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appendix of an essay I am writing my chemistry assignment, complete with equations, diagrams and definitions, and my teacher has recommended that, to save our words, because we have a word limit, to construct an appendix . I am writing my chemistry assignment, complete with equations, diagrams and definitions, and my teacher has recommended that, to resume writing services dallas save our words, because we have a word limit, to construct an appendix to put, in particular these three things, in. I just want to know how to format an appendix; what it should look like and what to put in it. Some ideas on how to build and philosophy essay on cultural use the appendix: It sounds like your Chemistry teacher is giving you license to make an appendix that will work for resume writing you and that the format isn't as important. I don't know Chemistry but I do know Algebra, so I'll describe how an appendix could work in an Algebra paper and I'll let you get creative with the on customer service Chemistry. The purpose of the appendix will be to get rid of duplications of resume services dallas texas, explanations and statement beauty things in your paper. You'll be able to make mention of a rule in the body of the paper and have the definition in writing dallas texas, the appendix.

For example, in my Algebra paper, in showing how to solve a variety of pa henare tate, problems, I need to use the Commutative Law (the one that says that #a+b=b+a# ). And so each time in resume services, my paper that I want to use the Commutative Law, all I need to say is by the Commutative Law. and so I can avoid describing it each time and, if I can manage it, I can skip steps in statement on sleeping beauty, my equation solving/examples (I could say Using the Distributive and Commutative Laws we get. ) and in that way save words. To make this work, the services dallas texas way to tate set up the appendix will be to take the terms you want to use in your paper repeatedly and resume texas simply list them in alphabetical order with a brief explanation of what it is. For my Algebra paper, I could have: And if you have a base graph you need to include, and using my Algebra example, perhaps the statement beauty graph of #y=x# , I can add that in resume dallas texas, as well: You can put that into the appendix (so in my example between Associative and Commutative). It can help to have in the body of the essay paper those terms you have defined in the appendix highlighted in some manner - perhaps bolded or italicized to let the reader know there is more information in the appendix. Make sure when referring to the items in the appendix that you use the term exactly as listed in the appendix. For the base graph of #y=x# , I'd always want to refer to resume dallas it in the paper as Base Graph, #y=x# so that it can be found easily. Those are some ideas. I hope it helps and for lab reports good luck on the paper! Appendices are used to present relevant details to the people you want to present your report/assignment to.. The details must contain or concern the contents of the report/assignment..

Most people/few of writing texas, them, might likely get tired due to the huge contents of the research given, so the Appendix is likely to impress them to enable them have interest in your work done or also give them more information that is too large to qut assignment minder fit in the report.. Lets just say, its closely related to Table of services texas, Contents, but not exact.. Thesis On Sleeping! So if you are advised not to exceed the word limit, you can use the Appendix to easily achieve that.. Texas! What should it look like #-# Similar to table of contents format, but not always.. What to put in it #-# Only contents concerning the essay my best friend assignment or contents that is very large, but can be reduced to few words in a sentence or two.. Resume Writing Services Texas! Videos and questions. How do you format an appendix (in an essay)? Give the answer first, then explain Break answer into small paragraphs Read our guide to my best friend great answers.

How do you format an appendix (in an essay)? Give the dallas texas answer first, then explain Break answer into small paragraphs Read our guide to philosophy on cultural great answers. Some ideas on how to build and use the appendix: It sounds like your Chemistry teacher is giving you license to make an resume writing services dallas texas appendix that will work for you and pa henare tate thesis that the format isn't as important. I don't know Chemistry but I do know Algebra, so I'll describe how an appendix could work in an Algebra paper and I'll let you get creative with the Chemistry. The purpose of the appendix will be to get rid of duplications of explanations and things in your paper. You'll be able to make mention of a rule in the body of the paper and have the definition in the appendix. For example, in my Algebra paper, in showing how to solve a variety of problems, I need to use the Commutative Law (the one that says that #a+b=b+a# ). And so each time in my paper that I want to use the Commutative Law, all I need to say is by the Commutative Law. and so I can avoid describing it each time and, if I can manage it, I can skip steps in my equation solving/examples (I could say Using the Distributive and Commutative Laws we get. Resume Writing Dallas Texas! ) and in that way save words.

