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Astuces pour les etudes: La dissertation. Proquest Uk? A l’universite, vous aurez souvent a faire des dissertations. Hawthorne Essay? En quelque sorte, les memes principes s’appliquent pour reussir de bonnes dissertations, que ce soit a la maison ou en classe. Proquest Uk? Par exemple, les dissertations, qu’elles soient faites a la maison ou en classe, donnent de meilleurs resultats quand : Vous tenez compte de votre but, de votre lecteur et de l’information dont vous disposez; Vous developpez une these bien appuyee; Vos enonces sont soutenus par des preuves; Vous dirigez vos lecteurs en utilisant des transitions. Easyjet Marketing? Toutefois, il y a certaines differences a ne pas oublier quand vous vous preparez a ecrire. Dissertations? La difference la plus importante se trouve au niveau du but de ce que vous ecrivez. Draghi? Vous composez habituellement un travail de recherche pour en apprendre davantage a propos d’un sujet determine. Uk? En revanche, une dissertation a pour but de montrer ce que vous savez sur un sujet determine. Marketing Essay? Vous ne vous contentez pas de fournir de l’information, vous etes aussi en train de prouver a votre lecteur — le correcteur — que vous maitrisez bien l’information et que vous pouvez l‘utiliser. Proquest Dissertations? En d’autres termes, vous avez un double objectif : informatif et persuasif . Terminal Masters Computer? Garder cela en tete vous aidera aussi bien pour la preparation que pour la redaction de votre dissertation. Proquest Dissertations? Etudier les liens qui existent entre les idees. Votre professeur n’est pas interesse par un assortiment d’informations n’ayant aucun lien entre elles.

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Classifier : A quelles categories generales appartiennent ces idees? Comparer : Quelles sont les similarites entre ces idees? Quelles en sont les differences? Contraster : Quelles sont les differences entre ces idees? Critiquer : Quelles sont les forces et les faiblesses de cette idee? Definir : Qu’est-ce que ce mot ou cette phrase veut dire? Decrire : Quelles sont les caracteristiques ou specificites de cette idee? Evaluer : Quels sont les arguments pour et contre cette idee? Lesquels sont les plus forts? Expliquer : Pourquoi en est-il ainsi?

Identifier : De quelle idee s’agit-il? Comment se nomme-t-elle? Interpreter : Que veut dire cette idee? Pourquoi est-elle importante? Justifier : Pourquoi est-ce correct? Pourquoi est-ce vrai?

Tracer les grandes lignes : Quels sont les points principaux et les details essentiels de cette idee? Resumer : En bref, quelles sont les idees importantes? Retracer : Quel est l’ordre des idees ou la suite des evenements? Pendant que vous reflechissez a votre reponse, jetez sur papier les points principaux que vous voulez enoncer. Proposal For Reviewing The Dissertation In Preparation? Vous pourrez ensuite vous fier a votre liste pour rester bien centre sur le sujet. Dissertations Uk? Dans un contexte d’examen, il est facile d’oublier des points importants si on essay, ne les prend pas en note. Proquest? Rediger son texte en ecrivant correctement.

Comme nous l’avons mentionne plus haut, les dissertations en classe ne sont pas differentes des autres, donc, ecrivez correctement dans tous vos ecrits. To Write Yourself In An? Souvenez-vous que votre but est de convaincre votre lecteur — l’examinateur — que vous connaissez bien le sujet. Dissertations Uk? Composez d’abord une these que vous defendrez. Things To Write About Yourself In An Essay? Vous pouvez souvent transformer les questions posees ou sous-entendues dans l’enonce en une reponse que vous pourrez utiliser ensuite comme votre these. Dissertations Uk? Cette phrase servira aussi d’introduction. Terminal? Prenez par exemple la question suivante de l’ enoncee de votre examen de psychologie : « Definissez le terme “connaissance procedurale” et decrivez ses relations avec les resultats des etudes faites sur les patients amnesiques. Proquest Dissertations? » La question sous-entendue est « Qu’est-ce que la “connaissance procedurale” et quel est son rapport avec les resultats des etudes faites sur les patients amnesiques? » Voyez comment vous pouvez transformer la reponse a cette question sous-entendue en these pour votre composition . Hawthorne Essay? Le paragraphe suivant pourrait vous servir d’introduction : La « connaissance procedurale », c’est la capacite d’accomplir une tache, telle qu’attacher un soulier ou conduire une voiture. Proquest Uk? Les etudes sur l’amnesie ont demontre que ce type de connaissance est souvent retenu par les patients amnesiques.

Meme chez les patients amnesiques ayant perdu la plus grande partie de leur memoire explicite, l’habilete a emmagasiner de la connaissance procedurale demeure intacte… Ensuite, il vous reste a expliquer, developper et appuyer votre these en vous appuyant sur des textes, des cours magistraux et des discussions tenues en classe. To Write Yourself In An Essay? Ensuite, appuyez chacune de vos generalisations avec des preuves concretes , des faits pertinents et des details precis qui convaincront votre lecteur que votre these est valide. Proquest? Soulignez vos arguments en les ecrivant dans des paragraphes differents et indiquez les liens qui les relient par des transitions. In Preparation? Par exemple, pour repondre a cette question de l’examen de travail social : « Identifiez et donnez un exemple de quatre solutions disponibles dans les cas de conflits familiaux », un etudiant a ecrit le paragraphe suivant. Proquest? Remarquez les transitions et les preuves specifiques qui appuient la generalisation. Science? La quatrieme option lors des conflits familiaux est la violence, et il s’agit d’une reponse assez commune. Uk? Vingt-cinq pour cent de tous les homicides commis aux Etats-Unis impliquent un membre de la famille qui en tue un autre et la moitie de ces meurtres impliquent des epoux.

La violence prend habituellement une des deux formes suivantes : violence explosive ou violence coercitive. La violence explosive n’est pas premeditee. Terminal Science? Quand un fils emprunte la voiture et la detruit dans un accident, le pere peut avoir une explosion de colere et le battre. Uk? La violence coercitive, au contraire, est dirigee et intentionnelle; elle vise a produire la soumission ou l’obeissance. Essays Theory Draghi? Ainsi, un coup accompagne d’une menace concernant un certain comportement serait coercitif… Finalement, resumez votre these avec une courte conclusion qui donne a votre composition un air clair de finitude.

Conservez quelques minutes a la fin de l’examen pour reviser attentivement. Dissertations? Tout d’abord, assurez-vous que votre reponse « colle » bien a la question. Essays On Economic Theory And Applications Draghi? Repondez toujours directement a la question sans faire de digression. Proquest Uk? Si vous voyez que vous avez digresse, rayez proprement les mots ou les paragraphes fautifs. Il est preferable de rayer un paragraphe qui n’est pas pertinent (et de le remplacer par un paragraphe pertinent si vous avez le temps) que de le laisser la. Things To Write Yourself In An? Dans ce contexte particulier, la qualite est toujours preferable a la quantite. Proquest? Verifiez aussi la structure de vos phrases, l’orthographe et la ponctuation.

Cet article a originalement ete produit par les Services d’Aide a l’Ecriture (Writing Tutorial Services) de l’Universite de l’Indiana, situee a Bloomington, IN. Terminal Masters? Copyright 2002 The Trustees of dissertations uk Indiana University. Utilise avec permission. Easyjet Marketing Essay? Traduit par Pierre-Louis Lefebvre. Proquest? Lili dit: wesh.vous ne pouvez surement pas imaginer se que. Masters? Axel dit: Bon, de toute facon, si la personne n'est jamais. Dissertations Uk? Kamui dit: Paix et amour, mon ami et frere. Essays Theory And Applications? La fellation ainsi.

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patent list resume This application claims priority of a provisional application, Ser. No. 60/008,700, filed Dec. 15, 1995. The invention relates to dissertations electronic resume storage and retrieval systems and methods. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION. Resumes are a primary communication medium between employers and a good job applicants (candidates). Employers annually spend billions of dollars to solicit resumes using newspaper advertisements, job fairs, college recruitment seminars, and other methods.

In response, job applicants spend billions more to compose, typeset, print, and ship those resumes. Unfortunately, present resume delivery practices are expensive and frustrating for job applicants. Identifying potential employers, obtaining addresses, producing resumes for each, and finally delivering them is burdensome and time-consuming. The success rate for such efforts is discouragingly low, and the associated expenses can be quite significant. This makes the entire process quite inefficient from the applicant's point of dissertations uk, view. Employers, too, suffer from the inefficiencies of resume collection and easyjet marketing handling. The solicitation, receipt, storage, management, search, and dissertations uk retrieval of dozens, hundreds, and in report, some cases thousands of resumes can be a difficult, unwieldy, and expensive burden on dissertations uk, the employer. Hawthorne Essay. Physical, paper-based resumes are often stored in desk drawers and proquest uk filing cabinets. Easyjet. The numerous limitations of proquest uk, present resume practices include consumption of substantial physical space; difficulty in hawthorne essay, searching through large quantities of paper documents; the near-impossibility of correlating applicants whose resumes may vary widely in organization, content, and clarity; and the lack of uniformity in proquest, the search process from one practitioner to another.

From the above discussion, it is clear that a very significant need exists for an improved method of resume solicitation, sorting, delivery, handling, and management. Yet prior attempts to resolve some of these problems have achieved only limited success. Document scanners have been used in some attempts to masters science reduce the physical space consumed by physical resumes. However, search methods do not work well on scanned images because scanned resumes are stored as pictures, not searchable words or text. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) has been used in some attempts to convert paper-based resumes to proquest pure text. However, employers are typically unwilling to forgo the essays on economic and applications traditional resume because of the widely held belief that the ability to review the format, style, and presentation of the dissertations uk resume itself is of value. Still other attempts have employed the aforementioned OCR conversion to allow the use of keyword search methods on the resulting text of full resumes, in an attempt to find those which contain key words or phrases. However, such methods have proven inefficient because of the nature of written language.

As just one example, an employer seeking applicants residing in science, the state of Indiana will find numerous false matches when searching with the standard postal service abbreviation IN. The letter pair in appears frequently in the English language (many times in this sentence alone), yet most such matches in the full text of a resume would have little or nothing to do with the searcher's true intent. A further difficulty with keyword search methods is the requirement that the words or phrases in question must match with near-perfect accuracy. The diversity of proquest dissertations, job applicant writing skills and vocabularies causes many resumes, which otherwise might describe applicants with similar attributes, to proposal for publication be written using very different terms and phrases. Such wide variation causes keyword search methods to often erroneously exclude qualified applicants--without notification to the searcher--while simultaneously including unqualified ones. Prior attempts at applying computer technology to resume management have been limited in proquest dissertations, scope, applicability, and usefulness.

For example, many have been intended for use only by terminal masters computer, employers, employment specialists, or headhunters. Job applicants themselves are completely excluded from accessing such systems. One prior attempt, described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,164,897 to Clark et al. (incorporated by reference), is illustrative. The first sentence of the prior art section of this patent describes the prior art as applying to employment agencies (sometimes called search firms). Proquest Dissertations. The preferred embodiment section of the patent then describes a system designed for use by such agencies and firms--without direct applicant involvement of any kind. Other attempts have allowed applicants to easyjet marketing essay initially enter some data, but make no explicit provision for dissertations ongoing involvement.

Such approaches can result in outdated information and questionable results. Other attempts have required the installation of specialized computer hardware and/or software, or personnel training at the employer's place of business. The difficulty in learning and using the the dissertation for publication system often effectively restricts access to just those who have been appropriately trained. Other attempts have incorporated rudimentary computer-based searching methods. The most common method involves the aforementioned keyword searches on the contents of entire resumes, such as offered by Online Career Center, Indianapolis, Ind. and TMP Interactive, Framingham, Mass. The inherent limitations of such methods have already been discussed. Another attempt at incorporating computer-based searching methods is seen in the services available from Intellimatch, San Jose, Calif., (Internet address: This attempt accepts weighted ranking data provided by applicants and employers. There are several disadvantages of this type of method: First, the user interface for interacting with such ranking systems can be complex, non-intuitive, unfamiliar, difficult to learn, and slow to proquest dissertations operate. Second, there is no objective reference for ranking standards--individual applicants are asked to rank themselves, leading to to write yourself an extremely subjective collection of uk, personal opinions. Third, employers are asked to rank their requirements in a like fashion, again without reference to an objective standard.

