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How to Write a Career Goals Essay That Dreams Big - Essay Writing

Resmenes del pensamiento de los filsofos para la preparacin de la. Career Goals. PAU (prueba de acceso a la universidad) Curso de entrenamiento de la compasin y el amor benevolente: Mindfulness para la buena vida - En Casa Asia - Abril-Junio . Communication Essay. Este curso se centra en el uso de las herramientas y actividades mindfulness para que el alumno descubra sus habilidades en el cuidado de su mente y desarrolle sus capacidades naturales para vivir con plenitud su vida y sus relaciones con otras personas. Good Career Essay. El alumno se ejercitar en la gestin de sus emociones y pensamientos, en poner freno a las reacciones mecnicas de su mente, observar sus estados y procesos mentales y responder con sabidura y amabilidad a las distintas circunstancias de la vida. Communication In Mental Nursing Essay. El recurso principal ser la meditacin, con la que el alumno podr cultivar su habilidad para estar atento, concentrado y en conexin con sus recursos naturales para el amor y el autocuidado. Good Goals Essay. Trabajaremos principalmente con las meditaciones y actividades de atencin plena que nos ayuden a conectar con nuestro yo verdadero, y con nuestra fuente interior de amor, compasin y generosidad.

El curso est inspirado en tres programas de entrenamiento de la compasin y la autocompasin, programas validados por la comunidad cientfica y de creciente inters en psicoterapia, la educacin y el llamado “desarrollo personal”: el Mindful self-compassion (MSC) creado por Christopher K. Essayeur. Germer y Kristin Neff; el Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) del CCARE de la Universidad de Stanford, y la Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) de Paul Gilbert. Y SU DIMENSIN ANTROPOLGICO-SOCIAL. Good Goals. LA TEORA DE LAS IDEAS Y LA ONTOLOGA PLATNICA. The Divine Wind Essay Introduction. La Teora de las Ideas de Platn (parte central de su filosofa) defiende un claro dualismo ontolgico al proponer la existencia de dos tipos de realidad antagnicos: el mundo sensible y el mundo inteligible. Good Career Essay. En el Mundo Sensible (el interior de la caverna en el mito de la caverna) estn las realidades individuales, materiales, temporales, espaciales, la multiplicidad, el cambio, y la generacin y destruccin; es el conjunto de cosas perceptibles por los sentidos. Web Book Report Summary. El Mundo Inteligible (el mundo exterior en aqul mito) consta de las Ideas (o Formas), realidades universales, inmutables, eternas, invisibles, inmateriales, atemporales, aespaciales; las Ideas se conocen por la razn y son la autntica realidad.

Las Ideas son entidades extramentales, objetivas e independientes del hombre, y causas de las cosas: aunque ellas sean el autntico ser, Platn no negar realidad a lo que se da a los sentidos; el mundo sensible, aunque inferior a las Ideas, posee tambin cierto ser, que le vendr dado por su imitacin o participacin de las Formas. Good Career Goals Essay. La tarea del Demiurgo es hacer que la materia informe y eterna tome rasgos semejantes a las Ideas. Thesis Age Home. El mundo de las Ideas est ordenado jerrquicamente pues hay distintos tipos de Ideas: Idea de Bien, otras Ideas morales; Ideas estticas, Ideas de Multiplicidad, Unidad, Identidad, Diferencia, Ser, No Ser, Ideas matemticas y otras Ideas (Idea de Hombre. Good Career Goals. ). Communication Essay. Platn sita a la Idea de Bien en la cspide de ese mundo; a veces la identifica con la Idea de Belleza e, incluso, con Dios. La Idea de Bien (el sol en el mito de la caverna) causa lo real pues la conducta humana se hace con vista a ella y todo lo real tiende a ella. Essay. Platn crey que slo si existen las Ideas tiene sentido el lenguaje humano, principalmente el de los “trminos universales” (nombres comunes, sustantivos abstractos…); por otro lado, el conocimiento estricto (las verdades eternas) como la matemtica slo es posible si adems del mundo sensible, siempre cambiante, hay tambin un mundo inmutable y eterno. Architectural. LA TEORA DE LAS IDEAS Y LA EPISTEMOLOGA PLATNICA (EL PROBLEMA DEL CONOCIMIENTO) El conocimiento estricto, el siempre verdadero, se fundamenta en la teora de las Ideas, que divide lo real en dos mbitos distintos y a los que le corresponder saberes muy distintos: la ciencia, que se ocupa de las Ideas, lo permanente, y la opinin, o conocimiento del mundo sensible, de lo que est sometido a generacin y corrupcin, de los animales, plantas y cosas fabricadas (la “creencia”) y de sus “sombras” y reflejos (la conjetura).En la CIENCIA, distingue Platn el pensamiento discursivo y la dialctica. Good Career. El primero se identifica con la matemtica, que, a pesar de su valor, posee dos deficiencias: el uso de signos sensibles y el apoyarse en hiptesis (afirmaciones sobre el ser de sus objetos no suficientemente reflexionadas). The Divine Essay Introduction. La dialctica es el conocimiento superior, se refiere al Mundo de las Ideas, a lo inmutable y universal, lo eterno, y se identifica con la filosofa.

Platn la concibe de dos modos: como mtodo racional que no usa de signos sensibles, pues emplea slo la razn, ni descansa en hiptesis, pues prescinde de todo supuesto y no deja ninguna cuestin sin examen o evaluacin; el objetivo de la dialctica es descubrir las relaciones existentes entre las Ideas. La autntica filosofa es una ascensin al ser: el filsofo (el dialctico) debe “ascender” del mundo sensible al Mundo Inteligible o de las Ideas y en stas a la Idea del Bien, fundamento del ser y de la inteligibilidad de las Ideas y de todo lo real. Good Goals Essay. En cuanto al origen del conocimiento estricto, Platn defiende una teora innatista, la teora de la reminiscencia, segn la cual conocer es recordar: al conocer verdades de tanta calidad como las de la matemtica, en realidad nuestra alma est recordando algo que aprendi cuando, antes de encarnarse, vio en el Mundo Inteligible las Ideas y sus relaciones. Charlotte's. Pero Platn tambin entiende la dialctica como impulso ertico: el filsofo, mediante el cultivo de su sensibilidad, ascender desde el plano sensible al inteligible, desde las bellezas sensibles hasta la Idea de Belleza. Essay. El motor de dicho ascenso ser un impulso ertico y el objeto del amor la belleza. Reflection. DIMENSIN ANTROPOLGICA DE LA TEORA DE LAS IDEAS (EL PROBLEMA DEL HOMBRE) Platn concibe al hombre como un compuesto de dos sustancias distintas (dualismo antropolgico): el cuerpo, vinculado al mundo sensible, y el alma, relacionada con el mundo inteligible. Goals Essay. El alma humana es superior al cuerpo debido a que el alma es el principio de conocimiento y de bondad, pero ms an essay a que el cuerpo est sometido a corrupcin y muerte mientras que el alma tiene un destino inmortal. Good Career Goals Essay. Platn utiliza varios argumentos para demostrar la inmortalidad del alma, destacando el que se basa en la teora de la reminiscencia, teora que exige la preexistencia del alma antes de su encarnacin para comprender el conocimiento eterno. Gibbs Essay. Para Platn, el alma nos iguala a los dioses y permite el conocimiento de las Ideas; distingue tres partes en ella: la racional, representada en el mito del carro alado por el cochero; es la ms noble y elevada, y su funcin es conocer intelectivamente y guiar a las otras dos; la irascible, representada por el caballo bueno y hermoso, smbolo del valor y la voluntad; y la parte concupiscible, representada por el caballo malo, difcil de guiar, smbolo del deseo y la pasin sensible inmoderados. Good Career. El alma busca la liberacin del cuerpo y en esa bsqueda practica la filosofa como aproximacin intelectual al mundo que le es propio.

La parte racional del alma debe intentar purificar al individuo de los apetitos sensibles, y le corresponde dirigir la conducta humana. Cheater. El dualismo antropolgico de Platn se caracteriza por mantener una radical escisin en el hombre: el alma inmortal, lo ms divino, principio de conocimiento y moralidad; y el cuerpo, origen de la ignorancia y del mal. Para Platn el cuerpo y sus pasiones son responsables de todas nuestras desgracias y sufrimientos. Good. La tarea ms importante del hombre ser, por ello, la prctica de la virtud, basada en la renuncia a los apetitos corporales, y la prctica de la filosofa. Automobile. La purificacin moral e intelectual tiene como objeto que las almas se dejen guiar por lo que es justo y recto y de ese modo cumplan con su destino ltimo, la morada divina, en donde preexistan.

CONSECUENCIAS DE LA TEORA DE LAS IDEAS EN TICA Y POLTICA (EL PROBLEMA DE LA MORAL Y LA SOCIEDAD) La teora de las Ideas de Platn permite la superacin del relativismo moral de los sofistas, pues las Ideas sern el fundamento objetivo y eterno de la vida moral. Career Goals. Platn quiere averiguar lo que sea el Sumo Bien para el hombre. Essayeur Automobile. El Bien absoluto son las Ideas, cuya contemplacin es la felicidad suprema. Good Goals. Mediante la prctica de la virtud se accede al Sumo Bien y, por tanto, a la suprema felicidad; la virtud es el estado del alma que le corresponde por naturaleza, y como el alma tiene tres partes habr una virtud peculiar para cada una de ellas: a la parte concupiscible le corresponde la templanza, o continencia de los placeres; a la parte irascible, la fortaleza o valor, y a la parte racional la virtud de la sabidura o prudencia que se encarga de regular la totalidad de las acciones humanas. Communication Essay. La virtud del alma en su conjunto es la justicia, entendida como armona u orden entre esas tres partes.

Platn creer que el hombre es un ser social por naturaleza; ello explica la aparicin del Estado (la Polis). Career Essay. El individuo puede alcanzar su mxima realizacin en el Estado, pero para ello el Estado deber ser perfecto. Homework Cheater. En el anlisis del Estado, Platn utiliza una divisin tripartita anloga a su divisin del alma; el Estado tiene las mismas necesidades materiales y los mismos fines ticos que el hombre. Essay. Cada parte del alma se puede relacionar con una clase social: la parte racional con la clase de los gobernantes, el alma irascible con la clase social de los guerreros, y la concupiscible con la de los artesanos. Architectural. Los filsofos, cuya virtud es la sabidura o prudencia, son los nicos aptos para el gobierno; los soldados deben defender y guardar la polis; los artesanos suministran los medios materiales que la comunidad necesita. Good Career Goals. El fin del Estado es la justicia, el bien de todos los ciudadanos, que slo es posible cuando todos los elementos que componen la sociedad realizan su funcin propia. De entre todas las clases sociales destaca la de los dirigentes: para Platn, puesto que cabe el conocimiento del Bien (de las Ideas), es legtima la tutora de los que han tenido acceso a dicho Bien (los filsofos) sobre el resto de los ciudadanos; el filsofo ha de ser el gobernante, o los gobernantes han de ser filsofos. Report Summary. Puesto que los filsofos deben buscar el bien general, con el fin de evitar tentaciones interesadas y distracciones intiles no poseen propiedad privada alguna, ni mujer, ni hijos propios (“comunismo platnico”). Good Goals. Tambin los soldados renuncian a la familia y a la propiedad privada.

Slo a los artesanos se le permite la propiedad privada (limitada y controlada por el Estado) y los vnculos familiares estables. Essayeur. En este Estado ideal slo los mejores, una minora muy selecta, ostentan el poder. Es un Estado de clara inspiracin aristcrata. Goals. Finalmente, junto con la descripcin de la sociedad ideal, Platn hace tambin una descripcin y valoracin de las formas reales de gobierno; existen cinco formas de gobierno: de la monarqua o aristocracia, por degeneracin sucesiva, surgen las dems: la timocracia, la oligarqua, la democracia y, la peor de todas, la tirana.

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Richard III, the Machiavellian Villain. Term Paper (Advanced seminar) 2000 42 Pages. Shakespeare’s Richard III is considered as the most notorious Machiavellian villain of career goals, Elizabethan and Jacobean drama. By the time Shakespeare wrote Richard III , the essayeur, term ‘Machiavel’ had already an established set of goals, references. The term was, in fact, so deeply established in the mind of Elizabethan audiences that it was enough to call someone a ‘Machiavel’ in homework, order to characterise him as an utterly amoral and clever villain. The ‘Machiavel’, however, is only one part of Richard’s character as he is career essay a combination of the essayeur, traditional Vice-figure of the career goals, moralities, a tyrant of Senecan revenge tragedy and, of course, the Machiavellian villain. These elements are, in fact, so tightly interwoven that it is very difficult to separate them and concentrate on a single one. Richard the Vice is a witty deceiver and manipulator who is also very good at playing with language. Richard the ‘Machiavel’ seeks his own personal advancement through the automobile, exercise of his wit and goals the role of the Vice is just a part of his Machiavellian tool chest.

He is homework beyond conventional morality, and it is the end which for career him justifies the means. The main difference between Richard as the Vice and Richard as the in mental health nursing essay, ‘Machiavel’ is that Richard as the ‘Machiavel’ is not a motive-less villain. He commits all of his crimes in order to reach his ultimate goal, the good goals essay, crown of England. Therefore, even though this essay will concentrate on the Machiavellian aspects of Richard’s career, it will be necessary to deal with the others as well. Research on Shakespeare’s Richard III has come a long way since E. M. Thesis! W. Goals! Tillyard’s ground-breaking work ‘Shakespeare’s History Plays’ which was first published in 1944. Automobile! Tillyard interpreted Richard III and essay Shakespeare’s other Histories from the charlotte's web book summary, perspective of good goals, their political significance and argued that they were a faithful dramatisation of what he called the ‘Tudor Myth’. Since then, however, the focus of in mental health nursing essay, research has diversified and good career essay drawn attention to communication nursing essay, other aspects of the play. A. P. Rossiter, for example, put more emphasis on the actual plot of the play and saw Richard as ‘God’s agent in a pre-determined plan of divine retribution [1] ’ who metes out justice on the wicked until he himself is destroyed.

For Rossiter, Richard III had an element of subversity because Richard took the audience on career goals essay, a holiday from morality [2] : they enjoyed watching Richard even though they knew beforehand that, in the end, he had to wind introduction, fall. Rossiter understood this as a deliberate undermining of the good career, ‘Tudor Myth’ on communication in mental nursing, Shakespeare’s part. Since the sixties, however, research on Shakespeare’s Richard III has moved to more abstract levels and this approach is good career still valid. In 1971, Wheeler argued that Shakespeare’s Richard III was much more complex than just a dramatisation of the ‘Tudor Myth’ and suggested that it was rather a story of human involvement in the dynamics of power. For Wheeler, Henry VII was only a new face, a point vigourously supported by Cornelia Czach in 1983. She stressed that Richard was only one of homework cheater, many in a chain of comparable rulers and that at the end of Richard III everybody just rallies around Henry VII but nothing really changes. For her, Shakespeare’s Histories were foremostly a dramatical means of good career essay, illustrating the inhuman element in history and its inherent absurdity, with the ultimate aim of unmasking history as a whole. In 1992, Ekkehard Krippendorf emphasised the element of political continuity. Furthermore, he pointed out that the automobile, Tudors had, ironically, turned out to be a lot more Machiavellian than the real Richard and career goals this had, probably, not gone unnoticed by the Elizabethans.

In order to the divine wind essay introduction, establish in how far Shakespeare’s Richard is a Machiavellian villain it is necessary to examine those parts of good, Machiavelli’s philosophy which are relevant to Richard’s actions and to trace Richard’s development from the young, enthusiastic warrior at charlotte's web book report summary, the beginning of the good goals essay, third part of Henry VI to the ruthless villain who murders and tricks his way to the throne in communication health essay, Richard III . Throughout the career goals essay, history of European literature, the idea of the prime importance of virtue had played a major part. Ever since the sixth century, political theorists had stressed how important it was for a ruler to have moral integrity and to be a good ruler to his subjects. When Machiavelli’s work appeared on the radar-screen of political philosophy, it proved to be revolutionary. Based on his own experience in the foreign politics of Florence he created a framework of political thought which argued that a wise ruler had to be pragmatic and flexible in the choice of his measures, instead of adhering to communication in mental health nursing essay, the imperative of virtue. The main difference between Machiavelli and career goals his predecessors was his extensive application of empirical methods. For Machiavelli, virtu was the sum of everything which enabled a ruler to establish stability and communication in mental health nursing the continued existence of his state. In the end, it all boiled down to a ruler reacting appropriately to the current situation he found his state to be in. The most striking novelty in Machiavellian politics was the total subordination of moral imperatives to those of political efficiency. It was the end which for him justified the means.

Therefore, if it served the career essay, interests of one’s own country, one also has the right (if not even the duty) to go to war with another country. Cheater! ‘War, therefore, does not reveal the basis of any intrinsic ethical bankruptcy, since war can be used to good essay, defend the potential for gibbs essay reflection good, and as such this type of the career goals essay, use of force is a virtuous use of force. [3] ’ As far as foreign policy was concerned, the principle of keeping open as many options as possible also applied to keeping promises: ‘Ihr mu?t namlich wissen, da? es zweierlei Kampfweisen gibt: die eine mit den Waffen der Gesetze, die andere mit blo?er Gewalt; die erste ist dem Menschen eigen, die zweite den Tieren; da die erste oftmals nicht ausreicht, ist es notig, auf die zweite zuruckzugreifen. [. ] Da also ein Furst gezwungen ist, von der Natur der Tiere den rechten Gebrauch machen zu konnen, mu? er sich unter ihnen den Fuchs und den Lowen auswahlen; denn der Lowe ist wehrlos gegen Schlingen und der Fuchs gegen Wolfe. Man mu? also ein Fuchs sein, um die Schlingen zu erkennen, und ein Lowe, um die Wolfe zu schrecken. Diejenigen, welche sich einfach auf die Natur des Lowen festlegen, verstehen hiervon nichts. Ein kluger Herrscher kann und darf daher sein Wort nicht halten, wenn ihm dies zum Nachteil gereicht und wenn die Grunde fortgefallen sind, die ihn veranla?t hatten, sein Versprechen zu geben. Essayeur! Waren alle Menschen gut, dann ware diese Regel schlecht, da sie aber schlecht sind, und ihr Wort dir gegenuber nicht halten wurden, brauchst du auch dein Wort ihnen gegenuber nicht zu halten. [. ] Aber man mu? seine Fuchsnatur zu verschleiern wissen, und ein gro?er Lugner und Heuchler sein: die Menschen sind so einfaltig und gehorchen so sehr den Bedurfnissen des Augenblicks, da? derjenige, welcher betrugt, stets jemanden finden wird, der sich betrugen la?t. Good Essay! [4] ’ According to Machiavelli, it was the duty of a ruler to aim for homework cheater the maximum he could possibly achieve in good essay, terms of gaining territory for his people, even though the area a state could actually control was limited. If you tried to homework cheater, conquer more territory than your country was able to good goals, control, you would eventually cross a line separating virtu from charlotte's web book ambition. This would then inevitably lead to your downfall. Therefore, you can basically say that a ruler was supposed to aim for 100%: Less was sloth and more was ambition. Apart from that, giving too much attention to moral values could also lead to fatal consequences for one’s own people and this, otherwise, could easily be avoided, as Machiavelli points out in chapter 15 of The Prince : ‘Viele haben sich Republiken und Furstentumer vorgestellt, die noch nie jemand gesehen oder tatsachlich gekannt hat; denn es liegt eine so gro?e Entfernung zwischen dem Leben, wie es ist und dem Leben, wie es sein sollte, da? derjenige, welcher das was geschieht, unbeachtet la?t, zugunsten dessen, was geschehen soll, dadurch eher seinen Untergang als seine Erhaltung betreibt; denn ein Mensch, der sich in jeder Hinsicht zum Guten bekennen will, mu? zugrunde gehen, inmitten von so viel anderen, die nicht gut sind. Daher mu? ein Furst, wenn er sich behaupten will, die Fahigkeit erlernen, nicht gut zu sein, und diese anwenden, oder nicht anwenden, je nach dem Gebot der Notwendigkeit [5] . [6] ’ The main goal of a ruler, according to Machiavelli, was the defence of the common good. Career! ‘The Machiavellian monarchy does not set the ‘good life’, the virtuous life, and and the common good in the classical sense, as its end. The end of the new state is the report, procurement of material satisfaction, political security, and historical greatness as if they were the organic, naturalistic, needs of state. [7] ’ For Machiavelli, the worst vice in public life is good career goals essay ambition: ‘Ambition, whether found in a faction or an individual, whether motivated by desire for report summary power or by greed, destroys the virtuous quality of the public good.

Yet, at good career essay, the same time, virtu is the divine said to be compatible with cruelty, especially when it is ‘well used’. A Machiavellian founder could be inhumane, yet still be virtuous. [8] ’ However, even Machiavelli was prepared to draw a line, as he shows when he presents the case of the Syracusean tyrant Agathocles. Here, the term of ‘well used’ cruelty did most certainly not apply. Agathocles, who had been of good career essay, low birth, had, via a military career, risen to be Praetor of Syracuse. As soon as he had achieved this, he decided to become Prince. So, one morning he gathered his people and the Senate of Syracuse, pretending that he wanted to discuss affairs of the homework, republic with them. But instead, he had the goals, senators and the richest of the Syracusean nobility murdered by his troops. His people were so stunned by this display of action and architectural age home determination, that they did not put up any resistance whatsoever and the rule of Agathocles was secure for years to come. [9] Machiavelli did not at all approve of what Agathocles had done, even though he was impressed with his decisiveness: ‘[. ] [Er ist] nicht durch die Gunst eines anderen, sondern uber die Rangstufen des Heeres, die er unter Tausend Muhen und Gefahren erklommen hatte, zur Furstenherrschaft gelangt und behauptete sie dann durch viele mutige und riskante Entschlusse.

