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Compte rendu de lecture – Andre Breton, Nadja. Redacteur de l’article : Fatiha MAKTOUBI, etudiante en Litterature francaise. Andre Breton, Nadja , 1937. Nadja est un recit autobiographique ecrit par Andre Breton en 1937. Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. Il s’agit d’une ?uvre litteraire emblematique du surrealisme ; loin des codes romanesques traditionnels, Nadja renouvelle l’ecriture et la figure du personnage romanesque feminin sous l’influence des decouvertes sur l’inconscient introduites par Freud. Population. Le surrealisme a profondement marque le XXe siecle. Memorandum Of Fact And Law. Il se manifeste par « le mecontentement » et « la frustration » de la Premiere Guerre mondiale. Accademic Essay. De plus ce mouvement veut liberer l’homme des contraintes morales.

Le but des surrealistes etait de changer le monde en se battant pour la liberte de l’homme. Memorandum. Andre Breton a contribue a developper ce mouvement. Communication Health Nursing. Il etait medecin et psychiatre de profession. Memorandum Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. Breton s’inspirait de la theorie de Freud et tentait d’explorer l’inconscient en auscultant les pulsions, les desirs et les emotions qui influencent l’espece humaine. Obesity. Selon Freud l’inconscient peut se definir comme l’ensemble des representations refoulees par le moi parce qu’elles sont incompatibles avec les valeurs « morales » du surmoi. Memorandum Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. Les reves sont, selon Freud, “la voie royale qui mene a l’inconscient” (Introduction a la Psychanalyse 342). Essay. Le fait que tout homme reve est, en psychanalyse, une preuve de l’existence d’un inconscient.

Le surrealisme signifie selon Breton « automatisme psychique pur, par lequel on and Law / rewrite, se propose d’exprimer, soit verbalement, soit par ecrit, soit de toute autre maniere, le fonctionnement reel de la pensee. Training. Dictee de la pensee, en l’absence de tout controle exerce par la raison, en dehors de toute preoccupation esthetique ou morale […] ». Ce recit suit une triple structure, trois parties identifiables par la mise en pages mais aussi et surtout par leur volume, leur contenu et leur espace temporel. Memorandum Of Fact / Rewrite. La premiere partie, appelee preambule par Breton ou l’auteur cherche a se definir en posant la question « qui suis-je » ; la deuxieme, a caractere autobiographique qui retrace le recit de la rencontre de l’auteur avec Nadja ; enfin la derniere partie ou epilogue (initialement nommee conclusion par Breton) qui repond a la quete initiale depart et pose les jalons de l’esthetique surrealiste. Il sera interessant de montrer en quoi le personnage de Nadja , personnage anti-romanesque et feminin, incarne l’esthetique du surrealisme. Pour ce faire, nous verrons tout d’abord dans quel mesure ce recit surrealiste est anti-romanesque puisqu’il ne se reclame d’aucun genre en particulier et en convoque plusieurs a la fois (I) ; apres quoi, nous evoquerons le theme central de ce recit la rencontre surrealiste, a savoir la rencontre amoureuse, en evoquant le portrait surrealiste de Nadja (II) ; enfin, nous identifierons les codes esthetiques de l’ecriture surrealiste (III). I- Un recit anti-romanesque : l’influence des decouvertes sur l’inconscient, le langage de l’inconscient. 1- Le melange des genres : le roman de fiction et le roman a clef, l’autobiographie, la poesie, le conte.

2- Un recit non chronologique et morcele : le langage de l’inconscient. 3- Des descriptions textuelles relayees par des images : le refus de la description romanesque. II- Le theme de la rencontre surrealiste, celle la rencontre amoureuse et de l’amour fou. 1-Pourquoi le motif de la rencontre est-il original et entame une rupture avec ce qui etait fait avant ? 2- Le hasard objectif. 3-Le personnage de Nadja emblematique du surrealisme. 1- Le langage de l’inconscient. 2- L’ecriture automatique.

3- Une nouvelle conception du beau et le rejet de toute consideration morale. Nadja est une ?uvre litteraire surprenante qui a choque le public en premier lieu a cause de sa forme generique. Accademic Essay. Au-dela de sa structure atypique, deconstruite, c’est un recit anti-romanesque car il melange les genres litteraires et ne respecte pas les conventions romanesques alors etablies et convenues. Memorandum Of Fact / Rewrite. Ce premier refus s’explique a cause des decouvertes sur l’inconscient de Freud. Accademic Essay. Le souci d’imiter le langage de l’inconscient sous-tend l’?uvre surrealiste de Nadja . Le 31 aout 1927, Breton a ecrit « deux parties sur trois » et quitte le manoir ou il reside pour Paris.

Il fait lecture a Eluard, Prevert et Masson de sa « prose » qui n’est ni un « roman » ni un « recit ». And Law. Le melange des genres est par consequent un aspect incontournable de ce texte, Andre Breton melange au genre du roman de fiction, celui de l’autobiographie, de la poesie et du conte. Accademic Essay. Breton rejette tout particulierement le roman de fiction traditionnel et en particulier le roman a clef. Memorandum And Law / Rewrite. Le roman a clef est un sous-genre romanesque qui raconte une histoire vraie et met en situation un ou des personnages reels notables, de facon plus ou moins explicite, sous couvert de la fiction pour se proteger de la censure et les critiquer. Training. Selon Breton le roman a clef est une plate deformation d’une realite elle-meme sans interet : « Je persiste a reclamer les noms, a ne m’interesser qu’aux livres qu’on laisse battants comme des portes, et desquels on of Fact, n’a pas a chercher la clef ». Gcse Pe Coursework Circuit. D’emblee on and Law, entrevoit un rejet de cette forme de roman puisque Nadja ne renvoie a aucune celebrite publique, mais juste une maitresse de l’auteur. Accademic Essay. Dans le premier Manifeste du surrealisme de 1924, Breton adresse de fortes critiques a l’egard du roman.

Il lui reproche son banal realisme, sa lourdeur terrestre et son manque d’imagination. Memorandum. Tout y est petit, bourgeois, sans fantaisie ni reverie. Population Essay. La psychologie et les descriptions rebutent particulierement Breton. Memorandum. Nadja , loin du roman a clef et de fiction traditionnelle revet un caractere autobiographique, comme nous l’avons souligne plus haut, Nadja , nom invente, represente une personne reelle, rencontree par l’auteur le 4 octobre 1926 a « un carrefour » de la rue Lafayette. The Bingo Van Essay. Tres vite, il s’est noue entre eux une liaison obsedante mais qui decoit Breton et s’acheve par un message de Nadja en fevrier 1927. Memorandum Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. Breton a rompu avec elle de facon absolue ; il refuse de la voir a l’asile psychiatrique ou il apprend qu’elle est entree. Accademic Essay. A Varengeville, il s’est installe dans « un beau manoir de corsaire », le manoir d’Ango. Memorandum / Rewrite. Il lit Huysmans et reflechit aux evenements recents. In Mental. Apres quoi, il redige le roman de Nadja en convoquant a la fois sa memoire et ses notes. Pour ce faire, l’ecriture automatique sera le moteur de l’anti-recit surrealiste.

Le recit surrealiste est volontairement morcele et non chronologique, il mime l’aspect lacunaire de la memoire de celui qui se souvient et qui veut raconter sa rencontre avec Nadja. Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. Il imite egalement la structure du reve et la logique de l’inconscient en apparence irrationnel. Accademic Essay. Le recit est eclate et fonctionne par touches successives. Of Fact And Law. Il traduit par ailleurs, les emotions de l’auteur lors de sa rencontre avec Nadja. Communication In Mental Nursing Essay. Breton renouvelle les codes romanesques de la rencontre amoureuse, l’amour fou , la rencontre surrealiste qui declenche un amour passion irrationnel et intense. / Rewrite. L’amour passion apparait ainsi comme une sorte de folie qui libere et favorise le langage de l’inconscient.

Ainsi, a la maniere du reve, et du fantasme, le langage de l’inconscient est doublement represente dans ce recit. Essay Question. Breton utilise entre autres le procede du collage en arts plastiques et associe des supports de toutes natures. And Law / Rewrite. Les descriptions textuelles tres lacunaires sont relayees par des images : le refus de la description romanesque est au centre de l’ecriture surrealiste. Gcse Pe Coursework Circuit Training. Pour accompagner le texte, Breton rassemble quarante-quatre photographies relatives aux elements qu’il met en jeu. Memorandum Of Fact And Law. Le personnage de Nadja nous est rarement decrite, ses emotions, ses impressions, ses reves ou ses fantasmes nous sont presentes entre autre par ses dessins.

Nadja est pourvue d’une imagination sans limite qui se manifeste surtout dans ces dessins. Gcse Pe Coursework Circuit Training. (p 127–p172). Of Fact And Law. Elle s’exteriorise par ses dessins, son univers mysterieux inaccessible et fascinant. Obesity Thesis. Elle se dessine elle-meme en fee, en sirene… Elle exteriorise son monde interieur par ses dessins. And Law / Rewrite. Elle ajoute des titres, des legendes, des phrases qui sont souvent irrationnels : « la fleur des amant », p. Accademic Essay. 139 par exemple est un dessin que Nadja a invente « cette fleur merveilleuse ». Memorandum. Elle decouvre cette fleur pendant une apparition lors d’un dejeuner. Gcse Pe Coursework Training. Elle voulait donner aux deux regards une expression differente (p140) ces deux regards representaient probablement le regard de Nadja et celui de Breton. Memorandum Of Fact And Law. En somme Nadja est pourvue d’une creativite extraordinaire ou le monde imaginaire est difficile a separer du monde surnaturel. Gcse Pe Coursework Circuit. De ce fait, le genre litteraire de Nadja, inclassable et volontairement anti-romanesque est emblematique de l’esthetique surrealiste. Les themes et l’esthetique du surrealisme sont longuement decrits dans le Manifeste du surrealisme ecrit en 1927. Memorandum Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. Andre Breton definit ainsi le surrealisme : « Automatisme psychique pur par lequel on population essay questions, se propose d’exprimer, soit verbalement, soit par ecrit, soit de toute autre maniere, le fonctionnement reel de la pensee en l’absence de tout controle exerce par la raison, en dehors de toute preoccupation esthetique ou morale ». Of Fact. Aussi, le theme de la rencontre amoureuse, l’amour fou est-il un motif litteraire au centre des preoccupations des surrealistes car elle declenche et catalyse l’expression de l’inconscient, elle sera ainsi longuement etudiee par les auteurs de ce mouvement.

En effet, le theme de la rencontre amoureuse cristallise l’esthetique surrealiste ; Breton veut avant tout livrer au lecteur une ecriture objective de la passion amoureuse, celle qu’il eprouve lors de sa rencontre avec Nadja. In Mental Essay. Breton parle ainsi d’une rencontre surrealiste. Of Fact. La rencontre surrealiste declenche chez l’auteur et chez l’heroine tout un ensemble de phenomenes a la limite de l’inconscient. Van Essay. Elle bouleverse leur « paysage mental » respectif. And Law. La passion ou folie amoureuse permet a l’auteur ainsi qu’a Nadja d’exprimer la partie cachee, mysterieuse de leur psychisme, elle libere le langage de l’inconscient. La rencontre amoureuse dite surrealiste est par ailleurs le fruit d’un hasard objectif ; le poete parle de « petrifiantes coincidences », de signaux qui constellent sa rencontre fatale avec la jeune fille.

Dans L’Amour fou, en 1937, il reliera les phenomenes « merveilleux » du reel aux forces de l’inconscient : le hasard objectif est compris des lors comme le « veritable precipite du desir ». Thesis. Dans Nadja, Breton se plait a relever quantite d’incidents exterieurs : rencontres, hasards, evenements inattendus, coincidences, rebelles a un continuum logique, mais qui resolvent des debats interieurs, materialisent des desirs inconscients ou avoues. Par ailleurs, le personnage de Nadja est emblematique du surrealisme. Memorandum. C’est tout d’abord une muse moderne qui permet au poete d’echapper au reel et de dechiffrer le surreel, d’acceder a l’invisible, aux sens caches du monde. Health Essay. Nadja a initie Breton a comprendre le monde et lui a permis de comprendre que « la vie demande a etre dechiffree comme un cryptogramme ». Memorandum Of Fact And Law. p133. Obesity Paper. Nadja est l’attestation vivante de l’efficacite de la recherche du surrealisme par son personnage merveilleux, sa creativite sa force de l’inconscient, sa liberte, sa folie. Of Fact / Rewrite. De plus la rencontre entre Breton et Nadja est pleine de mystere que Breton renforce tout en donnant l’impression de la devoiler. Essay. Breton a reussi a se faire un univers surrealiste dans lequel ses imaginations ne cessent de s’exterioriser librement. Memorandum Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. Par ailleurs, Nadja possede des dons surnaturels (themes favoris du surrealisme). Paper Thesis. C’est ainsi qu’elle destabilise le garcon de cafe qui « pris de vertige » (p 114) renverse le vin et casse les onze assiettes. Memorandum Of Fact. Nadja possede ces dons qui intriguent Breton. Population. Par exemple elle lui predit l’avenir et «voit» la futur femme de Breton « brune, naturellement, petite et jolie ».(p85) Nadja est selon Breton « l’oiseau splendidement triste de la divination » (p.105) il s’agit d’une allusion au monde metaphysique.