Fourth, these highly subjective data are then compared to each other, compounding assumptions upon assumptions and to write about yourself in an often yielding startlingly mismatched and valueless results. Another attempt at providing resume services on the Internet is provided by Beverly Hills Software, 469 South Bedford Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212, (Internet address: http://www.Bhs.Com). This attempt prompts applicants to proquest uk enter text-only information using a template. However, keyword searches still involve searching the entire contents of resume data; no searching by fields is available. Easyjet Essay. A visual template is provided for applicant data, but the resulting pure text is sorted as one large text file, like other systems. There is proquest uk, also no provision for charging or collecting fees. Some of the proposal the dissertation for publication aforementioned examples have attempted to incorporate various remote connection means. Such remote methods have traditionally been limited to dissertations text-only resume storage and keyword-based searches of the full resume text. None have succeeded in addressing all of the problems described above. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION.

The invention provides a method of and apparatus for storage and retrieval of resume images in a manner which preserves the appearance, organization, and hawthorne essay information content of the original document. One embodiment of the invention provides a method of and apparatus for storing formatted summaries or outlines of proquest, resume images, and efficient searching and subsequent selection of the on economic theory and applications resume outlines and their associated resume images. One embodiment of the invention provides a user interface for creating the aforementioned resume outlines which is based on a familiar paper-based method already in common use, thus reducing the proquest dissertations training required to things about in an essay effectively use the system. One embodiment of the invention provides a method of and apparatus for dissertations uk computer-assisted searching of the about in an essay aforementioned stored resume outlines in a manner which minimizes the proquest uk need for specialized equipment and training. In one embodiment, such searches can be or suspended, and resumed at a later time. One embodiment of the invention provides a method of and apparatus for enabling the terminal automatic and continuous execution of the searches through resume outlines, thereby determining when a potentially qualifying applicant has entered their resume outline and resume image and enabling employers to be automatically notified thereof. One embodiment of the proquest invention provides a method of and apparatus for coordinating the terminology and vocabulary used by applicants and hawthorne essay potential employers in the entry and searching for the aforementioned resume outlines. One embodiment of the invention provides a method of and apparatus for the controlled expansion of the terminology and vocabulary used by applicants and potential employers in dissertations, the entry of and searching of the aforementioned resume outlines.

One embodiment of the invention employs modern communications systems, such as the Internet, the World Wide Web, or other commercial connectivity services, for applicant submission of hawthorne essay, outlines or resume images, or employer searches through outlines or viewing of resume images. One embodiment of the invention employs modern communications systems to automatically notify applicants or employers under certain conditions, such as the expiration of a time interval or occurrence of an event. One embodiment of the invention employs common and commercially available computer hardware and proquest uk software to reduce or eliminate the need for essays on economic theory and applications draghi specialized equipment by and training of the applicant or employer. One embodiment of the invention employs modern communications systems for billing and payment for services. Other features of the invention will become apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art upon review of the following detailed description, claims, and drawings. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS. Preferred embodiments of the invention are described below with reference to the following accompanying drawings. FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating a system embodying the invention. FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a server included in the system shown in uk, FIG.

1. FIG. 3 is an writing a good example of a resume outline form sent from the server of FIG. Dissertations. 2 to an applicant's client machine included in the system of FIG. 1. FIG. 4 is an example of easyjet, a search request form sent from the server of FIG. 2 to an employer's client machine included in the system of FIG. 1. FIG.

5 is an example of proquest dissertations uk, a summary of a resume outline sent from the server of FIG. 2 to an employer's client machine in response to a search request. FIG. 6 is an example of a vocabulary assistance process in easyjet essay, accordance with one embodiment of the uk invention. FIG. 7 is an example of a resume image stored by the server of FIG. 2. FIGS. 8A, 8B, 9-11, 12A, 12B, and 13 define a flowchart of essays on economic theory, a process performed by the server of FIG. 2. in accordance with one embodiment of the invention.

DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS. This disclosure of the invention is proquest uk, submitted in furtherance of the constitutional purposes of the U.S. Patent Laws to promote the progress of computer science, science and useful arts (Article 1, Section 8) FIG, 1 shows a resume storage and dissertations retrieval system 10 embodying the invention. The system 10 comprises a server 12 including a memory 14, and for reviewing for publication a database 16 defined in the memory 14. The server 12 can be a minicomputer, a microcomputer, a UNIX (TM) machine, a mainframe computer, a personal computer such as an proquest dissertations Intel (TM) PC, 286, 386, 486, Pentium, P6, etc. (TM) personal computer or clone, or Apple (TM), Macintosh (TM), or PowerPC (TM) personal computer or clone, or any other appropriate computer. The memory 14 is preferably long term memory (e.g. hard drive, disk drive, tape unit, CD-ROM, etc.).

The server 12 includes typical components (FIG. 2) such as a CPU or processor 18, input devices such as a keyboard (not shown), and mouse (not shown), output devices (not shown) such as a monitor and printer, RAM 20, ROM 22, serial ports (not shown), parallel ports (not shown), and terminal communication hardware 24, which may either be internal or external, such as internal communication cards (e.g., modem card or network card) or external communication hardware (e.g., external modem), etc. Dissertations. In one embodiment, the communication hardware 24 connects the server 12 to the Internet, so that the things to write about yourself in an essay server 12 defines an Internet node. Dissertations Uk. More particularly in one embodiment, the hawthorne essay server 12 is uk, a World Wide Web server connected to the Internet. In this embodiments the server 12 has a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system such as UNIX (if the server is a UNIX machine), Windows NT, LINUX (if the server is a personal computer), etc. The system 10 further includes a job applicant's client machine (or applicant's client machine) 26 in selective communication with the server 12.

The job applicant's client machine 26 is connected to the server 12 via a communication link 28. Various possible types of communication link can be employed for the communication link 28 between the essay server 12 and proquest uk the applicant's client machine 26. For example, the communication link 28 can comprise a hard wired connection, a telephone connection, a satellite RF, or other wireless connection, an Internet connection, a local area network or wide area network connection, a combination of the preceding, or any other desired type of writing a good, connection. Many applicant's client machines 26 can communicate with the server 12 at the same time. Different applicant's client machines can connect with the server using different types of communication links 28. For example, one of the communication links 28 can be a hard wired connection while another one of the communication links 28 is a telephone connection. After the proquest dissertations communication link is established, communications can take place over the link using any of various protocols, such as e-mail, FTP (file transfer protocol), TCP/IP (Internet protocol, which can be used with HTTP-hyper text transfer protocol, or GOPHER), ASCII, X-MODEM, Y-MODEM, KERMIT, any variation s on to write about, these protocols, or any other appropriate protocol. During a session, the server 12 communicates to the applicant's client machine a resume outline form 30 (FIG. 3) to be completed by a job applicant. Uk. The form 30 has a plurality of fields 31 relevant to employment, using which typical information found on a resume is summarized by the applicant, The form 30 has fields that are similar to blanks found on traditional job application forms available from the dissertation in preparation, employers. In the illustrated embodiment, the form 30 has various sections, such as a personal information section 32, an optional information section 34, a position desired section 36, an education section 38, and an employment history section 40.

Other sections can be used, as desired. Proquest Dissertations. Each section has various fields 31. For example, in the illustrated embodiment, the personal information section 32 has fields 39, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, and 56 for the job applicant's first, middle, and last names, address, city, state or province (e.g., the two letter postal service abbreviations), zip code or postal code, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address, respectively; the optional information section 34 has fields 58, 60, 62 and 64 relating to citizenship, fields 66 and 68 relating to security clearance, and a field 70 for a social security or social insurance number; the position desired section 36 has a field 72 for job title, fields 74, 76, 78, and 80 relating to the type of employment sought (full time permanent, full time temporary, part time permanent, or part time temporary), fields 82, 84, 86, and 88 relating to compensation requirements, and a field 90 relating to the date when the applicant will be available for the new position, the education section 38 has fields 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, and 108 relating to majors, degrees, school names and locations, and things to write about grade point averages (multiple copies of fields 100, 102, 104, 106 and 108 can be included for multiple colleges attended); and the employment history section 40 has fields 110, 111, 112, 114, 116, 118, and 120 for dissertations uk employer name, employer city, employer state or province, previous job title, start date for that position, and end date for that position (multiple copies of fields 110, 111, 112, 114, 116, 118, and 120 can be included for multiple prior positions). Other or additional fields can be used, as desired, or synonyms can be used in place of the words shown in FIG. 3 adjacent the fields. For World Wide Web applications, the form 30 is an HTML form, and has submit and clear buttons 122 and 124 using which the applicant can either send the terminal information from the proquest dissertations uk filled fields to the server, or can clear the form and start over.

The form 30 further includes a vocabulary assistance button 146, the function of which is discussed below. Upon receiving the hawthorne essay form 30, the job applicant fills in (using his/her machine 26) as many fields 31 as desired, including some mandatory information such as name and contact information (address and/or phone number) in section 32. The applicant also effects creation of proquest, a graphics file 126 (FIG. 7) of the applicant's resume for hawthorne essay receipt by the server. The graphics file 126 contains all the formatting, fonts, and proquest margins of a traditional paper resume, and things about essay is of great assistance to employers wishing to gain some insight into proquest the professionalism of an applicant. The graphics file can be, for example, in a file format identified by one of the following extensions: .GIF,.TIF (or .TIFF), .JPG (or .JPEG or .JPE),.BMP,.TGA,.EPS,.PCX or another form of graphics file that maintains the appearance, format information, and font information of the writing book original document. Dissertations Uk. The applicant can create the graphics file in any appropriate manner at a location 134 remote from the server 12. For example, the applicant can create the graphics file using a scanner 128 (FIG. 1), by scanning his or her actual printed resume.

Alternatively, the applicant can use a facsimile machine 130 (FIG. 1) to fax his or her actual printed resume to a facsimile machine 132 in the possession of the administrator of the about yourself system 10 (e.g., located at proquest dissertations, the location of the server 12). The facsimile machine 132 creates graphics file 126 that is stored by the server. Report. In one embodiment, the system administrator can convert the graphics file from a fax format to one of the above mentioned graphics file formats. Proquest Uk. Preferably, however, the server 12 itself will automatically perform the conversion from terminal science, fax format to a more appropriate format such as described in the previous paragraph, so that human intervention is not required. In this preferred embodiment, the facsimile machine 132 may comprise a fax card housed in the server 12. In another embodiment, the system administrator can receive a mail copy of a printed resume, and can scan it into the server 12 for the applicant using a scanner 133 in the possession of the system administrator (e.g., located at the location of the server 12).

The server 12 receives and stores in the database 16 the proquest dissertations graphics file 126 as well as an entry defined by the summary information filled in on the form 30 by the job applicant. In one embodiment, the graphics file 126 can be communicated to the server using a different protocol than was used for transmitting the summary information. For example, the summary information can be sent from the applicant's client machine 26 to the server 12 via HTML, and the graphics file 126 can be sent from that applicant's client machine 26 to things about essay the server 12 via e-mail. Any other combination of dissertations uk, protocols can be used, at the applicant's option. The form 30 is useful in that it provides searchable information. The information of the graphics file 126 cannot be easily searched. In addition, the to write yourself form defines fields 31, so that searches can be performed by field, by proquest dissertations, prospective employers. Further, the form 30 is of a format known to both applicants and employers (i.e., a format like a traditional employer's job application), so that the need for training applicants and employers in using the system is avoided. Instead, applicants can easily fill the essays and applications form 30, and employers can easily search the database. In a preferred embodiment, the employers search the database using a form 136 (FIG.

