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Extended essay z polskiego

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Literature/A Time To Kill term paper 1526. A time to kill, when is there ever a time to kill, is it time when someone hurts you. or your family, is extended essay it time to kill if someone tries to kill you? A jury of writing for a, twelve people had. to decide if there ever was such a time. Does race have a role in essay z polskiego murder, if a white. person is tried for the same crime as a black person should the verdict be different for writing a proposal paper the. In the extended, beginning, Tonya Hailey, daughter of Carl Lee Hailey, was raped by two. rednecks who was ten and small for her age. She lay on writing a proposal paper, her elbows which were stuck. and bound together with yellow nylon rope. Her legs were spread grotesquely with the. right foot tied to an oak sapling and z polskiego, the left to a rotting leaning post of a long-neglected. fence. The ski rope had cut into her ankles and the blood ran down her legs.

Her face. was bloody and swollen, with one eye bulging and formula an expository, closed and z polskiego, the other eye half open so. she could see the other white man sitting on the truck. Of Your? She did not look at the man on. top of extended essay z polskiego, her. He was breathing hard and sweating and cursing her. He was hurting her. When he finished he slapped her and laughed, and the other man laughed in. return, then they laughed harder and rolled around the grass by the truck like two crazy. men, screaming and laughing. Then, her family got worried and started searching for her. They called Ozzie, the. only black sheriff in the state, to start to look for her. She was finally found near a. bridge by a couple a Niger's fishin' she was crying for her daddy.

She uttered in. broken tears who her daddy was and they took her home to writing for a, her mom and awaiting. When, the case of the two rapers came to court Willard, one of the rapists mothers. came to a local lawyer named Jake Brigance who turned down the case. He couldn't. accept the case because he had represented Carl Lee Haileys brother after he killed. another black man and proved insanity. After the trial something bad happened Billy Ray Cobb and extended essay z polskiego, Willard were shot. Or. maybe it was good. But, Carl Lee Hailey was the one who used the rapers of his precious. baby girl as paper dolls for target practice.

Jake was considered the families lawyer since he represented the Hailey family in. court on separate occasion without the degree of difficulty. Jake started the proceedings and. tried to get a bond and it was set for half a million dollars. Then., Carl Lee spent many weeks and days in jail while on Sundays his beloved. family every Sunday. Except, for one week during psychoanalysis. Jakes newly hired 20.

something legal secretary looking for court room experience and was willing to work for. For Writing Essay? free with access to z polskiego, Judges chambers got tied to write, a tree, followed by extended essay the demolition of for writing an expository, Jake's. prized house by extended essay a gasoline fire set by the K. K. K.. After several tiring sessions in court in. the dead heat of summer in one of the hottest states in the country Jake Brigance watches. his client Carl Lee Hailey walk out of that Missippi court house a free man. A black man. set on trial for of your essay killing two white rednecks gets off read every available headline. If, Carl Lee Hailey had actually hired the extended essay, NAACP lawyers instead of using Jake I. believe that he would have lost and personal essay about family, ended up having been sentenced to life in prison or. possibly death. He probably would have been murdered in extended essay z polskiego Parchman since he killed to. whites and he is dissertation black. Essay Z Polskiego? John Grisham wrote this book to show how the legal system, society and people. place an important emphasis and are bias to one particular race, when we are all created. equal and race creed or color should have no ruling in a court of law. It unfortunately. does. I disliked the way he chose a Southern state because to essay, me that shows his. Extended Z Polskiego? ignorance to the fact racism is a problem throughout the world not just in the South.

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Somerset Historical Essays/William of Malmesbury 'On the Antiquity of Glastonbury' William of Malmesbury 'On the Antiquity of Glastonbury' WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY 'ON THE ANTIQUITY OF GLASTONBURY' There was a pretty rivalry in mediaeval times between the great abbeys of extended essay z polskiego, Westminster and Glastonbury, not unlike the contest for conscience terminale, historical precedence between the extended z polskiego universities of formula for writing an expository, Oxford and Cambridge which produced less reputable forgeries at a later time. If Oxford found in Asser's Life of z polskiego, Alfred that Grimbald had kept school in that ancient city, Cambridge made the happy discovery that some seven hundred years before two of her pupils had been sent by K. Lucius to the Pope of Rome to ask for Christian teachers. [1] The great abbeys had at any rate a more solid reason than academic jealousy for insisting on priority of structure essay, foundation. The precedence of abbots at a General Council was something worth fighting for; and Glastonbury's claim was challenged and defended again and again, and notably in 1434 at the Council of extended, Bale, when the Spaniards were asserting priority over England in virtue of the preaching of St James of Compostella. [2] Westminster might at first be content to go back to K. Sebert in hotels 604; for the great minster at Glastonbury was known to have been built by K. Ina a century later. But the Glastonbury monks discovered that K. Lucius had been left out of essay, account, and they claimed a visit from the missionaries of hotels research, Pope Eleutherus in extended z polskiego 166. Westminster on enquiry discovered that their church also had been founded in the days of writing a proposal for a, K. Lucius, though after the Diocletian persecution it was turned for a while into a temple of Apollo.

Glastonbury, while insisting on 166 as her own date, allowed that Westminster followed quickly in 169: [3] but presently she made a bolder bid for antiquity and extended, took over the legend of Joseph of Arimathea and the Holy Grail, and so settled her date once and for all as the thirty-first year after the Passion of the Lord and the fifteenth after the Assumption of the a proposal paper glorious Virgin. It was vain for Westminster to plead that the blessed Peter himself had left the gate of heaven and come down to consecrate his new church with his own apostolic hands. For when St David came with his seven bishops thinking to consecrate the church of Glastonbury, the Lord Himself appeared to essay z polskiego, him in a vision by night and told him that He the hotels rating research paper Great High Priest had long ago dedicated the little church of wattles to the honour of His Ever-Virgin Mother. It might indeed be supposed that of all our English monasteries none had its actual history so thoroughly explored and so well authenticated as Glastonbury Abbey. For early in extended z polskiego the twelfth century its story was written by the famous pen of essay about, William of z polskiego, Malmesbury, and his work was continued by two monks of the house, Adam of Domerham who brought it down to A. Family. D. 1291, and John of Glastonbury who abbreviated the narratives of both his predecessors and carried on the history to the end of the fifteenth century. But it has become the fashion to z polskiego, throw aside William of Malmesbury's Enquiry into hotels rating, the Antiquity of the Church of Glastonbury as a careless piece of work hastily put together to flatter the vanity of the Glastonbury monks when, for some reason which remains obscure to us, the great historian had for a time taken up his abode in their house.

Nothing that the extended credulous fathers told him was too puerile for him to writing for a paper, record as history while he ate their bread; and when he was gone they took his book and loaded it up with fresh fictions, so that it has no value left for serious students. This adverse judgement has seemed to be confirmed by the discovery of a tenth-century list of the English abbots of Glastonbury, which cannot be reconciled with William of Malmesbury's list in the De Antiquitate . The names and sequence of the early abbots must be reserved for a special investigation. At present we are concerned with the general character of the extended z polskiego book, and more particularly with the earlier portion of it. The only of your essay edition for critical purposes is contained in the first volume of Hearne's Adam of Domerham , which appeared at Oxford in z polskiego 1727. Hearne had already sent to the press the main portion of dissertation conscience, his John of Glastonbury when through the good offices of Thomas Parne [4] he was enabled to borrow from the library of Trinity College, Cambridge, the manuscript of Adam of Domerham—the unique copy, as he says, though large extracts were also contained in Cox Macro's Register which Tanner had borrowed for him.

The De Antiquitate precedes Adam of Domerham's work in the Cambridge manuscript, and had already been edited from it by Gale in his Scriptores Quindecim (Oxford, 1691). But Gale, as Hearne says, used other people's eyes, and sleepy ones at extended essay, that. Moreover he had left out much that he saw could not have come from the original author. Yet these were ancient notes, worthy at dissertation, least of record; and most of them Hearne supposed to have been written by Adam of Domerham to essay, whom the codex had probably belonged. Hearne therefore edited the work afresh as it stood in the manuscript, with the marginal notes in various hands which he endeavoured to discriminate: at the foot of the structure page he gave the essay z polskiego variants of Gale's edition and the readings of Cox Macro's Register (M). Dissertation. A glance at the manuscript will show that, if Hearne's edition presents a somewhat repellent appearance, this is due to the faithfulness with which the editor has done his work. [5] William of Malmesbury entitled his book De Antiquitate Glastoniensis Ecclesiae . It is unfortunate that it has come to extended essay, be commonly described as 'The Antiquities of Glastonbury'. [6] For the personal about author's purpose was plainly indicated by his title. Doubt had been cast on the early date of Glastonbury. The Canterbury Chanter— for William of essay z polskiego, Malmesbury will not mention Osbern's name—had actually said in formula his Life of St Dunstan that the first abbot of Glastonbury was Dunstan himself. Our author proposes with the help of documents to show the line of succession from a very early time; and, after he has recorded the names and dates of some nineteen abbots of the English line alone before the year 940, he says: 'I fancy it will now be clear how far that writer was from the truth who wildly stated that the blessed Dunstan was the first abbot of Glastonbury'. [7] Moreover in his Dedicatory Letter, addressed to Henry of Blois, who held the abbey from 1126 to his death in 1171, he speaks of having already written two books on St Dunstan's life, as well as Lives of SS. Patrick, Benignus and Indractus, and begs now a favourable hearing as he endeavours by extended z polskiego, tracing the successions of the abbots to rescue from suspicion the antiquity of the church, so far as the existing muniments of the abbey shall enable him to do so. [8] This exactly describes his aim, and rating research paper, throughout the work he seldom fails to cite the authorities on which his statements rest.

If for the earlier period his authorities are sometimes weak, that is not his fault. And, though the charters of the Wessex kings are for essay z polskiego, the most part rejected by the modern critics, we may find reason to think that they contain a good deal of true history, and that the immense pains which he expended on their examination may. even raise his credit as an investigator of the distant past. The chronology of of your essay, William of Malmesbury's historical works has been carefully investigated by Bishop Stubbs in the Introduction to the Gesta Regum , which he edited for the Master of the Rolls in 1887. His conclusions are as follows: the extended Gesta Regum was completed in the year 1125: a second and a third edition were issued by personal about family, the author between 1135 and extended z polskiego, 1140. The Gesta Pontificum was in course of composition concurrently with the write essay Gesta Regum , and came out later in the same year 1125: this also was to some extent revised before 1140.

The later editions of the Gesta Regum expressly refer to the work De Antiquitate Glastoniensis Ecclesiae . As this last-mentioned work was dedicated to Henry of Blois the bishop of Winchester, who is however not addressed as papal legate, it was probably written between 1129 and 1139. Now the Dedicatory Letter declares that the author has already completed for the monks of Glastonbury two books on z polskiego the Life of St Dunstan. Essay About Family. When we turn to these books we find that in the former of them he promises to explain the extended presence at Glastonbury of the hotels rating bodies of certain northern saints, if he is extended essay allowed to complete his proposed work on the antiquity of that church. But in the preface to the second book he says that he has already completed that work. [9] The discrepancy of terminale, these statements is not a serious one. The last words of the De Antiquitate show that it was originally addressed to the monks of Glastonbury: the dedication to Henry of Blois, their abbot, was plainly an afterthought, and was written when the second book of the Life of St Dunstan was completed; but the De Antiquitate itself was finished before the introduction to that second book was written. In short, the two works were in hand together during the same period of the z polskiego author's residence at Glastonbury. When we look at the De Antiquitate in the only form in which it has come down to formula for writing essay, us, we find that not only are its margins crowded with later additions, but the text itself bears obvious traces of having been seriously modified many years after the author's death. It is enough here to mention that in one place it speaks of Henry of Blois, who was still living in essay z polskiego 1171, as 'of blessed memory'; and that it has several explicit references to structure of your, the great fire which consumed the abbey in 1184. When we insert the knife of criticism we shall discover that many pages of Hearne's careful edition are filled with inventions of a later date, which must no longer be allowed to blot the reputation of the great historian. It is fortunate for extended essay z polskiego, us that the so-called third edition of the dissertation terminale Gesta Regum contains large insertions which run word for extended essay z polskiego, word with passages in the De Antiquitate ; so that, if we accept the view that this edition was made by the author himself between the years 1135 and 1140, a valuable instrument of criticism is at once placed in our hands. We shall best approach our task by essay, giving an analysis of the book under its existing headings, and essay z polskiego, with occasional quotations in full, down to the point at which the evidence of charters is called in to writing for a, trace the successions of the English abbots.

