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Book Review: The True Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay. Any student of recent American history knows that one of the significant figures in the civil rights movement was Martin Luther King, Jr. Math Word. And though some of his methods for achieving racial equality were not consistent with New Testament principles for changing wrong attitudes, America, nonetheless, owes a great deal to him. In Martin Luther King#8217;s famous #8220;I-have-a-dream,#8221; speech (1963), he poignantly expressed the hope that someday his four children would be able to #8220;live in college essay a nation where they will not be judged by the color of building their skin but by the content of their character.#8221; Character indeed. However, if the famous civil rights leader had been judged more by the content of his character than by his civil rights activities, he would have carved a far different niche in history. At least that is the great college essay, conclusion one might draw after reading Michael Eric Dyson#8217;s new book, I May Not Get There With You: The True Martin Luther King, Jr. (Free Press, 2000).

Lest anyone should think that Dyson is some radical racist out to #8220;lynch#8221; King#8217;s historical legacy, that is far from the case. The black minister and professor (DePaul University; Columbia University African American Studies) contends that Martin Luther King, Jr. Assurance Essay. was #8220;arguably, the greatest American ever produced on our native soil.#8221; Many would suggest that descriptive is a gross exaggeration. But in great essay spite of such a laudatory accolade, Dyson honestly exposes some of introduction essay King#8217;s egregious character flaws though he attempts to great essay rationalize them. The thrust of Professor Dyson#8217;s book is this: Martin Luther King, Jr.#8217;s image has been so glamorized by the popular press over the years (among blacks and essay five, whites alike), that the current black generation is inclined to distance itself from great, its prominent leader. The author characterizes King as a #8220;safe Negro#8221; with whom white people became comfortable. Dyson, therefore, attempts to humanize (even radicalize) King, so that modern black people, especially the younger generation, can identify with him. In order to remove what he calls King#8217;s #8220;soapy#8221; and professional book, #8220;sanitize[d]#8221; image, Professor Dyson felt obligated to throw the floodlight upon the more unsavory elements of King#8217;s life. For example: (1) King#8217;s critics have long noted that much of the great essay, civil rights leader#8217;s academic writings were plagiarized. Book. Dyson concedes the point, but justifies the conduct by suggesting that this tendency had its roots in a #8220;black tradition#8221; of borrowing and expanding the college, ideas of other people. [Note: That #8220;tradition#8221; is not limited by ethnicity.] He contends that #8220;King#8217;s plagiarism at school is professional editing perhaps a sad symptom of great college his response to the racial times in which he matured.#8221; And so, King stole from the writings of others because of his #8220;black#8221; heritage. But what of the thousands of honest black students who never stooped to literary thievery? How did they overcome their #8220;tradition#8221;? (2) It is professional editing widely known that King was a womanizing adulterer.

Again, Dyson comes to the leader#8217;s defense. He asserts that the reformer#8217;s #8220;relationship with Coretta symbolizes the difficulty faced by great essay, black leaders who attempted to forge a healthy life with their loved ones while the solve math word problems, government aimed its huge resources at destroying their families . . Great College Essay. . .#8221; He talks of book how #8220;the state has often abandoned or abused the black family with cruel social policies.#8221; So now we know Martin Luther King#8217;s marital infidelity was the state#8217;s fault! His lack of morals was thrust upon him by great college essay, the conditions of society. Every principled black person in America ought to quality be insulted and outraged by this sort of great college rationale. It, in effect, says this. You cannot appreciate the essay five outline paragraph, advancements of the civil rights movement, and great college, the contributions of Dr. King to that effort, unless you recognize how flawed and victimized by his culture he was! If King#8217;s cheating and math word problems, adultery have to be played up, in order for the current black generation to #8220;connect#8221; with him, what does that imply about today#8217;s black youth? That#8217;s Dyson#8217;s implication. And young black people ought to resent it.

Finally, there is this notation. Great College Essay. While it is widely believed that Martin Luther King, Jr. was committed to book critiques the #8220;Christian religion,#8221; he was far from it. He denied some of the most fundamental components of historic Christianity. He repudiated the great college essay, doctrine of the deity of Jesus, and building, he rejected the great college essay, concept that the essays for time management, Lord was raised bodily from the dead. King disdained the New Testament affirmation of Christ#8217;s virgin birth, asserting that the college, early Christians devised a mythological story to account for the moral uniqueness of book editing Jesus of Nazareth. His theology has been profusely documented in essay The Christian News Encyclopedia. This was the Martin Luther King, Jr. that many never came to know, and who has been concealed for so long. And so, as Dyson aptly says in this new volume (regarding his hero): #8220;You don#8217;t need to introduction assurance go out saying Martin Luther King, Jr. is a saint.#8221; subscribers who get fresh content from us on a regular basis.

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Free Online Team Management Training | Exit interviews and knowledge transfer- tips for employees and employers, sample questions and answers. Table of contents. exit interviews and knowledge transfer - tips for employees and college, employers, sample questions and answers [edit] Exit interviews are interviews conducted with departing employees, just before they leave. From the employer's perspective, the primary aim of the exit interview is to learn reasons for solve math word, the person's departure, on the basis that criticism is great essay, a helpful driver for book critiques, organizational improvement. Exit interviews (and prior) are also an opportunity for the organization to great college, enable transfer of knowledge and experience from the departing employee to a successor or replacement, or even to essays for time, brief a team on current projects, issues and contacts. Good exit interviews should also yield useful information about the employer organization, to assess and improve all aspects of the working environment, culture, processes and systems, management and development, etc.; in fact anything that determines the quality of the organization, both in college, terms of its relationship with its staff, customers, suppliers, third-parties and for time, the general public. Many employers ignore the college opportunity that exit interviews offer, chiefly because exit interviews have not been practised in the past, and starting them is a difficult initiative to undertake, given the potentially subjective and 'fuzzy' nature of the professional book results; the time involved; and the unspoken corporate urge to avoid exposure to criticism. Exit interviews are nevertheless a unique chance to survey and analyse the great essay opinions of departing employees, who generally are more forthcoming, constructive and objective than staff still in book editing, their jobs. In leaving an organisation, departing employees are liberated, and as such provide a richer source of college essay, objective feedback than employed staff do when responding to normal staff attitude surveys.

As ever, corporate insecurity and defensiveness can be an obstacle to implementing exit interview processes, so if the organization finds it difficult to begin the outline practice as a matter of general policy, you can still undertake your own exit interviews locally with your own staff as and when they leave. From the great essay departing employee interviewee perspective, an exit interview is a chance to give some constructive feedback, and to book critiques, leave on a positive note, with good relations and mutual respect. Great College Essay! Recrimination, blame, revenge and spite are destructive feelings and behaviours, so resist any temptation you might have to go out all guns blazing. Book Critiques! Be calm, fair, objective and college essay, as helpful as possible. In the future you may wish to return to the organization (situations and people change..), and you may cross the paths of quality assurance essay, your ex-colleagues, managers in the future. The adage about treating people well on great college essay your way up because you might meet them on the way down applies just as well on your way out.

The exit interview is an opportunity to shake hands and introduction quality assurance, leave friends, not enemies. exit interviews and knowledge transfer. The days, weeks (or months in some cases) between the decision for the employee to leave, and college, the employee's actual departure date offer a crucial opportunity for the organization to gather important information and knowledge from the employee. This is especially relevant in roles where the employee has accumulated a significant amount of knowledge and personal connections, as typically applies in sales and buying roles, and obviously business unit management. The knowledge of the departing employee commonly has immense value, and the recovery of it is professional editing, often overlooked altogether by the organization, until the essay employee has departed, or more likely been hurried out of the door holding the contents of their desk in a cardboard box. When any employee resigns, or a decision is made for quality assurance essay, a person to leave for any reason, always ask: Should we spend some time thinking about college essay how to enable some sort of knowledge transfer? In other words, if we place a value on professional editing the knowledge that the departing employee holds, isn't it worth thinking about how to enable this knowledge to be passed to the appropriate people remaining in the organization?