4) that is very similar in appearance to the form 30 presented to applicants The forms 30 and uk 136 provide a standard framework to essays theory be used by all applicants, and all employers. The server 12 associates or links the summary information entry from the form 30 with the graphics file 126 submitted by the applicant's client machine 26. In other words, if a search by an employer turns up the summary information for a particular applicant, the graphics file 126 containing an image of proquest dissertations uk, that applicant's resume can be easily pulled up as well. The form 30 and graphics file 126 may be transmitted by the applicant's client machine during a single session. It is also possible that the applicant may fill out and transmit the form 30 during one session, and on economic then upload the proquest uk resume image during another session. Or, the applicant could fax a resume at some later time. In other words, it is not required that the two actions occur during a single session. The system further comprises an writing a good report employer's client machine 138 in selective communication with the server 12. The employer's client machine is connected to uk the server 12 via a communication link 140. Various possible types of communication link can be employed for marketing essay the communication link between the server 12 and the employer's client machine 138. For example, the communication link 140 can comprise a hard wired connection, a telephone connection, a satellite RF, or other wireless connection, an dissertations uk Internet connection, a local area network or wide area network connection, or any other desired type of connection.

Several employer's client machines 138 can communicate with the server 12 simultaneously. Employer's client machines 138 can communicate with the about yourself essay server 12 at the same time that one or more applicant's client machines 26 are connected to the server 12. Different employer's client machines 138 can connect with the server 12 using different types of communication links 140. Dissertations. For example, one employer's client machine 138 can be communicating with the server 12 using a telephone connection, while another employer's client machine 138 communicates with the server 12 using an a good report Internet connection. Employers may prefer to dissertations uk use a telephone connection, instead of an Internet connection, because of less security risk in transmitting credit card information. If an Internet connection is used, some security precautions are taken in science, the preferred embodiment.

For example, a secure server can be used for the server 12, or encryption can be used (e.g., using PGP--pretty good privacy encryption, such as is proquest, provided by ViaCrypt (TM) software, or some other encryption method). Upon connection, the server 12 provides the employer's client machine 138 with search form 136 (FIG. 4). The search form 136 is preferably similar to hawthorne essay the form 30 filled by applicants, as described above, and preferably includes fields 31 corresponding to fields contained on the form filled by applicants. After filling in the search form, entering search terms in the fields of importance to the employer, the employer sends the search form to the server (e.g., by pressing a submit, send, or search button 142 on the form in a HTML application). Dissertations Uk. This results in the employer's client machine 138 providing a search request to the server 12 and initiating a search of the summary information in the database 16.

As was the case with the applicant's form 30, the writing book report form 136 also includes a clear button 144, in an HTML application, using which the employer can clear the form 136 and uk start over. The search parameters are defined by the filled search form 136 The filled search form 136 indicates which fields 31 are to be searched for which keywords. For example, based on which fields 31 are filled with which keywords, a search query can be constructed which takes the logical OR of each word contained in a field, and which takes the logical AND of each of the fields 31. Other logical and weighted combinations are possible. In one embodiment, if an on economic theory and applications draghi employer fills in US in the citizenship field, and proquest dissertations uk fills in Engineer, Scientist in the job title field, a search query can be constructed requiring that qualifying applicants be U.S. citizens AND be engineers OR scientists.

Alternative appropriate systems for creating search queries can also be employed. For example, different fields 31 can be assigned different importance weights. It may be more critical to have a close match in terminal science, the city field in the Personal Information section than to have a close match in proquest, the compensation field. In one embodiment, employers are able to indicate logical connectors between keywords, such as engineer NOT chemical (e.g., if an hawthorne essay employer is looking for uk any type of engineer other than a chemical engineer) In a preferred embodiment, the employer can use natural English (without logical connectors), and the server 12 creates an appropriate search query. Upon completing the search, the essays and applications server 12 communicates to the employer's client machine an amount of the summary information for entries that satisfy the search parameters (search query). Preferably, contact information (e.g., name, address, phone number, e-mail, fax number, etc.) of qualifying applicants is suppressed at proquest uk, this stage, In one embodiment, the information presented to the employer for each entry that satisfies the search parameters is summarized information, for hawthorne essay easy and quick review in a standardized, compact, format. An example of proquest uk, summarized information is computer science, shown in FIG.

5. Relevancy ranking is performed in a preferred embodiment. The relevancy ranking identifies entries in dissertations, the database 16 which, while perhaps not perfectly matching the criteria specified in the search form 136, are substantially similar enough to be of potential interest to the employer. Relevancy ranking can be performed in a manner such as performed by: CPL Retrieval Engine, sold by Personal Library Systems, 2400 Research Blvd., Suite 350, Rockville, Md. 20850; NexTrieve Indexing Engine from hawthorne essay, Nexial Systems, St. Annastraat 4, 6109 RH, Ohe en Laak, The Netherlands; MetaMorph Text Retrieval Engine sold by dissertations uk, Thunderstone Software--EPI Inc., 11115 Edgewater Drive, Cleveland, Ohio 44102; InTEXT Retrieval Engine, sold by InTEXT Systems, 715 Sutter Street, Folsom, Calif. 95630; or Fast Data Finder, sold by Paracel Inc., 80 South Lake Avenue, Suite 650, Pasadena, Calif. Hawthorne Essay. 91101, or any other appropriate manner. Summarized information (as shown in dissertations uk, FIG. 5) is provided for the best matches to the search request, after taking into marketing account the relevancy ranking described above The maximum number of matches supplied to the employer's client machine can be set to uk any appropriate number by either the administrator of the proposal the dissertation in preparation for publication system 10, or the employer performing the search.

In one embodiment, the employer can request summarized information for additional, less relevant, entries than those initially presented. The server 12 then queries the employer's client machine as to whether to present graphics files 126 of resumes associated with the entries that satisfy the search parameters. Dissertations Uk. The server does not present the graphics files 126 of the resumes or the contact information for entries that satisfy the search parameters until payment is made or authorized by the employer. The employer may establish an account, and provide billing information (such as by providing a credit card number) to the administrator of the system 10 at one time, and will then be able to subsequently log in using a password, and order contact information and graphics files without having to again transmit a credit card. In this manner, the employer can connect once using a telephone connection or secure connection, transmit the billing information, and subsequently use an insecure connection. In a preferred embodiment, no password is required of employers unless they choose to on economic set up an uk account as described above. In this preferred embodiment, they can search without establishing an account, but can only obtain contact information and graphics files if they provide billing information such as a credit card. Means other than passwords can be employed to establish secure access to for publication the server 12.

For example, the employer can transmit to a specific IP (Internet Protocol) address, or can initiate a dialup connected to proquest a specific telephone number and essay transmit billing information for that session without setting up a password. The server 12 is capable of storing employer's search requests, and periodically later repeating the uk search (update searching). Thus, additional entries matching the search parameters can be located in the event the database has been modified and contains new entries that satisfy the on economic search parameters. If the dissertations uk employer desires the easyjet marketing essay ability to store search requests and perform update searches, he or she will be required by proquest dissertations uk, the server 12 to easyjet essay obtain a user name and password, so the employer can be identified by the server in dissertations uk, a subsequent connection session. The server 12 is hawthorne essay, also capable of suspending execution of a search request upon proquest dissertations receiving a suspend request from the employer's client machine, and masters of resuming the proquest dissertations search at a later time upon receiving a resume request from the employer's client machine 138. Essay. For example, the employer may view the summary information for dissertations uk a certain number of book, hits (entries that satisfy the search parameters) and wish to dissertations uk take a break before more closely studying the the dissertation for publication results, or before looking at less relevant matches. Again, if the employer desires the ability to suspend and later resume search requests, he or she will be required by the server 12 to uk obtain a user name and password, so the employer can be identified by the server 12 in a subsequent connection session. The server further comprises vocabulary assistance capability for assisting an hawthorne essay applicant in filling form 30, or for assisting an dissertations employer in hawthorne essay, formulating a search request using form 136.

The vocabulary assistance routine provides to the applicant's or employer's client machine alternative terminology which can be selected for filling the proquest dissertations uk form 30 or the form 136. An example of vocabulary assistance is essays on economic theory, illustrated in FIG. 6. Dissertations. If the applicant or employer requests vocabulary assistance while filling the job title field 72 (e.g., by pressing a vocabulary assistance button 146 or 148 while the cursor of the machine 26 or 138 is in field 72), alternative terms to those filled in the field will be presented (e.g., by presenting a menu, such as a pop-up menu, to for reviewing the dissertation in preparation the machine 26 or 138). The applicant or employer can then select alternative terminology from the menu, which will then be added in uk, the field. Alternatively, instead of using the vocabulary assistance while initially filling the form 136, an employer may be dissatisfied with the results of a search, and may then return to the form 136 and initiate vocabulary assistance on one or more of the fields.

The vocabulary assistance routine of the server 12 preferably learns related terms over easyjet essay, time. The vocabulary assistance routine can operate in a manner similar to proquest dissertations spell check routines found in word processing programs. The server also sends reminders to applicants, after some time has passed, that they should update their summary information and graphics files. This can be via e-mail, or any other desired manner. FIGS. 8A, 8B, 9-11, 12A, 12B, and 13 define a flow chart illustrating operation of a system according to one embodiment of the writing book invention. At step S1, a determination is made as to whether a client has connected to the system. If so, the system proceeds to step S2; if not, the system proceeds to step S7. At step S2, the server sends a main menu to the connected client, and requests a selection.

After performing step S2, the proquest uk system proceeds to proposal for publication step S3. At step S3, a determination is made as to whether the user selected to enter new applicant data. If so, the system proceeds to proquest step S12; if not, the system proceeds to step S4. At step S4, a determination is hawthorne essay, made as to whether the user selected to update existing applicant data. If so, the system proceeds to proquest uk step S25; if not, the system proceeds to step S5. At step S5, a determination is made as to whether the user selected to begin a new search of applicants. If so, the system proceeds to step S34; if not, the system proceeds to step S6. At step S6, a determination is made as to whether the user selected to continue a previously suspended search of applicants. If so, the writing a good book system proceeds to step S29; if not, the system proceeds to step S64.

At step S7, a determination is proquest dissertations, made as to whether it is time for an applicant to update the information they have provided to the server, If so, the system proceeds to step S8; if not, the system proceeds to step S9. At step S8, the server notifies applicants that it is recommended that they update their resume information. After performing step S8, the system proceeds to step S9. At step S9, a determination is made as to whether it is time to continue suspended searches. On Economic Theory And Applications. If so, the uk system proceeds to step S10; if not, the system proceeds to step S11. At step S10, suspended searches are performed. After performing step S10, the system proceeds to hawthorne essay step S11. At step S11, a determination is made as to whether the operator of the proquest uk system has requested a system shutdown (for maintenance, or some other reason).

If so, the system shuts down; if not, the system proceeds to essays on economic step S1. At step S12, a new applicant identification number is assigned by the server, and the server sends to proquest the client a request for a selection of a password After performing step S12, the writing a good book system proceeds to step S13. At step S13, the system receives a response from the proquest uk client. After performing step S13, the system proceeds to to write about step S14. At step S14, the server prepares an empty resume outline form. After performing step S14, the system proceeds to step S15. At step S15, the server sends the resume outline form to dissertations the connected client, and requests that the applicant fill out the form. After performing step S15, the system proceeds to step S16. At step S16, the server receives the to write about yourself essay response from the client. After performing step S16, the system proceeds to step S17. At step S17, a determination is made as to whether the uk client requested vocabulary assistance.

If so, the system proceeds to step S18; if not, the system proceeds to step S19. At step S18, the requested vocabulary assistance information is added to the resume outline form. An example of vocabulary assistance is shown in FIG. 6. For example, if an applicant has listed cellular and satellite in the job title field, and requests vocabulary assistance for the job title field, the server will generate a list of alternative terms such as development, firmware, software, and systems, and a good report will transmit that list to the applicant's client machine, The client can then select any of the listed vocabulary assistance terms for addition to the job title field. Proquest Uk. Vocabulary assistance is available for many of the fields on the outline form. Essays Theory And Applications. After performing step S18, the system proceeds to step S15.

At step S19, the server stores the uk information filled in the resume outline form in the database After performing step S19, the system proceeds to step S20. At step S20, the server sends to on economic theory and applications the client a list of available resume image reception methods and requests that the proquest dissertations applicant select a method. After performing step S20, the system proceeds to step S21. At step S21, the server receives the response from the client After performing step S21, the system proceeds to step S22. At step S22, the server prepares to receive the resume image from the masters computer client using the selected reception method. After performing step S22, the proquest uk system proceeds to step S23. At step S23, the server receives the resume image.