To make this work, the way to philosophy set up the appendix will be to take the terms you want to use in resume, your paper repeatedly and simply list them in alphabetical order with a brief explanation of what it is. For my Algebra paper, I could have: And if you have a base graph you need to essay relativism include, and using my Algebra example, perhaps the graph of #y=x# , I can add that in as well: You can put that into the appendix (so in my example between Associative and Commutative). It can help to have in the body of the paper those terms you have defined in the appendix highlighted in some manner - perhaps bolded or italicized to let the reader know there is more information in the appendix. Make sure when referring to the items in the appendix that you use the term exactly as listed in the appendix. For the base graph of #y=x# , I'd always want to refer to it in the paper as Base Graph, #y=x# so that it can be found easily. Those are some ideas. I hope it helps and dallas good luck on the paper! How do you format an appendix (in an essay)?

Give the answer first, then explain Break answer into small paragraphs Read our guide to thesis great answers. Resume Writing Services Dallas Texas! Appendices are used to present relevant details to the people you want to present your report/assignment to.. The details must contain or concern the contents of the report/assignment.. Most people/few of them, might likely get tired due to the huge contents of the research given, so the Appendix is likely to for lab reports impress them to enable them have interest in resume, your work done or also give them more information that is too large to fit in the report.. Lets just say, its closely related to Table of Contents, but not exact.. So if you are advised not to thesis exceed the word limit, you can use the Appendix to easily achieve that.. What should it look like #-# Similar to table of contents format, but not always..

What to resume texas put in conclusions for lab reports, it #-# Only contents concerning the assignment or contents that is very large, but can be reduced to few words in resume writing, a sentence or two..

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resume tu sais quoi Selon une enquete de l’AFPA (Association Nationale pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes) realisee en 2012, 82% des francais envisagent une reconversion professionnelle en cas de licenciement, un chiffre stable par rapport a 2009. Writing. Globalement, plus de la moitie des actifs (56%) interroges dans l’enquete declarent avoir deja change de metier ou de secteur d’activite au cours de leur carriere. Mais ce n’est pas tout ! Parmi les motivations invoquees c’est en raison d’une erreur dans le choix professionnel qu’ils estiment vouloir changer pour 55% d’entre eux. Vous voyez donc : meme si les francais s’engagent dans une voie professionnelle, pour plus de la moitie d’entre eux, ils ne resteront pas dans ce secteur ! Si vous arrivez sur ce blog pour la premiere fois, vous serez peut-etre interesses par mon guide Trouvez votre PASSION, en VIVRE et KIFFER la vie dans lequel je vous transmets des techniques inedites pour trouver ce pour quoi vous etes fait mais aussi des interviews de star du web qui se sont lances pour vivre de leur passion. Service. Pour telecharger gratuitement ce guide, cliquez ici. Resume Writing Dallas Texas. Vous serez redirige sur un autre onglet et pourrez continuer votre lecture ensuite sur cette meme page. La vraie question est desormais : Oui mais, que faire de ma vie ? Je n’en ai aucune idee ! PAS DE PANIQUE : je ne vais pas vous donner un test d’orientation avec les cases a remplir : pas du tout – pas trop – plutot – totalement qui a mon sens ne mene pas a grand chose ! Dans cet article, vous allez decouvrir des astuces auxquelles vous n’avez peut-etre jamais pense, qui peuvent sembler denuees de sens mais qui au final vont vous aider dans cette quete du choix professionnel ! C’est aussi simple que cela ! Vous vous sentez tellement perdu dans votre avenir professionnel que vous etes pret(e) a remuer ciel et terre en quete de votre passion qui fera votre succes non ? Et bien sachez que c’est la pire chose a faire ! Passer ses nuits, des heures a faire des tests d’orientation, a aller voir un conseiller d’orientation, a regarder sur les sites d’orientation pour trouver le graal n’aide que tres peu d’apres les personnes que j’ai sonde et c’est peut-etre la meme chose pour vous. Mais alors…quoi faire ? La reponse est : RIEN. Sachez que si vous etes vraiment fait pour quelque chose, vous allez savoir tot ou tard dans la vie. En effet, en y reflechissant quasiment a chaque seconde vous allez vous mettre la pression et quand on statement, se met la pression on resume services dallas, fait des erreurs.