Instead of course all too often, senior management's response to all the head-scratching after a vital person has left, is to rationalise the loss of information (and vital personal contacts often) with the old cliche, No-one is indispensable. Great Essay! The adage might ultimately be true, but that's not really the point. The fact is that most people who leave do actually possess useful (often critical) knowledge and paragraph, experience. Moreover most departing employees are delighted to share this knowledge, to help a successor, or to brief a management team, if only the great college organization would simply ask them politely to outline paragraph, do so (assuming their exit is handled decently of course, which the exit interview helps to enable). This is college essay, another good reason for thinking properly about the exit procedure, and for properly organising some form of exit interview process. So much depends of course on the atmosphere surrounding the departure. Often, particularly in sales, there is essays management, suspicion and imagined threat on essay both sides, which rather weakens the chances of solve math problems, a helpful hand-over. Great! This mistrust should be diffused - it really does nobody any good. In an ideal world the leaver should be encouraged and enabled (and arguably rewarded if necessary) to solve word, hold a briefing meeting, which all interested parties (and certainly the person's replacement if possible) can attend and learn what they need to know.

Regrettably however, it is not unusual for traditional-type 'theory-X' sales directors and managers to college essay, be so intoxicated with testosterone and the taste of blood that such suggestions rarely make it off the stony ground of the board-room. Five Paragraph! I would urge you to take a more open constructive view. Great! Give people the benefit of doubt, and discourage the book critiques kill'em and eat'em advocates from retaliating before there's any suggestion of great, being attacked. There are some suggested enabling questions below. For organizations large and small, exit interviews therefore provide lots of word, advantages and great college, opportunities: exit interviews aims and book critiques, outcomes [edit] They provide an opportunity to 'make peace' with disgruntled employees, who might otherwise leave with vengeful intentions.

Exit interviews are seen by existing employees as a sign of positive culture. College! They are regarded as caring and compassionate - a sign that the book organisation is big enough to expose itself to great, criticism. Exit interviews accelerate participating managers' understanding and essay five, experience of managing people and organizations. Hearing and handling feedback is a powerful development process. Exit interviews help to college essay, support an organization's proper HR practices.

They are seen as positive and necessary for essays for time, quality and effective people-management by most professional institutes and great college, accrediting bodies concerned with quality management of people, organizations and service. The results and analysis of exit interviews provide relevant and professional book editing, useful data directly into training needs analysis and great, training planning processes. Exit interviews provide valuable information as to how to improve recruitment and induction of five outline, new employees. Exit interviews provide direct indications as to how to improve staff retention. Sometimes an exit interview provides the chance to retain a valuable employee who would otherwise have left (organizations often accept resignations far too readily without discussion or testing the great firmness of feeling - the exit interview provides a final safety net). A significant proportion of employee leavers will be people that the organization is actually very sorry to leave (despite the post-rationalisation and sour grapes reactions of many senior executives to the departure of their best people). The exit interview therefore provides an math excellent source of comment and opportunity relating to management succession planning. Good people leave often because they are denied opportunity to grow and advance. Wherever this is happening organizations need to know about it and respond accordingly.

Every organization has at essay any point in time several good people on the verge of leaving because they are not given the opportunity to grow and develop, at essays for time the same time, ironically, that most of the management and executives are overworked and college essay, stretched, some to five paragraph, the point of great, leaving too. Doesn't it therefore make good sense to raise the importance of marrying these two situations to outline paragraph, provide advantage both ways - ie., facilitate greater delegation of responsibility to those who want it? Exit interviews are an excellent catalyst for identifying specific mistakes and improvement opportunities in college essay, this vital area of management development and succession. Exit interviews, and a properly organised, positive exit process also greatly improve the chances of book editing, successfully obtaining and transferring useful knowledge, contacts, insights, tips and experience, from the departing employee to all those needing to know it, especially successors and replacements. Most leavers are happy to help if you have the great college courage and decency to papers, ask and provide a suitable method for the knowledge transfer, be it a briefing meeting, a one-to-one meeting between the replacement and the leaver, or during the great exit interview itself. Exit interviews are best conducted face-to-face because this enables better communication, understanding, interpretation etc., and it provides far better opportunity to probe and book critiques, get to the root of sensitive or reluctant feelings. However, postal or electronic questionnaires are better than nothing, if face-to-face exit interviews are not possible for whatever reason (although I remain to be convinced that there is never a proper excuse for not sitting down for 30 minutes with any departing employee. ) In some cases perhaps a particularly shy employee may prefer to give their feedback in a questionnaire form, in which case this is fine, but where possible, face-to-face is best. In terms of managing the great college interview, listen rather than talk.

Give the interviewee time and space to answer. Coax and reassure where appropriate, rather than pressurise. Interpret, reflect and understand (you can understand someone without necessarily agreeing). Solve Math Word! Keep calm, resist the urge to defend or argue - your aim is to elicit views, feedback, answers, not to lecture or admonish. Ask open 'what/how/why' questions, not 'closed' yes/no questions, unless you require specific confirmation about a point. 'When' and 'where' are also more specific qualifying questions, unless of course they are used in a general context rather than specific time or geographic sense. 'Who' should be used with care to avoid witch-hunts or defamatory risks (moreover many exit interviewees will be uncomfortable if asked to name people or allocate personal blame - exit interviews are not about 'blame', the allocation of which is not constructive and should be avoided for anything other than very serious complaints or accusations, which must then be suitably referred as follow-up would be beyond the normal exit interview remit.

Prepare your exit interview questions and topics that you'd like to explore, especially when you believe that the interviewee has good experience, appreciation and college, understanding. Take notes and/or use a prepared questionnaire form. Importantly, see also the job interviews page for interviews techniques, which relate to exit interviews too. Remember simple planning aspects such as arranging a suitable time and place, avoiding interruptions, taking notes, preparing questions, being aware of the body-language and feelings of the interviewee and adjusting your own approach accordingly, etc. Obviously the style of book critiques, exit interview is different for someone who is being asked to leave, retiring, being made redundant, dismissed, or leaving under a cloud, compared to great college essay, an employee leaving whom the organization would prefer to retain. However everyone who leaves should be given the opportunity of an exit interview, and the organization can learn something from every situation. In certain situations (where appropriate) the exit interview also provides a last chance to change a person's mind, although this should not be the main aim of the exit interview situation.

When the interview is complete say thanks and wish the interviewee well. If there is some specific checking or follow-up to math problems, do then ensure you do it and report back accordingly. After the college interview look at the answers and think properly - detached and objective - about what their meaning and implications. Take action as necessary, depending on your processes for analysing and reporting exit interview feedback. If there's an urgent issue, or the person wants to stay and for time, you want to college essay, keep them, then act immediately or the opportunity will be lost. exit interviews - responsibilities, process and outcomes [edit] Participation in exit interviews by the employee leaving is voluntary. Solve Math Word! Do not compel departing employees to attend exit interviews. Offer a questionnaire form alternative, which again must be voluntary. You cannot compel a departing employee to give you knowledge that is in their head, although the return of college essay, files, paperwork and material is normally something that an employer rightfully can insist happens.

In any event, a positive constructive, grown-up approach is the best assurance of a happy outcome and for time, an optimal transfer of knowledge and contact names, etc., should this be helpful, which often it will be. If you hear any of your people using the ridiculously confrontational maxim No-one is indispensable.., as a defence for not bothering to gather important knowledge from a departing employee it probably suggests that all opportunities for a cooperative hand-over have yet to be explored, so encourage people to explore them, or go explore them yourself. Ideally the organization should have a documented policy stating how exit interviews happen, when, and by whom. College Essay! Some organizations hand the responsibility to a skilled interviewer in the HR or Personnel department. Alternatively line-managers or even supervisors can conduct the interviews. Interviewers need to term, be trained to essay, interview, just as for normal job interviews. All types of interviews are sensitive emotional situations which require ability and maturity to manage properly, especially if interviewees are anxious or volatile.

In large organizations HR or Personnel department should be responsible for designing the process, issuing guidelines and documentation, collecting results data, analysing and reporting findings, trends, opportunities and recommendations, especially including anything relating to health and safety, or employment law and liability. If you design a questionnaire or exit interview form which will be used as an input document towards central analysis it is a good idea to convert questions wherever practicable into a 'scoreable' and/or multiple-choice format, which makes analysis far easier than lots of written opinions. Actions resulting from exit interview feedback analysis, in any size or type of editing, organization, fall into two categories: Remedial and preventative , for great essay, example improving health and safety issues, stress, harassment, discrimination., etc. Strategic improvement opportunities , for book critiques, example improved induction, management or supervisory training, empowerment or team building initiatives, process improvement, wastage and efficiencies improvements, customer service initiatives, etc. The head of HR or Personnel would normally be responsible for raising these issues with the essay board or CEO, and the conversion of exit interview feedback into editing, action is a critical factor in justifying and maintaining a serious priority and operation of the process.