Ces dons surnaturels ont egalement un lien avec les hallucinations dont elle souffre. And Law. Les surrealistes etaient fascines par le monde irreel mais aussi par le monde surnaturel que l’on ne pouvait pas voir a l’?il nu et plus particulierement par la voyance. Gcse Circuit Training. Ce domaine insaisissable de l’inconscient fait le charme du personnage. Memorandum Of Fact / Rewrite. En outre, elle possede une force imaginative incroyable qui va lui permettre l’evasion. In Mental Nursing Essay. Nadja est isolee du monde reel par sa maladie.

Cependant grace a cette maladie elle est capable de s’evader « sans but aucun » (p.73). Memorandum Of Fact And Law. En effet, l’imagination de Nadja va permettre au personnage de jouir d’une liberte totale «sans consideration pragmatique d’aucune sorte». Question Mba. p 168 « Pure, libre de tout lien terrestre » p104. Of Fact. Elle se definit d’ailleurs comme « une ame errante » p 82.Elle n’est ni soumise au temps ni aux contraintes de la vie. The Bingo Van Essay. Elle vie sans aucune preoccupation du monde reel. Memorandum And Law. Cette particularite va beaucoup plaire a Breton. Communication. Enfin, on Memorandum / rewrite, remarque que le personnage de Nadja est souvent assimile a des personnages legendaires ou mythiques.

La vraie identite de Nadja est Leona Del court. Essay Question. Nadja (1902-1941), est une jeune Lilloise qui a debarquee a Paris en 1923. Memorandum And Law. Son existence dans le Nord, ou elle a une fille, nous est connue par le recit qu’elle en fait a Breton lors de leur rencontre, le 4 octobre (p. In Mental Nursing Essay. 74). And Law. A Paris, elle a exerce de petits metiers pour survivre, vendeuse, figurante ou danseuse mais la vie est dure : « Sa situation financiere est tout a fait desesperee » (p. Essay Question Mba. 106), la prostitution rode « Elle ne fait aucun mystere du moyen qu’elle emploierait, si je n’existais pas, pour se procurer de l’argent, quoiqu’elle n’ait meme plus la somme necessaire pour se faire coiffer et se rendre au Claridge, ou, fatalement… » (p. Of Fact And Law. 106). Accademic Essay. Nadja aime s’imaginer « sous les traits de Melusine ». Memorandum And Law. (p149).Melusine est une fee issue des contes populaires qui signifie « merveille » ou « brouillard de la mer ». Accademic Essay. Il s’agit dans cette histoire d’une certaine femme appelee Melusine qui fait la rencontre d’un comte nomme Raymondin qu’elle epouse a condition que celui-ci ne la voit pas le samedi. / Rewrite. Un samedi Raymondin pris de jalousie, entra dans sa chambre ou elle prenait un bain.

Il decouvre alors que Melusine a une queue de serpent. Van Essay. Raymondin garde le secret mais le devoile publiquement peu apres une dispute. Of Fact. Melusine doit alors quitter le chateau. Obesity Thesis. Nadja consacre aussi plusieurs de ces dessins a une fee telle qu’une Sirene, une femme- poisson…. Memorandum / Rewrite. Ce lien avec cet esprit propre a l’enfant est caracteristique du surrealisme. Population Essay Questions. En effet ces dessins sont a la fois une illustration du mouvement surrealiste et sont lies a cet esprit pur et propre a l’enfant peint comme un monde merveilleux. Of Fact / Rewrite. Nadja symbolise donc le monde fantastique qui est aussi le fruit de son imagination. Pour finir, il est indispensable de caracteriser l’ecriture surrealiste qui parcourt l’oeuvre de Nadja , a la fois ni un « recit » et ni un « roman ». Obesity. La rencontre amoureuse dite surrealiste bouleverse et destabilise « le paysage mental » de l’auteur et de l’heroine. Of Fact / Rewrite. La passion amoureuse catalyse le langage de l’inconscient chez les deux personnages. Population. On recense trois grands procedes l’ecriture automatique, le collage et la deconstruction de la syntaxe, l’utilisation du support iconographique en complement du texte. L’ecriture automatique est centrale de l’?uvre de Breton.

Elle a ete utilisee par les surrealistes comme un mode de creation litteraire, permettant de s’emanciper de l’etroitesse de la pensee regie par la raison. Memorandum And Law / Rewrite. Ce point est caracteristique du mouvement surrealiste. Obesity Paper Thesis. C’est au terme d’une quete sur la nature de l’inspiration poetique qu’Andre Breton formalisa cette technique appliquee a la creation litteraire. And Law. Elle consiste a ecrire le plus rapidement possible, sans controle de la raison, sans preoccupations esthetique ou morale, voire sans aucun souci de coherence grammaticale ou de respect du vocabulaire. The Bingo Van Essay. L’etat necessaire a la bonne realisation est un etat de lacher-prise, entre le sommeil et le reveil (proche d’un etat hypnotique). Memorandum. Aussi, la rencontre amoureuse vecue sous le mode de la passion est une forme de folie propice a l’ecriture automatique. Le debut du recit de Nadja est incomprehensible par sa syntaxe composee de phrases longues qui trouble le lecteur. Population Essay. Apres la lecture de la premiere partie on Memorandum of Fact, ne peut comprendre que Breton est a la recherche de soi. Essay. « Qui suis-je ». Memorandum / Rewrite. C’est a partir de la page 71 que l’on comprend le recit.

De plus Nadja contient des images qui n’ont aucun rapport et sans logique avec le texte. Obesity Thesis. Par exemple a la page 71 on / rewrite, voit la photo de la librairie de l’Humanite. Question Mba. Il s’agit du journal du parti communiste. And Law. Cette image n’a aucun lien avec l’histoire qui la suit. Circuit Training. Dans Nadja, toutes les caracteristiques du Surrealisme sont visibles.

Le texte n’est pas reflechi, il s’agit d’une juxtaposition d’idees, d’un montage. Of Fact And Law. De plus les images n’ont aucun rapport avec le texte et ne sont pas logiques. Gcse Pe Coursework Training. Les associations libres, pas tres claires et les messages de l’inconscient sont aussi des caracteristiques du surrealisme. Par ailleurs, Breton joue lors de la rencontre avec Nadja avec les temps. Memorandum Of Fact. Il veut presenter Nadja en l’actualisant. The Bingo. Il emploie le present pour que l’histoire soit authentique et pour donner plus de credibilites a son ?uvre « tout a coup alors qu’elle est peut-etre encore a dix pas de moi ». Memorandum. De plus la vie personnelle et la relation avec Nadja reste vague. Essay Mba. « Je venais de traverser ce carrefour dont j’oublie ou j’ignore le nom ». Of Fact / Rewrite. Les dialogues deviennent aussi flous « A la terrasse d’un cafe… ». Obesity Thesis. Breton observe Nadja il est fascine par ce personnage. Of Fact. Il tombe amoureux d’elle et cet amour est reciproque mais cela ne durera pas. Training. Il se rend compte qu’elle souffre d’hallucination et espere la guerir. Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. Il est aussi fascine par l’inconscient et Nadja etait l’occasion pour Breton d’atteindre l’inconscient. Question. Mais par la suite a se desinteresse d’elle « ce qu’elle dit ne m’interesse moins », « Tout ce qui fait qu’on peut vivre de la vie d’un etre, sans jamais desirer obtenir de lui plus que ce qu’il donne, qu’il est amplement suffisant de le voir bouger ou se tenir immobile, parler ou se taire, veiller ou dormir, de ma part n’existait pas non plus, n’avait jamais existe. Memorandum And Law / Rewrite. » Elle ne supportera pas cette rupture et fait une depression. Paper Thesis. Elle et se fait interner a Bailleul ou elle y mourra.

Breton a toujours pretendu avoir ete sincere envers Nadja. Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. Breton l’a vraiment aimee. Paper Thesis. Breton conclut son livre sur une reflexion sur la beaute : elle doit etre ni statique, ni formelle, mais oscillatoire comme un sismographe . And Law. La derniere phrase : La beaute sera convulsive ou ne sera pas sera reprise et expliquee dans L’Amour fou. Au terme de notre analyse nous avons remarque que l’?uvre litteraire de Nadja est inclassable du point de vue du genre, a la fois ni recit, ni roman, elle reprend plusieurs caracteristiques de genres litteraire divers comme l’autobiographie, le conte merveilleux, la poesie et le roman a cle. Communication In Mental Health Nursing Essay. Cet ?uvre constitue avant tout l’ecriture objective de la passion. Memorandum. La deconstruction du genre litteraire traditionnel du roman est relayee par ailleurs par le traitement original et paradoxal du theme de la rencontre amoureuse, bouleversement du « paysage » mental de celui qui la vit. Essay. L’amour est vecue comme une passion qui deroute l’equilibre psychique et le destabilise. Of Fact. La rencontre amoureuse est ainsi propice a l’epanchement de l’inconscient. Obesity Thesis. Le personnage feminin de Nadja possede une force imaginative et des pouvoirs surnaturels qui cristallisent les pouvoirs de l’inconscient, a la fois muse et maitresse, elle declenche chez l’auteur l’amour fou, elle incarne de ce fait l’esthetique surrealiste. Memorandum Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. Enfin, nous avons caracterise les procedes de l’ecriture surrealiste en application dans Nadja , a savoir l’ecriture automatique, le collage, les associations libres et la deconstruction de la syntaxe. Nadja est une ?uvre majeure du surrealisme, elle pose les jalons d’une esthetique nouvelle qui aura de nombreux epigones.

Apres la redaction de Nadja, Andre Breton redige le Second manifeste du surrealisme en 1930. Droits d'auteurs réservés- Tous les articles de ce blog sont déposés AVANT publication chez copyright France - Reproduction sur le Web INTERDITE.

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anchorpoint essays Despite being a small rescue ship, it was able to Memorandum / rewrite, function and support all the systems and the hypersleep functions because it conserved energy and the bingo van essay, supplied only the most important life supporting functions. Not even the doors were powered. Novelization: But the ship was not completely dead. Of Fact / Rewrite. Like a body in frigid weather, the craft had withdrawn the obesity paper thesis power from its extremities to protect something vital deep within. Also, according to the novelization Narcissus' beacon failed thus no ship could pick it up and they just assumed based on and Law / rewrite the radars that the floating lifeboat was just a space junk. Gcse. One might ask why the Company didn't find any traces of the alien on board the ship. The novelization points out that the Memorandum of Fact data was tempered with. It doesn't say by obesity paper thesis who, but it's apparent that it was the Company responsible for it, erasing the bits of data that had anything to do with the alien. 2. HOW DID RIPLEY'S DAUGHTER DIE ? According to Memorandum of Fact and Law, the novelization, Amanda Ripley McClaren died of cancer. 3. WHAT DOES SULACO MEAN ? Sulaco was the town in which most of van essay Joseph Conrad's book entitled Nostromo took place.

4. WHY THERE'S NO RINGED PLANET BY LV-426 ? James Cameron: The unnamed planetoid harboring the alien derelict ship, later named LV-426, was in fact a moon of a ringed gas giant, which was occasionally glimpsed in the sky in ALIEN. The gas giant does not appear in ALIENS because the exterior scenes on LV-426 have an unbroken cloud cover or overcast, and the space scenes are handled in a cursory manner, advancing the story without dwelling on of Fact and Law the wonders of interstellar travel, which so many other films have done so well, as their primary reason d'etre. James Cameron further explains: You might say we approached LV-426 from the other direction, and in mental health nursing essay, the ringed gas giant companion was out of frame. Acheron is the alternate name for LV-426. The serial name was an 'old' name that was replaced with the name Acheron once the planetoid was inhabited by the colonists. According to the novelization, there are 30 Atmosphere Processors scattered around Acheron, but only one colony. In Greek mythology, Acheron is the river of woe and pain, in the underworld land of the of Fact damned. The name was given to the planet in older drafts of the essay question script, the Alan Dean Foster novelization, the movie-comic as well as the RPG.

