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Thesis statement journal

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biography people “Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” ? Katharine Hepburn, Me: Stories of My Life. ? George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman. Positive aspects of the First World War. there was no bitterness at all. There's many a German who helped our wounded people down the communication trenches, even carried them down.

There was no hatred between the forces. Although we were shooting at thesis statement journal one another. - Private Harold Startin, Forgotten voices of the answers Somme' - Joshua Levine. You didn't hate them as individuals, no, no, you felt sorry for them. - Corporal Wilfred Woods Forgotten voices of the Somme - Joshua Levine. Many soldiers on both sides developed an attitude of 'live and let live' - periods where they would try and avoid killing the soldiers a few hundred yards in other trenches. The Generals and politicians on both sides hated this 'live and let attitude' and the bitterness of future battles often ended these periods of calm. But, it was a reminder than even supposed enemies, can at times find a shared humanity. Thomas A Beckett (1118-70) - Archbishop of Canterbury who infuriated King Henry II through placing the Church above the King. Beckett was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral on thesis statement journal, the indirect orders of the and drugs essay King. Joan of Arc -(1412 – 1431) Joan of Arc received Divine messages which helped the Dauphin of journal, France to drive out the English from parts of France.

She was arrested for her 'heterodox religious beliefs'. She was burnt at the stake for refusing to recant her experiences and communion with God. The Oxford Martyrs - Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley, and the Archbishop Thomas Cranmer. They were burned at smoking the Stake in Oxford 1555 for refusing to thesis journal, renounce their Protestant faith and accept the Roman Catholic faith of Queen Mary I. St. Stephen as recorded in the Acts 6:8–8:3,the first Christian Martyr James the Great (Son of Zebedee) was beheaded in 44 A.D. Essay! Philip the Apostle was crucified in 54 A.D.

Matthew the Evangelist killed with a halberd in 60 A.D. Thesis Statement! James the Just, beaten to death with a club after being crucified and stoned. Matthias was stoned and smoking essay beheaded. Saint Andrew, St. Peter's brother, was crucified. Saint Mark was dragged in the streets until his death Edith Stein (Carmelite nun, died at thesis statement journal Auschwitz), 1942. World peace can be acheived.

When, in each person, The power of love. Replaces the love of power. Chasing after the world. For Poverty! Allowing it all to come to me. Walk and touch peace every moment. Walk and touch happiness every moment. Each step brings a fresh breeze.

Each step makes a flower bloom. A list of the journal greatest French artists and painters: (1962)” ? John F. Kennedy. The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and introduction slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” ? Patrick Henry. Journal! And see the revolutions of the times. Make mountains level, and the continent.

Weary of solid firmness, melt itself. Into the sea! William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part II (c. Titled My Best! 1597-99) Explorers from the golden ages of exploration. The Elizabethan age of thesis statement journal, exploration - 15th, 16th Century.

The fall of Constantinople made trade with Asia across land very difficult. There was an incentive for Europeans to consequences essay, find direct sea routes to thesis, the India continent. This was first achieved by the Portuguese Vasco de Gama in for poverty essay, 1498, when he arrived in Calicut, India. Wealth of thesis, Europe. European countries, like Spain, Portugal, Holland and England became increasingly wealthy and good afford to fund exploration.

In addition, these explorations became quite profitable due to trade and / or plundering of raw materials. The Spanish monarchy funded Christopher Colombus in 1492 to travel to America. Christian missionary movement. Part of the motive for exploration was to share the principles of Christianity and convert 'heathen pagans' Empire rivalry. One of the biggest motivations was to extend the political, military and smoking and drugs political power of the European nations by claiming parts of the 'new world.' For example, one of England's most famous explorers Sir Walter Raleigh, was executed after fighting the Spanish. Improvements in technology which enabled longer sea journeys. The dark side of the age of exploration. Journal! The Heroic age of diet paper, exploration - Polar regions. Ernest Shackleton.British Antarctic Expedition 1907 (Nimrod Expedition) Roald Amundsen reaching the south Pole in statement journal, 1911.

Robert F Scott's - Antarctic expedition of 1910-11 - which led to death of introduction, all five members, close to the South Pole Ernest Shackleton - Endurance 1914-17 - First transcontinental crossing attempt. Other great periods of exploration. Space Exploration 1950s and 1960s Marco Polo's journeys to Asia in the 13th Century African explorations of the ninenteenth Century. Led by David Livingstone's attempt to find the source of the Nile, the late Nineteenth Century saw a 'dash for Africa' Related. Is professional cycling clean or is doping still prevalent? It wasn't just Lance Armstrong who was doping, numerous other winners and thesis journal riders were implicated - either failing dope tests or admitting to having doped in their career. Test for makes you happy essay EPO which has caught riders Biological passport which looks for evidence of blood manipulation Changed atmosphere in the peleton. The days of bullying riders who speak against thesis statement doping is hard to imagine. Riders, such as Kittel, have been increasingly vocal in their opposition to essay, doping. No evidence from former employees of Team Sky (unlike US postal where there was a steady drop of thesis, former mechanics, riders coming out to say doping was endemic in the team) Greater transparency in allowing access to team and data.

Froome was tested 19 times during the introduction tour. According to Ross Tucker of the sports science institute at the University of Cape Town, the power-to-weight ratio of today's top riders is lower than in the EPO era. In the late 1990s and early 2000s if you were going to thesis, be competitive and win the Tour de France you would have to be able to cycle between 6.4 and 6.7 watts per of procrastination essay, kilogram at thesis statement journal the end of a day's stage. What we are seeing now, in the last three or four years, is introduction essay, that the speed of the front of the peloton [of] men like Bradley Wiggins, Chris Froome and statement journal Vincenzo Nibali, is about 10% down compared to that generation and now the power output at the front is about 6W/kg. (Are drug free cyclists slower?) Some remain sceptical, frequently over the years and there has been good reason to essay my best friend, be sceptical after a series of cyclists have later proved to have doped. However, there is good reason to statement journal, feel the sport is cleaner than before.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the and drugs essay vote! “You have to remember one thing about the statement journal will of the people: it wasn't that long ago that we were swept away by the Macarena.”

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liberalism essay The Power of Independent Thinking. Liberalism and Equality. Junior Faculty Winner. First Prize ($10,000) #147;I think that democratic communities have a natural taste for freedom; left to themselves, they will seek it, cherish it, and view any privation with regret. But for equality their passion is ardent, insatiable, incessant, invincible; they call for equality in freedom, and if they cannot obtain that, they still call for equality in slavery.#148; #151; Alexis de Tocqueville[1] #147;Believe me, Sir, those who attempt to level never equalize.#148;

While the ideals of freedom and equality are not unique to one age or creed, liberalism[3] differs from its rivals in the specific meaning it attaches to these terms.[4] For a liberal in the original sense, a free society must aim first and foremost at minimizing the exercise of arbitrary power by limiting all coercion to what can be accomplished by equal, invariable, and indiscriminate law. Thus the rule of law, the absence of arbitrary legal privileges or distinctions of status, appears to the liberal as the legal embodiment of freedom and equality alike, and as his greatest and proudest achievement.[5] Other times and peoples have known liberties, but it is liberalism that can take credit for statement, enshrining liberty.[6] The liberal champion of formal equality before the law will have an eye, to be sure, on titled inequalities of opportunity, though he will resist the tendency to focus too narrowly on thesis what happens to what makes you happy, be most easily quantified;[7] what he will refuse to statement journal, countenance, however, is the attempt, objectionable in principle but likely also futile in for poverty, practice, #147;to impress upon thesis statement society a deliberately chosen pattern of distribution, whether it be an essay, order of equality or of thesis journal, inequality.#148;[8] I. Freedom, Equality, and #147;Social Justice#148; A concern with the adverse effect of material inequality is as old as our philosophical tradition, and consequences, it is hardly surprising that it should color so much of our political debates.[9] Nonetheless, while the liberal may look with favor upon the incidental equalization that may result from legitimate government action, and while he may consider a high degree of material equality desirable and even admirable, he must be wary of any attempt at journal forcing such an outcome by means of coercion, on grounds of principle and practicability alike.[10]

Two fundamental problems will immediately confront those seeking to bring about a more equitable distribution of wealth: the difficulty of giving principled backing to any particular pattern, on the one hand, and that of making the pattern stick, on what you happy essay the other. For as Hayek argues at thesis length in consequences, his Road to Serfdom , the kind of complete ethical code that might warrant a sustained #147;correction#148; of the outcomes yielded by the spontaneous and uncoordinated interactions and exchanges within a society turns out, upon closer examination, to be full of journal, gaps at best. The hazy vision of #147;social justice#148; that guides much of the debate over redistributional measures does not bear scrutiny, if it means anything at all, and reduces in for poverty, the final analysis to little more than a vague sense of dissatisfaction that remains strictly negative, parasitical on customary or historical distributions yielded by thesis statement journal the market, and that offers little direction beyond taking as much from the rich as possible. Since a free society will not produce the kind of uniform, coherent moral scheme that would be necessary to justify systematic redistribution, the ideal of justice that would govern it cannot be that of commercial law essay, a society as a whole, but only that of someone within it.[11] To give such a conception of social justice meaning, moreover, it would not suffice to impose it selectively, but a whole society would need to thesis statement journal, be reorganized around it and forced to conform to it continuously. As Robert Nozick#146;s #147;Wilt Chamberlain problem#148; illustrates, free exchange will quickly upset any favored distributional pattern, which cannot therefore be realized without persistent, continuous interference with people#146;s lives.[12] Even those who favor the pattern in question may thus come to balk at research the methods that would be necessary to thesis statement, enforce it as they #147;will in practice find themselves obstructed at makes essay every move by the rule of law.#148;[13] While the resulting conflict between the ideal of freedom and the desire to #147;correct#148; the statement distribution of incomes is not often clearly recognized, the diminished ambitions of most redistributional schemes today may perhaps be taken as an acknowledgement of sorts. Instead of offering any clear-cut plans or really coherent conceptions of what a manipulation of the market for social justice would require, #147;the new tasks set by smoking and drugs the ambition of modern man#148; are thus approached #147;as un-principled, in the original meaning of this word, as never before.#148;[14] Thus the standard procedure of the attenuated welfare state, extracting taxes from some in order to thesis statement, make grants to what makes you happy, others#151;all in the name of equality and the eradication of poverty#151;ends up producing, in a largely ad hoc manner, #147;an erratic and contradictory melange of subsidies to special interest groups.#148;[15] Though advocated as an antidote to the vagaries of the market, such piecemeal grants must have the effect of leaving everyone else in an increasingly precarious position.[16] In the end, security itself becomes a privilege.[17] II. Merit and Value. Closely related to the demand for a less unequal distribution of the good things of the world, and perhaps underpinning much of the sense of injustice driving it, is thesis statement a feeling that market outcomes do not adequately reflect our intuitions of south beach paper, moral merit.[18] Yet, intuitive as it may seem at first, the demand for remuneration proportionate to ascertainable merit#151;rather than the market#146;s reward in accordance with product, that is, usefulness as assessed by the exchanging parties#151;quickly runs into daunting difficulties.

A ready source of discontent may be found, for example, in the fact that a free society of statement, any complexity will witness a marked discrepancy between the rewards of individuals within the same profession and even between those possessing the same technical skills or special abilities. And Drugs Essay! Such differences are easily accounted for, however, by the fact that in journal, such a society, a person#146;s ability per se and his success in turning it into consequences a good or service valued by others cannot be separated. As a corollary to an individual#146;s freedom of making his own choices and finding his own way, safe from tutelary instructions by a supervising authority, monetary success will increasingly come to depend not only on abilities in the abstract, but on the concrete skill with which they are put to journal, the right uses. Titled! Insofar as the burden of discovering how to make optimal use of our abilities is concerned, the free society makes an entrepreneur of thesis statement, every one of us, with all the essay attendant frustrations, disappointments, and resentments. Thesis Journal! Hard as one may find the discipline thus imposed, and commercial answers, bitter as it may be to fail in thesis statement journal, making oneself as useful to others as one might have been (hence failing as well to reap the rewards of that usefulness), the discipline we may deplore is inseparable from the freedom we cherish. There is a sense, of course, in titled, which we would be relieved of thesis, a burden if we were simply told what to smoking and drugs, do: but few who rue the hard choices they face wish for such relief.[19] What is statement journal more, the hope of ascertaining in a reliable manner the meritorious quality of makes you happy, a given action presupposes just those conditions#151;comprehensive knowledge of everything that is motivating someone#151;whose general absence furnishes such a powerful argument for liberty.[20] The information we would need for journal, an adequate assessment of smoking and drugs, merit is of just the kind that exists nowhere as an integrated whole.[21] In all but the thesis statement journal most exceptional circumstances,[22] the very most that could be hoped for#151;and even this may strain credulity#151;is the judgment that a particular service was especially meritorious in the sense of costing its producer particular pain and effort. Essay Titled! If we were to be guided by the moral character of an action, however, rather than by the value it has for us as consumers, the allocative dimension of the thesis statement journal problem would surely lead us to smoking essay, just the opposite statement journal, conclusion. For inasmuch as we all have an interest in seeing resources guided to their most productive uses, as the price-mechanism does with such efficiency, #147;we do not wish people to earn a maximum of south beach research paper, merit but to achieve a maximum of usefulness at a minimum of pain and sacrifice and therefore a minimum of merit #148;![23] What is more, one of the most appealing aspects of the free-market order, succinctly developed by Friedman, is thesis journal precisely that it frees us from the essay personal judgments others may make about journal, us, thus tending to paper, minimize the expression of prejudices precisely by thesis statement journal making all discrimination on you happy essay the basis of anything other than quality and price relatively costly.[24] That not only journal hard work or skill, or foresight, or even a particular knack for making one#146;s abilities serviceable to others, but also sheer chance and good luck should often make a crucial difference to a man#146;s success is and drugs essay sure to grate on those who fail to be so successful through no particular fault of their own.

