec la ligne unique de sa vie relle. Papers? Le vrai roman est comme une autobiographie du possible, [. How To? ] le gnie du roman nous fait vivre le possible, il ne fait pas revivre le rel. Researched? ( Rflexions sur le roman). Ces prcautions prises, on camp essayons fa, verra comment le romancier s'ingnie faire oublier cette irralit du personnage pour le doter au contraire de tout ce qui est de nature entraner l'illusion du lecteur. Papers? C'est au XIX me sicle que cette problmatique est la plus fertile, le roman s'inscrivant alors le plus souvent dans une intention raliste.

Mais on lancaster university, verra aussi comment les grands romanciers de cette poque sont ceux qui ont le plus activement contribu draliser le concept de personnage. I - L'tude du personnage. Quelles que soient les formes prises par le roman, le personnage en est le pivot central : il est le moteur de la fiction, et c'est avec lui que l'on mesure le degr de vraisemblance et d'authenticit qu'il faut lui accorder. Researched? La caractrisation du personnage peut tre explicite (le narrateur indique les marques de l'tat-civil qui fixent les distinctions sexuelles et sociales, il brosse les portraits ou analyse les ressorts psychologiques qui dpeignent un caractre), mais elle est plus souvent implicite : les connotations attaches aux noms mmes, les combinaisons narratives, les discours et les relations sociales compltent indirectement notre connaissance du personnage. Dmiurge, le romancier est attentif la vraisemblance du monde qu'il a cr. Essayons 6 37 Fa? Ainsi Balzac souhaitait « faire concurrence l'tat-civil » et la puissance de son imagination anime un univers semblable au ntre. Researched Papers? Dans cette entreprise de mimse du rel, un personnage « existe » par des indices explicites, relativement faciles identifier, ceux que fournit d'abord son nom. Associ ventuellement un prnom, le nom du personnage signale en effet l'cart qui spare la cration romanesque de la vie relle. Personal Essay? Car si, dans celle-ci, un jeune homme fin et rac peut s'appeler Marcel Bouffartigue (par exemple !), il ne saurait en tre question dans le roman : ici le nom rsulte d'un choix concert. Researched? Ce sera donc Raphal de Valentin (par exemple !). Essay About Family? Le nom du personnage ne doit pas jurer en effet avec les qualits ou les dfauts qu'on lui prte, il peut au contraire les signaler de manire explicite : Quelles vertus ou vices attendre d'un personnage qui se nomme : Sylvestre Bonnard - Georges Duroi - Solal - Hauteclaire ? A l'inverse, commenter les noms suivants, qui sont des antiphrases : Lheureux (un colporteur fourbe et avide) - Lennie Small (un colosse arrir) - Hercule Poirot (un dtective) - Le nom du personnage livre aussi quelques informations : il trahit une origine sociale (cf.

Manon Lescaut, Flix de Vandenesse, Octave Mouret, Angelo Pardi), ou, de manire implicite, signale une profession voire un caractre. Papers? Les connotations doivent ici tre tudies de prs. Essay Twist? Pourquoi, par exemple, voulant dnommer une mre ou une martre cruelle et tyrannique, la comtesse de Sgur, Jules Renard et Herv Bazin aboutissent-ils, chacun de leur ct, des noms aux sonorits agressives ou chuintantes : Mme Lepic, Mme Mac Miche, Folcoche ? A partir des connotations engendres par chacun des noms suivants, imaginez et dcrivez, physiquement et moralement, le personnage qui le porte : Balzac : Lucien de Rubempr - Eugne de Rastignac - Gobseck (un usurier avide) - Vautrin (un ancien bagnard) Dumas : Grimaud, Planchet, Bazin, Mousqueton (les valets des mousquetaires) Hugo : Javert (inspecteur de police) - Phbus (capitaine de cavalerie)

Zola : Lisa Quenu (charcutire) - Goujet (ouvrier forgeron) - Saccard (banquier) Proust : Elstir (peintre) - Vinteuil (musicien) - Bergotte (crivain) . Les modes de prsentation : Le romancier donne au personnage une identit qu'il souhaite rendre crdible et significative. Researched? La description est ici un moyen privilgi de caractrisation explicite : le point de vue omniscient permet de dvoiler le pass du personnage, de rvler ses penses, en somme d'organiser un portrait dtaill. - sur le plan physique : le personnage est solidement camp dans un corps avec ses traits caractristiques, choisis pour le pittoresque mais aussi en fonction de dtails particuliers susceptibles de suggrer des traits psychologiques (ainsi les personnages de Balzac); - sur le plan moral : le romancier s'attache l'expression des sentiments, s'intresse leurs manifestations extrieures (larmes, sourires, gestes significatifs). Personal Essay? Le caractre du personnage peut le situer en individu particulier, voire le signaler comme un hros d'exception; il peut au contraire faire de lui un simple exemplaire d'une espce sociale (cf. Papers? les employs chez Balzac). Personal About? [On pourra consulter une brève typologie du personnage dans la page que nous consacrons aux différents modèles de héros.] - sur le plan social : le personnage reflte un milieu par ses vtements, sa profession, son langage, son idologie (les personnages de Zola ou Balzac sont parfois de simples exemplaires des milieux sociaux systmatiquement dcrits dans leur entreprise raliste). Researched? Il devient ainsi un type ( « Un type [. Essay About Family? ] est un personnage qui rsume en lui-mme les traits caractristiques de tous ceux qui lui ressemblent plus ou moins, il est le modle du genre » , dit Balzac dans sa prface d' Une tnbreuse affaire ). Researched Papers? Le premier venu est plus intéressant que M. Hamitic Thesis? G. Researched Papers? Flaubert parce qu'il est plus général et par conséquent plus typique , affirme aussi l'auteur de Madame Bovary (correspondance, 5 décembre 1866). How To Write Paper? Ce type peut aussi se hausser à la hauteur du mythe (la Carmen de Mrime). Le personnage peut encore tre cern par le truchement d'une caractrisation implicite : il se rvle en effet au lecteur par ce qu'il fait (actions, comportement) et par la faon dont il agit (mimiques, gestes, apparaissant notamment dans les incises du dialogue). Researched? Il peut encore se rvler nous par ce qu'il dit (vocabulaire, niveau de langue, teneur du discours), voire par un objet qui lui appartient ou par un lieu qui lui est coutumier (voyez notre analyse de la description de la salle manger de la pension Vauquer dans Le Pre Goriot de Balzac).

Le point de vue des autres personnages contribue de mme sa caractrisation. Un personnage peut tre caractris par. [La casquette de Charles, au dbut du roman, prfigure la balourdise et la mdiocrit du personnage.] C'tait une de ces coiffures d'ordre composite, o l'on retrouve les lments du bonnet poil, du chapska, du chapeau rond, de la casquette de loutre et du bonnet de coton, une de ces pauvres choses, enfin, dont la laideur muette a des profondeurs d'expression comme le visage d'un imbcile. Fit Essay? Ovode et renfle de baleines, elle commenait par trois boudins circulaires; puis s'alternaient, spars par une bande rouge, des losanges de velours et de poil de lapin ; venait ensuite une faon de sac qui se terminait par un polygone cartonn, couvert d'une broderie en soutache complique, et d'o pendait, au bout d'un long cordon trop mince, un petit croisillon de fils d'or en manire de gland. Papers? (I,1) Ah ! vous trouverez bien des prjugs combattre, monsieur Bovary; bien des enttements de la routine, o se heurteront quotidiennement tous les efforts de votre science; car on essay twist, a recours encore aux neuvaines, aux reliques, au cur, plutt que de venir naturellement chez le mdecin ou chez le pharmacien. Researched? Le climat, pourtant, n'est point, vrai dire, mauvais, et mme nous comptons dans la commune quelques nonagnaires. Fit Essay? Le thermomtre (j'en ai fait les observations) descend en hiver jusqu' quatre degrs, et, dans la forte saison, touche vingt-cinq, trente centigrades tout au plus, ce qui nous donne vingt-quatre Raumur au maximum, ou autrement cinquante-quatre Fahrenheit (mesure anglaise), pas davantage ! - et, en effet, nous sommes abrits des vents du nord par la fort d'Argueil d'une part, des vents d'ouest par la cte Saint-Jean de l'autre; et cette chaleur, cependant, qui cause de la vapeur d'eau dgage par la rivire et la prsence considrable de bestiaux dans les prairies, lesquels exhalent, comme vous savez, beaucoup d'ammoniaque, c'est--dire azote, hydrogne et oxygne (non, azote et hydrogne seulement), et qui, pompant elle l'humus de la terre, confondant toutes ces manations diffrentes, les runissant en un faisceau, pour ainsi dire, et se combinant de soi-mme avec l'lectricit rpandue dans l'atmosphre, lorsqu'il y en a, pourrait la longue, comme dans les pays tropicaux, engendrer des miasmes insalubres, - cette chaleur, dis-je, se trouve justement tempre du ct o elle vient, ou plutt d'o elle viendrait, c'est--dire du ct sud, par les vents de sud-est, lesquels, s'tant rafrachis d'eux-mmes en passant sur la Seine, nous amnent quelquefois tout d'un coup, comme des brises de Russie ! (II, 2) Les lments pertinents du portrait ne sont donc pas des signes facilement localisables : ils parcourent l'ensemble du rcit.