The frequent repetitions in the text will at essay, once suggest that it has passed through several stages of correction: and, in particular, the names of St Phagan and St Deruvian meet us so unnecessarily often, that we shall even begin to wonder whether they had any place at all in the original manuscript. How the twelve disciples of St Philip and St James the apostles first founded the church of Glastonbury. 'After the glory of the Lord's resurrection, the triumph of His ascension and the mission of the Holy Ghost the Comforter, who filled the disciples' hearts which still trembled with dread of temporal punishment, and gave them the knowledge of all languages, all who believed were together, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, as Luke the Evangelist narrates; and the word of God was sown abroad and the number of them that believed increased daily, and they all had one heart and of your essay, one soul. Kindled therefore with the torch of extended essay, envy, the priests of the Jews together with the Pharisees and scribes stirred up persecution against the Church, killing Stephen the first martyr and driving far away almost all the rest. So while the storm of persecution raged, the family believers were dispersed and went forth into divers kingdoms of the earth, which the Lord assigned to them, offering the word of salvation to the Gentiles. Now St Philip, as Freculfus declares in the fourth chapter of his second book, came to the country of the Franks, and by his gracious preaching turned many to the faith and baptized them. Then desiring that the word of extended essay, Christ should be yet further spread abroad, he chose twelve of his disciples and sent them to Britain to proclaim the terminale word of life and preach the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, and on each of them he devoutly laid his right hand; and over them he appointed, it is said, his dearest friend, Joseph of Arimathea who had buried the Lord. They arrived in Britain in the sixty-third year from the Incarnation of the Lord, and the fifteenth from the Assumption of the Blessed Mary, and preached the faith of Christ with all confidence.' [10] The king gave them an island on the borders of his country, surrounded by woods and thickets and marshes, called Yniswitrin. Two other kings in extended essay succession, though pagans, granted to each of them a portion of rating, land: hence the Twelve Hides have their name to the present day.

These saints were admonished by the archangel Gabriel to build a church in honour of the Blessed Virgin. They made it of twisted wattles, in the thirty-first year after the Lord's Passion and essay, the fifteenth after the Assumption of the glorious Virgin. Since it was the first in that land, the Son of God honoured it by dedicating it to write essay example, His Mother. Extended Essay Z Polskiego. 'Now that all this was so, we learn alike from the Charter of St Patrick and from the writings of the seniors. A Proposal For A. One of these, the historian of the Britons, as we have seen at St Edmund's and again at St Augustine's the Apostle of the English, begins as follows: 'There is on the boundary of western Britain a certain royal island. … Here the first neophytes of the extended z polskiego Catholic law among the English found by God's guidance an ancient church, built, as it is said, by dissertation terminale, no human skill, but made ready by essay, God for the salvation of men, which afterwards the Maker of the heavens … shewed that He had consecrated to Himself and to Mary the Holy Mother of God.' [11] After the example death of the first settlers the place became a lair of wild beasts, until it pleased the essay Blessed Virgin that her oratory should come again to the remembrance of the a proposal faithful: which happened on essay z polskiego this wise: How St Phagan and St Deruvian converted the Britons to the faith, and came to the Isle of Avalon. Annals of good authority record (Tradunt bonae credulitatis annates) that Lucius the king of the Britons sent to Pope Eleutherius asking for Christian teachers. [12] So honourable a request deserves to be compared with the action of K. Ethelbert in later days, who hospitably received the Roman missionaries, though not himself prepared to a proposal paper, accept their teaching.

There came, then, these two holy men, Phagan and Deruvian, and extended essay z polskiego, preached the word in Britain in write A.D. 166. Extended Essay Z Polskiego. When they came to the Isle of Avalon they found the rating church, 'built, as it is z polskiego said, by structure of your, the hands of the disciples of Christ and extended essay, made ready by God for the salvation of men, which afterwards the Maker of the heavens … shewed that He had consecrated to Himself and to Mary the essay example Holy Mother of God'. [13] This was 103 years after the coming of the disciples of extended essay, St Philip. St Phagan and St Dernvian remained here nine years. 'They found in ancient writings the rating research whole story, how when the essay Apostles were dispersed throughout the world St Philip the Apostle came with a multitude of essay, disciples to France and sent twelve of their number to extended essay, preach in Britain. Dissertation Conscience Terminale. And these by the guidance of an angelic vision built that chapel which afterwards the Son of God dedicated in honour of His Mother; and to these twelve three kings, though pagans, granted for their sustenance twelve portions of land.' [14] Accordingly St Phagan and St Deruvian chose twelve of their companions and settled them on the island. They dwelt as anchorites in the very spots where the first twelve had dwelt. Z Polskiego. 'Yet often they assembled at the Old Church ( vetusta ecclesia ) for writing a proposal paper, the devout performance of divine worship. And just as three pagan kings had granted the island with its appendages to the first twelve disciples of Christ in days gone by, so Phagan and Deruvian sought from K. Lucius that the same should be confirmed to those their twelve companions and to others who should come after them. And in this way many others in extended essay z polskiego succession, always keeping to the number twelve, dwelt in the island throughout all the years, until the coming of St Patrick the Apostle of the Irish. [15] To this church also, which they had thus discovered, the holy neophytes added another oratory built of stone, which they dedicated to Christ and the holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

By their work therefore was restored the Old Church of St Mary at Glastonbury. … There is also that written evidence of good credit, found at St Edmund's, to this effect: The church of Glastonbury did none other men's hands make, but actual disciples of Christ built it; being sent, to wit, by the Apostle St Philip, as was said above. Nor is this irreconcileable with truth: for if the Apostle Philip preached to the Gauls, as Freculfus says in the fourth chapter of his second book, it may be believed that he cast the seeds of his doctrine across the sea as well.' We may here pause in our analysis in formula for writing essay order to consider the authenticity of these first two sections of the book. Before calling in evidence from outside we may observe that the second section (beginning with the words 'Tradunt bonae credulitatis annales') tells a complete story which might well have stood as the opening chapter of the whole work. Placed where it is, it gives us over again almost all that has been said in the first section. There are indeed some differences: the island is called Avalon, whereas in the first section it is Yniswitrin: stress is laid on the twelve portions of land granted to the earliest settlers, but there is z polskiego no explicit allusion to the Twelve Hides: and, most noticeable of all, Joseph of Arimathea is structure essay not mentioned at all.

If William of Malmesbury's hand is to extended essay z polskiego, be discovered at all in this mass of legendary narrative, it is in this second section that we shall be inclined to begin to look for essay, it. Now the extended essay z polskiego first of the Glastonbury insertions in the third edition of the Gesta Regum [16] (pp. 23-9) is introduced thus: But since we have touched upon the times of Kenewalch, and the question of the monastery of Glastonbury has come up for consideration, I will unfold the rise and progress of structure essay, that church, so far as I shall be able to gather up the facts out of the mass of memorials, setting out the tale from the beginning. This corresponds with the closing words of the Dedicatory Letter to Bishop Henry of essay, Blois ( De Antiq. Structure Of Your Essay. , p. 4): 'so far as I have been able to gather up the facts out of the mass of your ( v. l. our) memorials '. Earlier in the same Letter we find the words 'the start and progress of that church', and the same Virgilian tag 'repetens ab origine pandam' (cf. Aen. i. 372).

The insertion at once proceeds as follows: Annals of good authority record that Lucius king of the Britons sent to Eleutherius, the thirteenth pope after the blessed Peter, with the prayer that he would enlighten the darkness of Britain by the light of Christian preaching. A high-souled king was he, who essayed a deed worthy of all praise, in that of his own accord he sought after a faith of which he had bvit heard, at a time when well-nigh all kings and essay, peoples were persecuting the very offer of it. These are the exact words which open the second section of the De Antiquitate in the form in which we now have it. They are there followed by a passage in which the magnanimity of K. Lucius is compared with the rating generosity of K. Ethelbert, who long afterwards offered a welcome to extended, another band of missionaries from Rome. This passage is not quoted in G. Essay. R. 3 , but it is quite in William of Malmesbury's manner: it was however no more than a rhetorical patch. The next sentences in the two books run thus: Here we have at the outset a notable discrepancy. The insertion in G. R. 3 tells us that the names of the missionaries sent by Pope Eleutherus to K. Lucius are lost in the mists of antiquity.

But in the De Antiquitate their names are given as Phagan and Deruvian, on the authority of the Charter of St Patrick and the Gesta Britannorum . Two alternative explanations of this discrepancy are open to us. We may suppose that William of Malmesbury came to mistrust the extended essay Charter of structure essay, St Patrick which had been shown him at Glastonbury, and on second thoughts rejected its evidence altogether. Essay Z Polskiego. Or we may suppose that the statement that the names of the essay missionaries were unknown is what he really wrote in the De Antiquitate ; and that the Charter of St Patrick with all the information derived from essay z polskiego, it, was a later invention foisted into the original work. Now William of Malmesbury does not elsewhere in his historical works refer to the mission sent by Eleutherus at the request of K. Lucius. He found it, of course, in the Chronicle (under A.D. 167), as also in Bede ( H. E. i. 4 and Epit. ), who probably got it from the Liber Pontificalis . He was on firm ground therefore when he spoke of ' annals of good authority '. But in none of these sources are the names of the missionaries given. Geoffrey of Monmouth, however, says (IV, § 19) that their names were Fagan and Duvian; and he adds the story of the twenty-eight flamens and three arch-flamens, who as the result of their mission were superseded by twenty-eight bishops and three archbishops. After him Giraldus Cambrensis ( Descr. Of Your. Cambr. i ad fin.) gives their names as Fagan and Damian. But neither of these writers brings the missionaries to Glastonbury. Extended Essay. [17]

In the rating paper Gesta Pontificum (p. 196) William of Malmesbury had expressed his view that the extended essay z polskiego first founder of the monastery of Glastonbury was K. Dissertation Conscience. Ina, acting under the advice of St Aldhelm. Extended Essay. A like statement is found in the first edition of essay, his Gesta Regum (p. 35, note). But this does not prevent him from recognising that Glastonbury had long been a sacred spot and that St Patrick at the close of his Irish mission had died and was buried there. [18] In the extended essay insertion into his third edition of the Gesta Regum he goes much further back, and example, brings the nameless missionaries of Pope Eleutherus to Glastonbury and makes them the builders of the Old Church of St Mary. He has indeed seen some evidence of a yet earlier origin—the building of the church by actual disciples of Christ. He will not deny the possibility of this; for, if St Philip came to extended, Gaul as Freculfus says, he may well have sent some of his disciples across the sea to Britain. The reader, however, shall not be troubled further with matters of mere opinion. This is a statement guarded enough, and not unworthy of a cautious historian who at the time of writing was enjoying the rating paper hospitality of the Glastonbury monks. But a few strokes of the pen turn it into something very different.

The missionaries are identified as Phagan and Deruvian, of whom much may be learned from the Charter of St Patrick and the Gesta Britannorum. Extended Essay. The addition of the single word 'restaurata' makes Phagan and Deruvian the restorers, not the builders, of the structure essay Old Church. The suggestion that its building by the actual disciples of extended, Christ can be treated as mere matter of opinion is struck out. We are at a loss to know what written evidence William of Malmesbury found for the statement that 'the church of hotels rating research paper, Glastonbury did none other men's hands make, but actual disciples of Christ built it '. He found it, he says, 'in certain places' ( in nonnullis locis ). For these vague words the De Antiquitate gives us ' at St Edmund's ', and it adds a reference to an earlier mention of the essay z polskiego missionaries sent by St Philip. When we turn back to dissertation, the first section we read, after a long account of these missionaries: ' Now that all this was so, we learn alike from the Charter of St Patrick and from the essay writings of the seniors. One of these, the historian of the Britons ( Britonum historiographus ), as we have seen at St Edmund's and rating research paper, again at St Augustine's the Apostle of the English, begins as follows: There is on the boundary of western Britain a certain royal island. …' The citation is in fact taken from the early Life of St Dunstan, written about A.D. 1000 by the Saxon priest known only by his initial B. A copy of this work was, as William of extended essay z polskiego, Malmesbury tells us in his own Life of for writing an expository essay, St Dunstan, placed in his hands by extended essay, the monks of Glastonbury; [19] so that in any case this could not be the conscience writing to which he refers.

Moreover what we are there told is that ' the essay first neophytes of the Catholic law found an ancient church, built, as it is said, by no human skill, but made ready from heaven for the salvation of man '. This is in direct conflict with the statement that it was built by actual disciples of Christ. Further, it is not likely that William of Malmesbury could have spoken of this book, as the writer of the first section does, as the work of writing a proposal paper, Britonum historiographus . It is essay z polskiego plain that we have here an ignorant attempt of some later writer to identify the work to which reference had been made. We must now resume our analysis of the write work as it stands, taking it up at z polskiego, the third section (p. 15). How a certain monk of St Denys discoursed concerning Glastonbury. The antiquity of the church is shown by the story of a Glastonbury monk named Godfrey, of the essay time when Henry of Blois was abbot, who visited the monastery of St Denys. 'We have taken both this and the chapter which we shall subjoin from a letter of his.' An old monk there told him that, while both their churches were known to have been dedicated by the Saviour Himself, Glastonbury had the further distinction of extended essay z polskiego, being called 'Roma secunda'.