What seems a lot less certain, however, is thesis whether those falling short would be any happier in a more strictly meritorious world, in makes, which their lack of journal, success could be directly and reliably attributed to their own shortcomings. Makes Essay! Surely we should at least pause to consider that such a world might be far crueler than even the capriciousness we may deplore and lament.[25] Rather than wishing for a closer relationship between merit and value, perhaps we should acknowledge more frankly that there need not be much of a relationship at all and should check our inclination to ascribe merit where there is in thesis journal, fact only superior value.[26] What is more, as Friedman observes so incisively, competitors tend in fact to resign themselves rather more easily to the blindness of the goddess of law essay answers, chance than to deliberate judgments of relative merit.[27] We might also be disappointed to find envy intensifying, rather than abating, if great strides were ever made towards a more egalitarian world.[28] III. The Vagaries of Redistribution. True or not, Burke#146;s dictum that #147;#146;too much#146; and #145;too little#146; are treason against property#148; does little to persuade the skeptic.[29] What might give more pause to thesis statement journal, the advocates of consequences, redistribution, however, are the unintended consequences and perverse effects that are likely to statement, result from any serious effort at leveling material fortunes. Revenue needs to essay, be raised for legitimate state purposes, of course, and statement journal, surely Adam Smith was right to find it #147;not very unreasonable that the smoking and drugs rich should contribute to the public expense not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.#148;[30] Hayek and Friedman, too, have little trouble conceding that there are good reasons, when it comes to taxation, for thesis journal, #147;some measure of graduation, both on grounds of assessing costs in my best friend, accordance with benefits and on grounds of social standards of equity.#148;[31] Where the thesis statement journal purpose of reducing inequality takes precedence over my best the need to raise revenue fairly and effectively, however, more deliberately egalitarian policies quickly reveal a short-sighted and self-defeating dimension. The farce of confiscatory marginal income tax rates approaching a hundred percent on paper, combined with myriad special provisions and loopholes that render them ineffective, has been playing itself out at great length over the past half-century and seems to have run its course at statement journal last.[32] Meanwhile the #147;progressive#148; penchant for high marginal rates tempered by exemptions remains alive and well#151;with all the resulting capriciousness and real inequality in and drugs, actual tax levels, all the perverse incentives and thesis, pervasive misdirection of resources that it invariably engenders.[33] Perhaps the greatest paradox facing leveling ambition, however, is the essay titled my best friend fact that taxation hampering the accumulation of wealth will have the unintended side-effect of protecting established fortunes from the competition of newcomers, in fact perpetuating the most glaring inequalities and turning wealth into thesis statement the very privilege to which both the liberal and the egalitarian stand opposed![34] Second, market-incomes no less than other market-prices contain much information that could otherwise be collected only very inadequately.

Behind many a seemingly unwarranted discrepancy in income are a host of equalizing factors that need to essay, be considered, and that would be all but impossible to calculate, except in a few cases, without reliance on the information gathering power of the market. A snap-shot of income distributions at any one point in time will fail to distinguish, for one, between merely temporary, short-run differences and long-run differences in income, even though the former is the very mark of a dynamic, socially mobile society as opposed to one dominated by status.[35] What is more, compensation for different kinds of employment will in some measure reflect such factors as their unpleasantness or dangerousness, the difficulty and expense of statement, acquiring a particular skill, the regard in which an activity is held (honor making, as Adam Smith observed, #147;a great part of the reward of essay, all honorable professions#148;[36]), the probability or improbability of success or the shortness of the typical working life in a particular career,[37] and so forth. Anyone who would presume to thesis, combine, weigh, and consequences, reconcile all these considerations without recourse to market forces would somehow have to overcome the most daunting obstacles. The more freely market forces are allowed to operate, on the other hand, the more reliably can they fulfill their function of signaling, to thesis, those who need to decide what to smoking essay, do with themselves, just what skills or services are in particular demand or especially scarce at thesis statement the moment. The level of remuneration offered thus transmits some of the vitally important information necessary for an individual to decide where to essay, invest his energies, and creates an incentive to direct them where others value them most. Thesis Journal! Though market prices cannot, of course, capture inherent or permanent value, and though one may have good reasons to, and must remain free to, pursue activities upon which others place little value#151;and which may yet prove of great benefit!#151;market valuations do offer a #147;readily available yardstick#148; by which to measure the beach research usefulness of any given endeavor at any given time, and thus a basis for determining whether a particular level of effort, risk, inconvenience, or whatever else, is likely to prove worth the sacrifice or trouble. No such determination can ever be fail-proof, of course, and many actual options may be unappealing; yet such risk, uncertainty, and frustration is but the converse of that unrestricted freedom and opportunity which can only thrive in a society where none but the individual himself bears the responsibility for thesis statement, finding his way. The impediments we will all encounter in the form of unfavorable market valuations are real and serious, and at times truly bitter, but at least they do not reflect anyone#146;s disapproving our ends so much as the smoking simple fact that the same means are also wanted elsewhere, by others prepared to put a higher price on them.[38] If it is true, as Hayek contends, that the parallel growth of knowledge and civilization depends on statement journal a process whereby successful institutions and and drugs essay, habits are imitated and thesis statement journal, adopted ever more widely, while less successful ones are correspondingly marginalized or eliminated, then the relative rise of individuals and groups alike is essay friend precisely the thesis statement journal mechanism by which we are able to advance, and south research, it would be foolish to seek to suppress, let alone eliminate it: #147;If the result of individual liberty did not demonstrate that some manners of living are more successful than others, much of the case for it would vanish.#148;[39] Clearly, then, a free society will unleash a process of #147;creative destruction#148; whose fury will be felt by all, and resented by many, and it would be naive to think that freedom will always console us for what progress may take away, or for the chill we may feel as we face #147;the perennial gale.#148;[40] We cannot count on freedom making us better off, or reliably happier, and we may even find ourselves as much the captives as the masters of statement journal, our advances.[41] Some may therefore despise liberalism as promising little more than the freedom to make a mess of our lives;[42] still the liberal condition is a distinctive one, with its own great rewards and what makes you happy essay, a vision of true dignity such as no more paternalistic arrangement could offer.[43] IV. Thesis Journal! Inequality and Progress.

Finally, even granting for the purposes of argument that the principled objections and the practical obstacles to a policy of ruthlessly #147;soaking the rich#148; could somehow be overcome, the results of such a policy are sure to disappoint. There is, for one, the straightforward fact that even billions concentrated in the hands of a relatively few will have only essay titled my best a modest impact when distributed among millions. More fundamentally#151;and again leaving aside both the most principled and the most practical objections to such a course of action#151;such redistributionist fantasies disregard, to everyone#146;s great detriment, the statement subtle relationship between inequality and the observable course of commercial law essay answers, progress. For, implausible as it may seem at first, we all stand to thesis journal, benefit from the existence of a class of the rich, even if their ways may strike us as often idle and vain, frivolous and wasteful. Two considerations stand out particularly. First, there is the important role of the wealthy as independent foci of support to foster experimentation and cultural diversity, especially in the arts (never yet adequately supported where the commercial law essay answers majority has displaced the wealthy patron), but generally wherever else new ideas have fought for statement journal, recognition. It is too frequently overlooked, as Hayek rightly points out, that action by collective agreement must be limited, by its very nature, to commercial law essay answers, instances where previous efforts have already produced consensus. To advance an statement journal, unpopular or marginal cause in a free society#151;often mere idiosyncrasy and eccentricity, to be sure, but occasionally just the kind of example on which the progress of civilization depends#151;it may suffice to essay titled, convince a single wealthy patron, whether engaging his sincere enthusiasm or merely his sense of profit.[44] A society that did not allow such independent centers of support to thesis statement journal, emerge spontaneously, or found a way to replicate the dynamics of a free society, would soon jeopardize its political health no less than its cultural fecundity. Then there is a second, more strictly economic, respect in which even the most egalitarian society would have to mimic the dynamics of a free society or else face stagnation. For as Hayek shows in beach research paper, an especially thought-provoking chapter, #147;there is statement no way of making generally accessible new and still expensive ways of living except by their being initially practiced by some.#148;[45] In a free society, it is initially the wealthy few who, by spending freely on whatever catches their fancy, get to experiment with new goods and lifestyles that cannot yet be more widely dispersed.[46] A different kind of what essay, society might find a different basis on which to statement, make such new possibilities available on an experimental basis, for introduction for poverty essay, example through deliberately privileging some by political fiat in the very way that liberal society seeks to avoid; whatever the alternative mechanism, however, it is hard to thesis statement, see how even socialist societies could avoid glaring inequalities between their own privileged classes and the masses.[47] What is distinctive about free capitalist society, then, is not that some goods will initially come within reach of only a few, but rather the echelon fashion in consequences of procrastination essay, which new possibilities will be made much more widely available before long. Journal! For in effect, though also inadvertently, the introduction for poverty expenditures of the rich will serve to thesis statement, defray the initial cost of experimentation and development that must precede the introduction of any consumer good on a large scale.

To put it differently, the rich, while intending nothing of the sort, end up making a #147;free gift#148; of the knowledge acquired by their spending on what often appears, at first, to be no more than frivolity and caprice.[48] Ultimately, then, #147;new things will often become available to the greater part of the people only because for some time they have been the south beach diet research luxuries of the few#148; and the assumption that they would have been created under more egalitarian conditions just as well is as mistaken as it is widespread.[49] Thus we arrive at the conclusion, counter-intuitive as it may seem at first, that if everyone had to wait until new and better things could be provided for all, that day might never come, and that even the poorest, let alone the broad masses, owe much of thesis, their relative material well-being to the results of past inequality. At any given moment, it is true, we might be able to improve the position of the poorest by taking from the wealthiest: #147;But, while such an equalizing of the essay titled my best friend positions in the column of progress would temporarily quicken the closing-up of the ranks, it would, before long, slow down the movement of the whole and in the long-run hold back those in the rear.#148; That there will also be real waste, bad choices and bad taste, lining the paths of progress is undeniable#151;but we may well conclude with Hayek that such is thesis journal everywhere the price of freedom and progress, and that what is squandered by the rich pales by comparison to what is consumed, in smoking essay, the aggregate, by such amusements of the masses as would strike most inhabitants of the world, and thesis journal, most of our own ancestors, as no less extravagant and introduction, unnecessary. [1] Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America , volume II, edited by Phillips Bradley (New York: Vintage, 1990), p. 97. [2] Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in thesis statement, France , edited by J. G. A. Pocock (Indianapolis and Cambridge: Hackett, 1987), p. 43.

[3] This essay will use #147;liberal/liberalism#148; in the original sense that still prevails in Europe#151;#147;the rightful and proper label#148; for a philosophy of freedom. (Compare Milton Friedman, Capitalism and consequences, Freedom [Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982], p. 5.) For a discussion of the thesis statement journal issues raised by these terms under contemporary North American conditions, compare Friedrich A. Hayek, #147;Why I Am Not a Conservative,#148; Postscript to The Constitution of Liberty (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978), pp. 397-411 [hereafter Hayek, CL]. [4] Compare Tocqueville#146;s statement to the French Constituent Assembly of 1848: #147;Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and commercial law essay answers, servitude.#148; (Alexis de Tocqueville, #147;Discours prononce a l#146;assemblee constituante le 12 septembre 1848 sur la question du droit au travail,#148; #140;uvres completes d#146;Alexis de Tocqueville [1866], IX, 546. Quoted in Friedrich A. Hayek, The Road to thesis journal, Serfdom (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1994), p. Essay Titled Friend! 29 [hereafter Hayek, RS]) [5] Hayek, RS 87, 90; CL 88. Thus also Hayek, RS xxxvi: #147;The essence of the liberal position . is the denial of all privilege.#148; (Compare Ibid. 23, 45) [6] Compare Hayek, CL 19, 154, 163. Even Karl Marx#146; bitter indictment of the thesis statement #147;bourgeois order#148; speaks almost admiringly of the bourgeoisie#146;s #147;most revolutionary part#148; in putting an what makes essay, end to #147;the motley feudal ties that bound man to his #145;natural superiors.#146;#148; (#147;Manifesto of the Communist Party,#148; in The Marx-Engels Reader , 2 nd edition, edited by Robert C. Tucker [New York: Norton, 1978], part I, esp. p. 475.) Thus also Joseph Schumpeter#146;s observation that capitalist civilization and its rationalization of the soul #147;rubs off all the glamour . from every species of classwise rights.#148; (Joseph A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy [New York: Harper, 1976], p. 127) [7] As both Hayek and Friedman make clear, #147;There is, indeed, a strong case for statement, reducing . inequality of opportunity as far as congenital differences permit and as it is possible to do so without destroying the essay impersonal character of the process by which everyone has to journal, take his chance and no person#146;s views about what is right and desirable overrule that of commercial law essay answers, others.#148; Problems arise, however, when the exceedingly complex interplay of nature and nurture, material and non-material factors, by which families transmit their differences is thesis statement reduced to a question of compensatory redistribution of family wealth.

Of course the possibility of passing on south beach research paper material goods is an thesis journal, important factor in perpetuating family traditions and standards, but that does not mean that such transmission is primarily material, let alone pecuniary. Cultural values and customs, moral habits, the makes essay intelligence and kindness of thesis journal, parents, and everything else that goes into a good and loving home are surely at least as important, and probably far more so, than the makes material circumstances in which they are embedded. Perhaps one should give some credit to those who shrink from the thesis journal colossal presumption of what you happy, assessing these complex qualitative differences by focusing instead on what can be gauged more readily; by the same token, however, the reduction of inheritance to a matter of money is thesis journal a crude materialism curiously at odds with the higher motives egalitarians commonly claim for themselves. It might also be noted that rich and powerful parents will always find ways to pass on their wealth and influence, and smoking, that the bequest of money is likely to be far cheaper from a social point of view than the alternatives (Hayek, RS 113, CL 89-91; Friedman 163-64). [9] A few representative examples are Plato#146;s discussion of the #147;two cities#148; in the Republic (423), Aristotle#146;s celebration of the middle class ( Politics , book IV), Machiavelli#146;s reflections on constitutional balance between the different #147;humors#148; in a city, and Hobbes#146; fifth law of nature, demanding #147;complaisance,#148; in his Leviathan , chapter 15. [10] Compare Hayek, CL 87-89. [11] Hayek, RS 85-86, 109, 120-22; CL 99-100.

[12] Robert Nozick, Anarchy, State, and Utopia (New York: Basic Books, 1974), pp. Statement Journal! 160-64. [13] Hayek, RS 38; CL 232. [15] Introduction to smoking and drugs essay, Hayek, RS, p. xiii (by Milton Friedman). Hayek speaks of #147;that hodge-podge of ill-assembled and often inconsistent ideals . under the name of the Welfare State.#148; (RS xxxiv) [16] Hayek, RS 137, 141-44. Thesis Statement Journal! Thus Ibid. 141: #147;If you grant to essay, some a fixed part of thesis journal, a variable cake, the share left to the rest is bound to fluctuate proportionally more than the size of the whole. And the essential element of security that the competitive system offers, the great variety of opportunities, is more and more reduced.#148; [17] So long as collective measures against the threat of severe privation are undertaken with caution and outside the market , they may be quite legitimate#151;to overcome collective action problems, for example. Thus both Hayek and Friedman are open to some minimal guarantees for the weak and the infirm by titled friend means of cash benefits for housing, for example, or a negative income tax, though not without expressing #147;regret at having to substitute compulsory for voluntary action#148; and drawing attention to likely unintended consequences and the dangers of crowding out private efforts (Hayek, RS 133, 146, 230; CL 101; Friedman 178, 190-95). Thus Hayek, CL 257-58: #147;There are common needs that can be satisfied only by collective action and that can thus be provided for journal, without restricting individual liberty.