For many organizations, exit interviews provide a major untapped source of 'high-yield' development ideas and opportunities. Use them. sample exit interview questions [edit] These questions can be used in great essay, face-to-face exit interviews, or to compile exit interview proforma questionnaires or electronic feedback forms. If using these questions to compile forms to be used for large scale analysis take care to format the questions into a format which can be analysed numerically, as far as is reasonable (certain questions and solve math word, answers will always be difficult to format in this way, for example the 'how do you feel about. ' and college, open-ended questions seeking ideas and suggestions - such questions and can only be analysed and reported 'by exception' when something of particular note crops up, or of a particular recurring theme is spotted).

In face-to-face interviews particularly, use the word 'why' if you want to probe, especially if the first answer is vague or superficial. Questions beginning with 'what' and 'how' are better for getting people to quality, think and great, convey to you properly and honestly about their views. For Time Management! Some of these questions samples are more suitable for management employees, although always give people at all levels the chance to comment on issues normally 'above' their remit - you'll be surprised at how informed and insightful people can be. These questions examples are not in a sequential process, although broadly there is a logic to the order of the types of questions. College! There are lots more questions here than you would normally ask in a typical exit interview.

Pick the questions that are most relevant to the leaving circumstances, the interviewee and your organization situation. Tell me about how you've come to five outline, decide to leave? What is your main reason for leaving? What are the other reasons for your leaving? Why is this important, or so significant for great college, you?

Within the (particular reason to quality assurance essay, leave) what was it that concerned you particularly? What could have been done early on to prevent the great college essay situation developing/provide a basis for you to stay with us? How would you have preferred the situation(s) to essays management, have been handled? What opportunities can you see might have existed for the situation/problems to have been averted/dealt with satisfactorily? What can you say about the processes and procedures or systems that have contributed to great college, the problem(s)/your decision to leave? What specific suggestions would you have for how the professional editing organization could manage this situation/these issues better in future? How do you feel about the organization?

What has been good/enjoyable/satisfying for you in your time with us? What has been frustrating/difficult/upsetting to you in great essay, your time with us? What could you have done better or more for us had we given you the opportunity? What extra responsibility would you have welcomed that you were not given? How could the essay outline organization have enabled you to make fuller use of college essay, your capabilities and potential? What training would you have liked or needed that you did not get, and what effect would this have had?

How well do think your training and introduction assurance, development needs were assessed and met? What training and great college, development that you had did you find most helpful and enjoyable? What can you say about communications within the organization/your department? What improvements do you think can be made to customer service and relations? How would you describe the culture or 'feel' of the organization? What could you say about outline communications and relations between departments, and how these could be improved? Were you developed/inducted adequately for your role(s)? What improvement could be made to the way that you were inducted/prepared for your role(s)? (For recent recruits of less than a year or so:) What did you think about the great college essay way we recruited you? How did the reality alter from your expectations when you first joined us? How could we have improved your own recruitment?

How could your induction training have been improved? How could you have been helped to better know/understand/work with other departments necessary for the organization to essays for time, perform more effectively? What can you say about the great college essay way your performance was measured, and essay paragraph, the feedback to you of your performance results? How well do you think the appraisal system worked for you? What would you say about how you were motivated, and great college, how that could have been improved? What suggestion would you make to improve working conditions, hours, shifts, amenities, etc? What would you say about equipment and machinery that needs replacing or upgrading, or which isn't fully/properly used for any reason? What can you say about the way you were managed. On a day to day basis. Introduction Assurance Essay! And on a month to month basis? How would you have changed the great essay expectations/objectives/aims (or absence of) that were placed on you? . And why?

What, if any, ridiculous examples of policy, rules, instructions, can you highlight? What examples of ridiculous waste (material or effort), pointless reports, meetings, bureaucracy, etc., could you point to? How could the organization reduce stress levels among employees where stress is an issue? How could the organization enabled you to have made better use of your time? What things did the organization or management do to make your job more difficult/frustrating/non-productive? How can the organization gather and math word problems, make better use of the great views and experience of its people?

Aside from the reason(s) you are leaving, how strongly were you attracted to committing to a long and paragraph, developing career with us? What can the organization do to great, retain its best people (and not lose any more like you)? Have you anything to say about book critiques your treatment from a discrimination or harassment perspective? Would you consider working again for us if the situation were right? Are you happy to say where you are going (if you have decided)? What particularly is it about them that makes you want to college essay, join them? What, importantly, are they offering that we are not? (If appropriate:) Could you be persuaded to solve math problems, renegotiate/stay/discuss the possibility of college, staying? Can we be of any particular help to you in this move/deciding what to do next (we can't promise anything obviously)? And, to address opportunities for knowledge-transfer prior to departure, possibly in advance of exit interview: knowledge transfer questions [edit] Start thinking about using these questions when the employee and the organization knows that the employee will be leaving.

Don't leave these questions until the exit interview. How might we benefit from your knowledge, experience, introductions to your contacts, etc., prior to your departure? Would you be happy to take part in construction, a briefing meeting with managers/replacements/successor/colleagues so that we can benefit from your knowledge and experience, prior to your leaving? What can we do to enable you to pass on as much of your knowledge and experience as possible to your replacement/successor prior to your departure? How and when would you prefer to pass on great college essay your knowledge to your successor? I realise that you'll not be happy with the construction papers situation surrounding your departure, however we would really appreciate it if you could help us to understand some of the important things you've been working on - how might we agree for great, this knowledge to be transferred?

We'd be grateful for for time management, you to introduce (name of great college, successor) to your key contacts before you go - are you happy to help with this?

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Great college essay

+20 Resume Objective Examples - Use Them On Your Resume (Tips) We glanced at your resume. And we want to college essay, tell you: Thanks, but no thanks. An employer who just threw your resume in the trash. Poor Michelle. Why aren’t employers looking at her resume? Michelle has a ton of job experience, but she is preparing to change her career. Michelle could have used a great resume objective to book critiques, grab the recruiter’s attention and let the recruiter know that her resume is in the right place. The recruiter would have known from the beginning that Michelle was the right person for the job. This article will tell you why good resume objective statements are important plus: What a good objective for a resume should look like. When to write an objective on a resume. How to write a resume objective.

And I will explain the differences between a general resume objective, resume summary, and great college essay, resume profile. For industry-specific examples , keep reading. If you don't find a sample resume objective for your industry, let us know in the comments and we'll write an example for book you. A resume objective is a short, targeted statement or blurb at the beginning of a resume that reflects what you have already achieved, and how you are a perfect match for the position that is on offer. Outgoing Certified Public Accountant with an MBA and +2 years of experience in specialized tax services. Seeking to leverage my technical and professional expertise to grow in the new role of Accountant at your company. Seeking a job as mattress tester because I like sleeping and I can quickly fall asleep anywhere. Here is a template from our resume builder . Notice how the sample resume objective stands out.

If you want to save time, get professional tips, and quickly write your resume, you can try our resume builder. It's fast and easy to great essay, use. See more templates and math word, create your resume here. So, what does objective mean? The dictionary definition of great college essay, ‘objective’ (noun) is solve word problems a goal or aim to get something specific. What is your goal for applying for a job? Employers know you want the great essay, job. You gave them your resume.

But, once upon a time, the quality assurance, resume objective definition was a statement that told hiring managers who you were and great, why you wanted the job. Resume Objective Statement Example. Want fun, stimulating job that pays me in tacos and a mountain of professional editing, money every month. Oh, and fifty days of paid vacation. And a gym membership. Oh, and one of those people who follow you around and college essay, get you coffee - a personal assistant. Yes, one of those. You can write an objective for a resume like this and still get good jobs (kind of). But, some experts argue that it is no longer fashionable to include a resume objective like the resume objective statement example I just gave you. In fact, the general consensus is that the introduction essay, old resume objective format is a 90’s relics that is great college essay about as fashionable as wearing denim on denim.

Because employers care more about what they want. Surprise, surprise. You aren’t writing a letter to Santa. Essay Five. When you send your resume to large companies in 2016, it could end up in a pile of +250 other resumes on college average. The modern recruiter needs to quickly scan each resume. They only have time to building papers, look for essay what they want and need. Attracting a recruiter's attention in solve word problems, the fastest, most direct way possible is now invaluable.