After performing step S23, the system proceeds to step S24. At step S24, the server stores the resume image in the database. After performing step S24, the proposal for reviewing system proceeds to step S2. At step S25, the system sends to proquest dissertations uk the client a message requesting an applicant identification (user name) and password. After performing step S25, the system proceeds to step S26. At step S26, the hawthorne essay server receives and verifies the password and ID. After performing step S26, the system proceeds to step S27. At step S27, the server retrieves the existing resume outline information from the database for this applicant.

After performing step S27, the proquest dissertations uk system proceeds to step S28. At step S28, the hawthorne essay server fills the empty resume outline form with the outline information retrieved from the database After performing step S28, the system proceeds to S15. At step S29, the server sends to the client a message requesting a client ID (user name) and password. After performing step S29, the dissertations uk system proceeds to step S30. At step S30, the essays server receives and verifies the ID and proquest dissertations uk password.

After performing step S30, the system proceeds to step S31. At step S31, the server sends to the client a list of this client's suspended searches and requests that the client make a selection. Essays On Economic Theory Draghi. After performing step S31, the proquest system proceeds to step S32. At step S32, the server receives the selection from the client. After performing step S32, the system proceeds to step S33. At step S33, the server fills the empty resume outline form with selected search criteria for the suspended search which was selected for execution. Easyjet Marketing Essay. After performing step S33, the system proceeds to step S35. At step S34, the server prepares an empty resume outline form. After performing step S34, the proquest uk system proceeds to step S35. At step S35, the server sends an outline form to the client and requests that the client return the form with desired search criteria.

After performing step S35, the system proceeds to step S36. At step S36, the server receives the response from the client After performing step S36, the server proceeds to step S37. At step S37, a determination is easyjet marketing, made as to whether the client requested vocabulary assistance. If so, the system proceeds to step S45; if not, the system proceeds to step S38. At step S38, a determination is made as to whether the client requested suspension of the search. If so, the proquest uk system proceeds to step S46; if not, the hawthorne essay system proceeds to step S39. At step S39, the server searches the database of existing resume outline information After performing step S39, the system proceeds to uk step S40. At step S40, the server summarizes compliant resume outlines, sends the writing book report summarized outlines to proquest dissertations the client, and requests desired action. For example, the desired action can be a request that the employer select whether to modify the to write about search, or to view a entire (not summarized) outline satisfying the search parameters. After performing step S40, the system proceeds to step S41. At step S41, the server receives the response from the client.

After performing step S41, the system proceeds to step S42. At step S42, a determination is made as to whether the client chose to modify the search criteria. If so, the system proceeds to uk step S35; if not, the system proceeds to step S43. At step S43, a determination is masters, made as to whether the client chose to view an entire outline. If so, the system proceeds to step S44; if not, the system proceeds to step S40. At step S44, the server sends to the client a list of available resume outline delivery methods, and request selection by the client. After performing step S44, the system proceeds to step S49. At step S45, requested vocabulary assistance is added to the resume outline form. Proquest Dissertations Uk. After performing step S45, the a good system proceeds to step S35. At step S46, the server sends to the client a request for client ID (user name) and password.

After performing step S46, the system proceeds to step S47. At step S47, the server receives and proquest uk verifies the client ID and password. After performing step S47, the system proceeds to step S48. At step S48, the server stores the search criteria. After performing step S48, the system proceeds to step S2. At step S49, the server receives the response from the client. After performing step S49, the system proceeds to step S50. At step S50, the server sends a complete resume outline to the client. By complete resume outline, what is meant is non-summarized information, in a format such as is shown in masters computer science, FIG.

3, except with contact information suppressed. Proquest Dissertations Uk. After performing step S50, the system proceeds to step S51. At step S51, a determination is made as to whether the a good client chose to purchase the resume image associated with the proquest resume outline that matched the search criteria. If so, the system proceeds to step S52; if not, the system proceeds to step S40. At step S52, the server sends to the client a message asking if the employer has an existing account, After performing step S52, the system proceeds to to write about yourself essay step S53. At step S53, the server receives the response from the client. After performing step S53, the system proceeds to step S54.

At step S54, a determination is made as to whether the client indicated that employer does have an existing account. If so, the system proceeds to step S55; if not, the system proceeds to proquest dissertations step S61. At step S55, the server sends to the client a request for account ID and password. After performing step S55, the system proceeds to step S56. At step S56, the server receives and verifies the response. After performing step S56, the system proceeds to to write about yourself in an step S57. At step S57, the server sends to the client a list of dissertations uk, available resume image delivery methods, and writing a good book report requests selection of one of those methods. After performing step S57, the system proceeds to step S58. At step S58, the server receives the proquest uk response from the client. After performing step S58, the system proceeds to essays on economic theory and applications step S59. At step S59, the proquest server retrieves the resume image from the database.

After performing step S59, the system proceeds to step S60. At step S60, the server delivers the resume image to the client via the about essay method selected by the employer After performing step S60, the system proceeds to step S40. At step S61, the server sends to proquest dissertations the client a request for a credit card or other billing information. Computer Science. After performing step S61, the system proceeds to step S62. At step S62, the server receives the response from the client. After performing step S62, the system proceeds to step S63. At step S63, a determination is made as to dissertations uk whether the client's billing information can be confirmed by a bank or other appropriate financial institution. If so, the in preparation system proceeds to step S57; if not, the system proceeds to step S52.

At step S64, a determination is made as to dissertations whether there has been inactivity for too long of a time. Writing Book. If so, the system proceeds to dissertations step S65; if not, the system proceeds to step S2. At step S65, any searches that are in progress are suspended, and the connection is terminated with respect to a good book this client. In compliance with the statute, the invention has been described in dissertations, language more or less specific as to structural and methodical features. It is to be understood, however, that the invention is hawthorne essay, not limited to the specific features shown and described, since the means herein disclosed comprise preferred forms of putting the invention into effect.

The invention is, therefore, claimed in any of dissertations uk, its forms or modifications within the proper scope of the appended claims appropriately interpreted in accordance with the doctrine of equivalents.

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NUC7i5BNH Resume from uk S3 not working properly. NUC7i5BNH with latest bios 0046 running Windows 10 Professional fully patched with Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver device in either of the terminal computer science front USB ports . Consumer IR Device enabled in the bios, also wake on IR checked for proquest dissertations uk, both S3 and S4/S5 states in the bios: 1. Power toggle button on to write about yourself, Harmony 200 remote puts NUC to sleep. 2. Hitting power toggle button again repeatedly shortly after putting the NUC to proquest sleep wakes the NUC again. 3. Waiting any length of about yourself time after putting the NUC to sleep then pressing the power toggle button repeatedly fails to dissertations wake the the dissertation in preparation NUC again. Mouse or keyboard can always wake the NUC from proquest sleep after any length of time. The same USB eHome Infrared Transceiver device and harmony 200 combination is used successfully to sleep and wake both a NUC D54250WYK and things to write yourself in an NUC NUC6I5SYH. 1. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from S3 not working properly. raymondjpg : Thank you very much for dissertations, joining the Intel® NUC communities.

Since the latest BIOS is already installed on the NUC, in order to try to fix this problem what we can try to re-install the terminal masters computer chipset, management engine and IR drivers: Please let me now the results of trying the steps above. Any further questions, please let me know. (0) (0) . 2. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from S3 not working properly. Thank you for the response. I re-installed the drivers in the order that you listed, however there has been no change to the behaviour. The NUC will still not wake from sleep after any length of time putting it to sleep with the remote. (0) (0) . 3. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from uk S3 not working properly. raymondjpg: Thank you very much for letting us know that information.

At this point we will do further research on this subject. Hawthorne Essay. As soon as I get a possible resolution for this problem I will post all the details on this thread. Any questions, please let me know. (0) (0) . 4. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from proquest dissertations uk S3 not working properly. (0) (0) . 5. To Write Yourself. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from S3 not working properly. raymondjpg: You are welcome. I just received an update on dissertations, the research we are doing, could you please remove the driver from the USB IR receiver and try our build-in driver? And then, please verify that you see the driver installed on device manager:

Any questions, please let me know. (0) (0) . 6. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from S3 not working properly. Thank you for easyjet marketing essay, the response. The driver that you are asking me to install is the same driver third in the list that you asked me to proquest install in the second post in this thread. This time I tried uninstalling the ITE package both from uninstall or change a program in control panel and the ITECIR driver in device manager. I also uninstalled the two instances of Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver that always appear in device manager when scanning for hardware changes. Hawthorne Essay. I am not certain but take it that there are two instances because one is for the inbuilt transceiver and the other for the RC6 USB transceiver that I use with my Harmony remote.

On reinstalling the ITE package I am then presented with the proquest uk ITECIR Infrared Receiver (EC) and terminal masters the two instances of proquest dissertations Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver as before in device manager. I then noted what was in in device manager for an installation of Windows 7 in a NUC6i5SYH. Essays On Economic Theory Draghi. The exact same combination of proquest uk USB Consumer IR transceiver and Harmony remote as in the NUC7i5BNH successfully wake the NUC6i5SYH from sleep every time without fail. However in the case of the NUC6i5SYH I see ITECIR Infrared Receiver (SIO2) and two instances of Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver in device manager. I tried installing the driver ITECIR Infrared Receiver (SIO2) in hawthorne essay, the NUC7i5BNH using the Have Disk option, and ended up with an entry ITECIR Infrared Receiver (SIO2) along with an entry ITECIR Infrared Receiver (EC) and the two instances of Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver in device manager. Proquest Dissertations. I then tried uninstalling the entry ITECIR Infrared Receiver (EC) along with the driver, but on rebooting the entry ITECIR Infrared Receiver (EC) had reappeared. The NUC7i5BNH then started misbehaving, wouldn't boot properly to terminal computer science Windows and dissertations uk eventually fell back to Advanced Startup Options where I was able to reinstall a working backup image of Windows 10,

Thus I am back where I started with with the ITECIR Infrared Receiver (EC) and to write in an essay the two instances of dissertations Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver as before in device manager. Hawthorne Essay. Might this mean that the issue of not being able to dissertations wake from sleep in the NUC7i5BNH is related more to inadequacies with the bios than the ITE drivers? (0) (0) . 7. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from S3 not working properly. raymondjpg : Thank you very much for sharing those details. In order to provide the most accurate response to your inquiry, we will continue with our research, and as soon as I get any results, I will post them on this thread. Any questions, please let me know. (0) (0) . 8. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from S3 not working properly. If the Consumer IR is yourself essay, disabled under devices in the bios then the ITECIR driver does not appear in proquest, device manager, and there is easyjet essay, only one instance of Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver in device manager. The USB Consumer IR transceiver still works in all respects except for resume from sleep. This reinforces my conclusion that the dissertations resume from sleep issue is not related to proposal for reviewing the dissertation the ITE drivers.

(0) (0) . 9. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from proquest uk S3 not working properly. I am not from Intel but I have past experience with various NUC and IR; I will get your specific NUC model tomorrow but don't plan to use it with IR. I am curious why you seem to be complicating things by installing an additional USB IR transceiver device into easyjet marketing USB, rather than just using the one built-in to proquest dissertations uk the NUC. Things. The drivers that Intel presumably discuss with you are for the built-in IR. The built-in IR should work RC6 remote, as long as you are aware of various potential settings. When you have the multiple transceivers installed, I would wonder how they would be expected to know that a toggle is meant for one rather than both, etc. If you have one device/driver (the built-in Intel), the BIOS settings would definitely be required for power on proquest uk, from the terminal masters computer science power off state such as S5. That is a setting which Intel seemed to create with an early NUC which I never liked myself (so I was glad when they allowed disabling it).

Settings for waking from sleep such as S3 might appear in BIOS but be sure to also consider any settings about that in the device driver (such as Properties-Power-allow this device to wake), because device driver is dissertations uk, normally what seems likely to control that. I don't think this applies to you but If the IR isn't working at all in Windows (but you have the driver installed), then you may need to investigate a registry setting depending on what ID the remote control is writing a good book report, set to - this situation was common with some Xbox remote in past messages here. And again I don't think this applies to you but if you get unexpected power changes in a NUC, that was sometimes happening from proquest uk use of unrelated IR remote in hawthorne essay, same room such as certain TV models or maybe even the proquest uk pause button of MS remotes. The main point of my message was all of that background in terminal science, case it helps troubleshooting. It is certainly hard for me to guess how things would operate in your situation with two IR receivers.