6 . WHY DIDN'T THE COLONIST PICK UP THE DERELICT'S ACOUSTIC WARNING? James Cameron: There's a deleted scene (re-inserted for Director's Cut/Special Edition) which depicted the / rewrite discovery of the derelict by pe coursework training a mom-and-pop geological survey (i.e.: prospecting) team. As scripted, they were given the general coordinates of its position by the manager of the colony, on orders from Memorandum / rewrite, Carter Burke. It is not directly stated, but presumed, that Burke could only have gotten that information from Ripley or from the black-box flight recorder aboard the shuttle Narcissus, which accessed the Nostromo's on-board computer. Essay Question Mba. When the Jorden family, including young Newt, reach the coordinates, they discover the derelict ship. Since we and of Fact / rewrite, the Nostromo crew last saw it, it has been damaged by volcanic activity, a lava flow having crushed it against a rock outcropping and ripped open its hull. Aside from considerations of visual interest, this serves as a justification for pe coursework training the acoustic beacon being non-operational. In addition to that, the novelization further explains: It's blocked off from colony's detector by Memorandum of Fact these mountains, and you know that surveillance satellites are useless in mba, this kind of atmosphere. You couldn't pick up any infrared on this part of the planet: new air coming out of the atmosphere processor is too hot 7. And Law. WHY DOESN'T ANYONE STAY ON BOARD THE SULACO?

The Sulaco is so automated that it would be unnecessary. If another dropship was required, the APC was equipped to remote-pilot it down and so was the the bingo station on LV-426. 8. DID JAMES CAMERON KNOW ABOUT THE ORIGINAL LIFE CYCLE ? Yes. He addressed it in 'The Bloody Best Of Fangoria' magazine saying that he deliberately changed the Alien lifecycle to Memorandum and Law, include the Queen: I find it somewhat irrelevant since as an obesity paper thesis, audience member and Memorandum and Law, as a filmmaker creating a sequel, I can really only be responsible to those elements which actually appeared in the first film and not to its intentions. The Bingo Van Essay. ALIEN screenwriter Dan O'Bannon's proposed life cycle, as completed in the unseen scene, would have been too restricting for me as a storyteller. He also mentioned the and Law / rewrite original lifecycle in nursing essay, 1986 in Memorandum / rewrite, Monsterland magazine: It's a fusion of the elements of the storyline I'd developed myself independent of ALIEN, especially in terms of life cycle of the organism Furthermore, from the bingo van essay, But, you see, that (original alien lifecycle) was never seen at all. Yes, it's in of Fact, contradiction to the reproductive cycle that was in pe coursework circuit, the original script of the / rewrite first film. But it's not in contradiction to what you saw in the film. What you saw in the film was a thousand eggs, one of van essay them hatches, one of them goes through its life cycle, becomes an of Fact / rewrite, adult, and is killed. There is no connection between the adult and the future eggs. Now, in essay, the scene that was apparently shot and cut, and Memorandum, which I never saw, in which Tom Skerrit and Harry Dean Stanton are turning into eggs, that closed the cycle.

But, to me, that was completely irrelevant to what you actually saw in the film. It was a conscious decision. Had the first film appeared in its complete form, then I would have had to take a different approach to the story. But I felt only a responsibility to what people saw within the first film, not the intentions of various people behind it. To read more about the Queen visit 9. HOW DID THE COLONY INFESTATION STARTED ? According to James Cameron: 1. Russ Jorden attacked, they radio for rescue.

2. Rescue party investigates ship. several members facehuggered. brought back to base for treatment. 3. Question. Several chestbursters free themselves from hosts, escape into ducting, begin to of Fact and Law / rewrite, grow. 4. Extrapolating from entomology (ants, termites, etc.), an immature female, one of the first to emerge from accademic essay, hosts, grows to become a new queen, while males become drones or warriors. 10. Of Fact And Law. WHERE DID THE QUEEN COME FROM ? James Cameron: An immature female, one of the first to emerge from hosts, grows to become a new queen, while males become drones or warriors. Subsequent female larvae remain dormant or are killed by males. or biochemically sense that a queen exists and change into the bingo, males to limit waste.

The Queen locates a nesting spot (the warmth of the atmosphere station heat exchanger level being perfect for egg incubation) and becomes sedentary. She is then tended by the males as her abdomen swells into a distended egg sac. The drones and warriors also secrete a resinous building material to Memorandum and Law / rewrite, line the structure, creating niches in which they may lie dormant when food supplies and/or hosts for further reproduction become depleted (i.e. when all the colonists are used up). They are discovered in this condition by the troopers, but quickly emerge when new hosts present themselves. The novelization as well as The Dark Horse comics published in 1988 suggested that a regular Alien changes into Queen with the in mental nursing help of the of Fact so called Royal Jelly - a special food high in certain nutrients. Novelization: The chemicals in the jelly act to change the composition of the thesis maturing pupa so that what eventually emerges is an adult queen and not another worker.

Theoretically, any egg can be used to hatch a queen. According to Shane Mahan, the Creature Effect Coordinator from of Fact and Law, Aliens, and Stan Winston on communication health Aliens Collector's Edition DVD commentary, the Queen was 14 feet tall. Excerpt from Anchorpoint Essays by Mike Lynch. To read the full essay click HERE. The Queen is approximately four and Memorandum of Fact / rewrite, one half meters tall, possesses an extremely powerful tail that is equal in length to the Alien's height, a cranial crown that is essay question mba flattened (in comparison to the adult Alien) and extends approximately two meters beyond the back of the of Fact / rewrite head, and possesses a set of secondary arms (giving the Alien a total of accademic essay six limbs) that are approximately one third the length of the primary arms.

When situated as part of a functioning hive the Memorandum of Fact Queen is suspended from the communication in mental essay hive ceiling via heavy resinous supports. Aside from the unusual structure of the cranial crown the most notable physical attribute is the large, translucent ovipositor that extends nearly 8 meters from the Queen's body. The ovipositor, like the Memorandum / rewrite Queen herself, is also suspended via resinous webbing. The head of the circuit training Queen is one of the most striking aspects of the Alien's physical presence. Though the cranium is proportional to and Law / rewrite, the Queen's body size and accademic essay, not much different in Memorandum of Fact / rewrite, shape than that of the adult members of her brood, the crown is what sets her head apart from her offspring. This crown is obesity thesis thought to be more than just and ornamental aspect of the Alien's physiology - it is believed to be a key aspect in communication and Memorandum and Law / rewrite, inciting behavior among the brood. The surface of the crown affords the Queen an accademic essay, optimal means of receiving a greater degree of of Fact / rewrite auditory and bioelectric input by increasing the amount of sensory pores that can be applied to a given form of detection. This, theoretically, increases the Alien's sensitivity to such stimuli, by communication nursing essay allowing more input to be acquired.

By the same token an inverse approach can be take to communicative abilities: the larger surface area of the Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite crown enables more outward stimuli to be emitted for a broader range of detection among the brood. However, there appears to be a an extremely limited peripheral range of reception: The Queen's crown only essay curves very slightly when compared to the adult members of the and Law hive, this would seem to pe coursework, indicate that the Queen's sensory reception is limited to the primary receptive range: approximately 100° radiating 50° laterally to either side from the vertical center line of the crown, and a peripheral reception area of an additional 10° on Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite either side beyond that. This would also seem to indicate that the health essay Queen might have a rather large blind area that represents the vast majority of the space directly behind the crown and body, but given the general state of of Fact and Law immobility that the Queen sustains during her life this is not surprising, or unexpected. The brood, which is responsible for foraging and nest construction, would logically need a much broader range of reception - hence the apparent 360° range of detection for the adult nest mates. The Queen, for the most part, remains static and therefore takes a more passive role within the hive.

It is not believed that the Queen often engages in population essay questions, hive defense, meaning that the incident on LV-426 between Lieutenant Ripley and the Queen was a rare example of the Alien's abilities. A rather interesting and perplexing feature about the Queen is the presence of a set of small arms that extend from the chest. These arms are approximately one third the Memorandum of Fact and Law length of the creature's primary arms. Their extremely short length makes them appear useless with respect to the overall size of the Alien. It was originally believed that they were used for feeding, but the length and articulation of these arms would suggest that the head would have to be bent downward in an awkward fashion in order to feed. It has been an observed trait, among those creatures that use their limbs in feeding, that most have arms that are long enough to obesity paper thesis, reach the mouth without having to crane the neck. 11 . WHERE DOES THE DERELICT ORIGINATE FROM?

James Cameron: Don't ask me where it was from. there are some things man was not meant to Memorandum of Fact, know. Presumably, the derelict pilot became infested en route to somewhere and set down on the barren planetoid to isolate the dangerous creatures, setting up the warning beacon as his last act. What happened to the creature that emerged from him? Ask Ridley. I could provide plausible answers for, but they're no more valid than anyone else's. Perhaps his homeworld did know of his demise, but felt it was pointless to rescue a doomed person. Perhaps he was a volunteer or a draftee on the hazardous mission of bio-isolating these organisms. Perhaps he was a military pilot, delivering the alien eggs as a bio-weapon in some ancient interstellar war humans know nothing of, and got infected inadvertently. Since we and the Nostromo crew last saw it, it has been damaged by volcanic activity, a lava flow having crushed it against population questions a rock outcropping and ripped open its hull. Aside from of Fact, considerations of visual interest, this serves as a justification for essay the acoustic beacon being non-operational. Of Fact And Law. Starlog : Cameron did not want the model to appear in his film as it had in the first.

He envisioned it as having been carried away, in the 56-year interim between the first and second film, by lava flows, which have embedded the derelict into a rock wall. Thesis. Sketches by of Fact and Law James Cameron showing how the ship has been broken up and moved by the lava flow: 12 . WHY DID RIPLEY DECIDE TO COME BACK? She decided to go back in order to get rid of training her nightmares and for revenge. James Cameron: there are a lot of soldiers from Memorandum and Law / rewrite, Vietnam, who have been in intense combat situations, who re-enlisted to gcse pe coursework training, go back again. Because they had these psychological problems that they had to of Fact, work out.

It's like an inner demon to be exorcised. That was a good metaphor for her character. 13. HOW DID NEWT SURVIVE ALONE WITH ALIENS AROUND? The entire colony was enormous in size, with multiple large complexes connected together. And as seen in the movie, aliens retreated to pe coursework, the hive deserting the entire place. New played with other kids hiding in the vents before the of Fact and Law colony became infested and she was the best in fitting in tight spots. That's why she got called Newt. That's how she survived the circuit training initial attack by going into small places no one else could fit and then when the alien warriors deserted the place and retreated into the hive under the heat exchanger, she moved around through the and Law vent tunnels. By that point the place was relatively safe since aliens lied dormant in essay, their hives. 14.

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE THE ALIENS' CHARACTERISTICS? The aliens in Aliens are like a human army and act like soldiers taking tactical decisions and maneuvers. They do what any enemy army would do and Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite, perform the well known warfare operations and ambushing attacks. According to James Cameron in population essay, his Starlog interview from 1987, the lone alien that took care of the dropship killed Ferro to crash the Memorandum and Law / rewrite dropship and leave the marines on LV-426 and cut their ammo and gun supply. Not to mention it was able to gcse pe coursework training, operate the door inside of it.

Later on in the movie we see the of Fact and Law aliens successfully sneaking up on the marines from obesity paper thesis, all directions, and meshing in with the environment making themselves invisible, like the Memorandum of Fact camouflaged commandos. We see their efforts to exhaust the ammo of the sentry guns and gcse pe coursework circuit, then aliens retreating to make new plans. Typically for warfare operations, they cut the power to blind their enemy, split into groups/squads and quietly sneak in on them from above, below and of Fact and Law, the back - the lone alien that Burke encounters was a part of the ambushing team, trying to cut the marines off from the other side. It's also worth noting that aliens behaved like military/special forces in hostage situation with Ripley and the Queen - They started moving in slowly because Ripley had a gun almost aimed at the Queen, they didn't want to risk it so they moved like all the other aliens in Aliens - like special forces, trying to get to the person holding a hostage by in mental health essay walking up very slowly, so they wont startle him. They did so until the Queen ordered them to back off. The aliens of Aliens defeated a highly trained and highly equipped marines. Such approach represents how dangerous and terrifying aliens really are because they're going against Memorandum and Law military and they're portrayed as advanced military themselves.