How a multitude of folk first came to dwell at Glastonbury. 'In the ancient Deeds of the Britons we read that from the northern part of Britain there came to hotels paper, the West twelve brothers.' The last on extended essay the list is Glasteing. It was he who passing through the English of the for writing essay Midlands followed his sow from Wells along the Sugewege and found her under an apple-tree near the Old Church. Here he settled with his family. Of the extended various names of this Island. The British name Yniszvitrin was translated by the English as Glastinbiry . Or we may take the derivation from Glasteing, as given above. Avallonia may come from avalla , the of your British word for apples; or from Avalloc, who retired here with his daughters. Of these three sections the first betrays itself at once as later than the days of Henry of Blois. The other two with their mythological explanations are, in style as well as in substance, such as we could not easily imagine William of Malmesbury to extended essay z polskiego, have written. And in fact, if we omit them, the narrative runs on without a break, [20] exactly as in the insertion in G. R. 3.

With what devotion divers saints came thither. The church of essay, which we speak was called by the English the Old Church. It was at first formed of essay, wattles. Plain as it was, its fame was widespread, and pilgrims came from every quarter. Gildas the British historian ( historicas ) spent many years there. ' And there he died in a. d. 512, and was buried in the Old Church before the altar.' With the exception of the last sentence, which is only found in the De Antiquitate, the narratives thus far are identical.

What follows comes at a later point in the insertion in G. R. Dissertation Conscience. 3 (p. 26). St Germanus of Auxerre, having come to the aid of the Britons against essay z polskiego, English invaders and Pelagian heretics, on his return took Patrick with him. Presently he sent him, by order of Pope Celestine, to preach in Ireland. When his work was done, he came to Glastonbury.

There he found twelve brethren living as anchorites: he gathered them into a community and became their abbot, 'as the following writing, which he himself in his own day composed, manifestly declares.' As far as the arrival of Glastonbury the personal essay about two narratives run together (save that the insertion has two citations from the Chronicle): but in the insertion there is only added: 'and there he became monk and abbot, and after some years paid the debt of nature'. There is no mention of extended z polskiego, his Charter, which in the De Antiquitate now follows. Hotels Rating Research Paper. It is extended so important for our argument, and in itself so interesting as marking a stage in the Glastonbury tradition, that it may be given here in full. The Charter of St Patrick the Bishop. 'In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I Patrick, the humble servant of God, in the year of His Incarnation 430, was sent into Ireland by the most holy Pope Celestine, and by God's grace converted the Irish to the way of truth; and, when I had established them in the Catholic faith, at length I returned to Britain, and, as I believe, by the guidance of God, who is the life and the way, I chanced upon the isle of Ynsgytrin, wherein I found a place holy and ancient, chosen and sanctified by God in honour of Mary the pure Virgin, the Mother of God: and for writing, there I found certain brethren imbued with the rudiments of the essay Catholic faith, and of pious conversation, who were successors of the disciples of St Phagan and structure essay, St Deruvian, whose names for the merit of essay z polskiego, their lives I verily believe are written in heaven: and because the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance, since tenderly I loved those brethren, I have thought good to record their names in this my writing. And they are these: Brumban, Hyregaan, Brenwal, Wencreth, Bamtonmeweng, Adelwalred, Lothor, Wellias, Breden, Swelwes, Hin Loernius, and another Hin. Structure Of Your Essay. These men, being of noble birth and wishing to crown their nobleness with deeds of faith, had chosen to lead a hermit's life; and when I found them meek and gentle, I chose to be in extended essay low estate with them, rather than to of your, dwell in kings' palaces.

And, since we were all of one heart and one mind, we chose to dwell together, and eat and drink in common, and sleep in the same house. And so they set me, though unwilling, at their head: for indeed I was not worthy to unloose the latchet of their shoes. And, when we were thus leading the monastic life according to the pattern of the approved fathers, the brothers showed me writings of St Phagan and extended, St Deruvian, wherein it was contained that twelve disciples of St Philip and St James had built that Old Church in honour of our Patroness aforesaid, instructed thereto by for a paper, the blessed archangel Gabriel. And further, that the Lord from heaven had dedicated that same church in honour of His Mother; and that to extended essay z polskiego, those twelve three pagan kings had granted for their sustenance twelve portions of land. Dissertation. Moreover in more recent writings I found that St Phagan and St Deruvian had obtained from Pope Eleutherius, who had sent them, ten years [21] of indulgence. And I brother Patrick in my time obtained twelve years from Pope Celestine of pious memory. 'Now after some time had passed I took with me my brother Wellias, and with great difficulty we climbed up through the dense wood to the summit of the mount, which stands forth in extended z polskiego that island. And when we were come there we saw an ancient oratory, wellnigh ruined, yet fitting for writing a proposal paper, Christian devotion and, as it appeared to me, chosen by God.

And when we entered therein we were filled with so sweet an odour that we believed ourselves to be set in the beauty of Paradise. So then we went out and went in again, and searched the whole place diligently; and we found a volume in which were written Acts of Apostles, along with Acts and Deeds of extended, St Phagan and St Deruvian. It was in great part destroyed, but at structure, the end thereof we found a writing which said that St Phagan and St Deruvian, by revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, had built that oratory in honour of St Michael the archangel, that he should have honour there from men, who at God's bidding was to introduce men to everlasting honour. And since that writing pleased us much, we sought to read it to the end. Z Polskiego. For that same writing said that the formula venerable Phagan and z polskiego, Deruvian abode there for nine years, and that they had also obtained indulgence of thirty years for all Christian folk who visit that place with pious intent for the honour of the blessed Michael. Having found therefore this great treasure of divine goodness, I and brother Wellias fasted three months, engaged in prayer and watching, and controlling the demons and beasts that in divers forms appeared. And on a certain night, when I had given myself to sleep, the Lord Jesus appeared to me in a vision, saying: Patrick my servant, know that I have chosen this place to the honour of My name, and that here men should honorably invoke the for a aid of My archangel Michael.

And this shall be a sign to thee, and to thy brethren, that they also may believe: thy left arm shall wither, till thou has told what thou hast seen to thy brethren which are in the cell below, and art come hither again. And so it came to pass. From that day we appointed that two brethren should be there continually, unless the pastors in the future should for just cause determine otherwise. 'Now to Arnulf and Ogmar, Irish brethren who had come with me from Ireland, because at my request they were the first to make their humble dwelling at extended, that oratory, I have entrusted this present writing, keeping another like unto it in the ark of St Mary as a memorial for those who shall come after. And I Patrick, by counsel of rating paper, my brethren, concede a hundred days of pardon to all who shall with pious intent cut down with axe and hatchet the wood on every side of the mount aforesaid, that there may be an easier approach for Christian men who shall make pious visit to the church of the Blessed Ever- Virgin.' That these things were truly so, we have proved by the testimony of a very ancient writing, as well as by the narratives of extended essay z polskiego, elder men. And so this saint aforesaid, who is the Apostle of the Irish and personal about family, the first abbot in the Isle of Avalon, after he had duly instructed these brethren in rule and extended, discipline, and had sufficiently enriched that place with lands and possessions by of your, the gift of kings and princes, when some years were past yielded to nature, and had his rightful burial, by the showing of an angel, and by the flashing from the essay spot of a great flame in sight of all who were there present, in the Old Church on the right hand of the altar. The composition of this amazing document must have given immense delight to its ingenious author. Dissertation Conscience. But we must turn away from its picturesque details, even from the charming touch which gives to extended essay, neighbouring Wells an interest in the discovery of St Michael's chapel on structure of your the Tor: for there is nothing here to guide us to a date. Happily there is a business side to the rhapsody which may provide a clue. The isle of Glastonbury, Mother of the Saints, the Second Rome, had in virtue of this precious charter privileges of indulgence to offer to her pilgrims, worthy of extended z polskiego, her high antiquity and her divine consecration.

Ten years—some said thirty—gained by St Phagan and St Deruvian from Pope Eleutherus; twelve more gained by dissertation conscience terminale, St Patrick from Pope Celestine: while for essay z polskiego, those who made the toilsome ascent of the Tor St Phagan and St Deruvian had gained thirty more. The question of Indulgences has been investigated by Dr. H. C. Lea in his great work on Auricular Confession. The earliest grant which he can point to of your, as indisputably genuine is that made by Urban II at the dedication of the church of St Nicholas at Angers in a. d. 1096: it gave one month's relaxation of enjoined penance for the anniversary (Lea, iii. 141). At the dedication of Cluny in 1132 Innocent II granted 40 days for the anniversary ( ibid. 145). Between these two dates, as I have shown elsewhere, may be confidently placed a grant by the papal legate, Peter of Cluny, to Westminster in 1121: this gave relaxation of 40 days of criminalia and z polskiego, a third of enjoined penance for minora to those who visited the essay church on the festival of the martyrdom of SS. Peter and essay, Paul.

A more substantial grant to the same church was made much later by hotels rating, Innocent IV (1243-54), namely, of a year and 40 days for z polskiego, the festival of St Edward. [22] Turning back to Dr. Lea's list we find that in 1163 Alexander III, in dedicating S. Germain des Pres, granted a year on the actual occasion and a proposal for a paper, 20 days for the anniversary. But all these grants fade into insignificance before the benefits provided by St Phagan and St Deruvian. There is another road by which we may approach our problem. Hearne has printed in the appendix to his John of essay, Glastonbury a list of write, charters existing among the abbey muniments in essay 1247. [23] He has on p. 378 a heading which runs thus: 'Days of write, Indulgence for Glastonbury, of which we have not the charters, though we once had them '. This list is just what is needed to tell us what undoubted privileges Glastonbury claimed in the middle of the thirteenth century, a hundred years after William of Malmesbury's death. Though the monks could not show the charters, they were secure in the confirmation of all these days by a covering privilege of extended essay z polskiego, Pope Innocent III (1198-1216). The first was a grant by St Dunstan of write essay, 100 days: this doubtless was a forgery, but it had passed muster at Rome. The next is Lanfranc's grant of 30 days, which may well have been genuine. The next twelve do not rise in any instance above 40 days.

Then Bishop Reginald of Bath grants 100 days, probably when he dedicated the chapel of St Mary at essay, its restoration after the fire of 1184. His successor, Bishop Savary, who made himself abbot of Glastonbury, also granted 100 days. The list ends with Bishop Jocelin's grant of 30 days. Thus much for dissertation, genuine privileges, which are such as we might expect. But just before this list comes a small section to the following effect: Ancient Indulgence for Glastonbury in a charter without seal. Pope Eleutherius granted 10 years [24] of essay z polskiego, Indulgence at the request of Phagan and Deruvian. Pope Celestine granted 12 years at the request of St Patrick.

Item, SS. Phagan and Deruvian obtained 30 years. ¶ Torre. [25] We know whence these items come, and we are not surprised that no papal confirmation is claimed for them. We may even doubt whether the Charter of St Patrick which authorised them had seen the light at all in the lifetime of Pope Innocent III. Here at any rate is our earliest evidence of writing a proposal paper, its existence. [26] And this same document of 1247 mentions it again (p. 379), when under the heading Antiqua Privilegia it places by themselves the three great forgeries,

Magnum Privilegium Ynae regis. Privilegium Edgari regis. Carta Sancti Patrieii. The great fire which consumed the abbey on St Urban's day, the 25th of extended z polskiego, May, 1184, was responsible for several wonderful discoveries at Glastonbury—among others the body of King Arthur. The sore distress of the monks under Bishop Savary's rule and their expensive efforts to regain their freedom after his death must have yet further quickened their imagination; and we may suppose that the 'very ancient writing', which St Patrick had providentially deposited in a safe hiding-place high up on the Tor, was a timely find for their empty purse. Let us now draw together our reasons for thinking that William of Malmesbury had no knowledge of St Patrick's Charter, and that it was foisted into his work long after his death. Rating Research Paper. In the first place we have seen that the extended z polskiego third edition of his Gesta Regum , though it contains passages which appear in identical words in the De Antiquitate , makes no mention of the Charter or of any incidents for which the Charter is cited as an authority in this latter work in the form in which we now read it.

Secondly, whereas the Charter gives the names of Phagan and Deruvian to the missionaries sent by Pope Eleutherus to K. Lucius, and these names now appear in those portions of the De Antiquitate which correspond to the insertions in G. R. 3 , William of Malmesbury expressly declares that their names were unknown in his day. Thirdly, the excessive terms of Indulgence granted in the Charter could hardly have suggested themselves to a forger of any time before William of Malmesbury wrote, and may with much more probability be referred to the period of strain through which the abbey passed in the early part of the thirteenth century. Research Paper. We may add to all this that the first positive indication of the existence of the Charter comes .to us from a record of the year 1247. We go forward again with our analysis (p. 22). Of St Patrick's decease. St Patrick died in z polskiego a. d. Of Your Essay. 472, in the 111th year of his age, and the 47th since his mission to Ireland.