So the beginning of the great college, resume needs to provide a different sort of information - the information that the recruiter wants and needs. This is why the format for great resume objectives has changed. Modern resume objectives have become a tool for showcasing your ability to achieve the management, employer’s objective not your own. Resume Objective Statement Example. Experienced chef interested in becoming a zoo keeper.

Tons of experience with picky clients who need to be fed with the essay, right food at the right time. Want to apply my patience and understanding of complicated clients to taking care of angry lions at for time the Zoo. Pro Tip: A good resume objective needs to show that you are a perfect match for that position . Great Essay. You will need to change the objective statement for a resume every time you apply for a different job. You may also want to take a look at our guides and resume examples (here) for specific positions. So, if you apply for 1,000 jobs how many good resume objectives do you need?

Yes, that’s right - 1,000 resume objectives. You don't need to change everything, just re-tailor each objective on a resume to match the new job post. The topic of building construction term, writing a resume objective is confusing. There seem to be about great a dozen different names for what you can put in the space at the top of a resume. The resume profile layout gets called: career summary career objective personal profile statement profile statement resume summary resume summary statement summary of qualifications. Here’s the thing - they are all basically the same.

But, there are minor differences and you should not confuse them. Essay Paragraph. Just remember: put your resume objective or summary at the top of great, your resume. You can choose one of our +20 resume templates, and use our resume builder to save time, and quickly create your resume here. Take a look at a sample resume below: When Do You Need a Great Resume Objective? When you're writing a resume, the first thing you will probably include after adding your contact information is introduction assurance some sort of great, introduction. Math. Think of college, this section as an elevator pitch that you've designed to book critiques, sell yourself to the employer. The introduction comprises what you would say to great essay, the hiring manager if you were to pitch your resume face to face. A recent study by The Ladders has shown that recruiters will only five paragraph spend 6 seconds looking at a resume. So, you need to catch a recruiter’s eye immediately to make sure they keep reading.

And the best way to make recruiters keep reading is to introduce yourself in a way they can't ignore . Okay, but let's go back to writing a resume objective for a resume. There are three main types of essay, introductions for resumes: 1. The Resume Objective. 2. The Resume Summary or Executive Summary. 3. For Time Management. The Resume Profile. Resume objectives are the introduction of choice for three types of people: 1. Great Essay. People who are entering the solve math word, job market for the first time.

2. Great College Essay. People who are switching industries, changing careers, or need to explain an unclear career path. Paragraph. 3. Great. People who are targeting specific positions. The rest of you might want to consider either a resume summary or resume profile . Or you don’t have to use anything if you don’t feel like it. You can just jump right into introduction quality your experience or education section. Great Essay. It depends on what you think is most important and what you want a recruiter to see first.

The Resume Objective vs. The Summary vs. The Profile. Another reason why experts will tell you that general resume objectives are dead is because of the rise of the resume summary and the resume profile. Here are the differences: A resume objective is one or two lines at professional editing the beginning of college, your resume that state how you are a good fit for the position on offer. Essays For Time Management. This type of introduction is useful for people who have little or no work experience. Dump Truck Driver with a valid Class A Certified Driver's License (CDL) and 2 years of experience. College. Wishing to leverage my experience to fill the building construction, position of Truck Driver at great your company. Zero accidents or injuries throughout entire career. Obtain a challenging management position where I can develop myself creatively and construction, become a high-level professional. A resume summary is also a couple of lines at the beginning of your resume.

But a resume summary statement will include a brief overview of work experience that matches the requirements of the position. Professional Dietician and Caterer with 6+ years in the foodservice industry. Highly entrepreneurial and efficient at building and great college, maintaining client relationships. Construction. Seeking to leverage my interpersonal skills to bring a solid customer service perspective to the position of Catering Manager at great college essay your company. Professional Photographer seeking a full-time position taking picutres in the fashion industry. Bonus: Download actionable examples of real job descriptions and essay outline, the resume objectives that match them. Resume Objective Examples for Your Profession (Download) For people who have work experience in college essay, the same field as the job for which they are applying. If this is your case, make sure you read our guide: A Resume Summary That Will Get You The Job [7 Secret Steps] A resume profile lists your qualifications, experience, and education in building construction papers, terms of the company’s needs and values. It is exactly like a resume summary statement, just more extensive. It can be formatted as a paragraph or as a list with bullet points.

Let’s look at IT jobs for college essay a moment. The resume profile structure works well for IT resumes because IT hiring managers want to see a list of all the essays management, different software and hardware you are familiar using. Analytical problem solver (6) with High School Diploma and 3.5 GPA (1). Undergraduate studying computer science with an emphasis on computer systems and architecture. Strong exposure to Windows Server 2008 / 2012, Win7, and Microsoft Office 2010 / 2013 (2). Working understanding of remote connectivity software (RDP, Citrix, and Cisco VPN), Cisco switches, routers, and TCP / IP networking (3 and 4). Experience with Microsoft Active Directory, administration, creation of user accounts, and college, Internet email (5). In the end, the real difference is whether or not you have quantifiable work experience . Pro Tip: Never confuse resume introductions with cover letters.

Yes, it is still necessary to write cover letters. Cover letters introduce you to an employer and outline, explain why your skills and experiences fit the job for which you are applying. An introduction to your resume does the same thing, but in a couple of lines at the beginning of your resume. Great Essay. Introductions reinforce what you write in your cover letter and the experience you show in your resume. Math Word Problems. Five Examples of great, Resume Objectives for five outline Specific Situations. In this section, I’ve put together a bunch of examples of great resume objectives for people in great essay, specific situations. These examples are for book critiques the three types of people I mentioned at the beginning of the great college essay, article: People who are entering the job market for the first time (entry level). People who are switching industries, changing careers, or need to explaing an unclear career path. People who are targeting specific positions (professionals). A. Entry-level Resume Objective Samples.

Entry level or first-time employees include: Recent High School graduates with zero work experience and no higher-level education. College graduates looking for their first professional job. People who have been out of work for longer periods of book critiques, time or have not worked. If you are a person looking for your first job, you should focus on the traits that will make you a good employee. But you shouldn’t randomly pick three nice adjectives out of thin air. Look back at your accomplishments and activities as a student. Find traits that are easily displayed during those activities. Whatever it is that you did before as a student, pull traits from that experience that match the great essay, traits required for the job. Use your experience as proof that you actually have these traits later in the resume. A high school resume objective sample might look like this:

Dedicated team player (1) (captain of the swim team 2 years) with proven leadership and communication skills. Seeking an opportunity to leverage my talents as a server at building papers your restaurant (2) . I have the follow-through and positive attitude that will allow me to achieve company targets (3) . Lead with your strongest trait. Great Essay. The traits you list should match the traits you marked as keywords from the job description. Here is the example of the server job description with the professional, keywords marked: Here is our career objective example again with the keywords highlighted: Dedicated team player (captain of the swim team 2 years) with proven leadership and communication skills. Seeking an opportunity to leverage my talents as a server at your restaurant. I have the great essay, follow-through and positive attitude that will allow me to achieve company targets. If you have graduated from university, your resume objective statement will look a bit different: Highly-motivated (1) Business Administration graduate (2) looking to fill a position as a Management Assistant (3) . I am ambitious, hardworking (4) and want to find a company that I can grow with as I achieve their goals. Essay Five Outline Paragraph. 1. Lead with a strong trait. 2. Follow with the type of education you have and any work experience you have. 3. State the position you are seeking.

4. End with a sentence that emphasizes that you add value to great college, the company. Let’s say you’ve just been out of the game for a long time. You took time off to be a full-time mom or dad, but now you want to go back to work. If you have higher education or work experience, a good job objective for a resume will look the same as a university graduate or young professional's resume objective. Start with your education or your previous work experience - even if you gained it years ago. Maybe you have never worked and don’t have higher education. What would a good resume objective example look like then? Organized and motivated (1) employee able to apply my skills (be specific - which skills?) in various environments. Seeking a position as an math word, office assistant (2) in (name of company).

I am personable and reliable and will prove to be an asset to the company. B. Transitioning Industries or Career Change Resume Objective Samples. You have experience, you just have it in another industry. A career objective for a resume is great college a place for you to state that you are making a change and quality, that where you were is relevant to where you are going. That way, a hiring manager doesn’t think your resume is in college, the wrong place. What is this concert pianist’s resume doing in my pile of flight attendant applications? A killer resume objective will answer that question right away so that your resume doesn’t end up in building construction term, the trash. Accomplished (1) Marketing Manager (2) with 10+ years (3) of experience in the retail real estate industry (4). Seeking to great college, use my background in planning, overseeing, and implementing marketing campaigns (5) to take on math the role of Brand Manager (6) at (name of great college essay, company).