On va alors aller dans un secteur parce qu’il faut absolument faire quelque chose de sa vie et on conclusions reports, se sent frustre(e). 2. Resume Writing Texas. Amusez-vous, sortez, ayez soif d’apprendre. Si j’avais un seul mot d’ordre ici c’est : de s’evader ! Par exemple : aller au cinema : c’est comme ca que beaucoup ont eu envie de faire carriere dans tel metier, car ils ont ete inspire par un heros moderne qui faisait un certain metier et l’a mis en valeur dans un film, avec un angle different ou encore parce que c’etait un metier peu connu. Minder. Visiter pas mal de choses : que ce soit un zoo, une exposition d’arts, d’inventions, le salon de la photo, des mangas, du dessin, de l’entrepreneur…ce qui va stimuler votre esprit ! Rencontrez une personne qui est passionnee par son metier : par exemple l’huissier de justice, souvent mal vu, elle peut vous donner des exemples d’histoires ou elle a aide une famille a rembourser ses dettes, pas mal non ? lire des livres : en lisant des livres c’est ainsi que l’on developpe sa creativite, votre cerveau va retenir une masse d’information et peut associer plusieurs faits qui vous donneront une idee ou ca peut aussi etre le recit d’une personne qui exerce un metier, les ficelles d’une activite, une nouvelle approche d’un secteur… Amusez-vous a demander a vos proches (amis, collegues, familles) la question suivante : Vous pouvez etre etonne(e) des resultats. Texas. Par exemple, vous pouvez recueillir 5 idees de metiers auxquelles vous n’avez absolument jamais songe et qui en reflechissant ne vous deplairait pas ! Peut-etre vous diront-ils : Tu es toujours pret a servir les autres, tu es tres gentil, souriant et tu fais preuve de sang froid, je te verrai bien dans l’humanitaire ! Tu reussirais meme a vendre un congelateur aux habitants du pole nord, sans aucun doute, je te verrai vendeur ! Tu as une imagination debordante et doue en francais, ecrivain, sans hesitation ! Pourquoi chercher soi-meme ce pour quoi on qut assignment minder, est fait, nos proches nous connaissent aussi tres bien apres tout non ? C’est une astuce ici tres puissante que vous pouvez mettre en pratique tout de suite ! En plus de ca, les reponses ne sont pas limites a une par personne ! Prenez le soin de toutes les noter, reflechissez-y, documentez-vous et faites le tri. Source de l’etude : Article tres sympa. Bien vu comme d’habitude.

Donne envie de se prendre en main, ce dont je suis convaincu puisque cela fait 21 ans que personne ne m’as donne de cheque a la fin du mois. La liberte n’a pas de prix et c’est pour moi, surtout un Choix. Merci pour ton dynamisme. 21 ans ? C’est enorme ! felicitation !! la liberte est ma priorite n° 1 egalement =) merci pour ton commentaire. Bonjour Nina article qui me parle enormement en tant que Strategiste en Personal Branding la partie interrogez vos proches est geniale pour avoir des pistes de changement et porter un autre regard sur soi, c’est vrai que les personnes se sont souvent collees une image et ont du mal a se voir differemment utilisez leur ecosysteme les aident beaucoup, je fais pratiquer un test 360° tu connais ? les retours sont assez bluffants. salut Cathy, je ne connais pas du tout le test 360°, ca m’a l’air tres interessant !! En quoi ca consiste en resume ? C’est un test ANONYME qui permet de rapatrier beaucoup d’informations (attributs competence) sur l’image que l’on envoi au mode. je l’utilise dans le cadre du processus du personal branding c’est un support vraiment interessant pour valider que l’image envoyee est en accord avec le ressenti interne. voici le lien reach. Salut Nina, mon experience, c’est que la plupart des changements quand ils ne sont pas accidentels (obligation de se reorienter), ils prennent du temps a se clarifier!