Andererseits kann man es auch nicht Tuchtigkeit nennen, seine Mitburger umzubringen, seine Freunde zu verraten und ohne Treue, Mitleid und Religion zu sein; auf solche Weise kann man zwar Macht erwerben, aber keinen Ruhm. [10] ’ The application of dishonest and goals cruel measures, for Machiavelli, was only justified in times of an interior or foreign political crisis, and on old age home not for good career essay purposes of usurpation and thus establishing a tyranny. The second pillar of Machiavelli’s political philosophy was Fortune. For Machiavelli, it represented the element of uncertainty in charlotte's, human life. Good Career Goals Essay! This meant that, however carefully something was prepared and later carried out, there was still a possibility that it could eventually fail, as Munkler explains: ‘Fortuna ist fur Machiavelli also der Inbegriff der politischen Variablen. An Geschick und Weisheit der politisch Handelnden entschied sich, wieviel Einflu? Fortuna auf den Ausgang politischer Entwicklungen erlangte. Essayeur! Die 50:50 Relation, in der Machiavelli das Verhaltnis zwischen der Gewalt der Fortuna und der Beeinflu?barkeit der Ereignisse durch die Menschen ausgedruckt hat, ist fur ihn kein starres Gleichgewicht, sondern der statistische Durchschnitt , wie er sich angesichts der Geschichte darstellt, wobei die Macht der Fortuna umgekehrt proportional zu dem Geschick und Weitblick der politisch Handelnden steigt und fallt. [11] ’ If a country wanted to be protected from ill Fortune, Machiavelli thought that it was essential for it to have military strength, a citizen army and sound diplomacy. Career! However, even the best precautions could not rule out bad luck as Fortune was a force beyond human control.

At best, her effects could be channeled, as Machiavelli illustrates when he compares Fortune to a river in flood: ‘Ahnlich verhalt es sich mit Fortuna; sie zeigt ihre Macht dort wo man nicht die Kraft aufbringt, ihr zu widerstehen, und sie lenkt ihre Kraft dorthin, wo sie wei?, da? sie nicht durch Damme und Deiche aufgehalten wird. [12] ’ Therefore, Machiavelli concludes that if Italy had catered for her own set of dams and dykes in time, she would not have been in the mess that he saw her in. [13] Machiavelli’s main interest, however, lies in the way that Fortune affects individuals – or to in mental nursing, be more precise, those individuals who hold an important public office [14] . In this context, virtu becomes the most important tool, in order to get the better of one’s Fortune, even though actually being able to overcome one’s Fortune still requires the help of Fortune as Machiavelli illustrates in the following: ‘[. ] so stelle ich fest, da? man einen Fursten heute Erfolg haben und untergehen sieht, ohne da? eine Veranderung seines Wesens oder irgendeiner seiner Eigenschaften zu bemerken gewesen ware. Dies beruht meiner Meinung nach [darauf], [. ] da? ein Furst, der sich ganz auf sein Gluck verla?t, untergeht, sobald dieses wechselt; ferner glaube ich, da? der Gluck hat, der seine Handlungsweise den Zeitumstanden anpa?t, und ebenso jener ins Ungluck gerat, dessen Handlungsweise nicht den Zeitumstanden entspricht. Sieht man doch, da? die Menschen auf verschiedene Weise vorgehen, um das Ziel zu erreichen, das ein jeder vor Augen hat, namlich Ruhm und Reichtum: der eine verfahrt mit Besonnenheit, der andere mit Ungestum; dieser mit Gewalt, jener mit List, einer mit Geduld, ein anderer mit dem Gegenteil; so kann jeder auf unterschiedliche Weise an sein Ziel gelangen. Auch beobachtet man, da? von zwei Besonnenen der eine sein Ziel erreicht, der andere nicht; und das ebenso zwei mit verschiedenen Methoden gleicherma?en Gluck haben, der eine mit Besonnenheit, der andere mit Ungestum: dies liegt allein an den Zeitumstanden, die mit der betreffenden Handlungsweise ubereinstimmen oder nicht. [15] ’ Even though the idea that time actually did have a quality had its origins in astrology, Machiavelli was more interested in circumstantial aspects of human action. He thought that ‘[. ] humans act according to their individual imagination (fantasia) and individual natural talent (ingegno).

But they face a difficulty since times and things constantly change, even while their own mode of behaviour may not. Good Goals Essay! The key to success is to maintain a harmony between the quality of one’s time, the quality of general time, one’s temperament and automobile humour, and good career one’s actions. [16] ’ In order to charlotte's web book summary, demonstrate the influence of the quality of time, Machiavelli presents the good career goals, case of the divine introduction, Pope Julius II who was renowned for his uncompromising active manner of tackling problems. Career Goals! [17] Machiavelli does admit that Julius was only lucky because the circumstances he faced happened to favour boldness but his main concern ‘[. ] here is to give an activist, rather than a passivist interpretation of communication health, human action. Even though fortuitous events occur in the world, humans should do their utmost to cope with them, but always within the bounds of their given humour and temperament. Goals Essay! [18] ’ Machiavelli makes his point very clear in one of the most famous and controversial passages of The Prince : ‘Ich ziehe also die Schlu?folgerung, da?, da das Gluck wechselt und die Menschen an ihren Methoden festhalten, sie erfolgreich sind, solange beide ubereinstimmen und sie erfolglos sind, wenn sie nicht ubereinstimmen. Doch halte ich es fur besser, sturmisch als besonnen zu sein; denn Fortuna ist ein Weib und es ist notwendig, wenn man sie niederhalten will, sie zu schlagen und zu sto?en. Communication Essay! Man sieht auch, da? sie sich von denen, die so verfahren, eher besiegen la?t, als von jenen, die mit kuhlem Kopf vorgehen; daher ist sie als Weib stets den Junglingen zugetan, weil diese weniger besonnen und sturmischer sind und ihr mit gro?erer Kuhnheit befehlen. Good Essay! [19] ’ Human action, according to Machiavelli, depends on both human initiative and the favour of Fortune.

When a youth hits and shoves her, it is still Fortune who allows this to happen. Without her consent, he would not have been able to do so and, in cheater, this context, humans become Fortune’s toy, even though they may not be aware of goals essay, this. 2.3. Web Book Report Summary! How well did the Elizabethans know Machiavelli’s work? Even though Machiavelli’s The Prince was not officially available in English until 1640, there is substantial evidence that his work was known in career goals essay, England well before that particular year, as Bawcutt points out in the following: ‘There are only essay reflection a few allusions to Machiavelli in England before about 1570, not all of them hostile, usually made by men of learning who had actually visited Italy.

From 1570 onwards, the allusions are much more frequent, but usually in a context of political and religious controversy [. Good! ] [20] ’It was not even really necessary for the texts to be available in English, even though humanist scholars had translated a wide range of classical and charlotte's web book report temporary works into goals English. Italian influences (literature, art, etc.) were quite strong at the divine wind, the time, and even if someone actually was not able to read Italian, there always was the possibility of reading either a translation or a discussion of Machiavelli’s work (eg. in French). The discussion of Machiavelli’s work in England was lively but it suffered from the hardly avoidable inaccuracies brought about by translation. ‘We know that Machiavelli’s work was frequently garbled; we also know that his works circulated widely and essay were translated into several languages, so that garbling was not merely the result of ignorance, though this was certainly a factor, and I am sure that many Elizabethans used the essayeur automobile, term ‘Machiavellian’ much in career goals, the way that words like ‘Freudian’ or ‘Marxist’ are used at nursing, present by people who may not have read either writer. [21] ’ However, the crucial event, in career goals essay, the evaluation of Machiavelli’s was the massacre of the French protestant Huguenots in Paris. Schieder explains: ‘[. Communication In Mental Health Essay! ] das Epochenjahr fur das Verhaltnis des westeuropaischen Protestantismus ist das jahr 1572 gewesen, das jahr der Bartholomausnacht, die in ihrer Verbindung von List und Grausamkeit als der klassische Fall von machiavellistischer Politik empfunden wurde. Von jetzt an good career essay ist der Stab endgultig gebrochen; sein Name wird das Symbol fur das bose Prinzip in der Politik, und wird, losgelost vom Boden der machiavellistischen Schriften, eine eigentumliche, selbstandig wirkende Kraft. [22] ’ People in Elizabethan England could not have agreed more with this assessment of Machiavelli who for them was associated with cruelty and broken promises. The massacre of the Protestant Huguenots in France also had a more concrete dimension for the Elizabethans.

They saw it primarily as a Catholic crime and when the relations between England and Spain started to deteriorate in the 1580s, a Spanish invasion became an equally realistic and fearful scenario. People in England added up their numbers and concluded that they would meet with the same fate as the essayeur automobile, Huguenots in France. After all, the Spanish King had openly welcomed how they had been dealt with. Good Essay! It was not until after the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 that the threat of architectural on old age home, a Spanish invasion was finally off the good career, cards. The parts of Machiavelli’s work which most shocked Elizabethan readers, were chapters 17 (why it is necessary to be cruel under certain circumstances) and 18 (keeping and breaking promises) of the homework cheater, Prince, which they interpreted as a guide for tyrants.

At the good goals essay, beginning of 3 Henry VI , Richard is portrayed as a soldier, proud of what he has achieved in battle, but unrestrained by homework, any moral scruples. He, the youngest son, is respected for his courage by his father who claims ‘Richard hath best deserved of all my sons. [23] ’ Young as Richard is, he does not stand back and goals essay let his elders make decisions. Essayeur! It is he who suggests that they stay in good career, Parliament House, who mocks King Henry and tells his father to take Henry’s crown. Richard: ‘You are old enough now, and yet, methinks, you lose. Father, tear the crown from the usurper’s head. [24] ’ In 3 Henry VI , I.2, Richard begins to nursing, contest his brother Edward’s position of supremacy. Good Essay! It is he who persuades his father to break the oath he has given to the king and brushes aside all moral issues which stand against doing so. Richard argues that his father is the rightful king and, therefore, should not hesitate to take with force what really belongs to him. Communication Health! ‘Moreover, this infant prodigy is given a speech which is to goals, be the clue to the whole of his subsequent career, as the dramatist sees it. [25] ’ Richard’s line of argumentation is essay introduction truly Machiavellian: Richard: ‘An oath is of no moment, being not took. Before a true and lawful magistrate. That hath authority over him that swears.

Henry had none, but did usurp the place. Then, seeing ’twas he that made you depose, Your oath, my lord, is career essay vain and frivolous. The Divine Wind Essay Introduction! [26] ’ Richard goes on good career essay, to pledge that he will not rest until the the divine essay, crown of Henry VI firmly rests on his father’s head: Richard: ‘Therefore to arms! And, father, do but think. How sweet a thing it is to career, wear a crown, Within whose circuit is Elysium. And all that poets feign of bliss and joy.

Why do we linger thus? I cannot rest. Until the white rose that I wear be dy’d. Even in the lukewarm blood of gibbs essay, Henry’s heart. Goals Essay! [27] ’ Even though Richard is so openly obsessed with the crown, it is important to stress that, at least at this point, he does not want the crown for himself but for architectural thesis age home his father whom he worships. ‘Love for his father is the sole token of humanity shown by Shakespeare’s Richard in the whole course of his career. [28] ’ Richard is also very proud of him as the career goals essay, following suggests: Richard: ‘Methinks, ’tis prize enough to be his son. [29] ’ The news of his father’s death after the battle of architectural age home, Wakefield leaves him unable to. weep and burning for revenge. Richard: ‘To weep is to make less the depth of grief.

Tears then for babes; blows and revenge for me! Richard, I bear thy name. I’ll venge thy death, Or die renowned attempting it. [30] ’ As far as the last two lines are concerned, Richard will keep his vow, even though his renown will be of some darker kind. Essay! The death of his father has deprived Richard of the only person who ever loved him. Furthermore, the loss of his father has profound psychological consequences on Richard, even though these will not become apparent until the second scene of the the divine, third act. ‘Not till Richard has lost his father, does he begin to invoke his bodily deformity as a thing which sets him apart from his fellows. There is goals nobody now to love and praise him; he is no longer the ‘valiant crook-back prodigy’ whose grumbling voice is so dear to the creature he most admired. Hence forth, he is summary a man apart. [31] ’ In the meantime, the fortune of good career goals essay, battle has turned, and King Henry VI has been taken prisoner [32] . Richard’s enthusiasm at these new developments is rather limited, even though he disguises the communication health, fact. ‘Then with an appalling abruptness he breaks into his first soliloquy. It is a coup de theatre . Richard has fought heart and soul to goals, make his father king.

But here, in his father’s place, is his brother. Edward is a lusty blockhead, wooing a sweet widow for his pleasure, though he is in policy pledged to seek a French alliance. [33] ’ Elizabeth Grey who requests Edward to gibbs essay reflection, return the land of career goals, her dead husband makes such a positive impression on gibbs essay reflection, him that he decides to marry her and career goals essay make her Queen of England. [34] Edward’s decision to marry Elizabeth Grey is to end the unity between the three brothers who have, so far, fought together, to establish and architectural thesis on old preserve the career, dynasty of the essayeur, House of York. Although his two elder brothers and good essay their unborn children are before him in the line of succession, Richard decides that he wants the throne for himself, cost it what it will. Richard: ‘So do I wish the crown, being so far of; And so do I chide the means that keeps me from it; And so, I say, I’ll cut the causes off,

Flattering me with impossibilities. [35] ’ Now, for the first time, Richard thinks about his deformity, which had not been an issue while his father was still alive and, realising that it will cut him off from earthly pleasures, he determines that he will not rest until he is homework cheater king: Richard: ‘Then, since this earth affords no joy to me. But to command, to good career, check, to o’erbear such. As are of better person than myself, I’ll make my heaven to dream upon the crown, And whiles I live, t’account this world but hell, Until my mis-shap’d trunk that bears this head. Be round impaled with a glorious crown. [36] ’ The following lines show Richard’s intention of homework, achieving his aims by deceit and good murder and ‘[. ] express the very core of what an Elizabethan audience would recognise as Machiavellian doctrine, as practised by Italian despots, and by the French queen-mother in the treacherous Massacre of St Bartholomew in 1572. [37] ’ Richard: ‘Why, I can smile, and murder while I smile, And cry “Content” to what grieves my heart, And whet my cheeks with artificial tears,

And frame my face to all occasions. I’ll drown more sailors than the mermaid shall; I’ll play the orator as well as Nestor, Deceive more slily than Ulysses could, And, like Sinon, take another Troy. I can add colors to the chameleon, Change shapes with Proteus for advantages, And set the murderous Machiavel to school. [38] ’ At the moment, however, there is not much that Richard can do to achieve his aim. The most important thing for the time being is to in mental health, keep his brother on the throne.

Richard has to be loyal to his brother for the moment, in order to career goals, be able to carry out his own plans, later. Cheater! Edward’s marriage to career goals, Lady Grey causes the King of nursing, France, to whose sister Edward was betrothed, to switch his allegiance to the House of Lancaster. Career Essay! It also causes Warwick and Clarence to defect. Richard, however, stays. ‘The defection of Clarence and homework cheater Warwick to the cause of Lancaster provides him with further occasion to display his energy and resource. Good Goals Essay! Edward is captured by the Lancastrians and on old age home King Henry is restored to the throne. Richard rescues his brother and urges him to reclaim at once the crown he has lost. Good Goals! [39] ’ Richard’s patience is finally rewarded at the battle of Tewkesbury. Architectural Thesis On Old Age Home! The death of Prince Edward leaves King Henry the last remaining obstacle between Edward and the throne. Goals! It is symptomatic for Richard’s decisiveness that, after the battle, in truly Machiavellian style, he immediately rides to London in thesis on old age home, order to take charge of the problem personally.

Richard’s killing of King Henry marks his first political murder and his comments referring to it are very cynical: Richard: ‘See how my sword weeps for the poor king’s death! Oh, may such purple tears be alway shed. From those that wish the downfall of good essay, our house! If any spark of life be yet remaining, Down, down to hell, and say I sent thee thither. [40] ’ From now on Richard’s mind is free to focus on automobile, the goal which he has set for himself: the crown of England. ‘And in his final soliloquy in good goals, this play he reaffirms his resolve to remove both Edward and Clarence from his path, and again, in Machiavellian terms, emphasises his immunity to charlotte's web book report, normal human weakness. [41] ’ Richard: ‘I have no brother, I am like no brother, And this word “love” which greybeards call divine, Be resident in men like one another. And not in me. I am myself alone.

Clarence, beware. Thou keep’st me from the light; But I will sort a pitchy day for thee; For I will buzz abroad such prophesies. That Edward shall be fearful of good career goals essay, his life, And then, to purge his fear, I’ll be thy death. King Henry and the Prince his son are gone; Clarence, thy turn is next, and the divine wind essay then the rest, Counting myself but bad till I be best. [42] ’ In the last scene Edward, surrounded by his wife, baby boy and brothers, believes he has achieved a lasting peace which he hopes to good career goals essay, pass on to his heir.

In an reflection aside Richard threatens to goals, destroy the child after the death of his elder brother Edward. Richard: ‘I’ll blast his harvest, if your head were laid; [43] ’ He feigns love but at the same time reveals his true feelings. Richard: ‘To say the truth, so Judas kiss’d his master; And cried “All hail” when as he meant all harm. [44] ’ By the end of the play, Richard has freed himself from all remains of conventional morality and so the stage is set for summary the plot of good goals essay, Richard III. At the beginning of Richard III , the overall situation seems to be peaceful. The civil war between the Houses of Lancaster and wind essay introduction York is over and Richard’s brother Edward is goals king of England. Everybody at court seems to be settling down to the new situation of gibbs essay reflection, peace – everybody apart from Richard, who has not forgotten, what he had committed himself to at the end of 3 Henry VI , after he had killed King Henry in the Tower.

He makes this very clear in his opening soliloquy: Richard: ‘Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace, Have no delight to pass away the time, Unless to see my shadow in the sun. And descant on my own deformity. And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover.

To entertain these fair well-spoken days, I am determined to good essay, prove a villain. And hate the idle pleasures of these days. [45] ’ Richard’s contempt for the new situation of peace is cheater easily explained: war was the good essay, only time, when Richard’s services were appreciated and web book he was met with respect for good essay his courage and determination, instead of with scorn for automobile his deformity. Good Career Goals Essay! Now that the war is cheater over, he realises that, from good goals essay now on, his deformity [46] will again become the essay, focus of attention. However, instead of career essay, despairing over the unlikeliness of a woman’s love for him, he decides to prove a villain. This decision is not a sudden angry reaction out of frustration, but rather a rationally considered moral choice. ‘Die Monologe Gloucesters sind kalte rationale Uberlegungen uber die nachsten Schritte von einer Machiavelli nahekommenden Kraft der Analyse politischer Situationen [. ]. [47] ’ It is also important to stress that Richard is not a victim of his deformity. Rather, he is motivated by his moral deformity and thus his moral choice becomes an outward expression of it. The way in which Shakespeare describes Richard’s moral choice and the ensuing consequences indicates his own view of one of the most controversial innovations of humanist thought: the idea of individual freedom. Although everybody had a God-given place in the framework of society, you were still free to excel in any particular field or occupation you happened to be good at. This understanding of individualism was also reflected in the Renaissance concept of art: basically everything which required a certain degree of skill was considered an art. The Divine Essay Introduction! Even though the Renaissance broadened the view of career, what mankind was able to cheater, achieve, this new individualism also had its darker side.

People suddenly started to realise the moral implications of individual freedom and this is career why the emphasis on virtuous action, as one of the wind introduction, main goals of learning, became a fundamental principle of humanism. Good Career Goals! Virtue thus became a standard against which everything would be checked. One of the most important novelties which had been brought about by humanism was a new assessment of the position of the individual, as Michael Maurer explains in the following: ‘Wahrend in essay, der Uberlieferung vor allem das blinde Schicksal, der Kampf des Einzelnen gegen das Rad der Fortuna, das einen heute nach oben treibt und morgen fallen la?t, strukturbildend waren, wurde nun im Zeitalter von Shakespeare die Autonomie des Individiums starker betont. [48] ’ This, foremostly, applied to the ‘de casibus’-tragedy. You still had the rise-and-fall pattern inspired by Senecan tragedy but ambition no longer automatically led to the protagonist’s doom. The focus of attention now lay in his motivation. In this context, ambition no longer had to career, be bad from the the divine essay introduction, start.

Instead, everything boiled down to good career goals, the motivation of the protagonist and web book the lawfulness of the means which he applied. As far as the good goals, Elizabethans were concerned, Richard, like Machiavelli, was far removed from any conventional notion of morality or virtue. [49] ‘Richard as a character expresses Shakespeare’s fascination with the possibility of a creative, self-assertive individuality [. ]. But as a figure exercising his egoistic freedom in gibbs essay reflection, the world of other men, Richard presents to Shakespeare the possibilities of terror and destruction which can accompany that freedom. The grotesque proportions of Richard’s evil reflect Shakespeare’s radical distrust of the individual not controlled by a divine moral plan. [50] ’ Richard does not feel bound by any authority whatsoever. He is completely self-centered and also very straight-forward about his goals. Right from the start he pursues his aims one by good goals essay, one, disregarding all questions of morality. Health! The end for him always justifies the means. On the whole, the way in which Richard proceeds throughout his notorious career, for good career people living in Elizabethan England, was the essence of how they understood Machiavellian power politics. To them, Machiavelli, had been an advocate of gibbs, cold-blooded murder as a legitimate means of pragmatic policies. Clarence is totally deceived by goals essay, Richard’s pretended concern and compassion for his plight. Richard at once lays the charlotte's summary, blame for the arrest of his naive brother on the queen and her family.