I am creative and effective at presenting and developing the five paragraph, brands I represent (7 and 8) . Strong Trait (1) + Past Work (2) + Number of college essay, Years (3) + Specific Industry (4) + Types of Duties (5) + Specific Position (6) + How these Skills will Translate (7) + Added Value (8) You could also add a reference to your education either at the beginning or end of the math problems, resume objective statement. C. Professional Resume Objective Sample: Applying for a Specific Position. This sample is for people who have the education and work experience but feel that a brief introduction will address an interest in great, a specific position. IT Professional (1) with 3+ years (2) of experience in systems management and configuration at a large telecommunications company (3). Aiming to use my proven technical, management, and communication skills (4 and 5) to effectively fill the position of introduction quality essay, Network Engineer (6) at great college essay (name of assurance essay, company). Possess a BA in great essay, Computer Science (7). Past Work (1) + Number of Years (2) + Specific Industry (3) + Types of introduction, Duties (4) + Strong Traits (Keywords) (5) + Specific Position (6) + Your Degree and essay, Training (7) Seven Tips How Not To Ruin a Good Resume Objective. Introduction Quality Assurance. 1. Great College Essay. Here Is the Best Way To Be Credible.

One of the benefits of quality, putting a good resume objective on a resume is college that it makes you stand out to an employer at first glance. Essays For Time Management. Unless you write a general resume objective like this one: Dedicated person interested in pursuing a job that allows me to use my skills to benefit the great college essay, company. Building. Remember? We already talked about this. This is the “Nice person applying for nice job at nice company” career objective that almost made it taboo to pur resume objectives on great essay a resume at quality assurance essay all. The problem is that it doesn’t answer any of the following questions: What job do you want to pursue? What skills do you have? How will they benefit the company? Be specific.

Avoid writing generic statements that could apply to any job seeker looking for any job in the world. Dedicated waitress interested in pursuing a retail sales position that allows me to great, use my interpersonal and customer service skills to management, benefit the college essay, customer service goals of Awesome Jeans Incorporated. Now that’s specific. Pro Tip: Some experts will tell you that being too specific will box you in and hurt your chances if there are other jobs on offer. Introduction. That may be true if you are not responding to a specific job offer. In most cases, you will respond to specific job offers. They will include job descriptions that will tell you exactly what type of traits and skills the employer wants. It won’t box you in if you show that you have everything they want in the first two lines of your resume. You will come across as the exact person they need to hire for great college the job. Essay. 2. How To Use Numbers To Attract Attention. Use numbers and details when possible: 2 years of experience 50% increase in great, sales 100 people in attendance at my event managed a team of 50 people saved 25 baby seals from poachers.

My proven managerial and organizational skills were developed through 2 years of experience creating a series of events that drew over book critiques 100 people each. Both of these things will also help you avoid being generic and having a general resume objective on a resume. The main question you should be asking when writing a resume objective for great essay a resume: How are your skills and traits going to benefit the employer? This is especially important for people transitioning from introduction quality assurance, one industry to another. Essay. How does your past experience translate to your future position? Dedicated waitress interested in pursuing a retail sales position that allows me to use my interpersonal and customer service skills to benefit the customer service goals of Awesome Jeans Incorporated. We can see that the interpersonal and essay five outline paragraph, customer service skills that this waitress used at her old job can be used to help achieve the customer service goals of college, Awesome Jeans Incorporated. Read more about showcasing your skills here: +30 Best Examples Of What Skills To Put On A Resume (Proven Tips) You will find out what are the skills that employers desire most. Oh, and did I mention that the article comes with a fun and actionable infographic? Go check.

4. How Long Should A Good Resume Objective Be? Make it short and sweet. Resumes are short documents. Quality. A career objective for a resume shouldn’t be more than two or three lines at the beginning of your resume. No one wants to read a novel about your job experience. 5. College Essay. Should You Use First Person Pronouns? Maybe you’ve heard a rule like: Don’t use pronouns or the quality assurance, first person on your resume. There is something called a “smart” third person approach that eliminates the great college essay, pronoun and starts with an action verb. Building Construction Papers. Instead of saying “I manage” you write “Manage.” When writing a resume objective in great college essay, the third person and in five outline, the present tense, you are giving the employer a chance to imagine you transferring your skills and duties to great, their open role.

It focuses on the employer by leaving direct references to professional, you out of the equation. But, like I said before, there are no real rules. As long as you are making a clear point and showing added value, it won’t matter that you used personal pronouns. Also, what are you supposed to call the thing? As I mentioned before, there are endless names for the introduction section of a resume. You can start a good objective for great college essay a resume like this: Or forget the title and just start writing. Make it work for you. Write what’s comfortable and compelling.

Pro tip: Most of the quality essay, examples provided in the sample section of this article start without a title. Because general resume objectives on a resume are seen as cliche and out of fashion, it might be better not to great essay, slap the label in front. 6. How To Use Keywords To Get Results. Instead of book critiques, using a bunch of random, flowery adjectives like “hard working” or “dedicated” use the adjectives from the job description. College. Note: use “hard working” and “dedicated” if they are in outline paragraph, the job description. This is a form of keyword optimization. All you need to great college essay, do is go back through the job description looking for keywords. These keywords should be written throughout your resume. A couple of them can show up in your resume objective as well. Whoever is looking at your resume will probably start by scanning the for time, document.

Recruiters will be looking for the keywords they put in the job description, and if you add them to a resume and an objective in a resume, they will find what they are looking for right away. Do you want to know how to use keywords to tailor your resume to the job description? I'll show you in essay, our actionable step-by-step guide: 6 Proven Tips On How To Tailor Your Resume To The Job Description 7. Most People Make These Mistakes - Do You? Okay. Building. I lied. There are two rules you should always follow. Essay. Never use the five, word utilize and don't lie. Never use “utilize” in a job objective on essay a resume (or any unscientific situation for that matter) - just do not do it.

You will sound pretentious. You will sound like you are trying too hard to sound intelligent. You will sound like someone who slips French words into conversations at building construction term parties. Great College. There are only building papers a few people who can do that without being embarrassing - French people. Also, don’t lie about your traits or skills: If you hate people, then don’t say you are “friendly” or “bubbly” or have “good interpersonal skills.” Don’t say you hate people, just pick a different trait to emphasize.

Writing a resume may seem scary and intimidating. You have to catch the attention of college essay, hiring managers within the first few seconds. Writing a strong introduction can turn a glance at your resume into a full read. Putting a great resume objective on a resume could be the for time, one thing that keeps your resume on the hiring manager’s desk and out of the trash can. A good resume objective is key for anyone lacking professional experience.

It signals to the person reading your resume that you are right for the job, even if you have never had a job. College. Bonus: Download actionable examples of real job descriptions and the resume objectives that match them. Introduction Assurance Essay. Resume Objective Examples for Your Profession.” Do you have any questions about how to write a great resume objective for a resume? Leave a comment. We'll be happy to help.

Natalie is a writer at Uptowork. Great Essay. She loves writing about resumes and assurance, eating tacos more than life itself. She spends her free time reading complicated novels and binge watching TV series.

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college essay autism Is Asperger#146;s syndrome/High-Functioning Autism necessarily a disability? Departments of Experimental Psychology and great essay, Psychiatry, University of Cambridge. Invited submission for Special Millennium Issue of Developmental and Psychopathology Draft: 5 th January 2000. Acknowledgements : I am grateful to Bridget Lindley, David Andrews, Liane Holliday-Willey, Chris Wilson, Temple Grandin and Therese Jolliffe, for discussion of these ideas. David Andrews can be credited for having introduced this topic at an early point, whilst Uta Frith and Franky Happe can be credited for introduction quality assurance, their influential notion of 'cognitive style'.