For in essay z polskiego 361 he was born: in 425 sent to structure essay, Ireland: in 433 he converted the Irish: after that he dwelt 39 years in the isle of Avalon. ' He rested in the Old Church on the right side of the altar for many ages, even 410 years, until the burning of that church.' He was buried in a stone pyramid, afterwards decked with gold and silver. A Vision concerning St Patrick. Long afterwards, when dispute arose concerning him, a monk received a vision which proved that he had been monk and extended essay z polskiego, abbot there. Of St Indract and example, St Bridget. Hence Irish pilgrims came to visit the spot. St Bridget dwelt long in the island of extended, Beokery, and returning home left memorials of wonder-working power. St Indract and his companions were martyred, as elsewhere we have told, and afterwards brought by personal essay about, K. Ina to extended essay z polskiego, the church of Glastonbury. In a. d. 460 came St Benignus, the third successor of St Patrick in his Irish bishopric. He found St Patrick still there. There are still memorials of his miracles at Feringemere (Meare), where he rested till his translation to Glastonbury in 1091. [27]

Of St Columkill. In A.D. 504 St Columkill came; but it is example uncertain whether he died there. The first three sections are attested by essay, the insertion in G. R. 3 G. R. 3 , though with a few variations. In the formula for writing an expository first section the mention of the extended fire of 1184 shows that the story has been worked over. [28] The items given under the dates 425 and 433 appear in G. R. 3 as two extracts from 'Chronica', which however do not correspond with any form of the A. Personal Essay About. S. Chron. that we know. [29] The date of St Bridget is an amplification, as also is the extended z polskiego statement that she resided in 'the island of Beokery'.

Beokery, as we shall be told later, means 'Little Ireland'. [30] The information here given as to St Benignus is not in G. R. 3 , save for a brief sentence as to his miracles. But what G. R. 3 does give us corresponds with what comes much later in conscience terminale De Antiquitate (p. 46). The little section on St Columkill is also wanting in G. R. 3 , which goes on to speak of St David. Of St David the Archbishop. In what reverence the place was held by the great St David, archbishop of the extended essay z polskiego Menevensians, is well known.

He came with his seven bishops, thinking to consecrate the church. At night the Lord appeared to him and warned him that He Himself had dedicated it in for writing an expository essay honour of His Mother. As a sign He pierced his hand, but promised that it should be healed when in the morrow's mass he should reach the essay words ' by formula for writing an expository essay, Him and with Him and in Him [31] So then he quickly built another church, and consecrated that. Of the Relics of St David. St David died in a. d. 546. Some say that he was laid with St Patrick in the Old Church; and this is supported by the pilgrims from Wales, who declare that Bernard, bishop of Rosina Vallis, sought him elsewhere in vain. Essay Z Polskiego. But how his remains came from Rosina Vallis to Glastonbury we will explain. A matron in K. Edgar's time, named ?lswitha, obtained them through a kinsman who was bishop there, when the land was so laid waste that almost all deserted it; and she bestowed them upon Glastonbury. Of Relics brought from Wales to Glastonbury.

Welsh pilgrims, on the way to visit Rome, deposited bodies of their saints and other relics at Glastonbury. Hotels Rating Research Paper. This translation of St David took place in extended A.D. Essay Example. 962. The first of these sections occurs in full in G. R. 3 In the second the date is an amplification, as is the mention of Rosina Vallis in essay z polskiego connexion with Bishop Bernard's name. Hotels Research. [32] So also is the story about iElswitha. The third section is not in G. R. 3 , which passes on to speak of the mission of St Augustine. What follows in the De Antiquitate is found much earlier in G. R. 3 (p. 24). Of the sanctity and dignity of the church of Glastonbury. This church, then, of all I know in England is the most ancient: hence its name. [33] The place is crowded with the bodies of saints.

Under the pavement, above and beneath the altars, relics are everywhere. Rightly is it called the heavenly sanctuary on earth and the depository of saints. [34] Happy are they who dwell there! Who shall fail of heaven, with patrons such as these to z polskiego, plead their cause? So sacrosanct is the place that none dare profane it, none swear falsely by it. The truth of this finds its support in testimonies of every age. Formula For Writing An Expository. [35] This rhetorical section is the same in both our documents, save for slight displacements. In what follows we go on extended to p. 28 of G. Write Essay. R. Extended Z Polskiego. 3. Of St Paulinus the Bishop. To return to essay, my subject, St Patrick's birth in A.D. 361 preceded St Augustine's coming by 236 years.

Paulinus the companion of the latter, when bishop of Rochester after having been archbishop of York, is said to have covered the wattled church with wooden planks and extended essay, roofed it with lead. Of the Translation of St Indract and his companions. Some years afterwards K. Ina translated the hotels paper bodies of extended essay, St Indract and his companions from the place of their martyrdom to the church of Glastonbury. Of the Relics brought to Glastonbury from the land of the Northumbrians. Still later, when the Danes were ravaging Northumbria, a certain abbot Tica took refuge at Glastonbury, and was made abbot there in A.D. 754. He brought with him relics of St Aidan, and the bodies of Ceolfrid, Benedict [Biscop] and other abbots of Wearmouth; also of Bede the Presbyter and Abbess Hilda. He himself was buried in the right-hand corner of the greater church, near the a proposal for a paper entrance to the Old Church. The section on Paulinus is in G. Z Polskiego. R. 3 , but without the date, and with no mention of the roofing with lead. The next section corresponds to a portion of the second insertion in G. R. 3 , under the essay reign of K. Extended. Ina (p. 36).

The section on the Northumbrian saints is not found in G. R. 3 William of Malmesbury's opinion wavered on this matter. In the example Gesta Pontificum (p. Extended Essay. 198), writing about Glastonbury, he says that K. Edmund, when on his northern expedition, sent these relics—namely, Hilda and a proposal paper, Ceolfrid and essay z polskiego, part of the rating research bones of Aidan. But in the first edition of his Gesta Regum (p. 56) he speaks of the destruction of Whitby by essay, the Danes, and says that bones of Aidan and Hilda were removed to Glastonbury: in the third edition he adds at this point 'Ceolfrid' and 'many others', together with the words: 'as I have said in the book which I have lately put forth on the Antiquity of the church of a proposal for a, Glastonbury'. Again, on essay z polskiego p. 60 of the first edition he says that Ceolfrid's bones together with Hilda's were taken to writing a proposal for a, Glastonbury at the time of the Danish invasion: here there is no change in the third edition. In speaking of St Indract on extended essay p. 36 of G. R. 3 , he says in passing: 'with whom the care of a later age laid the structure of your essay blessed Hilda'. In the first book of his Life of St Dunstan he had promised to tell how these northern saints came to Glastonbury, if he were permitted to complete his book on the Antiquity of the church of Glastonbury. [36] We may perhaps conclude that he abandoned the view that K. Edmund brought them in favour of a translation at the time of the Danish invasion; but, since Abbot Tica's name is z polskiego not mentioned in G. R. 3 , we cannot be confident that is not a later interpolation. We now come to rating paper, a solid block of the extended De Antiquitate which has no attestation at all in the third edition of the write example Gesta Regum , and is certainly not from the pen of William of Malmesbury.

It extends over thirteen pages of Hearne's edition (pp. 30-42), and it will be unnecessary to extended essay, give an analysis of it here. It will suffice to say that the first section, which is headed 'Of Divers Relics stored at Glastonbury', repeats much that has been said before and adds many new names after the manner of a catalogue; makes reference to the translation of St Dunstan, of which it promises to give a full account; and ends by saying that 'amongst us' ( apud nos ) there is not a complete knowledge of the many saints who are buried here. Formula An Expository. The remainder of this great interpolation is mainly taken up with an elaborate narrative of the finding of St Dunstan's body when Canterbury was laid desolate by the Danes, their removal to Glastonbury where they lay hidden for more than a century and a half, and finally their happy discovery after the essay great fire of 1184. This is followed by short sections on three wonder-working Crosses [37] and an image of the Virgin which miraculously escaped the fire. Finally, we have a section 'On the Altar of St David, which is essay commonly called the Sapphire': if we could have any doubt as to the date of this, it would be removed by the last sentence which speaks of Henry, bishop of Winchester, 'of pious memory'.

After this interlude we find ourselves again with William of Malmesbury, though at first only for a single sentence. Of the Nobles buried at Glastonbury. How venerable was this church to the great ones of the land, and how desirable as a resting-place, is shown by many proofs with which I will not weary my readers. This has occurred at extended z polskiego, an earlier point in G. R. 3 (p. 25). It is there followed quite naturally by the words which in the De Antiquitate will begin the formula for writing an expository essay next section. The present section is filled out by a series of examples which the writer says he will pass over ( praetermitto … praetermitto etiam … taceo … ). The first of these examples is K. Arthur, of whom a good deal is here said.

Yet William of extended, Malmesbury declares in Gesta Regum (II, p. 342) that his grave is writing paper unknown, and extended essay, recounts no more about him than the little that he found in Nennius: he has no use for 'Britonum nugae' ( G. R. I, p. 11 ). Of the conscience Two Pyramids. That which is essay z polskiego almost wholly unknown would I gladly tell, if I could shape out the truth of it: namely, the hotels rating research paper meaning of those pyramids which stand at a few feet from the Old Church in the cemetery of the monks. The nearest to the church is twenty-six feet high, and has a number of names, which perhaps may refer to persons buried beneath. The second is eighteen feet high, and on extended z polskiego it can be read 'Hedde episcopus', 'Bregored' and 'Beoruuard'. The last of these was abbot after Hemgisl. Of these abbots, and of the whole series of abbots and formula for writing essay, what gifts they obtained for the abbey from various kings, we propose from this point onward to speak in detail. The whole of this section is in G. Extended Essay Z Polskiego. R. 3 (p. 25), where it is followed by: 'And first of the blessed Patrick, from a proposal for a, whom the series takes its start'. The story of Patrick we have had at a much earlier point in the De Antiquitate (pp.

18 ff.). Extended Z Polskiego. But the sequence in G. R. About. 3 commends itself as far more natural, and more in essay harmony with the author's declared purpose of proving that St Dunstan was by no means the first abbot of paper, Glastonbury. It was the Canterbury Chanter's error on this point that had moved the z polskiego historian to write his Enquiry into the Antiquity of the Church of Glastonbury. We must carry our analysis a little further, until we come to K. Coenwalch and conscience terminale, the Saxon charters and so reach the point at which our documentary evidence begins. Of Kings, Abbots, and other Founders of the Church of Glastonbury set out in extended order. First it is to terminale, be remembered that the twelve disciples of St Philip and St James. Essay Z Polskiego. …. Then next St Phagan and St Deruvian. … Then long afterwards St Patrick. … To him succeeded St Benignus: his epitaph was inscribed on his tomb at Ferremere. Then followed British abbots, whose names are lost, save only formula essay three—Worgret, Lademund and Bregored. Of this only the portion dealing with St Benignus is in G. R. Extended Z Polskiego. 3 : the rest has been said too often already, except the last sentence which anticipates what is to come. Of the Illustrious Arthur.

It is told in structure of your essay the Deeds of K. Arthur how he lost a young knight who slew three giants on the Mount of Frogs, otherwise called Brent Knoll, and in sorrow gave this hill to the abbey of Glastonbury. After all that we have learned of the interpolations in the De Antiquitate we shall not be disposed to attribute this section to William of Malmesbury. Extended Essay. But the next section appears in G. R. Hotels Rating Research Paper. 3 (pp. 28 f.). Of the land of extended essay, Yneswitrin, given to Glastonbury in the time of the English who were converted to the Faith. In A.D.

601 a king of Domnonia granted to the Old Church which was situated there the hotels land called Yneswitrin, at the request of Abbot Worgret, namely five hides. Extended Essay. ' I, Mauron the bishop, wrote this charter. I, Worgret, abbot of the for writing essay same place, have subscribed it.' Who that king was the extended essay age of the document prevents us from knowing. That he was a Briton may be gathered from structure, his calling Glastonbury Yneswitrin. Worgret, whose name sounds British, was succeeded by Lademund; and he by Bregored. Their dates are unknown, but their names are shown by a painting in essay the great church. Bregored was succeeded by Berthwald. The strange and apparently inconsistent mention of the conversion of the English which is found in the title is essay perhaps explained when we find in G. R. Essay Z Polskiego. 3 , after the date A.D. 610, the additional words: 'that is, in the fifth year of the coming of the blessed Augustine'. It is plain that William of Malmesbury had seen what purported to research, be the essay charter of a British king, whose name could no longer be read: but of this charter we have no further knowledge.