But perhaps your particular situation is dissertations uk, that you are depending on your USB IR receiver (rather than the in an essay built-in), and the USB ports are in some setting which is proquest, disabling their power during sleep, and therefore there is no way for your external USB IR receiver to be seeing the attempted resume request. You and hawthorne essay Intel engineers may not have reached that conclusion because of mistaken assumptions about internal vs external IR receivers. (0) (0) . 10. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from S3 not working properly. Thanks for dissertations, your interest. 1. The reason I am using an additional USB IR transceiver device is writing a good book report, twofold. The first is that the uk NUC is in an Akasa fanless case and access to the the inbuilt IE transceiver is restricted by easyjet, the case; and proquest uk the second is that the NUC sits behind the top of a TV so that a USB IR transceiver device which sits out from the case is report, better situated to receive IR signals reflected off the ceiling. 2. I have now disabled the inbuilt IR device in the bios. There is now no risk of any confusion with multiple transceivers installed. 3. With the dissertations uk inbuilt IR device disabled, the USB IR transceiver device still functions perfectly in every respect except for wake from sleep.

4. Before I disabled the inbuilt IR device, the science USB IR transceiver device was also functioning perfectly in every way except for wake from sleep. 5. Proquest Dissertations Uk. In a Skylake NUC with both inbuilt and terminal masters USB IR transceiver devices installed, there is no confusion between devices, and the USB IR transceiver device also functions perfectly in every way including wake from sleep . 6. I had speculated that the USB IR transceiver device might be suffering from USB ports having powered down during sleep, but in proquest uk, another thread on this forum. If that is the case then the issue is still with the bios, not with the writing book ITE driver. I agree that Intel might not have come to this conclusion yet. I have heard nothing from them about this issue for dissertations, more than two weeks now. (0) (0) . 11. Hawthorne Essay. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from S3 not working properly.

Thanks for the clarification. My NUC7i5BNH arrived today but the case was bent above the heat sink fin hole so I am waiting on exchange. Another thread says that any settings about USB power are for modes deeper than sleep rather than affecting sleep. If possible you should still try to find any device for your IR/remote and check Properties-Power Management to make sure they seem reasonable. By reasonable I mean that if there is an uk, actual device it should be allowed to wake the computer, and the interface should probably not be allowed to be turned off to save power.

If you have an optical mouse (not mechanical) maybe try plugging it into in preparation that USB port and see if moving the mouse wakes from sleep. On some of my PC that doesn't work (because the mouse does not have enough power) but clicking the dissertations uk button on the mouse works (because it does not require such power). Writing Book Report. If moving USB optical mouse does not wake from sleep, I doubt the external IR could wake from sleep (until proper setting is proquest dissertations, found to supply power to USB during sleep and/or for USB devices to allow wake from sleep). BIOS USB settings may affect various devices. To Write Yourself In An. BIOS IR settings and ITE driver presumably affect only the proquest dissertations uk built-in ITE device, and when those are specifically mentioned in the conversation I would suggest responding with clarification that you gave (using external USB IR because of blockage to internal IR sensor). (0) (0) . 12. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from S3 not working properly.

1. Power settings for the USB infrared transceiver are set to hawthorne essay allow this device to wake the computer. 2. Power settings for the HID entry for Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver are unchecked for turn off device to save power. 3. Optical USB mouse with setting to not allow this device to wake the computer can immediately wake the computer with left mouse click. I interpret that to mean that the left mouse click is immediately registered in the bios. 4. Next time Intel responds I will aim to clarify that I am focusing on the USB infrared transceiver, and what my USB device power settings are. (0) (0) . 13. Dissertations. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from S3 not working properly. Raymond said: Optical USB mouse with setting to a good report not allow this device to wake the computer can immediately wake the computer with left mouse click. Proquest Dissertations Uk. I interpret that to mean that the left mouse click is immediately registered in the bios. I mentioned optical mouse because I think it requires more power for the optical portion (including detection of terminal masters computer movement) which might not be supplied over USB during sleep. Proquest Dissertations. I mentioned mouse click as something which doesn't need as much power.

My point was that although mouse click might always wake from sleep (regardless of on economic theory and applications draghi power over USB), it would be interesting to dissertations find out if optical mouse movement on that same USB port wakes computer from things to write essay sleep (or not). If movement does not wake, then there may be same underlying problem as USB IR wake (except if they have different Properties-Power settings for those devices). If so, I keep thinking about some power-related USB setting in the BIOS (not to be confused with IR settings in the BIOS). All my NUCs are using Bluetooth kb/mouse so I cannot easily look through my Visual BIOS setting screens (and they would not be exact same as yours since mine are currently older models). Hopefully you haven't selected Deep S4/S5 (I'll have to double-check that sometime on my machine which fails to wake on optical mouse movement). (0) (0) . 14. Re: NUC7i5BNH Resume from S3 not working properly.

OK I should have added that mouse movement does not wake the computer, only mouse click. I have selected CIR wake from S4/S5 as well as from S3, and I am sure that I have tried disabling wake from proquest dissertations S4/S5 with the same result - CIR will not wake PC from S3.

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5 Tips for Faster Bar Exam Essays. This post is part of How to Succeed on the Bar Exam, a series of 8 posts. You can start at the beginning or see all posts in the series. Guest post by Mary Campbell Gallagher. People fail the bar exam because they don#8217;t finish the essays. They spend so much time on an early essay that they can#8217;t write the dissertations later essays. Or they work on hawthorne essay all of the essays, but without finishing some or all of dissertations uk, them. Either way, these bar candidates are writing too slowly, and it costs them their ticket to a law license. Change what you do, and terminal science you can finish the proquest uk essays and your tasks on the Multistate Performance Test (MPT) or the California Performance Test (PT), perhaps even with time to spare. Here is how to write the proposal bar exam essays faster.

Use the time allotted as a guidance for your structure. Write down what time you will start each essay and what time you will finish. Dissertations Uk. Most state bar exams allow you 20, 30, 45 or 60 minutes for each essay. And Applications. Find out how much time your state allows. Always be conscious of time. Proquest Dissertations Uk. Develop a sense of urgency.

Write down what time you will start and finish each paragraph . Most paragraphs will take between six and eight minutes, depending on the length of the essay. Hawthorne Essay. Always use principles of law to make your outline. Proquest Dissertations Uk. You must read each fact pattern two or three times while you outline—not reading carefully is book report, no way to proquest uk, save time. Outline based on the rules of law and, where applicable, by plaintiff-defendant pairs. You may change your mind about your conclusions while you are working on to write about yourself in an essay the essay. As Scott Turow says in One-L , a fact pattern can seem to go through #8220;Merlin-like changes#8221; as you work. But you won#8217;t change your mind about whether answering that essay question requires applying the UCC Statute of proquest, Frauds. Circle key facts in the fact pattern if you must, but don#8217;t try writing the writing a good book report facts into your outline.

Focus on the law. Then you can apply it to the facts as you draft your essay. Once you have your outline ready, think the essay through quickly, and then start writing. One bar candidate who came to uk, me complaining about never finishing the hawthorne essay bar exam essays turned out to be taking an extra five minutes to make a list of dissertations, all the facts before he started writing. Don#8217;t do that. Don#8217;t stew in your outline, don#8217;t fester, don#8217;t rewrite your outline or make new notes or rewrite the facts. Masters Science. Just start! Slow writers are usually writers who stall at the beginning.

Train yourself to start fast. Treat each paragraph as a separate timed task, like a short-answer question. Uk. Mentally plan how to prove your points, using law and facts, within the time you have available for each paragraph. Decide in your head how you will prove your points, checking to make sure that you can write down your ideas in time. Then work your plan. Constantly check to make sure you are on time. You are not being paid by the word, like Dickens. Do not keep desperately trying to give the bar examiners every suggestion they might conceivably reward.

Your job is hawthorne essay, just to dissertations, be professional and to start and terminal computer science finish on time. Before the exam, train yourself to write concisely. Then use your self-editing skills on the bar exam. American legal writing is more like Hemingway than like Melville. Everything is active voice, not passive voice. Write: The murderer shot the victim , not: The victim was shot by the murderer . Use few or no modifiers. Write: The murderer shot the victim , not: The cruel murderer shot the helpless victim . Dissertations. Practice making your writing and your thinking concise. Figure out how to paraphrase the newspaper reports you read. Figure out how to summarize case holdings in a few words. Make it a game. Practice outlining and writing old bar exam essays, always keeping track of the time, using a stopwatch or a kitchen timer.

When it comes to passing the hawthorne essay bar exam, writing concisely is second only to knowing the law and applying it. Mary Campbell Gallagher is proquest uk, founder and president of BarWrite® and BarWrite Press, which have been offering supplemental courses for the bar exam for more than 20 years. She is the author of Scoring High on Bar Exam Essays and Perform Your Best on the Bar Exam Performance Test (MPT). Originally published 2012-06-05. Republished 2017-06-19. If you are interested in submitting a guest post, see our pitch submission guidelines. Is Reverse Mentoring Right For Lawyers? Clio Cloud 2017 Podcasts: Tech, Data, and about in an essay Millennials. Bloodlines (2017 Short Fiction Contest Winner) Fish Out of Water (2017 Short Fiction Contest Runner Up)

6 responses to #8220;5 Tips for Faster Bar Exam Essays#8221; Great tips. A friend of mine just passed the NY bar with a few weeks of proquest dissertations uk, studying (not kidding), and she said part of the on economic theory and applications draghi reason was probably that she didn#8217;t know enough to proquest uk, be wordy! I agree with Ms. Monahan. There is the the popular myth of the bar exam and then there is the actual bar exam, which is so much easier than it#8217;s made out to be. The thing that law students should understand about the bar exam is that it is a minimum proficiency test. While you are tested on a good book multiple subjects, the bar exam doesn#8217;t require you to proquest dissertations uk, know anything in depth. A law professor at my school created his own bar exam outline, and it was all of 18 double-spaced pages long. I used his minimalist outlines for 80% of for reviewing in preparation, my seven day bar prep and passed the proquest uk exam with ease. Did you just write you only prepped for essays draghi a total of 7 days?

Or did you mean you only used the minimalist outlines for proquest uk the last 7 days? When I took the bar exam (NC), I found it helpful to put the time on and applications each question as you go along. So if the test started at 9:00am, I would put 9:00am on the fact pattern, when I went to question two, I would put (e.g.) 9:27am on the fact pattern. So if I was shooting for dissertations uk 30 minutes a question, I could just look at the clock. When it is essays on economic, 9:57am, I have to stop. That Twitter tip is really great since using twitter would train you to say everything you can say in proquest dissertations just limited characters. Easyjet Marketing. I wonder if the proquest twitter tip would help with my question. Does anyone have suggestions on how to not have a conversation with yourself while typing out an essay? I know I answered the question/exam in my head but when I read my practice exams some of the paragraphs make no sense. The original content within this website is 2017.

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History Department – Essay Writing Guide. This guide is intended to provide you with information about the skills of essay writing, including how and when to dissertations uk use footnotes or endnotes, presentation requirements and how to reference different kinds of hawthorne essay sources (books, articles or web pages, for instance) and with more general advice about planning, introducing and developing your essays as coherent and proquest dissertations effective arguments. The most important point to remember in working through this guide is that writing good essays and theory draghi communicating your ideas effectively are skills you can learn, develop and build. One of the most important skills developed in an Arts degree is the ability to communicate your ideas in writing clearly and effectively. This involves numerous other skills, including the ability to dissertations summarise and hawthorne essay paraphrase the work of proquest other writers, the development of arguments and conclusions, and the effective use of evidence to support a case. Essay writing in History is particularly aimed at helping you progressively develop your skills in research, analysing different forms of source material, using different kinds of about in an essay evidence, and writing strong, critical and proquest clear arguments. For Reviewing In Preparation. In most History subjects, you will be asked to uk produce different kinds of writing.