Finally, Dante Cicchetti and Alan Sroufe provided excellent editorial advice. This article considers whether Asperger Syndrome (AS) or high-functioning autism (HFA) necessarily lead to disability or whether AS/HFA simply lead to 'difference'. Great College. It concludes that the for time term 'difference' in relation to AS/HFA is essay a more neutral, value-free, and fairer description than terms such as 'impairment', 'deficiency' or 'disability'; that the term 'disability' only applies to the lower functioning cases of autism; but that the term 'disability' may need to be retained for book critiques, AS/HFA as long as the legal framework only provides financial and other support for individuals with a disability. Two models are summarized which attempt to define in what way individuals with AS/HFA are 'different': the central coherence model, and the folk psychology-folk physics model. Great College Essay. The challenge for research is to test the value of such models and to precisely characterise the book critiques differences in cognitive style. We have grown familiar with the idea that autism is a 'psychiatric condition', a 'disorder', a 'disability' or a 'handicap'.

Ever since Kanner's description of the 'aloneness' of these children , psychiatry has labelled and categorised them as abnormal, ill, and deficient. Through the changing definitions of autism enshrined in successive editions of both DSM (Diagnostic and great college, Statistical Manual, published by the American Psychiatric Association) or ICD (International Classification of Diseases, published by the World Health Organisation), we have had a single view of autism thrust upon us: an essentially negative view in five paragraph which children or adults with autism are characterised as impaired . This article challenges the received view through a subtle but important shift of emphasis. Essay. Rather than conceiving of autism as a deficiency, it instead considers if autism might be better characterised as a different cognitive style. Math Word. This important idea can be traced to Uta Frith's book , and has been recently discussed in relation to 'central coherence' theory , but deserves a fuller discussion because of the massive implications of this shift of emphasis. Great. Using the term different rather than deficient may seem unimportant (after all, both words begin with 'd', end in 't' and have 7 letters in between). But this small shift could mean the difference between whether the diagnosis of autism is quality essay received as a family tragedy, akin to being told that the child has some other severe, life-long illness like diabetes or haemophilia, or whether the diagnosis of autism is received as interesting information, akin to great essay, being told that the child is right or left-handed. In this millennium special issue of Development and Psychopathology , the intention is to highlight this as an issue for the agenda. Asperger's syndrome (AS) and building, High-Functioning Autism (HFA)

Autism is great essay diagnosed on the basis of abnormalities in the areas of social development, communicative development, and imagination, together with marked repetitive or obsessional behaviour or unusual, narrow interests . Individuals with autism may have an IQ at any level. By convention, if an individual with autism has an IQ in the normal range (or above), they are said to have 'high-functioning autism' (HFA). If an essays for time, individual meets all of the great college essay criteria for HFA except communicative abnormality/history of language delay, they are said to have Asperger's syndrome (AS). In this paper, we focus on AS and HFA since we accept that an individual who is lower-functioning necessarily has a disability in book critiques the form of retardation. What is not clear, and therefore the great subject of the book critiques debate presented next, is whether individuals with AS/HFA necessarily have a disability.

For the present purposes, we consider the arguments in relation to AS and HFA, without attempting to great college, draw any distinction between these. The arguments for viewing AS/HFA as a difference rather than a disability. The child spends more time involved with objects and physical systems than with people (Swettenham et al., 1998); The child communicates less than other children do; The child tends to follow their own desires and beliefs rather than paying attention to, or being easily influenced by, others#146; desires and beliefs (Baron- Cohen, Leslie Frith, 1985); The child shows relatively little interest in outline what the social group is doing, or being a part of it (Bowler, 1992; Lord, 1984); The child has strong, persistent [2] interests; The child is very accurate at perceiving the details of information (Plaisted, O'Riordan Baron-Cohen, 1998a; Plaisted, O'Riordan Baron-Cohen, 1998b) The child notices and recalls things other people may not (Frith, 1989);

The child#146;s view of what is relevant and important in a situation may not coincide with others (Frith, 1989); (dates, . Great College. The child may be fascinated by patterned material, be it visual (shapes), numeric timetables), alphanumeric (number plates), or lists (of cars, songs, etc.); The child may be fascinated by systems, be they simple (light switches, water taps), a little more complex (weather fronts), or abstract (mathematics); The child may have a strong drive to collect categories of for time management, objects (e.g., bottletops, train maps), or categories of information (types of lizard, types of great college, rock, types of fabric, etc.); and. The child has a strong preference for experiences that are controllable rather than unpredictable. The list could be expanded but these 12 behavioural features are sufficient to illustrate that children with AS/HFA are different in ways that can be described in value-free terms: none imply any necessary disability. Outline Paragraph. Rather, most of the great essay above facts show the child as immersed in the world of things rather than people. This might be a basic way of defining the difference between a person with an autism spectrum condition and one without it . Being more object-focused than people-focused is clearly only a disability in building construction term an environment that expects everyone to be social. College. But a moment's reflection highlights the injustice of this expectation. Essays For Time. Thus, people who show the opposite pattern (of being more people-focused than object-focused) are not necessarily considered disabled.

On this view, people with AS/HFA would cease to great college, be disabled as soon as society's expectations change. Professional Book. For example, a child with AS/HFA who prefers to stay in the classroom poring over encyclopaedias and rock collections during break-time, when other children are outside playing together, could simply be seen as different, not disabled. It is great college not clear why the child with AS/HFA is seen as doing something less valuable than the assurance other children or why their behaviour should be seen as an index of impairment. Equally, a child with AS/HFA who has strong narrow interests of an college essay, unusual nature (learning the names of every kind of bird) may be different to a typical child who has only five outline been interested to learn the names of great essay, common animals. But surely the narrow deep knowledge is no less valuable than the broad, shallower variety, and certainly not a necessary index of deficit? A final example should help drive this point home. Just because a child with AS/HFA notices the unique numbers on book critiques lamp-posts which the rest of us are unaware of, does this make him impaired? We could say it is simply different. The same argument can be applied to all of the other facts listed above. II.

The neurobiology of AS/HFA is not better or worse than in typical development. AS/HFA involves a range of neural differences. A full review of these is beyond the scope of great, this article, but the reader can consult other excellent summaries . In some regions of the brain increased cell density has been found , - for introduction quality assurance essay, example, in the limbic system - whilst in other regions of the brain structures are reported to be smaller. For example, the cerebellar vermis lobule 7 and the posterior section of the corpus callosum have both been reported to be reduced in size in great essay autism. However, whilst these neural abnormalities signal differences between brains of people with and without AS/HFA, they cannot be taken as evidence that one type of construction papers, brain is better or worse than the other. Similarly, AS/HFA appears to be strongly familial, implying a genetic aetiology, and the first report from an international molecular genetic consortium study reported a linkage on Chromosome 7 in affected individuals . The molecular genetic basis of AS/HFA remains to be worked out in detail, but again such findings are at best evidence of difference and in no way implies that the genotype of AS/HFA is deficient. III. Great. 'Difference' avoids value-laden judgements. Many features of AS/HFA may be redescribed in ways that are more neutral, in terms of AS/HFA comprising a different 'cognitive style', with no implication that this is for time better or worse than a non-autistic cognitive style . Great College Essay. For example, the AS/HFA cognitive style may be described as being more object-oriented, and more focused on detail. Another change in terminology is solve problems that the term 'autistic spectrum disorders' is being replaced by the term 'autistic spectrum conditions'.

Like the term 'cognitive style', this avoids the possibly pejorative associations of the term 'disorder', though it may be questioned whether even using the term 'condition' is an appropriate medicalizing of an individual's cognitive style. But the spirit of such changes in great college essay terminology is clear. Essays Management. It is possible to essay, describe AS/HFA in value-free ways. IV. The difference view is more compatible with the building term 'continuum' concept. A further argument for favouring the difference view over the disability view is that it is easier to accommodate within the now widely accepted notion that autism appears on a continuum . The notion of a continuum assumes that there is an underlying dimension or set of dimensions along which all people vary. There is great essay still debate over precisely what constitutes the underlying dimension. Later in the paper we consider two models which aim to characterise the autistic spectrum. Arguments for viewing AS/HFA as a disability rather than a difference.

1. Differences are caused by book critiques cognitive deficits. The obvious first rejoinder to the difference argument is that children with AS/HFA show differences precisely because they are disabled, impaired, suffer cognitive deficits, etc. Thus, one might argue that they are less influenced by others because they do not spontaneously stop to consider other people's points of view, feelings and thoughts (the theory of mind deficit) ; they may communicate less and may be less socially focused for the same reason; their unusual perception may arise because of their weak central coherence ; whilst their strong interests may reflect a failure to essay, switch attention flexibly, possibly as a sign of their executive disorder . For all these reasons, the rejoinder goes, we should retain the notion of AS/HFA as a disability. This could be regarded as unfair because there may be a chicken-and-egg problem in five outline paragraph the logic. We cannot yet prove that their difference is due to a disability and not the college essay other way around.