In favour of writing, its early date may at any rate be pleaded that it speaks only of five hides, and not of twelve. The next section deals with K. Coenwalch and Abbot Beorhtwald, and is found with some modifications in G. R. 3 . It closes the extended essay z polskiego first insertion in the third edition of the Gesta Regum , bringing us back to the times of K. Coenwalch, whose name had led the historian to introduce the subject of Glastonbury. The succession of the English abbots which begins at write essay, this point must be treated in a separate essay. When we come to sum up the results of our investigation, we recall in the first place the extended essay sharp difference between William of Malmesbury's assertion that the names of the missionaries sent by K. Lucius were lost in the mists of the past, and the frequency with which St Phagan and of your, St Deruvian meet us in the opening sections and at later points in the De Antiquitate as we read it to-day. We remember also that, whereas he attributed to the labour of extended, these missionaries the building of the Old Church at Glastonbury, the De Antiquitate says that by their labour the church was restored, its original building being assigned to actual disciples of the Lord. Moreover we have seen reason for believing that the Charter of St Patrick, on write example which the extended essay De Antiquitate , as we have it, relies for the information which thus directly contradicts the statements of William of Malmesbury, was not known to dissertation, the historian, and indeed cannot reasonably be supposed to have been written till many years after his death. The account which William of Malmesbury, in the great insertion in the third edition of his Gesta Regum , has given us of the earliest history of Glastonbury is essay z polskiego exceedingly cautious. 'Annals of good authority' tell of missionaries sent into Britain by Pope Eleutherus at the request of K. Lucius. Their names we do not know, but tradition assures us that they built the a proposal for a paper Old Church of St Mary at Glastonbury. There are indeed writings which take it back still further to actual disciples of essay, Christ: and this is not impossible; for, if Freculfus was right in saying that St Philip the Apostle preached in Gaul, he may have sent some of his followers across the sea. It is not conceivable that the man who wrote this non-committal statement, almost all the of your essay words of which are found embodied in extended the second section of the De Antiquitate , could have written only a few years before the remaining portion of that section or any part at all of the formula an expository essay first section as it now stands.

The words 'Tradunt bonae credulitates annales' form a perfectly adequate opening to an Enquiry into the Antiquity of the z polskiego Church of Glastonbury. The writer courteously refers to the traditional accounts of the origin of the church, but he is writing a proposal paper anxious to get forward as quickly as possible to the declared purpose of his work. He has been irritated by the monstrous assertion of Osbern, the late precentor of Canterbury, that the essay z polskiego first abbot of Glastonbury was St Dunstan in the tenth century. His examination of the abbey muniments has provided him with record evidence, as we call it to-day, of at least nineteen earlier abbots of the English line alone; he has found the names of three British abbots before their time; and the grave of rating paper, St Patrick, still visited by extended essay z polskiego, Irish pilgrims, leads him to accept the local belief that the hermits who for many generations had dwelt in the neighbourhood of the Tor were first gathered into community by the Apostle of the Irish. The abbots of Glastonbury, therefore, though some of their names can no longer be traced, go back to the first half of the fifth century: St Patrick was the first, and St Benignus his pupil was the second. We may question this to-day, if we will, as Ralph Higden questioned it in the fourteenth century, and suppose that there has been some confusion with a later Patrick. But if we had lived in William of Malmesbury's time, and seen St Patrick's tomb with the Irish pilgrims kneeling round it, and had copied the epitaph of St Benignus at essay family, Meare, and visited St Bridget's chapel at Beokery, or Little Ireland, and seen her wallet and her distaff, we should have been sceptical indeed had we accused the historian of excessive credulity.

It was left to a later age to take over St Phagan and St Deruvian from Geoffrey of Monmouth or Giraldus Cambrensis, and to invent the Charter of St Patrick which brought them to Glastonbury and made them not only restore the essay z polskiego Old Church of St Mary, but also build the chapel of St Michael on the Tor. It was left to a later age still to appropriate the write story of Joseph of Arimathea and the legend of the Holy Grail. Our conclusion is that the whole of the opening portion of the De Antiquitate as William of Malmesbury wrote it, down to the point at which he begins to extended essay, treat of the English abbots and the evidence of early charters, is substantially preserved for essay family, us in the first and longest insertion which we find in the third edition of the Gesta Regum . Essay Z Polskiego. Guided by the context and the style, we have no hesitation in adding to this what we have called a rhetorical patch in which he compares the generous action of K. Lucius with that of K. Ethelbert in a proposal for a paper later days. It is just possible that he may have omitted for the sake of brevity another sentence here or there, and that the order of the narrative may have been changed: but I do not think that this is z polskiego so. I venture to submit that in this great insertion into the Gesta Regum , when we have replaced a single passage, we have the genuine form of the first part of the De Antiquitate.

And I would ask any scholar who inclines to question this verdict to set himself the task of translating into English the first few sections of the book as it stands. Personal Essay. He will find that his pen runs easily enough as he renders the dull and unidiomatic Latin of the later writers, but that he will have to pause and think before he can do justice to the cultivated and ambitious style of the great historian. Extended Z Polskiego. It was in fact an attempt to translate the book, which so far as I know has never been presented to dissertation conscience, English readers, that awoke my own suspicions in regard to several sections which I had been prepared to leave unchallenged. Extended Z Polskiego. It is dangerous to of your, argue from style alone, and therefore I have left this observation to extended, the last: but the contrast is so marked that I feel no hesitation in adducing it in corroboration of a conclusion reached on other grounds. Additional Note .—I have spoken throughout of 'the third edition' of the Gesta Regum . Bishop Stubbs followed earlier scholars in a proposal for a recognising three classes of the MSS, and he designated them as A, B, and C. The A MSS represent the extended z polskiego original form of the work. An Expository. In the extended essay B and C MSS there are certain changes which show a tendency to soften some of the harsher judgements of the earlier text.

Moreover B agrees with C in paying more attention to Glastonbury, and it has a few of the same insertions from the De Antiquitate , to which book it makes express reference more than once. Rating Research. The whole of the essay first insertion, with which we have been concerned above, is absent from the B MSS; but at the point at which this insertion comes in C there is a slight deviation in B from the A text; and such deviations occur, as Bishop Stubbs points out, wherever an dissertation conscience terminale, insertion comes in C and not in B. I must refer to Bishop Stubbs's Introduction to the Gesta Regum (I, lviii ff.) for a statement of the main differences between B and C. With evident unwillingness he decides to follow his predecessors in making B the second and extended essay, C the personal family third edition. To avoid confusion I have accepted this arrangement, as it does not affect my argument. Extended Essay Z Polskiego. But I should wish to record the impression which a study of the various readings in his apparatus criticus has left on my mind. I believe that his instinct was right when he was inclined to make C the second and B the third edition.

I should add, however, that the B recension was not due to the historian himself, but was the work of a later editor who had no special interest in Glastonbury, and perhaps even disliked the for writing essay exceptional prominence given to it. Extended Z Polskiego. I would invite future students of the problem to observe how frequently throughout the Gesta Regum the changes made in the B edition are tiresome verbal emendations, quite unlikely to have proceeded from the pen of the author himself. I give this only as an impression, but I would point out formula for writing that this solution would relieve us from the difficulty of supposing that William of Malmesbury having made these Glastonbury insertions in C should afterwards have produced a new edition (B) in which he struck nearly all of them out: for it assigns to him two editions only extended essay z polskiego (A and C), and refers B to a later editor.

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The Top 25 Underrated Creative Writing MFA Programs (2011-2012) The twenty-five programs listed below fully fund a sizable percentage of incoming students, yet still receive less attention from applicants than they deserve. They are not -- or not yet -- among the very best creative writing MFA programs in extended the United States, but applicants looking to essay balance out an application list dominated by highly-ranked, high-selectivity programs would do well to consider, too, some entrants to the following list: Florida State University . Tallahassee gets mixed reviews, and some worry the extended program has gotten too large for its own good, but it's three years of full funding at a university with not only essay family, a creative writing MFA but a top-notch creative writing doctorate, too (currently ranked second nationally). It may not deserve to be a Top 20 program in the national MFA rankings, but its recent fall in this year's yet-to-be-released rankings (to #72) is entirely unwarranted. Right now there's better than even odds it makes a return to the Top 50 next year. Georgia College State University . The whole operation here gives off a warm vibe, and why not: it's a well-funded, intimate program that's been flying below the radar for years. Yet now it's within hailing distance (nine spots) of an essay Honorable Mention classification in the forthcoming national MFA rankings, and it really does deserves to make the jump to that next level. A better rural Southern program you'd be hard-pressed to find. Iowa State University . What was said last year bears repeating, especially with the program making the jump to paper Honorable Mention status in the national rankings this year: the secret's almost out of the bag on Iowa State, and what's not to z polskiego like? It's three fully funded years in example one of AIER's Top Five college towns (PDF) at a program to z polskiego which few apply.

ISU's unique focus on the environment (as well as interdisciplinary work and one-on-one mentoring) are stand-out features. Minnesota State University at Mankato . It's a program you keep hearing good things about, even if you're not entirely sure why. Maybe it's the fact that the English Department offers a total of writing a proposal, 30 full-tuition-remission teaching assistantships, and they'll let you stay three years if you want. Maybe it's the sense that this is extended essay a friendly, inviting program. Who knows. In any event, it makes the list, and while it may not be this grouping's strongest entrant, by all accounts it deserves to be here. New Mexico State University . The program at NMSU has just launched a new website, and the hope is that this site will shortly feature more information on the high number of structure essay, full funding packages (approximately 60% of incoming students) that current NMSU students insist the extended MFA offers.

For now, we'll take these students at their word. Certainly, the program gives all the signs of hosting a lively literary community, and that's reflected in its slow creep up the national rankings (currently #82). As with Minnesota State, it's certainly not the formula for writing an expository strongest program on this list, but it's nevertheless worth watching. North Carolina State University . Rumor has it that NCSU will soon become part of what's become a national trend among MFA programs: only admitting students who can be fully funded through grants, fellowships, or assistantships, and thereby becoming a fully funded program under the current national assessment scheme via the back door. Well, why not? If the rumor's true, you're looking at a possible Top 50 program in z polskiego the years ahead (it's already Top 30 in selectivity, and hotels rating research paper, just outside the Honorable Mention category of the national rankings). Poet Dorianne Laux is the star of the faculty here. Northern Michigan University . Extended. A tiny program in the scenic UP that funds surprisingly well. Writing. It oughtn't be as obscure as it is, particularly as it has one of the extended z polskiego best student-to-faculty ratios of any graduate creative writing program in the United States. Terminale. As with so many -- in extended essay fact, far too many -- MFA programs, NMUs website reveals little significant information about the program and thereby does it (and its applicants) no favors. But the sense in the creative writing community is writing a proposal for a that something good is happening here.

Ohio State University . Nobody can explain why this program isn't Top 25 -- perhaps even Top 20 -- every year. Sure, it's already popular, but it remains half as popular as it should be. Three years in an AIER-rated Top 15 mid-size metro with a strong faculty, a reasonable teaching load, and a vibrant university community deserves a close look from any serious MFA applicant. Every year OSU is extended z polskiego outside the Top 25 (especially in poetry), something is grievously wrong with the national MFA picture. Oklahoma State University . Structure Of Your. The prospect of living in Stillwater won't set many eyes agog or causes many hearts to z polskiego flutter, but the fact remains that the Okies don't currently crack the research Top 100, and they certainly should. Essay Z Polskiego. Lots of full funding packages are available, there's a creative writing doctoral program at write essay example the university along with the MFA -- meaning, by and large, a higher quality workshop experience than one might otherwise expect -- and yet almost no one applies. Extended Essay Z Polskiego. That should change. Oregon State University . Structure. With all the attention paid to the University of Oregon's fully funded MFA program, the fully funded program at Oregon State somehow gets overlooked. Corvallis isn't Eugene, sure, but the fact remains that OSU ranks just outside the extended Top 50 in poetry, just outside the Top 25 in nonfiction, in the Top 40 for conscience terminale, placement, and in extended z polskiego the Top 50 for structure of your, selectivity. There's just no reason not to apply. Temple University . Attention poets: Temple has an MFA program.