It's hard to see how lethal the aliens really are that well when unarmed weaker opponents are facing the alien. Accademic Essay. If an adult person beats up a smaller, helpless child it doesn't really show how tough he is, but if he beats up a person who's armed with knives and sticks and baseball bat then it's a different story. Also, one of the and Law / rewrite reasons why they chose the atmosphere processor for the nest is because it was a tactical location. Novelization: (The Queen choose) to incubate her eggs in the one spot in accademic essay, the colony where we couldn't destroy her without destroying ourselves. beneath the heat exchangers at Memorandum and Law / rewrite, the processing plant. From the script: Could it be intelligent? Hard to say. The Bingo. It may have been. blind instinct. attraction to. the heat of whatever. And Law. but she. did choose to obesity paper, incubate her eggs. in the one spot where we couldn't. Memorandum And Law. destroy her without destroying. Also: They could also have some kind of collective intelligence.(. ) Bishop talked about that, before he left. James Cameron: I never got the sense in the first film that the alien actually had an intelligence that would allow it to manipulate their technology.

But I didn’t see that necessarily as a barrier here because certainly these creatures have been around longer. Pe Coursework Training. The alien in the first film had only Memorandum and Law been alive for van essay 24 hours. It was still an infant, even thought it’d grown full size. These aliens have had weeks or months to figure things out. (. ) I’m not saying they’re technological but I think they’re rudimentary stuff. So the implication here is of Fact / rewrite that they’re actually pretty clever. And I think at the end of the film its clear when the alien queen knows how to operate an paper thesis, elevator if nothing else.

In the 1979 novelization of the first movie, Ash describes alien's intelligence as being at and Law, least that of a dog, and probably more than a chimpanzee Another characteristic that wasn't shown in the first movie but was described in ALIENS novelization is the alien poison. Thesis. Aliens sting their victims with their tails and inject a temporarily paralyzing poison so they can easily transport them to the hive. and cocoon them. This is of Fact and Law why in the movie we see the victims in the hive waking up, like Newt when she got abducted. It was the gcse pe coursework circuit training poison wearing out. Novelization: It's a muscle-specific neurotoxin. Memorandum Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. Affects only the nonvital parts of the system; leaves respiratory and circulatory functions unimpaired. Another noteworthy characteristic: For all they knew, the in mental health aliens had poor hearing and of Fact, located them by in mental health smell.

There are some small behavioral differences between the ALIENS Warriors and the Original alien from and Law / rewrite, ALIEN. James Cameron likes to have everything logical so one change was made. The original acts little differently. It kills an unarmed opponent and drags him off (Brett). It doesn't kill an armed opponent, and drags him off as well (Dallas). Then it butchers an armed and unarmed opponent and accademic essay, leaves both of them to Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite, rot (Parker and Lambert). Accademic Essay. The Aliens' actions in Memorandum, ALIENS are much more clear and logical; priority one, take back alive. If that's impractical, kill. It's all beautifully done, everything, the essay mba designs and the way they're executed. - H.R. Giger.

15. DO ALIENS TAKE CHARACTERISTICS OF THEIR HOSTS ? Yes. Memorandum. James Cameron: Even with the Queen's vast egg laying capacity, the Aliens are still a parasitic form, requiring a host from a different species to create the warrior or Queen stages of the life cycle. Since the warriors are bipedal with two arms (H.R. Giger's original design), it may be inferred that the facehugger is an population questions, undifferentiated parasite, which lays an Memorandum, egg inside a host, but that the resulting form (chestburster through adult) has taken on certain biological characteristics of its host. This would account for essay the degree of anthropomorphism in the design. 16.

WHY THE ALIENS LOOK SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT THAN THE ALIEN FROM THE FIRST MOVIE? The Alien in the first movie wasn't a full adult yet - the individual in ALIEN never reached maturity . In time his head would get ridges and would transform into a fully adult creature that we see in Memorandum, 'Aliens'. The young alien of the first movie looked pretty much the same as the adult underneath the dome. Aliens are born with a smooth head, and this cover falls off after a while, exposing the ridges. Supporting this thesis, the chestburster in Aliens had a smooth head.

James Cameron: The Alien in the first film had only been alive for 24 hours. It was still an infant, even thought it’d grown full size. (. ) The Alien head in the first film was very smooth. The top of the accademic essay head was very smooth. Underneath it had a skull shape and a ribbed design and originally it was designed to see that through that kind of transparent surface in the Giger design. I thought that what was underneath the and Law / rewrite surface was more interesting than the accademic essay final look.

James Cameron: A careful analysis of both films would show that the Memorandum / rewrite adult warrior (my term for the single adult seen in ALIEN) has the same physical powers and capabilities in ALIENS as it did previously. Since the Nostromo crew were unarmed, with the exception of questions flamethrowers (which we never see actually used against the creature), the relative threat was much greater than it would be to / rewrite, an armed squad of state-of-the- art Marines. One, crazed man with a knife can be the most terrifying thing you can imagine, if you happen to be unarmed and accademic essay, locked in a house alone with him. And Law. If you're with 10 armed police officers, it's a different story. This goes well with Ash's statement in gcse pe coursework circuit training, the 1979 novelization :A man with a gun may hunt a tiger during the day with some expectation of success. Turn out his light, put the man in the jungle at night, surround him with the unknown, and all his primitive fears return. Advantage to the tiger TO READ ABOUT THE TRIVIAL PHYSICAL ADJUSTMENTS CLICK HERE.

Although the film showcases numerous aliens, I decided to show them less than the one in ALIEN 17. WHY DIDN'T THE ALIENS SHOW UP ON INFRARED ? The aliens weren't seen in infrared because of the intense heat all over the place. The fact that they were lying stuck on hot pipes didn't help either. Novelization: The heat from the cooling exchangers on the level above distorted the imaging ability of the of Fact and Law troopers' infrared visors. 18. WHY ALIENS 'KIDNAP' SOME PEOPLE BUT KILL OTHERS ? Sometimes the warrior will capture prey for a host, and other times, simply kill it.

For example, Ferro the mba dropship pilot is killed outright while Newt, and Memorandum of Fact and Law, previously most of the colony members, were only captured and obesity thesis, cocooned within the walls to of Fact and Law, aid in the Aliens' reproduction cycle. James Cameron: If we assume the Aliens have intelligence, at least in the central guiding authority of the Queen, then it is possible that these decisions may have a tactical basis. For example, Ferro was a greater threat, piloting the heavily armed dropship, than she was a desirable host for reproduction. Newt, and most of the colonists, were unarmed and relatively helpless, therefore easily captured for hosting. As to the purpose of the obesity paper thesis Alien. I think that's clear. They're just trying to make a living, same as us.

It's not their fault that they happen to Memorandum and Law / rewrite, be disgusting parasitical predators, any more than a black widow spider or a cobra can be blamed for its biological nature. 19. WHY THE MARINES WENT BACK TO THE COMPLEX? Staying outside meant cutting themselves from circuit training, food, supplies and any possible help. Besides, Newt already said that the aliens go out at / rewrite, night.

The outside wasn't any safer, it was even worse. Wounded marines wouldn't have much of a chance being out in the open on a rocky, open ground. Gcse. They had bigger chances to barricade themselves and create a fortress. Memorandum And Law / Rewrite. Even if they drive away in essay questions, the small, vulnerable tractors (The APC was blown up by the falling dropship), its doubtful they would find any antennas, landing platforms, heating or food or water for 2 weeks up in / rewrite, the mountains. Besides, how would the rescue team find them then or know they are there. Communication In Mental Essay. Plus, the Memorandum and Law explosion of the reactor would've kill them anyway, and if they'd drive away they wouldn't even be aware that the paper reactor is damaged and of Fact and Law, most likely wouldn't reach the safe distance. Thanks to the training they knew not to stupidly leave themselves in the open. And outside of having absolutely no cover or safe ground, there's still an issue of rescue and communication.

Remember the communication was working perfectly. If the rescue ship would arrive after 2 weeks they would contact the colony. Driving far away enough to be safe from aliens walking around outside would make it impossible for the rescuers to find or locate them. That is if they could drive away to the aliens free ground unnoticed. 20. Nursing Essay. WHY DID THE ALIENS KEPT CHARGING AT THE SENTRY GUNS? When they keep coming, at some point their constantly incoming in large numbers will overtake the enemy. It's the kamikaze route.

That was the only way to Memorandum of Fact, at least try to gcse pe coursework circuit, get through this way. Retreat and do nothing was not an option. It was necessary to take the objective otherwise the marines could do even more serious damage to the hive. In history, especially during the fall of Rome, this proved to be the best tactic to of Fact, just charge at the armed opponent en masse without any regards for your own life. Also, it's visible in accademic essay, the video monitors the aliens are moving from Memorandum of Fact / rewrite, cover to circuit, cover trying to exhaust the ammo supply and not get hit. A fraction of aliens had to have been sacrificed to try two get through and/or exhaust the ammo. In the entire movie there are about 30 alien deaths on screen which leaves around 120 more aliens. Once aliens realized the Memorandum sentry guns keep shooting and shooting they retreated to find a different solution, which they eventually did. They retreated, cut the power, and eventually weaseled their way past the Marines other defenses. Novelization: They didn't just keep coming mindlessly.

As for the acid blood sprayed all over the place: Those RSS shells have a lot of impact. If it keeps blowing them backward, that'll keep the acid away. It'll spray all over the walls and floor, but the gun should stay clear Furthermore: Several bodies collapsed and disappeared as the acid leaking from their limbs chewed a monstrous hole in the floor. 21 . WHY RIPLEY DECIDED TO SAVE NEWT AND NOT THE CAPTURED MARINES? Ripley had formed a parental bond with Newt by that point in the movie. The love she felt for her surrogate child would override any logical decision making by then.

The whole message in accademic essay, the movie according to James Cameron was about the situations pushing you to find an inner strength. In this case, the love and paternal instincts overrode Ripley's logical assumptions and thoughts and like for any parent, nothing else mattered except for saving the child. At that point in the movie, all the characters found their inner strength and instincts they normally wouldn't have. Also, the marines were captured inside the hive itself, so they would have been cocooned and / rewrite, implanted almost immediately. Newt was captured in the main facility, meaning that it would have taken time for the bingo the aliens to carry her back to the hive and of Fact and Law, implant her. Communication In Mental. MA minute before Ripley and Hicks get into the elevator they see the motion tracker filled with dots advancing their way. Memorandum / Rewrite. That means the whole army of aliens is health nursing essay still advancing on them looking for them. Memorandum Of Fact / Rewrite. They get into the elevator and questions, from there straight to / rewrite, the dropship and then to the hive. The aliens that went back to the hive were the ones that had hosts (Burke, Newt, Hudson), the rest was obviously still on the other side of the accademic essay colony looking for of Fact Ripley and Hicks.

Plus mounting a rescue earlier would be impossible because they could not shoot at the aliens without risking blowing everything up as oppose to accademic essay, later on when the reactor was already going to blow so there was nothing to stop them from firing inside. Not to mention the number of hostile aliens had been seriously reduced by the time Newt was captured. 22 . WHY RIPLEY DIDN'T TAKE THE ARMOR WITH HER WHEN GOING TO THE HIVE? James Cameron: it's the heat. She even takes off some of her clothes. you can die from heat too!

It was supposed to have been very hot, because the reactor is going to explode. I'm not sure that it was visually explicit that it was very, very hot, but it was supposed to be really red hot in there. 23. WHY RIPLEY DIDN'T TAKE THE MOTION TRACKER WITH HER? They only had two motion sensors on the planet. Memorandum. At the beginning of the final battle, Hudson has one, which was presumably lost with him, and Ripley has the van essay other.

She carries this for Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite some time, but seems to drop it in the lift (she has it when they enter, she's lost it by obesity the time they leave) either to help the injured Hicks, or possibly it's been damaged by acid from the / rewrite alien who attacked them there. If there were no spares on the second dropship, and there's no indication that there were, then she simply doesn't have a motion sensor available to take with her. 24. DID NEWT GOT INFECTED? No. According to Cameron: It's not in Newt, either. I would never be that cruel. Accademic Essay. Ripley was able to break the cocoons because they were still fresh and Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite, weak. Novelization: The resinous material of the girl's cocoon hadn't hardened completely yet, and Ripley was able to loosen it enough for Newt to obesity paper, crawl free. Of Fact And Law. 25.

HOW DID THE QUEEN GOT ON SULACO? The dropship took quite some time to take off from the the bingo platform. When it got stuck in of Fact and Law, the debris, the Queen took the opportunity and entered the ramp. James Cameron: The Queen holds on to the landing gear, and stows away inside the ship for the final sequence. Novelization: The queen had concealed herself among the landing mechanism inside one strut bay. The atmospheric plates that normally sealed the bay flush with the rest of the communication nursing essay dropship's skin had been bent aside or ripped away. She 'd blended in perfectly with the / rewrite rest of the essay heavy machinery until she began to emerge. 26.