It can hardly be denied that as we grow richer, that minimum of sustenance which the community has always provided for those not able to look after themselves, and which can be provided outside the market, will gradually rise, or that government may, usefully and smoking essay, without doing any harm, assist or even lead in thesis statement, such endeavors.#148; [18] As Hayek points out at RS 121, it is certainly not a blind, complete, mechanical equality that people in general consider desirable, not equality in the absolute sense, but only #147;greater equality,#148; or a greater sense of proportion to what, we know not quite what, that is journal seriously aimed at. [19] Hayek, CL 80-81; RS 107, 124. [21] The great problem of commercial answers, society in thesis, general, as Hayek formulates it, is precisely #147;how we can all profit from this knowledge, which exists only dispersed as the separate, partial, and sometimes conflicting beliefs of commercial answers, all men.#148; (Hayek, CL 25) [22] As Hayek points out, we may on occasion wish to reward exceptionally meritorious actions that have not received adequate recognition or recompense; but these are precisely exceptions that stand apart from the incentives on which the thesis journal ordinary functioning of society rests (Hayek, CL 99). [23] Hayek, CL 96, italics added; compare Friedman 166. [24] Friedman 108-111. Compare Hayek, CL 98: #147;[T]he mark of the free man is to be dependent for and drugs essay, his livelihood not on thesis statement journal other people#146;s views of his merit but solely on essay what he has to offer them.#148; [25] Hayek, RS 112. Thus also Hayek, CL 98: #147;A society in which it was generally presumed that a high income was proof of merit and a low income of the lack of it . would probably be much more unbearable to the unsuccessful ones than one in which it was frankly recognized that there was no necessary connection between merit and success.#148; [26] Hayek, CL 99, 388; RS 117-19. [27] Compare Friedman 166: #147;Despite the lip-service that we all pay to #145;merit#146; as compared to #145;chance,#146; we are generally much readier to accept inequalities arising from chance than those clearly attributable to merit.

The college professor whose colleague wins a sweepstake will envy him but is unlikely to bear him any malice or feel unjustly treated. Let the colleague receive a trivial raise that makes his salary higher than the professor#146;s own, and the professor is far more likely to thesis statement, feel aggrieved. After all, the goddess of chance, as of introduction for poverty, justice, is blind. The salary raise was a deliberate judgment of relative merit.#148; [28] As Nozick has observed, success in reducing the dimensions of difference would reduce the scope for weighing strategies that favor just the dimension someone happens to do well in. Thesis Statement Journal! Envy will become more severe as competitors are pitted more directly against each other on the same dimension, creating frustrations among the losers that are much more difficult to reason away (Nozick 245). [30] Adam Smith, The Wealth of law essay, Nations , edited by Edwin Cannan (New York: The Modern Library, 2000), p. 907. [31] Friedman 174 and Hayek, CL 307. [32] Today Hayek#146;s principle of limiting the statement maximum admissible marginal rate of direct taxation to introduction essay, that percentage of the statement total national income collected in taxation by the government is at least in titled friend, sight in thesis statement, most countries#151;though at paper higher levels than Hayek would approve (Hayek, CL 323).

[33] Witness not only the energies and resources wasted directly in pursuit of tax-avoidance strategies, but also the loss consequent to resource-allocation with a view to the taxman, rather than to thesis journal, profitability per se#151;to say nothing of outright tax-evasion. (Compare Friedman 172-176.) [34] Compare Friedman 173, Hayek, CL 321. [35] Compare Friedman 171. [36] Smith 116. Smith offers an intriguing discussion of the #147;Inequalities arising from the Nature of the Employments themselves#148; in book I, chapter X, part I of his Wealth of Nations (pp. Beach! 115-136). [37] The latter two factors go some way towards explaining the seemingly outsized rewards earned by thesis statement certain actors and athletes. Success in titled my best friend, the former comes closest, perhaps, to Smith#146;s career lottery, in which twenty (or more likely twenty thousand) fail for one that succeeds, and where the statement one prevailing gains what is forgone by and drugs essay his or her myriad unsuccessful competitors (Smith 122). The length of a professional athlete#146;s working life is more narrowly conscribed than most. (For some related considerations, compare Friedman 162-63, 170; Hayek, CL 95-97.) [38] Hayek CL 82, 89, 96, 98; RS 42, 55-56, 103, 137, 138. Money has been the object of particular opprobrium, of statement, course, inasmuch as it makes the limitations on our choices painfully obvious.

Yet such limitations would exist even where money was not used, and money does at least allow us all to let losses fall on our relatively least important, most marginal needs. In this sense, Hayek is surely right to call it #147;one of the greatest instruments of freedom ever invented by man.#148; The only way we could be relieved of my best friend, having to make sometimes painful choices would be for someone to make them for thesis, us (RS 98-101, 106-107, 113-114). [40] The memorable image is Schumpeter#146;s (Schumpeter 84). [41] Hayek, CL 36, 41, 50-53. [42] Or #147;all the individualist rope needed to hang oneself,#148; as Schumpeter puts it (Schumpeter 129, 136). [43] Hayek, CL 26, 28, 30, 36, 59. [44] Hayek, CL 125-29; Friedman 17-18. It is introduction ironic how much the statement development of socialist doctrine, and especially of essay, Marxism, owed to precisely this kind of patronage, which it everywhere suppressed once ensconced in power. [45] The below discussion draws heavily on Hayek, CL 42-49, 51-52, 130.

Compare also Friedman 168, 170. [46] Compare Hayek, CL 125-26: #147;If we knew of no better way of providing such a group, there would exist a strong case for selecting at random one in journal, a hundred, or one in a thousand, from the population at large and endowing them with fortunes sufficient for the pursuit of whatever they choose.#148; [47] In the #147;real-existing socialisms#148; of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, members of the apparatchik class were of course in just such a privileged position, and the degree of inequality prevailing there in matters of access to scare or foreign goods, opportunities for travel and consequences, foreign contacts, or even such basic amenities as apartments, phone service, or standard-issue cars were surely at least pronounced as in the West#151;as well as being more intractable, surreptitious, and hypocritical. [48] Thus Schumpeter 67: #147;It is the cheap cloth, the cheap cotton and rayon fabrics, motorcars and statement journal, so on of procrastination essay that are the typical achievements of capitalist production, and statement, not as a rule improvements that would mean much to the rich man. Queen Elizabeth owned silk stockings. The capitalist achievement does not typically consist in providing more silk stockings for queens but in bringing them within the reach of factory girls in return for a steadily decreasing amounts of effort.#148; That in what you happy, the course of journal, such progress, the wealthy will often be deprived of exclusive advantages for which the masses can eventually compete is of procrastination also worth considering (Hayek, CL 51). [49] We should remember that the stock items of even the most modest households today, like flushable toilets or refrigerators or cars, were not so long ago coveted luxuries undreamt-of by the masses. To take more recent examples from the thesis journal world of consumer electronics, one might marvel at the pace at which the cell phone or the smoking and drugs laptop computer has moved from a plaything of the very rich and ostentatious to an everyday item within reach of virtually everyone. The dismal performance of the East bloc economies in this regard#151;even then almost entirely parasitic on thesis statement journal what had been developed in the West#151;offers a cautionary tale that progress of this kind cannot be taken for granted.

* Department of Political Science, UC Davis; This essay was awarded first prize in the 2005 Olive W. Garvey Essay Contest and the author would like to express his thanks and appreciation to The Independent Institute. 2017 INDEPENDENT INSTITUTE, 100 SWAN WAY, OAKLAND CA 94621?1428 | (510) 632?1366 | (510) 568?6040 FAX | SEND EMAIL.

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+30 Best Examples of What Skills to Put on a Resume (Proven Tips) Meet Jane. Jane is the thesis journal CEO of essay Jane’s Addictive Sweets. She makes cupcakes. You like cupcakes, and you want to work for journal, her. How does Jane know that you are the person she’s been waiting for all her life? A list of skills to put on a resume is as important as icing on a cupcake.

No one wants a cupcake without icing. No one. So, if you want a resume that will give you more interviews, you need to know what skills to put on a resume and how to describe them. This article will show you: Where to put work skills on a resume. What skills to put on a resume to get you MORE interviews. How to law essay, list work-related skills on a resume. 31 best examples of how to put your skills on thesis journal, a CV ( right vs. wrong examples). INFOGRAPHIC that shows the most important resume skills. If you have any questions about your resume skills, make sure to consequences essay, ask in a comment - I will be happy to answer. What to Put on a Resume to Make it Stand Out.

Apart from experience and education, you should consider putting your achievements, a resume summary, and key skills on your resume to make it stand out. This article will show you how to put key skills on your resume. Here's an statement, example of the titled wrong and the right way to put skills on a resume. Want to save time and have your resume ready in thesis journal, 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and for poverty, easy to use. Plus, you'll get tips while writing your resume. See templates and create your resume here. As you can see, the resume skills section and the resume summary are the most visible sections . That's because skills and qualifications are what employers look for , so these two sections should immediately grab the statement attention of the hiring manager. What are key skills for your resume? Key skills are work-related skills that you need to do a job.

Most often, you can find key skills in job descriptions. Commercial Law Essay. Where do you put skills on a resume? Skills are so very, very important that they should show up all over your resume. Not just in the resume skills section. But, you do need a professional skills section, and it should be in a prominent place on a resume. You can also try putting your skills section in a side column. Also, make sure that a couple of your key skills appear in your resume summary (here's how to do that) and cover letter (read more) . Thesis Statement Journal. Several should show up in your experience section. Sprinkle a couple through your education section. One of the reasons you will want to do this is something called Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). More about that later. What Skills to Put On a Resume - Hard and Soft Skills.

First, you need work-related skills. Not bow hunting skills or nunchuck skills. Real career skills. Introduction. So, what are the best skills for thesis statement, a resume? Okay, the first thing you need to know is that there are two different types of consequences skill sets - hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are not “skills that are hard to learn.” They are the technical skills and abilities you need to do a specific job. For example, say you are applying for statement, the position of dump truck driver.

So, being able to drive is most likely the top hard skill you need to have to commercial law essay answers, do the job. Typical hard skills to list on a resume include things like computer skills or driving a dump truck. A hard skills list is especially important for journal, professions such as engineering, IT, and medicine. Here's a list of 10 typical hard skills to include on introduction for poverty, a resume: Data Analysis Copywriting Foreign Languages Accounting Computer Languages Mathematics Graphic Design Planning / Event Planning SEO / SEM Marketing Bookkeeping. A common way to describe soft skills is to call them “people skills” or “social skills.” Soft skills are often linked to statement journal, personal qualities that make up a person’s “emotional intelligence.” They are special skills like communication, relationship building, and creativity. List of 10 soft skills to include on a resume.

See examples of how to describe them. Consequences. Communication Ability to Work Under Pressure Decision Making Time Management Self-motivation Conflict Resolution Leadership Adaptability Teamwork Creativity. The difficulty of thesis statement journal teaching and defining soft skills for a job is the reason why a list of what makes soft skills on a resume are valued. And if you have great soft skills on thesis, your resume , you will do better than a candidate who has nothing more than the required technical skills. For example, research by commercial law essay, the National Association of thesis statement journal Colleges and Employers (NACE) shows that the key resume skills employers favor in commercial, new college graduate applicants aren’t the thesis statement technical types of skills for and drugs, a resume . So, what skills are the best to put on a resume? The most desirable skills for a resume are leadership and the ability to work on a team, with 77.8% of employers searching for both of thesis journal these key skills among new college graduate hires. Only 67.5% of employers will look for “technical skills.” So, when an employer must choose between two applicants with identical technical skills, the introduction essay candidate that has proven leadership skills (or other types of soft skills) has a better chance. Sounds like becoming team captain of your lacrosse team as soon as possible is a good idea. First, you need to choose the best skills for thesis, your resume.

This is the most daunting part of adding a resume skills section. Smoking And Drugs Essay. It may seem simple, but take a look at the following example: I know how to thesis, use a computer. It’s a good hard skill. South Beach Research. So I add “computer skills” to the bullet point list at the end of the resume. That’s great. Got it. But if you want to be more thorough, here are six easy tips to follow in order to make sure you have ALL of the good skills you need. So how do you decide which skills to put on statement, your resume? I'll show you how, but first - always remember to put your skills front and center . Commercial Answers. Here's an example of a template from our resume builder that properly showcases skills on a resume.

1. Thesis Statement Journal. How to Make Your List of what makes you happy Job Skills Relevant to the Job Offer. What skills are relevant for a resume? Let’s put it this way. Thesis Statement. If you’re applying for a position as a Marketing Manager, your ability to tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue is irrelevant. Diet Paper. Proficient with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software (Salesforce). Tying cherry stems into knots. If you're changing your career from Sales Associate to Customer Service Representative, most of your Sales skills will become irrelevant. In that case, you'll want to make a list of abilities from thesis statement journal, your sales job that count as customer service skills on research, a resume. A good start is to make a master list of job skills and professionals strengths before matching them to statement journal, business skills listed in essay my best, the job description. Take a moment to think about all of the awesome things you can do.

Make sure most of journal them are things to put on a resume. Consequences Of Procrastination Essay. If you're stuck, start with a general list of abilities as a warm up and then make a list of skills to thesis, add to a resume. Which of these things could be your hard skills? Can you prove them? Which of these could be your soft skills? Again, can you prove them? Are you a good listener? That’s a great soft skill. Can you use Microsoft Word? That’s a very basic hard skill. Here is a sample of what a typical resume skills section might look like: Speak and write in fluent Spanish.

Proficient in Microsoft Office including Excel and Powerpoint. Working knowledge of WordPress. Able to manage and my best friend, implement Social Media campaigns. Excellent written and journal, verbal communication skills. Excellent editing skills. Able to translate complex text into easily readable material. Maybe you have some of these key skills . Maybe your skill set is completely different. Consequences. We’ve put together examples for you ( see below ) to help you brainstorm so you don’t leave out any of your best skills for a resume.

Next, match your list to the resume skills listed in the job description. All of the personal skills and talents you have can fall into one of three categories: Transferable Skills - the definition of transferable skills are key skills that you can take with you from thesis statement journal, one job to another. Examples: Microsoft Excel or Phone Etiquette Job-related Skills - job-related skills are the specific skills you need to do a certain job. Examples: Scuba Diving or Java Programing Adaptive Skills - adaptive skills are personal attributes or skills you use to introduction, survive life. Examples: Persuasion or Confidence. Why is this important?

Because there are different ways to put work-related skills on your resume depending on which category they fall under. Step 1: Go through the job description to find the job-related skills that are required for the position. Step 2: You should have most of these key skills. Otherwise, you won’t be able to do the job. For this job, you need to be able to: Conduct webinars. Thesis Journal. Attend informal dinner meetings.

Speak in law essay, front of large groups. Discuss and present software. Step 3: These job-related skills should go in your resume skills section and statement, possibly in your resume objective or summary so an employer will see them right away. There should be evidence (work experience, education, training) that prove your ability to demonstrate these key skills on commercial answers, a resume . Pro Tip : You can also put these skills in thesis, bold , for essay, example, conduct webinars . Thesis Statement. Using bold for essay, keywords helps the draw the recruiter's eye while they are scanning, and will make you more memorable as well. Step 4: Next, look for all of the thesis adaptive and transferable skills that the employer wants on top of the regular job-related skills. Beach Research Paper. Step 5: Sprinkle proof that you have these types of skills throughout your resume. Thesis. Add a few with quantifiable proof to what, your professional skills list.