D'autre part, le personnage n'est jamais donn comme une entit dfinitive : il volue, se transforme, parcourt un itinraire d'apprentissage qui nous force recenser dans un roman tous les signes actifs et construire de nos propres armes une crature qui, pour une bonne part, a chapp au romancier lui-mme. Le narrateur peut choisir de prsenter le personnage qu'il a cr en revendiquant ses privilges de dmiurge. Researched Papers? C'est ce que Franois Mauriac affirmait dans Le Romancier et ses personnages : « Le romancier est, de tous les hommes, celui qui ressemble le plus Dieu. Fit Essay? » Au nom de la libert, Jean-Paul Sartre ragit vigoureusement : « Monsieur Mauriac a crit un jour que le romancier tait pour ses cratures comme Dieu pour les siennes.[…] Ce qu'il dit sur ses personnages est parole d'vangile.[…] Monsieur Mauriac s'est prfr. Papers? Il a choisi la toute-connaissance et la toute-puissance divines. Thesis Binding? Mais un roman est crit par un homme pour des hommes. Researched? Au regard de Dieu, qui perce les apparences sans s'y arrter, il n'est point de roman, il n'est point d'art, puisque l'art vit d'apparences. Hamitic Thesis? Dieu n'est pas un artiste; M. Researched Papers? Mauriac non plus. Thesis Binding Lancaster? » Ce quoi on researched, pourrait ajouter ces mots de Claude Roy : « On nous dit que le regard du romancier parfait sur ses cratures, c'est celui de Dieu. Hamitic Thesis? Mais il me semble que c'est tout le contraire. Researched? Avec Dieu, tout finit par des histoires de Jugement dernier. Hamitic Thesis? L'omniscience conclut.

Le regard de Tolsto ou de Tchkhov peut tre infiniment pntrant, attentif, affectueux, patient. Researched Papers? Mais jamais il n'autorise porter un jugement dernier. Short Essay Oliver? » (Dfense de la littrature). « Le roman ne donne pas les choses, mais leurs signes. Researched? [. Personal About? ] Cette matire paisse que je brasse, quand je lis Les Dmons , c'est ma propre attente, c'est mon temps. Papers? Car un livre n'est rien qu'un petit tas de feuilles sches, ou alors une grande forme en mouvement : la lecture. Hamitic Thesis? Ce mouvement, le romancier le capte, le guide, l'inflchit, il en fait la substance de ses personnages ; un roman, suite de lectures, de petites vies parasitaires dont chacune ne dure gure plus qu'une danse, se gonfle et se nourrit avec le temps de ses lecteurs. Researched? Mais pour que la dure de mes impatiences, de mes ignorances, se laisse attraper, modeler et prsenter enfin moi comme la chair de ces cratures inventes, il faut que le romancier sache l'attirer dans son pige, il faut qu'il esquisse en creux dans son livre, au moyen des signes dont il dispose, un temps semblable au mien, o l'avenir n'est pas fait. Hamitic Thesis? Si je souponne que les actions futures du hros sont fixes l'avance par l'hrdit, les influences sociales ou quelque autre mcanisme, mon temps reflue sur moi ; il ne reste plus que moi, moi qui lis, moi qui dure, en face d'un livre immobile.

Voulez-vous que vos personnages vivent ? Faites qu'ils soient libres. Researched Papers? Il ne s'agit pas de dfinir, encore moins d'expliquer (dans un roman, les meilleures analyses psychologiques sentent la mort), mais seulement de prsenter des passions et des actes imprvisibles. Fit Essay? Ce que Rogojine va faire, ni lui ni moi ne le savons; je sais qu'il va revoir sa matresse coupable et pourtant je ne puis deviner s'il se matrisera ou si l'excs de sa colre le portera au meurtre : il est libre. Researched Papers? Je me glisse en lui et le voil qui s'attend avec mon attente, il a peur de lui en moi; il vit. Write An Outline For Thesis? » Jean-Paul Sartre , M. Researched Papers? Franois Mauriac et la libert ( Situations I, Gallimard, 1947). Les techniques de caractrisation diffrent donc, exprimes par le degr de focalisation narrative et commandes par les choix idologiques : - le narrateur, en focalisation 0, clairera-t-il les personnages de l'intrieur en expliquant tous leurs ressorts psychologiques ? C'est le point de vue de Mauriac, lui-mme hritier de toute la tradition classique.

- au contraire, en focalisation interne, restera-t-il fidle au mystre de la vie en respectant l'opacit des tres et l'tranget de leurs mobiles ? C'est la tendance qu'ont prise les romanciers au dtour du XIXme sicle, jusqu'au Nouveau Roman. Toutefois, le dbat ne s'est jamais rduit des oppositions aussi simples, car, quel que soit le mode dominant de prsentation du personnage, le romancier authentique reste devant lui comme devant un tre de chair, aussi dubitatif sur ses faits et gestes, aussi dconcert devant ses actes qu'on l'est devant la conduite de quelqu'un que l'on croyait connatre. Aprs lecture du texte suivant, rflchissez au mode de prsentation du personnage : [D'origine modeste, Julien Sorel rve d'aligner sa destine sur celle de son hros, Napolon Bonaparte. Personal About? Engag par le maire de Verrires, M. Researched? de Rnal, en tant que prcepteur, il vient d'obtenir de lui une augmentation et un cong de quelques heures.] Julien prenait haleine un instant l'ombre de ces grandes roches, et puis se remettait monter. Camp Essayons 6 37 Fa? Bientt par un troit sentier peine marqu et qui sert seulement aux gardiens des chvres, il se trouva debout sur un roc immense et bien sr d'tre spar de tous les hommes. Researched Papers? Cette position physique le fit sourire, elle lui peignait la position qu'il brlait d'atteindre au moral.

L'air pur de ces montagnes leves communiqua la srnit et mme la joie son me. Fa? Le maire de Verrires tait bien toujours, ses yeux, le reprsentant de tous les riches et de tous les insolents de la terre; mais Julien sentait que la haine qui venait de l'agiter, malgr la violence de ses mouvements, n'avait rien de personnel. Researched? S'il et cess de voir M. Short Essay Oliver? de Rnal, en huit jours il l'et oubli, lui, son chteau, ses chiens, ses enfants et toute sa famille. Papers? Je l'ai forc, je ne sais comment, faire le plus grand sacrifice. Hamitic Thesis? Quoi ! plus de cinquante cus par an papers ! un instant auparavant je m'tais tir du plus grand danger. Thesis Binding Lancaster? Voil deux victoires en un jour; la seconde est sans mrite, il faudrait en deviner le comment. Researched? Mais demain les pnibles recherches. Julien, debout, sur son grand rocher, regardait le ciel, embras par un soleil d'aot.

Les cigales chantaient dans le champ au-dessous du rocher, quand elles se taisaient tout tait silence autour de lui. Lancaster University? Il voyait ses pieds vingt lieues de pays. Papers? Quelque pervier parti des grandes roches au-dessus de sa tte tait aperu par lui, de temps autre, dcrivant en silence ses cercles immenses. Camp Essayons 6 37? L’?il de Julien suivait machinalement l'oiseau de proie. Researched Papers? Ses mouvements tranquilles et puissants le frappaient, il enviait cette force, il enviait cet isolement. C'tait la destine de Napolon, serait-ce un jour la sienne ? dsignation : commentez le choix d'un simple prnom. - portrait physique : prenait haleine un instant . Camp 6 37 Fa? Est-il de constitution robuste ? - portrait moral : srnit et joie accompagnent la position de Julien debout sur son rocher. Papers? On peut parler d'orgueil, mais notez le sourire ironique, distance l'gard de soi qui rend le personnage plus complexe. Fit Essay? On pourra remarquer aussi son caractre emport et impulsif : quels en sont les signes ? - portrait social : bien sr d'tre spar de tous les hommes. Researched? L'loignement de Julien est prsent comme un sentiment de revanche aux rsonances nettement politiques.

Prcisez-en les aspects. - par le discours : le texte fait alterner les discours direct et indirect libre. Hamitic Thesis? Dlimitez leur place. Researched Papers? Par la focalisation interne et ce monologue, la narration cerne davantage l'introversion de Julien. - par la mtaphore : que vous rappelle l'oiseau de proie ? Recensez les diffrentes valeurs qu'il exprime. fonction narrative : ce passage reprsente une pause dans l'ascension de Julien, juste avant qu'il n'entreprenne de conqurir Mme de Rnal. Fit Essay? En quoi peut-on y voir une anticipation romanesque ? Le personnage de roman se dfinit dans un systme de relations, dans un jeu de forces dont il est l'lment moteur. Researched? On a coutume de l'appeler hros (hrone) lorsqu'il occupe une place centrale dans le rcit : ce sera le plus souvent le premier nomm, le premier vu ou dcrit, parfois celui qui donne son titre au roman (personnage ponyme). Hamitic Thesis? Mais le hros se dfinit ainsi uniquement d'aprs les personnages secondaires, par contraste ou complmentarit (cf.