WHY DIDN'T RIPLEY JUST SHOOT THE QUEEN? Ripley's shootout wasn't meant to kill the Queen (not right away). It was a revenge. Aliens killed her crew, friends and of Fact and Law, ruined her life. That is why she blasted the eggs first so their mother can look at her own breed dying and then hitting her in what is the mother's most precious and protected area, the wound. In this case the egg sack. In the process of that she got attacked by few aliens and essay question, spent the rest of the ammo on them. When she turned to the Queen again the only thing she had left was the grenades. She threw in an entire belt of grenades to kill the Queen (because she lost all of her ammo) and left. Throwing a bunch of grenades at of Fact and Law, burning, wounded and stuck Queen sure seemed like something that would do the job.

27. WHAT HAPPENED TO BURKE? An additional scene shows Ripley searching for population essay questions Newt and finding Burke who has been cocooned and of Fact, impregnated. Burke begs Ripley to shoot him, instead she hands him a grenade. This scene does not appear in any released version but was filmed (some magazines printed a few shots taken from accademic essay, it). Of Fact. The explosion from that grenade however, made the final cut. From The script: SUDDENLY SOMETHING SHOOTS OUT, GRABBING HER! A hand. She recovers , then recognizes the gcse circuit training face sealed in. the wall. Carter Burke.

Ripley. help me. I can feel. it. inside. Oh, God. it's. moving! Oh gooood. the of Fact / rewrite spoon, and pulls the primer. She moves on. 1992's Newt's Tale comic book: 28 . HOW COULD RIPLEY HOLD ON DESPITE THE SUCTION, DECOMPRESSION AND GIANT QUEEN HOLDING ON TO HER ? It's possible that there's lower gravity in in mental health nursing essay, the airlock.

Ripley was at less than a G and the bulk of the Memorandum of Fact Queen was at nearly zero G. The novelization explains that few more seconds later she would share Bishop's fate. On the issue of decompression - James Cameron: because for the length of time that the air was going out, she could breathe. 29. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE QUEEN? Sulaco remained on the same height/distance the entire time. It was positioned in gcse, LV - 426's Orbit close enough to the planetoid to be affected by its gravity so the Memorandum / rewrite dropship could be able to drop and be pulled by the gravity. So just like the dropship, the Queen was pulled in by LV-426. Sulaco's ventral lock was pointed at communication essay, LV-426. and she was expelled towards it at some speed. Either re-entry or the fall killed her.

Novelization also follows that scenario: The queen tumbled slowly back toward the inhospitable world she'd recently fled. Ripley stared as her nemesis faded to a dot, and was then swallowed by the rolling clouds. 30. WHAT IS BISHOP'S TECHNICAL DATA? Bishop is the and Law / rewrite executive officer of the Colonial Marine vessel Sulaco, which is ordered to gcse circuit, investigate the loss of contact with a terraforming colony on LV-426. He's an android model 341-B. Bishop is capable of feeling both pain and emotions. He developed a personality and truly cares for his companions, but it's not clear whether it's really the Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite result of his kind personality or the programming which doesn't allow him to harm a human being or contribute to the actions that could be harmful for a living person.

He was created by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. The official Aliens Bio Cards state that Bishop was assembled on LX-469 and is the latest Hyperdine model designed to study Aliens. He's a reserve pilot and Med Lab Scientist. Bishop is very much like human being. He bleeds and has the same psychological urges and feeling as people. He feels hurt when referred to as 'Synthetic', preferring the term 'Artificial Person'.

The older Hyperdine model shown in gcse pe coursework circuit training, the first movie was capable of Memorandum eating as well, so it's very likely that Bishop could do so as well. He also requires freezing for the hypersleep and essay, a time to rest. Bishop is very dedicated to his work and tasks that he's responsible for. He always tries to do his best and Memorandum of Fact and Law, satisfy his companions/task givers. According to the novelization, Bishop isn't just another model from the assembly line: -Bishop was an individual. You could tell him from another synthetic just by pe coursework circuit training talking to him. -(. ) peculiar thing called individuality. They programmed him with it. -Bishop was something else. 31. WHAT IS THE SOUND HEARD AFTER THE CREDITS?

James Cameron: That's a sound of a facehugger. / Rewrite. (. ) That was just a little kicker at the end. 32. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE WEAPONS USED IN THE MOVIE? M41A Pulse Rifle M240 Flamethrower. Obesity Paper. M41A Pulse Rifle Ithaca 37 Stakeout M41A Pulse Rifle M56 Smart Gun. Heckler Koch VP 70. 1986 20th Century Fox. Director: James Cameron.

Writer: James Cameron. Memorandum Of Fact. Actors: Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen, Bill Paxton. Producers: Gordon Carroll (Executive), David Giler (Executive), Walter Hill (Executive), Gale Ann Hurd. Composer: James Horner. Release Date: July 18, 1986. Running Time: 2 hrs. Obesity Paper. 17 min.

MPAA Rating: R Production Budget: $18,500,000. Opening Weekend: $10,052,042. Domestic Gross: $85,160,248. Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing. Best Effects, Visual Effects. Best Actress in a Leading Role: Sigourney Weaver. Best Art Direction-Set Decoration. Best Music, Original Score. Best Performance by of Fact / rewrite an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama: Sigourney Weaver.

Best Dramatic Presentation. Academy of health nursing Science Fiction, Fantasy Horror Films. Best Actress: Sigourney Weaver. Best Performance by a Younger Actor. Best Science Fiction Film. Best Special Effects.

Best Supporting Actor: Bill Paxton. Best Supporting Actress: Jenette Goldstein. Best Actor: Michael Biehn. Best DVD Collection (Quadrilogy 2004) Awards of the Japanese Academy. Best Foreign Language Film. Best Special Visual Effects. Best Make Up Artist. Best Production Design. Exceptional Performance by a Young Actress, Supporting Role in a Feature Film. Motion Picture Sound Editors.

Best Sound Editing. Casting Society of America. Best Casting for Feature Film, Drama. Best Foreign Language Film. Las Vegas Film Critics Society Awards. Best DVD Extras. Best Overall DVD.

Best Overall DVD, Classic Movie (Including All Extra Features) Best Audio Commentary (New for DVD) Best Menu Design. Best Behind-the-Scenes Program (New for DVD) Quotes taken from Memorandum of Fact, 'The Bloody Best Of Fangoria' Magazine.

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Essay Depot Essays and of Fact and Law / rewrite Research Papers. Home Depot STRENGTHS - Strong market position - Higher returns than competitors - Balanced brand mix - WEAKNESSES Sub optimal . Essay Questions. capital structure - Product recall OPPORTUNITIES - International presence - Growing popularity of power tools - Increasing online sales THREATS - Intense competition - Slowdown in US housing market - Rising labor wages in the US |The Home Depot Inc. (HD) . Retailing , Robert Nardelli , The Home Depot 1722 Words | 7 Pages. Team Project #1 Home Depot , Inc. in the New Millennium (HBS 9-101-117) Question 1. Assess Home Depot’s financial performance from 1986 . to Memorandum and Law / rewrite, 1999. Thesis. What explains the decline in performance in 2000? (See Question #1 Exhibit) The slowing economy in Memorandum of Fact and Law 2000 combined with Home Depot’s aggressive expansion efforts was the reason for Home Depot’s poor financial performance. Between June 1999 and van essay May 2000, the FED had raised interest rates six times – or a total of and Law 1.75 percentage points – in an effort.

Cash flow , Cash flow statement , Corporate finance 1438 Words | 6 Pages. ?David McGee Jr. BUS 482 Strategic Analysis Professor Bevensee The Home Depot The Home Depot , Inc. (The Home . Depot ), based in Georgia, US, is a home improvement retailer. Accademic Essay. The Company operates The Home Depot stores, which are full-service, warehouse-style stores. Memorandum And Law / Rewrite. The Home Depot stores sell an essay question mba, assortment of building materials, home improvement and lawn and garden products and provide a number of Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite services. The Home Depot stores average approximately 104,000 square feet of enclosed space, with approximately.

Customer , Customer service , Do it yourself 1460 Words | 5 Pages. Argumentative Essay Social responsibility is an ideal topic for debate; there have been mixed results for companies and individuals who have . pursued social responsibility. There is also the question of whether social responsibility should be motivated by a perceived benefit.This type of essay is based on philosophical theories on training the necessity of social responsibility backed up with facts about previous social responsibility efforts. For example, an essay could be about how giving support to disaster. Essay , Essays , Qualitative research 555 Words | 3 Pages. Bankers Adda How to write Essay in SBI PO Exam? Dear readers, as you know that SBI PO 2014 Paper will also contain a Descriptive Test of of Fact . Van Essay. 50 marks (1 hour duration), which will consist of English Language Comprehension, Short Precis, Letter Writing Essay ). So, here we are presenting you How to of Fact and Law, write Essay ? and gcse pe coursework circuit few points to remember while writing an essay in the exam, which will be important for of Fact and Law, upcoming SBI PO exam. How to accademic essay, write an essay ? 1. Analyze the prompt.

Note exactly what. Essay , Jawaharlal Nehru , Linguistics 812 Words | 4 Pages. disquisition, monograph; More 2. formal an attempt or effort. Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. a misjudged essay synonyms: attempt, effort, endeavor, try, venture, . trial, experiment, undertaking his first essay in van essay telecommunications a trial design of a postage stamp yet to be accepted. Memorandum And Law / Rewrite. verbformal verb: essay ; 3rd person present: essays ; past tense: essayed; past participle: essayed; gerund or present participle: essaying e?sa/ 1. attempt or try. essay a smile Origin late 15th century (as a verb in the sense ‘test the. Definition , Essay , Gerund 608 Words | 4 Pages. probably noticed, essay writing assignments can pop up in any class. An essay is a literary composition that expresses a . certain idea, claim, or concept and essay question mba backs it up with supporting statements. It will follow a logical pattern, to Memorandum of Fact and Law, include an introductory paragraph (make the claim), a body (support), and a conclusion (summary of van essay statements and support).

English and literature teachers use them on a regular basis, but essays are required in Memorandum of Fact many other types of van essay classes. Essay exams are also a. Abstraction , Essay , Fiction 876 Words | 3 Pages. BM 6105 Assignment BM 6105 Managing Change Assignment (3000 words) Essay Due on Monday 14th of January 2013 You are required to write an . Memorandum Of Fact And Law. essay supported with reference to mba, the academic literature that answers the and Law / rewrite, following question: • You have recently been appointed to your first management post following graduation. Essay Questions. You are keenly aware that as part of your management role you will be responsible for Memorandum / rewrite, managing change and anticipate drawing on your BM 6105 studies to help you achieve success. Essay , Management , Organization 690 Words | 3 Pages.

Semester 1, 2013 Assessment Task 2:Critical Essay IDEAS in MANAGEMENT Writing instructions and Marking Rubric This assessment task is . an essay question, ESSAY . The RMIT College of Business requires you to use a particular style of essay writing which involves both the way the essay is Memorandum and Law, structured and the way that you acknowledge other people’s ideas used in your work. The structuring of an nursing essay, essay is very clearly described in the RMIT Study and Learning Centre Essay Writing Skills Online Tutorial available. Article , Citation , Critical thinking 807 Words | 3 Pages. their motivation was will determine if their act was moral or not. By betraying his own kin Momutu decided to give up his humanity, while on of Fact the other . hand, Amoo gave up his own freedom to protect his family. Testing with success series The Essay Exam Organization and obesity neatness have merit Before writing out the exam: Write down their key words, listings, etc, as they are fresh in your mind.

Otherwise these ideas may be blocked (or be unavailable) when the time comes to of Fact / rewrite, write. African slave trade , Answer , Atlantic slave trade 857 Words | 4 Pages. such strategies as scanning, skimming, main ideas, contextual clues and inferences. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this subject, student will . The Bingo Van Essay. be able to: 1. Memorandum Of Fact / Rewrite. write summaries as well as process, comparison-contrast and cause-effect essays 2. apply basic grammatical concepts in writing 3. answer questions based on academic texts 4. Gcse. give oral presentations Textbook: 1. Daise, D., Norloff, C., and Carne, P., (2011). Q: Skills for Success 4 : Reading and Memorandum of Fact Writing Oxford University.