Adaptive Skills for a Resume. Thesis Statement. Transferable Skills for essay, a Resume. Thesis Statement Journal. 2. Research People Who Already Have the Job You Want. Once you’ve mined the job description for examples of professional skills to include on what you happy essay, your resume, visit LinkedIn for a little bit of snooping. Why do you want to peep on other professionals? Researching other professionals' strengths will let you know what skills and abilities are already valued in that profession.

Add any duplicates of your skills to your resume skills section. Pro Tip : For future reference, you can also check out the courses, certificates, education, and skills sections to unlock new achievements. Thesis Journal. Now you know how to take your career to introduction for poverty, the next level with a similar course or training. 3. Thesis Statement Journal. What Skills to Put on a Resume for Extra Value. Now ask yourself: Are any of your transferable skills and and drugs essay, qualifications missing? Remember transferable skills are the universal skills that translate across jobs - like being proficient in Excel or Spanish. Good skills like Excel and Spanish are always relevant.

If you missed any, add them even if they were not mentioned in the job description. 4. Add the Universal Skills That All Employers Want. I know I’m getting repetitive: Go back and check one more time to statement, make sure you have EVERYTHING. Remember, most of the unique skills that you put on your resume should be job-related skills taken from the job description and your best transferable skills. Adding a couple of your best universally desired skills is a way of sweetening the deal, but don't overdo it or base your entire resume on these examples of skills. Have a look at our resume skills list. Do you have any of and drugs essay them? 5. Numbers and Facts Will Make You Stand Out From the statement journal Crowd. Now, you're probably wondering how to put skills on a resume to convince the recruiter you’re the essay friend best fit?

Use facts and figures. Statement. Forget about superfluous adjectives. It’s as simple as that. Use proof to persuade to smoking and drugs essay, draw recruiter’s attention. 6. Beat the Bots By Adding Keyword Skills. Journal. Today, a lot of resumes are read by of procrastination, robots before they ever fall into human hands. That’s right. You worked hard on your resume, but a lot of hiring managers won’t even bother to thesis, look at it before having R2-D2 run a scan on it.

The software sorts through applicants’ resumes and compares the resume skills you’ve listed to those found in the job description. To pass the inspection, you have to essay, match a certain amount of these keywords. You can visit Jobscan to thesis statement journal, see how well you've matched your resume to the job post. Around 70-80% of the commercial skills on your resume need to match the journal job description. Note, the percentage can differ depending on essay, individual Human Resource departments.

But, you can’t just pack your resume full of keyword skills to trick the bots. TheLadders say that Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are now able to contextualize the content of thesis statement journal your resume. What does this mean? The software can read your resume almost like a human. That doesn’t mean that keywords aren’t important.

Keyword skills should appear throughout your resume. You just have to make sure that skill sets are added in a way that reflects your full experience learning, using, and working with those key skills. Pro Tip: You should label your resume skills section “Skills” so that any ATS program can easily identify it. Want more tips? Read our complete guide: 42 Amazing Resume Tips That You Can Use In 30 Minutes [Examples] The Technical Skills That Employers Desire the Most. The shift to a technology-based economy has made science, engineering, math, and IT skills some of the most in-demand skills for a resume among employers. So, what are the best technical skills for a resume? LinkedIn made a list of the 25 top hard skills for a resume in 2016 , and it’s all tech skills. The number one skill was “Cloud and Distributed Computing.” Technical skills are either something you have or you don’t, but they are always something that you can learn. For Poverty. Most people will only thesis journal be required to have basic technical skills on their resumes like software skills - e.g., the ability to use Microsoft Office and Excel. Professional skills on a resume are the one thing that will quickly communicate to an employer that you are the right fit for a job.

And after you’ve proven that, the fact that you have listed universally desirable skills on your resume will put you ahead of the what you happy essay pack. That’s why it is important to: Carefully craft a good skills section for your resume. Place key skills throughout your resume. And now you know how! INFOGRAPHIC - Everything You Need To Know About Your Resume's Skill Section. The infographic featured below will show you the most desirable skills to put on a resume and how to thesis statement journal, showcase them. Like the introduction infographic? Feel free to share it or use it on your site.

I'll be happy to thesis statement, write a personalized introduction for your blog. What skills should you put on a resume to get an upper hand? Leave a comment if you have any questions about of procrastination essay what skills to put on a resume or how to add them. Statement. Natalie is a writer at Uptowork. She loves writing about resumes and commercial law essay answers, eating tacos more than life itself.

She spends her free time reading complicated novels and binge watching TV series.

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The Tyranny of the Thesis Statement

Evergreen State and the Battle for Modernity. Last week, tiny public liberal arts college Evergreen State in Olympia, Washington became the focus of national attention when progressive biology professor Bret Weinstein attracted the ire of a student lynch mob for statement, refusing to law essay answers, leave campus due to being white. I won’t delve into the full timeline, which can be readily found elsewhere, but basically the thesis statement journal university has celebrated a long standing tradition starting in the 70s, called Day of Absence, in which black students consensually left campus in answers order to statement, leave “those left to reflect on the meaning of their community without these essential members.” On this particular occasion, they requested that whites leave instead, and when Weinstein wrote an commercial answers email protesting, describing the event as “a show of force, and an act of oppression in and of itself,” chaos shortly ensued. Statement. Online videos surfaced displaying student activists menacing, cursing, and chanting at beach research paper, white professors, even demanding that president George Bridges keep his hands to his side. Currently, news reports indicate that vigilante groups are roaming the campus with bats, seeking out thesis statement, Weinstein supporters (for what reason, you can use your imagination). Evergreen official asks student vigilantes to diet research paper, stop patrolling campus armed with bats, batons @collegefix. Weinstein promptly went to the media to present his concerns, appearing on classical liberal podcasts such as the Rubin Report and journal Joe Rogan. And Drugs Essay. Beyond the statement journal fact that this incident represents just another example in a long line of despicable student behavior, from Yale (outrage over essay, Halloween costumes) to thesis journal, the University of Missouri protests to paper, the Berkeley riots over invited speakers. The most interesting aspect of this saga, however, was revealed when Weinstein, on Rogan’s show provided the following analysis of the student’s motivations, “The thought process that led to this was postmodernism.” Weinstein clarified his position in greater detail on Rubin’s podcast: The real issue is, in the 60s and 70s, a new type of scholarship emerged around critical theory, and at the moment critical race theory at the front, it has reorganized the fundamental nature of the academy, because it is built from an incompatible set of assumptions from the statement sciences and other disciplines… and because of that the two can’t really be in terribly close contact, they have to be compartmentalized away from each other in of procrastination essay a normal university setting, but that also means science is thesis not in a position to check critical race theory, so critical race theory has reached some conclusions that I believe are not valid and titled my best it is now in thesis statement journal such as strong political position to dictate those terms to the sciences that we are seeing a kind of reversal of essay friend fortune.

It is journal this dichotomy between postmodern and modern that is the most important takeaway from this entire affair. In many ways, the old left/right dichotomy no longer applies. Beach Research Paper. Instead we are faced with a three-part distinction between postmodern/modern/traditional. Statement Journal. Let’s take a look at essay, each of these in turn, and thesis journal discuss why they are particularly important today. Starting with the most right-leaning, the traditionalists. These folks do not like the direction in which modernity is research headed, and so are looking to go back to thesis journal, an earlier time when they believe society was better. They may disagree with same-sex marriage, label sexual promiscuity as “deviance,” and feel threatened by racial and demographic changes in Western society. These folks include typical status-quo conservatives, Evangelical Christians as well as more nefarious types such as white nationalists and the “alt right”. Even though there is much furor in the media about the threat that these groups represent, I would argue that they have largely been pushed to the fringes in terms of smoking essay their social influence, not withstanding the election of Trump who was actually opposed by statement many traditionalists such as the Never Trumpers. Indeed, it is between the modernists and postmodernists where the future of my best friend society is being fought. Modernists are those who believe in human progress within a classical Western tradition.

They believe that the world can continuously be improved through science, technology, and rationality. Unlike traditionalists, they seek progress rather than reversal, but what they share in thesis common is an interest in preserving the basic structures of Western society. Most modernists could be classified as centrists (either left or right-leaning), classical liberals and libertarians. Postmodernists, on the other hand, eschew any notion of objectivity, perceiving knowledge as a construct of power differentials rather than anything that could possibly be mutually agreed upon. Informed by such thinkers as Foucault and Derrida, science therefore becomes an instrument of Western oppression; indeed, all discourse is a power struggle between oppressors and oppressed. In this scheme, there is south diet no Western civilization to preserve—as the thesis journal more powerful force in the world, it automatically takes on the role of introduction for poverty oppressor and therefore any form of equity must consequently then involve the overthrow of Western “hegemony.” These folks form the statement current Far Left, including those who would be described as communists, socialists, anarchists, Antifa, as well as social justice warriors (SJWs). Essay Titled Friend. These are all very different groups, but they all share a postmodernist ethos.

The term 'diversity of opinion' is white supremacist bullshit -Dave Stovall #CRSEA17. White tears are an act of thesis physical and political violence -Stovall #CRSEA17. All of this matters because, whether people are overtly aware of it or not, their beliefs and actions are implicitly guided by consequences one of these three world-views. A person may have never attended an journal Ivy League gender studies class, but if they belong to beach diet research, and agree with the ideas of a typical urban, liberal, hipster milieu, they are very likely subscribing to thesis statement, a postmodernist ideology, even if they’ve never cracked open Lyotard. Such contemporary terminology as ‘mansplaining’, for example, which refers to when a man overly assertively explains something to a woman, is a uniquely postmodernist concept. Smoking And Drugs Essay. In this dynamic, seen through a postmodernist lens, the journal interaction between the man and woman represents a power struggle between historically empowered and disempowered groups, divided by gender. The man displays his privilege through his verbal assertions. The validity or usefulness of essay his content is irrelevant; this interaction calls for real-time equity that can only be established by calling attention to the man’s utilization of unearned privilege manifested through his forceful, perhaps even “violent” rhetoric.

A woman could not possibly be guilty of thesis journal something similar since she does not possess historical power. A modernist, on you happy essay the other hand, would likely see this interaction on a case-by-case basis, preferring to see both individuals as possessing self-agency rather than guided by unseen power dynamics, like puppets pulled on invisible strings. Thesis Statement. If the man was indeed overly dominant in his delivery, he would receive appropriate feedback and both people would move on with their lives, rather than seeing this interaction as a revolutionary feminist moment. Much of the confusion between liberal and centrist groups comes down to this modern/postmodernist distinction. As another example, since modernists believe in introduction for poverty science and its utility, they are aware that obese individuals are at higher health risks. For postmodernists, however, the concept of health is just another oppressive force of thesis statement journal Western colonial hegemony (since objective truth doesn’t exist and is merely manufactured as a tool of oppression), and so an entire cadre of “fat” activists mobilize themselves on social media, emboldened with postmodern concepts. Modernists recognize that nobody should be shamed or discriminated against for their appearance and believe that everyone has the for poverty right to make their own lifestyle choices, but are also concerned that distributing scientifically inaccurate information about health poses considerable risk to those who might believe it. Again, as in so many other cases, these disagreements fundamentally can be distilled down to science acceptance vs denialism. The same dynamic unfolds regarding Islam. While modernists perceive an influx of thesis Islam, and particularly conservative strains of Islam, in what makes you happy the form of unbridled mass migration, to pose a threat to Western culture due to its authoritarian, sexist and homophobic views, postmodernists consider a discourse about Islam from a Western perspective to reinforce historical power dynamics; therefore, Islam is journal off limits and may not be criticized by Westerners. Modernists discern differences between people and ideology and believe that while no one should ever be discriminated against (see above), bad ideas such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and the punishments within Islam for homosexuality and consequences apostasy are not off limits from discussion, much like the absurdity of literal understandings of journal Christianity are frequent butts of jokes.

For postmodernists, discussing these concepts are merely further examples of neocolonialism, therefore minorities within these same minority communities must suffer in silence. In the end, the Weinstein/Evergreen State affair poses a significant crossroads to modern society, extending well beyond the conflict occurring on introduction for poverty essay campus. Evergreen State represents the natural culmination of thesis postmodern thought—roving mobs attempting to silence dissenting thought merely based on race, informed by far left theories that weaponize a victim status drawn solely from immutable, innate traits. Makes You Happy. Unfortunately, I cannot place full blame on the students either, as they have been indoctrinated with these ideas on thesis journal the very campus that is now serving as the and drugs essay petri dish for applied postmodernism. It is no coincidence that, while society outside the walls of campus looks on with disbelief, administrators to this point have been siding with the students. Thesis Journal. For if they were to repudiate the actions of the for poverty students, they would also need to repudiate the ideology with which they have been brainwashing them. In other words, taking a stand against thesis statement the students would require administrators and professors to south beach diet research paper, re-evaluate the thesis statement meaning and introduction for poverty value of the entire raison d’etre of their adult professional careers.

Holding on to madness is a way of forestalling dealing with the grief that comes with the realization that one’s higher purpose has been a fraud. I am not sure of the final outcome, as this kind of process is long, difficult, and thesis statement journal very, very painful. But this internal struggle serves as a microcosm for the larger battle occurring in society between the ideas behind modernism and commercial answers postmodernism. And the stakes are extremely high. Journal. As Weinstein articulated in his Rogan appearance, “Let’s put it this way, I believe at the moment coalitions are unholy alliances between two things. In this case you have the real equity movement, which are people who wish to end oppression, and then you have another movement that wishes to reverse oppression, and they don’t know that they are different because until you reach equity, they are pointing in of procrastination essay the same direction.” For the thesis journal sake of essay basic humanity and decency, let’s all hope that the Evergreen State affair has finally exposed this vital distinction. Latest posts by Michael Aaron (see all)

Evergreen State and the Battle for Modernity Part 2: True Believers, Fence Sitters, and Group Conformity - July 20, 2017 A Tale of Two Europes - July 8, 2017 Evergreen State and journal the Battle for introduction essay, Modernity - June 8, 2017. Michael Aaron is the author of Modern Sexuality: The Truth About Sex and Relationships, and a psychotherapist in private practice in New York City. Visit his website at looking at this from the outside it looks like the students and faculty who are against thesis statement journal weinstein are the what makes one who have institutional power. i wonder at what point have they had this power long enough or at a scale large enough for them to be considered the oppressors by post-modern standards? During the early 1920s historian Oswald Spengler told us how, during the late urbanistic/intellectualistic phase of every high culture, the people(s) of that culture become averse to their traditions and inheritance, and a movement begins, and grows, of despising and tearing down that patrimony until in thesis statement journal the end nothing remains. Leftism/liberalism is the manifestation of that suicide for us.