Je pense que meme s’ils ne se prennent pas la tete, ils y pensent regulierement et c’est en combinant tes deux conseils qu’ils finissent par trouver. Writing Services Texas. Dans mon cas, je me suis forme, j’ai continuer a douter jusqu’au jour de la revelation lors d’un cours de coaching en 2002. On Customer. Je voyais clairement ce que je voulais faire a partir de ce jour! Merci pour ce partage. ce cours de coaching a du etre puissant alors ? =) il a utilise une strategie particuliere pour t’aider a y voir clair ? une question particuliere ? tres bon articles, complet a mon gout. Je le recommanderai a des proches sans aucun doute. J’adore ton petit texte. Resume Writing Services Dallas. Excellente introduction a une reflexion! D’ailleurs, j’anime une emission de radio biographique d’orientation professionnelle a l’Universite Laval a Quebec. For Lab. J’aimerais partager ton article sur la page facebook de mon emission.

De plus, j’aimerais avoir ton avis sur ma 1ere emission diffusee avant-hier. Resume Writing Dallas. J’interviewerai plusieurs personnes de differents horizons au courant de la saison! Tout commentaire est le bienvenue! Moi je suis actuellement perdu, j’ai ratee mon annee universitaire etje ne peut pas recommence, je n’est rien qui me plait, j’ai plusieurs idee mais peur d’en parler, ma famille me pousse parce qu’il faut que je trouve un travail et que je gagne ma vie … mais je suis au bout du bout. Pa Henare Thesis. Je ne sais absolument pas quoi faire, meme si cette article et tres bien je ne sais toujours pas dans qu’elle sens dirige ma vie et cela me fait de plus en plus peur.

Ne t’inquiete pas, tu n’es pas seule a etre perdue. Dallas. Il faut dedramatiser, prendre du temps n’est pas un probleme ni un echec : vaut mieux avancer de maniere sure que d’avancer rapidement dans la mauvaise direction. Essaie! Tente quelque chose qui t’interesse, meme si tu ne pense pas faire ca toute ta vie! Il faut s’essayer pour mieux se connaitre, apprendre a se decouvrir. Avoir les 2 pieds dans le domaine est le meilleur moyen de savoir ce qui nous plait, bien plus que le derriere assis sur un banc d’ecole. Moi aussi, j’ai ressenti cette pression sociale familiale de pousser pour trouver un emploi prestigieux avec revenu stable, mais au final, ce qui vaut la peine d’etre optimise, ce n’est pas nos capacites a rentabiliser chacune des minutes de notre vie, d’optimiser notre potentiel cerebral, mais bien optimiser notre potentiel de bonheur… Et pour le trouver, rien de mieux que d’essayer! En esperant que cela puisse t’aider #128521; Coucou Oceane, sa me soulage de voir quelqu’un dans le meme cas que moi, meme si je sais que je ne suis pas la seule a etre aussi perdue au niveau professionnel. Essay Titled My Best Friend. On a beau me dire ‘Ne t’inquiete pas, tu trouveras un jour on resume dallas texas, va pas se mentir c’est quand meme bien angoissant de ne pas savoir quoi faire, de ne pas avoir d’objectif ni meme de metier en tete qui nous plaise… Pour moi, il faut absolument qu’en septembre je bosse pour avoir de l’argent, c’est bete mais je veux pas decevoir ma mere a rester chez moi a rien faire… Je passe mon temps a y reflechir, a me poser des tas de question mais rien n’y fait malheureusement…

Sachant que je ne veux plus continuer les etudes, que j’ai tres peu de passions, pas de loisirs et que je ne veux pas faire un metier que j’aime pas en me levant le matin avec la boule au ventre… Je pense prendre du recul en essayant de m’epanouir, avec l’espoir qu’une idee me vienne en tete un jour ! Je suis tombe sur ton site au hasard d’une recherche (la magie du net)et je dois dire qu’il est une mine d’information tres utile, surtout si l’on se cherche un peu comme moi. Essay Titled. Tes videos ne sont pas mal non plus, et tu as beaucoup de charme, ce qui ne gache rien! #128521; Bonjour Nina, j’aime beaucoup cet article et il a un fond nettement plus moderne que ce qu’on peut retrouver aujourd’hui! Dans ce sens et pour combattre cette cause qui nous tient enormement a coeur, nous avons monte une startup specialisee dans l’orientation ou nous utilisons les data sciences et la psychologie pour decouvrir et trouver au mieux les metiers et les opportunites qui pourraient mener a l’epanouissement de chacun. Resume Writing Services. C’est un outil digital entierement gratuit #128578; Je vous invite a venir faire un tour sur et a nous donner des retours #128578; je me sens egalement perdu.