Short tutorial and document exercises usually address specific skills or tasks (locating sources, analysing a documents point of view, or assessing how particular images or words help us understand historical context, for instance), while examinations assess your knowledge of the content covered in particular subjects. Essays provide you with an opportunity to explore a particular issue or theme in more depth. In general, the functions of an essay are: to introduce an argument, or contention, based upon the question or problem you choose to tackle; to develop and defend that argument or contention by writing, discussing and analysing a range of proquest appropriate evidence, and by writing book report, critically assessing the interpretations of other historians; and to propose conclusions. The best essays have a clear line of argument, and they present a thesis. In other words, they state a position, defend that position, and arrive at strong, clear conclusions. They have a well-defined introduction which identifies the uk, central problem or issue and introduces the argument, a body which logically develops the argument point-by-point, and a conclusion which sums up the argument. There are no simple instructions for hawthorne essay good essay writing. As you progress through your university course, you should be developing skills in research, analysis and communication which will not only proquest, allow you to write good essays, but to effectively communicate your ideas in other situations as well. The tutors assessment of your essays provides you with feedback on things to write in an essay, your progress in these different skills. The desired outcomes of essays in third-year subjects include formulating research projects and acquiring independent research skills; presenting a sustained argument, based mainly on substantial primary sources; placing secondary sources in their cultural, ideological and dissertations uk epistemological context by showing where they fit into the current state of historical knowledge; and hawthorne essay greater awareness of the ongoing debates about the philosophy and practice of history. The desired outcomes of essays in second-year subjects include developing skills in the use of bibliographies and other reference material, critical reading, putting more independent thought and reflection into proquest uk essays; greater understanding of to write about in an documentary criticism and interpretation, and the critical analysis of secondary interpretations by other historians.

The desired outcomes of essays in proquest dissertations uk first-year subjects include: helping you learn to argue your own position against other points of view; development of the conventions of good historical essay writing, such as rigorous documentation and footnoting; awareness of the variety of representations of the hawthorne essay, past; familiarity with the different ways historians use evidence; and the ability to recognise, analyse and uk summarise an historical argument. Do not assume that you should target your arguments for particular lecturers or tutors. For a start, your predictions may be inaccurate. Essay. Moreover, arguing what you think you ought to argue is a lot more complicated and a lot less interesting than arguing what you come to proquest dissertations uk believe as you gather information, review different interpretations, and for reviewing the dissertation in preparation form your own perspectives on proquest dissertations uk, an issue or problem. Any teacher can tell you that some of the best essays they read develop arguments they don’t agree with at all, or arguments which challenge their own interpretations. Writing is easier if you imagine an audience: a person you want to convince of something, a person who wants to know about a good book, your ideas and perspectives. Your task, however, is not to tell your audience what they think, but to tell your audience what you think, and give them reasons and evidence which show why your conclusions are significant, interesting and convincing. 3. Dissertations Uk. Choosing and comprehending the question or topic. Choose a topic or question you find interesting and hawthorne essay challenging: it is easier and much more enjoyable to develop and defend a strong argument on proquest dissertations uk, something which interests and intrigues you than on to write yourself essay, something you find boring or simple.

Writing is not the outcome or the finished product of learning: it is a vital part of learning. It is a way of sorting out and clarifying your interpretations, trying out your ideas, and discovering new ways of thinking about an issue. Think about the question or topic in these ways: what is the dissertations uk, problem it suggests? what is the ‘angle’, the issue, which makes it interesting? what is my first reaction to the question: yes, no, maybe? do I agree or disagree with the essay, contention or interpretation the topic suggests? what ideas and issues can I explore by answering this question? is proquest uk, there a simple answer, or might it be more complex than it looks? what kinds of information is the question asking me to use? what themes can I explore? It is also important to look at essays theory, the question and ask yourself: do I understand what the question or topic is asking me to do? Have I interpreted the question correctly? If you are not sure, or if you want to check that the proquest dissertations, approach you are taking does address the question, talk to your tutor. Essay topics are designed to draw on the subject content developed in lectures and tutorials, and on reading you have completed. About In An Essay. Reading the works of other historians, such as those suggested in proquest dissertations reading lists, will help you see how others have approached that problem or issue.

Historians often disagree on the importance or the meaning of events of evidence, or use different kinds of evidence to challenge and amend prior interpretations. They will take different approaches to terminal masters computer the same question, and dissertations suggest different ways of examining an issue, be it gender relations in things essay medieval Europe or the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union or the impact of uk colonial rule in India. What you will see, however, is that all of these writers state a position. They address a problem. They answer a real or implied question. You should trace their strategies for developing arguments and drawing conclusions. As you do your introductory reading, review your lecture notes, and writing book report read more widely, think about proquest dissertations uk, your point of view, your own position in book report relation to other writers, and your own response to a problem.

Examine and evaluate the evidence: what conclusions can you draw? Which interpretations do you think best fit the available evidence? Your interpretations and conclusions do not have to be new to uk be original, challenging, and convincing. You should argue the case which you think emerges most clearly from the evidence and from your critical review of other historians work. You’ve read the books and articles recommended in draghi the handbook or by your tutor. You’ve come up with some ideas about how you might approach the question, and you’ve got a pretty good idea about dissertations uk, how other historians have interpreted the issues and addressed the topic. You’ve collected some evidence from a range of different sources and you’ve tried mapping out some preliminary ideas and easyjet essay arguments on paper. You’ve looked again at the major themes of the subject and thought about how you might address them in this essay.

In order to proquest uk plan your essay, you now need to come up with an argument, a point of view which will guide your writing towards a conclusion. Would you agree with the argument that respect for the natural environment is a recent discovery for residents of Mars? Having read a variety of sources, you should be able to state your thesis (your answer) in a sentence or two. Yes, because prior to the environmental movements of the 1960s, the majority of Martians were more interested in exploiting than respecting the writing a good report, natural environment. No, because Martians have persistently respected their version of the natural environment, because natural environments are always viewed in a romanticised and idealised form. No, it is difficult to draw a simple, general conclusion on this issue, as the evidence suggests that different groups of Martians have interpreted and viewed the environment very differently over time, and no clear trend is visible even now. When you begin planning your essay, you should always be able to state your thesis in proquest dissertations uk a fairly straightforward way, based on your initial reading and research for the topic.

This sentence or two states your case. Broadly, your essay is the exposition and defence of that case: it shows the for publication, reader how, and why, you have arrived at those conclusions. To write a good essay, you must first decide what your central argument is going to dissertations be, and then plan your essay to develop that argument. Of course, as you write your first draft, you may find that the argument changes and develops in a direction you did not anticipate. Few writers are completely sure of their final conclusions before they begin drafting: the task of writing down and defending the argument often reveals unanticipated problems, or challenges and changes your first thoughts, or leads you toward one interpretation more than another. Often, too, you might need to go back to writing a good your sources, read through some of your notes, or do some further reading to clarify and expand an emerging point.

However, the basic thrust and content of uk your argument or thesis should be clear enough to allow you to marketing essay plan the stages of your argument before you begin drafting. Perhaps the single best way of ensuring a successful essay is dissertations uk, having a good plan . Easyjet. The plan should lay out your argument, for instance in dissertations uk point form, and you can also use it to indicate where you will use certain items of evidence and easyjet supporting arguments. introduction: state the case for no: Martians have persistently respected their version of the proquest dissertations, natural environment, because natural environments are always viewed in the dissertation for publication a romanticised and idealised form explain the thrust of the argument : dispute recent discovery, my essay focuses on previous century to show that respect for environment is always based on historically variable assumptions and preconceptions about dissertations, beauty, usefulness and worth of nature explain idealisation/romanticisation of the natural environment (summarise Smith’s theory of idealisation, discuss paintings, use examples from Connor and Jones) list and give examples of different idealisations of natural environment in the nineteenth century and show different assumptions about beauty and usefulness behind each one (use examples from hawthorne essay, Green and Brown) show how these different ideals were sometimes contradictory or came into conflict (use example of forestry in dissertations Mars Forest) case study: the Martian garden legend (discuss the garden stories); argue that an easyjet essay, environment under exploitation also increasingly romanticised (review the different interpretations of Green and Red, show why I think Green fits better with the evidence) summarise above points about previous century; what is respected in the recent past: argue that this is another idealisation (evidence: Martian tourist brochures); conclusion: restate the case , and argue that understanding respect for natural environment always means analysing the idealisation of natural environments. In the short essays common in first year, your plan is likely to be less complex, and proquest may only have four or five main points. Hawthorne Essay. As you progress into second and third year, you are expected to develop more sophisticated arguments, which makes good planning even more important. 6a. Proquest Dissertations. Introducing and developing the argument. In your introduction , you should state your case and, as in the example above, set out the basic structure of your argument . You might also briefly summarise two or three of your main points.

If you have decided to adopt a particular focus (for instance, using case studies from a particular time or place, or narrowing the topic to concentrate on a particular theme), you should explain this in the introduction as well. Developing the argument : The example above shows how an argument is then developed towards its conclusion. Basically, each stage of your argument should be developed and defended in hawthorne essay turn, by proquest, showing your interpretation of the appropriate evidence, by critically reviewing the essays and applications draghi, work of proquest other historians, and by hawthorne essay, using example, case study and explanation. A good way of thinking about this is to imagine that you are building your argument in blocks . Proquest Uk. Each paragraph is a block which builds your argument towards a conclusion. Each block is introduced and described, and then its place in the whole structure is shown.

Block 1: stage of the argument. On Mars in the 1850s, the easyjet, beauty of nature was usually associated with wild, untouched landscapes. Painters rarely drew human figures. Proquest Dissertations. If there were humans, nature towered over them, as in Rembrandt’s Martian Mountains. In her book Environmental Perception on Mars, Joan Brown argues that painters in the 1850s focused on how nature was being conquered. However, Ash clearly shows that mid-nineteenth-century Martians usually depicted an idealised nature which was to terminal masters science be protected from the threats posed by civilisation. Block 2: next stage of the dissertations, argument.

The most crucial changes occurred after the Martian titanium rushes of the 1870s showed the potentially lucrative returns of mineral exploration and exploitation. Certainly, by proposal, the 1880s, most representations of the natural environment showed nature being tamed and civilised. Even mining sites appeared in nature paintings, and proquest dissertations the work of Joseph Smith is a good example of how even the most intensive forms of exploitation were represented as beneficial intrusion for the landscape. Block 3: brief summary, and introducing the proposal for reviewing, next stage of the proquest dissertations uk, argument. By the 1880s, therefore, the idealised untouched nature of the 1850s had been invaded by humans, and an ideal natural landscape was now represented as one which was productive and bountiful. Humans did not threaten nature; they unleashed its potential. It was important for Martians, Smith argued in terminal science 1883, to feel relaxed and comfortable about the past and dissertations uk future of the theory and applications draghi, Martian environment. Yet representations of an ideal environment as one conquered and populated by dissertations, humans never completely replaced the older tradition of mourning the to write about in an, degradation of another form of ideal environment, the Martian garden. This alternative version became popular again in the 1890s. The body of your essay, therefore, uses evidence, examples and explanation to dissertations develop your case point by point.

Each paragraph has a point to make, and occasional summary sentences guide the reader through the argument. 6b. Using different kinds of essays evidence. In developing your case, you will need to make decisions about the dissertations, kinds of sources you will refer to, and the best ways to use them. Sources can generally be defined into two broad types: primary or documentary sources (usually written at the time by hawthorne essay, an eyewitness, direct participant or close observer) secondary or scholarly sources (usually interpretations and explanations written after the fact by someone analysing the primary or documentary sources) For example, a book containing the collected speeches of Charles de Gaulle is a primary source; an dissertations uk, analysis of them by a political scientist or historian is a secondary source. An article in writing the Age of 30 June 1900 about the bubonic plague epidemic which affected Sydney during that year is a primary source; an article in the Age on 30 June 1990 discussing the impact of the epidemic on public health policy in Australia is a secondary source.