Multiculturiasm/Diversity is, of course, an enemy to the continuation of the European culture. I’ve noticed a lot of research high school students holding the same views and engaging in thesis the same kind of activism. It’s hard to know where they get it from, since I’m sure that about zero high school students read Derrida, though I suspect the internet has something to consequences, do with it. The consequence, though, is that the universities are being fed students who are highly receptive to postmodern ideas. I think what needs to be done is that people who care about this need to actively promote conflict. Accelerate the process, if you will. Not commit violence, of course, but to say or do things openly that are both truthful and thesis statement journal provoke a response. And Drugs. Everything they care about is thesis journal based in real unresolved problems. They’re prepared to battle over these problems. The strategy can’t be appeasement when their solutions are so bad. I was heavily exposed to for poverty essay, post-modern ideas at university over thesis, 20 years ago.

Anyone graduating from the humanities at that time will now be amongst the ranks of of procrastination essay teachers and administrators at schools. In fact, most institutions will have people working at them or running them who have been essentially indoctrinated by this ideology. The aim of the ideology is to take control of the cultural apparatus of power. They have done that and we are now witnessing the fruits of their labours as they are in a position to indoctrinate another generation through institutions such as high schools (and, increasingly, elementary schools). As a graduate student in the late 80s, I first encountered postmodernism in anew English seminar where my fellow students declared that reading “Paradise Lost’ was inappropriate since, as a white male he had nothing of value to impart. Thesis Statement. Now I’m seeing this approach coming from my political masters in the public school board where I work, I really think that all post modernist discussions should be held in essay titled open fields to avoid the thesis statement taint of buildings and commercial law essay answers vehicles designed by thesis statement journal traditionalists and modernists.

Food is also a problem not using metal or plastic in commercial law essay answers production or harvest. I’ve never seen a building or tool constructed by feeling about it. The classic movie Music Man does illustrate the technique on thesis statement journal music learning. High school students are also being indoctrinated with post-modernist ideas by teachers hired to perform that function. For instance, I have a 15 year old niece who is taking a gender studies class at answers, her high school. Journal. My niece is very sophisticated, and very much opposed to smoking, dogmatism — especially coercive dogmatism — in any form. The teacher asked all the girls in the class whether they have ever felt threatened by statement a male. Then the consequences teacher mocked the thesis 15 year old girls, including my niece, who have not felt threatened by a male,and implied that they were lying. The teacher asked the students to provide some examples of when they have felt humiliated. One of the male students in the class, who is smoking and drugs roughly six inches shorter than the journal average height of a boy his age, stated that he felt humiliated when someone made fun of him because of for poverty his height. The teacher did not even respond to him.

She pretended that she had not even heard him, and looked around the classroom for a female respondent while ignoring the male student. At the end of thesis one of the classes, my niece confronted the teacher in front of the class. My 15 year old niece asked whether she was permitted to essay, disagree with the teacher without being insulted. The teacher began crying crocodile tears in pretend self-pity in thesis front of the class, saying she never meant to hurt anyone’s feelings. South Beach Diet Research Paper. When the thesis statement journal teacher left the room, my niece mentioned to the other students that this very same teacher had repeatedly stated that intentions are irrelevant. But now the teacher was lying about her own intentions to elicit pity from the class. This is a high school in the tri-cities area of North Carolina. I don’t know anything about the diet research teacher, but nothing in your description relates to journal, postmodernism. The claim that women get menaced by men is of procrastination not postmodernist. Thesis. It takes no elaborate theoretical framework of any kind to essay titled my best friend, make that argument.

“Most modernists could be classified as centrists (either left or right-leaning), classical liberals and libertarians.” “Postmodernists … form the current Far Left, including those who would be described as communists, socialists, anarchists, Antifa, as well as social justice warriors (SJWs).” The above indicate that you just don’t ‘get’ what is going on. Thesis. Post-modern thinking has nothing to do with where you are on a political spectrum; it is simply an attack on reasoned debate, evidence and essay empiricism. It has long been used as a cover by groups that can’t defend their ideas in a debate involving reason and evidence. Thesis. Postmodernism’s history started with Heidegger not being able to defend his collaboration with Nazi-era Germany, and so he ‘rose above’ reason and invented postmodernism, a ‘cool’ version of the Nazis’ anti-modernism. Now we have Critical Race Theory, i.e., racism; racism can’t defend itself through reason and evidence, so of course it must attach itself to postmodernism. None of postmodernism has anything to essay titled my best friend, do with left, center, or right. It has to do with indefensible positions, which can be found all over the political dial. I agree that postmodernist views can be found on both the left and right. Statement. (You could add Nietzsche to Heidegger as being on the right, depending on law essay your interpretation of him.) But I disagree that it has nothing to do with where you are on the political spectrum; it is much more prevalent on journal the far ends, because it allows people to reject any form of research reasoned counterargument. It just so happens that there are virtually no far-right people at major institutions.

Even the alt-right tend to largely appeal to science, even if they don’t always get it correctly. Very few of thesis statement them, I imagine, would claim that truth is a social construct. As a former member of anarchist/antifa political groups, I respectfully disagree. Over the past decade or so, more people with what the author of smoking essay this piece describes as “postmodernist” beliefs have slowly pushed out the older “modernist” activists, leading to a situation where many of these groups are outright hostile to statement, new activists that do not support the dominant postmodernist position within those groups. While this does not apply to all radical leftists, certainly within the smoking English speaking left it’s an observable trait, at thesis statement journal, least for those of us with strong experience within those ideologies. While idiots of law essay these kinds exist all over thesis, the political spectrum, it’s likely that certain ideologies are more prone to being parasitised and commercial law essay answers taken over by “postmodern” memes and ideas than others simply by their aesthetics: anarchists and antifa care about oppression and statement journal racism more than most other ideologies, so we/they were the commercial answers first to statement, be infiltrated and taken over. This is just silly. Heidegger’s postmodernism did not start with his inability to distance himself from collaboration with the Nazi Party, and south beach research paper the Nazis were not anti-modernist in thesis the slightest. As Heidegger saw it himself in the later years, they were the modernist extremists par excellence. Moreover, Horkheimer, only what you happy 6 years Heidegger’s junior and influenced by the latter only in a negative way (and by thesis journal the charisma of his approach to philosophy), laid the foundations of critical theory no later than 1930.

And perhaps most importantly, what is typically called “postmodernism” is not in any meaningful sense philosophically post-modernity. Thank you for the first reply from someone who actually knows what they’re talking about diet research when they talk about postmodernism (and I definitely include the OP in that group). Being loud and stupid has always been part of the university experience, whether it’s gulping live goldfish while smooshing oneself into thesis a telephone box, or dying one’s hair pink and flapping one’s bingo wings while screaming oneself hoarse at right-wing idiots whose entire stock in trade involves being screamed at by left-wing idiots. The OP author’s panic-stoking warning that “it’s worse now than it’s ever been” is also, sadly, evergreen. Then again, on the (alt-/far-)right more would claim that certain facts are “fake news”, and provide “alternative facts”. A mirror image of the postmodernists’ rejection of factual discourse perhaps?

Certainly there is science denial there when it comes to, for example, climate change. There may be some of this, but it’s generally coming from the opposite essay direction from postmodernism – ie a sort of theological worldview that fervently supports the existence of truth, even more perhaps than scientists in fields like quantum mechanics. Journal. They just think the scientists, or at least *these* scientists, are getting it wrong. The difference, such as it is, is essay titled friend that the Right/Fascist voices actually are behaving in a postmodern way, and are living examples of what actual postmodernist thinkers and theorists tried to warn us about, but are now being falsely accused of actually being, themselves. “Science denial” is a matter of whose pet ideas are being supported or attacked. People who don’t accept the admittedly uncertain predictions about the statement journal future environment are considered “deniers” by people who don’t accept the what makes you happy very solid data about the thesis journal need to vaccinate children against epidemic diseases. “These folks form the smoking and drugs essay current Far Left, including those who would be described as communists, socialists, anarchists, Antifa, as well as social justice warriors (SJWs). ” I am a (democratic) socialist – please don’t lump me in with the whiny crybabies. They are ANYTHING but socialist – they don’t think class matters at all. Socialism fits fine within a western liberal Enlightenment tradition as a debate to statement, what extent public goods matter and to beach research, what extent capitalism externalizes costs to the point that governments should regulate them.

It has nothing to do with this shit. They are ANYTHING but socialist – they don’t think class matters at all. This. Most of thesis journal these kids are the sons and consequences daughters and thesis journal whatever the fuck else of the south beach research rich, attending elite schools, studying useless crap they’ll never need because they already have a guaranteed job at Daddy’s company. These are kids who lecture catering staff about privilege and cultural appropriation. They have nothing but contempt for thesis, those on minimum wage, and they don’t acknowledge that the unemployed exist at of procrastination, all. The left is thesis rotten and corrupt. Introduction Essay. Close down the universities; they are nothing more than cesspools of thesis statement journal anti-intellectualism, irrationality, anti-traditionalism and enemies of political and essay titled my best social freedom. I agree 100% that they are ANYTHING but socialist. The proponents of queer theory, gender “studies,” etc. Thesis Journal. are hostile to Marxism or any form of socialism.

For them, truth consists entirely of their own subjective perceptions. They claim science itself is rooted in patriarchy and therefore coercive. They are incapable of reasoning such crude “guilty by association” arguments, which is consequences of procrastination essay why they have so much jargon and gibberish to every sentence they write. It is this hostility to objectivity that leads people like Mark Carey, associate professor and associate professor of thesis environmental studies at the University of Oregon (with co-authors, described below) to write such absolute rubbish as their 2016 article titled “Glaciers, gender, and science: A feminist glaciology framework for global environmental change research,” which was published in Progress [sic] in Human Geography. Introduction. At the end of this jaw-dropping article, the authors include the following statement. “Funding. The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work is thesis statement based upon work supported by the US National Science Foundation under grant #1253779.” Here is the abstract for my best, this nonsense: Glaciers are key icons of thesis statement climate change and global environmental change. However, the relationships among gender, science, and glaciers – particularly related to epistemological questions about the production of glaciological knowledge – remain understudied. This paper thus proposes a feminist glaciology framework with four key components: 1) knowledge producers; (2) gendered science and knowledge; (3) systems of scientific domination; and (4) alternative representations of for poverty essay glaciers. Merging feminist postcolonial science studies and feminist political ecology, the feminist glaciology framework generates robust analysis of gender, power, and statement journal epistemologies in dynamic social-ecological systems, thereby leading to essay, more just and equitable science and thesis journal human-ice interactions. Just to give you a sense of the depth of what essay this postmodern crisis in thesis academia, one of the my best friend co-authors, M. Jackson, is thesis statement a PhD candidate in geography at the University of Oregon.

Jackson is currently a Fulbright-National Science Foundation Arctic Research Fellow investigating glacier-society relationships in essay titled my best friend Iceland. How on earth do these people qualify to receive funding to thesis statement journal, investigate “glacier-society relationships in Iceland”. In 1985, Jill Bowling, BSC, in the Human Sciences Program, Australian National University, and Brian Martin, PhD, in the Department of what essay Mathematics, Australian State University, published an article titled “Science: a masculine disorder?” Among their criticisms of thesis science is that it objectifies nature! That’s right. Objective facts about nature are evidence of a masculine disorder! These people belong with the lunatic asylum inmates in Edgar Allan Poe’s story, The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether. Perhaps, but the idea that “truth” can only be found in examining conflict, as in south beach dialectical materialism for example, obviously has its roots in Marxism. It wasn’t the positivists or liberals that gave rise to this concept.

These kids are your progeny: they simply have a more nuanced notion of “class.” I have no idea how you will stuff the genie back into the bottle. They have no notion of “class” whatsoever. They are far to self-obsessed to thesis statement, be concerned with class. They are hostile to objective categorization of anything. Only their own solipsistic, subjective dogmatism counts as truth. “Socialism fits fine within a western liberal Enlightenment tradition as a debate to what extent public goods matter and to what extent capitalism externalizes costs to the point that governments should regulate them. It has nothing to do with this shit.” Hey, you know what? As someone who sees himself as generally anti-socialist, I think your point there about the balance of public and essay private goods is statement journal valid and necessary and reasonable and I want to consequences essay, hear what you and others like you have to say and statement journal I expect I’ll learn a lot and for poverty gain great insight from considering your opinion about how the journal world should be run.

So, what I’m saying is, it really is of procrastination something weird and crazy going on, and these violent creeps seem to have hijacked the “Left” the way some on the “Right” claim that Nazi’s hijacked them. I see a lot of similarity between the old Nazi movement and this new “SJW” movement, which is what I’d like to see discussed more. Too bad about Godwin’s rule of Nazi Analogies, the one that says it’s disqualifying to bring up Nazi’s in a political discussion. May I suggest that the problem is one of “heresy.” The SJW anarchist antifa crowd are heretics of the Left, the way Nazi’s were heretics of the Right. The Nazi’s hijacked the ideas of thesis statement journal nationalism and patriotism with their heretical approach, and these antifa SJW’s hijack the legitimate idea of social justice and pervert it to serve an obviously totalitarian end. You’ve misrepresented the initial situation. Leaving campus was VOLUNTARY, for students and makes essay professors who wished to participate in an activity designed to explore race.

In previous years, people of color left the campus and this year, they wished to reverse it. No one was forced to participate at all. Weinstein didn’t make a mountain out of a molehill, he fabricated the molehill (you may infer whatever you like about his motives). Except it was strongly implied that people with the WRONG SKIN COLOR stayed they would be racist. “There is a huge difference between a group or coalition deciding to volutarly absent themselvs from a shared space in statement journal order to their vital and under-appreciated roles, and a group or coalition encouraging another group to go away” Did white people ever asked people of color to go way in and drugs essay day of absence? Did any white person ever protested a black proffesor who didn’t participate in the day of journal absese? haven’t heard anything as such.

Im sure both those examples probably happen in the past against black people in an university, racist acts against essay peolpe of statement color. But now that they are reversed, well according to post modernist ideas, they can’t be racist, that’s how they get away with it. This is wrong, i think it’s creating even more prejudice and racism, and i will strongly oppose those that seek what i call progressive segregation (homogeneous safe spaces, cultural appropriation, demonizing words and terms, denial of the principles of consequences of procrastination dialogue, etc…) While I understand your comment, it comes from misinformation. The only people that were asked to leave the thesis statement campus were the consequences of procrastination essay supporters of the statement journal day of absence, not all WHITE people. I spent the day researching in the library without any negative response. The ONLY time I have had to what makes you happy essay, leave the campus is when it was closed due to the threat of violence. It is just my opinion but the professor who shall not be named wanted publicity and thus is being handed just that.

The sad result of this publicity is statement journal my well being and others in my campus community has been threatened due to misinformation. Oh, by essay the way, my skin is white but my thoughts are that it takes all kinds to make the world and that we should celebrate our differences and not fear them. I also would like to add that the lynch mob discussed in this article as well as reported in the news was a reaction to the Weinstein’s comments to thesis statement journal, the news media and for going outside our community. This even happened weeks after the actual day of beach research absence. “my well being and thesis others in my campus community has been threatened due to misinformation” Well, aren’t you a precious little snowflake? It takes all kinds? How many bible believing Christians or orthodox Jews do you know personally? Why were students screaming at him outside his class, if it was voluntary?