Don Quichotte et Sancho Panza; Jacques et son matre; Vautrin et Rastignac. Researched Papers? ). Family? Ceci ne lui donne aucune vertu particulire (on est parfois contraint de parler d'antihros). Papers? Il faut alors dissiper tout malentendu avec cet hrosme parfois problmatique ! Dans ce but, la critique moderne, la suite d'A.J. About? Greimas, a prfr analyser l'ensemble des personnages comme un systme dynamique d' actants o, par exemple, le personnage pris pour rfrence l'intrieur de ce systme est appel sujet . Ce modle actantiel organise ainsi les fonctions assures par les personnages en six classes d'actants : sujet : le personnage qui accomplit l'action, poursuit un but objet : le but de l'action, ce que vise le sujet, sa qute destinateur : ce / celui (celle) qui dtermine la tche du sujet, lui propose l'objet atteindre destinataire : ce / celui (celle) qui reoit l'objet et sanctionne le rsultat de l'action adjuvant : ce / celui (celle) qui aide le sujet dans son action opposant : ce / celui (celle) qui fait obstacle l'action du sujet. Comme pour tout modle abstrait, il faudra savoir se mfier de celui-ci dans son excessive simplification. Researched Papers? Mais il peut fournir un outil commode pour abolir d'inutiles analyses psychologiques (un personnage est une psychologie en action ). Oliver Twist? Dès lors, l'utilisation de ces six fonctions agissantes au sein d'un système de relations peut se révéler fertile.

Cela ne veut pas dire qu' chaque personnage corresponde une fonction fixe une fois pour toutes : un mme personnage peut exercer plusieurs fonctions. Papers? De mme, une fonction peut tre exerce par plusieurs personnages (ou par des forces qui ne sont pas des personnages : une institution, un groupe, un lment, une valeur sont aussi des actants). Hamitic Thesis? C'est la relation entre ces fonctions qui fait progresser le rcit. Aprs lecture du texte suivant, examinez le modle actantiel : [Eugne de Rastignac, tudiant pauvre mais ambitieux, assiste ici aux obsques du pre Goriot. Researched Papers? Log comme lui la pension Vauquer, ce vieillard est mort sans que ses deux filles, pour lesquelles il prouve un amour passionn, se soient dplaces son chevet. Binding? Eugne a t le tmoin compatissant de cet abandon.] Les deux prtres, l'enfant de ch?ur et le bedeau vinrent et donnrent tout ce qu'on peut avoir pour soixante-dix francs dans une poque o la religion n'est pas assez riche pour prier gratis. Researched Papers? Les gens du clerg chantrent un psaume, le Libera , le De profundis . Hamitic Thesis? Le service dura vingt minutes. Researched? Il n'y avait qu'une seule voiture de deuil pour un prtre et un enfant de ch?ur, qui consentirent recevoir avec eux Eugne et Christophe . - Il n'y a point de suite, dit le prtre, nous pourrons aller vite, afin de ne pas nous attarder, il est cinq heures et demie. Cependant, au moment o le corps fut plac dans le corbillard, deux voitures armories, mais vides, celle du comte de Restaud et celle du baron de Nucingen , se prsentrent et suivirent le convoi jusqu'au Pre-Lachaise.

A six heures, le corps du pre Goriot fut descendu dans sa fosse, autour de laquelle taient les gens de ses filles, qui disparurent avec le clerg aussitt que fut dite la courte prire due au bonhomme pour l'argent de l'tudiant . How To An Outline? Quand les deux fossoyeurs eurent jet quelques pelletes de terre sur la bire pour la cacher, ils se relevrent, et l'un d'eux, s'adressant Rastignac, lui demanda leur pourboire. Researched? Eugne fouilla dans sa poche et n'y trouva rien, il fut forc d'emprunter vingt sous Christophe. Thesis Binding Lancaster? Ce fait, si lger en lui-mme, dtermina chez Rastignac un accs d'horrible tristesse. Researched Papers? Le jour tombait, un humide crpuscule agaait les nerfs, il regarda la tombe et y ensevelit sa dernire larme de jeune homme, cette larme arrache par les saintes motions d'un c?ur pur, une de ces larmes qui, de la terre o elles tombent, rejaillissent jusque dans les cieux. Fit Essay? Il se croisa les bras, contempla les nuages et, le voyant ainsi, Christophe le quitta.

Rastignac, rest seul, fit quelques pas vers le haut du cimetire et vit Paris tortueusement couch le long des deux rives de la Seine, o commenaient briller les lumires. Researched Papers? Ses yeux s'attachrent presque avidement entre la colonne de la place Vendme et le dme des Invalides, l o vivait ce beau monde dans lequel il avait voulu pntrer. Thesis Binding Lancaster University? Il lana sur cette ruche bourdonnante un regard qui semblait par avance en pomper le miel, et dit ces mots grandioses : - A nous deux maintenant ! Et pour premier acte de dfi qu'il portait la socit, Rastignac alla dner chez madame de Nucingen. sujet : Rastignac ( Eugne, l'tudiant ). Papers? Sa position, son regard commandent la description. Essay Oliver? C'est lui que l'on s'adresse, c'est lui que nous suivons, la crmonie termine. Researched? Ses motions, contradictoirement enchanes de la tristesse l'avidit, le situent en personnage problmatique la fin de ce roman d'apprentissage. objet : la ville ( Paris, cette ruche bourdonnante, la socit ). How To An Outline For Thesis? Cet objet est particulirement matrialis par les personnifications de l'avant-dernier paragraphe : la ville est tortueusement couche comme une courtisane; elle est une ruche dont Eugne est avide de pomper le miel.

Le beau monde est circonscrit dans un primtre troit qui symbolise la nature de son ambition : aprs s'tre dbarrass de ses restes de sensibilit, Rastignac lance en conqurant un dfi grandiloquent la socit dont il vient d'apercevoir l'ignominie morale. destinateur : c'est ce constat mme qui est l'origine de la qute de Rastignac. Researched? Les obsques sont rgles la va-vite par un clerg press et pre au gain; les filles de Goriot ont dpch leur place une voiture vide. How To For Thesis Paper? L'actant destinateur est donc ici une valeur morale : Rastignac n'a plus d'illusions se faire sur une pareille socit, que son regard identifie dsormais une prostitue. destinataire : c'est le sujet lui-mme.

Rastignac a bien compris la leon : russir dans cette socit ne peut se faire qu'au prix du plus farouche individualisme. Papers? C'est le sens de cette dernire larme verse par le jeune homme sur la tombe d'une victime. Personal Essay Family? Rastignac rejoindra le camp des vainqueurs en sacrifiant sa sensibilit. adjuvant : Rastignac est rest seul. Papers? De manire significative, Christophe, qui le secourt de vingt sous, le quitte quand il le voit prendre la pose arrogante du dfi. How To Write For Thesis Paper? Le loup ne peut tre que solitaire. opposant : juch sur sa hauteur, Eugne mesure l'adversaire ses pieds et le toise avec arrogance. Researched? Ses opposants seront aussi des allis mpriss, de simples marchepieds.

Tel est le sens de ce dner aussitt entrepris, comme premier acte de dfi, chez Delphine de Nucingen, l'une des filles de Goriot, et dj matresse d'Eugne. Le personnage romanesque s'inscrit dans un genre troitement li l'volution des socits, notamment leur volution conomique. Thesis? Lucien Goldmann a pu ainsi crire que « la forme romanesque est la transposition sur le plan littraire de la vie quotidienne dans la socit individualiste ne de la production pour le march.» ( Pour une sociologie du roman ). Researched Papers? C'est pourquoi le personnage romanesque est particulirement fourmillant au XIXme sicle, au moment o les valeurs d'usage (les valeurs authentiques) deviennent progressivement des valeurs d'change. Fit Essay? Il va en effet se dfinir essentiellement dans ses rapports avec un groupe, une idologie, et fournir des attitudes exemplaires. Ainsi si le roman de l're romantique (Stendhal, Balzac, Hugo) met surtout en scne des personnages dont l'idalisme se heurte au cynisme des valeurs sociales, la production romanesque de la seconde moiti du sicle manifeste une intention raliste : ds lors, le hros dcal devient l'objet d'une entreprise de drision (Flaubert) tandis que de nouvelles figures incarnent les valeurs montantes de la bourgeoisie d'affaires ou du proltariat (Maupassant, Zola). C'est pourquoi, au XIXme sicle, le personnage de roman, cristallisant des postulations typiques de l'individu dans la socit marchande, devient un mythe . Papers? Le mot, bien sr, ne dsigne pas ici une figure nimbe d'attributs surnaturels ni mme hroques, mais un personnage capable de signifier une attitude, une aspiration reprsentatives d'un groupe tout entier un moment de son histoire. Short Oliver Twist? Ces mythes peuvent tre dgrads sans doute, et exprimer mme une certaine mdiocrit, mais c'est une des caractristiques de la cration romanesque, par ses procds de condensation, de faire apparatre des archtypes particulirement fertiles dans l'imaginaire social. L'explicit de Madame Bovary (ci-contre) reprsente un bon exemple de dnouement romanesque o le narrateur prtend tre absent (Flaubert revendiquait cette impassibilit, qui se manifeste nanmoins par une ironie froce partout o peut se dbusquer un discours fig par les conventions.)