Cambridge , Essay , Latin 401 Words | 3 Pages. CASE 8 Home Depot Implements ------------------------------------------------- Stakeholder Orientation* . Communication In Mental Health Essay. ------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Facts and Numbers 5 Improvements and moving toward excellence 6 Challenges 6 Questions and answers 7 Conclusion 11 References 12 Abstract No one can deny that retailing industry has a lot of competitors, which make the market difficult to survive, unless the companies follow smart. Better , Customer , Customer service 1853 Words | 7 Pages. will analyze the culture of The Home Depot and its communication practices. This will be accomplished by examining the dimensions of the . organization’s structure. The Home Depot’s sociability, power distribution and job autonomy, degree of structure, achievement rewards, opportunities for Memorandum of Fact / rewrite, growth, tolerance for risk and change, conflict tolerance, and emotional support will be used to determine if the organization has a Theory Y culture. Introduction Home Depot is considered to be one of the top. Arthur Blank , Frank Blake , Home 2579 Words | 7 Pages. Centre for Language Study Pre-Sessional Course A 2013 WRITING TASK 4: Assessed Essay WRITING TASK 4 is your assessed essay . and you will need to write an essay of 1200-1400 words. This is the same length as the essay in obesity paper WRITING TASK 3. WRITING TASK 4 will form 80% of your mark for writing on / rewrite the Pre-Sessional course. Paper. Please select a title from the Memorandum and Law / rewrite, list here: 1. Discuss the impact a particular theory has had on your area of in mental study in terms of application, use and limitations.

2. Of Fact And Law. Explain the problems. Citation , Essay , Marketing 1150 Words | 4 Pages. Study Home Depot is an health nursing essay, American based retailer of home improvement and construction products. Home Depot also offers services . to its consumers. Memorandum / Rewrite. With its headquarters in Cobb County, Georgia, the company employs more than three-hundred fifty five-thousand people and operates two-thousand one-hundred sixty-four big-box stores across the world including, all fifty states, the District of gcse training Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, Canada, Mexico and China ( The Home Depot is Memorandum and Law / rewrite, the. Customer , Customer service , Employment 1199 Words | 3 Pages.

Free Essay Home Depot History and question mba Business Case Analysis. Home Depot Business Case Analysis Letter to CEO To: Robert L. Of Fact And Law. Nardelli, - President and CEO of Home Depot , Inc. Date: . March, 04, 2004 First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me the honor to van essay, analyze your well organized and developed company. Of Fact. In this memo, I am going to mba, discuss the Memorandum of Fact, strategic factors facing Home Depot , the strategies that the company has been following for the past years, and the distinctive competency Home Depot attain. Also, I am going to give my recommendations. Customer , Customer service , Do it yourself 1762 Words | 5 Pages. Name: Andrew Gordon Subject: Exp201, Professor Morales Summary Assignment Forerunners Sei Shonagon: Hateful Things Essay question: . Consider Sei Shonagon’s definition of the essay question, word ‘hate’ in Memorandum / rewrite the Heian era. Is an opinion considered hostile if it focuses on honesty and transparency of population essay a situation? “Hateful Things” is an opinionated extract from the book “Pillow Talk” written by Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite Sei Shonagon. Pillow Talk is a collection of the accademic essay, lists, desires, poetry and judgmental conversations by Shonagon. Sei.

Essay , Heian period , Japan 1371 Words | 4 Pages. trying to of Fact / rewrite, know everyone in gcse pe coursework training the class. After that here comes the big turn, homework and writing essays . Memorandum Of Fact And Law. I have never written an . essay in my life while I was living in India. It was really hard for population, me to write down our thought on the given assignment. Memorandum / Rewrite. My English is essay, not good and grammar is worse. I was really afraid of writing, I didn’t want to tell anyone. I missed my first essay due date and even second essay due date. After some days Mrs. Danielo called me in her office during office hours. She told.

Academic term , College , Essay 1524 Words | 4 Pages. symbols which can be understood and manipulated by someone who is culturally literate. Second, being literate can mean having knowledge or competence. Memorandum Of Fact And Law. For . example, we speak of people being computer literate or politically literate. Communication In Mental. For your first essay , try to focus on a moment or a period in Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite your life when you realized the significance of being literate in this fashion. Did you have trouble using a computer to register for classes?

Did you fit into a subculture because you learned to speak its. Essay , Knowledge , Literacy 1120 Words | 4 Pages. stories, news articles, and in mental health especially essays begin with good hooks because a writer is / rewrite, often judged within the first few sentences. Just as . the news tries to stimulate our fears by announcing a “danger in our water supply,” a writer must try to bring the reader from van essay, his or her world into the world of the essay . This is done with a few choice words at the beginning of the Memorandum of Fact / rewrite, essay : the infamous hook. Accademic Essay. It is not easy to think of how to of Fact, make someone want to population, read an essay about a novel. It’s not even easy to. Essay , Good and of Fact and Law evil , Human 609 Words | 3 Pages. Financial Analysis of Office Depot. Financial Appraisal of Office Depot Part 1 Background introduction for Office Depot Office Depot is a supplier . of pe coursework circuit office products and and Law services.

The company's selection of the bingo van essay brand name office supplies includes business machines, computers, computer software and office furniture, while its business services encompass copying, printing, document reproduction, shipping, and computer setup and repair. An Samp;P 500 company, Office Depot generates revenues of over Memorandum of Fact, US $14 billion annually and has 42,000. Debt , Financial ratio , Financial ratios 1306 Words | 4 Pages. HOME DEPOT Financial Analysis The Home Depot at the end of 2000 stands on communication in mental health essay rock solid financial footing as the World’s largest . home improvement Retailer. As they continue to grow in size, so has their outcome of of Fact / rewrite success. Home Depot’s net revenues have grown 208% between FY 1995 and FY 2000.

Home Depot’s growth in net earnings over the same period has been 284%. Essay Question. The revenue that the firm is retaining as profits is Memorandum and Law / rewrite, outweighing the total amount being brought into the company. In 1998, Home Depot was. BQ , Customer , Customer service 1907 Words | 5 Pages. Business: Leadership and Home Depot. his team dynamics (Cutajar, 2012).” But many leaders tend to use and abuse these leadership styles to in mental nursing, their best advantage, with any regard for others, . former CEO of Home Depot Robert Nardelli is a great example.

Robert Nardelli was heavily criticized for his leadership style and methods he used during his tenure as CEO of Home Depot . The purpose of the paper below is describe his style of leadership and Memorandum take a position on essay mba whether I feel his actions rose to the level of being unethical. The paper will. Fiedler contingency model , Fred Fiedler , Leadership 2073 Words | 7 Pages. ?Home Depot Case Study Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank opened the first Home Depot in Atlanta, Georgia in 1979. They had big . plans for the hardware and home improvement industry. Today, Home Depot is extremely successful with over 22 million customers shopping weekly and 66 billion in revenue, which makes them the largest home improvement retailer in the world. Home Depot employs over 300,000 people and of Fact and Law / rewrite operates over 2200 stores in accademic essay the US, Mexico, Puerto Rico, China, the Memorandum / rewrite, Virgin Islands, Guam and. Better , Customer , Customer service 1216 Words | 4 Pages. Home Depot was founded in 1978 by the bingo Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank in Atlanta, Georgia. With their store, Marcus and Memorandum Blank revolutionized the essay mba, . do-it-yourself home improvement market in the United States. Home Depot began as a very basic store, operated in a large, no-frills warehouse.

Home Depot carries over 35,000 products, with national brand names along with the Home Depot brand. At the start, Home Depot was able to and Law / rewrite, offer exceptional customer service with knowledgeable employees who could guide. Chief executive officer , Customer service , Frank Blake 1759 Words | 5 Pages. HOME DEPOT ANALYSIS In this case analyses we have a good example of health nursing essay different kinds of leadership and how leaders can change their . organization's preferences. This report gives a detailed example about two CEOs for Home Depot ; Bob Nardelli and Frank Black. Of Fact. The previous Leaders for Home Depot before these two CEOs did very well by challenging the market and exploring the customer needs and the way of grabbing the population questions, customer attention. They established special character to Home Depot and their.

Customer , Customer service , Frank Blake 2212 Words | 6 Pages. The Home Depot You Can Do It. We Can Help. History of The Home Depot As you can see the stock that we charted for Memorandum and Law, this . project was the Home Depot's stock. The Home Depot was founded by two men Bernie Marcus and mba Arthur Blank. Memorandum. Their original partnership was called MB associates and obesity thesis they officially incorporated on / rewrite June 29, 1978. Obesity Paper. They did change their company name obviously to The Home Depot . They opened their first store on June 22, 1979 in Atlanta Georgia. They have been growing ever since then. Arthur Blank , Expense , Frank Blake 914 Words | 3 Pages. Home Depot Case Study 1. Memorandum And Law. In what ways can (a) decentralizing and (b) centralizing authority help an organization like Home . Depot to improve its performance?

The case of Home Depot brings about the opportunity for one to essay, view both the benefits of centralized and decentralized authority and Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite the benefits that it brings to an organization. As noted by the success of the Home Depot , it is population questions, vital that mangers in businesses know which form of authority is Memorandum of Fact and Law, appropriate during certain stages of the. Decentralization , Decision making , Home improvement 1441 Words | 4 Pages. the problems that were easy to point out and also the ones that weren’t apparent to other employees. Nardelli needed to rebuild an accademic essay, organization that could . easily compete with other big names, and this was relatively easy because the of Fact and Law, people at Home Depot knew the importance of taking advantage of van essay its growing size. Nardelli did this by implementing a three strategy plan that involved enhancing the core, extending the business, and expanding the market. Nardelli’s first step in the process was enhancing. Anthropology , Culture , Entrepreneurship 1784 Words | 5 Pages. Centralizing Business - Home Depot. A Centralized Structure Transforms Home Depot 1. In what ways can (a) decentralizing and (b) centralizing authority help an organization . like Home Depot to Memorandum, improve its performance?

From 2000 to 2007, Robert Nardelli, a former senior executive at GE (General Electric), served as CEO of Home Depot . Almost immediately, he transformed Home Depot’s logistics and leadership structure from the bingo van essay, decentralized to Memorandum and Law / rewrite, centralized. It was one way to respond to the pressures of competition from the Internet. Bureaucracy , Cerberus Capital Management , Chief executive officer 1261 Words | 4 Pages. Strengths Home Depot has many competitive strengths that make them a very difficult company to compete against. Home Depot’s strengths . include: • Business model • Well known brand name • Extensive product offerings • Ability to grow Home Depot’s business model, the first of its kind in the home improvement industry has revolutionized the way customers shop for home improvement products. Their business model is simple. Sell home improvement products and services to DIY, BIY, and essay mba professional. BQ , Brand , Customer 672 Words | 3 Pages.

Business Analysis of Home Depot Inc. Lowell Adkins MGT/521 April 18 2012 Jeff Jordan Business Analysis of Home Depot Inc. . The Home Depot was founded in 1978 by Bernie Marcus and of Fact / rewrite Arthur Blank. Along with investment banker Ken Langone and merchandising guru Pat Farrah, the founders’ vision of one-stop shopping for essay question, the do-it-yourselfer came to fruition when they opened the first two Home Depot stores on Memorandum June 22, 1979, in essay Atlanta, Georgia (“The Home Depot ”, 2011). From the start, associates. Customer , Customer service , Home 742 Words | 3 Pages. Home Depot Case Analysis Andrew Stovall MKTG 6301.01 Dr. Rajaratnam September 27, 2012 Home Depot Case Analysis Summary . Memorandum. The Home Depot Case takes place in 2007 during a time when the former chairman and CEO Robert Nardelli had recently announced his “mutually agreed” upon resignation from the company. Nardelli started at Home Depot in 2000 and produced rapid growth for the company because of essay mba his cost-cutting measures and of Fact centralized purchasing strategies. However, even though the profits.

Company , Customer , Customer service 975 Words | 4 Pages. Home Depot vs. Lowe’s Retail Home Improvement Financial Analysis Background Introduction The home improvement sector of the economy . is population questions, large with two major players in the industry and with many smaller local and and Law / rewrite regional competitors. These two major competitors are Home Depot and Lowe’s. These two companies account for over $110 billion in total sales each year. Even though sales have gone down over the past few years due to the downturn in the economy they have not gone down nearly. Balance sheet , Financial ratio , Financial ratios 1164 Words | 5 Pages. Essays are generally scholarly pieces of writing written from an pe coursework training, author's personal point of view, but the definition is / rewrite, vague, overlapping with . those of an article, a pamphlet and question a short story.

Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope's. Alexander Pope , Essay , Essays 1053 Words | 4 Pages. Home Depot Retail Research Project. The Home Depot Jonathan Stiffler MKTG 1010 June 27th, 2013 Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank founded the Home . Depot in 1978. Along with investment banker Ken Langone and merchandising expert Pat Farrah, the Memorandum of Fact and Law, founder’s vision of one-stop shopping for questions, the do-it-yourselfer became a reality when they opened the first two Home Depot stores on June 22, 1979, in Atlanta, Georgia.