What were they doing there? Do you think it justifies any of the subsequent behavior the students? Does it justify calling him racist? Threatening him or his family? “The only people that were asked to leave the campus were the supporters of the consequences of procrastination essay day of absence, not all WHITE people.” The corollary is that if you did not leave you were not a supporter, and a WHITE person who is thesis journal not a supporter is a racist by definition. Pretty clear to me. Your protestations otherwise indicate either idiocy or disingenuousness. “The sad result of this publicity is my well being and others in my campus community has been threatened due to misinformation.” Really? The only threat of smoking and drugs physical violence that has been reported is the conduct of the Maoist wannabes. There are also reports that the legislature will try to defund Evergreen.

If you count that as a threat to your “well being and others in thesis statement journal my campus community” then I would agree with you, but I would not agree that it is and drugs a “sad result.” In fact, your campus is a disgrace and should have all public funding removed. You have no a priori right to public money, generated by taxes paid by others. You need to thesis statement journal, make they case as to why you deserve to be supported using money taken from others, many of whom are much less well off that the students of Evergreen. But the makes case is clear that Evergreen is undeserving of thesis statement public support. Rather, the funds should be reallocated for smoking essay, scholarships for thesis statement, students who come from law essay answers, poor families to go to a school like UW, where they can get a solid education and improve their lives. Let’s say you’re right. How does this justify the violence that ensued perpetrated by the SJW mob? Regardless of Prof. B. Weinstein attitude, the “revolutionaries” would find another excuse to violently promote their agenda.

Your contention is logically impossible. If leaving was “voluntary” why was Weinstein stalked and forced off of campus for disagreeing with it? That happened in statement journal response to titled my best friend, his comments to the news channels weeks after the day of absence. I am not saying whether or not I agree with one or the other, I am just trying to get the calendar right and show that the issues the professor is having is because his erroneous comments and major emotions on both sides. Nope that’s a lie. The intial student confrontation of Weinstein that was caught on video was before he went to the media. In fact it is why he went to the media. You can’t say that you disagree with a professor being stalked and forced to hold his class off campus? What’s wrong with you?

Even if it did happen because he went to thesis journal, the media, the behavior of those students was absolutely inexcusable. But that is clearly not how it happened. Nobody misunderstands that it was formally voluntary. Introduction For Poverty Essay. That he was harangued and ridiculed for journal, showing up even though it was “voluntary” shows this to be voluntary in name only. It was anything but. The students used coercion and intimidation.

You modernists are in denial. Postmodern is the child of godless modernism call me reactionary but i nelieve that the of procrastination moral rot started with the glorious revolution of thesis 1680 and the overthrow of law essay James 2 and thesis the house of Stuart Hume and and drugs essay Locke have a lot to statement, answer for. What about Kant? This “school” and those like this should not be given ant public funds, period. People tend to fail at postmodernism because they don’t square the circle, i.e. their skepticism towards rational knowledge never extends towards themselves. Squaring the circle is a geometry exercise that is known to and drugs, be impossible. Do you mean to thesis statement journal, imply that self-criticism is impossible, or that it is impossible to generate an internally-consistent post-modern philosophy (or something else entirely)?

I suppose you could argue for titled my best, the former, but mostly a poor choice of metaphor. Thanks for learning me. My point was that postmodernism in academic settings fails to journal, apply skepticism to smoking, its own narrative, everything is outwardly directed. Awareness of thesis journal a universal subjectivity should lead to greater humility, rather than the emotion it inspires on college campuses, which seems like it’s warped into a subjective argument being delivered with the worst sort of objective pretenses – anger, certainty, rigid thinking. And baseball bats, apparently. I’m more familiar with literary postmodernism, so perhaps it’s a function of who’s making the argument. This is titled my best correct.

Take for example Francois Lyotard’s claim that “master-narratives are all wrong.” Of course, his claim was a master-narrative as well. I believe that was the problem the logical positivists faced. If you can’t know anything for sure, why should I believe anything you say? Squaring the circle is a trivial exercise in plane geometry. Any curious child can do it with protractor, straight edge.

It is a trivial exercise in plane geometry. No, squaring the circle traditionally means constructing a square with the statement journal same area as a given circle, which can NOT be done with straightedge and compass alone. The same hubris that has followed humanity since the beginning – ‘this time its different’. Reading history and early texts tells us this – we have not changed much since we started documenting our existence. We are not evolving and our ability to make things over you happy, a long period of time proves nothing about thesis statement journal our humanity. The truth is still with us, and as lost civilizations in law essay answers the past discovered, you walk outside the truth at our own peril. Very sad. Through most of the second half of the 20th century America made progress towards a just pluralistic society. People being people, a truly just society is thesis journal not achievable.

But ultimately most of society sought, in good faith, fairness and justice. The postmodernism described in this piece is ultimately regressive. I am a 60 year old male of for poverty European descent. These are immutable characteristics, just as much as being female and/or of African descent. If such radical postmodernism gains pervasive sway in society at large, then empirical fact will no longer matter – or exist in the minds of the postmodernists – and journal my opinions are to be dismissed because of my immutable characteristics. If this comes to for poverty, pass we are in for a rough and ugly ride. If the “oppressed” are to thesis journal, become the “oppressors,” the essay titled friend social upheaval and violence of the 1960s will be repeated and statement journal exceeded. I hope it doesn’t come to that.

What we are witnessing is the complete breakdown and failure of multiculturalism. defines multiculturalism as “the preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society, as a state or nation.” That definition contains a glaring contradiction. A society cannot be unified if it preserves different cultures and cultural identities within itself. That’s why our national motto is translated “out of my best friend many, one.” To the thesis statement multiculturalist it appears to be, “Out of commercial one, many.” History demonstrates that no nation can long survive if it forgets why it exists. Our failure to inculcate American traditions, beliefs and history, even in journal the native born, not to mention immigrants, is commercial rapidly destroying the country bequeathed to us by our forebears. Our society’s frantic efforts to escape these truths gives us the statement journal farce that passes for a public debate in a multiethnic democracy. We set up entire social systems and ideologies at odds with our most basic instincts, and wonder why the world seems to have lost its mind. For Poverty. What is certain is that large multicultural democracies like the statement USA inevitably collapse into smaller, more ethnically defined regions (Balkanize). The Western Roman Empire became the nations of Western Europe, the Ottoman Empire the nations of the Middle East and North Africa, etc. It has been said that Americans are incredibly naive if they think that somehow, someway, America will be the first nation in the history of humanity to avoid this fate. Now that is the best statement I have heard when reading through here.

I am a 51 year old, and I have been trying to of procrastination, articulate this to my friends for a long time. Thank you for the explanation. I will try that the next time we discuss matters. Seems like a lot of high intellectual talk to describe a collection of selfish, ungrateful and over journal, sensitive children (professors included). What You Happy. It has nothing to do with truth or power paradigms or even agency. Rather it’s children who were never held accountable from infancy.

Period. It’s not just a bunch of statement journal rich children. This is organized, orchestrated from the top to the bottom. So the real responsible to push this lunacy obviously cannot be these guinea pigs. I am disheartened at beach research paper, how so many are eager to be enthusiastic oppressors of others whose only ‘crime’ is to thesis statement, not agree with them or not do just what they want or , worst of what makes essay all, think differently. Thesis Statement. Group think, thought police, re-education camps, what next? It feels like we are on that road. That this nonsense happens at universities is mind smashing.

I came of age in the sixties and I never thought I would see such offensive rot take hold . These kids actually remind me of the introduction Red Guard during the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. So who is thesis pulling the political strings? The Obama Administration was pulling the political strings. I strongly recommend Johnson, KC; Taylor Jr., Stuart. The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America?s Universities (2017). What we have here is a failure to communicate! I would love to know when these Postmodernists become ill or if a loved one becomes ill, like say a child, do they go to a hospital or not?

Do they avoid all medical science in you happy service to thesis statement journal, their ideology which eschews evidence? If so, do they replace it with homeopathy, prayer therapy or any number of other woo woo therapies? Also, one respondent mentioned godless modernism as being the root of the problem. Oi vay! If serious in makes you happy essay that critique then which god is best? There are over 20,000 gods all invented by a fearful mankind. Placing your hope in the supernatural is just another way to stick it to reality and statement say that wishful thinking is the best kind of delusion. Thanks for smoking and drugs, the article and please know that, “Raison avant passion” is always the best way to order your life. I challenge anyone to quote a “postmodernist” or leftist who does not think female genital mutilation should be stigmatized. The author is just confused and making up crap.

Here is a paper by progressive doctors urging the medical community to adapt, in their words, “a compromise position that respects cultural differences but protects the health of their patients” because, as they contend “discussion often is infused with a strong cultural and gender bias against FGA in all forms.” (by the way, they adapt the journal phrase Female Genital Alteration (FGA) because Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is just so much more, I don’t know, honest.) Here you can watch a video of American Ivy League university students saying we should respect and not interfere with the cultural practice, etc: Shall we continue? So you think you know better than people who have actually studied the issue in depth? You think having an opposing point of view on a complex and varied issue, relating to a cultural practice which has endured for millennia, in this case, is the titled friend result of thesis silly, irrational post-modernism? I note above that someone conflates FGM with Islam (an idiotic connection if you know the facts). Why is it that the people who know and understand the least about a subject are always the most certain of their justified position re same? Yeats was right: “The best lack all conviction and the worst are full of south paper passionate intensity.” But by all means, go on tilting at the “postmodernism” windmill. You’ll kill that giant someday. Actually the challenge that I directly responded to stated, and I quote: “I challenge anyone to quote a “postmodernist” or leftist who does not think female genital mutilation should be stigmatized.” It actually not necessitate that the person be a postmodernist, and I am not necessarily claiming that.

Being a leftist was sufficient. I am quoting leftists that are against stigamtizing FGM. They can hold whatever opinion they want, but it is thesis statement journal a sign of the ideological and moral bankruptcy of much of the left now that their position would be anything other than abhorred opposition to introduction for poverty, this practice. What a liar you are. People should follow the thesis link and read at least the conclusion of the article. The author’s purpose was to find the most effective ways to end “child abuse.” The article takes a public health perspective, there’s nothing remotely “postmodernist” about it. It favors pushing parents to choose more minimal forms: “Critics of what FGA worry that a compromise position of accepting de minimis procedures weakens the effort to eliminate FGA completely.51 Yet, despite 30 years of statement journal advocacy, we have not made dents in the prevalence of the for poverty essay practice in many countries and have been largely unable to change the attitudes regarding the acceptability of FGA.” You may disagree with the position, but it has nothing to do with liberalism or postmodernism.

It’s a health care worker arguing for the most realistic method of harm reduction. And the video is just collaring random clueless people on journal the street and asking misleading questions about Planned Parenthood and “female circumcision.” If the question was “should Planned Parenthood fund operations to introduction for poverty, remove genitals and prevent orgasms” the answers would have been different. Thesis Journal. PP of course does nothing of the sort, this was all fabrication. Sheila Shell-Duncan, a professor of anthropology at The University of Washington defends the smoking and drugs practice. The interviewer at The Atlantic and Shell-Duncan choose to call the practice “circumcision,” which is thesis journal a hideous misuse of language.

Here is the interview. And here is my best friend a critique of the atrocious disingenuousness of the arguments Shell-Duncan puts forth to justify the practice. In his book, How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World, Francis Wheen “reserves his strongest critique [of postmodernism] for those who defend even the most appalling systemic mistreatment of women, even in countries where Western contact and influence is minimal,” noting that according to postmodern thought it is taboo to journal, critique honour killings and female genital mutilation in North Africa and the Middle East. According to Judith Lorber, who identifies herself as “originally a liberal feminist, then a socialist feminist, and now primarily a social construction feminist, with overtones of postmodernism and queer theory”: “The Platform for Action document that came out of the UN Conference condemned. particular cultural practices that are oppressive to women – infanticide, dowry, child marriage, female genital mutilation. The 187 governments that signed onto the Platform agreed to abolish. these practices.

However, since they are integral parts of cultural and tribal traditions, to give them up could be seen as kowtowing to Western ideas. The development feminist perspective, so critical of colonialism and beach yet so supportive of women’s rights, has found this issue difficult to resolve.” I could find countless examples for thesis statement journal, you. They are very easy to commercial law essay, find. Perhaps you should attempt to look for them.

“Postmodernists, on the other hand, eschew any notion of objectivity” That leaves violence as their ultimate tool. And, I suspect, violence in return as the only productive response. If their victims eschew violence, for whatever reason, those willing to commit violence inevitably win. This is not going in thesis statement a good direction. But you’re wrong. They don’t “eschew any notion of objectivity”. What they DO do is bring up areas where scientists and consequences essay technocrats – who assume themselves to be the final arbiters of truth and reality – don’t do as good of thesis journal a job as they THINK they are at discerning that truth and reality. And they point out exactly where specific scientists and technocrats go wrong in their thinking. Serious postmodern thinkers present food for essay, thought. The critics of postmodernism, instead of taking in thesis statement and trying to digest said food, prefer to for poverty essay, reflexively have a food fight with it, choosing, instead of addressing the very serious and substantial issues brought up, to make a pejorative of their ideological foe’s very name.

Sound familiar? (FUKEN LIBRULS! PTOUI!) March of thesis morons, fourth round. Awesome when they turn on of procrastination essay each. Where’s the popcorn? Any philosophy whether it is post-this or pre-that, that contradicts human nature, that is the desire to maintain and improve one’s life, and to thesis, retain the benefits of one’s work, requires violent enforcement and oppression to bring the non- believers in line. Good luck. Law Essay. We will not surrender. Ever. We need a civil war. Soon.

My guess is some of these little idiots with baseball bats, will eventually graduate to nail bombs and cop killing hollow points. Meanwhile the academics and politicians that sent these kids down this nihilistic path will eschew all responsibility. Good work Evergreen College President Bridges and Governor Inslee. It is statement enough to make one vote for Trump. You mean all those lefty college students who are already the nation’s worst cohort of murderous terrorists? Oh, fuck… I forgot. That’s radicalized far-right-wing WHITE people! @Mark: Nope. You are apparently a postmodernist, because you have claimed something quote forcefully that is at odds with actual data.

In the US the consequences essay actual death toll from journal, Islamic terrorism has far surpassed that committed by “right-wing white people” as you put it, and essay titled my best friend that is now true even under the most shady accounting tricks where the body count starts after September 2001 and various incidents where the perpetrator shouted ahalau akbar before killing are classified as ‘workplace violence’ because it happened to take place in a workplace. Check it out – the thesis statement NY Times keeps a tally. Ask any law enforcement agency you’d like to smoking and drugs essay, find out which group poses a larger threat in statement the nation’s day to day at this point. And if you think we should include 9/11, by what reasoning do you think we shouldn’t also count the Holocaust unleashed upon Iraq for no good reason in 2003? Because the people inflicting that terrorist attack (Shock and Awe!) were wearing uniforms?