Richard: ‘Why, this is when men are ruled by women. ’Tis not the good essay, king that sends you to the tower. [51] ’ He tells Clarence that she had likewise been responsible for the imprisonment of Hastings, who is about to be released, thanks to architectural on old, the influence of the king’s mistress, Jane Shore. An interesting detail in Richard’s line of argumentation, here, is the element of witchcraft. Richard had brought it up earlier, in good career goals, 3 Henry VI , when he talked about his deformity, and that his mother was to blame for it. Clarence is no match for Richard’s supreme intelligence. He had been outraged at his brother Edward’s marriage to Elizabeth Grey and Richard only has to fuel his brother’s hatred and suspicion of the reflection, queen, at the same time drawing away suspicion from himself.

When he says good-bye to his brother he pretends that he will do everything in his power to help Clarence. Richard: ‘We are the queen’s abjects and career must obey. Brother, farewell. I will unto the king, And whatsoe’er you will employ me in,

Were it to call King Edward’s widow sister, I will perform it to enfranchise you. Meanwhile, this deep disgrace in brotherhood. touches me deeper than you can imagine. Thesis! [52] ’ Clarence is deceived into career goals believing that Richard will do everything to secure his release and Clarence will continue to think so right until the murderers tell him who really sent them. Web Book Report Summary! [53] Richard, however, is only prepared to help his brother to an early grave. Richard: ‘Go, tread the path that thou shalt ne’er return.

Simple, plain Clarence, I do love thee so. That I will shortly send thy soul heaven, If heaven will take the present at our hands. [54] ’ The last sentence, here, is an allusion to Clarence’s own past record of villainies and betrayals. In 3 Henry VI , he had first betrayed his brother, then Warwick, and then he had participated in the killing of King Henry’s son Edward. [55] ‘Thus Clarence pays the debt of his kind. He has played the good career goals essay, game and inevitably pays his forfeit – cruel to his enemies, false to his friends, unequal in force or cunning to his brilliant brother. He excites our compassion without moving our hearts. [56] ’ Richard’s next step is to find himself a future queen. His obvious choice is Anne, because, as the widow of the gibbs essay reflection, last Prince of Wales, she embodies the claims of the goals essay, House of report, Lancaster.

Apart from that, she would also make a beautiful trophy and essay Richard could demonstrate that he was able to architectural thesis on old, win her, despite his deformity and her hatred for goals essay him. In the end, she proved to be the ultimate proving ground for his talents as a dissembler, another key feature of the Machiavellian villain. According to Keeton this scene ‘[. ] is inserted with the gibbs essay, deliberate intention of showing how completely Richard has mastered the Machiavellian technique. It also strikingly illustrates the fact that although everything which Richard does is evil, and although his appearance is repulsive and Margaret habitually describes him as a monster, he is nevertheless generally trusted, has a reputation for blunt honesty and fidelity, and even has made himself attractive to women. Equally notable is the fact that whenever he is good career goals taxed with some crime, his explanation is prompt and plausible. The whole scene with Anne emphasises his mental agility and his readiness in repartee, and by gibbs essay reflection, the end of it even she has succumbed to the overpowering charm which he uses with such effect, and career goals essay with such supreme insincerity; [. ] [57] ’ Anne is, however, still intelligent enough to have sincere doubts over Richard’s feelings. Anne: ‘I would I knew thy heart. Richard: Tis figured in my tongue. Anne: I fear me both are false. [58] ’ Anne is a widow in medieval England. Homework! This means that there are only two options open to good career goals essay, her: either to remarry or to spend the rest of her life in architectural thesis, a cloister.

Richard offered a lot of advantages in spite of the grief that he had caused her. With this in mind, it is goals essay not too difficult to imagine, that in the end she simply chose ‘the devil she knew’ as the lesser evil. Essayeur Automobile! However, as Spivack points out, there were also other reasons for good essay Shakespeare to put the wooing scene into the play. ‘She stimulates his most brilliant achievement [. ] because she is cheater his most difficult undertaking, the abhorrence for the murderer of career goals essay, her husband and essay her royal father in law corresponding to the more abstract enmity of virtue to vice that puts the vice of the moralities on goals essay, his mettle when faced with the equivalent situation. Shakespeare exploits this traditional crux to the uttermost by allowing Richard to intrude upon her at the moment the most hopelessly inauspicious for his enterprise, when she is following the thesis, corpse of murdered King Henry to its burial, her grief mingled with curses against the author of good career goals essay, it. So contrived to extend his skill, the scene is on old Richard’s masterpiece [. ] At the end Anne has made the same moral reversal that marked the good goals, career of Mankind and all his descendants: she has thrown over her alliance with virtue and united herself to evil. [59] ’ Although Anne, at first, was Richard’s fiercest adversary, she finally succumbs to him, because she is human. Even if the reasons of the homework, real Anne to marry Richard, probably were a lot more pragmatic, Shakespeare makes it look as if Anne was just a challenge for Richard’s superb wit.

As Palmer points out, ‘Richard’s wooing may be dictated by political necessity, but its prime purpose for the dramatist is to show Richard’s insolent virtuosity in good career goals essay, persuasion, his delight in the exercise of his mind and will, his pride in thesis on old, attempting the good career goals essay, impossible and his triumph in his achievement. The reasons which Richard gives for the attempt are secondary. Here was a challenge to his wit which, apart from any question of expediency, was irresistible. [60] ’ Richard’s victory over essayeur automobile Anne was a great one indeed. Even though she had been so violently hostile at the beginning of the scene, he still managed to win her but, in spite of career essay, his joy, he had nothing but contempt for her. On top of that, his victory over her is also one over God and homework cheater the latter makes him especially proud of his achievement. Good Goals Essay! Therefore, from his morally deformed perspective, he has every reason to be delighted with himself and thus he celebrates accordingly: Richard: ‘Was ever woman in this humour wooed? Was ever woman in this humour won? I’ll have her, but I will not keep her long.

What, I that killed her husband and his father, To take her in her heart’s extremest hate. With curses in her mouth, tears in homework cheater, her eyes, The bleeding witness of her hatred by, Having God, her conscience, and these bars against me,

And I no friends to back my suit withal. But the good goals essay, plain devil and the dissembling looks? And yet to win her, all the world to nothing! Even though Anne repeatedly refers to Richard’s dissembling nature, she still cannot resist him. [62] Richard overcomes overwhelming odds against her in truly Machiavellian style: Anne literally becomes an embodiment of Fortune and Richard beats down her defences. [63] 7. Richard plants discord at court. Richard’s next step towards his goal is to web book summary, rid himself of Clarence, at the same time putting the blame on the queen.

In a game of cat and mouse he taunts her until she threatens that she will complain to Edward, thus giving Richard the opportunity to remind everyone how much Edward owes him. Richard: ‘Ere you were queen, ay, or your husband king, I was a pack-horse in his great affairs, A weeder-out of good goals, his adversaries, A liberal rewarder of his friends.

To royalize his blood I spent mine own. [64] ’ At the homework cheater, same time he denies having any ambitions to become king. Richard: ‘If I should be? I had rather be a pedlar. Far be it from my heart, the goals essay, thought thereof. [65] ’ With a brilliant display of acting, Richard has managed to reverse the roles and turn the charlotte's report, queen herself into a calculating ‘Machiavel’. Thus he has given her a motive for getting rid of both Clarence and himself. Richard’s accusations culminate in reminding her that both her former husband and her brother had fought for the House of good goals, Lancaster in the past war. Suddenly, the queen has treason looming over her head. Communication Health Essay! [66] Throughout the whole scene, Richard proves to career goals, be a superb actor. First he plays the unjustly accused, then he, in turn, accuses the queen and her family of Clarence’s imprisonment and secret plotting. He rounds off a masterly performance by cheater, pretending only to be a plain man, who cannot flatter and goals the pious man who is health nursing essay too kind-hearted to good goals, get on the divine wind, in the world. Good Essay! [67] ‘Er stellt sich hin als der Edle, Einfache in dieser schlimmen Welt.

Es ist das Antichrist-Thema: der Schlimmste hat das Gesicht, die Maske des Heiligen angenommen. [68] ’ After the others have gone, Richard rejoices at how convincingly he has managed to deceive them. Richard: ‘I do the wrong, and first begin to thesis, brawl. The secret mischiefs that I set abroach. I lay into the grievous charge of others. [69] ’ Richard: ‘And thus I clothe my naked villainy. With odd old ends stol’n forth of holy writ, And seem a saint when most I play the devil. [70] ’ As Keeton has pointed out, this skill of Richard’s as a dissembler was understood in Elizabethan England as one of the principle character traits of the Machiavellian villain: ‘[. ] in spite of his deformity, almost everyone falls victim to his charm of manner and persuasive tongue. [71] ’ At the end of the scene, Richard seals the fate of his brother Clarence when he hands the execution warrant to good goals essay, the two murderers who then promptly set off towards the Tower. This means, that throughout the whole scene he must have had the execution warrant in his pocket, and still he had no scruples about casting the blame on automobile, others.

The beginning of act II sees Edward on his deathbed. He has gathered the warring factions at his court in a last desperate attempt to unite them and all those who are present, comply with this request – or at least pretend to. When Richard enters, he pretends to join in the cordial mood and essay even takes the lead. Charlotte's Report! ‘On Richard’s face, love glows more brightly than on career, any other. [72] ’ In reality, however, he is only waiting for essayeur automobile the right moment to break the career essay, news of the divine wind essay, Clarence’s death. He does not have to wait long. When the queen asks her husband, to include his imprisoned brother in these reconciliations, Richard pretends to goals essay, take offence: Richard: ‘Why, madam, have I offered love for this, To be so flouted in this royal presence? Who knows not that the gentle Duke is dead? [73] ’ The news of Clarence’s death leaves the essayeur, king and all the people around him shocked and stunned. From one moment to good goals essay, another, Richard has shattered both the king’s optimism and the cordial mood at court. [74] ‘It is one of the fine dramatic moments of the play, with Buckingham whispering, ‘look I so pale, Lord Dorset, as the in mental, rest?’ Dread and suspicion divorce his nobles in an instant while in the soul of the good, dying king bitterness marries despair. [75] ’ The king cannot understand that Clarence was executed because he himself had revoked the order but Richard explains: Richard: ‘But he (poor man) by your first order died, And that a wing’d Mercury did bear;

Some tardy cripple bare the homework cheater, countermand, That came too lag to good career, see him buried. [76] ’ The irony here, of architectural, course, is that Richard actually was both the ‘winged Mercury’ and the ‘cripple’, although one has to admit that he most certainly was not tardy in the way he proceeded. The grief over career his brother’s death and his own guilt is too much for Edward and soon afterwards he is led away by his queen. Richard pretends to be the charlotte's, decent man and essay casts further suspicion on cheater, the queen’s family. Richard: ‘This is the good career, fruits of rashness. Marked you not. How the guilty kindred of the gibbs essay, queen. Looked pale when they did hear of goals essay, Clarence’s death? Oh, they did urge it still unto the king. God will revenge it.

Come, lords, will you go. To comfort Edward with our company. [77] ’ Only a short while later, the queen announces the king’s death. With Clarence dead and Edward’s son, Prince Edward too young to rule, Richard has come a step closer to his goal. He is to be Lord Protector. Soon afterwards, Richard and the others arrange for young Prince Edward to be taken to essay, London. However, after the others have left, Richard and Buckingham reveal that they are playing a totally different game. Buckingham proposes to separate the queen’s relatives from the young prince and, for the moment, Richard will all too gladly pretend to accept a back-seat and leave everything to Buckingham. 8. Goals Essay! Richard paves his own way to essayeur automobile, the crown. Richard’s principal accomplice on his way to the throne is Buckingham.

His reasons for essay siding with Richard are pure calculation and thus entirely egoistic and Buckingham becomes Richard’s principal henchman. ‘Buckingham was privy to all Richard’s plans. He was the counsellor, instrument and wind introduction crony to his master. So devout is his admiration for Richard that he becomes infected with his hero’s manners and methods. He imitates with zest Richard’s radiant hypocrisy and abrupt violence. When Queen Elizabeth sends her son to sanctuary, it is Buckingham who, in the very accents of Richard, argues that it would be no sin to drag him forth. Sanctuary, he maintains, was never designed to keep children away from their lawful guardians: [78] ’ Buckingham ‘You are too senseless, obstinate my lord, Too ceremonious and traditional. Weigh it but with the grossness of good career, this age. You break no sanctuary in seizing him.

The benefit thereof is always granted. To those whose dealings have deserved the place. And those who have the wit to claim the place. This prince hath neither claimed nor deserved it, And therefore, in mine opinion, cannot have it. Then taking him from thence that is not there,

You break no privilege nor charter there. Oft have I heard of sanctuary men, But sanctuary children ne’er till now. [79] ’ Furthermore, it is also Buckingham who insists that Hastings should join the party sent to remove Prince Edward’s younger brother from church sanctuary at Westminster, where he is staying with his mother. Buckingham: ‘If she deny, Lord Hastings, go with him. And from her jealous arms pluck him perforce. [80] ’ From an Elizabethan perspective, everything Buckingham says here is ‘Machiavellian’ to the core: Buckingham issues orders to snatch a child , currently under protection of church sanctuary from the essay, arms of his mother , only for goals the sake of essayeur automobile, political pragmatism and Wolfgang Clemen illustrates, ‘[. ] hier wird heiliges und in der Tradition verankertes Recht mit spitzfindiger Begrundung gebrochen. Shakespeare la?t uberdies bei seinem Appell an career goals den Kardinal sich auf „the grossness of the age“ (46) berufen, eine sehr bezeichnende, in der Quelle nicht gegebene Hinzufugung Shakespeares. Buckingham will sagen: Verglichen mit der „Rohheit des Zeitalters“, und unter Anlegung der Ma?stabe, mit denen in communication in mental health nursing, solcher Zeit derartige Aktionen beurteilt werden, wurde der Kardinal, wenn er den Prinzen gewaltsam aus dem Asyl heraushole, kein Unrecht begehen. – In dieser Wendung und in dem Vorwurf, der Kardinal sei „too ceremonious and traditional“ (45) liegt ein charakteristischer Hinweis auf jene neue politische Moral, die Shakespeare wiederholt an Richard zeigt und die mit dem „englischen“ Machiavellismus in Verbindung gebracht werden kann. [81] ’ Buckingham’s eagerness to please his master allows Richard to stay in the background, and Richard deceives Buckingham into believing that they are partners. ‘There are moments when Buckingham seems to work for Richard from pure love of the sport. [82] ’ You can, however, not say that Buckingham acts for entirely unselfish reasons. Good Career Essay! Richard simply knows how to motivate his ‘partner’: Richard: ‘And look when I am king, claim thou of thesis on old, me. The earldom of Hereford and all the movables.

Whereof the good goals essay, king my brother was possessed. Buckingham: I’ll claim that promise at your grace’s hand. Richard: And look to have it yielded with all kindness. Communication In Mental Nursing Essay! [83] ’ Buckingham is the good goals, perfect Machiavellian agent [84] . He does the dirty work for essay reflection Richard and if something goes wrong, Richard can easily find a pretext to get rid of good goals essay, him, while at the same time, he secures Buckingham’s loyal services with the prospect of gibbs essay, granting him favours in the future. After the two princes have been sent to stay in the Tower, under the pretext of their ‘safety’, Buckingham and Richard direct their attention towards the only person who could still cross Richard’s plans to become king: Hastings. Hastings, for Richard, is the key figure in gaining control of the good essay, two princes. He is the former chamberlain of King Edward, and gibbs as such he has enjoyed a good relationship with both of good career essay, Edward’s sons [85] . One indication for this is, that Prince Edward is very disappointed not to see Hastings when he arrives in London. [86] Another is, that Buckingham is eager to have Hastings in the party which is gibbs essay sent to remove young York from sanctuary. [87] Hastings’s good relations to the young princes allow Richard a much easier access to them. Although Hastings is prepared to help Richard become Protector, he draws the line when asked by Catesby to help Richard to the crown. From that point on, Hastings is no longer of good goals, any use to Richard and Richard makes quite clear how he will deal with Hastings if he does not comply. Buckingham: ‘What shall we do if we perceive. Lord Hastings will not yield to our complots?

Richard: Chop off his head. Automobile! [88] ’ Richard has prepared the removal of Hastings very carefully. Good Career Essay! It is on old age home all to happen at a council meeting where the date for the coronation of Prince Edward is to career goals, be decided. Knowing that Hastings will oppose Richard’s plans to seize the crown, Richard has to communication, move quickly – before Edward can be crowned. Hastings is foolish enough to doubt the evidence and provokes an outburst in which Richard accuses Hastings of essay, treachery for defending his mistress and condemns him to death. Hastings: ‘If they have done this deed, my noble lord – Richard: If? Thou protector of this damned strumpet, Talk’st thou to cheater, me of ifs? Thou art a traitor. Off with his head! Now by Saint Paul I swear, I will not dine until I see the same. [89] ’ Richard leaves the others in career, the room no time to answer and orders everyone who is on the divine, his side to leave the room with him.

Hastings is led away to good goals, his execution immediately afterwards. [90] His lamentations are mercilessly cut short by in mental health essay, Ratcliffe and Lovell and Cornelia Czach illustrates: ‘Durch den Wahnwitz eines solchen menschenverachtenden Zynismus schon im kleinsten Handlanger des Teufels gewinnt auch die Sterbeszene Zuge einer grotesken Persiflage. Der schwarze Komodiant Richard la?t seinen Opfern nicht einmal mehr die Zeit, zu beichten und eine Sterberede zu halten wie in good, der Tragodie. Er ist stets in Eile und verwirklicht seine Plane schnell und uberraschend, fur das Verweilen der Tragodie in thesis on old, Pathos und Emotion hat er, der gefuhllose Rationalist, keine Mu?e. [91] ’ With the removal of good career goals, Hastings, Richard’s path to the crown is gibbs reflection as good as free. The swift and stern manner in which Richard had dealt with Hastings had demonstrated to the other nobles that he was no one to be messed with. All he has to do now is to find a way to persuade the citizens that he alone is the rightful heir to good essay, the throne of England. With his next tactical move, to reflection, persuade the citizens of London that Edward’s children are bastards and that Richard is, therefore, the rightful heir to the throne, Richard does not meet with his accustomed success. If Richard cannot be made king by popular acclaim he must be presented in a different light – the devout man reluctant to accept the proffered throne. Buckingham: ‘Ah ha, my lord, this prince is not an Edward. He is not lulling on a lewd love-bed.

But on his knees at meditation, Not dallying with a brace of good goals, courtesans. But meditating with two deep divines, Not sleeping to engross his idle body. But praying to enrich his watchful soul. Happy were England, would this virtuous prince. Take on his grace the sovereignty thereof, But sure I fear we shall not win him to it. [92] ’ Richard feigns reluctance to meet the mayor and aldermen, and finally he appears with a prayer book in charlotte's web book report summary, his hand, flanked by two bishops. ‘There are no bishops present in the gallery scene as Holinshed describes it, it is good essay Shakespeare who has amplified the scene iconographically, in accordance with his portrait of Richard as a master of deceptive stage management. Homework! [93] ’ As far as England is concerned, the image of a king flanked by two bishops had its origins in the myth of King Arthur. ‘Geoffrey of Monmouth described Arthur brought to his coronation by two bishops. Good Goals Essay! [94] ’ From an Elizabethan perspective, Richard had thus profaned both the holy institution of kingship and the Tudor dynasty. [95] However, as Naumann points out, the significance of this scene also has a more abstract level. Architectural Thesis Age Home! ‘Der Akzent der Darstellung liegt auch hier nicht auf der menschlichen Entwicklung, sondern eher auf der Vorfuhrung abstrahierter Tugenden oder Laster, wie der Heuchelei, die in Richard verkorpert ist, und die sich in das Gewand der Tugend gekleidet hat. [96] ’ When Richard appears on the gallery with a prayer book in his hand, flanked by goals essay, two bishops, he plays the part of the simple, pious, tender-hearted prince who is more concerned with religion and meditation than with politics. This whole part of the architectural thesis age home, scene also reflects a crucial point which Machiavelli had made: that what you seem to be is good more important than what you actually are [97] , and Wolfgang Clemen explains: ‘Nirgendwo ist die Ironie der Situation durch paradoxe Umkehrung aller Rollen so meisterhaft gehandhabt und so kunstvoll mit den verschiedenen Formen der Sprachironie mehrschichtig verbunden.

Nirgendwo haben wir auch eine so bewu?t durchgefuhrte Anwendung der „Verstellungsrhetorik“. Thesis On Old! An keiner anderen Stelle erleben wir „Richard den Schauspieler“ mit solcher Virtuositat in einer ad hoc „gestellten Szene“, fur die er selber gleichzeitig der Regisseur war. [98] ’ The last thing Richard would want to decline is the crown of England. However, he still has to fool the mayor and the citizens into believing that he has to good career, be persuaded into gibbs accepting the crown. In the end the astonishing display of acting of both Richard and Buckingham pays off. [99] Richard allows himself to be persuaded into accepting the good career essay, throne on the grounds of the illegitimacy of Edward’s son in order to save his dynasty. Buckingham: Your brother’s son shall never reign our king, But we will plant some other in the throne.

To the disgrace and downfall of your house. [100] ’ At last, Richard allows himself to the divine wind essay, be ‘persuaded’ into accepting the essay, throne. Richard: ‘Cousin of Buckingham, and sage, grave men, Since you will buckle fortune on my back, To bear the burden, whe’er I will or no, I must have patience to endure the load. [101] ’ Richard’s line of argumentation is religious to the core, even though he himself, of course, is not. As Bridget Gellert Lyons has shown, Richard’s language is essayeur automobile transformed into goals essay an image of gibbs essay, Christian patience and career endurance. ‘He suggests that the ‘burden’ of kingship which he is reluctantly agreeing to assume is gibbs essay reflection a cross which he has to good goals, bear, like his hunchback, or that he is like the emblem representing religious Hope as a man with Fortune’s wheel strapped to his back, who walks along, doubled over by his burden, yet supported by essayeur, his staff of Hope. Career Essay! [102] ’ The farce which both Richard and Buckingham have acted out so perfectly, thus, becomes an cheater inversion of traditional concepts of kingship. In the good career essay, second scene of the fourth act Richard is finally crowned. However, there is something very strange about this scene: Even though Richard is king there is a deep divide between him and the other people in web book, the room.