For example, is their mindblindness the cause of them being less socially-focused/more object-focused, or a consequence of it? The development of a mind-reading skill may require months of social input so a lack of early social interest could contribute to mindblindness. One could make a similar case in relation to their weak central coherence: Is this a cause of their relatively greater interest in book critiques detail , or simply a consequence of college, it? 2. Lack of social interest reflects disability. Here is a second argument for seeing AS/HFA as a disability: the absence of a behaviour may itself reflect a disability in that area. In this case, the lack of normal sociability or communication is editing seen as a sign of disability. But this can be seen as unfair: it calls attention to what someone does not do (so well, or so much) in the case of AS/HFA, when we do not do this in the case of people without AS/HFA. For example, I do not spend much, if any, time thinking about mathematics problems, but I spend quite a lot of time thinking about people. In contrast, the person in the next door office spends a lot of time thinking about mathematics problems, and hardly any thinking about great college essay people.

Yet I do not describe myself as having a disability in mathematics. I would instead say that I simply prefer to spend time thinking about people: they are more interesting to me. Management. To call what a person does little of great essay, a disability could be seen as unreasonable. It might be a little like saying that the basketball player Michael Jordan has a deficit in fine motor coordination on the grounds that he is not known for spending much (if any) time engaged in needlework. This may be true of him, but to highlight this aspect of assurance, his skills, whilst ignoring his obvious assets in hand-eye coordination, physical speed, strength, agility, etc., is to put things back to front, and would be an unfair description of him.

3. Great. AS/HFA is a disability when viewed from the family or peer perspective. One might argue that AS/HFA is a disability when viewed from the perspective and needs of their family and the wider social groups, (e.g. school, peers, etc.). Parents may be at their wits end over the extreme behaviours their child shows. Book. For example, the child may insist that the living room light should be on whilst the hallway light should be off, that the plug switches should all be in great college the 'up' position, and just certain taps should be on, etc. . Or the child may be engaging in very antisocial behaviour (spitting, faecal smearing, etc.). Quite reasonably, parents, teachers, peers and others should not have to essays for time management, put up with such a tyrannical, strong will on the part of their child, or with antisocial behaviour, since they as parents, teachers, or peers also have needs.

A child's inflexibility or antisocial behaviour should clearly not be given free reign if it is interfering with other people's liberty unreasonably, or interfering with safety, hygiene, etc. Help with parenting may be needed, to facilitate the great child accommodating to others, and math problems, vice-versa. College. But this is still not a clear justification for book critiques, calling AS/HFA a disability - it is great college essay no more justified than a woman saying her husband is disabled simply because his hobby is dominating her life unreasonably, or saying that your neighbour is disabled simply because his behaviour interferes with your privacy. Essays For Time Management. Individuals clearly need to accommodate to each other, since there may be a clash of interests or styles, but is one disabled? Not necessarily. 4. AS/HFA is a disability because of its associated medical conditions.

Another argument may be that AS/ HFA should be viewed as a disability because it carries with it an increased risk of medical conditions, such as epilepsy or mental retardation. For example, in classic autism, epilepsy occurs in one third of college, cases and mental retardation (IQ below the average range) occurs in about three quarters of introduction quality assurance, cases . Great College Essay. However, such associated medical conditions are clearly not specific to AS/HFA, and it is essay paragraph AS/HFA-specific features that are under discussion. Epilepsy or mental retardation may be justifiably seen as disabilities. These will require separate examination. But is AS/HFA (which by definition involves no retardation) necessarily a disability? One might argue that some associated conditions are clearly disabilities. An example is language impairment. Many young children with HFA have little language.

In some cases this applies to both their expression and comprehension. The combination of an autistic lack of college essay, social interest, together with little or no language, can be seen as a major disadvantage in editing a world of other people. Even if we down-play the college essay importance of sociability, the child can still be regarded as disabled in being delayed in assurance essay developing the great ability to book, make his or her needs known. But whilst the notion of a disability may reasonably apply to extreme cases, the earlier point remains valid: that individuals with HFA need not necessarily be viewed as disabled as most of them will develop enough language even after a delay. 5. AS/HFA is a disability because it involves special needs and extra support.

Perhaps the most compelling reason for viewing AS/HFA as a disability is that such individuals clearly have special needs (they need to essay, be recognised as different, may require different kinds of teaching methods or schooling, or specific kinds of treatment) and access to such support in the present legal framework only flows to the child and their family if the case can be made that autism is a disability. Word. Special funding does not automatically flow simply because one regards the child as 'different'. Given this economic reality, one should not remove the term 'disability' from the description of great college, AS/HFA without ensuring that extra provision would still be available even if the term 'difference' was more appropriate. This is really an issue relating to professional editing, social policy, health and education economics, and the legal system. Characterising the underlying difference in AS/HFA. We turn next to consider two different models which attempt to characterise the great essay dimension(s) along which AS/HFA differs from normality.

1. The Folk Psychology-Folk Physics Model. The first model suggests that the two relevant dimensions along which to characterise individuals with AS/HFA might be 'folk psychology' and 'folk physics'. Folk psychology involves understanding how people work. Essays For Time Management. Folk physics involves understanding how inanimate things work. The model assumes that all individuals on the autistic continuum show degrees of folk psychology impairment, whilst their folk physics may be intact or even superior, relative to their mental age . This model is shown in college Figure 1. insert Figure 1 here. There is plenty of book, evidence that people with autism spectrum conditions have degrees of difficulty in mind-reading, or folk psychology. There have been more than 30 experimental tests, the vast majority revealing profound impairments in the development of their folk psychological understanding. These are reviewed elsewhere but include deficits in: joint attention ; use of essay, mental state terms in language ; production and comprehension of pretence ; understanding that seeing-leads-to-knowing ; distinguishing mental from physical entities ; making the appearance-reality distinction ; understanding false belief ; understanding beliefs about beliefs ; and understanding complex emotions . Math Word. Some adults with AS/HFA only show their deficits on age-appropriate adult tests of folk psychology . This deficit in their folk psychology is thought to underlie the difficulties such children have in social and communicative development , and the development of college essay, imagination . Other evidence suggests that children with AS/HFA may not only be intact but also superior in their folk physics. First, clinical and introduction quality essay, parental descriptions of children with AS/HFA frequently refer to their fascination with machines [the paragon of non-intentional systems] . Great College Essay. Indeed, it is hard to find a clinical account of autism spectrum conditions that does not involve the child being obsessed by some machine or another.

Examples include extreme fascinations with electricity pylons, burglar alarms, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, video players, calculators, computers, trains, planes, and clocks. Sometimes the machine that is the object of the child's obsession is quite simple (e.g., the management workings of drain-pipes, or the design of windows, etc.). A systematic survey of obsessions in such children has confirmed such clinical descriptions . Of course, a fascination with machines need not necessarily imply that the child understands the machine, but in fact most of these anecdotes also reveal that children with autism have a precocious understanding, too. The child (with enough language, such as is great seen in children with AS/HFA may be described as holding forth, like a little professor, on their favourite subject or area of expertise, often failing to construction term, detect that their listener may have long since become bored of essay, hearing more on the subject. Book Critiques. The apparently precocious mechanical understanding, whilst being relatively oblivious to their listener's level of interest, suggests that their folk physics might be outstripping their folk psychology in great essay development. The anecdotal evidence includes not just an obsession with machines, but with other kinds of physical systems. Examples include obsessions with the weather (meteorology), the formation of mountains (geography), motion of the planets (astronomy), and the classification of lizards (taxonomy). Leaving clinical/anecdotal evidence to one side, experimental studies converge on the same conclusion, that children with AS/HFA not only have an intact folk physics, they have accelerated or superior development in this domain (relative to their folk psychology and professional, relative to their mental age, both verbal and nonverbal). First, using a picture sequencing paradigm, we found that children with autism performed significantly better than mental-age matched controls in great essay sequencing physical-causal stories . The children with autism also produced more physical-causal justifications in their verbal accounts of the picture sequences they made, compared to intentional accounts. This study however did not involve a chronological age (CA) matched control group, so the apparent superiority in folk physics in autism may simply have reflected their higher CA. Second, two studies have found that children with autism showed good understanding of introduction, a camera . In these studies, children with autism could accurately infer what would be depicted in a photograph, even though the photograph was at odds with the current visual scene.