En examinant de plus prs le passage, il est ais de mettre en doute cette absence par la dimension mythologique qu'y prennent les protagonistes : Charles, le mdiocre, y est caractris d'une expression ambigu et assassine : « [le mdecin] l'ouvrit et ne trouva rien. Researched? » Pourtant, mort de chagrin, une mche d'Emma la main, Charles meurt en hros romantique ! Mais cette rgnration vient trop tard. Homais, le pharmacien d'Yonville, gagne sur tout le monde. An Outline Paper? Reconnu, respect, il fait triompher avec lui les valeurs qu'il incarne, ce qui fait bien de lui un mythe : un rpublicanisme troit et sectaire, une culture mal assimile et complaisamment tale, une « langue de bois » avide de pouvoir et soucieuse de respectabilit. Researched Papers? Laconique, soigneusement dégagée du paragraphe, la dernière phrase du roman est lourde de sens : elle laisse à conclure sur les vertus qu'entend récompenser la société bourgeoise. [. Short Essay Oliver? ] Le lendemain, Charles alla s'asseoir sur le banc, dans la tonnelle. Researched? Des jours passaient par le treillis ; les feuilles de vigne dessinaient leurs ombres sur le sable, le jasmin embaumait, le ciel tait bleu, des cantharides bourdonnaient autour des lis en fleur, et Charles suffoquait comme un adolescent sous les vagues effluves amoureux qui gonflaient son c?ur chagrin.

A sept heures, la petite Berthe , qui ne l'avait pas vu de toute l'aprs-midi, vint le chercher pour dner. Il avait la tte renverse contre le mur, les yeux clos, la bouche ouverte, et tenait dans ses mains une longue mche de cheveux noirs. - Papa, viens donc ! dit-elle. Et, croyant qu'il voulait jouer, elle le poussa doucement. Fit Essay? Il tomba par terre.

Il tait mort. Trente-six heures aprs, sur la demande de l'apothicaire, M. Researched Papers? Canivet accourut. About? Il l'ouvrit et ne trouva rien. Quand tout fut vendu, il resta douze francs soixante et quinze centimes qui servirent payer le voyage de mademoiselle Bovary chez sa grand-mre. Papers? La bonne femme mourut dans l'anne mme; le pre Rouault tant paralys, ce fut une tante qui s'en chargea. Hamitic Thesis? Elle est pauvre et l'envoie, pour gagner sa vie, dans une filature de coton. Depuis la mort de Bovary, trois mdecins se sont succd Yonville sans pouvoir y russir, tant M. Researched? Homais les a tout de suite battus en brche. Hamitic Thesis? Il fait une clientle d'enfer; l'autorit le mnage et l'opinion publique le protge.

Il vient de recevoir la croix d'honneur . Flaubert, Madame Bovary (1857), III, XI. Voici trois extraits de romans clbres. Researched Papers? tudiez comment le narrateur transforme les personnages en mythes . [Le rpublicain Gauvain, idaliste et gnreux, a favoris l'vasion d'un royaliste dont le courage l'avait touch (voir ici ses dbats de conscience). Essay Twist? Il est condamn mort et va tre excut. Researched? L'artisan de sa condamnation est son ancien prcepteur, Cimourdain, qui reprsente un dogmatisme austre et intransigeant.] [. 6 37? ] Gauvain arriva au pied de l'chafaud. Researched Papers? Il y monta.

L'officier qui commandait les grenadiers l'y suivit. Il dfit son pe et la remit l'officier, il ta sa cravate et la remit au bourreau. Il ressemblait une vision. Twist? Jamais il n'avait apparu plus beau. Researched Papers? Sa chevelure brune flottait au vent; on personal about, ne coupait pas les cheveux alors.

Son cou blanc faisait songer une femme, et son ?il hroque et souverain faisait songer un archange. Papers? Il tait sur l'chafaud, rveur. Camp Fa? Ce lieu-l aussi est un sommet. Researched Papers? Gauvain y tait debout, superbe et tranquille. Fit Essay? Le soleil, l'enveloppant, le mettait comme dans une gloire. Il fallait pourtant lier le patient. Researched Papers? Le bourreau vint, une corde la main. En ce moment-l, quand ils virent leur jeune capitaine si dcidment engag sous le couteau, les soldats n'y tinrent plus ; le c?ur de ces gens de guerre clata. 6 37 Fa? On entendit cette chose norme, le sanglot d'une arme.

Une clameur s'leva : Grce ! grce ! [. Researched? ] Le bourreau s'arrta, ne sachant plus que faire. Alors une voix brve et basse, et que tous pourtant entendirent, tant elle tait sinistre, cria du haut de la tour : On reconnut l'accent inexorable. Fit Essay? Cimourdain avait parl. Papers? L'arme frissonna. Le bourreau n'hsita plus. Short Essay Oliver Twist? Il s'approcha tenant sa corde. - Attendez, dit Gauvain.

Il se tourna vers Cimourdain, lui fit, de sa main droite encore libre, un geste d'adieu, puis se laissa lier. Quand il fut li, il dit au bourreau : - Pardon. Researched Papers? Un moment encore. - Vive la Rpublique ! On le coucha sur la bascule. Fit Essay? Cette tte charmante et fire s'embota dans l'infme collier. Researched Papers? Le bourreau lui releva doucement les cheveux, puis pressa le ressort; le triangle se dtacha et glissa lentement d'abord, puis rapidement; on short, entendit un coup hideux. Au mme instant on researched papers, en entendit un autre. Thesis Binding University? Au coup de hache rpondit un coup de pistolet.

Cimourdain venait de saisir un des pistolets qu'il avait sa ceinture, et, au moment o la tte de Gauvain roulait dans le panier, Cimourdain se traversait le c?ur d'une balle. Researched? Un flot de sang lui sortit de la bouche, il tomba mort. Et ces deux mes, s?urs tragiques, s'envolrent ensemble, l'ombre de l'une mle la lumire de l'autre. [Tournoi la forge pour les yeux de Gervaise (il s'agit de faonner un boulon). Thesis? C'est au tour de Goujet, aprs la performance excrable de son concurrent, Bec-Sal, dit Boit-sans-Soif.] [Mariage et triomphe de Georges Duroi, qui, par son opportunisme et l'avantage que son physique lui a donn auprs des femmes, arrive au fate des honneurs et du pouvoir.] [. Researched Papers? ] C'tait le tour de la Gueule-d'Or . How To? Avant de commencer, il jeta la blanchisseuse un regard plein de tendresse confiante. Researched Papers? Puis, il ne se pressa pas, il prit sa distance, lana le marteau de haut, grandes voles rgulires.

Il avait le jeu classique, correct, balanc et souple. Personal Family? Fifine, dans ses deux mains, ne dansait pas un chahut de bastringue, les guibolles emportes par-dessus les jupes; elle s'enlevait, retombait en cadence, comme une dame noble, l'air srieux, conduisant quelque menuet ancien. Researched Papers? Les talons de Fifine tapaient la mesure, gravement; et ils s'enfonaient dans le fer rouge, sur la tte du boulon, avec une science rflchie, d'abord crasant le mtal au milieu, puis le modelant par une srie de coups d'une prcision rythme. Thesis Binding University? Bien sr, ce n'tait pas de l'eau-de-vie que la Gueule-d'Or avait dans les veines, c'tait du sang, du sang pur, qui battait puissamment jusque dans son marteau, et qui rglait la besogne. Researched Papers? Un homme magnifique au travail, ce gaillard-l ! Il recevait en plein la grande flamme de la forge. Fit Essay? Ses cheveux courts, frisant sur son front bas, sa belle barbe jaune, aux anneaux tombants s'allumaient, lui clairaient toute la figure de leurs fils d'or, une vraie figure d'or, sans mentir. Researched? Avec a, un cou pareil une colonne, blanc comme un cou d'enfant ; une poitrine vaste, large y coucher une femme en travers ; des paules et des bras sculpts qui paraissaient copis sur ceux d'un gant, dans un muse.

Quand il prenait son lan, on binding university, voyait ses muscles se gonfler, des montagnes de chair roulant et durcissant sous la peau ; ses paules, sa poitrine, son cou enflaient; il faisait de la clart autour de lui, il devenait beau, tout-puissant, comme un bon Dieu. Researched Papers? Vingt fois dj, il avait abattu Fifine, les yeux sur le fer, respirant chaque coup, ayant seulement ses tempes deux grosses gouttes de sueur qui coulaient. Fit Essay? Il comptait : vingt-et-un, vingt-deux, vingt-trois. Researched Papers? Fifine continuait tranquillement ses rvrences de grande dame. - Quel poseur ! murmura en ricanant Bec-Sal, dit Boit-sans-Soif. Fit Essay? [. Papers? ] Goujet comptait toujours. - Et vingt-huit ! cria-t-il enfin, en posant le marteau terre. About? C'est fait, vous pouvez voir.

La tte du boulon tait polie, nette, sans une bavure, un vrai travail de bijouterie, une rondeur de bille faite au moule. Researched? Les ouvriers la regardrent en hochant le menton ; il n'y avait pas dire, c'tait se mettre genoux devant. Short Essay? Bec-Sal, dit Boit-sans-Soif, essaya bien de blaguer; mais il barbota, il finit par retourner son enclume, le nez pinc. Bel-Ami , genoux ct de Suzanne , avait baiss le front. Researched? Il se sentait en ce moment presque croyant, presque religieux, plein de reconnaissance pour la divinit qui l'avait ainsi favoris, qui le traitait avec ces gards. Personal Essay About Family? Et sans savoir au juste qui il s'adressait, il la remerciait de son succs. Researched Papers? [. Thesis? ] Soudain il aperut Mme de Marelle ; et le souvenir de tous les baisers qu'il lui avait donns, qu'elle lui avait rendus, le souvenir de toutes leurs caresses, de ses gentillesses, du son de sa voix, du got de ses lvres, lui fit passer dans le sang le dsir brusque de la reprendre.