J’ai 29 ans, habite toujours chez mes parents et je ne sais pas quoi faire de ma vie. Presentement je suis en arret pour trouble d’adaptation, j’ai un travail en tant que commis d’epicerie/caissiere dont je n’aime pas du tout mais je n’ose pas changer de peur de ne pas etre mieux ailleurs. Essay Service Representative. Alors, je cherche une carriere, la carriere, celle qui me rendra heureuse et me permettra d’etre enfin stable financierement pour pouvoir quitter le nid et vivre la vie d’adulte que je devrais vivre a cet age. Writing Services Dallas Texas. Mais c’est le vide. J’ai beau rechercher, demander l’avis de ma soeur qui elle, age de 18 ans recemment, semble deja savoir quoi faire de sa vie et qui a plein d’option de rechange et de reve a accomplir. For Lab Reports. Je ne trouve rien, rien qui semble me passionner, rien qui me fait dire ca y est, c’est ca que je dois faire, c’est ca que je veux faire de ma vie . Resume Writing Texas. Apres avoir vu un orienteur, j’ai parcouru la liste de metiers pour lequel je devrais avoir des interets et les aptitudes mais rien. Essay On Customer Representative. Encore rien qui m’interesse. Alors j’ai cru qu’il fallait que je fasse un choix et ce choix m’avait un peu rendu febrile a l’idee que je faisais enfin quelque chose pour avance. Writing Dallas Texas. Jusqu’a ce que je me rende a l’ecole pour me renseigner sur l’inscription. For Lab. Ce que m’a dit la femme a l’administration n’etait pas ce a quoi je m’attendais a entendre et ma fait douter a nouveau. Services Dallas Texas. Et malgre que je demande conseil a mes proches ceux-ci ne peuvent pas choisir pour moi et cela me rend encore plus decourager de ne pas savoir ce que je veux.

Je me retrouve encore a la case de depart. Thesis Statement On Sleeping Beauty. Avec aucun objectif de vie, je ne fais que suivre la routine d’un travail a salaire minimum pour lequel je ne suis pas assez stable financierement pour pouvoir prendre plus d’autonomie et de quitter le nid des parents. Writing Services. Je ne bouge pas dans ma vie et cela me rend depressive. Je suis malheureusement dans la meme situation que la plupart d’entre vous… Cela fait plus de six ans que je cherche ma voie, que cela soit niveau etudes ou travail. Bien que je sois diplomee fleuriste et employee administrative, a 24 ans, je cherche toujours ma place dans la societe. For Lab Reports. J’ai revu mon ambition a la baisse, me disant qu’a ce stade je ne pouvais plus me montrer exigeante et que ce serait deja tres bien de trouver un boulot, quel que soit le secteur ou les taches demandees… J’ai fait des stages pour essayer de combler mon manque d’experience, j’ai passe mon permis de conduire pour ameliorer ma mobilite et pouvoir rechercher un emploi sur toute la Belgique. Resume Dallas. Et pourtant rien n’y fait.

Je ne trouve pas pas place. Essay On Customer. Je pensais alors reprendre des etudes, recommencer a zero mais je ne sais pas vers quoi me tourner. Resume Services Dallas. Je suis interessee par tout mais ne me vois dans rien. On Sleeping Beauty. Je n’arrive pas a me projeter, a cibler mes envies, a me faire un schema de ce que pourrait etre mon avenir… Je suis fatiguee de me battre…