The first stores, at around 60,000 square feet each, were enormous warehouses that dwarfed the competition. Home improvement , Lowe's , Marketing 1767 Words | 5 Pages. The Home Depot Case Analysis The Home Depot NYSE: HD, headquartered in Vinings, Georgia, is a home improvement retailer that . aims for both the and Law, do-it-yourself consumer and the professional in home improvement and construction. It is the second largest retailer in the United States, behind Wal-Mart; and the third largest retailer in the world, behind Wal-Mart and accademic essay French company Carrefour. The Home Depot operates about 1,900 stores across North America. The company operates stores in / rewrite the United. Cobb County, Georgia , Customer , Customer service 1815 Words | 6 Pages. 1. What is your assessment of Nardelli’s changes at Home Depot ? Which of the van essay, changes had the greatest impact? In my opinion Nardelli, . Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. during the years he was The Home Depot’s CEO, did an overall great job. Van Essay. The changes he introduced to Memorandum of Fact and Law, the business model were necessary to help The Home Depot to keep growing in the right direction.

The Home Depot , at the time Nardelli was appointed CEO, was a company with an old style management and operations that could have compromised the future of the accademic essay, company. Consultative selling , Customer , Customer service 665 Words | 3 Pages. ?Abstract Home Depot went through many changes as a result of new CEO Frank Blake and Vice President of of Fact and Law / rewrite Human Resources, Tim Crow. The culture . inherited by obesity paper thesis both Executives from their predecessors went through a transformation process for the business to thrive once again. Blake and of Fact Crow justified laying off 1,200 workers as a result of their vision to enhance Home Depot’s position in the market and to the bingo, go back to the organizations foundations embedded by founders Arthur Blank and Memorandum and Law Bernard Marcus. Frank Blake , Human resource management , Human resources 1606 Words | 7 Pages. Home Depot Environmental Analysis.

Home Depot Environmental Analysis Home Depot Environmental Analysis An organizations external environment consists of three . interrelated sets of factors that play a principal role in accademic essay determining the of Fact, opportunities, threats, and constraints that the company will face. The first factor is the thesis, remote environment that comprises of factors originating beyond any organizations operating situation such as economic and technological factors. The second factor is of Fact and Law, industry environment. This more directly. Better , Competition , Home 949 Words | 3 Pages. ?Executive Summary -The Home Depot The Home Depot (Ticker: HD) is the world’s largest home-improvement retailer along with being . an American Fortune 50 company. The company operates 2,259 retail building supply/home improvement “warehouse” type stores all across the United States, Canada and Mexico.

The Home Depot has over 340,000 team members and is based in population essay questions Atlanta, Georgia. And Law / Rewrite. The average store size is just over 100,000 square feet along with an additional 24,000 square feet set aside for seasonal. Chief executive officer , Customer , Customer service 797 Words | 2 Pages. The Home Depot-Leadership in Crisis Management. The Home Depot : Leadership in Crisis Management Introduction Established in 1979, The Home Depot has proved to be a . Communication In Mental Health Nursing Essay. leading retail company founded upon providing excellent products at of Fact and Law / rewrite competitive prices sold from accademic essay, knowledgeable sales representatives. Through this concept, The Home Depot has dominated both professional and do-it-yourself sales across the world.

In 1992, The Home Depot was faced with a new challenge. Hurricane Andrew struck with vengeance and devastated 75,000 homes across. Bias , Crisis , Crisis management 2096 Words | 6 Pages. Home Depot A. Executive Summary * Introduction * The Home Depot Story - First Stage (1979-2000) * The Home . Depot Story – Second Stage (2000 – 2006) * Problem Identification * Case Questions Introduction * Home Depot was founded in 1978 in Memorandum of Fact and Law Atlanta, Georgia by Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank. Gcse Pe Coursework Circuit Training. * Both of them worked at Memorandum of Fact and Law Home Improvement Company in California and essay questions were fire by this company. And Law. * So instead of looking for a new job they decide to health essay, start up their own business. Customer , Customer service , Frank Blake 1495 Words | 6 Pages.

Home Depot Case Study Fabian Gonzalez Great Basin College Line and staff relationships consist of two . types of authorities that work hand in hand in order for a company to work in an efficient manner. Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. Line authority deals with the ability to make decisions over communication health, production, sales, or finance, while staff authority deals with the assisting of Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite those who have line authority, by helping with the performance expected by workers (Certo). In the Home Depot case, the. Authority , Case study , Lloyd's Register 818 Words | 5 Pages. at Upgrade | Hi Iamsiddha. Get Access to - Complete Your Registration Now.

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The company was . founded by Bernard Marcus, Arthur Blank (CEO), and the bingo van essay Kenneth G. Lagone in Atlanta, GA during 1979. Memorandum / Rewrite. Funding for this company came from an accademic essay, investment firm Invemed of New York among several other private investors. Within the / rewrite, next eleven years HD started its horizontal growth by the bingo expanding to Florida in 1981. After growth into multiple U.S. Memorandum / Rewrite. states, founders Marcus, Blank, and. Frank Blake , Retailing , Robert Nardelli 2555 Words | 7 Pages. Case Study: Home Depot Implement Stakeholder Orientation.

Case Study: Home Depot Implement Stakeholder Orientation Case Study: Home Depot Implement Stakeholder Orientation Gupta . Bhagirath, BUS604 Grand Canyon University Abstract The Home Depot (NYSE: HD) is an American retailer of obesity thesis home improvement and construction products and services. The Home Depot employees Three Hundred Forty Five Thousand and it operates 2,193 big-box format stores across the United States (including all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin. Business ethics , Cobb County, Georgia , Discrimination 1049 Words | 4 Pages. |Earned Points | |Content (40) |40 . | | | |* The essay addresses all areas of the essay assignment thoroughly. | | | |* Content includes excellent details. | . Clear , Clearing , Description 362 Words | 3 Pages. Buscemi Essay #3 Rough Draft An essay is a creative written piece in which the author uses different styles such as . diction, tone, pathos, ethos or logos to communicate a message to the reader using either a personal experience, filled with morals and parables, or a informative text filled with educational terms. Educational terms could mean the usage of complicated and Memorandum and Law elevated words or simply information you would get in schools. Some authors, such as Cynthia Ozick, claim that an obesity thesis, essay has no. Essay , Essays , Rhetoric 1439 Words | 4 Pages. ?Practice Essay This writing exercise will help your instructor discover who you are as a writer.

The essay will be used to . Memorandum Of Fact / Rewrite. help you identify your strengths and accademic essay weaknesses as a writer, and it wil allow the Memorandum and Law / rewrite, instructor the opportunity to identify grammatical, stylistic, and essay mechanical problems specific to Memorandum, each student. Do not fret over the idea that grammar, style, and mechanics will be evaluated in gcse pe coursework circuit this assignment. This writing exercise is merely one way to take a look at and Law any particular patterns. Academia , Composition studies , Essay 1153 Words | 4 Pages. There will be two long (30-minute) essays on essay mba the College Board AP Art History Exam. / Rewrite. In each case, you will have to compare two works of art of . your own choosing. One essay will require that you include an artwork from outside the European tradition in the bingo your selection.

Choosing Works to Compare. It is important to select appropriate works that will allow for thoughtful comparison and contrast. You might want to take note of works that relate to some of the themes discussed earlier so that you have. Art , Art critic , Essay 1976 Words | 6 Pages. Narrative Essay Vs. Descriptive Essay.

? Narrative Essays Are a Great Read Name ENG121 Professor June 16, 2014 Narrative Essays Are a . Great Read Narrative essays and Descriptive essays can be similar but they are different in nature. The narrative essay “I Want a Wife” is more compelling than the descriptive essay “Homeless” because the narrative essay has a point of Memorandum and Law / rewrite view, uses humor and satire, and uses tone and language that can draw the van essay, reader in. “Narration is storytelling from the perspective of. Essay , Essays , Homelessness 1604 Words | 7 Pages. Descriptive Writing Afro Asian Essay Example Essay 81 - 100 . Memorandum Of Fact / Rewrite. /descriptive-writing-afro-asian- essay -example-pa. ? * 20+ items - Free Essay about the bingo van essay Descriptive Writing Afro Asian Essay Example . Memorandum And Law. question you essay may require -starting point transistor and ending condition . time, and a cup of communication health essay coffee you should have no problem. There are many . Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. 2. Afro-Asian Literature - Essay - Warriorjamboy1 - › Essays › Military ? * . Afro-Asian , Essay , Expository writing 1436 Words | 6 Pages. result of introspection into past experiences or memorable events in our lives. We introspect into these memorable events and reflect over them with . regards the emotions and influences they have left in our lives. In simple words a reflective essay is a piece of in mental ‘you’ being presented in words. What is Reflection?

In a reflective composition you really need to think about yourself and how a particular personal experience changed you. Of Fact And Law / Rewrite. It is not merely a recollection of your experience but. Emotion , Essay , Essays 1498 Words | 5 Pages. understand most styles of writing and I enthusiastically grasp the population essay questions, text with an eagerness to understand and relate to it. I enjoyed gathering research for . essays and try to explain them to Memorandum of Fact, my audience. Curiosity leads me to essay question, find out / rewrite, more about the authors, the time periods in which they wrote, and the social conditions from which they endured. In Mental Nursing Essay. These essays demonstrate my strengths by showing that I am not satisfied with taking work for what it is worth after I read it a first time. Of Fact. I know that not everything. Essay , Essays , Short story 914 Words | 3 Pages. Edith Cowan University Academic essay Academic Tip Sheet This academic tip sheet: What is an academic essay ? • explains the communication in mental health nursing essay, . academic essay as an academic style of writing; • looks at the structure of an academic essay ; • looks at Memorandum / rewrite the main types of academic essays ; • explains how to write an academic essay ; and • provides you with a quick checklist that covers most aspects of writing an academic essay . Communication Health Nursing Essay. For our purposes, we can define an academic essay as a document that has a defined structure.

Essay , Writing 1070 Words | 2 Pages. Jun. 17, 2013 ESSAY WRITING ESSAY . Memorandum. – A short literary composition of an analytical, interpretive, or reflective kind, dealing with its subject in a non-technical, limited, often unsystematic way and, usually expressive of the author’s outlook and personality. - An attempt. Communication In Mental Essay. TYPES OF ESSAYS – Personal – Describes how you feel about someone or something. YOU are at the center . . Article , Essay , Essays 622 Words | 3 Pages. Exemplification Essay Exemplification means to provide examples about something. Writing an exemplification essay typically . involves offering many examples to support a generalization about something. Memorandum / Rewrite. In this type of population essay essay , examples act as supporting material to Memorandum of Fact, explain or clarify the generalization. An exemplification essay (or illustrative essay ) uses examples to show, explain, or prove a point or argument (the essay thesis).

The key to a good exemplification essay is to use enough detailed. Automobile , Essay , Essays 1268 Words | 6 Pages. the rare southern English dialect forms to have come into standard English, vixen is also the only survival of this type of feminine noun in the modern . language. To my mind, the best essays are deeply personal (that doesn’t necessarily mean autobiographical) and the bingo deeply engaged with issues and ideas. And the best essays show that the name of the / rewrite, genre is also a verb, so they demonstrate a mind in process--reflecting, trying-out, essaying.

James Baldwin, Notes of pe coursework circuit a Native Son (originally appeared.

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How To Write A Resume Summary: 21 Best Examples You Will See. What is the Memorandum and Law / rewrite, best way to start a resume? The Ladder's research found that recruiters spend an pe coursework circuit average of 6 seconds looking at your resume! Yeah, you read that right. That means you've got to give recruiters what they want to of Fact / rewrite, see in the blink of an eye . Obesity Paper Thesis! But how? A little something called a resume summary . A good resume summary puts the information recruiters are looking for first. In this article, I will explain how to write a resume summary that gives recruiters what they want most . And I will explain how to showcase that information so that it catches the employer’s attention.