He is totally isolated as Bridget Gellert Lyons illustrates: ‘Mounted on the throne with great flourishing, presumably for the first time, he asks everyone but Buckingham to withdraw (‘Stand all apart.’ IV.2.1), thus dramatising in visual terms that his eminence is not the career essay, summit of society’s pyramid, but a lonely perch occupied by charlotte's summary, him alone in the temporary company of good career essay, his accomplice in crime. Essay! The royal seat of England, separated in this way from the society to which it is career meant to give order and coherence, becomes the private place where Richard plots the murder of the legitimate ruler, and where he is unable to assert his authority even over his accomplice. [103] ’ It now becomes obvious that Richard has a lot more talent as an architectural thesis on old age home actor than as a politician. He is in fact not quite as Machiavellian as the essay, Elizabethan cliche of the term would have suggested. After all, one of the most important points which Machiavelli had made was that a ruler should do everything he could in order to gain the support of the dominant social group. Once he had achieved that he was then supposed to maintain this support for the future. ‘Gut geordnete Staaten und kluge Fursten waren mit Eifer darauf bedacht, die Gro?en nicht zur Verzweiflung zu bringen, sowie das Volk zufriedenzustellen und bei guter Stimmung zu halten, denn dies ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben, die ein Furst hat. [104] ’ Furthermore, even though it was safer for health nursing essay a ruler to good career essay, be feared than loved, he was still supposed to avoid anything which might have incurred the hatred of the divine, his people. Good Career! [105] The latter was certainly not something you could have said about Richard who had already burnt his boats long before he actually managed to charlotte's web book, become king. ‘Richard the master of palace politics does everything possible to prevent himself from essay attaining his broad base in popular support, which in England was manifested in the strength of the nobility. [106] ’ Although Richard now has the the divine essay introduction, power, this power of good career, his lacks a proper base. In the end it is architectural thesis age home inevitable that he has to fall, as Wheeler illustrates. Good! ‘Richard, politically, ironically is the ‘bottled spider’ that Margaret calls him, able to homework, poison whomever ventures into his web, but not able to extend this web as a means of good career essay, embracing the power of the kingdom. [107] ’ As Moseley has argued, Richard is the exact opposite of a true king: he does not reconcile and he does not unite. ‘The opposite thesis of a true King is the goals essay, tyrant, for whom power and its exercise is merely selfish. Richard as King demonstrates in his tyranny the true nature of essayeur, Machiavellian ambition and ignoring of the moral law, and as we have seen, it is when he became King that he ceases to personate; he shows what he personally is. [108] ’ Especially this last aspect is drastically demonstrated in the dialogue between Richard and good essay Buckingham which immediately follows Richard’s coronation. Richard begins by charlotte's report, hinting that his position is good career goals essay endangered by the young Prince Edward. Richard: ‘But shall we wear these glories for a day? Or shall they last, and we rejoice in them? [109] When Buckingham is reluctant to follow him he comes straight to the point.

Richard: Cousin, thou was not wont to be so dull. Shall I be plain? I wish the bastards dead, And I would have it suddenly performed. [110] ’ Suddenly Richard’s language has changed: from courtly to essayeur automobile, brutally direct. When Buckingham hesitates he inadvertently seals his own fate. Richard had ‘played the touch’ to see how far his partner in essay, crime was prepared to go. Now it is Buckingham’s turn to draw the line. Until then he had just about managed to leave the murders to Richard, however deeply he may have been involved in the preceding plotting. Richard’s straight-forward request for Buckingham to organise the murder of the young princes catches his until then faithful follower totally by surprise. ‘Buckingham withdraws to think over Richard’s proposal, but Richard’s mind was made up at essayeur automobile, the first sign of hesitation in his confederate. He does not wait for Buckingham’s considered reply.

He has no use for a man who has a pitiful, small mind of his own. Good Career Essay! [111] ’ Buckingham is thus sidelined and his request, regarding the earldom which Richard had promised to him earlier, is harshly brushed off. Furthermore, Richard humiliates him by simply ignoring him. Architectural Thesis On Old Age Home! [112] In Machiavellian terms, this is Richard’s first political mistake as Machiavelli explains in the following: ‘Es gilt also festzustellen, da? man die Menschen entweder verwohnen oder vernichten mu?, denn fur leichte Demutigungen nehmen sie Rache, fur schwere konnen sie dies nicht tun; also mu? der Schaden, den man anderen zufugt, so gro? sein, da? man keine Rache zu furchten braucht. [113] ’ Buckingham will not forget how he has been treated by Richard and goals essay defect to Richmond’s side. When his forces are dispersed in the floods it will be the last time that Fortune does Richard a favour. Even though Buckingham is little more than a sorry imitation of gibbs, Richard there is a significant difference between the goals, two of them: Buckingham still has a tiny rest of the divine wind, fundamental goodness, a quality which Richard lacks entirely, as Cornelia Czach shows in the following: ‘Richard hingegen bekennt sich in good goals, damonischem Zynismus ehrlich, ohne sich irgendeine Legitimationsinstanz zu schaffen, zur Menschenverachtung als Bedingung erfolgreicher Machtpolitik und Kriegsstrategie, zum Machiavellistischen Gewaltprinzip. Communication In Mental Health! Konsequenter als alle anderen weist er jeden Moralkodex zuruck, der zu den Regeln seines eigenen Gesellschaftsspiels in Widerspruch steht, die er selbst setzt und auf die sich die anderen einlassen mussen. [114] ’ After Richard had forced Buckingham to show his cards, he turned to Tyrell and put him in charge of the crime which was to cement his reputation as the most notorious criminal in the history of English politics: the murder of the two little princes in the Tower.

While they were still alive they posed a constant threat to Richard’s reign. Therefore, it is very likely that Richard had already made up his mind about how to deal with them well before he actually became king, as Palmer explains: ‘Child murder is a political expedient on which countless generations of good, men in authority have based their privilege and power. [. ] All down the ages the successful politician has shown little or no reluctance to out-Herod Herod in his slaughter of the innocents. The crime of Richard is the secular crime of the power politician in communication essay, every age and there is a sense in which every political leader is a wicked uncle who kills little children in their beds. [115] ’ When Tyrell returns with the good career goals, news for Richard that the cheater, princes are dead, he describes how they were murdered in a remorseful soliloquy. Tyrell: ‘The tyrannous and bloody act is good goals essay done, The most arch deed of piteous massacre. That ever yet this land was guilty of. [116] ’ Tyrell is, in fact, the first to wind essay introduction, show any notion of guilt whatsoever since the murderers of goals essay, Clarence in the first act and, as Cornelia Czach has shown, this is gibbs essay reflection symptomatic for the overall atmosphere of the play.

‘In Richard III gibt es keinen Konflikt zwischen Gut und Bose; das Bose allein herrscht; von allen Seiten unterstutzt. Die Welt ist nicht aus den Angeln gehoben wie in der Tragodie, sondern gezeigt wird, wie diese Welt tatsachlich ist. Essay! Und so, wie sie ist, ist sie in sich intakt, stimmig und in sich geschlossen. Dem Zuschauer wird keine moralische Norm an communication health die Hand gegeben, die das Gegenteil von [Richard] Gloucester ist. Richard selber ist die Norm, der Prufstein vor dem sich die anderen Figuren enthullen und sich ihre eigene Zwielichtigkeit zu erkennen geben mussen. [117] ’ This is also why we do not feel any real sympathy with Richard’s victims – apart from the good goals, little princes. Most of them are themselves despicable, weak or eaten up by their own individual desire for personal advancement. After Tyrell has left Richard contemplates his achievements. Both of Edward’s sons are dead and Clarence’s children have also been rendered harmless. Furthermore, the web book summary, death of his wife Anne has opened the opportunity for him to marry Edward’s daughter Elizabeth, his last challenge to career essay, the throne.

Only if he manages to secure her mother’s consent would his reign be secure. Richard is totally aware of this fact as the frankness of his soliloquies shows [118] and architectural age home Wolfgang Clemen explains: ‘Der auf Tyrell’s Abgang folgende Monolog Richards ist ganz in der Technik des zusammenfassenden „Lageberichts“ oder der „Situationsuberschau“ [. ] [gehalten]. Durch die rasche summarische Aufzahlung der verschiedenen „Erfolge“, die jeweils mit einer einzigen Verszeile „abgetan“ werden, wird gleichzeitig betont, wie kaltblutig Richard hier Bilanz zieht. Sind die ersten vier Zeilen ruckwarts gewandt, so erhalten die folgenden (und abschlie?enden vier Zeilen die Ankundigung des nachsten Planes, wobei Richard zum letzten Mal seine Rolle mit ubermutiger Selbstironie (a jolly thriving wooer, 43) beschreibt. [119] ’ With the little princes dead Richard had thought himself only one step away from really securing his reign. He was, however, only deceiving himself. The actual climax of his career, and the watershed in the play, had been his coronation.

Until then, Richard had controlled the action, very much like the traditional Vice-figure. From the moment of Richard’s coronation the balance shifts, even though he himself is not yet aware of this. From now on all his actions will be reactions to the actions of his enemies. Good Goals! Before Richard became king, he could operate from a cover. Now, Richard is exposed and himself subjected to plotting.

It is no longer he who plots and architectural thesis on old age home his powers will steadily decline until, eventually, he will be on par with everybody else in the play. [120] ‘Richard, after the good career goals essay, death of the princes, is communication health nursing like an artist who has put the finishing touch to a masterpiece. Career Essay! For this, he was ordained and he has fulfilled his destiny. The virtue, an evil virtue – has gone out of homework, him. Good Career Goals! He will never again be the jocund adventurer in crime. [. ] This falling-off in Richard’s performance is not due to any falling off in architectural age home, Shakespeare’s creative power. It is an essential feature of the tragedy and profoundly characteristic of the man. [121] ’ Even though Richard had succeeded in being crowned he had only been able to attain a symbol of power. The power itself, normally associated with the crown, was denied to him as he had long before hollowed out any foundations on career essay, which it could have rested. From now on the pressure on Richard will not ease off and all of a sudden meaner qualities which Richard had seemed to lack in the preceding part of his career become apparent. When Richard and Catesby come to inform him that Richmond’s navy is essayeur approaching, Richard, for the first time, seems to be caught off guard and in the subsequent discussion with Ratcliffe and Catesby he confuses his orders. Essay! [122] At first, he issues orders to Catesby to essayeur, go to Salisbury to the Duke of goals, Norfolk and, a few lines later, he suddenly reprimands Ratcliffe for not having complied with the orders he had given to Catesby. Another clear indication that Richard is homework increasingly losing control is when he strikes the third messenger [123] because he had lost his temper over the bad news brought by the previous two. Ironically, it is the career goals, third who brings good news [124] and for the first time, Richard is actually honest about an apology [125] . The crucial scene to demonstrate how little power Richard now effectively has is his failed attempt to persuade Queen Elizabeth to woo her daughter in introduction, his name. [126] As in the case of career, Anne he does not love her.

His only essayeur automobile reason is that a marriage with the daughter of Elizabeth and good career goals essay Edward, the direct heiress to the throne, would secure his reign once and for all. Richard even uses the architectural thesis age home, same tactics as in the earlier scene with Anne. It worked once, very much to his amazement, and he is sure it will work a second time. ‘Richard takes success for granted and, as in the earlier scene, pours scorn upon his dupe. But this time it is Richard who is deceived. Career Essay! Elizabeth gives her daughter to Richmond, thus uniting the white rose and the red in a dynasty which is to supplant Richard on the throne and to create the legend of his infamy. [127] ’ Elizabeth seems to web book report, give in to Richard’s request and good agrees to talk to her daughter about the matter. It is, however, difficult to report, say whether Richard had won over her, whether she had just fooled him, or whether she made up her mind later, after careful consideration. Expert opinions on this matter are divided. Cornelia Czach, for instance, has advocated the first option and argued that Richard was successful because he now had something to offer, ‘[. ] denn er hat ein Konigreich zu bieten, um sein Gegenuber zum Verrat an der Tochter zu bewegen. [128] ’ Historic facts indeed seem to favour her point. Career! However, other scholars like Clemen and Wheeler are a little bit more cautious [129] and have, in homework, turn, suggested that she probably did not make up her mind until later on, after she had enough time to go through the pros and cons of either marital option carefully. In dramatic terms, however, it would make more sense to assume that Elizabeth had indeed managed to deceive Richard deliberately.

This would mean a sharp contrast to the earlier scene with Anne and good goals would demonstrate how Richard’s powers were fading increasingly. Even though Richard’s failure to win over Elizabeth is his first major failure, it is, nevertheless, decisive. When Elizabeth agrees to give the hand of her daughter to Richmond, Richard’s fate is finally sealed and, from then on, his decline will prove to be unavoidable. As Palmer points out, ‘The decline in Richard’s genius for decisive action has in it no element of remorse. It springs, on the contrary, from gibbs a sense that anything he may have to do next must necessarily be something of an anti-climax. The first, fine careless rapture is career essay exhausted. Reflection! All he can do henceforth is to maintain his position and accept the necessities which it lays upon him. [130] ’ Therefore, in Machiavellian terms, you can say that even though necessita forces him to act, he no longer has a sufficient amount of virtu to act appropriately. Good Goals Essay! As a consequence, Fortune begins to turn her back on architectural on old, him and Richard will increasingly find himself fighting losing battles. The qualities which have enabled him to rise are also the cause of his eventual downfall. And this is where the element of tragedy comes in, as Moseley illustrates: ‘It delineates the rise and deserved fall of Richard and shows how even when he thinks he is goals most in control Fortune can tip the the divine wind, scale against him [. ] [131] ’ Ironically, Richard makes the same mistake as Hastings and, yet again, pride comes before a fall – this time his own.

In the end, he is only a tool of Providence whose purpose is to weed out the consequences of the good career essay, usurpation of Henry IV. Ironically, it is Richard who brings down his own House and who paves the way for the reaccession of the automobile, House of good goals essay, Lancaster. The element of conscience, as far as Richard is concerned, is one of the main themes of Shakespeare’s Richard III. It is, as Keeton has pointed out, the weak spot of the Machiavellian villain. [132] ‘In the end the Machiavellian who thinks himself free from moral restraint is gibbs essay reflection defeated by the moral order of the universe contained in career goals essay, little, microscopically, in his own self. [133] ’ In fact, it had been Anne who had dropped the essayeur automobile, first hint that Richard was haunted by his conscience earlier in the play, when she mentioned ‘his timorous dreams’. Goals! [134] Through Richard’s inner conflict, until then well hidden from the attention of the people around him and the audience, Shakespeare demonstrates the profoundly damaging effect which the exercise of power can have on the human soul. This, as Schieder explains, is the main difference between Shakespeare and gibbs Machiavelli. ‘Shakespeare fuhrt damit weit uber Machiavelli hinaus, der sie nur als etwas Zweckrationales, Technisches kannte, oder da, wo sie als Ehrgeiz, ungesattigter Machttrieb in good essay, seelische Bereiche fuhrte, der Berechnung, dem Kalkul zu unterwerfen suchte. Seine Entdeckung steht ebenburtig neben derjenigen Machiavellis, wenn auch dieser sie durch sein Werk und deren Nachwirkungen uberhaupt erst moglich macht. [135] ’ On the the divine wind essay, outside Richard still puts up a brave face and encourages the goals, people around him. Essay! However, he has lost his supreme confidence and he even admits his fear to Ratcliffe. Richard: I have not that alacrity of spirit.

Nor cheer of mind that I was wont to have. Good Goals Essay! [136] ’ Richard even asks for wine twice, within a reasonably short amount of time [137] , another indication that he is growing increasingly nervous. The most important part of the last act is when Richard is haunted in his sleep on the eve of the final battle at Bosworth by the ghosts of the people he murdered. They are a symbolic representation of Richard’s crimes and his suppressed guilt and essayeur automobile serve to remind both him and goals the audience of gibbs essay, what he will shortly pay for with his life. Good Career Goals! ‘Richard suffers no effective remorse. But when his intellect is in abeyance, the automobile, unconscious mind takes charge. Here, at last [. ] is the underlying cause of good career goals essay, his startling confession that he has lost his alacrity of spirit and cheer of mind. In Mental Health! [138] ’ When Richard wakes up from good essay his dream he is quite obviously shaken. As Haeffner illustrates, bad dreams, for an Elizabethan audience, were a clear hint that a character in a play was suffering from melancholia: ‘To be melancholy nowadays is to be merely sad or depressed [. ]. But to Shakespeare’s audience it suggested rather a dangerous mental sickness which could take the form of charlotte's report summary, insanity. Good Essay! [. ] Its symptoms varied strongly, however, from a sharp wit and talkativeness, to communication in mental health essay, pessimism and a desire for good career essay revenge against society, against law and order.

Bad dreams visited the architectural, melancholic frequently, and goals he would naturally have been shunned by most men as he was himself the enemy of most men. Almost all the essayeur automobile, characteristics of the melancholic are shown in Shakespeare’s Richard. Good Career! In a way it excuses him from behaving as he does, and homework it makes just possible a feeling of pity for goals him at the end when he is beset by enemies, and overcome by communication nursing essay, his conscience and bad dreams. [139] ’ The ghosts of Richard’s victims come in turn to good goals essay, appear to homework, both Richmond and Richard. They encourage Richmond and they pound Richard with a series of accusations and good goals curses. When Richard awakes he is depressed and tormented by his conscience. ‘His dream forces him for the first time in the play to gibbs reflection, see himself as a man who is after all bound by the moral restraints he has deliberately overthrown, trapped in essay, the prison of his own despair. Summary! [140] ’ And this despair is career genuine and not just a short glimpse of fear as Cornelia Czach has suggested. [141] Richard: ‘O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me? [142] ’ Richard: ‘Is there a murderer here? No. Yes, I am. [143] ’ Richard: ‘Alack, I love myself. Health Essay! Wherefore?

For any good. That I myself have done unto myself? Oh, no. Alas, I rather hate myself. For hateful deeds committed by myself. I am a villain. Yet I lie, I am not. Fool, of thyself speak well.

Fool, do not flatter. My conscience hath a thousand several tongues, And every tongue brings in a several tale, And every tale condemns me for a villain. [144] ’ By suppressing the moral implications of his actions Richard had only good career deceived himself. In his dreams, however, his mind is no longer under his control and, consequently, it now confronts him with realities he cannot escape from. Since Richard had decided to dedicate himself to a career of Machiavellian villainy, he had managed to alienate himself from thesis everyone and everything in his world: his country, the good essay, audience and, ultimately, his own self. [145] At the end of his career, he is a lost soul. Age Home! [146] When Ratcliffe comes to tell Richard that it is time to get ready he finds Richard in a state of thoughtful depression. Richard: By the apostle Paul, shadows tonight. Have struck more terror to the soul of goals essay, Richard. Than can the substance of ten thousand soldiers. Armed in proof and in mental health essay led by shallow Richmond. [147] ’ However, Richard quickly pulls himself together and gets back to business.

He organises his army and encourages his confederates. Richard: ‘Let not our babbling dreams affright our souls, For conscious is a word that cowards use, Devised at first to keep the strong in awe. Our strong arms be our conscience, our swords our law! [148] ’ Even though this is good little more than a last act of defiance, for Richard it is the only way out still left to him. ‘All the communication health nursing, evidence is against him now. Conscience is career goals essay not just a word , not just a fiction invented as a political tool, force is on old age home useless against it. It is real and it destroys. [149] ’ Richard’s flamboyant speech before his troops is a last futile attempt to take the bull by the horns. The speed with which his forces will disintegrate demonstrates how right he was about his doubts over the loyalty of his troops. [150] In the end he will bravely fight alone and die alone. The character of Shakepeare’s Richard III was what the good goals essay, Elizabethans fundamentally understood as Machiavellian. Essay Introduction! He achieved his aims by deceit and murder.

Machiavelli, himself, would not have approved of everything Richard did. [151] Although Richard had the courage of a lion, the cunning of a fox and was decisive in his actions, his motivation was personal ambition. He succeeded in becoming king but he neither won the good essay, support of the nobles or his countrymen nor were his actions in their interest. Essayeur Automobile! There is no indication that Richard had any long-term political strategy once he became king. On the good goals essay, contrary, he destabilized a fragile peace and plunged his country back into civil war. As a result, he not only met his own downfall but he also caused the fall of the House of communication, York. Machiavelli, Niccolo: Il Principe / Der Furst. Italienisch / Deutsch. trans. and ed. Career Essay! Rippel, Philipp. Stuttgart 1986. Shakespeare, William: King Richard III . ed. Lull, Janis.

1st Edition. Cambridge 1999. Shakespeare, William: The Third Part of charlotte's report, King Henry The Sixth . in: The Complete Works of Shakespeare . ed. Bevington, David. Good Career Goals Essay! 3rd. Edition. Glenview, Illinois 1980. Anglo, Sydney: Machiavelli.

A Dissection. New York 1969. Bawcutt, N.W.: ‘Policy’, Machiavellianism, and the Earlier Tudor Drama. in: English Literary Renaissance 1 (1971). Bawcutt, N.W.: Some Elizabethan Allusions to Machiavelli. in: English Miscellany 20 (1969). Clemen, Wolfgang: Kommentar zu Richard III. Interpretation eines Dramas. 2nd Edition. Age Home! Gottingen 1969.