Because that was the essay running neocon theory for a while, there. That it was uniforms that made all the difference. Maybe [[[THE left capitalize critic period of statement journal brain maturation [or lack of] [late adolescence] among people with lower consciousness, higher ”openness”/”idealism” and psychoticism to attack a society that has been based on ”wisdom” of adult people. From class struggle to age-mentality struggle. Conveniently ”class struggle” have become more and more irrelevant in the leftis]]] goals. With sub-self-aware groups you can reprogram them to what you happy, ”think” and act in certain ways. Little creep to say this but seems true.

Everdream# cum thru… “Unfortunately, I cannot place full blame on thesis statement the students either, as they have been indoctrinated with these ideas on the very campus that is now serving as the petri dish for applied postmodernism.” Why not? They are adults making informed, free choices. If you can’t hold adults responsible for the choices they freely make, the entire concept of adult responsibility is null and void. In Canada, Australia, the US and other places, children as young as preschool are taught that this ideology is true, and this kind of consequences of procrastination essay activism is right.

Dissenters in thesis the classroom are punished. Teacher candidates are chosen for commercial answers, their ideological conformity and taught much more about journal microaggressions than classroom management (basing this on my boyfriend’s experience, which caused him to drop out of teacher’s ed). There’s even social justice math. I was interested in this article until you described what we teach as “brainwashing.” Really? So my courses in ethnomusicology are “brainwashing”? Courses in physics, chemistry, literature, art history, cultural studies… they’re “brainwashing”? Wow. Sean writes: “I was interested in this article until you described what we teach as “brainwashing.” Really? So my courses in ethnomusicology are ‘brainwashing’?

Courses in what makes you happy physics, chemistry, literature, art history, cultural studies… they’re ‘brainwashing’? Wow.” I don’t think the author means to suggest that everything in thesis statement the curriculum is brainwashing. But any field that includes the south beach diet research paper word “studies” likely is thesis statement journal (e.g. Commercial Law Essay. “Gender Studies,” “Women Studies,” “Cultural Studies,” etc.). Gender Studies in particular is a field whose central tenets are sheer matters of faith, based on completely anti-empircal and nonscientific notions that have no basis in reality other than in the minds of those who hold them. Yeah! I’ve very happily been brainwashed at TESC too! C’mon Sean, he had a valid point that really can’t be disputed; taking the one word out of context with the sentence or paragraph is what they taught us at TESC to analyze. I am a student at Evergreen and I happen to be white.

I want people to journal, know that emotions are high on campus on all sides as we as a community are concerned for our physical safety, That being said, this accumulation of events has been falsely reported. I was never asked to leave campus until it shut down due to violence, I was asked if I wanted to support the day of absence because of the color of makes you happy my skin the statement forum was held off campus due to size of venue. This information was given to us way before the actual event. As it was, I did spend the day of absence at the library working on a research project without any objections by anyone. @ Evergreen Student, could you clarify who is threatening whose safety and why? I’d like to know too. I’ll wager that the essay only threat posed to anyone on campus is/was that posed by the protesters themselves, as well as the vigilantes with baseball bats. @ Queried – Telephone threats from people not within the community reacting to news reports that are not correct for one. Journal. My safety and the safety of all students, faculty, and staff without concern of skin color; all are victims of the commercial law essay answers violent threats and journal crossfire not to mention excessive drama not conducive to the education we are paying for. @ Evergreen Student.

Sorry it’s still not clear to me. Whose phones are being called and by whom? Are you saying that apparent supporters of Weinstein are making phone calls to College administration landline phones? Do you have access to call recordings of such phone calls? Are the threats credible? If the threats are credible, have students asked campus and non-campus police to flood the essay titled friend campus to statement, prevent the introduction for poverty telephonic threats from being realised? Mister Magoo find that people fantastic. People don’t need study to be stupid… it’s the faith of many…. a natural talent. Please the college name is “THE EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE”, including the “the”… We ain’t TESC fer nuthin’! Go Geoducks! I appreciate this article, but I do have a quibble.

It is really conflating regressive/far leftism and postmodernism as though they are one in the same. Postmodernism and regressive leftism are really two distinct things, although they are of course often correlated and feed off of each other. One way to define postmodernism is, fundamentally, the rejection of objective and knowable truths about the thesis world and external reality in favor of the the canard that there can be many equally valid truths. It is entirely possible to be a regressive leftist and not a postmodernist, and I will cite an example below. It is also theoretically possible to what essay, be a postmodernist but not a regressive leftist or even a leftist at all, although in practice this doesn’t seem to journal, happen much. As an example of a regressive leftist but not postmodernist person, consider various Islamist and covertly Islamist spokespeople in the West (such as CAIR or 5Pillarz or Linda Sarsour). Makes You Happy Essay. They are clearly believers in thesis statement a universal, objective truth that is knowable by man – the infallibility and divine origin of the Koran and Muhammad – so they are not philosophically postmodernists, but they are most certainly regressive leftists. Of course their white allies in the regressive leftist coalition are largely postmodernists, but even there you will find some non-postmodernist regressive leftists. Postmodernism and regressive leftism are different philosophical and south research paper ideological currents that feed off of each other, but are distinct. Here’s your choice! The left will not rest until it eats you all.

Do you throw your friends at thesis statement, the monster and hope it eats you last, or do you make common cause with people whose political positions you dislike, but who are willing to live and let live? If the former….enjoy! If the latter, welcome to of procrastination essay, the alt-right! Get used to being called a Nazi. You misrepresent traditionalists and conservatives. They are not reactionaries.

They do not want a return to the past. They want a respect for and belief in the best that western culture has produced from thesis statement, Homer to T. S. Eliot (in literature). They want a thoughtful progress based in the truth. On reflexton Mr. Of Procrastination. Aaron is making a Marxist argument. He dismisses traditionalists as reactionaries who have been consigned to “ash heap of history.” His argument is with the alt-left who he sees as deviantionist. As I discused below, it is 1933 all over again. Statement. Tbe threat to Progressives (Marxists) doesn’t come from their opponents on the right. It comes from alternative forms of Socialism. Love the erudite responses, but frankly, they all fail to address the run amok violence on campus. Everyone thought the anti-intellectuals were right winger, but as it is being revealed, it is what makes you happy essay within the campus, and administrators are powerless to stop it.

Pardon me for indulging in a little schadenfreude here … but frankly, you all had it coming. But keep talking. Maybe it will just blow over. Or not. As a person with a corporate job that hires college graduates who are expected to thesis statement, know things, learn things, arrive on time, and be presentable… I’m pretty sure Evergreen will continue to not be on our list.

You can wring your hands about Derrida and essay postmodernism all you want. You’d have to be insane not to transfer out of this zoo immediately. The degree there has become about worthless in the market overnight. Good luck transferring. You misreprented both traditionalists and modernists and really don’t understand the origins and journal objectives of postmodernism. Essay. Traditionalists are not the thesis journal reactionaries of your imagination. They simply do not believe that human nature is plastic. Traditionalists believe that traditional Western values holds man’s baser instincts in check.

We have seen what happens to society where traditional Western values are dispensed with. Modernists, better known as Progressives, think that technological advancement allows us to engineer a new and what better man. Despite a century of trying that has failed while racking up an unprecedented body count, we find modern civilization to be thin veneer. Man is still the creature of the Bible in the sense that he is driven by his basest instincts. Progressive society attracts the worst of mankind to positions of power because it fails to thesis journal, acknowledge human limitations. Modernism is a product of that hobgoblin of the intellectual that is Marxist modes of thought. Postmodernism is and drugs essay derived from a synthesis of Sorel and thesis journal Heiddiger brought to prominence by the crypto-Nazi literary scholar Paul de Man. Nazism is just the Socialism of beach diet race and critical race theory is thesis journal merely the generalized expression of Nazi racialism.

Not suprisingly Jews occupy about the same position in postmodernism as they did in commercial law essay answers the Third Reich. It should also be no surprise that postmoderns act like Brownshirts since they are adherents to a kind of generalized Nazism. Keep it simple: once they threaten or even hint at violence a violent and statement powerful response is what makes needed. No one has a right to threaten you or anyone else with violence so they can force you to think as they want you to. Get google ready.

Was the following said by a) an SJW/socialist etc, or b) a conservative/classic liberal that believed they were defending western civilization? ‘The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and thesis statement journal empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore.” He continued “We’re an empire now, and south when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”‘ If you can dismiss the rise of thesis Trump; Brexit; Le Pen; the German, Austrian, Hungarian political right; as unimportant by comparison with the admitted obnoxiousness of(a certain strand of) left-wing academia, whose worst behaviour consists of simply being relentlessly vindictive but physically cowardly arseholes, then you are skewing your argument and stacking the deck. We saw a white supremacist slit the what you happy throats of two men in statement Portland not long ago. Smoking Essay. He was most assuredly of the alt-right(or at least the far-right, if you believe there’s a tangible difference, which there probably is) in spite of thesis statement all the of procrastination essay apologetics that came from that side in journal the aftermath.

You can’t just iron out the recrudescence of far-right politics in for poverty essay the western world over the last couple of years because you want to focus on the far-left and their identity politicking. The real world will always butt in, especially at this moment in time. Of course it’s intellectually insulting and thesis statement journal infuriating to hear about places like Evergreen State, but until they get a representative for their side elected into the highest office in the world, or change the relationship between the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe for the next few decades, then any attempts to inflate these spluttering student fuckwits into societal giants is going to come across as lacking in objectivity. Note that I don’t have to disagree with the author’s(entirely correct) criticisms of this kind of far-left-wing academic mindset to point out that he is south making a mountain out of thesis statement journal a molehill on the one, left, hand and a molehill out of of a mountain on the other, right, hand. For the sake of accuracy and in order to underline my point – ie. that the author is attempting to downplay the rise of consequences of procrastination right-wing populism and far-right politics in order to fit every kind of political type into his own tripartite procrustean bed – I’d like to journal, note that right-wing Never-Trumpers do not tend to be on the reactionary end of the spectrum. They tend, like Andrew Sullivan, David Frum, John McCain, etc. to commercial law essay, be on the centre-right and are invariably more liberal than their conservative peers(which is statement why they’re Never-Trumpers in the first place). Friend. They are certainly more socially liberal. Question everything right Quillette?

It’d be nice to see some focus on the alt-/far-right’s resurgence as opposed to constant, enjoyably punchy low-hanging-fruit articles about the illiberal left. Thesis Journal. If this is a centrist, classically liberal website then a little balance in essay the subject matter would make for less of a sense of statement staring at the world through the wrong end of the telescope. The White Supremacist was a supporter of Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein. Essay. He was anti-religiosi and statement not just anti-Muslim. South Diet Paper. He views were more consistent with true Progressive values than the thesis statement journal slavish Islamophilia shown by the postmodern racialists.

Just a quick point of fact, while not necessarily disagreeing with the beach diet paper rest of journal your comment: the Portland train stabber does not actually appear to essay, be politically self-identified as alt-right or even right wing at all, based on thesis statement his social media postings that have been highlighted. He apparently supported Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein. 1. Introduction Essay. Socialists and communists are all necessarily anti-rational postmodernists? Are you kidding? The US has a deeply unhealthy history with and relationship to these strains of thought. But countries all over the world, including those which embrace western style civil liberties, are filled with communists and socialists who are by no means opposed to these values or to rationality. Indeed, the move towards the statement center and to south beach research, libertarianism — and away from the left — by those who publicly oppose these irrational beliefs is deeply troubling and risks further impoverishing our intellectual diversity.

2. I think you’re wrong about why university administrators cave. Journal. I think it has a lot less to do with purpose and belief and a lot more to do with money. Essay Titled. Diversity programs are, among other things, a complicated form of covering marketing for higher educational institutions and systems which are deeply anti-equality. If you say all diversity is about race and gender and sexual preference, you never have to talk about thesis economic justice and south beach diet research paper economic realities. Access to higher education in the US is severely limited both by exorbitant tuition costs and by selective admissions processes. Keep people bickering about who deserves their “spots”, and thesis journal you don’t have to answer questions about why there are limited spots to begin with. South Beach Diet Research Paper. Evergreen isn’t worried about ideological truth, it’s worried about tuition paying customer units. Limited spots? You have to be kidding.

There are far too many spots. Universities like Evergreen State shouldn’t exist. Take an objective look at their student body. There is a reason why they are going to school there. These students would be better off learning a skilled trade then wasting their money on the worthless education that ESU provides. My uncle was,a carpenter. If yoy walked into his study you would think he was a college professor. My father dropped out of high school and was a truck driver yet he could do trig, analytic geometry and basic differential calculus.

Both were better educated than a graduate of Evergreen State. Mentioned you in a comment below. Thesis. If I got your position wrong, please comment to correct, and my apologies. But we’re not just talking about Evergreen, we’re talking about an entire system that defines diversity in and drugs such a way as to exclude economic criteria and larger questions of access. The schools with the journal biggest diversity programs are also those with the what you happy most selective admissions and the highest tuition. And even less selective schools like Evergreen charge 10,000 dollars per thesis journal year in tuition alone, plus fees, plus housing. If administrators start questioning identity politics, they are going to have some tough questions to essay, answer about actual access to higher ed. also, does anyone else remember when “postmodernism” was just a literary style? I miss those days. Yes, “We saw a white supremacist slit the throats of two men in Portland not long ago.”

And daily since September 11, 2001, we have seen atrocity after atrocity committed by Muslims following the dictates of the Koran and the example of Mohammed… And from thesis statement journal, Lenin’s taking power in November, 1917, until the introduction for poverty essay present moment, we have seen the disastrous catastrophe of Leftism in journal power. And from January, 1933, until May, 1945, we saw the nightmare of Fascism in power–and, pace Michael Aaron, that is all political post-modernism is, as John Shepard pointed out: the worship of power, biologically-based tribal obessesssion, and crackpot 19th-Century racial pseudoscience–nothing more than the re-emergence of what you happy a Fascism. Leftism, Fascism, Political Islam: three agressive and brutal political ideologies very much alive and growing…but Sorrel’s concern is the threat posed by the unstable, though admittedly alt-right, mentally ill. Brilliant piece. Very well summarized description of the current state of affairs with one exception: I disagree with your contention that people who “belong to and agree with the ideas of a typical urban, liberal, hipster milieu, they are very likely subscribing to a postmodernist ideology”. I think you’re overestimating the amount of support for postmodernism prevalent among the above-mentioned group. I’m an undergraduate student at an ivy league university and my gut tells me that I’m part of a silent majority at those institutions that looks on in horror at what’s happening at statement, Evergreen, Berkeley, Middleburry, Yale, and introduction inside our own institutions in journal the student unions and other organizations on campus. We’re just too afraid to speak out for fear of ruining our futures.

We’ve been cowed into silence. We are equally horrified at the decimation of the once-great humanities departments at our educational institutions. While I am a STEM major and most of the classes I take are in the hard sciences, engineering, and mathematics, I wish there were rigorous classes available to take in the humanities that are free of the propaganda and gibberish of the post-modernist virus. But where are our leaders? Why are the faculty and politicians giving in to an ultra-radical minority shouting about their feelings?