Philadelphia has long been one of the great cities for American poets to live in, and now that Temple has transformed from a non-terminal MA to a terminal MFA, it's suddenly worth a second look. Is it still a program in transition? Sure. But it's also ranked 109th nationally, so the fact that it has a way to go is part and parcel of essay z polskiego, it appearing on this list. The faculty here is amazing, even if the essay funding is not (or not yet) -- though it's said that it's much better for extended, poets than for fiction-writers, in writing paper keeping with the essay z polskiego program's strong ties to essay about family the Philadelphia poetry community. University of Alaska at Fairbanks . More than 30% of extended, incoming MFA students can expect to get a TAship in hotels rating research paper this three-year program, in addition to essay z polskiego having access to multi-genre courses and single-genre workshops in not two but four genres: poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and for a paper, dramatic writing. There aren't many places better than scenic Alaska for aspiring poets and writers to get some serious reading and writing done. University of Arkansas . With Ohio State, University of Arkansas is one of two current Top 50 programs to make this list (and for the record, University of Nevada at Las Vegas was quite nearly the third). This is a four-year, fully funded program in a nice college town, and it offers literary translation as well as poetry and fiction tracks. It's in the top tier in extended practically any measure you'd care to name, and yet it cannot -- cannot -- seem to crack the national Top 30, which is personal about especially odd given that a similarly long, similarly well-funded southern program (University of Alabama) has been impossible to dislodge from the Top 20 for years now.

The difference between the two programs isn't great enough to explain the ranking difference. More poets and fiction-writers should apply here, it's that simple. University of California at Riverside . Extended Z Polskiego. Trying to structure of your essay get funding information on extended essay z polskiego California MFA programs requires more than a little detective work. UCR is rumored to fund many of its students well; only the program's webmaster knows for sure, however, and essay, he's not telling. Whatever the truth of the essay z polskiego matter, a few things are for certain: the program offers five genres of study; it (wisely) requires rather than merely encourages cross-genre work; the faculty is excellent; and the fact that the university has an write example undergraduate creative writing major (the only one in essay z polskiego California) tells you how committed the essay entire university is to creative writing. Extended Z Polskiego. The location is also a plus: a large city (300,000+) within a short distance of Los Angeles. University of structure of your essay, Central Florida . Recently named one of the nation's biggest party schools, and why not? It's in Orlando, so there's more than just the weather to celebrate -- Disney World is only a short car-trip away. But locale aside, who knew that UCF fully funds nearly all its incoming students? The faculty roster may not boast many superstars, but neither do most other programs' faculties, and ultimately it's the quality of extended, teaching that matters, not public acclaim for professors' writing. If you want to attend a large, vibrant university in the midst of a large, vibrant, warm-weather city -- and be fully funded in hotels rating research the bargain -- UCF is for essay z polskiego, you.

It's no coincidence that four programs on this list are located in Florida; MFA applicants consistently under-apply to Florida programs (even University of Florida, a Top 25 program overall and conscience terminale, certainly the best MFA program in the state, receives only half the applications it should). University of Kansas . Extended Essay Z Polskiego. What was said last year still applies: this now-Honorable-Mention program offers three years of write example, well-funded creative writing study, and extended z polskiego, KU is one of the few U.S. Hotels Rating Paper. universities that cares enough about creative writing to host both a creative writing doctorate and an MFA. And did you know Lawrence, Kansas is essay z polskiego deemed a Top 10 college town nationally by AIER? The 2/2 teaching load is daunting, but there's still a lot of reasons to be excited about KU. University of Miami . Write Essay. Knocking on the door of the essay z polskiego Top 50 in all categories of assessment, Miami will someday soon make the leap to the Top 50 and stay there. Write Example. It's a great university in a great city, and it deserves -- and has -- a great, well-funded MFA program. If you're looking for a fully-funded-for-all MFA experience in extended essay a big city (and there are only structure essay, around five such experiences available nationally), you've found your place. University of extended essay z polskiego, New Orleans . The Big Easy is coming back -- in a big way.

The MFA at UNO offers both a full- and low-residency option, and frankly there's no reason not to essay family leap at the former. Many students get full funding, you can take classes in screenwriting and playwriting as well as poetry and fiction, and essay, there are summer programs available in both Europe and Mexico. There's much to be excited about here. University of Texas at Austin [Department of English] . This is the other MFA program at the University of Texas. The program at the Michener Center is already one of the most well-known and highly-selective in structure essay America; what many don't realize, however, is that the MFA run by the university's English Department is also fully funded -- albeit less generously -- and its students get to workshop alongside Michener faculty and students. Plus, it's in Austin, as happening a college city as one could hope for. You can expect this program to crack the national Top 50 sometime in the next 24 to 36 months, but for now it's still a hidden gem. Essay Z Polskiego. No other university in America (except the University of dissertation conscience, Iowa, which offers both the Writers' Workshop and the Nonfiction Writing Program) has two separate and distinct MFA programs, though the difference between Iowa and extended essay z polskiego, Texas is hotels research paper that both of Iowa's programs are incredibly selective. Applicants looking to slip into a Michener-grade experience through the z polskiego back door should take the hint. University of Utah . Back in 1996, the creative writing program at Utah was ranked in for a the Top 20 nationally -- largely due to a creative writing doctoral program that still ranks among the Top 10. It's a mystery why the MFA program at Utah (now ranked #115) isn't more popular, given that almost a third of z polskiego, incoming students are fully funded, everyone gets to workshop with some of the best creative writing doctoral students in the world, and Salt Lake City is by all accounts a surprisingly nice (and surprisingly progressive) place to paper live for a couple years.

The literary arts community here deserves much more attention than it's getting from applicants. Virginia Commonwealth University . For years now VCU has been in and out of the national Top 50 -- it depends on the year -- but in extended essay z polskiego a just world it would consistently be on the inside looking out. And it has nothing to do with the spotlight recently shone on Richmond by the successes of two of its college basketball programs (VCU made the Final Four in conscience terminale 2011, and University of Richmond the Sweet 16). No, what's happening here is that a three-year, well-funded program in a Top 15 mid-size metro (according to AIER) is being overlooked. This should be a perennial Top 50 program, and someday soon it will be. Western Michigan University . Kalamazoo is a larger and more vibrant college town than many realize, and z polskiego, now that -- as word has it -- the MFA program at WMU is seeking only to admit students it can fully fund (much like North Carolina State, above), applying to be a Bronco just seems like good sense. As with some other programs on this list (Florida State, Utah, and, to a lesser extent, Oklahoma State) students at Western Michigan get to workshop with some of the writing paper nation's most talented MFA graduates -- the extended essay z polskiego creative writing doctoral program at the university is ranked among the top dozen nationally.

Perhaps that's why student satisfaction here appears to be so high? WMU is knocking on the door of an Honorable Mention classification in the national rankings, and if it goes public with its plan to become fully funded it will achieve that classification and perhaps even more -- a Top 50 designation, too. West Virginia University . They've been cagey about of your essay their funding in essay the past, but reports are that the family funding is actually excellent and that the program's annual applicant pool is swelling. It'd be hard to argue that the program should be ranked much higher than it is -- it makes the extended essay z polskiego Top 60 nationally in the forthcoming national rankings -- but it still isn't spoken of as much as you'd expect. Wichita State University . The graduate creative writing program perhaps best known for being the place Albert Goldbarth teaches at has enjoyed a sudden bump in the rankings, from just outside the Top 100 to just inside the Top 80. And the ride may well continue; there's still relatively little competition for admission to WSU, a real surprise given that this is a well-funded three-year program with a light teaching load. All of paper, these programs (with the exception of University of Arkansas and Ohio State) will need to spend much more time on their online promotional materials in essay order to make the jump from terminale, this list to the bigger one: the Top 50 national rankings, as published by Poets Writers . Applicants to these (and, really, all) programs need to extended know precisely what percentage of incoming students receive the essay about family equivalent of a full tuition waiver and a livable stipend, as well as see some hard data on how selective their target programs are. Until that happens, most of z polskiego, these programs will continue to be unjustly underrated rather than justly highly-ranked. And, not for nothing, nearly all of these programs (with a few notable exceptions: Florida State, Iowa State, Ohio State, Oregon State, University of Arkansas, University of a proposal for a paper, Miami, and University of Texas at Austin, all fully funded programs) could do with even more full-funding packages for incoming students.

For those keeping count, this is the second year this list has been compiled. Last year's list can be found here. Feel free to discuss these and other programs in the comments section below. [NOTE: San Diego State University and Florida Atlantic University were also included on extended essay z polskiego this list in an earlier version of the article. Funding data for these programs is still under review to personal essay family determine whether they will be readmitted to the list in the future]. A graduate of Dartmouth College, Harvard Law School and the Iowa Writers' Workshop, Seth Abramson is the author of two collections of poetry, Northerners (Western Michigan University Press, 2011), winner of the extended 2010 Green Rose Prize, and The Suburban Ecstasies (Ghost Road Press, 2009).

Presently a doctoral candidate in English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he is also the co-author of the for a forthcoming third edition of The Creative Writing MFA Handbook (Continuum, 2012).

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What causes illegal immigration? What are the effects of immigration on z polskiego, a country (pick any country)? What is the terminale, effect of online sales on essay, businesses (in any country)? What was the paper, effect of the printing press (or other invention) on world history? What are the effects of globalization on essay, the position of women? What are the effects of dissertation conscience American drone attacks on terrorists and civilians? What was the cause of the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11? What is the cause of increased militancy on essay z polskiego, the part of North Korea? by write essay example LisaKoski 29.

Research Topics in English Literature. by LisaKoski 33. 100 Exploratory Essay Topic Ideas. by Virginia Kearney 0. 100 Easy Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas with Research Links and Sample Essays. by essay Virginia Kearney 32. How to Write a Summary, Analysis, and Response Essay Paper With Examples. by Virginia Kearney 56. Easy Words to an expository essay, Use as Sentence Starters to essay z polskiego, Write Better Essays. by Virginia Kearney 129. This was great for terminale me because I had to write an essay about some kind of topic with a cause and extended essay an effect and this website gave me some really good ideas, Thank You!

Virginia Kearney 3 months ago from writing a proposal for a paper United States. Sophia--I'm so glad that this helped you. I especially enjoy teaching Chinese students. Essay Z Polskiego. I have traveled in China four different times and love your country very much! I am a Chinese student and I think your sharing did help me a lot. Thank you ! this is a great sight for my informational reading and writing class its good. Hi thanks for helping me. Writing A Proposal. these topics are really good.. Z Polskiego. i used some of these topics for my projects and formula for writing essay got great marks.. i got A+ in all my projects , i am in 7th grade. hubber8893 18 months ago. I think you have presented some great Ideas for hub about extended essay z polskiego, relationships.

Hugh Johnson 18 months ago. These topics had a BIG impact on rating, my life. Thanks for your LARGE ammount of tips. Extended. These topics really helped me for school. Personal Family. Ruby 18 months ago from United States. Creative idea for a hub, what was your case and effect for making it lol.

WOW this is super great to look up stuff for an assignment. Awesome topics thanks a million. Dwight Goliday Jr 23 months ago from East Saint Louis. Wow. There are a lot things that cause and effect. Very informative write. Virginia Kearney 23 months ago from United States. Thanks Zakeycia and YoLex. My students have come up with most of these topics through the extended, years and structure of your now this is my most visited article so they must have done a good job!

I think it got over 2000 views one day last week! This is extended z polskiego, awesome I wish I'd found this hub before I graduated college lol! Great work! Zakeycia Dickens 23 months ago. I have a cause and effect essay to type for my English class. I was having a hard time coming up with a topic. Your website and write topic suggestions were very helpful. Thank you.

Rasheedah Abdul-Hakeem 2 years ago. Thanks. Great topics. James Packard 2 years ago from Columbia, Missouri. What a great hub! Debatable issues (especially political, social, environmental and extended essay behavioural) are great hub topics.

They are good to write about to do research and clear up one's own viewpoint, but they also get people talking, and also spark very needed discussion. Thanks for sharing. Liza Treadwell Esq aka Liza Lugo JD 2 years ago from New York, NY. I love this one, VirginiaLynne. Conscience. Your hubs are so valuable to students and essay professional writers. Cause and writing a proposal for a effect papers are among the most interesting to read. I voted this hub up, useful, and interesting. I am bookmarking this hub for future reference. I know I'll be using it!

Keep up the excellent work here. Marilyn L Davis 2 years ago from Georgia. Good afternoon, Virginia; excellent examples for all categories. Well done. Virginia Kearney 2 years ago from United States. Virginia Kearney 2 years ago from United States. Hi Gertrude--These two words are ones that are often confused. Essay Z Polskiego. Affect also means to produce an effect upon writing as well as to influence.

I will double check my usage in this Hub just to essay, make sure I haven't made an error. Thanks! Gertrude McFuzz 2 years ago. These are great topics. Personal Family. I just have one comment. Sometimes you use effect when you should use affect. affect = influence - usually a verb. effect= result - usually a noun. effect= cause - not used that often - verb. Z Polskiego. Shamim Rajabali 3 years ago from Texas. This will come in handy for my English class. Thanks.

I Love it very much. rakesh ranjana 3 years ago. Social causes are growing up in lot more ways, knowing it and having a knowledge about it through this site, will help a lot in many ways for people to understand there relationship and formula social problems. Great hub! I like your ideas, it is something different innovative. Essay Z Polskiego. Vote up! Thanks! This is helpful.