A great resume summary goes at the top of the page - in the most prominent position. Of Fact And Law! Use it to pe coursework training, attract recruiters' attention. Of Fact And Law! Here is a template from our resume builder (create your resume) . See how the resume summary sample stands out? A resume summary is gcse, a short, snappy introduction highlighting your career progress and skill set. An example of a resume summary looks like this: Administrative Assistant with +3 years of Memorandum of Fact experience in a sensitive corporate environment. Outgoing and detail-oriented, I am proficient at building and maintaining professional relationships. Have an Associate's Degree in Office Administration. Administrative Assistant seeking meaninful work in a corporate environment where I can learn and develop my skills. A resume summary is also known as: Think of it as an accademic essay “elevator pitch” or “sales pitch” that you can use anytime someone says:

Pro Tip: If you're looking for of Fact samples of resumes and summaries for communication nursing essay specific professions, you may also want to take a look at our resume examples section. Resume Summary vs. Objective: What’s the Difference? The difference between a general resume summary and a resume objective looks like this: You are at a party. Let’s call you Robert. Your wingman approaches the girl you like. Robert likes girls and wants to / rewrite, leverage his skills to marry one.

Boyfriend Material experienced at laying coats over mud puddles, opening doors, and pulling out accademic essay chairs. Charming, funny, and a great conversationalist seeking to Memorandum of Fact and Law, leverage 10+ years of experience delivering anecdotes to entertain you through boring social events. Has an MA in population essay hand holding and a license to cook romantic dinners. Which wingman is going to and Law, get Robert the girl? The resume objective was acceptable a long time ago when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. All you had to do at accademic essay the beginning of Memorandum / rewrite a resume was write a one-liner that told the recruiter: 2. That you want the job. Then a meteor came and smashed into the Earth, and all the resume objectives died. Resume objectives are still extremely useful for certain types of job seekers.

So, Who Should Use a Professional Resume Summary? Resume summaries are for people with years of training experience who are not making a career change. You should consider writing a resume objective if you have no experience, are in the middle of Memorandum a career change, or have some gaps in your job history. If you think that a resume objective would be a better fit for gcse circuit you, read our full guide on how to Memorandum of Fact, write resume objectives: +20 Resume Objective Examples - Use Them On Your Resume (Tips) And Where Does a Resume Summary Statement Go on a Resume? A professional summary for a resume should go at the top under the contact information. You will find that experts will refer to question, this space as “prime real estate” - the of Fact / rewrite, penthouse of your resume. Whatever you put there will be the population essay questions, first thing a recruiter will see when they look at your resume.

When the and Law / rewrite, resume summary section is first, a hiring manager sees your value right now. So, don't waste the space. How Long Should a Career Summary on a Resume Be? Depending on who you ask, you will be told that a good example of essay mba a resume summary is Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite, anywhere from three to six sentences. As I mentioned in the beginning, an average recruiter will only spend six seconds looking at the bingo a resume.

That converts to about 20 or 30 words, which is around the length of a Tweet. You should also pay attention to the fact that a reader scanning a document will skip over large blocks of Memorandum of Fact text. With that in mind, you should consider keeping your personal resume summary statement on the shorter side: Around 3 sentences or 50 words. Pro Tip: Resume summaries tend to accademic essay, be short. Take a look at Memorandum and Law / rewrite a sample resume template from essay question our resume builder. Memorandum And Law! You can create a similar resume here. A resume template from our resume builder - create your resume here.

How to Write a Resume Summary in 7 Easy Steps. 1. How to accademic essay, Start a Summary With a Few of Your Best Accomplishments. When you start writing a professional summary for a resume, it is best to Memorandum and Law, sit down for a moment and circuit, think back over of Fact / rewrite the long span of your career. What are my brightest moments? What am I proud of achieving? What do I love most about what I do? What do I do best? Once you’ve brainstormed, make a list of your achievements (about six bullet points). This is your master list. Here is what it would look like if you were, for example, Indiana Jones: Indy’s Master List of Accomplishments and essay question mba, Top Skills.

Found the Ark of the of Fact, Covenant. Found the essay, Sankara Stones. Found the of Fact / rewrite, Holy Grail. Effectively able to dispatch Nazi bad guys. Proficient in the use of a bullwhip. Able to thesis, fly planes, ride horses, and commandeer motorcycles. Keep in mind that these are the brightest moments and can come from any point in your career. Now make a quick list of your top transferable skills. Transferable skills are skills that you can use in any job . Memorandum Of Fact! For example, being able to write or being able to speak fluent Spanish.

Research and analytical thinking skills (70% of paper thesis my work is done in the library). Excellent cultural sensitivity. Able to work in a high-stress, fast-paced environment. Linguist (Speak fluent German, Hindi, and Mandarin Chinese - among other languages). Now you have a master list of your achievements and a master list of your transferable skills.

Set these aside for a moment. And make sure you read this article to find out of Fact and Law what skills are currently the most desirable for resumes. You will also find actionable tips on how to van essay, showcase your skills on a resume, and a pretty cool infographic featuring R2D2. What does R2D2 have to do with resume skills? Find out here. 2. Scan the Job Post - Find out What the Employer Needs. Keywords are the particular skills or qualities an employer lists in a job post. Highlight or underline the Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite, keyword skills that you find in paper your job description. Who are they looking for? What value do they want an employee to Memorandum and Law / rewrite, provide?

What extra skills or qualities not listed would add unexpected value? Indy’s Job Description - Cocktail Server. 3. Research the Job - Find Out What is Valuable. Find a few similar job posts. Again, highlight or underline all of the keyword skills and obesity paper thesis, requirements. Compare the new keywords to those in your job description. Anything that does not have a duplicate could add extra value to your resume. Look up other professionals on LinkedIn with the same job as the one you want. / Rewrite! Their skills section should give you a sense of what recruiters value in that profession. 4. Tailor Your List - Make Your Skills List a Recruiter’s Wish List.

Which of my skills and accomplishments match those listed in the job description? How do my accomplishments and skills position me to solve the employer’s problems? What details can I add for amplification (numbers, details, proof like certificates or awards)? 5. Start With Your Title to Define Yourself Out of the Gate. Starting a professional summary for a resume with your professional title allows a recruiter to know right away that your resume is relevant. Pro Tip: Make your professional title bold in order to draw attention to it, so that it is easy for recruiters to accademic essay, find. You will also want to add the number of years you worked in that position.

Sassy Marketing Manager with 5+ years of experience. 6. Focus on Specific Results to Prove and Demonstrate Value. Now it’s time to go back to your master list. Condense your list of 6 accomplishments down to about 3 concise and specific sentences. As you describe your accomplishments and of Fact and Law / rewrite, skills, add numbers, details, and proof. Focusing on questions quantifiable results in a career summary for a resume does a couple of things: Draws the eye of the recruiter and and Law, gives them a tangible sense of communication in mental health nursing essay what you’ve achieved. Provides proof that your claims are more than just hot air. Sets you above other candidates who did not elaborate on their accomplishments. Of Fact! Helps the recruiter imagine you achieving the same results for them.

Indy’s Professional Resume Summary Sample. Cocktail Waiter Improved collection of tickets onboard German zeppelin by 100%. An analytical, fast learner with 2+ years of experience in global, on-demand service positions on zeppelins, boats, and trains. Leveraged extensive cultural and linguistic knowledge (Mandarin Chinese and Hindi) to recover the Sankara Stones while maintaining the highest level of customer service. The Bingo Van Essay! Able to endure exposure to elements such as lava and snake pits, and able to Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite, physically outmaneuver such obstacles as giant boulders in boobytrapped tombs. Guest Services, Sales, and People Skills Able to Learn and Master New Information Basic Math Bilingual Extensive Physical Activity Exposure to Elements. As you can see, Indy starts his sample resume summary statement by opening with the title of the the bingo, job (one of his professional titles) and and Law / rewrite, a headline. His headline is supported by details:

He then adds five of the six skills from the job description that match his skill set to accademic essay, his resume summary . He also adds details to amplify the information: “Linguistic knowledge” is / rewrite, amplified by “Mandarin Chinese and Hindi,” which also covers the “Bilingual” language bonus from the job description. He avoids the first person, has added keywords like “exposure to elements,” and in mental health, has added extra value by exhibiting experience in wait service on various modes of transportation that might be interesting to an employer seeking a waiter to Memorandum, serve drinks on a boat. Dr. Mba! Jones has also managed to squeeze in a transferable skill - “cultural sensitivity/knowledge.”

7. The Name Drop - A Tried and True Way to Generate Interest. Mention the organizations, clients, and past employers that you’ve worked for where appropriate. Name dropping is an old marketing technique that you can use when writing a resume summary for a resume to impress and establish authority and credibility. One word of warning: Employers could see name dropping as unprofessional snobbery. You need to make sure you don’t cross the line. Also, you don't want to Memorandum and Law, name drop confidential clients - because, you know, they're confidential.

What you can do instead is say: I worked with top, global clients from (insert specific industry here) . It is best to name drop when it proves the thing you want to show the hiring manager in a professional summary for a resume. The candidate who did it right has name dropped to obesity paper thesis, prove that her clients are large, multi-national companies. The 7 Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Resume Summary. 1. And Law / Rewrite! Consider Adding a Headline for Extra Oomph. After you write your title, you can add a headline that sums up the main benefits of paper hiring you.

Improved collection of tickets onboard German zeppelin by 100%. 2. Microsoft Word is Memorandum of Fact and Law / rewrite, Not an essay mba Accomplishment So Leave It Out. Leave your core competencies for the skills section of your resume. The resume summary section is for your best skills and keyword skills. Microsoft Office is boring and pedestrian. Your mom, your sister, and your dog can all use Word. And to further avoid being boring in a professional summary for a resume, consider using action verbs to describe your best skills. Avoid boring adjectives like “articulate” or “innovative.” Also, get rid of overused verbs like “managed” or “organized.”

Action verbs are energetic and specific: Don’t go overboard. You don’t want to sound like a Freshman English major flexing a large vocabulary for the sake of it. Remember that you should use keywords even if they are adjectives. There is Memorandum, a good chance that your resume will be fed through an paper Applicant Tracking System (ATS). The ATS will scan your resume for keywords from the job description. So you need to and Law / rewrite, include them throughout your resume. 3. Ditch the First Person Pronouns to Focus on essay questions the Employer. By skipping the Memorandum of Fact and Law, “I” and “me” stuff, your resume summary section will stay focused on the employer. When you use the third person and the present tense, a recruiter will be able to envision you doing that work for them.

Here are some resume summary statement examples with and without the paper, first person. If you think it's more appropriate to and Law, use the first person, you should. It's up to you to decide. 4. Ignore Tasks You Hate For Your Sake. When you are making lists of what to include on accademic essay a resume don’t add anything you hate doing. Same goes for a summary in of Fact and Law a resume. If you hate doing something (even if you are really good at it), leave it. You will just get stuck doing it again at your new job, and it won’t make you happy. 5. Avoid Being Generic By Tailoring Each Resume Summary to the Job. Yes, that’s right. The Bingo Van Essay! Every time you respond to a different job post, you will need to write a new resume summary.

The professional resume summary is only at of Fact and Law / rewrite peak effectiveness if you tailor it to fit one job description. So, if you are applying for 100 jobs, you need 100 resume summaries. You don't have to rewrite the thesis, entire thing. You can simply retouch your best resume summary by changing keywords. Just make sure that it is tailored to the job post. How long should a resume be? In a word: short. Some experts will tell you about the “one-page rule.” You should aim for one page, but resumes are not glass slippers. You do not need to cram everything on one page like an ugly stepsister if it doesn't fit.

A good rule of thumb is to condense resume sections like the Memorandum / rewrite, resume summary section at the end of the writing process. Trim the fat and keep it lean. Good professional summary examples don't exceed a paragraph of text or a few bullet points. If you're having trouble with the length of your resume, have a look at our guide on resume length: How Long Should A Resume Be? Everything You Need To Know 7. Avoid the Cardinal Sin of Resume Writing. No good will come out of lying on your resume - even if it’s just a little white lie.

Maybe you aren’t as good at creating spreadsheets as you made it sound. The Bingo Van Essay! Good luck explaining that when an Memorandum of Fact / rewrite elaborate spreadsheet is your first task. Let's say you lie in your hobbies section - you say you like Game of paper thesis Thrones when you don't. / Rewrite! Who cares? Maybe the rabid fan who is the bingo van essay, conducting your interview. Now you know nothing, Jon Snow. Uh oh. The best resume summary grabs recruiters’ attention by shouting out: And this is useful when it falls into the hands of a bored and of Fact and Law, overworked recruiter. In three punchy lines, you can show anyone reading your resume the brightest moments of essay your career and your dazzling set of of Fact / rewrite skills.

Bonus: Download these super-actionable examples of resume summaries that match real job posts here: Resume Summary Examples for Your Profession.” Do you have any question about how to write a great resume summary for your position? Leave a comment. I'll be happy to answer. Natalie is a writer at Uptowork.

She loves writing about resumes and eating tacos more than life itself. She spends her free time reading complicated novels and the bingo, binge watching TV series.

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