We feel betrayed by essay my best friend our elders and we now recognize that it’s up to us, to our generation, to stop this madness. The king indeed has no clothes. During a mandatory freshman year seminar that was to educate (read indoctrinate) us about the supposed “rape culture” prevalent on our campus, there was a group of students who, after having scanned their IDs at the entrance, and the seminar began, silently stood up in protest and thesis journal walked out. They were promptly derided by the speakers on what you happy stage, but they just kept walking through the auditorium and out of the building. I’m sure that I wasn’t the only one in the audience who silently applauded them for their bravery. I think there is thesis journal a silent majority on the center-left, who while socially liberal, believe in objective truth, reason, logic, and the core tenets of Western civilization. We are for a multi-ethnic society but not for a multi-cultural society – in the sense that we welcome immigration and makes you happy essay other cultures into our society as long as the newcomers can demonstrably be shown to thesis statement, assimilate and adopt Western values. For those interested in a balanced and well-sourced JOURNALISTIC overview of the events in question — something that puts both Weinstein’s take and the actual timeline of events in their proper context — this is the best that I’ve found so far: In short, Weinstein was not protested for not participating in the (admittedly kind of silly) “day of absence”, but for criticizing the fact that it was even taking place. Of the thousands of students (mostly white), only beach diet research paper 200 took part, and nobody who didn’t take part was attacked of called a racist.

Weinstein was complaining that IN THEORY, it was IMPLIED that those who chose not to take part were racist. And the students who were angry at him were NOT angry because he chose not to take part, but because they felt he publicly criticized the thesis statement action itself in what they perceived to be an unfair way. So, yes, the commercial law essay students behaved badly, and some should probably be punished or even expelled for their behavior. But it wasn’t the end of the fucking world catastrophe that is thesis statement journal implied in the suspiciously well organized right-wing propaganda dissemination machine. The students at Evergreen are only essay one instance of a very widespread, anti-intellectual movement in academia. If this were an isolated event, it wouldn’t merit the attention it is getting. But unfortunately, the mentality of these students is becoming more and statement more predominant at universities around the country. Commercial Law Essay Answers. That’s why it is so alarming. The phrase “mutually agreed upon” in thesis statement the following quote is a howler — it shows the author does not actually understand what postmodernism is. “Postmodernists, on the other hand, eschew any notion of titled objectivity, perceiving knowledge as a construct of journal power differentials rather than anything that could possibly be mutually agreed upon.” Here’s the consequences of procrastination thing. Postmodernists accept that there is an “objective” world apart from statement journal, human consciousness.

Their interest is in the human perception of and representation of said world. There’s the world, and the movie in our heads of the world — two separate objects and PM concentrates on how the movies are made. To them, knowledge is precisely something “mutually agreed upon.” Mutual agreement is how the movie gets made and makes you happy essay judged accurate. At the foundation, postmodernism is a trite observation: knowledge is a social process, people agree on criteria for truth and apply. Thesis. Author Aaron is PM. Another problem with the mod/pomo distinction here is that the postmodernism of people like Lyotard and Derrida does not support today’s identity politics. Social justice warriors act as though identities are natural and complete, thus people shouldn’t “culturally appropriate” things from groups to which they were not born. Essay Titled My Best. In some ways today’s SJWs are more like traditionalists than postmodernists, looking back to the patrimonies, heritages, and identities of yesteryear to journal, provide the for poverty foundations of social identities and power relationships.

Postmodernism is simply the observation that humans have lost faith in the “grand narratives” of modernity (i.e., progress, emancipation, enlightenment — this is Lyotard), and that there are always gaps between signifiers and signifieds which makes all social and cultural systems inherently unstable and provisional (Derrida). Thesis Statement. Postmodernism radically questions identity, Truth, history, culture, and everything else today’s campus radicals belligerently profess to for poverty, know and understand fully (but, quite embarrassingly for them, clearly do not). Well put. Another point that Aaron just does not get is that despite all the obscurantism, PM actually leads back to journal, traditional narrative ways of describing the world. You spend all this time deconstructing and examining how inadequate the commercial answers human mind is for representing reality.

But what you’re left with is statement this: The truth stories we tell may be imperfect, but they are all we have. We can be sure that the present author’s understanding of postmodernism comes from commercial law essay answers, Twitter rants.

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Custom Military Integrity essay paper writing service. There are seven values that are core to the existence and optimum for everyone. Thesis Statement! It would be vital to you happy essay, treat them the way they should be treated. A soldier lives and fights on behalf of the nation. He sacrifices his welfare and life in thesis every situation that would require sacrifice. The leadership in the army is essay friend hierarchical and is guided by a code. A dutiful soldier has to thesis statement, live up to this code as well as the code of the army soldier. There are many situations when the soldier has to of procrastination, face the enemy. These situations expose the soldier to journal, risk of death or fatal injuries. He therefore, needs to have steadfast bravery and face the danger and consequences all adversities.

A soldier has to fulfill all the work assigned to him. In addition, an army soldier must do what is right, legal and journal moral at consequences, all time. These seven values are respect, selflessness, personal courage, honor, loyalty, duty and integrity. A person who would like to join the military should understand these core values. According to my opinion, integrity is of considerable importance to the success of the army. This essay discuses the relevance of integrity in the military.

Integrity is one of the ethical values that the military talks about time after time. Before we look at the importance of integrity, let us first look different definitions of integrity. The true meaning of integrity is sometimes exceedingly puzzling. Acting morally sometimes confuses with acting with integrity. Integrity is a virtue to statement journal, live by. It is a quality that defines a person’s character. Integrity could be defined as the quality of truthfulness, honesty, being moral and upright.

It is the soundness of moral character. It may also defined as the state of being one, entire, undivided or undiminished. Beach Diet! It is a concept of being consistent in moral values, principles and thesis actions. Consequences Essay! Hypocrisy is the appropriate opposite word for integrity. A person of integrity does right things regardless of situations surrounding, in the presence or absence of people. It is a leadership quality that is highly prized in the world. Its significance spans through political, social and thesis military leadership.

Many prominent leaders of the world have received much honor from this quality. Various aspects of a person’s life can, at the same time, be attributed to integrity. It is common to use certain words in a speech or hear attributes such as “intellectual integrity” moral integrity” or even “professional integrity”. Essay! This shows that there are different types of integrity. Journal! In my opinion a person may act at a certain situation with a lot of integrity and may be regarded as a manifestation of consequences of procrastination essay, his overall integrity. Integrity can be seen in four different perspectives; integrity as a character; integrity as an identity and finally integrity as a moral virtue. Thesis! For the what you happy essay, purposes of this essay, I will discuss integrity as a virtue and a character. In my opinion, a person either has integrity or does not have integrity. A person who does not have integrity is not honest. He keeps lying to his colleagues and seniors.

At the same time, he does not fulfill his duty in time. In other words, he does not meet deadlines or does not complete his work. Thesis Statement! On the other side, a person of integrity is truthful. He has sound moral values. He accomplishes his tasks in time and does not give excuses for his failures. From a military point of view, integrity is a quality that is consequences of procrastination developed by sticking to thesis statement journal, moral principles.

It demands that a soldier does or says nothing deceitfully. This explains the first importance of smoking, this highly prized quality. A person with no integrity is not trusted by anyone. People do not place faith in them to get things accomplished. Statement Journal! Integrity builds trust in a person and makes a team. If a person is not trusted, the team’s core values break since the team is built on values and teamwork. Thesis Journal! In the process, the diet research, team will not achieve its goals. The army works in a team work format like a machine. Trust is the thesis journal, fluid that lubricates the team. If the fluidity of the for poverty essay, team is not maintained, the team would not have enough force to drive the statement journal, adversities beyond their limits. Ones integrity determines the trust that one can obtain from others.

When a team fails to makes you happy essay, accomplish one mission, it is an unfortunate omen for the team. A mistake of statement, one individual can fail the beach research paper, whole team. A leader does not see an individual’s failure, but he sees that it is the failure of the team. There is a likelihood that a leader will not choose an individual who will make the statement, team fail. If soldiers lie to each other, they fail to trust each other. People need to trust the military in all the duties accorded to it. Integrity in the army impacts confidence in the team. Integrity is key to proper communications within the military.

A soldier can lie to his senior about something but the outcome of it can be catastrophic. For instance, one soldier was not honest about what happened to his military ID card. He said that the gate guard held it while the truth was that he had lost it somewhere in the parking lot. Later on my senior found it in the parking area. He was summoned but still maintained that the of procrastination, guard had it. He failed to statement, live up to commercial, integrity.

What he needed to do was to thesis journal, report exactly what happened so that the for poverty essay, senior could address the situation and statement probably order for the search. Supposing the badge had fallen into titled my best friend, wrong hands, the badge could be used for malicious reasons. Dishonesty inhibits taking of an appropriate action or measure. It supports healthy relationships within the army. We have seen that, integrity builds trust. Consequently trust is vital in any relationship. Thesis! Once a person loses trust in another, the two end up having poor relationship.

Good relationship is south beach research paper vital for the success of an thesis statement journal army. Once trust is lost in a person, it may be hard to work with the person. He is seen as a betrayal to the team. People tend to keep themselves away from those who lie to them. Anything the consequences essay, person may say be it true or a lie will not be believed. They will automatically consider that he is lying until he proves to them that he is not lying. The fourth reason why integrity is paramount in the army is that integrity ensures responsibility. The army expects high integrity even in small things such as the whereabouts of the army badge. If a soldier lies over a small thing, it is hard for his master to assign him duty.

If one cannot be trusted with small things, he cannot be trusted with heavy work such as working on thesis journal an aircraft. Dishonesty in the military therefore, disables the army’s work force. One will agree that integrity fosters duty and responsibility. Dishonesty is punishable in the military. If one lies to his senior, he can lead to severe penalty. Honesty and truthfulness keeps one from punishment.

The time when one is under punishment renders him unavailable for duty. Such punishments include demotion, cutting down of one’s pay, hard work or even suspension from duty. This can be seriously detrimental to the life of a soldier. The army member may live feeling guilty and disrespected. One day in the recruits training camp, I woke up late after others had woken up early in you happy essay the morning. I rushed to the parade and missed to polish my shoes well. My supervisor noticed that, in addition to thesis statement journal, that, I had tied my shoe laces wrongly. He asked me what happened. I lied to him that my shoes were missing in the morning. Smoking And Drugs Essay! I did not know that he had come to inspect the beds.

He told me the journal, truth that he had left me sleeping in the morning. I was subjected to my best friend, a one week punishment of thesis statement, polishing all the shoes of my colleagues in the hostels for for poverty essay, one week alongside the daily duties assigned to me. In the thesis statement journal, long run, I regretted why I lied to him instead telling the truth. I was behind schedule in many duties due to the punishment. It was not easy.

Integrity is a sign of maturity. When an army member does not say the truth, he sounds childish. Other members may think that the soldier cannot stand up by the set principles or cannot do anything on his own. The seniors may end up believing that the soldier cannot do a job the correct way. Integrity and trust is critical to the provision of an ambient work environment. One’s seniors and colleagues must believe that the soldier is fit for the job assigned or that may come up. A person of integrity eliminates doubts about south diet research him. Dishonesty on the other hand, builds up doubt in one’s work, ability or what he might say before people.

One’s speech maybe looked down at. Integrity in thesis journal the military builds confidence in a soldier’s life. It boosts his self esteem. High self esteem is essential for a soldier who needs a lot of brevity. What Makes You Happy Essay! An army member cannot face the enemy courageously when he knows that his colleagues or seniors do not trust him. Integrity enforces other military values.

The military produces world known leaders even presidents. These leaders were soldiers of immense integrity. Thesis! A leader must not be corrupt. In the US and many parts of the world, leaders who showed dishonesty in their payment of taxes or the handling of the national resources were automatically disqualified from running for the presidency or other senior positions in south beach research the government. Dishonest leaders are poor leaders. They are ever corrupt.

Apart from the fact that integrity is a vital characteristic of a military soldier, it is also a significant lifetime virtue to have. It should be integrated into the daily life of a soldier. One instance of lying can spoil a history of thesis statement, one’s life of integrity. One should do or say what is right all the time even when there is friend no one seeing or hearing. One who lies even when the people cannot differentiate the truth from the lies is statement journal also dishonest.

A person of high integrity receives a lot of honor, respect and commendations. The society recognizes him and hails his work. Another way a person may fail to have integrity is smoking and drugs essay when one does not do a task in thesis statement journal the proper way. Integrity is accomplishing the duty assigned to completeness. Doing work in for poverty essay a half hazard manner is a lack of integrity. Doing a perfect work is the responsibility of a soldier. Statement! For instance, a soldier assigned with the task of maintaining of an aircraft must ensure the work is complete.

Otherwise, the consequences of procrastination essay, imperfect work can risk the life of fellow soldiers. Soldiers who have integrity do not need a lot of supervision to do a task at the right time. They complete the task in the right time and thesis journal the correct way without someone watching them. Integrity is completing a job without cutting corners. Meeting deadlines is essential for any soldier of integrity. Excuses and unworthy explanations for failing are also lack of integrity. Most excuses are lies. Integrity is taking responsibility for one’s mistakes and failures. A soldier should say the truth why he failed, take his own cross and carry it. Consequences Of Procrastination Essay! Blaming others or circumstances are not integrity.

He should not fear to tell the truth even if it may be hurting. The definition of integrity according to me personifies the main virtue of a leader whether in politics or the military. No leader can claim to have leadership qualities if he does not mention integrity in his list. It is common to find wrong people in leadership positions. This frustrates the subjects especially when the thesis, people have no ability to air their grievances.

However, they can revolutionize their own lives to be people of integrity. According to you happy, my opinion, integrity separates leaders from people who are not. A leader is thesis sound in morals free from corrupt influences. A person can decide to practice integrity through commitment to assigned obligations, honesty in all endeavors, and fairness and equality when treating all people. A soldier who makes this decisions takes control of his “own ship” and commandeers his own destiny. One will finally find true happiness inside himself. One can agree that the best life of a person begins when he conducts himself with integrity.

He further confirms that the greatest leaders have a common character contained in the definition of integrity. Dwight D. Eisenhower, one of the soldiers and army leaders of the answers, World War II, once said that the supreme quality of a leader is undoubtedly integrity and no success can be achieved without it whether it is in the army or the office. Integrity unleashes the warrior within a person. Thesis! One can realize and fulfill his goals when he defines integrity in what his life. At the same time, integrity enables a soldier to remain comfortable with himself and achieve happiness in his career.

A soldier who lives as per the definition of integrity will conduct himself in a manner that will earn him respect of the peers. In conclusion, integrity is a quality of both an individual soldier as well as the whole team. Thesis Journal! It is a quality that cements the team together for the purposes of commercial law essay answers, achieving goals. It is the main ingredient of trust for not only one soldier but also for the whole team. Thesis Journal! This leadership quality if cultivated in an individual’s life, it will build confidence, courage and high self esteem. Integrity is the quality that is highly prized, and many leaders in the world posse it. In summary, integrity builds trust in the military. It fosters proper communication in the army; limits the number of beach diet, punishments that a soldier may receive and maintains good relationship between soldiers. Integrity is not just a one instance thing, but a lifetime virtue that should be developed.

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