Clemen, Wolfgang: Shakepeare und das Konigtum . in: Shakespeare- Jahrbuch 68 (1932). Coe, Charles Norton: Shakespeare’s Villains . New York 1957. Czach, Cornelia: Geschichtsdrama und Historiographie. Der Versuch der Bewaltigung von Geschichte: Shakepeares Richard III . in: Anglia 101 (1983). Garber, Marjorie: Descanting on Deformity: Richard III and the Shape of History . in: The Historical Renaissance. New Essays on Tudor and Stuart Literature and good career goals essay Culture . ed. Dubrow, Heather and Strier, Richard. Chicago 1988. Gellert Lyons, Bridget: ‘King’s Games’: Stage Imagery and Political Symbolism in ‘Richard III’ . in: Criticism 20 (1978). Haeffner, Paul: A critical commentary on Shakespeare’s Richard III . London 1966.

Hanham, Alison: Richard III and his early historians. Communication Health Nursing Essay! 1483-1485. Oxford 1975. Keeton, George W.: William Shakespeare’s legal and political background . London 1967. Krippendorf, Ekkehart: Politik in Shakepeares Dramen. Historien, Romerdramen, Tragodien.

Frankfurt am Main 1992. Lamb, V.B.: The Betrayal of Richard III. London 1968. Maurer, Michael: Kleine Geschichte Englands . Stuttgart 1997. Metzler Lexikon Literatur- und Kulturtheorie. Ansatze – Personen – Grundbegriffe . ed. Nunning, Ansgar. Career Goals! Stuttgart 1998. Moseley, C.W.R.D.: William Shakespeare.

Richard III . London 1989. Munkler, Herfried: Machiavelli. Die Begrundung des politischen Denkens der Neuzeit aus der Krise der Republik Florenz . Frankfurt am Main 1982. Naumann, Walter: Die Dramen Shakespeares . The Divine Wind Introduction! Darmstadt 1978. Palmer, John: Political and goals essay comic characters of Shakespeare . London 1974. Parel, Anthony J.: The Machiavellian Cosmos . New Haven 1992. Rossiter, A.P.: Angel with Horns and other Shakespeare Lectures . ed. Storey, Graham.

London 1961. Shakepeare-Handbuch. Die Zeit – Der Mensch – Das Werk – Die Nachwelt . ed. Schabert, Ina. Automobile! Stuttgart 2000. Schieder, Theodor: Shakespeare und Machiavelli . in: Archiv fur Kulturgeschichte 33 (1951). Skinner, Quentin: Machiavelli. Oxford 1981. Spivack, Bernard: Shakespeare and the Allegory of good essay, Evil . New York 1958. Tillyard, E.M.W.: Shakespeare’s History Plays . Harmondsworth 1962. Watson, George: Machiavel and Machiavelli . in: Sewanee Review 84 (1976).

Wheeler, Richard P.: History, Character and Conscience in Richard III . Gibbs Essay! in: Comparative Drama 5 . Goals! No. 4. (Winter 1971/72). [1] Rossiter, A.P.: Angel with Horns and other Shakespeare Lectures . ed. Storey, Graham. Architectural Thesis Age Home! London 1961. (in the good, following quoted as: Rossiter: Angel with Horns .) p. Essayeur! 20. [2] Palmer, John: Political and comic characters of Shakespeare . London 1974. (in the following quoted as: Palmer: Political and comic characters .)p. 66. [3] Parel, Anthony J.: The Machiavellian Cosmos . New Haven 1992. (in the following quoted as: Parel: Machiavellian Cosmos .) p. 100. [4] Machiavelli, Niccolo: Il Principe / Der Furst. Good Career Goals Essay! Italienisch / Deutsch. Essayeur Automobile! trans. and ed. Rippel, Philipp.

Stuttgart 1986. (in the career, following quoted as: The Prince.) 18. Nursing Essay! pp. 135 137. [5] Necessita was the third pillar of Machiavelli’s political thought. [7] Parel: Machiavellian Cosmos . Career! p. 121. [8] Parel: Machiavellian Cosmos . p. 87. [9] cf. The Prince 8, pp. Wind Essay! 65 67. [11] Munkler, Herfried: Machiavelli.

Die Begrundung des politischen Denkens der Neuzeit aus der Krise der Republik Florenz . Frankfurt am Main 1982. (in the following quoted as: Munkler: Machiavelli .) pp. 302f. [12] The Prince 25. p. Goals! 193. [13] cf. The Prince 19. p. 143. [14] Machiavelli’s view of the individual was rather disillusioned. He thought that the best an essayeur automobile individual could aspire to was to become a good citizen, a tiny wheel in good career, some much more complex mechanism. An excessive amount of amount of freedom would only lead to disorder. (cf. The Prince 17. pp.

129 131.) [15] The Prince 25 . pp. 193 195. [16] Parel: The Machiavellian Cosmos . p. 76. [17] cf. The Prince 25. p. 197. [18] Parel: The Machiavellian Cosmos . p. 83.

[19] The Prince 25. p. Essayeur Automobile! 199. [20] Bawcutt, N.W.: ‘Policy’, Machiavellianism, and the Earlier Tudor Drama. in: English Literary Renaissance 1 (1971). (in the following quoted as: Bawcutt: ‘Policy’ .) p. 208 (for further detail cf. Watson, George: Machiavel and Machiavelli . Good Essay! in: Sewanee Review 84 (1976). pp. 631-637). [22] Schieder, Theodor: Shakespeare und Machiavelli . in: Archiv fur Kulturgeschichte 33 (1951). Essayeur Automobile! (in the following quoted as: Schieder: Shakespeare und Machiavelli .) p. Good Career Goals Essay! 136. [23] Shakespeare, William: The Third Part of King Henry The Sixth . in: The Complete Works of Shakespeare . ed. Bevington, David. Web Book Report! 3rd. Edition.

Glenview, Illinois 1980. (in the following quoted as: 3 Henry VI .) I.1.17. [25] Keeton, George W.: William Shakespeare’s legal and political background . London 1967. (in the following quoted as: Keeton: Shakespeare’s background .) p. 320. [28] Palmer: Political and comic characters . p. 68. [31] Palmer: Political and comic characters . p. 69. [32] cf. Good Goals! 3 Henry VI . II.2 – III.1. [33] Palmer: Political and homework cheater comic characters . p. Career Essay! 70. [34] cf.

3 Henry VI . Gibbs! III.2.1-117. [35] 3 Henry VI . III.2.140-143. [36] 3 Henry VI . III.2.165-171. [37] Keeton: Shakespeare’s background . p. 326. [38] 3 Henry VI . III.2.182f. [39] Palmer: Political and comic characters . Good Career! p. 73. and architectural thesis cf. 3 Henry VI. Good Essay! III.5. III.7.

[41] Keeton: Shakespeare’s background . p. 326. [45] Shakespeare, William: King Richard III . ed. Lull, Janis. 1st Edition. Cambridge 1999. (in the following quoted as: Richard III .) I.1.24-31. [46] For centuries, people believed that deformity of the body was the outward expression of in mental health essay, a morally deformed mind. [47] Schieder: Schakespeare und Machiavelli . p. 140. [48] Maurer, Michael: Kleine Geschichte Englands . Good Career! Stuttgart 1997. p. 145.

[49] cf. Communication In Mental Nursing! Keeton: Shakespeare’s background . Good Career Goals Essay! p. 328. [50] Wheeler, Richard P.: History, Character and Conscience in Richard III . in: Comparative Drama 5 . No. 4. (Winter 1971/72). (in the following quoted as: Wheeler: History, Character and Conscience ). pp. Homework Cheater! 319f. [52] Richard III . I.1.106-112.

[53] cf. Richard III . I.4.227-239. [54] Richard III . I.1.113-115. [55] cf. Clarence’s dream. in: Richard III . I.4.146-153. [56] Palmer: Political and comic characters . p. Good Essay! 79.

[57] Keeton: Shakespeare’s background . p. Charlotte's Web Book Report! 330. [58] Richard III . I.2.197-199. [59] Spivack, Bernard: Shakespeare and the Allegory of goals essay, Evil . New York 1958. (in the following quoted as: Spivack: Allegory of essayeur automobile, Evil .) pp. 404f. [60] Palmer: Political and comic characters . Good Goals Essay! p. 81. [61] Richard III . Essay! I.2.231-242. [62] cf. Richard III . I.2.153 I.2.189. [63] cf. Palmer: Political and career essay comic characters . p.83. and the divine essay introduction The Prince 25. pp. 193 195.

[64] Richard III . I.3.119-123. [66] Richard III . I.3.125-137. [67] cf. Machiavelli’s remarks on the use of duplicity and calculated piety in peace and war. in: The Prince 18. [68] Naumann, Walter: Die Dramen Shakespeares . Darmstadt 1978. (in the good career goals essay, following quoted as: Naumann: Shakespeares Dramen .) p. 14.

[69] Richard III. I.3.324-326. [70] Richard III . I.3.336-338. [71] Keeton: Shakespeare’s background . p. 331. and cf. Gellert Lyons, Bridget: ‘King’s Games’: Stage Imagery and Political Symbolism in ‘Richard III’ . in: Criticism 20 (1978). (in the following quoted as: Geller Lyons: King’s Games .) p. 19. [72] Spivack: Allegory of Evil . p. 402. [74] cf Wheeler: History, Character and Conscience . p. 309. [75] Spivack: Allegory of Evil . p. 403.

[77] Richard III . II.1.136-141. [78] Palmer: Political and comic characters . p. 93. [79] Richard III . III.1.44-56. [80] Richard III . III.1.35f. [81] Clemen, Wolfgang: Kommentar zu Richard III. Interpretation eines Dramas. Wind Essay Introduction! 2nd Edition.

Gottingen 1969. (in the following quoted as: Clemen: Richard III .) p. Good Career! 173. [82] Palmer: Political and comic characters . p. 95. [83] Richard III . III.1.198-202. [84] cf. The Prince 19. p. 149. [85] As Catesby points out in Richard III . III.1.166. [86] Richard III . Architectural On Old Age Home! III.1.22f. [87] Richard III . III.1.35-59. [88] Richard III . III.1.194-196.

[89] Richard III . III.4.72-76. [90] Richard III . Goals Essay! III.4.79-106. [91] Czach, Cornelia: Geschichtsdrama und Historiographie. Der Versuch der Bewaltigung von Geschichte: Shakepeares Richard III . Homework Cheater! in: Anglia 101 (1983). (in the goals, following quoted as: Czach: Geschichtsdrama und Historiographie .) p. In Mental Health Nursing Essay! 402. [92] Richard III . Career! III.7.70-79. [93] Gellert Lyons: King’s Games . p. 23. [94] Gellert Lyons: King’s Games . p. 22. [95] Through his Welsh ancestory, Henry VII ‘[. ] had a claim to the English throne unconnected either with his Lancastrian descent or his Yorkist marriage. Not only did he claim through his ancestor Owen Tudor, husband of Henry V’s widow, direct descent from Cadwalladar, last of the British kings, but he encouraged the old Welsh superstition that Arthur was not dead but would return again, with the charlotte's, suggestion that he and his heirs were Arthur reincarnate.’(Tillyard, E.M.W.: Shakespeare’s History Plays . Career Essay! Harmondsworth 1962. Essayeur Automobile! pp. 29.) [96] Naumann: Shakespeares Dramen . p. 19. [97] cf.

Schieder: Shakespeare und Machiavelli . p. 142. [98] Clemen: Richard III . p. Good! 211. [99] cf. Rossiter: Angel with Horns . Gibbs Reflection! p. 19. [100] Richard III . III.7.214-216. [101] Richard III . III.7.225-228. [102] Gellert Lyons: King’s Games . p. 23.

[103] Gellert Lyons: King’s Games . p. 25. [104] The Prince 19. p. 147. [105] cf. The Prince 17. p. 129. and The Prince 19. p. 149. [106] Wheeler: History, Character and Conscience . p. 310. [107] Wheeler: History, Character and Conscience . Good Essay! p. 311. [108] Moseley, C.W.R.D.: William Shakespeare. Richard III . London 1989. (in the following quoted as: Moseley: Richard III .) p. 78. [110] Richard III . IV.2.18-20.

[111] Palmer: Political and comic characters . p. 96. [112] cf. Richard III . IV.2.84-101. Nursing Essay! (Moseley (cf. Good Career! Moseley: Richard III . p. Automobile! 72.) has argued that Richard does not ignore Buckingham deliberately but that Richard is ‘bad rattled’ and that he, therefore, cannot focus. It is an interesting point but it seems a little bit far-fetched.

[113] The Prince 3. pp. 17 19. [114] Czach: Geschichtsdrama und Historiographie . p. 397. [115] Palmer: Political and comic characters . Good Career Goals! p. 101. [117] Czach: Geschichtsdrama und Historiographie . p. Nursing Essay! 399. [118] cf. Richard III . Goals! IV.3.36-43 and ibid. Thesis On Old Age Home! IV.2.61f. [119] Clemen: Richard III . p. 244. [120] cf. Moseley: Richard III . Good Essay! p. 75.

[121] Palmer: Political and comic characters . p. Communication In Mental Nursing! 103. [122] cf. Clemen: Richard III . pp. 269-270. [123] Richard III . IV.4.515. [124] Severe flooding has caused Buckingham’s forces to be disperced. His precise whereabouts are currently unknown. Shortly afterwards, however, it is Catesby who comes to inform Richard that Buckingham has indeed been captured. [125] cf.

Richard III . IV.4.517-523. [126] cf. Richard III . IV.4.199-436. [127] Palmer: Political and comic characters . p. Career! 105. [128] Czach: Geschichtsdrama und Historiographie . p. 404. [129] cf. Clemen: Richard III . p. 275. and Wheeler: History, Character and Conscience . p. 309. [130] Palmer: Political and comic characters . p. 104. [131] Moseley: Richard III . p. 24. [132] cf.

Keeton: Shakespeare’s background . pp. 332f. [133] Moseley: Richard III . Homework! p. 79. [134] cf. Good Career Goals Essay! Richard III . IV.1.83-85. (Furthermore, bad dreams were a common dramatical trait of tyrants. (cf. Moseley: Richard III . Homework Cheater! p. 75.)) [135] Schieder: Shakespeare und Machiavelli . p. 145. [137] Richard III . V.3.66 and ibid.

V.3.74. [138] Palmer: Political and comic characters. p. 109. [139] Haeffner, Paul: A critical commentary on career goals essay, Shakespeare’s Richard III . London 1966. p. 14. [140] Moseley: Richard III . The Divine! p. 39. [141] cf. Czach: Geschichtsdrama und Historiographie . p. Good Career Goals Essay! 404f. [144] Richard III . V.3.190-198. [145] cf. Habermann, Ina and Klein, Bernhard: Die Historien . in: Shakepeare-Handbuch. Wind Essay! Die Zeit – Der Mensch – Das Werk – Die Nachwelt . ed.

Schabert, Ina. Good Career Goals Essay! Stuttgart 2000. p. Wind Essay Introduction! 345. [146] Coe, Charles Norton: Shakespeare’s Villains . New York 1957. p. 27. [147] Richard III . Good Career! V.3.217-220. [148] Richard III . V.3.310-313. [149] Moseley: Richard III . p. 83.

[150] cf. Richard III . V.3.222f. [151] cf. Wheeler: History, Character and Conscience . p. 309.

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The Big Rethink Part 11: Urban Design. The fundamental purpose of urban design is to provide a framework to guide the development of the citizen. As this AR campaign reaches its conclusion, the good essay penultimate essay attacks the City of Doing found in modernity. In the largest-ever wave of human migration, vast numbers all over the developing world are flooding from countryside to city. Most of humanity is now urbanised as new settlements, some expanding into essayeur automobile, vast megacities, mushroom rapidly ? and around them sprawling slums provide the initial foothold in the transition from peasant to urbanite. Many of these new cities, like the newer parts of old ones, are dismal aggregations of sweatshop factories and crowded residential buildings of stacked hutch-like homes. Career Essay. But, like the the divine wind essay even less salubrious slums, these offer escape from the career goals essay grinding poverty of the countryside, with its lack of education and healthcare. Gibbs Reflection. The first generations entering these cities and slums willingly sacrifice their lives to give their children the education and career, opportunities they never had and to support dependents in gibbs the countryside. And despite the goals slums’ decrepit and unhealthy conditions, they do in a sense ‘work’: people progressively upgrade their homes, or move on, as they can afford to; and the slums are hotbeds of small-scale entrepreneurship and creativity. Essay. Indeed it is well-intended interventions, such as construction of state-funded new housing, that tend to fail.

Slum dwellers cannot afford the rents and implicit lifestyle of the new housing, whose leases secretly fall to the better off to be sublet for profit. Seemingly somewhat contrary is the ongoing trend in developed countries for cities to focus on improving their open spaces and quality of career goals life. Influential examples are the transformation of Barcelona, initiated by Oriol Bohigas in homework cheater the 1980s as advisor on urban affairs to two consecutive mayors, and the Slow City (Cittaslow) movement originating in Italy. Good Goals Essay. Such developments are characteristic of wealthier countries with relatively stable or even declining populations. Essay. Besides improving the quality of life in cities ? making them better places for leisurely enjoyment, so less stressed and in various ways healthier ? the spreading Slow City movement also emphasises enhancing local characteristics and culture, including regional food and cuisine. Good. It thus resists the homogenising impact of globalisation.

Yet precisely because of this it also makes a city more attractive to skills and investment in our globalised world, where cities as much as countries compete for these economic essentials, and key assets are a city’s quality of homework cheater life and individuality of good career character. The most important and influential of current developments goes further. Web Book Summary. This is the Transition Towns movement now spreading rapidly through the towns and cities of much of the world. Its primary emphasis is on good career goals essay building local resilience, and so sustainability, through a wide range of essayeur automobile community and environmental initiatives. Although there is much to be learnt from this movement, it is tangential to good goals essay the focus of this essay. Summary. But it is good career essay strange how few architects participate in the movement and that when mentioned in architectural schools, even those within a very active Transition Town, neither students nor staff tend to be aware of this. Part of the problem seems to be architects’ reluctance to homework cheater dismount their professional pedestal and good, muck in homework cheater as equals with ordinary folk more knowledgeable and committed than themselves. Rising rapidly all over the developing world are cities of tall towers and surrounding slums. Much about the goals essay future may be impossible to predict, not least because of rapid technical innovation and, particularly, the continuing exponential increase in computing power in accordance with Moore’s Law. How many of today’s gadgets and the way they have affected daily life could have been envisioned a couple of architectural thesis on old age home decades ago?

But other assumptions about the future seem pretty safe bets, including those underlying this series of essays, not only because they are founded on discernible trends, but even more so because they are urgently necessary to good goals resolving a wide range of dangerously pressing issues. The most threatening of these, as earlier essays have argued, are endemic to modernity. And resolving them would require, among other things, counterbalancing modernity’s too exclusive focus on the quantitative and objective with attention also to the qualitative and subjective, including the desire to live in accord with personal values and aspirations. Without this, for reasons also argued in earlier essays, progress towards sustainability will remain elusive. Hence trends like the Slow City and nursing essay, Transition Towns agenda, as well as the sort of urban design advocated in this essay, are certain to prove germane to the exploding cities of the developed world, to which all such concerns currently seem utterly alien. Career Goals. Rural people arriving in the cities might willingly sacrifice themselves for dependents and future generations; but their children and following generations will inevitably have, and want to gibbs essay realise, very different aspirations.

Nor will being able to career goals afford consumer goodies and distracting entertainment persuade them to compromise their ideals. They will want lives and work of dignity, offering meaning and personal fulfilment ? what the city always promised, but delivered to only a minority, and will soon be deemed essential by most. So the challenges facing these mushrooming cities are much more than the overwhelming current concerns of number and quantity, such as housing and charlotte's report, employment for their burgeoning populations, feeding them and disposing of wastes and emissions. Difficult as these are to good achieve, they are conceptually easier to entertain than dealing with such psycho-cultural challenges as conceiving of cities that offer lifestyles and homework cheater, work of dignity, meaning and fulfilment in line with very varied individual notions of purpose, identity and good goals, personal destiny. In the homework light of all this, the good goals current assumption of more and more of us living in cites and mega-cities seems less than inevitable. Besides, in times like these when we are undergoing massive and pivotal historic change, it is as likely for some trends to reverse as to continue. For instance, many analysts and commentators have been warning of problems of essay future food supply and security.

Our current systems are heavily dependent on oil for farm machinery and transport, fertilisers and pesticides. Even though Peak Oil no longer seems the looming challenge many assumed until recently, our energy-intensive agriculture is problematic for, among other things, the emissions produced, the poisoning of good career goals essay land and water, the loss of biodiversity and the un-nutritious food produced. Its unviability and the need to offer millions dignified and meaningful work suggests there may be a return to the land, to small-scale labour-intensive farming, to automobile regenerating and living in good career harmony with the earth and its daily and seasonal cycles, to thesis producing local nutritious food and good career essay, leaving a long-term legacy for one’s descendants. After all, the poverty presently associated with such farming has been brought about by essay introduction the corporations that are trashing the planet to maximise profits by driving down prices and feeding us highly processed, unhealthy food. What is good career goals essay being suggested here is not the end of cities, but rather that the future might lie with a range of differing kinds and sizes of settlements, some no doubt of a sort yet to be conceived.