Vote up. Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from hotels United States. Sumnerswett--I teach MLA format because that is used by most American colleges in their English departments. However, you are very right to point out that APA and Chicago and other formats are used in different types of courses. I think considering cause and effect is sometimes a bit confusing because it depends on where you view the start of the situation. Often a cause creates an effect, which causes another situation. Sometimes it is hard to pull them apart. That is essay z polskiego, why I usually like to call this a speculating about causes essay, because we can't always definitively determine the absolute cause, but we can always speculate and argue for dissertation terminale the most important causes, or the most important effects that we see in a situation. Sumner Swett 3 years ago from Owls Head Maine. Okay so cause and effect essays are written in different formats, but let me say in extended my college profession for the essays to be written were to be in APA format, and it is terminale, interesting when researching and writing whether it is from information you have researched or if it free lance.

I like to research topics before writing and extended also note taking is example, effective. The cause is what causes the situation and the effect is what you have to take into consideration to extended z polskiego, the cause as we all know it. Kimberly Lake 3 years ago from California. Great topics! Voted up and shared. Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from United States.

Leidy--That is a great essay topic. I think that some of that labeling can be positive and other aspects are negative. It can encourage students to believe that they are capable, but it can discourage them by making them think that they don't need to work hard, or that if they don't achieve a high grade on everything, they have failed. Seth Tomko 3 years ago from Macon, GA. A good and diverse collection of topics. I'll be sure to have my students check out some of these for their own essays. Annie Miller 4 years ago from Wichita Falls, Texas. Very interesting and in depth Hub. I am passing this along and saving it, as well! Chris Achilleos 4 years ago.

Great hub Virginia, I have written these types of essay essays before, and I have found the information that you have presented here to be excellent. Thank you for sharing. Voted up and useful! Virginia Kearney 4 years ago from United States. Extended Z Polskiego. Thanks so much Carol! You are always an encouragement. carol stanley 4 years ago from Arizona. This is something to of your, save when trying to come up with new writing ideas. Great hub. Going to pass this along and of course vote up. Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners.

HubPages ® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and essay z polskiego respective owners.

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essay of explication An explication of extended essay, a student essay in personal about critical analysis. Here we will be doing (a particular kind of) critical examination of an extended essay z polskiego expository/argumentative essay. That essay itself is doing a critical analysis of a piece of fictional narrative. (The writer of the essay has asked to remain anonymous, so we'll refer to writing for a paper her here as Mary.) [Keep in mind that criticism, in z polskiego the sense in which we are using the essay example, term, is not synonymous with fault-finding. See the general discussion of critical analysis.]

In the left-hand column below you will see how Mary notices what some of the moves are by extended essay, which Katherine Mansfield went about setting up the situation we are confronted with in her story “Miss Brill.” In particular, she is watching how the author’s moves work to get the reader to make certain moves. In the course of her calling attention to the features of the story that “work” to personal produce certain effects, she has occasion as well to call attention to the conventions the author takes for granted that readers will be working under if they are to produce these effects (infer these meanings, have these reactions) on the basis of the facts she chooses and arranges to construct what the narrator explicitly conveys. In the right-hand column you will see me doing a particular kind of critical analysis (in the most general sense of the term) of Mary’s essay. In particular, I am doing the extended z polskiego, kind of running commentary that constitutes what we call an “explication.” Notice that the order of my points there is dictated by the order in formula for writing essay which the features commented upon unfold in the essay that is their subject. This is the extended, mark of of your, explication. Its organization is passively determined by something outside it – the essay z polskiego, already-existing order of points in its subject. For Writing? In writing an explication we don’t have to confront the problems of organization that “higher forms” of exposition must solve: I just took over (followed) the extended essay, organization that was already embodied in Mary’s essay. We could say that the formula for writing an expository, organization of essay, my explication is for writing an expository essay parasitic upon the organization of what it discusses. This is not the case with Mary’s essay itself. She is essay z polskiego not doing running commentary on the narrator’s story in “Miss Brill.” She is showing how the point of view by which the story is rating research paper disclosed to the reader contributes to the overall theme of the piece. This confronts her with three basic tasks.

She has to produce (and clarify and demonstrate) a sub-thesis that states what precisely the point of view is. She has to commit herself to a statement (another sub-thesis) about what the story’s theme is (or at least about what some essential part of it is). This means discovering, formulating, unpacking, and proving some insight that she didn’t have when she sat down to start writing. And she has to extended essay shape the particular way in which she develops each of these theses in such a way that we can see how the features of point of view that she’s calling attention to make possible the dissertation conscience, features of the theme she’s calling attention to. The logical relationships among these three sub-tasks are what determine the organizational strategy of her essay, as a whole and within its respective modules. What does not determine the organizational strategy is the plot of Mansfield’s story. Hence her essay exhibits a “logical” rather than a “chronological” structure. This structure is something she herself had to fashion, in response to the logical properties of the task at extended essay hand.

She had to assume the responsibility for actively making it. Before getting into the detailed explication provided below, read the essay itself all at terminale one go. Ask yourself if you can detect what its thesis is and what the extended, distinct lines of development are by which Mary clarifies and earns it. When you are done, return here, and work through the frames carefully. Always read all the way through a box on the left-hand side before proceeding to the corresponding. comments in the right-hand column. When you turn your attention to the right-hand column, you'll make best use of the comments if you don't read them all at once, but instead work carefully back and forth, refreshing your sense of exactly what each comment points to before thinking your way through it. When you come to the comment following the write essay, first paragraph, you'll need to have a fresh sense of what was said both in the original paragraph and in the comments upon extended essay it. Consult the write, original paragraph again after you've worked through the long summary comment following it. This is rather dense stuff, so you may want to extended essay z polskiego take a rest from time to time. When you’ve finished writing your essay, give some careful thought to fashioning an appropriate title.

It should reflect something particular about your particular angle on your specific subject. Just one example: “Inside an Outsider: The Pathos of Loneliness in Mansfield’s ‘Miss Brill’”. This short story is write essay example narrated in the third person from the point of view of the limited omniscient narrator who primarily acts as the voice of the story’s protagonist , Miss Brill. Essay Z Polskiego? By telling the story through the eyes of the protagonist, Mansfield is able to convey to the reader the protagonist’s loneliness and the lack of writing a proposal, self-awareness. She offers no explanation as to the Miss Brill’s past, leaving it to the readers to draw their own conclusions. At the same time the author provides XX illuminating insights into the protagonist’s character and lifestyle that effectively communicate to the reader the theme of this short story . The central theme of “Miss Brill” is the pain of loneliness, and extended essay z polskiego, inadvertent attempts to experience life through the personal essay about family, experiences of total strangers. Right on. You get right to the point, and you are accurate about both the concept and the story in question. Now you’ve turned your opening insight to account by posing answering the question “So what?” The answer is logically eligible to essay z polskiego serve as a thesis within the framework of the assigned topic. You point out how the author’s adoption of these means to that end affects the activities the reader is called upon to undertake – i.e, how it defines the reader’s task.

That is: you show how it establishes a certain kind of game for research, the reader to play. (In effect, this indicates the kinds of moves we can expect you to be undertaking, in the body of your essay, as you unpack and back up your thesis.) See how your point would be more accurate if you were to insert here a phrase like details from which the reader can derive or specific facts about Miss Brill’s mental experience the reader can use to infer ? At the climax of your introduction you sharpen your thesis still further. We have an z polskiego exact idea of what you will be driving at through the body of your essay. Here you give a restatement of your thesis, but you do it in a way that advances it beyond mere repetition. “Starving for warmth and companionship” is a particular mode in which one might be lonely. You then back this up with an example. And, in fact, the one you feature at just this juncture is write essay a gesture on Miss B’s part that speaks especially to the “warmth” idea (“fur”) in connection with the companionship idea (“pet”), intensifying each in that the “pet” is not only not a real person but dead, an effigy. You proceed to give an additional example.

This one requires to be developed in z polskiego steps, and you undertake each. You promise something more and anchor it in a specific fact. Then you provide a citation to anchor that characterization in writing for a turn. Extended Essay Z Polskiego? Then you explain, in two parts (“Despite….But….”), how this detail establishes the point you promised. Now you set out to personal essay about family give still a third example. This one requires still a different strategy of development than either of the first two. Moreover, your move into extended z polskiego, it flows smoothly from what you’ve just nailed home in respect of the essay, second example. It’s only at the end that we realize you’ve taken us to a third supporting line of evidence. Your second sentence in this section ups the ante, since it raises the anxiety in us that you may be wandering from the z polskiego, point (or that we may not be getting your drift). This drives us forward to personal family look for essay z polskiego, clues as to how this might be on-point after all.

First, though, following the paper, colon, you slip us 3 particular details that back up the point you’ve just made. And then you serve up the confirmation we’ve been looking for . You show us what ties all these together (a disposition to feel envy). And then you show how this (envy) in extended essay z polskiego turn can be turned to write account on essay, behalf of the thesis you started out the paragraph with. When we think back over the paragraph as a whole, three things stand out: It is unified . There is nothing there that does not serve the topic sentence (which in turn is a specific twist the essay’s thesis overall) It is richly developed . Writing A Proposal Paper? Mary didn’t produce a piece of confirmation and then move on to another point. She showed how to extended essay get to the same point from two additional other sorts of starting points (the last of which, in fact, is a “staging area” she gets to from three distinct particular points in turn) It is coherent . We don’t lose our way in the trees as we go through the forest. The one place the writer toys with our doubt she exploits as a kind of “dramatic question:” (Will she pull it off?

Or will she drive over personal the cliff?”) This suspense she then proceeds directly to resolve in extended essay z polskiego a way that provides us the satisfaction of dissertation, reassurance as an underlining of the point she makes that recoups the venture. Part of what serves this coherence is a pleasing overall strategy of deployment of the evidence that she has discovered she is able to extended essay give. We notice that she begins with the shortest subtask to get through, then takes up the next longest, and concludes with the dissertation conscience, one that takes the most elaboration to pull off. This has the effect of communicating the thoroughness of z polskiego, her thesis’ grounding in the facts of the story: we appreciate that it not only runs close to the surface but also runs more widely and deeply through (behind) the explicit facts of Miss Brill’s consciousness that the narrator directly acquaints us with. The fact that we can confirm the notions we start with suspecting only by going deeper into the texture of the facts’ implications connects with the fact that the point of view of the story is formula for writing so contrived as to afford us a double vision: we get to participate “directly” in Miss Brill’s consciousness of the scene; and, on reflection, we are enabled to understand some aspects of what that signifies that Miss Brill herself is screening out of that experience, because they are too painful — namely the intensity of the pain of loneliness that is driving her to these delightful attempts to “connect.” We are thus invited to become aware of an extended essay z polskiego irony: what motivates (and thus explains) her conscious experience is something that is not a part of essay, this conscious experience, something that that experience excludes (until the epiphany at the story’s end). (Note, by the way, that there are some points here that Mary could have explicitly incorporated into her analysis.)

Mary's organizational strategy is thus not only essay z polskiego pleasing (from small to big, from the easier to pull off to the harder to pull off) but implicitly supports in a subtle way the overall thesis of her essay , about how the point of view serves the formula, story’s theme. We might ask ourselves: was Mary really consciously aware of essay z polskiego, all this while she was writing? She may well have been. This is a pretty deft piece of writing, and there's no reason we shouldn't suppose that the author of essay, it was not deliberately working with these factors in mind. Extended Essay Z Polskiego? But it is also possible that she was acting on the kind of tacit feel that we develop with experience. The organizational strategy works for any reader who is responding to the overall structure of the paragraph as a whole, and it's hard to writing a proposal for a paper imagine a writer being able to craft a paragraph like this without working from a sense of how the entire paragraph unrolls. Such a reader doesn't need to reflectively say to himself the points I made in the paragraph before last. The feel of the z polskiego, paragraph can communicate those ideas to us tacitly.

But it is crucial that we be the essay, kind of reader that can register such a progression (small to large, obvious to subtle) in the deployment of successive pieces of evidence on extended z polskiego, behalf of a claim. About Family? If we are the extended essay z polskiego, kind of reader who can only attend to one thing at a time, we are not yet ready even to register structure. Until we are, we can't appreciate the organizational merits of a well-written piece. Writing For A Paper? Worse yet, we can't design rational and effective organizational structures for our own discourse. We won't be able to gradually shape our initial drafts into something cogent and insightful. We'll always end up with more or less the same jumble of claims with which we began.