Elle tait jolie, lgante, avec son air gamin et ses yeux vifs. Papers? Georges pensait : « Quelle charmante matresse, tout de mme.» Elle s'approcha un peu timide, un peu inquite, et lui tendit la main. Fit Essay? Il la reut dans la sienne et la garda. Papers? Alors il sentit l'appel discret de ses doigts de femme, la douce pression qui pardonne et reprend. An Outline For Thesis Paper? Et lui-mme il la serrait, cette petite main, comme pour dire : « Je t'aime toujours, je suis toi ! » Leurs yeux se rencontrrent, souriants, brillants, pleins d'amour. Papers? Elle murmura de sa voix gracieuse : « A bientt, monsieur.» Il rpondit gaiement : « A bientt, madame. Essay About Family? » Et elle s'loigna. D'autres personnes se poussaient. Papers? La foule coulait devant lui comme un fleuve.

Enfin elle s'claircit. Binding Lancaster University? Les derniers assistants partirent. Researched Papers? Georges reprit le bras de Suzanne pour retraverser l'glise. Elle tait pleine de monde, car chacun avait regagn sa place, afin de les voir passer ensemble. 6 37? Il allait lentement, d'un pas calme, la tte haute, les yeux fixs sur la grande baie ensoleille de la porte.

Il sentait sur sa peau courir de longs frissons, ces frissons froids que donnent les immenses bonheurs. Researched? Il ne voyait personne. Essay Twist? Il ne pensait qu' lui. Lorsqu'il parvint sur le seuil, il aperut la foule amasse, une foule noire, bruissante, venue l pour lui, pour lui Georges Du Roy . Researched Papers? Le peuple de Paris le contemplait et l'enviait. Puis, relevant les yeux, il dcouvrit l-bas, derrire la place de la Concorde, la Chambre des dputs. How To Write For Thesis? Et il lui sembla qu'il allait faire un bond du portique de la Madeleine au portique du Palais-Bourbon. Il descendit avec lenteur les marches du haut perron entre deux haies de spectateurs. Researched? Mais il ne les voyait point ; sa pense maintenant revenait en arrire, et devant ses yeux blouis par l'clatant soleil flottait l'image de Mme de Marelle rajustant en face de la glace les petits cheveux friss de ses tempes, toujours dfaits au sortir du lit.

Au XXème siècle, si on short oliver, peut au contraire parler de mort du personnage , c'est en vertu d'un rapport de l'homme au monde qui n'est plus seulement problématique mais intégralement tragique : devenues opaques sous le regard d'une conscience désassemblée, les choses ne présentent plus qu'un versant énigmatique. Researched Papers? Le personnage s'y dissout selon des mécanismes qu'a bien perçus Bernard Pingaud : Il y a en effet deux façons d'éliminer le personnage : l'une consiste à l'escamoter purement et simplement, l'autre revient à lui demander de se dévorer lui-même. An Outline Paper? Robbe-Grillet a choisi la première voie, Beckett la seconde. Papers? Mais ces deux voies finalement se rejoignent, et si l'invisible narrateur de La Jalousie se décidait enfin à paraître et à prendre la parole, son discours ne serait sans doute pas très différent de celui du monstre protéiforme que Beckett met en scène dans L'Innommable . Thesis Lancaster University? Dans le roman de l'escamotage, le monde extérieur gagne en importance ce que l'homme a perdu. Researched? Il est dur, solide, coupant. Hamitic Thesis? On n'y pénètre pas, on papers, s'y heurte; on hamitic thesis, ne l'apprivoise pas, on researched, le regarde. Write An Outline For Thesis Paper? Ce ne sont plus les choses qui appartiennent aux personnages, c'est le personnage qui appartient aux choses : il s'efface devant elles.

Dans les romans de la dévoration, le monde extérieur, englouti, brisé, devenu prétexte à la rumination d'une conscience qui ne trouve pas plus d'appui au-dehors qu'en elle-même, s'effondre et entraîne dans sa chute le personnage désormais incapable de se définir par rapport à lui. Bernard Pingaud (« L'cole du refus », Esprit, juillet-aot 1958). Le Nouveau Roman (les mouvements littraires et culturels).

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Everything You Need to Know about Careers in Banking Consulting! In collaboration with student societies at researched papers, Oxford, The Careers Service is hosting two key events ahead of the onslaught of employer presentations, workshops and fairs to help you navigate careers in ‘the city’. On Tuesday 10 October we’ll be hosting ‘Careers in Consulting: Everything You Need to Know’ from 14.00 to 16.30 at Exams Schools. Hear from 3 very different firms (Strategy, Oliver Wyman and CIL Consulting) to learn what a week in the life of a consultant is like and essay oliver, gain key advice to be on top of your game for papers, competitive applications. Then on Wednesday 11 October from hamitic thesis 14.00 to papers, 16.30 at hamitic thesis, Exams Schools join us for ‘Careers in Banking: Everything You Need to Know’ where you’ll hear from a range of firms including HSBC, BNY Mellon, Jefferies and researched papers, Schroders. They will be giving vital tips on how to find your dream job in finance and illustrating what their day-to-day roles involve. These events are being closely supported by a number of Oxford societies including the Finance Society, the hamitic thesis Oxford Student Foundation and The Oxford Strategy Group.

No need to papers, book, spaces are allocated on a ‘first-come, first served’ basis. Career Workshops for Researchers in Michaelmas. Positive steps in career development come from meeting others and learning. Camp 6 37. Researchers at Oxford can come to any of researched, our events, but we also have bespoke opportunities for research Masters students, Research Assistants, DPhils and Post-Docs. These are listed below for thesis binding lancaster, Michaelmas Term. Researched Papers. Also look out for Careers Days, invited speakers and skills sessions run by your department, division or post-doc network.

For appointments with Rachel Bray or another Careers Adviser of essay family, your choice at the Careers Service on Banbury Road, please book through CareerConnect. Rachel Bray also offers regular appointments for researched papers, scientists at the JR and Old Road Campus, bookable by how to for thesis paper, phoning reception on 01865 274646. Bookings for papers, workshops/events should be through CareerConnect and if you have any queries please email For: Research Assistants and Masters Students When: Thursday 5 October, 9.00 – 12.30 Where: The Careers Service Booking: This event must be booked. To reserve a place please go to camp essayons fa, CareerConnect. In this workshop we will look closely at the value of researched, doing a doctorate in today’s employment market and for ourselves as people. We will consider our personal motivations for this route, the challenges we may need to overcome to secure a place and how to thrive as a PhD student. There will also be opportunity to reflect on alternative pathways towards professional satisfaction. Hamitic Thesis. Pointers towards further advice and support available here at Oxford and more broadly will be given. This event must be booked. To reserve a place please go to CareerConnect.

Alternatively, book a place at our lunchtime seminar on this topic on researched Monday 23 October. Career Management for Research Staff and DPhils. Looking to manage your career more effectively? This workshop has been designed specifically for University Research Staff at all levels and at how to write an outline for thesis, any stage in their career, who want to step back and researched papers, spend a few productive hours focusing on identifying their ideal job and future possible career paths within, or beyond, academia. An interactive mix of hamitic thesis, short individual exercises and small informal group discussions will help you to build a clearer picture of the key factors relating to researched papers, your career and hamitic thesis, personal circumstances and to explore career pathways. The session will cover: reflections on where your career is right now; creating your ideal job; job satisfaction and career motivations; identifying your values and transferable skills; how to identify possible career pathways and move forward effectively. You will be encouraged to researched, draw your insights together to begin a realistic personal career plan and to consider your next steps. Researchers@ Oxford Careers Fair. Research students and thesis lancaster, staff planning to attend this fair are invited to book this pre-fair event. Depending on the number of bookings, this could be a workshop or one-on-one careers advice to discuss CVs, Cover Letters, Interviews, job search and networking, or strategies to get the most out papers, of the fair.

Further information on how to for thesis paper the fair can be found on the Oxford Careers Fair page. Papers. The fair booklet for this year will be uploaded approximately a week before the event. Researchers@ Finance Careers Fair. When: Tuesday 17 October, 13.30 – 14.30 Where: Lecture Room 2, Christ Church College (then to binding lancaster, Fair in researched papers, Town Hall) Booking: To reserve a place please go to CareerConnect. Research students and staff planning to attend this fair are invited to book this pre-fair event. Depending on hamitic thesis the number of bookings, this could be a workshop or one-on-one careers advice to discuss CVs, Cover Letters, Interviews, job search and networking, or strategies to get the most out of the fair. Further information on the fair can be found on researched our Fairs page.

The fair booklet for this year will be uploaded approximately a week before the event. Researchers@ Management Consulting Careers Fair. When: Wednesday 18 October, 13.30 – 14.30 Where: Lecture Room 2, Christ Church College (then to Fair in Town Hall) Booking: To reserve a place please go to CareerConnect. Further information on the fair can be found on essayons fa our Fairs page. The fair booklet for papers, this year will be uploaded approximately a week before the event. Kickstart for Research Staff and their Partners/Newcomers.

When: Friday 20 October, 13.00 – 16.00 Where: Careers Service Booking: To reserve a place Researchers should book through CareerConnect. Partners of fit essay, newcomers should call Careers Service reception on 01865 274646. A special careers workshop for those looking to papers, return to work after a long career gap or for a new direction, whether through re-location, other circumstances or choice. We will cover job search strategies, document optimisation, networking and short essay oliver, interview technique but we will also be exploring ideas and researched papers, case studies on essay how to get into researched, the market and freshen up your skills and how to an outline for thesis, CV. Even if you are a few years from researched getting back to work, come along! There are things you can be doing now to make that transition much easier when it comes. Open to anyone considering applying for a PhD. In this session we’ll cover the steps you might take to discover whether a PhD is the right course of action for you, and discuss how to choose the best institution and programme for you. Binding. We’ll also briefly talk about the application process and funding.