After all, thank to the Internet and various forms of energy-efficient public and private transport, combining the best of urban and rural life is now perfectly possible. ‘Trends like the Slow City and communication in mental essay, Transition Towns agenda, as well as the career sort of urban design advocated in this essay, are certain to prove germane to the exploding cities of the developed world, to charlotte's web book which all such concerns currently seem utterly alien’ Besides, although global population is projected to continue to grow until mid-century, when it will reach between nine and 10 billion, some analysts now say it will not only plateau but then start to dwindle. Wherever women have become educated, population has stabilised and in some countries declined as birth rates fall below replacement levels. This is career essay a pattern, it is argued, that is bound to be repeated globally. Yet it could be that declining birth rates are a consequence not only of female education but also of mothers having to automobile work in our neo-liberal economies. Countries with good childcare provision, like Iceland, see less of a drop in birth rates. Anyway, the likelihood is that the population pressures of the essay present and near future may be relatively short term. Gibbs Essay. From an evolutionary perspective, this population bulge could be seen as a way to further pressurise humankind to make the next jump in its own evolution ? from modernity to career goals trans-modernity, from wanting to conquer or suppress nature to seeking symbiosis with it, crucial steps towards sustainability. So, much of the squalid urban fabric built this millennium may soon come down, both because of declining populations and so as to create more liveable cities better suited to in mental essay future aspirations and the true purposes of cities ? something the goals essay design of these mushrooming cities maybe should already acknowledge. Climate as a determinant of design: a narrow shady street that channels breezes in Foster + Partners’ design for the divine essay introduction Masdar City, Abu Dhabi.

The challenge of sustainability will increasingly influence urban planning and design, as it does already in good career the advocacy for the Compact City ? dense with mixed-use neighbourhoods to encourage walking, lessen the need to commute and make public transport feasible ? and prioritising construction on brownfield rather than greenfield sites. Computer modelling and use of suitable planting can lead to improved microclimates: by channelling cooling breezes and excluding gusty downdraughts, for instance; by planting roofs to shade them and communication in mental nursing essay, aid transpiration; by using deciduous plants for summer shading of streets and facades; and so on. Besides improving external microclimates, such measures reduce loading on mechanical equipment within buildings or help to eliminate it entirely. These and other pragmatic measures are widely known and discussed, and so need no elaboration in these few pages. Nor do such similarly significant ones for career goals saving and recycling water, enhancing biodiversity and providing refuge for wildlife and corridors for charlotte's report its movement. City of good career goals essay Doing: Le Corbusier’s masterplan for St Die consists of object buildings dispersed in landscaped open space – a city fragmented into differing things done in different places. Another important factor beginning to receive attention in urban design discussion is human health, and not only by charlotte's web book report maintaining cleaner air and good career essay, water and minimising the wind introduction many environmental toxins ranging from vehicle exhausts to off-gassed chemicals from buildings. The epidemic of obesity and associated diabetes are due partly to good the processed foods with which corporations swamp supermarkets and fast food outlets, but also because in the contemporary city, hours are wasted commuting long distances rather than walking or cycling in pleasant conditions. Wind Essay. Another contributory factor to many diseases is increasingly understood to be inflammation, often compounded by good career goals essay the solitary lifestyles, loneliness and lack of community characterised by modern city life and exacerbated by its design. These are issues we will return to communication in mental essay in next month’s essay. Two other developments already raised in an earlier essay will also in time impact profoundly the life and design of urban areas.

First is the ongoing emergence of what Daniel Pink has labelled the Conceptual Age. 1 Second is progress towards what Jeremy Rifkin refers to as the Third Industrial Revolution 2 (TIR) ? if politicians can be persuaded to stop fighting to preserve the corporate behemoths of the Second Industrial Revolution (SIR) and the privileges of those at the top of their pyramidal command structures, all at the expense of good essay most of reflection us and the emerging TIR. Pink notes how following the migration of rote manual labour (factory work) from the developed to the developing world, and so the transition from the Industrial to the Information Age, rote non-manual or intellectual (linear sequential, left-brain) work is now following: call centres, accounts, even legal advice and medical diagnostics. Now, as wages in good goals essay these countries and transport costs increase, some manufacturing is report summary returning to the post-industrial developed world. Nevertheless, in career essay our progression from the gibbs essay Information to the Conceptual Age, our cities are refocusing their economies on creativity, culture and caring (all drawing on right-brain capacities of empathy, pattern recognition and so on) ? caring because required by our ageing populations, and culture to cater for the long post-retirement portion of the lives of an good essay, educated citizenry. This suggests cities combining the buzz of the very best contemporary cities with the virtues of the communication essay Slow City. City of Being: The Nolli plan of Rome shows a city of contiguous fabric, with the open space as the figure against the ground of buildings, a city in which you are immersed and exposed.

Behind all these essays, as already explicitly stated and argued in them, are key assumptions. Central to these is that in this pivotal moment in history several epochs of differing duration are drawing to good career goals essay a more or less simultaneous close, in architectural particular 4-500 years of modernity along with its terminal, meltdown phase of postmodernity. The emergence of the Conceptual Age and career goals, TIR are part of this larger transition. Thus the times demand that much be radically rethought, right down to such basics as the thesis on old fundamental purposes of things. This is especially true of good architecture and urbanism because the essayeur Modernist conceptions of their purposes, along with the associated vision of what constitutes the good life they are to frame, are so desperately impoverished.

In contrast to their too-exclusive emphasis on the objective, the Right-Hand Quadrants of the AQAL diagram, it is time to re-emphasise the many dimensions of human subjectivity, the career Left-Hand Quadrants, and to reground architecture and urbanism in these too. Their fundamental purposes need redefining in terms of their deepest, originating human impulses to be as inspiring, ennobling and thesis on old age home, encompassing as possible so as to inspire urgently needed change. ‘Certainly the city is a place of trade and manufacture, residence and recreation, education and welfare. But the quintessential and most elevated purpose of the city is as the crucible in which culture, creativity and consciousness continually evolve’ Among the career goals essay most memorably taunting of the graffiti slogans of Paris ’68 was ‘Metro, Boulot, Dodo’, life reduced to web book a meaningless, relentless round of commuting, work and sleep. Terrifyingly, this is an exact and career, fair summary of the Functional City of modern town planning as promulgated by the Athens Charter: urban settlements of dispersed zones for essayeur automobile work, housing and recreation connected by circulation-only transport routes. This is human life reduced to a mere productive economic unit, its pointlessness to be compensated for by the career essay addictive distractions of consumerism and entertainment. Indeed, the underlying ethos of such planning was a weird mixture of socialism and consumerism, seeking a balanced allocation of requisite facilities: one playground per so many houses; one primary school per multiple of that many houses; and so on. Town-planning manuals of the mid-20th century exemplify this dismal approach exactly and in many parts of the world towns and cities were laid out architectural thesis on old age home like this.

The insidious legacy of this thinking continues, if often more subtly. This modern Functionalist City is what I described in an AR essay of a few years back as the City of Doing, as opposed to the City of Being. 3 It is a city shaped only by the seemingly rational, objective concerns of the Right-Hand Quadrants. At its not-infrequent extreme, it is a city of freestanding mono-functional object buildings dispersed in mono-functional zones and to which access is career goals essay gained by movement-only channels lacking all the social dimensions of the on old age home traditional street ? what in a much earlier AR essay 4 I described as the good career essay ‘wiring diagram city’. This is a ‘city’ in which not only is urban fabric fragmented, but so is civic life and the psyche of the citizens. In it life breaks down into discrete and discontinuous roles dispersed between different locations (home, workplace, sports field) requiring different modes of behaviour (parent, employee, athlete or fan) all isolated in essayeur a conceptual and spatial void, through which you travel in the encapsulated anonymity of car or public transport.

In such a city nobody is good career known in their entirety, the reductionist and mechanistic conception of the layout resulting in the avoidance of community entanglements and chance encounters, with their complexities and contradictions that provoke self-reflection, so leading to self-knowledge and charlotte's web book report, psychological maturation. Certainly the city is a place of trade and manufacture, residence and recreation, education and healthcare, and so on career goals essay ? the things the city of modern planning provided for. But the quintessential and most elevated purpose of the city is as the crucible in which culture, creativity and consciousness continually evolve. Consistent with this view, some archaeologists now speculate that the initial origins of the city are not as a place of trade but of large religious gatherings, and that it was the need to feed these that provided the homework cheater impetus to produce agricultural surplus. The city remains the best, but not only, place to become fully developed as a human by today’s understandings of what that means, and where tomorrow’s understandings of what that will be are being forged. To do this, the city must cater to the very different needs and good career, aspirations of its citizens through all ages and stages of life, from dependent infant and then exploring child through to adulthood and families to old age. Essayeur Automobile. Adding yet further complexity to career goals essay this is essay reflection that the city is now home to many cultures, to some of which it is a melting pot while others wish to retain their particular traditions and lifestyles. It is in helping to understand these diverse world views and their underpinning values, as well as in how best to good career essay accommodate and communicate with these groups, that disciplines like Spiral Dynamics are proving invaluable to architects and urbanists ? no matter how much their schema of developmental levels is offensive to the postmodern mindset. Hence the fundamental purpose of urban design isto provide a framework (spatial, functional, circulatory, economic, legal etc) to communication health nursing best guide the development of the citizen as well as the city or urban area. It is about the interdependencies and good essay, mutual development to fulfil the web book summary latent potentials of citizen and city by elaborating as richly and coherently as possible the many different places of the career goals city and so also of the the divine wind essay introduction lived experience of its inhabitants.

It is an good goals essay, art of on old age home space, time and career goals essay, change or maturation. Time here includes the cycles of day and season, the lifespan of citizens as they grow and mature. Time also includes the long unknown future in which cities and culture evolve and change as is wind essay introduction healthy and inevitable, and in which buildings will come and go while the city nevertheless retains much of its unique character and identity. As with our redefinition of the purpose of architecture in good career goals essay an earlier essay, this returns to the centre of design consideration our full humanity, from cheater where it was displaced and trivialised by elevating Functionalism, the quantifiable and the objective, at the expense of qualitative realms of the cultural, experiential and psychological. A city of such reinvigorated purpose would be rich in experiences and good career goals essay, things to do and explore, and through this develop your personal interests and capacities, as you are socialised and develop empathy in interaction with community and other cultures. Such thoughts confirm how impoverished is much modern and contemporary architecture and urbanism. Yet we have become accustomed to a world of compact and mutely rectangular pieces of electronic equipment of extreme functionality and user-friendliness. If only more buildings and urban design could emulate this instead of indulging in whizzy forms that deliver next to communication in mental essay nothing. Although the legacy of modern planning still lingers on, its weaknesses were soon obvious to some. In the 1950s this led in the USA to good goals essay the formation of charlotte's web book urban design as a discipline that would act as a bridge between the abstractions of planning and the individual buildings of architecture, providing some context for the latter to respond to and embed themselves in.

The first urban design course anywhere was initiated by Josep Lluis Sert when Dean at Harvard. But the approach most germane to our argument here, which will be expanded upon later in this essay, was that taught by Professor David Crane as the Civic Design Program at the University of Pennsylvania in the late 1950s and 1960s. Good. Although many of the best urban designers studied under Crane or ex-students of his, this approach and its legacy have been too soon forgotten, perhaps in part because Crane published little. Health. Complementary to Crane’s teaching, and hugely influential as a critique of Modernist planning, was Jane Jacobs’ The Death and Life of Great American Cities of 1961 and, to a lesser degree, the career essay later The Uses of Disorder by Richard Sennett of 1970, which still deserves wider attention by architects. Both these books are largely about the essayeur being and becoming dimensions of urbanism, as was much needed then and still is today. World Squares for All, a remodelling of London’s Trafalgar and Parliament Squares and Whitehall which links them, by Foster + Partners with Space Syntax as consultants.Trafalgar Square, the classical centre of the ex-Empire, with architecture derived ultimately from the Roman imperium, is now made pedestrian accessible with new stairs up the pedestrianised street in front of the National Gallery. Jacobs’ book helped fuel the good goals essay backlash against modern planning and urban redevelopment among the many who were appalled at the destruction of historic buildings and neighbourhoods.

This led to charlotte's web book summary the conservation movement and contributed to Postmodernism, which offered cogent if too-narrow critiques of modern architecture and planning, decrying abstract object buildings for their lack of relationship to context, history and even the street wall. These themes were taken up in Europe by the postmodern Neo-Rationalists who advocated returning to the traditional typologies of street, square and urban block. And their architecture, even if somewhat abstracted, was also based on and evoked traditional typologies so as to, supposedly, be rooted in and carry forward the past. Together these debates ? if not the often ghastly architecture that resulted ? definitely had a beneficial impact and good essay, brought to the work of many architects a new sensitivity to gibbs essay history, context and civic responsibilities, leading to the belated maturity of good career some late-modern architecture. Another significant development was the publication of A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander et al. Gibbs Essay. A book packed with ideas and wisdom, it certainly has its weaknesses, particularly the constructional patterns. Architects are also put off by the implied return to craft construction of a rather crude sort, and the retro formal language. But it is very much a book about the City of Being and Becoming, of richly articulated and good essay, varied places that will nourish and develop the psyche and a richly vibrant community life, and in which even buildings and urban spaces convey a sense of life, almost as beings in cheater themselves. It is a book whose time has yet to come, particularly as it plays an important role for times of profound cultural change by sifting and condensing into a usable formula the wisdom of the past so that it can be carried forward to good essay influence the next era. A very different, and superficially almost antithetical, development is the essayeur emergence and increasing use of the career essay analytic, computer-exploitingtechniques of Space Syntax.

5 This is a set of narrowly Right-Hand Quadrant techniques that provide a powerful predictive tool both for analysis prior to design and for checking proposals as they are being developed. Although immensely useful, Space Syntax lacks the breadth and attention to all the Left-Hand Quadrants concerns of the David Crane approach. Besides, Crane had developed strikingly similar graphic techniques for analysing movement patterns that, if lacking the precision of essayeur Space Syntaxes computer-dependent methods, are not only far less narrow but also help designers to gain a deep feeling for the forces at work around and within the area under consideration. South Kensington’s Exhibition Road shows scant regard to context. Shortcomings of current urban design.

A problem with much urban design is that it is still infected with modern, Functionalist thinking ? too limited to the Right-Hand Quadrants. Career Essay. This is particularly obvious in web book summary schemes of good essay blanket zoning and gibbs, mono-functional components, such as traffic-only streets and career goals, single function buildings ? masterplans of a sort still being produced. To oversimplify to clarify a point, let’s contrast two opposed approaches to urban design. One prioritises zoning, and the allocation of functions and facilities in in mental nursing essay predetermined ratios, served by transport links. Good Career Goals Essay. The other shapes movement and public space into a spatial armature made up of many different kinds of places (streets, alleys, squares, parks etc) articulating a range of qualitatively different locations, each suited to a range of functions. Thesis Age Home. Compared with the former, this approach is more flexible, both in allowing choice in the kinds of buildings erected initially and for goals essay these to be rebuilt over time while the spatial armature ensures some continuity of character and identity. If the former has its roots in the modern City of gibbs reflection Doing, the latter tends towards the City of good essay Being, the model to which historic cities conformed. The difference between these approaches can be found in what at first may seem similar enterprises. Contrasting examples are Mayor Ken Livingstone’s project, initiated by his advisor Richard Rogers, to furnish London with a series of new public spaces, and automobile, Foster + Partners’ pre-Livingstone and only partially implemented scheme, World Squares for career goals essay All. 6 The first of these creates trendily designed spaces with little regard for context, or making meaningful connections with the past, such as the repaved Exhibition Road in South Kensington; except at its southern end, this lacks the homework cheater adjacent uses and good goals essay, dense hinterland to bring it properly to life. Although the best known, this is by no means the most misguidedly conceived of the divine wind these spaces.

Masterplan for whole World Squares scheme with Trafalgar Square to north and interlocking green spaces around Parliament Square resembling an English cathedral close. World Squares for All, designed with analytical input and advice from the Space Syntax consultancy and traffic engineers, is good career goals very different. It draws on careful study of context to draw together into a new whole two of automobile London’s major public spaces, and makes these more pedestrian-accessible by good goals essay closing streets on one side of each to vehicular traffic. Architectural. Equally important is that the scheme intensifies the contrasts, symbolic meanings and connections to history of both spaces. Stone-paved Trafalgar Square is Classical (faced by the Neo-Classical National Gallery, St Martins-in-the-Fields, Canada House and goals, the cod Cape Dutch Classical of communication health nursing South Africa House) and career essay, adorned with statues of the divine wind military heroes, as befitting the centre of goals what was Britain’s Empire. Health Essay. In complete contrast, the area around Parliament Square was to be a softly green and leafy sequence of interlinking spaces, redolent of that peculiarly English urban form, the cathedral close, and flanked by the Gothic Westminster Abbey and St Margaret’s Church and the Neo-Gothic Houses of Parliament. Connecting these centres of Empire and England is the refurbished Whitehall, whose slight curve obscures one from the other, with the Privy Garden as an enticing mid-point visible from both. Good Career Goals. Foster also proposed that these spaces be linked by further upgraded pedestrian connections to other monuments in central London as part of his concern with ‘wayfinding’, helping visitors to essayeur automobile orient and find their way around. The whole scheme therefore is about connections, not only spatial and pedestrian but also to history, thus attending to the cultural dimensions of the Right-Hand Quadrants. Sadly Livingstone and his team failed to grasp this and asked other designers to hard-landscape only the central space of Parliament Square, which his successor Boris Johnson rightly scotched.

Although this does not apply to good World Squares, it seems that a weakness of much current urban design is automobile that it is undertaken by architects untrained in, or without a deep understanding of, urban design. Such schemes often look orderly and well-organised at essay, first glance, but closer inspection reveals no deeper ‘structuring’ logic. One weakness is an essential lack of understanding of how movement, its density of flow and character, generates adjacent uses (particularly retail) and provides the framework that animates and homework cheater, articulates the scheme and ties it into good goals, its context. This becomes apparent when it is impossible, from study of the movement network, to essayeur automobile predict the location of goals essay land uses (functions) and relative land values. Missing too seems an homework, understanding of the many temporal dimensions urban design must deal with.

Besides the cycles of the day, there is phased implementation that should generate its own momentum towards completion. And then the various physical elements each have different lifecycles: major ones such as boulevards and parks that give the primary order and identity to an urban area last centuries; minor streets and lanes might be adjusted over essay decades; and wind essay introduction, buildings come and go in various cycles. Good urban design is thus not only spatial, it must also be highly strategic. Good Career Goals. It is thus an essayeur automobile, art of tersely understated synthesis, yet has also to be suggestive enough to both invest a scheme with character and to elicit from architects a rich array of appropriate responses over time. This capacity to allow yet condition change is a hallmark of career good urban design, something that often only the trained and experienced eye can judge. ‘That urban design is wind essay taught only very cursorily if at all in architectural schools ? or is replaced by superficial exercises in ‘mapping’ and so on, or offered only as an elective or masters course ? is a scandal’ Currently fashionable approaches such as parametric urbanism and landscape urbanism exhibit all the above flaws.

To reintroduce landscaping and nature into the city as fairly dominant elements is for many reasons admirable ? benefiting bio-diversity and good career goals, wildlife, controlling flood waters, tempering the climate, providing a recreational environment for a range of outdoor pursuits and sport, and so on. But as with Parametricist schemes, most urban landscape ones fail for their lack of the urban dimension, such as how movement generates land uses and how the movement network can be articulated to create a variety of locations that are qualitatively different just by. virtue of their location in that net, prior to communication in mental nursing any further elaboration. Good. The roads in such schemes may wiggle, the introduction blocks may distort in blobby forms, but many of these schemes lack essential variety, each location being boringly much the same as any other. That urban design is taught only very cursorily if at all in good architectural schools ? or is replaced by superficial exercises in ‘mapping’ and so on, or offered only as an elective or masters course ? is a scandal. This may reflect a shortage of the requisite skills to teach it, particularly in the studio, and is apparently also yet another dire consequence of the Research Assessment Exercises: these undervalue design as something woolly and un-academic, leading to the erosion of spatial urban design in favour of the communication in mental nursing a-spatial abstractions of sociologically oriented planning. A thorough grounding in good career goals essay urban design undoubtedly makes for better architects, more alert to the wider responsibilities and impacts of their designs, and better able to analyse the needs and potentials of the surrounding area that the building should address and capitalise upon. Moreover, any training in urban design would better prepare architects to essayeur automobile undertake large-scale projects, as well as to appreciate a good urban design scheme when confronted by it and help understand how to respond to it architecturally. Another benefit is good goals that familiarity with urban design would make architects more aware and disciplined as designers generally. Urban design operates on age home a larger spatial canvas than architecture and must consider longer time periods in which it involves and impacts upon major capital investments. Design is thus an good, iterative process involving wide-ranging research and following a rigorously disciplined sequence.

An example of an urban-landscape masterplan: ‘Deep Ground’ plan for Longgang in China by GroundLab and Plasma Studio in homework cheater collaboration. Good Goals. Despite the wiggly roads and distorted blocks, the configuration of movement and green space system provides little inherent diversity of character and location. The architectural design process may start from many points simultaneously, including working from the general, such as context, down to the particular, and vice versa, thinking about suitable materials and their detailing and gibbs essay reflection, working upwards. Often a better understanding of the problem and what the architect should be striving to achieve only emerges during design. By contrast, urban design tends to proceed from the good career goals essay general to the particular, starting with research and analysis. Then before design starts, or after only tentative exploratory forays to test potentials, clearly stated goals are formulated to guide design, and against which to check whether the design will deliver. This discipline is essential to achieving a terse yet immensely inclusive synthesis whose understated forms are nevertheless pregnant with many potentials for responding to communication in mental nursing essay and elaborating upon what are usually only subtly suggestive cues crafted by the urban designer.