More on extended, this later on. At this point in the story the reader still does not know much about the protagonist, except that she is write a lonely voyeur. Then one of her observations about the z polskiego, “odd, silent, nearly all old people, and from the way they stared they looked as though they’d just come from dark little rooms or even – even cupboards! (p.51)” whom she sees every Sunday at the park hints to the reader that she might be one of those people. The pieces of the of your, puzzle, of course, fall into place at the end of the story, when the protagonist’s room is described as “the little dark room-her room like a cupboard (p.52).” This is the conclusion of the story, when Miss Brill is essay able to see herself and her surroundings in the new light. Her new self-awareness is brought about by disparaging remarks of the young lovers who refer to Miss Brill as “that stupid old thing (p.52),” and to her precious fur as “a fried whiting (p.52).” This is Miss Brill’s moment of epiphany. She is structure as old as the other park-goers, her fur is a pitiful necklet, and she foregoes her usual Sunday slice of honeycake. In spite of her newly found self-awareness, Miss Brill still denies some of her own emotions when “she thought she heard something crying (p.52)” at the very end of the story. The tears are obviously her own. This turns out to be an essay z polskiego effective transition.

It summarizes the understanding we’ve so far arrived at while promising something beyond it, which it does not immediately deliver. It tells us what sort of thing to be on the look-out for, and structure, thus shapes our attention in a relevant way for what’s down the pike. [Here the opening claim of the paragraph is usefully assigned a function other than stating the topic of the paragraph itself. Instead it sets up the line of development that will eventually culminate in the statement of extended, that comprehensive point and does so in a way that reminds us how where we’re going relates to where we’ve been.] Fine job of making connections (here, between the example, facts of one moment, seen from the protagonist’s initial point of view, and the facts of extended z polskiego, another moment, seen from the protagonist’s changed point of view). Of Your? And in each node (between which the connection runs) the writer provides the concrete details that establish her specific point. Finally , the particular connection you’she's decided to essay z polskiego mention here is relevant to personal about her overall concerns. Now the writer shifts gears to a different line of development of her point — from “what shows this?” to “how did it come to be?” (What, in the plot, makes this changed vision plausible for the character?

That’s a concern we have since we’re playing under the z polskiego, rules of “realism..” Mary's raising it indicates the fact that she's operating under the appropriate assumptions about the kinds of conventions at work in a story like this, which aims to present a convincing portrait of a character with some presumed claim on our attention.) [Minor point of mechanics: when giving a parenthetic page reference for textual citation presented in personal essay about family quotation marks, the parenthetical material goes outside the terminal quotation mark.] The writer now shifts to still another line of development: you spell out specific implications of what you have established. (She began by spelling out specific facts that made for essay, that point itself.) That is: she now asks “So what?” She concludes her characterization of Miss Brill’s final state of awareness by noting its limitations –– a point of connection with, a hold-over from, where the protagonist was at formula the beginning. · Mary is thus striving both for precision in capturing the state of affairs itself and for extended z polskiego, relationship to essay what it developed out of. · And she shapes the presentation of this point in such a way as to make it serve the purposes of her overall thesis, about how the author’s choice of point of view serves the particular effect the author is driving at. Extended Essay Z Polskiego? Here: once again, the essay example, reader is able both to share Miss Brill’s experience , and to go beyond it to z polskiego an understanding of dissertation, it that is not a part of extended essay, it . In other words, even after the protagonist’s epiphany, our insight is dissertation conscience more comprehensive than her own.

· [Note, by the way, that the thrust of this sentence might be made clearer at the outset if Mary were to insert something line “And yet” at the beginning.] · Another thing Mary's final sentence accomplishes: in a different (and more sharply focused) way than at the outset of this paragraph, the reader is extended shown how where we’ve just arrived relates to where we’d been before. Mansfield, Katherine. Essay? “Miss Brill.” An Introduction to Fiction. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 7 th ed.

New York: Longman, 1999. Essay Z Polskiego? 50-52. [Don’t forget the period at the end of the page references.] My comments on Mary's essay should drive home the point that critical attention in our sense of the term is not a matter of looking for flaws. It is rather a matter of picking out what features of something are responsible for its working the a proposal for a paper, way it does. Extended Essay? (If something is not working well, we come to notice that, too, of course. But it is critical examination that is called for if we are to appreciate a job well done. Conscience? By appreciate here I mean something more than just experience a feeling of z polskiego, approval. I mean to have a clear rational understanding of why something works .) Let's finish up by writing a proposal for a, using what we've seen here to drive home some important distinctions.

The term critical analysis is often used to refer to the common denominator between what Mary has done in extended essay z polskiego her essay and hotels, what I have been doing upon it. In both case the writer is picking out what works in z polskiego some way and explaining why it works that way and structure of your essay, why its doing so is important. But among ourselves we will foster clarity on an important point if we reserve the extended z polskiego, term critical analysis to refer to the sort of thing that Mary has been up to, and use some other term to refer to the kind of thing you have just seen me do. Essay About? For what I've been doing, the term explication comes to mind, and we'll use it for essay, that purpose. When we want to refer to write essay the common denominator, we'll use the extended essay z polskiego, term critical examination or critical attention or simply criticism. But there is structure more than one distinction between what I've been doing and what Mary has been doing. Which one am I proposing to use the critical analysis/explication terminology to mark? A difference otherwise worth noting but not the one I'm suggesting we use this terminological practice to highlight has to do with the object subjected to critical examination. In the one case, what was analyzed was a piece of narration (it happened to be fictional).

In the other, what was under commentary happened to be an essay. These differences are important, but they are like the difference between bringing critical attention to essay bear on a political decision and bringing it to bear upon a rat's brain, or a painting, or a marketing strategy. Rating Paper? In each case the things it makes sense to notice -- to extended essay z polskiego select for attention -- and the kinds of functions one wants to explain are obviously different. (That's why we need some experience in each domain if we are to do competent critical thinking about the objects in those domains. Paper? [At the essay z polskiego, same time, the paper, more experience we have doing either explication or critical analysis of football or poems, the extended essay, more quickly we'll get the formula an expository essay, hang of doing critical thinking in regard to essays in philosophy or anthropology or in business.]) The distinction I'm proposing we use explication and critical analysis in this particular way to keep ourselves clear upon has rather to do with the kind of extended, overall organizational strategy at work . Notice that Mary is not doing running commentary on the narrator’s story in “Miss Brill.” In accordance with the assignment, s he is conscience showing how the point of view by which the story is essay z polskiego disclosed to the reader contributes to the overall theme of the piece . Hotels Paper? This confronts her with three basic tasks. She has to produce (and clarify and demonstrate) a sub-thesis that states what precisely the point of view is. She has to commit herself to a statement (another sub-thesis) about what the story’s theme is (or at least about what some essential part of it is). Z Polskiego? This means discovering, formulating, unpacking, and proving some insight that she didn’t have when she sat down to writing a proposal paper start writing.

And she has to shape the particular way in which she develops each of these theses in such a way that we can see how the features of essay, point of view that she’s calling attention to personal essay family make possible the features of the theme she’s calling attention to. It is the logical relationships among these three sub-tasks that determine the organizational strategy of Mary's essay, both as a whole and z polskiego, within its respective modules. Essay? What does not determine the organizational strategy is the plot of Mansfield’s story. Z Polskiego? Hence her essay exhibits a “logical” rather than a “chronological” structure. This structure is something she herself had to fashion, in response to the logical properties of the essay about family, task at essay z polskiego hand. She had to assume the responsibility for actively making it. In contrast, though my comments do exhibit logical structure individually and internally, nevertheless the order by which one comment follows another is given not by any comprehensive hierarchy of tasks of my own, but by the order in which Mary ’s moves happened to emerge, as determined by the necessities under which they were governed. My overall structure thus has no inherent logic of its own. Essay Example? Internally, it is “accidental,” because it is essay parasitical, passively received from something external. If Mary had done the equivalent, she would have organized her points strictly according to hotels research the order in which the details with which they are associated happen to emerge in Mansfield’s story.

But that would not have been a proper means to adopt for the end in view. She would have been compelled either to extended essay ignore the assigned topic altogether, or continually to example be at cross-purposes with it. She would be trying to cut boards with a hammer (or to drive nails with a saw). Am I then doing the wrong thing in providing an explication instead of an essay in critical analysis? No, because my purposes here are different from Mary’s. My job here is a particular sort of coach’s job. I want to help students to come to read expository/argumentative prose with a critical eye, noticing what needs to be noticed as it unfolds . Why is that? What has that got to do with why you are reading this, which is to learn something about writing? Well, if we learn to appreciate what makes cogent exposition and argument work, then we can register when something isn’t “coming together” in a satisfying way. We can trouble-shoot any emerging draft we are writing so as to figure out how to extended make it work better — to bring it to the next stage, to tinker it into a superior draft. Dissertation Terminale? The key point here is this: composition is extended essay not a process of expressing clearly an idea that we have already arrived at by some prior (and mysterious) process of creative inspiration.

Writing is a process by writing a proposal for a, which we arrive for ourselves (and thus for others) at some clear and extended essay z polskiego, pertinent insight that we did not have when we started out to write. Think how weird this sounds: the goal in improving our writing is not to learn how to express our ideas clearly! I am denying here what most people think writing courses are all about. Instead, I'm proposing that the goal in improving our writing is to learn how to arrive at write essay example clear ideas. But isn't that the job of subject-matter courses? Of course it is, and that's why these courses, if they are really intellectually serious, will be requiring writing of students! (The fact that even higher-level university courses -- to extended essay z polskiego say nothing of large-enrollment lower-level courses -- try to dispense with requiring essay writing from students only means that society as a whole is not willing to dissertation terminale provide the resources it would take to offer students a real education. Out of senior professors it [understandably] wants research, and with large lecture classes it wants to proceed on the cheap. Z Polskiego? By issuing credit without backing it up with affording students the requisite experience, it does the intellectual equivalent of printing money to pay its debts: it says it does what accreditation as an institution of writing for a, learning should require; but it doesn't. [Somewhat like the U.S. in Vietnam, it declares a victory and gets out.)

Why do we have to set aside the idea that good writing is clear expression of our ideas, and extended essay z polskiego, take on instead the idea that writing is a process of arriving, by stages, at clear ideas? Let's first get a little clearer about what this latter idea contains. In the beginning we have a confused welter of partial insights and apparent insights, some inconsistent with each other, all more or less in a fragmentary state, and many of them vague and confused in their own right. We begin, that is, with a muddle. Rating Research Paper? The art of writing is the extended z polskiego, art of getting from the initial muddle to something that we are properly satisfied with finding ourselves thinking. And this means: the art of writing boils down to for writing an expository essay skill in revising. Revising — good news! – is something that we can learn. In fact anyone can learn it. In fact, anyone who has this skill came by it only by essay z polskiego, learning: it is a proposal for a paper not a “genius” that some are born with and others not.

That’s encouraging, because it means there is hope. Everyone starts with muddle. The difference between those who end up with a muddle and those who end up with a clear and cogent piece of writing in support of an interesting idea relevant to some purpose is extended essay z polskiego not that some people have a mysterious capacity to conceive bright ideas and also the knack for formula for writing an expository, finding the words to say them. The difference is more mundane: some simply have learned how to revise — how to extended get, incrementally, from a draft that won’t work yet to one that works better. The paradox is that insight — we can call it “vision” — comes out of rating research, revision. We fix something in our previous vision that we’ve noticed is not-yet-working. But for this to work, we have already to be bringing to bear certain expectations about what happens when writing does work. That is, before we can revise our own drafts, we have to be able to read with discerning appreciation argumentative prose that does work.

Explication of effective writing is well-suited to helping others see what makes a working piece work because it demonstrates in action the extended essay, mind of a reader who is making the sorts of moves you have to make in order to write essay example do that . That is: just as you can watch Mary make some moves that work, you can watch me go about tuning into them. And that means you can rip off not only Mary’s moves, but mine. To do this, you have only to be curious, sooner or later, about extended where I must have been coming from in order to notice these things. What sort of “standing curiosities” must I always be bringing to structure bear? What sort of “demands” am I making on the prose I read, and what seems to be the point of those demands? When you figure this out, you will realize that it’s not “the teacher’s demands” that you are being compelled, externally, to satisfy (on pain of getting a grade you don’t want). It is the demands of your own logical equipment. That means at least two things: The way is open to see why writing can be powerfully gratifying, rather than simply frustrating and dispiriting. (There will be frustrations aplenty, but they won’t be dispiriting!) Arriving at a good final draft is actually a process of satisfying some of the deepest demands of your own human nature, your inborn rational equipment, and the pleasure we take in discovery of truth through the trial and error recognition and z polskiego, rectification of error.

If you ever enjoyed playing with tinker-toys, you’ve already been indulging this side of your constitution. You realize you have with you, always, a reliable guide (your own wits), so you don’t have to be casting about for some external authority prevent you from persisting in error. Sooner or later, you can figure it out writing yourself. Suggestions are welcome. Extended Z Polskiego? Please send your comments to . Contents copyright © 2000 by Lyman A. About? Baker.

Permission is granted for non-commercial educational use; all other rights reserved.

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