Researchers@ Careers in researched, Computing Fair. When: Tuesday 24th October, 14.00 – 15.00 Where: Department of Computer Science, Robert Hooke Building Booking: To reserve a place please go to CareerConnect. Research students and staff planning to attend the above fairs are invited to book at the relevant pre-fair event. Depending on the number of bookings, this could be a workshop or one-on-one careers advice to discuss CVs, Cover Letters, Interviews, job search and networking, or strategies to get the most out of the fair. Further information on the fair can be found on our Fairs page. The fair booklet for this year will be uploaded approximately a week before the how to write an outline event. Researchers@ Arts, Media and Marketing Careers Fair. Research students and staff planning to attend the above fairs are invited to book at the relevant pre-fair event. Researched Papers. Depending on the number of bookings, this could be a workshop or one-on-one careers advice to discuss CVs, Cover Letters, Interviews, job search and networking, or strategies to get the most out of the fair. Further information on the fair can be found on our Fairs page.

The fair booklet for this year will be uploaded approximately a week before the event. Researchers@ Science, Engineering and Technology Careers Fair. Research students and thesis, staff planning to attend the researched papers above fairs are invited to book at the relevant pre-fair event. Depending on the number of bookings, this could be a workshop or one-on-one careers advice to discuss CVs, Cover Letters, Interviews, job search and networking, or strategies to get the essay twist most out of the fair. Further information on researched papers the fair can be found on our Fairs page. The fair booklet for how to paper, this year will be uploaded approximately a week before the event. Researchers@ Teaching and Education Fair. Research students and staff planning to researched, attend the above fairs are invited to book at the relevant pre-fair event.

Depending on the number of bookings, this could be a workshop or one-on-one careers advice to discuss CVs, Cover Letters, Interviews, job search and networking, or strategies to get the most out of the fair. Further information on the fair can be found on our Fairs page. The fair booklet for this year will be uploaded approximately a week before the event. Researchers@ Internship Fair. Research students and staff planning to attend the above fairs are invited to write paper, book at the relevant pre-fair event. Depending on the number of bookings, this could be a workshop or one-on-one careers advice to discuss CVs, Cover Letters, Interviews, job search and networking, or strategies to get the most out of the fair. Further information on the fair can be found on our Fairs page. The fair booklet for this year will be uploaded approximately a week before the researched papers event.

CV and short twist, Cover Letter Skills for Research Staff. This intensive workshop on producing effective CVs and Cover Letters is specifically for doctoral students and research staff, whether you are considering an academic or non-academic career, or are undecided. Using a mix of individual and researched papers, informal small group exercises, we will. understand and recognise the characteristics of effective CVs and cover letters critique the strengths and weaknesses of their own and colleagues’ current CVs evaluate example CVs and how to write an outline for thesis paper, cover letters to build their knowledge of different types and styles. Insight into Academia Seminar: Myths and Realities Panel.

When: Tuesday 7 November, 13.00 – 14.00 Where: Careers Service Booking: You do not need to book a place at this event but popular events may fill early so arrive in good time. Are you considering an academic career? We will hear from a small panel of early- to mid-career academics about their day-to-day roles, how they manage a work-life balance, and papers, opportunities for progression. This is a chance to ask questions and generate discussion on many aspects of being an academic. Academic Application and Interview Skills for Research Staff and DPhils. Are you a DPhil Student or Research Staff member planning to apply for academic jobs? Do you want advice on how to prepare academic applications and to improve your interview skills? This workshop, designed specifically for University of Oxford researchers pursuing academic applications, is for you. This interactive course will equip you with the skills to maximise your chances of oliver, getting academic employment. Emphasis will be given to understanding the processes which universities use to researched, select staff and the importance of tailoring CVs, applications, research and fit essay, teaching statements accordingly.

We will discuss and practice the skills required for researched, effective performance at interview; preparation, self-presentation and how to essayons 6 37, deal with typical academic interview questions. Follow up one-to-one career discussions can additionally be used to review intended applications and to prepare for particular interviews. Career Options for researched papers, Mathematicians ( leading into Jobs for Mathematicians Careers Fair ) When: Tuesday 21 November, 15.15 – 16.00 Where: Mathematical Institute Booking: To reserve a place please go to CareerConnect. Erica Tyson from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications will outline the breadth of career options that opens up for people with outstanding skills in mathematics. It’s not only the financial and academic or teaching world that is hungry for this important skillset. Increasingly, commercial, government and not-for-profit sector players of all kinds are keen to employ highly numerate, analytical and creative thinkers to write paper, understand and researched papers, predict trends, plan and develop strategy and deliver smarter and more efficient solutions. You do not need to book a place at this event but please bear in mind that spaces will be allocated on a first-come, first served basis and popular events may fill early so arrive in good time. DPhils and research staff are very welcome to this talk and to stay for the Maths Careers Fair. Dr Rachel Bray, Careers Adviser, will be available for half an hour after the talk to discuss any questions that arise. Further information on the fair can be found on essayons fa our Fairs page.

The fair booklet for this year will be uploaded approximately a week before the event. Interview Presentation Skills for Research Staff and DPhils. New job or direction in researched, mind? Do you want to brush up on the practicalities of preparing for interviews and presentations? This workshop, designed for University Research Staff and camp fa, final year DPhils, is for you. A highly interactive session, it will equip you with the skills to play the ‘recruitment game’ to best effect. We will discuss and practice the skills required for effective performance at interview; preparation, self-presentation and how to deal with typical interview questions. The workshop will cover the skills required for both academic and non-academic interviews, with particular focus on the latter.

Follow up one-to-one career discussions can then be used to review intended applications and to prepare for particular interviews. Insight into Academia Conversation: Gender, Age and Progression in researched, Academia. This ‘conversation’ around gender, age and progression in fit essay, academia will be an informal group discussion (facilitated by researched papers, a careers adviser), with two guest contributors (two early- to mid – career academics) who will share their experiences with you. We welcome individuals from across the university with a mutual interest in thesis lancaster university, the topic. The careers adviser present is an experienced group facilitator, who’ll support the discussion with advice, strategies and resources, as well as offering suggestions for researched, topics of discussion.

Meeting people is a really useful way to short, learn more about your mutual goals: it’s the equivalent of attending a tutorial or class discussion, and often attendees choose to keep in papers, touch with fellow participants for further mutual support. Too Late to Change Direction? Career Transitions for hamitic thesis, Researchers. In this workshop we will explore our understanding of the pros and researched papers, cons of staying in academic research, whether and oliver twist, how we can move to another sector (or combine aspects of academia with another role) and what we feel we might be risking in making this move. In small groups, we will then. become familiar with an evidence-informed framework for assessing a potential career move, think about how to use this in our current roles, develop some practical strategies to researched papers, assist decision-making. This one day workshop, for DPhil students and research staff who identify themselves as female, is an opportunity for you to explore your values, create tangible goals, practice presenting your achievements positively and build assertiveness and thesis, networking strategies. There will also be a guest speaker who will share their work / life story and answer any questions you have. Coffee and tea will be available from 9am and papers, the workshop will start promptly at personal about, 9.30am. Researched Papers. Lunch will be included.

This programme is just for women, but note that we plan to run a mixed programme in Trinity Term for a mixed group of hamitic thesis, men and women. Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur Visa Endorsement – apply now! If you have an idea for a business, have a venture currently in development, or are piloting a new concept, you may be eligible to apply for our endorsement under the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa scheme, which allows non-EEA nationals who are graduates or post-doctoral researchers to papers, reside in the UK in order to hamitic thesis, develop their business. Previously endorsed businesses have included: Social enterprises and not-for-profits Technology start-ups Funding generation and investment organisations Digital education tools Energy research.

The University of Oxford can endorse up to thirty applicants per year. Calls for applications are held four times a year: once in each term, and once during the Long Vacation. The next deadline for applications is researched papers Thursday 30 November 2017 at fit essay, 12 noon . Applications are now open, and you can apply by email to, or via Symplicity (for Said Business School students), or via CareerConnect (for all other students/alum) using the following vacancy IDs: for Students: CareerConnect opportunity ID dnk94 for papers, Alumni: CareerConnect opportunity ID 3v86d. You can find more information and details of hamitic thesis, how to apply on researched our visa page or on CareerConnect. Alternatively you can email All applications must be submitted through CareerConnect or emailed to by Thursday 30 November 2017 at 12 noon. Win a $1000 scholarship for coming up with a morale-boosting idea. VelvetJobs, a US outsourcing and essay, placement service, are offering a $1000 scholarship for researched papers, students studying in the USA or overseas. Hamitic Thesis. The “Employee Morale Scholarship” aims to get students thinking about their own potential future management position and how their decisions can affect employee morale. The piece should include a headline of the morale boosting idea and at least 500 words on how to effectively deploy the strategy.

Students of any nationality can enter, as long as they are enrolled in full time education and over the age of 18. Closing date is 16 December 2017, and scholarship funds will be released for Hilary term 2018.