Broadly, the primary or documentary sources are the raw material used by historians , the subject of your argument, while the proquest dissertations uk, secondary or scholarly sources provide examples of how others have analysed and interpreted the problem or issue at hand. The distinction is not hard and fast, and there will always be exceptions. For instance, if you are writing an essay about historians’ representations of race in Britain, the secondary sources of the historians are in fact your primary documentary source. In most essays, you will be expected to critically analyse the interpretations of other historians in this way. The Dissertation In Preparation. In any event, these different types of sources should both be read critically: analysed for their point of view, for the assumptions, ideas and understandings which inform them, and for the strategies writers use to advance their arguments. Don’t take anything on proquest, trust: be a critical reader of all kinds of sources and texts , and use your critical analysis of both primary and secondary sources in masters your essay. You also need to make decisions about how to use evidence: in the form of quotation, or in the form of summarising. It is best to use quotation strategically and sparingly : quote phrases or passages which best illustrate the point you are trying to make, or which really help you give your reader the flavour of the evidence you are using. Uk. If you use a quotation, make sure it fits with the stage of the argument you are advancing. Refer to the language, analyse the assumptions or strategies it reveals.

In other words, use quotation when the actual words are the easyjet marketing, single best way of providing the dissertations, evidence and developing your case. If the quotation is less than about thirty words, combine it with your text, as in this example where I am quoting the following phrase which is not very long. “You must always use quotation marks to indicate the separation between your words and the words of for publication someone else.” If it is longer than this, you should separate it from the text, and proquest uk indent it: This is an example of terminal masters computer a much longer quote. It contains a few sentences, and proquest uk needs to be distinguished from the body of the essay. When you are indenting a quote like this, note that you do not have to use quotation marks; as it is already separated, there is no need to writing book indicate that by the use of such symbols. In general, use very little quotation from secondary or scholarly sources.

It is better to say what you mean in your own words, quoting another historian or interpreter only where the phrase is dissertations, particularly wonderful or where you need to show precisely how that writer made their point in order to for reviewing in preparation for publication criticise, defend or develop it. In all other cases, it is best to summarise. Write reflective summaries of uk what others have written, relating those interpretations to your argument. You might find that the example paragraphs on the previous page gives you a more concrete idea of how a writer can use a mix of summary and direct quotation from different kinds of sources to develop their argument. In your conclusion, you should restate your case strongly and essays on economic and applications clearly by summarising your main points. Proquest Dissertations. It is also possible to raise issues and problems in theory and applications draghi your conclusion, especially broader questions which are beyond the scope of your essay.

You might reflect on what your interpretation implies for contemporary debates or discussions, write briefly about the broader implications of proquest dissertations your position, or consider what your interpretations tells us about the easyjet marketing essay, role and nature of history itself. Use your conclusion to argue for the significance of your argument and proquest dissertations uk your interpretation. Be careful, though: a poorly developed argument followed by easyjet marketing, sweeping speculations on dissertations, the nature of the easyjet, universe or the human condition is unlikely to be either effective or convincing. Again, as you develop your skills in formulating, developing and defending arguments, you will also develop your ability to write more reflectively and to use essays to open up these kinds of complex questions. 7. Writing clearly and effectively. The best single rule is to always use clear expression: write simply and uk with clarity and avoid complex sentence constructions . Use definite, specific and things in an essay concrete language. Don’t use unnecessary words, and make sure you understand the words you are using. Writing problems often occur when people try to use very complex language and uk syntax. Writing A Good Report. A better idea is to establish a simple and clear style first, and then gradually develop more complex sentence forms and means of expression. As you develop your writing skills, vary your sentence structures and lengths to proquest uk add variety.

Short sentences often add emphasis to a particularly important point. Spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors detract from an argument, whatever its quality: careful editing of your draft is very important. It is terminal, also important to use accurate language, which is dissertations, one good reason for hawthorne essay using non-discriminatory language. For instance, the statement that men adapted themselves to uk these new conditions should lead any critical reader to terminal computer science ask what women were doing at that time. It is a reasonable and accepted convention that all forms of public communication, including journalism, business language and academic writing, should use non-discriminatory language. There are at least five effective ways of improving your writing. Always read your own work.

what is my main idea, my contention, my argument? am I getting it across to the reader? Take responsibility for dissertations uk critically assessing your own writing . Look at the comments made on your previous essays, and work out whether this one repeats the strengths and overcomes the weaknesses of the dissertation for publication your previous work. If you need to, speak to the person who assessed your work, and ask them for more guidance. Reading other writers. As you read, evaluate the styles of different writers.

What makes them more or less effective? What is most important to proquest you as a reader, and what makes good writers better to read? Practice. Like any other set of skills, writing improves with practice and report with constructive assessment, by proquest uk, yourself and by others. Read your own work out loud . You do not need to hawthorne essay comprehend the uk, rules of grammar or the proposal in preparation for publication, intricacies of syntax to know when something sounds clumsy, or when a sentence needs punctuation, or when a long paragraph has completely lost its drift. Proquest Dissertations. Reading your draft out loud is also a good way to add variety and oomph to your language. Computer. If its boring you to uk tears, or if you have no idea what it means, it might be time for redrafting.

Let other people read what you write . A Good. It is particularly good to give your essay to someone who is not an expert in the area you are writing about. If it doesn’t make sense to them, your argument might need clarification. If they struggle to read it, you might need to proquest edit more carefully. Book Report. University teachers will not usually be able to read drafts of students work, but there are plenty of other people who can give you feedback. Swap essays with fellow students. Get the dissertations uk, people you live with to read them. Essays Draghi. Distribute them on proquest dissertations, buses.

8. Easyjet Marketing Essay. Referencing Instructions for Essays. Decisions about when to cite sources can be difficult. Effective referencing is proquest uk, another writing skill your university work aims to develop. The reader should, in theory, be able to retrace your steps in gathering evidence for your argument. In other words, you provide citations as a kind of road map that shows readers how you came to these conclusions, shows readers where you derived your information and, if relevant, shows readers where you derived the ideas or interpretations that you are paraphrasing, adopting or challenging. Therefore, you need to provide citations in the following instances: where you directly quote someone else’s words; where you are directly summarising someone else’s argument and ideas; where you are summarising arguments and ideas derived from a number of sources; to to write about point your readers to the source of information; to translate words or phrase in a foreign language that a reader cannot reasonably be presumed to proquest dissertations understand.

In general, you need to terminal computer provide sources for statements that are problematic or debatable in proquest uk the context of your argument, or that a reasonably well-informed person would not be expected to know. Again, the ability to a good successfully make these judgements is a skill you will develop with practice and experience. If you offer a translation of proquest uk a word or phrase in a foreign language, the to write about yourself in an essay, basis of your decision should be whether a reader could reasonably be presumed to know the meaning of the phrase or word already. There is no need to translate coup d’etat or Sultan or Blitzkrieg, for instance. The use of citation to refer readers to the work of other writers is proquest dissertations, occasionally useful, but for the most part, your citations refer only to books, articles and other material you have used directly.

Only cite information that you have actually looked at yourself, or: always SIGHT what you CITE . It is fine to use a second-hand reference (like a quotation or a summary in hawthorne essay a book from a source to which you do not have access), but you should indicate that in your citation. An example of how to do this is provided in the next section. You can also use citations to dissertations uk clarify specific points, or add a small amount of additional information or supporting evidence. You should not use footnotes or endnotes as a sort of second argument, nor to provide paragraph after paragraph of new information. If it is not important enough to put into the body of the essay, then leave it out. 8b. Numbering and placement of footnote and endnote numbers. When providing footnotes or endnotes, number notes consecutively throughout the text.

Put these numbers at the end of sentences, if at all possible, and distinguish them from the text either by proposal for reviewing the dissertation in preparation, superscripting (raising above the line) or placing them in brackets. If you use material from two different sources in the same sentence, it is often possible to combine the two citations in one footnote, using a semi-colon to separate them. Usually, you will refer to information or material at particular places in a larger work so you will need to show the page (p.) or pages (pp.) on proquest uk, which the material is located. This text produces the terminal computer science, following footnotes: On Mars in the 1850s, the ‘beauty’ of nature was usually associated with wild, untouched landscapes. Painters rarely drew human figures. Proquest Dissertations Uk. If there were humans, nature towered over them, as in Rembrandt’s ‘Martian Mountains’. 1 In her book Environmental Perception on Mars , Joan Brown argues that “painters in the 1850s focused on how nature was being conquered”. 2 However, Ash clearly shows that mid-nineteenth-century Martians respected an idealised nature which was to be kept separate from civilisation. 3. 1 K. Float (ed.), The Magical World of Ken Rembrandt , New York, 1965, p. 68.

2 Joan Brown, Environmental Perception on Mars , Sydney, 1995, p. 13. 3 Ann Ash, Joan Brown is Wrong , Sydney, 1996, pp. 1-23. 8c. Citing different kinds of sources. The following rules should help you through most situations. The absolute rule is to be consistent. Inconsistency drives readers crazy, and to write in an is not a good tactic when you are attempting to convince those readers of the accuracy of your interpretations and arguments. Dissertations Uk. There are also specific rules for the citation of classical texts like the theory and applications draghi, Bible, the proquest uk, Koran and yourself in an so on. If you are studying subjects in which these texts are used, your tutor will provide you with the information you need to cite correctly.

Please note: Some areas of history, especially those published by European and English publishing houses (and now more often Australian publishers), follow the conventions set out in proquest dissertations the MHRA (Modern Humanities Research Association’s) Style Guide (available electronically at, see section 10.2.2). The guide differs to the above in that it adds the publisher to the publication details, and is formatted differently. For example: Peter Burke, The European Renaissance: Centres and Peripheries (Oxford: Blackwell, 1998), pp. 54-56. It is now common practice to hawthorne essay use full stops only where the proquest uk, abbreviation of the word does not contain the last letter of the word. So, editor becomes ed., but editors becomes eds. Doctor is easyjet essay, Dr, but Professor is Prof.. Also, where an abbreviated title is used very commonly, you do not need to put in full stops: for instance, ALP, ACTU or UNESCO . Primary or documentary material cited by another author.

If you need to refer to a quote or to a piece of evidence which you accessed in a secondary or scholarly source rather than the original source, use these examples as a guide: R. Dissertations Uk. G. Menzies, speech in the House of Representatives, 23 March 1943, cited in Judith Brett, Robert Menzies Forgotten People, Melbourne 1992, p. 47. Letter from Lewis Mumford to Frederic Osborn, 2 April 1937, cited in Alison Ravetz, Remaking the Urban Environment, London 1980, pp. A Good Book Report. 148-9. The general rule is proquest dissertations uk, that if the original source is available, you should go to and use that original source, rather than borrowing your evidence from another writer.

Author of hawthorne essay document (first name, last name), name of dissertations document (use italic or underline), in editor (ed.) or editors (eds), title of collection (use italics or underline), place and date of publication, page or pages. John of Salisbury, Policraticus , trans. J. Dickinson, in J.B. Ross and M.M. McLaughlin (eds), The Portable Medieval Reader , Harmondsworth, 1977, pp. 251-2. (Note: ‘trans.’ is the abbreviation for ‘translated by’.) If your area of history follows the MHRA Style Guide , this item in your bibliography would follow the same convention outlined earlier, namely: John of Salisbury, Policraticus , trans.

J. Dickinson, in The Portable Medieval Reader , ed. by a good, J.B. Proquest Uk. Ross and M.M. McLaughlin (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977), pp. 251- 2. If the document was not published but has a title (for instance, an unpublished paper or a speech or an article), use single inverted commas around the name of the on economic theory draghi, document. If it was not published and has no title (a letter, for instance), there is no need for any marking. For instance: Friederich Engels, ‘The evils of proquest uk capitalism’, in hawthorne essay K. Kharkov (ed.), The Collected Speeches of Engels , Moscow, 1954, pp. 23-8. Yves of Narbonne, letter to Gerald of Mallemort, c. Proquest Dissertations. 1241, in Walter L. Wakefield and Austin P. Evans (eds), Heresies of the High Middle Ages , New York, 1991, pp.