This contrasted with their poor performance on False Belief tests. The pattern of great college essay, results by the children with autism on these two tests was interpreted as showing that whilst their understanding of mental representations was impaired, their understanding of physical representations was not. This pattern has been found in other domains . But the False Photo Test is also evidence of their folk physics outstripping their folk psychology and book critiques, being superior to mental age (MA) matched controls. Family studies add to this picture. Parents of children with AS also show mild but significant deficits on an adult folk psychology task, mirroring the great deficit in folk psychology seen in patients with AS/HFA . This is assumed to reflect genetic factors, since AS/HFA appear to have a strong heritable component . On the editing basis of this model, one should also expect that parents of great college, children with autism or AS to be over-represented in occupations in which possession of term, superior folk physics is an advantage, whilst a deficit in folk psychology would not necessarily be a disadvantage. The paradigm occupation for such a cognitive profile is engineering. A recent study of 1000 families found that fathers and grandfathers (patri- and college, matrilineal) of children with autism or AS were more than twice as likely to work in the field of engineering, compared to control groups . Indeed, 28.4% of children with autism or AS had at least one relative (father and/or grandfather) who was an engineer. Related evidence comes from a survey of students at Cambridge University, studying either sciences (physics, engineering, or maths) or humanities (English or French literature). When asked about family history of a range of psychiatric conditions (schizophrenia, anorexia, autism, Down Syndrome, language delay, or manic depression), the book critiques students in great essay the science group showed a six-fold increase in the rate of autism in building construction papers their families, and this was specific to autism . Finally, children with AS have been found to perform at college a superior level on a test of folk physics , and building term, some adults with AS have reached the highest levels in physics and mathematics, despite their deficits in folk psychology . 2. Essay. The central coherence model.

The Folk Psychology-Folk Physics Model is not the only attempt to capture the relevant dimensions underlying the autistic spectrum. A second model suggests the relevant dimension may be from weak to strong central coherence. Weak central coherence involves greater attention to local details relative to more global information (see Figure 2) . Central coherence is a slippery notion to define. The essence of it is the normal drive to integrate information into context, gist, gestalt, and meaning. Frith argues that the autistic person's superior ability on the Embedded Figures Test and on an unsegmented version of the Block Design subtest in outline paragraph the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) arises because of a relative immunity to context effects in autism . Happe also reports a failure, by people with autism, to use context in essay reading, such that homophones are mispronounced [e.g., There was a tear in her eye might be misread so as sound like There was a tear in her dress] . A recent study has shown that children with autism are equally good at judging the identity of familiar faces in photographs, whether they are given the whole face or just part of the face. Non-autistic controls show a global advantage on such a test, performing significantly better when given the whole face, not just the parts of the face . The central coherence account of autism is attractive in having the potential to explain the construction term papers nonholistic, piecemeal, perceptual style characteristic of autism, and the unusual cognitive profile seen in college this condition (including the islets of papers, ability). Recently, work in visual search has shown that individuals with autism spectrum conditions may be superior in their ability to make fine discriminations of targets from distractors . College Essay. Such work may help take forward the book critiques concept of weak central coherence. insert Figure 2 here. Note that these two models (Folk Psychology-Folk Physics; and Central Coherence) are not necessarily incompatible, since it is possible to imagine how weak central coherence could cause superior folk physics, as well as difficulties in folk psychology. Essay. Jarrold reports that in normal individuals, folk psychology and central coherence are indeed inversely correlated . Whatever the relevant model, the dimensional approach is useful in reminding us that AS/HFA may simply be part of quantitative variation and essays management, individual differences in cognitive profiles, or styles of information processing. This approach could be re-cast to great college essay, avoid the book critiques implication that one style is better (stronger) or worse (weaker), or that one is college essay intact and another deficient.

For example, the introduction terms 'weak' and 'strong' central coherence are sometimes replaced by the more neutral terms, 'local' vs 'global' processing (referring to whether one spends more time processing at one level than another). See Figure 3. insert Figure 3 here. The advantage of both of these models is that individuals with AS/HFA are understood in terms of an underlying dimension, and that this dimension blends seamlessly with normality, so that we are all situated somewhere on the same continuum. Most importantly, to reiterate, one's position on great the continuum is said to reflect a different cognitive style . Dimensional models also do not require a line to essay five, be drawn between ability and disability. Finally, they avoid the great college essay notion that individuals with AS/HFA are in some sense qualitatively different from those without AS/HFA. Such a notion is increasingly hard to building construction papers, defend in the light of intermediate cases. These are easier to accommodate in terms of quantitative variation. Implications for understanding the apparent increase in prevalence of AS/HFA. There are some reports that AS/HFA is college essay increasing in prevalence . Professional. It is unclear if this simply reflects better detection or if there is a genuine increase.

However, if there is great a genuine increase, this presents something of a paradox for the disability view: disabilities with a genetic basis which affect social skill and thus potentially reduce mating opportunities should be subject to negative selective pressures. Such disabilities should therefore be expected to reduce in prevalence with time. In order to be on the increase, such genes would have to essay five outline, be being positively selected. Increased prevalence presents no difficulties for the difference view however, since a cognitive style can at different times or under different conditions confer advantages to great college essay, the individual. For example, the computer revolution in the 20th Century has created unprecedented opportunities for employment and economic prosperity for five, individuals with superior folk physics.

This may have had positive effects on great college the reproductive fitness of such individuals, leading to construction term, an increase in the genes for AS/HFA in great the gene pool. Such a speculation is testable: for example, one would predict higher rates of AS/HFA in the children of couples living in environments which function as a niche for individuals with superior folk-physics abilities (e.g.'Silicon Valley', MIT, Caltech) compared to solve math word, environments where no such niche exists. Our recent survey of great, scientists in Cambridge University showing increased familiality of autism spectrum conditions is essays a first such clue that such effects may be operating . In a world where individuals are all expected to be social, people with AS/HFA are seen as disabled. The implication is that if environmental expectations change, or in a different environment, they may not necessarily be seen as disabled. As we have known in great college essay relation to other conditions, concepts of disability and handicap are relative to particular environments, both cultural and biological . It may be time to five, extend this way of thinking to the field of AS/HFA. We could imagine, for example, people with AS/HFA might not necessarily be disabled in an environment in which they can exert greater control of college essay, events.

The social world is very hard to control, whilst the solve word technological world of machines is in principle highly controllable. Great. Equally, people with AS/HFA might not necessarily be disabled in an environment in which an exact mind, attracted to essay five paragraph, detecting small details, is an great college essay, advantage. In the social world there is book critiques no great benefit to such a precise eye for great, detail, but in the world of maths, computing, cataloguing, music, linguistics, craft, engineering or science, such an book critiques, eye for detail can lead to success rather than disability. In the world of business, for example, a mathematical bent for estimating risk and profit, together with a relative lack of concern for the emotional states of one's employees or rivals, can mean unbounded opportunities. It is hoped that this article, at great the dawn of the new millennium, will open the math debate towards identifying if there are any arguments for college essay, necessarily viewing AS/HFA as disabilities. Quality Assurance Essay. In this article, none are found to great college essay, apply persuasively to AS/HFA, even if they may apply to the 'lower-functioning' cases. In contrast, the essays management arguments in college essay favour of viewing AS/HFA as a 'difference' are more compatible with the 'continuum' notion, and may be morally more defensible. The sole reason for five outline paragraph, retaining the term disability in essay relation to AS/HFA may be to ensure access to provision; it may be the legal system that needs revision, so that a child whose autistic 'difference' leads them to have special needs, will still receive special support. Figure 1: This first model shows the relationship between Folk Physics (or understanding how things work) and Folk Psychology (or understanding how people work).

For shorthand, folk psychology is paragraph referred to as 'empathy', and folk physics is referred to as 'scientist'. Note that this is great college not the building papers same as the ordinary usage of the word 'scientist', as folk physics includes everyday understanding of objects that is not necessarily the result of formal teaching. Great College Essay. Individuals with AS/HFA are conceptualized as comprising types A-J. Figure 2: This second model suggests individuals show strong to essay five paragraph, weak central coherence. Great. Individuals with AS/HFA may be at five paragraph the extreme left of this distribution . Figure 3: This third model redescribes the second model in less value-laden terminology.

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