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anils essay ghost Anil's Ghost: Identity. Papers! Anil's Ghost , written by twist, Michael Ondaatje is a book about a young Sri Lankan forensic anthropologist who returns home to researched work with a widowed archaeologist named Sarath. While working with the mysterious man, Anil finds the body of a burn victim in a sacred, historical government site. Sure of the government's malicious intentions, Anil attempts to identify the body. Anil's Ghost by Michael Ondaatje is fit essay, a book about identity. This is conceived in Anil, Sailor, Palipana and Ananda. At the researched age of thirteen, Anil attempted to control over her identity by gaining her brother's second, unused name: Anil. She'd hunted down the thesis binding name like a specific lover she had seen and wanted, tempted by nothing else along the way.(68) She was so vehement that her attempts made her taut and researched furious within the family. (136) Anil never gave her family rest, which is peculiar behaviour for Sri Lankans who are always surrounded by family order. (138) The force of her desire to control her identity is so high that she even agreed to perform a sexual favour for her brother to obtain his name. (68) She even refused to add an camp essayons fa, e at the end of the researched name, to make the traditionally masculine name more feminine. (136) Later in thesis binding lancaster university Anil's life, she divorced her husband, a controlling and papers jealous man who limited her freedom. (144) Then, through the affair with the married Cullis, she controls her love life wanting to an outline paper break free of the confines of marriage. Papers! Her relationship was wound tightly that Cullis never had any control over her, and according to Anil, her identity. Fit Essay! (264) At age eighteen, Anil moved to Canada where she spent the papers next fifteen years with no connection to her home except for camp essayons, a sarong her parents gave her at Christmas. (10) When she finally returns she ignores her family and researched dives into her work.

With this action, Anil shows an extreme dislike for lancaster, her home and papers her culture that she removes herself from. In the an outline book Anil cuts her finger on a surgical blade, she then cleans it thoroughly, tapes it, and then goes to the doctor for fear of infection. This shows how dirty she thinks Sri Lanka is. (38) Anil refuses to be defined as anything including a Sri Lankan or a Canadian for fear of people controlling her. At a young age, Anil entered a swimming contest held by the Mount Lavina Hotel. However on page ten, Michael Ondaatje explains, As far as Sri Lankan families were concerned, if you were a well known cricketer you could breeze into a career in business on the strength of your spin bowling or one inning at the Royal-Thomian match. Anil rejects her heritage by being a swimmer instead of something more traditional. Then, when she returns to Sri Lanka, she rejects the title The Swimmer, connecting it with her family and the only real connection she holds with Sri Lanka. Anil even refuses to be defined as a Canadian. Just as she was getting into the culture, she goes back to researched Sri Lanka. Anil then contradicts herself by agreeing to 6 37 fa go swimming with Sarath, the Archaeologist she is researched, working with. She enters the water ungracefully with a belly flop to which Sarath says Ah, a professional.(47) She lost her identity as a swimmer because she rejected it.

Like her father, Anil would have made a great doctor, a fate she rejects when she becomes a forensic anthropologist, a job she is obsessed with. (47) As a part of her job description, Anil identifies bodies and on page 55, Ondaatje says in her work Anil turned bodies into representatives of fit essay, race and researched age and place. Thesis University! Secondly, Anil spends the papers whole book working with Sarath trying to identify the body of short oliver twist, a burn victim found in papers a government owned. Anil is certain that this body could prove the government's malevolent actions in how to for thesis the current war in Sri Lanka. Anil names this body Sailor: And who was this skeleton? In this room, among these four she was hiding among the unhistorical dead. To fetch a dead body: what a curious task! To cut down the corpse of an unknown hanged man and then bear the body of the animal on one's back. something dead, something buried, something rotting away? Who is he? This representative of all those lost voices. To give him a name would name the rest. (55) In this she renders her own quest to control her identity, irrelevant.

Anil feels awful that Sailor does not have a name so she disregards the fact that he, being dead, has no control over researched papers, his identity. At one point in essayons 6 37 fa time, Palipana was one of the most well renowned archaeologists in the world. However, during the papers time that he taught Sarath he was turned graciously out of the establishment. (81) This was a fate that started when Palipana wrote a thesis of rock graffiti that awed archaeologists and historians. It was this thesis that was widely known until one of four of Palipana's trusted proteges wrote that there was no real evidence in his thesis. After this there were a series of debates that then ended in the destruction of how to an outline for thesis, Palipana's reputation. (81) Palipana was the strictest of researched papers, historians, who had always relied on meticulous research. (81) and a man who defined himself by his work. The loss of his job destroyed his identity and ruined it even more when his eyesight started to slowly deteriorate. (84) Palipana is a man who only addresses another person by a physical gesture. You, Palipana would say. Never using anyone's name, as if that were immaterial to the discussion or search. (94).

He refuses to address anyone's identity. At one point in time, Palipana was known for how to an outline, his brilliance. Now, the forest dwelling, blind epigraphist sends Anil and Sarath to Ananda to researched rebuild Sailor's face. This was not a wise decision. When Anil and Sarath are looking to reconstruct Sailor's face, they go to Ananda, an artist and a miner who is nearly always saturated with alcohol. Although he receives the highest praise from Palipana, Ananda does not successfully reconstruct Sailor's face.

Instead he puts his lost emotions for his dead wife into his work and the end product is personal about, not Sailor. Researched! (168) At first Anil recognises him as an personal family, artist, however, since he is papers, now a miner; that is now his only identity. This is strange behaviour from a woman who spent her whole life avoiding a single identity. Ananda, in his own way, is lost in his identity. He drinks every single moment of the day since the death of his wife Sirissa. He is so lost without her that once he makes the fake reconstruct of Sailor's face, he attempts to take his own life only to have Anil save him. Lancaster University! (195) Identity is a major theme in researched Michael Ondaatje's Anil's Ghost . This is in fit essay Anil's quest to control her identity, Sailor's lack of identity and Anil's want to give him one, as well as Palipana's and papers Ananda's loss of identity. A person cannot have just one identity.

People are filled with diverse personalities that change in such a way that they cannot be defined as one thing.

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If the customer requested the hamitic thesis first revision on the paper which came to be not satisfactory than he is papers entitled to request a 50% refund of the amount paid for thesis binding, the order. If the customer requested Second revision on the paper and he is still not satisfied with the papers delivered product than he is short essay oliver entitled to request a 30% of the amount paid for the order. If the customer requested Third revision on the paper and still find’s the delivered product to be not satisfactory than he is researched entitled to fit essay request a 15% of the amount paid for the order. Customer would be required to provide valid reason and explanation for requesting a refund and also proof of dissatisfaction. UK Study Help will provide 100% refund incase delivered order by editor was plagiarized. (Proof of plagiarism will be required) UK Study Helpevaluate each refund requests carefully as there are usually unique reasons as to why a refund request is made by the customers. Researched! Please note that if you request a refund, we may request documented proof that the quality of your order is low (e.g., scan copy of your instructor’s feedback, plagiarism report, etc.). After an evaluation done by our Quality Assurance team by comparing their findings with the reasons for an outline for thesis, dissatisfaction, the necessary corrective actions will be taken. Any refund request must be made within the researched papers Refund Period.

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Hurricane Katrina – New Orleans Essay Sample. Hurricane Katrina significantly affected a vast number of people, including those who were not actually present during the storm: National Guard members, medical workers, media crew, government officials, and volunteers. This is a storm that will forever be discussed in New Orleans history. First, some background. Formation of hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean occurs every year during a certain time period, usually referred to as the Atlantic hurricane season. The cyclones that occur during this period are usually tropical and are often referred to as depressions and hurricanes.

This time period usually starts in June and researched, ends in November. According to the seasons, the starting of the hurricanes and cyclones usually takes place in the end of summer, because this is the essay twist time period when there is the largest difference between the temperature of the sea and the land (Reider, 1999). Hurricanes basically originate due to the temperature difference between the land and the sea. The peak time of these tropical cyclones is during the September season. The month of May is usually inactive with regard to the tropical cyclones because the temperature difference is the least (Reider, 1999).

The cyclones that form in the Atlantic Ocean in the end of the summer season are referred to as tropical cyclones because they usually originate from tropical locations. Papers. One more fact that makes them different from essayons 6 37 normal cyclones is that their cores, or center of the large spiral, is warmer as compared to any other part of the researched spiral at any point of height. The spiral of the cyclone comprises of thunderstorm clouds that are ready to burst out, and hence when they move, they produce high, strong winds and heavy rain falls. A special characteristic of tropical cyclones is oliver twist that they have extremely low atmospheric pressures. Some of the pressures of researched tropical cyclones are the least that have been recorded above the seas. Several factors have been found out as the reason for the origination of tropical cyclones but still not all the responsible factors have been discovered, so tropical cyclones are a common topic of research and study (Reider, 1999). The year 2005 was a devastating year with respect to short essay oliver twist the hurricanes and tropical cyclones that they brought with themselves (Nelson, 2006) . Each year around 10 tropical cyclones originate and around half of them turn into hurricanes, yet another half of researched that number fall into the severe category. The Atlantic hurricane season of the year 2005 was an extremely active season in which almost 27 tropical cyclones originated and around 17 of them turned into hurricanes.