185-7. If you are going to be using documents in archives, or other unpublished material, consult your tutor for assistance with citation rules. If you are referring to normal newspaper writing (news of terminal computer science events, editorials, and so on), you need only provide the name of the uk, newspaper and writing a good report the date: The Age , 25 April 1996. If you wish to refer to a specific article, usually by an invited contributor, or to a significant special feature (say, a four-page special report or a report in a weekly magazine), use the same format as for articles in journals or magazines. Author (first name, last name), title (use either italics or underline), place and proquest uk date of publication, page (p.) or pages (pp.) of the information to which you are referring. So: Tim Bonyhady, The Colonial Earth , Melbourne, 2000, p. 13. These publication details are always on one of the first pages of the yourself in an, book (and usually on the page after the main title page): these details list the publisher and the place of publication, and give other information, most of which you don’t need to provide (though see the proquest uk, note below). It is a good book, important to check if this is the first edition of the book, as subsequent editions may contain major revisions, which your reader will need to know in order to follow your research trail.

If the book is a second or subsequent edition, put that information behind the dissertations uk, title. Some further examples: Joanna Bourke, Dismembering the Male: Men’s Bodies , Britain and the Great War, London, 1996, pp. 98-104. John Kasson, Houdini, Tarzan, and the perfect man: the white male body and the challenge of modernity in America , New York, 2001, p. Proposal For Reviewing The Dissertation In Preparation. 231. Thompson, Paul, The Voice of the Past: Oral History , 2nd ed., Oxford, 1988, pp. Dissertations. 53-76. Again, for those following the MHRA style of referencing (see above), the publisher is included in the publication details. For example:

Peter Burke, The European Renaissance: Centres and Peripheries (Oxford: Blackwell, 1998), pp. 54-56. Place of publication is always a city or town, not a state, province, region, nation or continent. Author (first name, last name), title of book report chapter (use single inverted commas around title, lower case), in editor (ed.) (or editors (eds)), title of dissertations uk book (use either italics or underline), place and date of publication, pages to which you are referring. Roger Cooter, ‘War and Modern Medicine’, in W. Things About Yourself In An Essay. F. Bynum Roy Porter (eds), Companion Encyclopedia of the History of Medicine , London, 1993, p. Proquest Dissertations. 156.

E. Zinkhan, ‘Louisa Albury Lawson: feminist and patriot’, in D. Adelaide (ed.), A Bright and Fiery Troop , Melbourne, 1988, 27-8. Estelle Freedman, ‘”Uncontrolled Desires”: The Response to the Sexual Psychopath, 1920-1960’, in yourself Kathy Peiss Christina Simmons (eds), Passion and proquest dissertations uk Power: Sexuality in History , Philadelphia, 1989, pp. 187-99. Please note: for those following the MHRA Style Guide (see above), and are including the name of the publisher, a footnote reference would be styled like this example: Eve Salisbury, ‘ “Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child”: Proverbial Speech Acts, Boy Bishop Sermons, and Pedagogical Violence’, in Speculum Sermonis , ed. by Georgiana Donavin, Cary J. Nederman, and Richard Utz (Turnhout: Brepols, 2004), pp. 141-55 (p. 153).

(Here ‘pp. 141-55’ indicate the page span of Salisbury’s contribution to the volume, and the bracketed ‘(p. 153)’ indicates the specific page reference.) Articles in journals or magazines. Author (first name, last name), title of article (use single inverted commas around title, lower case), title of journal or magazine (use either italics or underline), volume or number, year of publication, pages covered by the article, specific page(s) to essay which you are referring. Phil Scraton, ‘Policing with Contempt: The Degrading of proquest dissertations uk Truth and Denial of Justice in the Aftermath of the Hillsborough Disaster”, Journal of Law and hawthorne essay Society , vol. 26, 1999, pp. 273-97, p. 275. Emily K. Abel, ‘Valuing Care: Turn-of-the-Century Conflicts between Charity Workers and Women Clients’, Journal of Women’s History , vol.

10, 1998, pp. 32-52, pp. 34-5. You will find information about dissertations uk, volume number on the title page of things to write about each journal. If there is both a volume and an issue number, just the volume number will usually do (for instance, American Historical Review , 102 (1995), or Australian Historical Studies , 26 (1994-5)). Most journals continue numbering pages throughout one volume, even if that volume has several separate issues or numbers.

So a reference would read: Katherine Lowe, ‘Elections of Abbesses and dissertations uk Notions of Identity in Fifteenth- and proposal for reviewing the dissertation for publication Sixteenth-Century Italy, with Special Reference to Venice’, Renaissance Quarterly , 54 (2001), 389-429 (p. 390). Director (last name, first name), dir, Name of the film (use either italics or underline), year of release. Hicks, Scott, dir, Shine , 1996. Hitchcock, Alfred, dir, The Birds , 1963. Name of the program (in single inverted commas) and, if this program is part of a series, the specific title of the program and dissertations the name of the series (use either italics or underline), location of the program, date of the program. Aboriginal Land Rights: A Special Report, ABC Radio National, 11 December 2002.

Interview with John Howard, 3LO, 8 February 2003. ‘Golly Gee, I’m Interviewing a Famous Person’, Sixty Minutes , Nine Network, 13 February 2001. ‘The Reckoning’, The Frontier House , ABC Television, 27 April 2003. Author of the writing a good book report, document (if known), name of the document (if relevant), date of the proquest, document (if known), at full WWW address, date on which you accessed the about yourself essay, page. ‘Social Conditions in Seventeenth-Century France’, at, accessed 31 March 2003. ‘Suffragists Picketing the White House, January 1917’ (photograph), at, access 17 April 2003.

Sojourner Truth, Narrative of Sojourner Truth, a Northern Slave, Emancipated from uk, Bodily Servitude by the State of writing a good New York, in dissertations 1828 (1850), at, accessed 16 April 2003. Using Resources From the Internet and WWW. While there are some very useful sites for historians, including homepages describing research, or containing documents, photographs and interpretive materials, or providing primary documents like speeches, transcripts or debates, you need to theory draghi be as critical and careful in your use of uk WWW resources as in your use of any other kind of evidence . A good deal of the material on the web is not ‘screened’ in any way: it is not edited, reviewed by others, or subject to any control. This is its greatest strength and masters computer its greatest weakness as a medium, and makes the task of uk critically assessing and using sources even more important. For the citation, you need to give your reader enough information so that they can easily locate your source: in this case, the essays theory draghi, full web site information. Proquest. You also need to easyjet marketing essay tell your reader when you accessed the page: because web pages are updated, the information may have changed location or been removed.

In fact, it is proquest dissertations, a good idea to print out a copy of the page(s) you are using: you can use them more easily, and you have a copy of the information should it subsequently disappear from the web. Citing something for the second time: use of abbreviations and short titles. Once you have given full information in the first footnote, you should use abbreviations and short titles to refer to the same source again. What will usually suffice is the authors last name and a short title (i.e. the first few significant words of the proposal the dissertation in preparation for publication, title, as below). Ibidem (always abbreviate as Ibid.) indicates in the place just described, but it must follow directly from the previous citation. 1 Joanna Bourke, Dismembering the Male: Men’s Bodies, Britain and the Great War , London, 1996, pp. 98-104. 3 Roger Cooter, ‘War and Modern Medicine’, in W. F. Bynum Roy Porter (eds), Companion Encyclopedia of the proquest, History of Medicine , London, 1993, p. Writing A Good. 156.

4 Bourke, Dismembering the Male , pp. 126-9. 5 Cooter, ‘War and Modern Medicine’, p. 158. In endnote 6, the information is contained on the same page as endnote 5, and therefore you do not need to repeat the page number. Again, keep in proquest dissertations mind the principle of giving the reader the amount of information they would need to find the material for themselves.

There may be particular conventions which you should observe for particular units: you will be provided with these where necessary. In general, historians do not use the Harvard referencing system. Archaeology students, whose discipline does employ this system when referencing, should follow the hawthorne essay, norms of history referencing when writing history essays. Similarly, history students should use the Harvard referencing system when writing archaeology essays. Students need to be aware that in archaeology/ancient history a variety of uk styles is used: Harvard, Oxford and proposal for reviewing in preparation MHRA. Students in the Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History must be able to use all of them correctly; they also use unpublished materials of the types outlined for history and reference them in footnotes. Proquest Dissertations. In the end, it is a matter of communicating your understanding of your evidence in the style appropriate for essays on economic theory and applications draghi your discipline and task. Unit coordinators will advise you if you are unsure. 9. Forming a bibliography and an annotated bibliography. Your essay should include a bibliography of all sources. If you have used a wide variety of different types of sources, it is helpful to dissertations put them into hawthorne essay different sections: for instance, the documents or texts (primary sources) you have used might be separated from the historical scholarship (secondary sources).

In general, follow the proquest dissertations, same conventions described above with the writing book report, exception that authors’ surnames precede their forenames/initials to proquest dissertations uk allow for easier alphabetisation (as in the example below). List your sources alphabetically within each section. However, you do not need to include the page numbers for terminal science specific information or citations in proquest uk your bibliography. A Good Book Report. Films, television and radio shows and documents from web sites should be included: if there is no author, put them at dissertations uk, the front of the list and order them alphabetically by theory, title. Newspapers should be listed, but you do not need to provide the dates.

Note: those following the MHRA conventions will include the publisher’s name, along with slightly different formatting, as given in uk examples above (e.g. Burke, Peter, The European Renaissance: Centres and Peripheries (Oxford: Blackwell, 1998)). Contemporary documents and for reviewing the dissertation in preparation texts. John of Salisbury, Policraticus , trans. J. Uk. Dickinson, in J.B. Ross and things to write about yourself essay M.M. McLaughlin (eds), The Portable Medieval Reader, Harmondsworth, 1977. Truth, Sojourner, Narrative of Sojourner Truth, a Northern Slave, Emancipated from Bodily Servitude by proquest dissertations, the State of New York, in 1828 (1850), at, accessed 16 April 2003. The Birds, dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1963.

‘The Reckoning’, The Frontier House, ABC Television, 27 April 2003. Abel, Emily K., ‘Valuing Care: Turn-of-the-Century Conflicts between Charity Workers and Women Clients’, Journal of Women’s History, vol. 10, 1998, pp. 32-52. Kasson, John, Houdini, Tarzan, and the Perfect Man: The White Male Body and the Challenge of Modernity in America, New York, 2001.

All sources which you have used in order to assist your interpretation of your evidence (the historical scholarship, or secondary sources), should be annotated, when an annotated bibliography is required in the unit. Annotation tells the reader what role a particular source played in developing your argument. Things About. A statement of proquest dissertations two or three sentences is usually ample. Proposal For Reviewing The Dissertation For Publication. For instance: Joanna Bourke, Dismembering the Male: Men’s Bodies, Britain and the Great War, London, 1996. Bourke’s argument about the changing meaning of ‘disability’ provided a very important perspective on the links between wartime and postwar debates over masculine vulnerability.

Her interpretation of what ‘shell-shock’ taught doctors about manhood was particularly valuable for proquest dissertations my argument, as was her discussion of dress reform movements during the 1920s. One of the most important skills in effective communication is formatting and presenting your work in ways which help rather than hinder your reader. The impression of clarity, fluency and organisation created by good formatting is very important; conversely, a good essay written without regard for the eye as well as the mind is an ineffective piece of book communication. Some general guidelines: observe the word length, or at least a margin of error of about 10 per cent: one of the skills of writing is to write to a target, and to tailor your argument to suit the demands of that target. A short 1500 word essay on wartime politics in Nazi Germany or criminality in nineteenth-century Australia is uk, meant to be a short essay, not a major thesis. Adapt your case, and the ground you will cover, so that you can write something effective and convincing within the word length; include a word count with your essay. type, print or handwrite the essay on one side of the paper only, using standard A4 paper, and number each page. For essays of 1500 words or more, it is reasonable for your tutor to expect a typed or printed copy, though handwriting is fine for shorter exercises; double or one-and-a-half spacing is required, because it leaves more room for comments and corrections; leave a 4cm margin on the left hand side, and a 1.5cm margin on the right, again for comments and ease of reading. Ensure that you use at about in an, least a 12-point font. attach a cover sheet (standard cover sheets are available in the pigeonholes under the counter of the dissertations uk, School of Historical Studies’ General Office, W604).

You must tick all the boxes on the reverse side of the cover sheet before signing off under the plagiarism and collusion statement on the front of the sheet. ensure that your essay stays together: staples, paper clips, a plastic folder, whatever (we do not grade essays by weight, so go easy on the staples).

inserted by FC2 system