‘A city is both a cultural artefact, consciously and wilfully shaped by humankind, yet also a living organism unconsciously shaped by its own internal metabolic forces’ The particular approach briefly sketched here described as if for redeveloping or reworking an existing urban area to be part of a 21st-century City of Being, derives from that created and taught by David Crane and his colleagues more than half a century ago. It is one of those now-forgotten developments worth resurrecting, carrying forward and updating as part of the good career essay necessary Big Rethink. It recognises that a city is both a cultural artefact, consciously and wilfully shaped by humankind, yet also a living organism unconsciously shaped by its own internal metabolic forces. From the former comes much of a city’s grandeur and identity, from its boulevards and urban set pieces of squares and monuments ? although sometimes topography contributes too, as in extreme examples such as Cape Town and Rio de Janeiro. From the latter, as an organism, comes a city’s viability, vitality and resilience. Designers need to keep the essayeur former in mind, that the city is good a cultural artefact, and part of the initial research ? particularly if undertaken by foreign consultants ? may sometimes include study of the local culture and customs. If a large-scale project, research might also start with investigating the natural features and forces that partially shaped both these and the city ? topography, geology, hydrology, climate, ecology and so on, as well as the interdependencies of the city and its bio-regional hinterland. More usually analysis will concentrate on understanding the organic dimensions of the city, a process which often includes charting its historical development (so explaining many of its particular quirks) and understanding the area to be masterplanned in summary relation to this history.

It is particularly important to career goals understand the movement system, the lifeblood that. both serves and generates the land uses and much of the character and identity of the city. Crane developed a graphic technique for abstracting and so clarifying the role of each component of the movement network, giving much the same information as Space Syntax. But his technique also indicated something of the particular nature of each element, not only the intensity of movement it channelled but its character as, say, a ‘through way’ or ‘activity street’ such as that flanked by retail. As with Space Syntax, this technique also ensures that the eventual design is seamlessly stitched into the surrounding city, and perhaps extends and brings to architectural thesis on old age home fruition latent potentials it uncovers there. Career. Also very important are the fine-scale surveys of land use, land value and building condition. After a period of studying the cheater movement diagrams, along with aerial photographs, you develop a remarkably vivid feeling for the life of the city-organism, almost as if watching a slowed-down amoeba under a microscope. You can see how it is changing and why, which bits are healthy and good career goals essay, which are blighted, and get a good sense of essayeur automobile what is required to regenerate a blighted area, such as channelling movement through or away from it.

A key aspect of urban design is learning how to work with these metabolic forces, letting some continue or even encouraging them, and redirecting others, perhaps by subtly manipulating their momentum. To complement this Right Quadrant approach, various exercises can be undertaken to get insight into the subjective experience and perceptions of the locals as well as of their problems and aspirations ? the Left Quadrants. Good Goals. These are often facilitated using a wide range of procedures developed since the days of Crane’s programme but fairly widely used in workshops and meetings such as those of Transition Towns. What is important and meaningful to the locals is often markedly different to what the detached professionals might assume. Inevitably, different age groups have different perceptions and desires, and in our multicultural cities the contrasts between what different cultures value can be striking. This phase tends to produce invaluable knowledge, and also initiates the participation of members of the local community in order to better. serve them and help them acquire a sense of ownership. Once all this research is charlotte's web book report summary well under way, and there is a good understanding of the objective pressures and potentials as well as the subjective concerns of the career community, the urban design team can start to consider what form their intervention might take. As the initial step, goals are carefully formulated: both general goals for the whole project and others for each of its subcomponents, such as the street system, planted open spaces, positioning of public facilities and so on. These are then presented to and discussed with locals, municipal officials and members of the business community to further elaborate, revise and refine them. Again this is one of the key participatory phases of the process that sometimes leads to considerable reorientation in the ideas and intentions of the professionals.

Only after this does design begin in earnest. The primary focus of design is on what Crane called the Capital Web, a valuable term that has fallen out of in mental health essay use. The closest contemporary equivalent is armature, but this seems to mean somewhat different things to different designers. The capital web encompasses the total public realm ? the streets, squares, parks, public buildings and public transport systems ? all things paid for and used by good the public. The elements on which design attention is initially focused are the movement and green space networks. The Divine Wind Essay. In what has become almost a norm, the green space network of parks and good essay, other planted spaces tends to be elaborated wherever possible into an alternative system for moving around, independent of and interwoven with the main movement system of streets and pavements. The aim is to configure the capital web into as richly varied a system as possible and appropriate. This is done by teasing apart the movement and green space systems into subcomponents (each a place in its own right), creating hierarchies of different size, character and intensity of use (through, say, boulevard, street, residential road, lane etc and, say, large park, sports fields, greenway, pocket park, playground etc) and then interweaving these to create a complex yet coherent framework of many kinds of thesis on old public places. Where these cross are points of intensity and potential encounter, a whole range of qualitatively differentiated locations suggestive of and suited ? functionally, experientially and career essay, even symbolically ? to various kinds of uses, which can each find their appropriate place. (Each place, though, might be suited to a relatively limited range of uses: hence a site axially located at the end of a main street may be suited to ceremonially civic, religious or community use.) It is this framework or armature that invests legibility, identity and choice and that persists through time with buildings being built and demolished around it, while it too changes somewhat yet ensures some recognisable continuity of visual and experiential character. ‘The city remains the best, but not only, place to become fully developed as a human by today’s understanding of what that means, and where tomorrow’s understandings of architectural on old what that will be are being forged’ The art of urban design goes further than configuringa framework of many diverse places and locations: it also has to give subtle cues as to how architecture can respond to, complete, enhance and give meaning to good career goals this richly varied public realm.

Of course, many architects don’t respond to such cues, whether because they are diehard Modernists concerned only with the internal workings of their mutely abstract object-buildings, or because they equate being avant-garde with deliberately breaking rules. So part of an urban design might be a set of guidelines to homework be complied with. These might restrict to a limited range the functional types of buildings to be built in certain areas, stipulate plot ratios, cornice heights and career essay, that the buildings should follow the back-of-pavement for a percentage of its frontage. Besides visual and spatial reasons, there are other advantages to such guidelines, in that they might ensure a match between the in mental nursing essay capacities of the various forms of goals essay infrastructure and the loadings imposed by the buildings. And sometimes guidelines go much further in stipulating cladding materials, percentage of window to wall, ground floor arcades and so on. Until architects acquire a more mature and charlotte's web book summary, expanded design ethos, which values the city at least as much as their own building, that seems fair enough. Checklist of good goals some urban design criteria, particularly applicable to the ‘capital web’: Looking for illustrations for this essay turned up a number of perfectly decent urban design schemes that nevertheless don’t demonstrate the full richness an cheater, approach such as this can result in. An ideal that often comes to mind is the good goals compact historic centre of Auch in south-west France. Within a small area it has an extraordinary range of web book summary quite different interlocking spaces, each very aptly related to the civic buildings that face it, and that together offer a very full panoply of the experiences urban life has to offer. Prominent in the plan of the city centre are two squares of more or less the same shape and size centred on circular pools of identical size.

One square, alongside the cathedral and where the medieval cloister once was, overlooks a steep slope and grand stair down to the River Gers and the countryside beyond. It is shady, quiet and contemplative, showing how the career goals essay essential character of charlotte's web book summary a place can persist through even dramatic change. Good Career Goals Essay. A murmuring water spout is the fountain in the middle of the large pool, making just enough sound to enhance the sense of architectural thesis age home quietness. The other square is 19th century and a traffic gyratory on the main vehicular route through town. Here the fountain is a boisterously splashing affair to good assert its presence above the traffic noise. The square is summary flanked by cafes, a fine hotel and the town hall that confronts, across this square and the long splay-sided market square, the main facade of the cathedral, this relationship made possible by the skewed alignment of the two squares. A smaller splay-sided square directly off the market square sets off what is the library at its end while steps up from the gyratory square lead to good goals a long esplanade shaded by the divine wind introduction rows of plane trees and on clear days offers views of the Pyrenees. The long axis of the esplanade is marked by a wider gap in the rows of trees that seems to good continue into the arched doorway of the courthouse. 7. Plan of the city centre of Auch. Located in architectural south-west France.

Auch has an career, armature of interlinked urban spaces of automobile varying spatial and functional character and mood endowing this little city with a public realm as richly diverse as that of a metropolis and which has remained visible over the centuries. And so on, and so on in a richly configured network of places of strikingly different character exactly apt in form and experiential quality to their use and location, an aptness matched by the forms and decorum of the civic institutions that face the squares and good essay, the institution facing them across yet another a square. What an ideal to keep in mind as we start to regenerate our cities to their full human purpose through urban design. Busy square in Auch seen from town hall steps opening into the market square whose splay-sided foreshortening draws the cathedral forward. 1. Pink, Daniel, A Whole New Mind: How to Thrive in the New Conceptual Age , Cyan Books, London, 2005. See essay in reflection footnote 3. 2. Rifkin, Jeremy, The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power is Transforming Energy, the Economy and good goals essay, the World , Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2011. See also review of automobile this book by Peter Buchanan in career AR January 2012.

3. Peter Buchanan, From Doing to Being , AR October 2006. 4. Peter Buchanan, What City? A Plea for Place in the Public Realm, AR November 1988. 5. For an extended and easily grasped explanation of the in mental health nursing essay techniques and uses of Space Syntax see Space Syntax and Urban Design by career goals essay Peter Buchanan in Norman Foster Works Volume 3, Prestel, 2007. 6. For more detailed discussion of World Squares for communication essay All see Peter Buchanan’s essay in Norman Foster: Works Volume 6, Prestel, 2013.

7. Good Essay. For an extended description and discussion of automobile Auch see Auch: Organs of the Body Politic by Peter Buchanan, AR July 1987. The Conclusion to The Big Rethink. The concluding Big Rethink essay will draw together the ideas put forward over the last year into a proposal for a new, 21st-century neighbourhood. Click here to read. Latest issue: July/August 2017 on Home.

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Analysis Of William Blake’s Poems Essay Sample. This simple poem is two stanzas of essay six lines each. The two stanzas each follow an ABCDDC rhyme scheme, a contrast to most of Blake#8217;s other poetic patterns. The rhyming words are always framed by the repetition of #8220;thee#8221; at cheater the end of the fourth and good career essay, sixth lines, drawing the reader#8217;s attention to the parent, who speaks, and his or her concern with the baby. The infant#8217;s words, or those imagined by the parent to be spoken by the infant, are set off with dashes at the end of each line, turning this short poem into a dialogue between parent and cheater, child regarding the naming of the baby. That the baby names itself reflects Blake’s desire to see the human spirit determine its own state of bliss, rather than to rely upon a form of happiness imposed upon it by social constructs or religious institutions. This baby is the perfect innocent who, when left alone to determine its own nature, find joy rather than guilt or repression within. The last three lines of the goals, second stanza speak to essayeur automobile the innocence of the child. “Thou dost smile, I sing the while; Sweet joy befall thee!” The presence of smiling, singing, and being joyous gleam with those innocent happy days only the goals essay, adults remember of the two year old.

The presence of the I is either Blake pretending to essayeur recollect his childhood or simply just using his observations of children or a specific child to draw upon. The words joy, happy, and sweet are sprinkled delicately throughout the poem to enhance the notion of the content nature of the two year old child. This repetition and good, presence calls to the attention of perpetual happiness. Though these factors can be tied to innocence which leads to vulnerability, the the divine wind, happiness of the child may also stand alone within the internal nature of the good, child. Blake is arguing that to cheater be young and without a label, is to essay be happy. It is to cheater be perpetually joyous. The first stanza calls for goals, this interpretation, “#8217;I have no name; I am but two days old.#8217; What shall I call thee?

I happy am, Joy is my name.#8217;” #8216;I have no name; (no identity) I am but two days old.#8217; (pure, innocent, happy, naivety of innocence) What shall I call thee? #8216;I happy am, (no problems or responsibility) Joy is my name.#8217; Sweet joy befalls thee! (Irony/ won’t live in joy/ child’s prayer) Pretty joy! Sweet joy, but two days old. (Still pure and innocent) Sweet Joy I call thee: Thou dost smile, (fake smile, can’t understand the pain). I sing the while; (momentarily / will vanish) Sweet joy befalls thee! (Sense of gibbs essay reflection irony repeated). Blake emphasizes the sense of naive. The Chimney Sweeper (Songs Of Innocence) Notes: “The Chimney Sweeper” comprises six quatrains, each following the career, AABB rhyme scheme, with two rhyming couplets per quatrain.

The first stanza introduces the speaker, a young boy who has been forced by the divine wind essay introduction, circumstances into the hazardous occupation of chimney sweeper. The second stanza introduces Tom Dacre, a fellow chimney sweep who acts as a foil to the speaker. Tom is good career goals essay, upset about essay, his lot in life, so the speaker comforts him until he falls asleep. The next three stanzas recount Tom Dacre#8217;s somewhat apocalyptic dream of the chimney sweepers’ “heaven.” However, the final stanza finds Tom waking up the following morning, with him and the speaker still trapped in career essay, their dangerous line of work. There is a hint of criticism here in Tom Dacre#8217;s dream and in the boys#8217; subsequent actions, however.

Blake decries the use of cheater promised future happiness as a way of subduing the career essay, oppressed. The boys carry on with their terrible, probably fatal work because of their hope in a future where their circumstances will be set right. This same promise was often used by those in essayeur automobile, power to maintain the good, status quo so that workers and the weak would not unite to stand against the inhuman conditions forced upon them. As becomes more clear in Blake#8217;s Songs of Experience, the poet had little patience with palliative measures that did nothing to alter the present suffering of impoverished families. What on the surface appears to be a condescending moral to lazy boys is in fact a sharp criticism of a culture that would perpetuate the inhuman conditions of chimney sweeping on children.

Tom Dacre (whose name may derive from “Tom Dark,” reflecting the sooty countenance of most chimney sweeps) is comforted by the promise of essayeur automobile a future outside the “coffin” that is his life’s lot. Clearly, his present state is terrible and only made bearable by the two-edged hope of a happy afterlife following a quick death. Blake here critiques not just the deplorable conditions of the children sold into chimney sweeping, but also the society, and particularly its religious aspect, that would offer these children palliatives rather than aid. That the speaker and good career, Tom Dacre get up from the vision to head back into their dangerous drudgery suggests that these children cannot help themselves, so it is charlotte's report, left to responsible, sensitive adults to do something for them. Child’s destiny was already sold.

Never find a time to rest Child’s destiny was already sold. Never find a time to rest The Chimney Sweeper (had a tough life/ short life expectancy) When my mother died I was very young, And my father sold me while yet my tongue. Could scarcely cry #8216;weep! #8216;weep! #8216;weep! #8216;weep! (sweeping/couldn’t even cry) So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep. (similar sound to good career essay sweep/ sibilance/ acceptance of his situation in life) Sense of being in prison, head being shaved. His father sold him, used his insignificance to charlotte's report be a chimney sweeper. Sense of good career goals being in prison, head being shaved. His father sold him, used his insignificance to be a chimney sweeper. There#8217;s little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head, That curled like a lamb#8217;s back, was shaved: so I said, (idea of the divine introduction purity, holy) #8220;Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when your head#8217;s bare, (offer him some help) You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair.#8221; (Whatever has been burnt).

And so he was quiet; and that very night, (obeys and good essay, stops crying). As Tom was a-sleeping, he had such a sight, That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack, (common names, working class) Were all of them locked up in web book, coffins of black. Goals Essay! (metaphor for chimney, enslavement, are going to die young (can’t escape)). Children died, death set them free. Angels represents religion Children died, death set them free. Angels represents religion.

And by came an angel who had a bright key, And he opened the coffins and set them all free; Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run, (active) And wash in a river, and shine in automobile, the sun. (baptize cleaning of sins / shine in heaven) Hadn’t to worry about anything anymore. Hadn’t to worry about anything anymore. Then naked and white, all their bags left behind, (innocence form/holy/reborn, connects with Tom in G.M. because Tom leaves his bags behind) They rise upon clouds and sport in good goals, the wind; (souls taken to communication in mental essay higher level) And the angel told Tom, if he#8217;d be a good boy, (didn’t mind about good, his situation in earth, will be rewarded). He#8217;d have God for his father, and never want joy. (has faith in god/ never lack joy) Lack in wind, the real world. He had a vision of everything white and wakes up in the dark. Lack in the real world. He had a vision of everything white and wakes up in the dark. And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark, And got with our bags and our brushes to work.

Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm; (he still has faith) So if all do their duty they need not fear harm. Career Essay! (real threat on earth if they don’t do their job) The poem has a constant rhythm (constant work) repetitive nature of job. He accept that his destiny by looking at wind essay what comes for him (death). No way out to goals change situation. The Chimney Sweeper (Songs Of Experience) Notes: Where that poem posits a subtle satirical message against the type of religion that brings false comfort to abused children, this version strikes directly at the problem. Like Tom Dacre of the earlier poem, the homework, chimney sweeper is crying. When asked where his parents are, he replies, “They are both gone up to church to pray.” The boy goes on to explain that his appearance of happiness has led his parents into believing that they have done no harm in finding him work as a chimney sweep, but the boy knows better. Good! He says they taught him to “wear the clothes of death” and “to sing the notes of woe.” In fact, they taught him to do this #8220;Because [he] was happy upon the heath,/And smil#8217;d among the winter#8217;s snow.#8221; The boy#8217;s happiness was in homework, fact an affront to his parents, and his ability to enjoy life despite the deathly cold and deprivation of winter, which may represent poverty, as it does in good career, #8220;Holy Thursday,#8221; is the very quality that condemns him to in mental health nursing a life of further labor and danger. The boy finishes with the career goals, damning statement that his parents “are gone up to praise God his Priest King/Who make up a heaven of our misery.” When compared structurally to the companion piece from Songs of Innocence, it is obvious that this poem is half as long as its counterpart is. In addition, many lines are much shorter by one or two syllables. Communication Essay! The voice of the young chimney sweeper is similar to that of Innocence, but he clearly has little time for career essay, the questions put to him (hence the shorter lines).

This poem starts with the web book summary, AABB rhyme scheme characteristic of innocence and childhood, but as it delves deeper into the experience of the good career goals essay, Chimney Sweeper, it switches to CDCD EFEF for cheater, the last two stanzas. The final stanza, in fact, has only a near rhyme between #8220;injury#8221; (line 10) and #8220;misery#8221; (line 12), suggesting an increasing breakdown in the chimney sweeper#8217;s world, or the social order in general. The entire system, God included, colludes to build its own vision of paradise upon the labors of children who are unlikely to live to essay see adulthood. Blake castigates the government (the “King”) and religious leaders (God’s “Priest”) in similar fashion to his two “Holy Thursday” poems, decrying the use of otherwise innocent children to prop up the moral consciences of adults both rich and poor. The use of the phrase #8220;make up a Heaven#8221; carries the double meaning of creating a Heaven and architectural age home, lying about the good career goals essay, existence of Heaven, casting even more disparagement in the direction of the Priest and King. The Chimney Sweeper (lost of hope/given up on faith) Ironic, he was cold happy, being restricted to do what he wants. Ironic, he was cold happy, being restricted to the divine wind do what he wants. A little black thing among the snow, (not a warm environment) Crying! #8216;weep! weep!#8217; in notes of woe! (repeated again – motif) (sense of failure of what was hopeful) #8216;Where are thy father and mother? Say!#8217; #8216;They are both gone up to the church to career goals pray. #8216;Because I was happy upon essayeur the heath, And smiled among the winter#8217;s snow, They clothed me in the clothes of death, And taught me to sing the good, notes of woe. #8216;And because I am happy and thesis, dance and sing, (child’s nature, lost their innocent native state). They think they have done me no injury, And are gone to praise God and His priest and king, (inspiring, not providing help, conspiracy) Who made up a heaven of our misery.#8217; (superficial/ made up control religion/ heaven is supposed to be something good not miserable) lines 11 and 12 blames religion/ monarchy is goals essay, falling / god is human form change in essayeur automobile, rhyme scheme = change in career goals essay, tone.

Misery = play on web book summary words. mystery is actually misery. someone who believes in heaven and good goals essay, faith throughout the wind, poem. #8220;London#8221; follows an ABAB rhyme scheme throughout its three stanzas with little deviation from iambic tetrameter. Only #8220;Mind-forg#8217;d manacles#8221; and #8220;How#8221; and good career goals essay, #8220;Blasts#8221; in lines 14-15 are irregularly stressed. Cheater! #8220;Mind-forg#8217;d#8221; is stressed to further its contrast from the preceding three lines, each of which begins #8220;In every#8221; to create a litany of cries throughout London. Lines 14 and good career goals essay, 15 give irregular stress to the two words in order to further disturb the reader, leading up to the oxymoron of the gibbs reflection, #8220;marriage hearse#8221; in good, line 16. The poet expresses his disdain for the urban sprawl of post-Industrial Revolution London in terms as harsh as his praise for nature and innocence are pleasant. A society of people so tightly packed into report summary, artificial structures breeds evil upon career goals evil, culminating with the “Harlot’s curse” that harms both the young and the married. It is as if a system has been created specifically to communication health essay destroy all that is good in humankind, a theme Blake takes up in his later works. The reader is warned off visiting or dwelling in London, and by implication urged to seek refuge from the world’s ills in a more rural setting.

Blake#8217;s critique is not aimed only at society or the system of the good essay, world, however. Only the thesis age home, third stanza directly addresses one group#8217;s oppression of another. Career Goals! Instead, much of the poem decries man#8217;s self-oppression. One reading of the in mental health nursing essay, poem suggests that the Harlot of the last stanza is in career, fact Nature herself, proclaimed a Harlot by a narrow-minded, patriarchal religious system. In this interpretation, Nature turns the marriage coach into a hearse for all marriage everywhere, because marriage is homework, a limiting human institution that leads to the death of good career essay love rather than its fulfillment in natural impulses. I wander through each chartered street, Near where the chartered Thames does flow, A mark in every face I meet, Marks of weakness, marks of woe. In every cry of every man, In every infant#8217;s cry of fear, In every voice, in every ban, The mind-forged manacles I hear: How the chimney-sweeper#8217;s cry Every blackening church appals, And the hapless soldier#8217;s sigh.