There were 7 hurricanes that fell into the severe category, that is hamitic thesis of category 3 or above. Papers. Among these severe hurricanes one was named Katrina. Hurricane Katrina was the deadliest of hurricanes as compared to hamitic thesis other hurricanes. The hurricane has been placed in the category five of hurricanes, which is the highest severity. Hurricane Katrina was 30 ft. long and came to the coast with an extremely harsh and severe thunderstorm, strong winds and heavy rainfall (Nelson, 2006). The hurricane brought a huge amount of damage and almost wiped out every infrastructure in areas on New Orleans, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Never in history had such a deadly and devastating hurricane struck the United States of America, so no one was prepared. Therefore, they had failed to make the required necessary preparations in order to researched papers combat with this deadly storm. Personal About Family. Never had it happened that the tropical cyclones break the record of severity of the researched papers typhoon season, but in the year 2005 the tropical cyclone season was so active that it, in fact did break the record of the typhoon season of the year (Nelson, 2006).

Hurricane Katrina is fit essay considered one among the six deadliest hurricanes that have hit the United States of America. It is also considered as one of the priciest of disasters as it brought a loss of papers almost $81 million (Nelson, 2006). This is certainly a huge amount, almost triple the amount that had been lost in hamitic thesis, the 1992 disaster which was, till then, considered as the most costly and researched, deadly hurricane (Nelson, 2006). Oliver. Hurricane Katrina also took the lives of almost 2000 people. The correct figure could not be calculated, and only rough estimates were used for the death toll. Many of the people went missing and could not be found, so they have also been counted among the dead.

Thousands of people were made homeless, many children were made orphans, many parents had their children snatched away from them, and researched, many women were made widows (Alive in Truth, 2005). Binding. National Guard members were said to have commented that the damage was like nothing they’d ever seen before, medical workers and volunteers told media they were so “shocked” and “devastated” that they felt they would never forget what they were seeing (McNulty, 2008). Hurricane Katrina started over the Bahamas due to the pressure difference. The conditions were very favorable due to researched the low pressure and slow winds, so the hurricane developed and moved forward to reach the southern parts of Florida. Thesis Binding University. When the hurricane reached Florida it was a category 1 storm, and did not cause much disaster as it was not too severe (Nelson, 2006). Researched Papers. It took only a few lives and caused a few damages to the infrastructure only. But when the storm reached the Gulf coast of Mexico, as this area was quite warm, the storm at this point reached a severely deadly hurricane category 5, and brought huge amounts of essay about damage in the area and almost destroyed the Gulf coast. As it moved towards parts of Louisiana its strength weakened and reached a category 3 hurricane. The hurricane’s category changed from category 3 hurricane to a category 5 due to the unusual warm waters over which the papers hurricane was moving (Nelson, 2006). The greatest amount of damage was seen in New Orleans.

The main reason behind the damage of binding lancaster New Orleans was the failure of the banking system that had been designed to protect the researched city from the rushing water. A wall had been developed for the purpose of protection of the city, to thesis lancaster university stop the researched papers water from entering, but the hurricane that struck the hamitic thesis city was severe and strong enough to researched break the fit essay protection. As a result, the city was flooded, reaching many kilometers inside the city, destroying everything that it came into contact with along its way. Boats, cars, and even remains of buildings also came along with the running water which caused further destruction and death. McNulty (2008) wrote that he “drove past yet another beached boat, a pleasure cruiser all battered, stained with muck, and grounded on the sidewalk”. Researched Papers. The failure of the protection wall is considered one the worst manufacturing and engineering disasters and a case was filed against essay about family the engineer’s association (Reider, 1999). Papers. The government had completely relied on the protection system that had been designed and so had taken no other measures for the relief and protection of the essay oliver people. The destruction of the protection wall resulted in much more damage because no other precautions had been taken by the government (Reider, 1999). No evacuations early on took place as the government was satisfied with their precautionary measures.

Due to this people of New Orleans got stuck in the city without food, water, a way out, proper health conditions and researched, a proper place to live. Camp Essayons 6 37 Fa. The people were completely paralyzed from the outside world, and it was very difficult for researched papers, the relief teams to even reach the essayons fa people to papers help and save them. Fit Essay. The water that had entered the city then remained stagnant for a number of days. New Orleans was muchly affected because the city is actually below sea level, and although the city is researched papers protected by means of fit essay protection walls, the height and strength of the researched wall were not strong enough to short essay oliver stop the papers 30ft. Personal About. high hurricane. Researched. It resulted in massive damage and destruction. Wind speeds in New Orleans could not be measured accurately as the power system also failed, and there was no electricity in personal about, the city for a number of days (Reider, 1999). A large number of people could not evacuate the city and suffered for days. It had been reported that the rescue workers could see dead bodies lying around the streets of New Orleans or floating on the water (Reider, 1999). In order to restore the conditions back to normal, and again start the routine life, large amounts of money had to be spent to rebuild the destroyed structures.

Many of the power stations supplying electricity had declared that it would take weeks for them to researched be able to supply electricity. The main supply of drinking water to an outline for thesis the New Orleans area had also been blocked, and the people were left with no drinking water (Alive in Truth, 2005). In some parts of New Orleans water up to 20 and 30ft. Researched Papers. were stagnant for several days. The highways were completely destroyed and there was no possibility that anyone could cross the highway. Several bridges and personal essay family, roads were also destroyed or covered under water for days.

The airport of researched New Orleans was also flooded and closed for all incoming and outgoing flights. It later was opened in order to provide refuge to the victims of the personal family hurricane, but it remained closed for flights (Alive in Truth, 2005). All sorts of communications were blocked, mobile services were stopped and people were trapped in their homes and other places unable to researched contact or call people to rescue them. As a result, many trapped people lost their lives due to this lack of communication. Many of the buildings were destroyed, and particularly taller buildings which had their windows shattered and their interiors destroyed (Virginia, 2006).

Large parts of forest reserves were also destroyed due to the floods, and the gushing forceful water destroyed much of the vegetation and crops (Alive in Truth, 2005). As a result, the exports and products that were obtained from forests earlier could not be obtained and hence caused a loss economically (Alive in Truth, 2005). The port was also damaged to a great extent, and many of the export items that were placed on personal essay family the port were destroyed thus resulting in great loss. The ships, ports and all the goods were destroyed and rendered as useless. All this lead to a great fall in the economy of the researched country, not just New Orleans.

A number of oil refineries had to be closed and were almost destroyed by fit essay, the strong flow of water and strong winds, resulting in a complete stop in the production of oil from the gulf of Mexico (Virginia, 2006). Halt in papers, the production of fit essay oil resulted in a great deal of economic loss to the country as a major part of the economy had a contribution from the researched papers oil production in the oil refineries. A number of oil platforms also had to be shut down due to the destruction caused by hamitic thesis, hurricane Katrina. Many offices were destroyed, and factories and industries closed, so as a result of researched which, thousands of people were left unemployed. This eventually resulted in further loss in the economy (Virginia, 2006).

The hurricane also had a large environmental impact on the city and the country. The entire coastal area had gotten eroded. Hamitic Thesis. Aquatic life was badly damaged and the ecosystem was in bad shape. Besides aquatic life, many insects and animals on land were also badly affected. Many animals were deprived of their habitat as large parts of forests also got destroyed (Hurricane Katrina, 2008). Food was scarce especially as many domesticated animals were displaced from owners.

The health of the people was also badly affected as many bacterial and viral diseases became common among the people (Hurricane Katrina, 2008). This was partly due to papers the presence of the stagnant water in large parts of the city, as well as due to corpses lying around on the streets and floating on essay about family the water surface, as they were unable to papers get rescued by the rescue team. These issues lead to write for thesis paper the spread of a number of diseases (Hurricane Katrina, 2008). Many efforts have been made by the government and international rescue teams to restore life back to the affected areas and revive the papers economics and the activities of the city (Virginia, 2006). The government has spent huge amounts of money for relief purposes and to reestablish and reconstruct the destroyed city. Huge amounts of funds have been raised by the government to help the suffering people and to provide them with food, shelter, water and other basic necessities (Virginia, 2006). Offices, factories and industries have been rebuilt to provide jobs to the people so that they can again start their lives over. Roads, bridges and other means of communication have been restored to ease the write an outline paper life of people living over there. Houses have been provided to the people who have had their homes destroyed during the papers hurricane. The relief projects shall continue until life in the city has been completely restored.

Although the rehabilitation process has cost a lot, the government is ready to bring back life at all costs (Virginia, 2006). Hurricane Katrina affected the city, the people that lived there, the future visitors, the crops and goods sent from there, and all people who came to help after the storm. This storm will always be a part of New Orleans history. One person who went through the storm said, “for me, New Orleans will always be the Unsinkable Crescent City,” (McNulty, 2008). For others, it will always be the greatest, deadliest storm that any place has survived (Alive in Truth, 2005). Reider, G. M., Connecticut. Hamitic Thesis. (1999). A Report on Homeowners Insurance Policy Wind, Hurricane and High Windstorm Deductibles.

Hartford: State of Connecticut, Insurance Dept. Nelson, S. A. Researched Papers. (2006). Hurricane Katrina: What happened? : A Field Trip. New Orleans: Tulane University. Alive in Truth: The New Orleans Disaster Oral History Memory Project. (2005). Austin, TX: Alive in an outline, Truth. Virginia. Researched Papers. (2006). State Emergency Operations Plan. Richmond, VA: Virginia.

Dept. of Emergency Management. Hurricane Katrina. (2008). Detroit, Michigan: Gale. McNulty, Ian. (2008). Personal Family. A Season of researched papers Night: New Orleans Life After Katrina. Jackson, Mississippi. University Press. Is this the perfect essay for you?

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