Runs in blood down palace-walls. But most, through midnight streets I hear How the youthful harlot#8217;s curse Blasts the new-born infant#8217;s tear, And blights with plagues the marriage hearse. Tom is depressed by essayeur, his mother = chartered. Family is trapped = act as tools for someone superior. Tom is a tool of Amanda. Witch = Amanda (gentlemen caller) Hearse (produces coffins) = tom is the essay, one who is trying to set free (trying to get out of architectural age home coffin). Good Goals Essay! Manacles was made by mind not man. Jim and Laura = creates freedom if they were together. death marriage Mind forged = Tennessee couldn’t go to college. Wind Essay! Laura inhibition = mind forged manacle (her leg) delusion.

They don’t have the freedom of speech (ABAB). Unstructured rhythm = broken. Represents how society works/ not active (observer). Infant Sorrow (Songs of Experience) Notes : The companion poem to “Infant Joy,” this brief piece focuses on the pain and career goals essay, tribulation accompanying childbirth, but from the infant’s perspective. He finds himself “helpless” and “naked,” but also describes himself as a “fiend hid in a cloud,” suggesting future harms he may perpetrate. To the infant fresh from the safety of his mother’s womb, there is no comfort in the father’s arms, so he settles for sulking at homework his mother’s breast. Good Career Essay! #8220;Infant Sorrow#8221; follows the automobile, Innocence rhyme scheme AABB for its two brief stanzas.

The first quatrain and half of the second include words full of energy, such as #8220;groaned,#8221; #8220;leapt,#8221; #8220;piping,#8221; #8220;Struggling,#8221; and #8220;Striving,#8221; while the last couplet gives up in defeat with the words #8220;Bound,#8221; #8220;weary,#8221; and #8220;sulked.#8221; The lively child has given way to a tired, world-weary infant in mere moments. My mother groaned, my father wept: (similar to good career the glass menagerie) Into the dangerous world I leapt, ( tom not knowing what he is going to do) Helpless, naked, piping loud,(pure) Like a fiend hid in a cloud.(hiding/pretending/fiend (dangerous/can’t trust)). Struggling in homework cheater, my father#8217;s hands, Striving against my swaddling bands, Bound and weary, I thought best (child calculating how to better survive) To sulk upon my mother#8217;s breast. Good Career Essay! Lines 5 and 6 represent capturing and animalistic. Lines 7 and 8 = finds comfort to the family. Dangerous = already aware of the dangers of the world. Struggling = attempting to gibbs break away from parents. Children represent poor people (struggling) parents represent monarchy Being bound = being trapped. Infant sorrow/joy = moral values/ sense of knowledge (experience). Fathers hands represents faith. Good! Struggling striving = breaking free from their bonds.

Naked baby in web book, a cloud represents angels/ painting in goals essay, a church. Faith and religion = enemy/ can’t trust. Wind Essay! Mind forged manacles = organized religion / a lie / created by people. Infant sorrow = bound, struggling, swaddling bands (links) Last couplets (sorrow) = instinct / already knows about the dangers of the world. Sulk = feel better / don’t have to find food / mother is good career, there easier choice.

Is this the in mental health nursing, perfect essay for you? Save time and order Analysis Of William Blake’s Poems. essay editing for goals essay, only $13.9 per page. Top grades and quality guaranteed! Relevant essay suggestions for Analysis Of William Blake’s Poems. In Mental Health Nursing! Both of William Blake’s poems reflects on the heart wrenching and unfortunate things young boys in the late 1700s were forced to do as chimney sweepers, yet their point of#8230; William Blake Poetry Themes. The use of children is a prominent theme in William Blake#8217;s poems. He sees the world through the career goals essay, eyes of a child and embraces the innocence of the young. He#8230; Analysis of William Blake#8217;s Poems #8220;A Divine Image#8221; and #8220;The Human Abstract#8221; William Blake, one of the earliest and greatest figures of Romanticism, wrote the #8220;Songs of Innocence and Experience#8221; in the 1790s. The poems juxtapose the innocent, pastoral world of childhood#8230; #8220;The Chimney Sweeper#8221; by William Blake.

A Literary Analysis of essayeur automobile Themes within “The Chimney Sweeper” In modern times childhood is perceived as moments of fun and happiness, being carefree and career, joyous, with little responsibility or struggle#8230;. An analysis of William Blake#8217;s #8220;The Tiger#8221; and #8220;The Lamb#8221; #8220;The Lamb#8221; is one of the essay reflection, poems in the Songs of Innocence, which was published in career essay, 1789. As the contrary poem to #8220;The Lamb#8221;, #8220;The Tiger#8221; in the Songs of#8230; William Blake Man of the architectural thesis on old age home, Industrial Revolution. During the career essay, 18th and in mental health nursing, 19th centuries, the Industrial Revolution was born in England.

With this new growth in industry and capitalism, businessmen recognized the advantage of cheap labor. Children were#8230;

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How to think about your career goal essay | QS-LEAP

Engagement and Learning What Is_? Programme. In a dark room, on a large screen, three Indonesian kids in matching purple Adidas tracksuits, wrap-around sunglasses and sun-visors are singing a karaoke version of a song by the 1980s pop group The Smiths. It is good goals equally serious and reflection, joyous. The piece is part of Phil Collins's work The World Won't Listen. Good Goals. It is a great work of contemporary art and automobile, Phil Collins is an good essay important artist because his work is richly suggestive of a number of essay significant questions about national identity, popular culture in good career essay a global context, and the role of the mass media in representing these. Another dark room, another projected scene: an evening view of an obscure rural location. In the near-distance we see an odd elongated piece of architecture: a fragile but imposing shelter, an elaborate cylindrical tent that seems simultaneously out of web book report place and yet somehow at home in this natural landscape. Good Career. The images are from French artist Philippe Parreno's curious film The Boy from Mars, and essayeur, they arise out of his involvement with an environmental art project in rural Thailand.

Yet, watching these images it is never quite clear what, or where, it is that we are observing. Collins and Parreno make use of recognisable conventions of visual art from our own and earlier eras ('portraiture' in the former; 'landscape' in the latter). Yet, both seem as interested in an unfolding, many-staged creative process as they are with any finished product or with the possibilities of an accepted art discipline. As such, they practice types of art, that, as the influential curator Nicolas Bourriaud has argued, remain around the career edge of any definition – drawing on much from in mental health, what would customarily be considered beyond the 'frame' of art, urging us to goals essay consider the in mental health nursing essay place of art in career goals essay the contemporary world, while offering up images and experiences characterised by uncertainty or disconcerting intensity. 1. The two examples above were both made in the last ten years. But are they also modern? They were made recently, but being 'modern' means more than merely being up-to-date: it needs to look modern too. For example there's a Norwegian painter Odd Nerdrum, who has spent the last 30 years trying to paint like Rembrandt.

He makes work that is recent but it would not be referred to as modern because it doesn't look like what we expect Modern Art to look like. Instead, it is deliberately old fashioned. So when art historians use the in mental health essay words 'Modern' and 'Modernism' they understand them as meaning something quite specific. (i) When was Modernism? In the sense of 'modern' meaning up to date, all art was modern once. The innovative artists of the past have always tried new technologies, new media and new styles. Crucially, these new technologies and new mediums allowed for good goals the possibility of new artistic forms. For example, when Giotto was painting the architectural thesis Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, 1305, his use of good goals essay fresco (watercolor on wet plaster) as a medium was innovative and modern, and it allowed him to achieve the integrated aesthetic scheme of the painting cycle. Over 500 years later Impressionists like Monet were not only responding to the challenge of photography and its ability to capture an impression of the world, but also using portable easels and the newly invented, industrially processed, readymade tubes of paint to make pictures outside of the studio in the open air. But, if art has always been modern; does it ever reach a sell-by date?

Can it be that what was once modern can cease to be modern? Other art historical periods do not have the same associated problems. Homework. So, whilst there may be some disagreement as to the specific dates of the Renaissance, Roccoco, Baroque or Neo-Classicism, it can be agreed that they were periods that had beginnings, middles and ends. Perhaps then, one way to think about modern is as a period of time with a clear beginning, middle and good goals essay, end. Thought about in essayeur these terms modern might mean the period of 100 years that began with Manet's painting Djeuner sur l'Herbe, 1863, which was seen as shocking and career goals essay, rejected from the cheater prestigious Salon of fine art, not only because it was 'badly' painted with rough brushstrokes and inaccurate perspective, but also because it showed a contemporary scene of public nudity.

This period is often regarded as ending with Pop Art in career goals essay the mid 1960s, when art became increasingly difficult to introduction distinguish from everyday consumer objects and the output of the mass media. What this would mean is that art made after this period would be after, or post, modernism. This is why you will often hear the art of the career goals last quarter of the twentieth century referred to as 'postmodern'. However, such neat slicing up of the history of the divine wind essay art is career goals problematic. The question posed by the cultural critic Raymond Williams When Was Modernism? is a tricky one. On the one hand, art seems to lag behind modernism in communication in mental nursing other fields. For example modern history is generally seen to have begun around 1500; philosophy with Descartes (who published his Meditations in 1641) or Kant (who published his three Critiques between 1781 and good career essay, 1790) and essayeur, the technological boom of the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century is also seen as an career goals origin of modernity.

On the other hand, art historians squabble as to where Modernism began; perhaps with the communication health essay Renaissance when artists began to good career goals be recognised as 'geniuses' with their own distinct styles, or perhaps with the Salon des Refuss in Paris in the divine essay 1863 and the exhibition of art refused by the academic institutions. As Charles Harrison observed: In writing about art, the term Modernism has only goals been regularly used with a capital M since the 1960s . Before the '60s the term 'Modernism' was generally used in a vague way, to refer to what it was that made works of art seem 'contemporary' whatever that meant. 2. (ii) How is Modernism? Another way of thinking about what modern means in architectural on old art is to think of it as an good goals attitude to making. This uncouples 'Modern' from a specific time and place – meaning that art is not necessarily modern merely because it is new. It would also mean that examples from history could be identified as modern in their outlook, such as El Greco, the seventeenth century painter whom Picasso claimed was the originator of Cubism. Furthermore, identifying modern as an attitude means that it can be seen as an incomplete project that can be constantly re-engaged with. This is probably what Jackson Pollock had in mind when he made this claim for his own modernist art: My opinion is that new art needs new techniques.

And the modern artists have found new means of making their statements. It seems to me that the modern painter cannot express this age of the aeroplane, the atom bomb, the gibbs reflection radio, in the old forms of the Renaissance or of any other past culture. Each age finds its own technique. 3. Just as the times change, so too must art. And just as we live in new times, we need a new, modern art to express the age of text messaging, the Internet and global capitalism. The art critic Clement Greenberg offered a slightly different definition of modernism. He claimed that modernist art was art that was about art . What this means is that modernist art takes art itself as its primary subject matter rather than traditional subjects such as landscapes, portraits or historical and religious themes. This does not mean that modernist art cannot include traditional subjects, but rather that this is not what the art is about. Look, for example, at the William Scott painting Jug.

The subject matter is a jug and a bowl. Such still life has been a subject matter for art for hundreds of years but Scott has treated the material in a thoroughly modern way. (iii) Defining Modernism. The definition of modernist art that emerges is thus: that it provides a meaningful expression of, and career goals, gives artistic and aesthetic form to three things: (i) the specific time and place where it was made, (ii) the medium that it is thesis age home made of, and (iii) how it was made. We can now ask if this definition can be usefully applied to good career essay much of contemporary art. 3 - When, What and How is contemporary art? (i) Contemporary – Whatever That Means.

The tricky task of identifying a working definition of 'modern' is accompanied by the equally testing challenge of the divine wind essay introduction defining the word 'contemporary'. Indeed, 'recent' might be one easy definition for 'contemporary', allowing us to think of contemporary art as that made within recent memory. Another closely related and very straightforward meaning of 'contemporary', and good goals essay, one that is entirely true to the linguistic sources of the word, is 'with the times' (from the Latin 'con', meaning 'with', plus 'temp' meaning 'time'). As such, to be contemporary is to automobile be alert to the conditions of a particular moment in good career time, to be moving with the tides of living history. And this sense of the word is essayeur automobile widely used in career essay understandings of 'contemporary' art. Back in the 1980s, for instance, curators at the Tate Gallery in London decided that the art of the past ten years, on communication health nursing a rolling basis, would provide a suitable set of parameters as they made plans to develop a new 'Museum of Contemporary Art'. 4 'Contemporary' art in this regard, comes pretty close to 'modern' art – particularly, perhaps, to good Jackson Pollock's claim that the art of each age should find its own technique. But Pollock's comment also returns us to how 'modern' can be understood as identifying an attitude towards making art, an communication health nursing attitude perhaps resulting in a certain type of art. Certainly, a loose sense of what 'contemporary art' is like is often evident in the mainstream media.

Coverage of exhibitions such as the annual Turner Prize show, for instance, will often be based on goals essay hostile presumptions about the prevailing tendencies in art today, with artists regularly being characterised as pranksters or self-promoting provocateurs rather than masters of a recognisable medium. However accurate such pictures are, it is of course essential to remember the vital role played not just by reflection the media but also by the art market in good career goals essay manufacturing particular versions of essayeur a contemporary art 'world' (as has always been the case throughout the history of art), with certain forms of art reaching prominence as a result of good career essay their marketability. But cast an eye over art magazines such as Artforum and Frieze – expensive colour publications packed with ads promoting the interests of the commercial art scene – and the difficulty of finding stable commonalities across what is celebrated is quite apparent. Such magazines will often introduce us to report summary much that is overtly 'edgy': radical performance art that claims to question moral norms, for instance; or varieties of activist art that propose creative models of political resistance; or versions of essay installation and conceptual art that confuse us as to what, and often where, the 'art' actually is. All seem to sit comfortably side-by-side in such publications. Considering such types of charlotte's web book summary widely prevalent art-making, it might seem that the only shared feature is an good career interest in subverting expectations about what art can and should be. Such tendencies would, of course, be true to a legacy of avant-gardism in the arts, and in essayeur our effort to capture something of what is good goals 'contemporary' in art we could choose to prioritise the continuation of the divine wind essay introduction a kind of rule-breaking spirit. Yet, many celebrated contemporary art practices frustrate this view. For a great deal of today's critically acclaimed art is not quite so obviously confrontational or so antagonistic towards older methods or values. If, for goals essay example, a great deal of thesis recent art shows hostility towards principles of aesthetic refinement in art, there remains a significant strain of good career art, highly regarded by 'contemporary' critics, curators and homework, collectors, that is concerned with retrieving, or positively re-imagining, seemingly outdated notions such as craft and beauty. The paintings of William McKeown for instance, make a sophisticated and unorthodox case for beauty in essay art today, hinting to the divine essay introduction us that this idea is career essay essential as a way of freeing, and at the same time grounding, our imaginations.

Similarly for charlotte's summary Isabel Nolan, 'beauty' is to be found in the vulnerabilities of both commonplace and good career goals essay, more complex ways of representing or understanding the world around us: her formally diverse work inventively employs traditional craft techniques in capturing moments from everyday life and ideas from automobile, advanced science. Much that is essay well-respected within contemporary art today, therefore, does not correspond to the prejudices of conservative critics. Crucially, combinations of notionally 'opposed' approaches to art can often be found alongside each other in a single exhibition, or even within a single artist's oeuvre or single work. Cheater. Indeed, commentators on contemporary art have often stressed the diversity of possibilities in art today – and definitions and descriptions of contemporary art will often stress the unregulated openness of this 'industry', acknowledging its resistance to definition and description. As Linda Weintraub has written, contemporary art embraces the maverick and the traditionalist … no topic, no medium, no process, no intention, no professional protocols, and no aesthetic principles are exempt from the field of art. 5. Such indications of good essay contemporary art's multiple methodologies are certainly at odds with any belief in the ongoing refinement of form – a principle once central to 'artistic progress'. For the philosopher and critic Arthur Danto, the innovations of art after the 'modernist' era have therefore brought about, in effect, an 'end' of art.

This does not mean, he argues, an end of people making art, but rather an end of a particular way of the divine essay understanding art that focused on good essay the constraints of homework cheater certain disciplines and mediums. Since pop art, Danto suggests, There is good goals essay no special way works of art have to be. 6 It is gibbs this plurality of possibilities which most obviously gives us clues as to what contemporary art 'is' today. Yet how we choose to position ourselves in good goals essay relation to this plurality remains one of the web book report summary most testing questions for those of us hoping to engage with this era's most challenging 'contemporary' art. (ii) Themes in Contemporary Art. Despite the exciting plurality of good essay art today, recognisable constellations have emerged around which art practices and debates have become clustered. Participatory art takes the form of in mental nursing artists working with disparate groups of people from good essay, different communities. This is not only wind essay introduction a way of generating works of art, but is also part of the work itself. Here are three examples: Untitled 1992 (Free), a working kitchen in good essay a New York gallery set up by artist Rirkrit Tiravanija; Tenantspin, 1999, a TV channel for the elderly residents of a Liverpool housing estate set up by art collective Superflex; and Pimp my Irish Banger, 2009, a collaborative art project in which artist Terry Blake worked with young people from report summary, Dublin to paint car doors and bonnets that were later displayed in good career goals essay an outdoor space at the National College of age home Art and Design, Dublin.

The art historian Claire Bishop has identified this trend within contemporary art as a 'Social Turn', arguing that while the models of participatory art vary enormously all are linked by a belief in the empowering creativity of collective action and shared ideas. 7 These are forms of art that ask questions about who is involved in the making and experience of art. Today's art often occurs in particular places and is specific to those places. For example Canadian artist Janet Cardiff's The Missing Voice (case study b), 1999-2000, is goals a narrative walking tour of East London starting at the Whitechapel Library. Participants are given a portable audio player that guides them on a 45 minute tour of the homework cheater area through local areas like Spitalfields and Brick Lane that are infused with histories of crime, immigration, deprivation and intrigue. In The Birdcages of career Dublin, 1999, Danny McCarthy placed five birdcages on homework the front walls of The Fire Station Artists Studios in good career Buckingham Street, Dublin. Each cage contained a hidden speaker that played sounds McCarthy had made from field recordings taken from sites around Dublin alongside recordings of in mental health nursing essay bird song. Both pieces put the participants in an active role of interrogating their environments. Good Career. This art asks questions about where the making and experience of art takes place.

Many contemporary artists are interested in the moving image. This can involve using movies for subject matter, but it also means investigating how film and video can alter how we think about art and life. Cinema is a culturally potent medium with particular characteristics as a spectacular experience, as a mode of display, and as a way of representing the world. Essayeur Automobile. For example in 24 Hour Psycho, 1993, Douglas Gordon slows down and goals essay, projects Hitchcock's famously suspenseful chiller so that it takes 24 hours to run. It is impossible to enjoy the work as we would normally; we enter into summary a different relationship with the familiar work. Career. Our ideas of the passing of time, narrative, memory, and wind, even our boredom threshold are challenged by Gordon's re-presentation of the film. Comparatively, a work such as Twelve Angry Films by Jesse Jones, 2006, brings out an aspect of 'participation' in film culture, but through a process of collaborative production (working with community groups) and by good essay creating a dedicated public space for screenings in the form of a drive-in cinema.

This art asks questions about how the world is presented to us through different media, under what conditions and with what consequences? Artists today continue to question what they are making art from and report, come back to querying what art's forms mean. In Box (ahhareturnabout), 1977, James Coleman presented a 16mm film on a continuous loop with an accompanying soundtrack. The film shows disjointed fragments of a bout between two heavyweight boxers with a soundtrack that combines the imagined thoughts of one competitor with a low, thumping pulse like a heartbeat. It is a disorientating, profoundly physical experience. The grainy and obscure flicker of the goals film, when coupled with the jarring jump cuts, becomes part of the meaning of the work. It suggests how art always struggles with the translation of human experience into artistic media. Gibbs Essay Reflection. Whilst Coleman addresses media that are becoming obsolete in today's increasingly digital world (film reels, slide projectors), many artists have also returned to good career essay one of the oldest artistic mediums – painting – to continue to ask questions about it.

Elizabeth Peyton, for example, uses images snatched from the mass media (press photographs, television, etc.). The images are used in such a way that you would never mistake the essayeur automobile pictures for photographs; instead they encourage you to think about good career, what it means to put wet paint on a surface and move it around. Wind Essay. This art asks questions about what is employed in good career goals the making and experience of art. The above examples offer just a glimpse of the rich variety of art being made today. It can take many forms, address many audiences and raise many questions. It can often be baffling, infuriating and inscrutable. There is more art now than there has ever been, and in web book a greater variety. Good Career Essay. As has always been the case throughout history, a lot of it might not be to our taste. But the best art, be it from the distant past, the modern age or our contemporary times, opens up new worlds for us; new worlds of thought, of expression and feeling, new worlds of poetic and political possibility. Art in the contemporary world is art of this world: it can be by turns richly distracting and frustrating, thrilling and testing; it is full of communicative difficulties and new possibilities; it brings the thesis on old challenging effects of today's reality home to us in all their vivid strangeness. Goals. It tells us how soon now really is.

© Francis Halsall Declan Long, 2011. Nicolas Bourriaud, Relational Aesthetics, Dijon: Les Presses du Rel, p. 25. Charles Harrison, Introduction: Modernism, Problems and Methods, The Open University Press, 1983, p. 15. Jackson Pollock in an interview with William Wright, (1950), in Johnson, Ellen H. (ed.), American Artists on Art from 1940 to 1980, Harper Row, 1982. Charlotte's Report Summary. See Tate Glossary, Linda Weintraub, Making Contemporary Art: How Today's Artists Think and Work, Thames Hudson, 2003, p. Career. 8. Arthur C. On Old. Danto, After the End of good goals Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of homework cheater History, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1998, p. 47. Claire Bishop, 'The Social Turn', in Francis Halsall et al., Rediscovering Aesthetics, Stanford University Press, 2009, p. 239.

Irish Museum of Modern Art, Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland.

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