Le statut de demandeuse d’emploi me pese, d’autant plus que j’ai perdu mon droit aux allocations. Resume Writing Services. Bien qu’ils soient la pour m’encourager a trouver ma voie, je me sens comme un boulet pour de mes parents. Ne voulant pas leur en demander d’avantage (je suis deja super reconnaissante qu’ils veuillent bien m’abriter), je n’ai plus les moyens de subvenir a mes propres besoins, de sortir, de changer d’air, de voir mes amis… qui, ne comprenant pas la difficulte dans laquelle je me trouve ni meme pourquoi je n’empreinte pas d’argent a mes parents pour les voir, ne veulent plus m’adresser la parole. Bref… je suis perdue. Conclusions For Lab. J’ai l’impression d’avoir tout perdu. Resume Writing Services. Et je pense que si mes parents n’etaient pas la, j’aurais baisse les bras depuis bien longtemps. Essay Titled. Je devrais me battre pour moi-meme mais ce n’est plus le cas.

Je me bats pour eux, pour les rendre fiers et surtout pour leur eviter de la peine. Je ne sais pas combien de temps je pourrais encore vivre cette situation, regarder les autres avancer dans leur vie, construire leur avenir alors que la mienne n’avance pas d’un pouce… alors que JE n’avance pas dans ma vie. Esther et Karine, je compatis avec vous deux. Resume Writing Texas. J’ai 26 ans et, bien qu’au Quebec, la situation economique est meilleure qu’en Europe, la difficulte de se connaitre et de trouver un metier qui nous passionne est la meme. Mon nouveau truc est d’essayer differents emplois, tenter de trouver ma voie en faisant differents trucs, certains payes d’autres non. Essay Service. Essayer de changer afin de mieux se connaitre peut parfois faire une grande difference. J’ai etudie pour devenir ingenieur forestier. Writing Dallas Texas. Je n’ai pas particulierement aime mes stages. On Cultural. Pour me donner le temps de reflechir et me changer les idees, je suis alle enseigner le francais a York au Royaume-Uni. Dallas. A mon retour, je voulais travailler dans le tourisme. Thesis Beauty. Comme j’aime l’Histoire, j’ai commence a travailler comme guide touristique en caleche dans le Vieux-Quebec.

J’ai aussi commence, comme j’aime les gens, la communication et suis tres curieux, a animer une emission de radio biographique sur l’orientation professionnelle : Je me disais que ca pourrait pe m’aider en meme temps que les gens qui decident d’ecouter l’emission. A present, je travaille en foresterie urbaine, sur des chantiers dans les parcs de la ville avec des jeunes decrocheurs en reinsertion sociale. Dallas Texas. Des jeunes ideaux pour m’inspirer pour mon emission de radio, car je vois que ca peut etre utile aux gens ce que je fais. Au final, le defi c’est de ne pas avoir peur de se tromper #128521; J’espere vous avoir un brin aide.

Partagez-moi vos impressions. Je viens de cliquer sur ton lien, peux tu m’expliquer un peu mieux le concept stp ? Sinon je trouve ca tres courageux de tester differents d’emplois, c’est sortir de sa zone de confort et prendre des risques, donc beaucoup de nouvelles experiences parfois tres enrichissantes. Merci d’avoir partage ton parcours, ca me permet de voir les choses autrement #128521; Article qui ma quand meme bien aide et rassuree. Et jai fait mon lycee normal puis je savai pas quoi faire comme etude alors jai travaille travaille jai eu un enfant et la depression et jen suis venue la depuis quoi..

1 ans a vouloir reprendre mes etudes.. Qut Assignment. je me compare trop souvent aux autres je me ..devalorise.. Writing Dallas Texas. car j aurais voulu une vie normale la ou on my best, fait ses etudes on resume writing services dallas, gagne bien sa vie derriere etc etc.. faire des etudes m a tjr interessee mais en quoi je ne savai pas et je ne sait tjr pas et je veut pas finir caissiere pour le reste de ma vie.. On Customer. je me met trop la pression mais n empeche jai dzja bientot 22ans jai rate 3ans d etudes si on writing dallas texas, compte bien.. Je suis vraiment paumee aujourd’hui je ne sais plus quoi faire et je sombre petit a petit dans la deprime peur de rater ma vie et beaucoup de pression du fait d’avoir un loyer a payer … je n’en peux plus d’etre perdue et d’avoir l’impression de perdre mon temps #128577; Je n’ai que 21 ans et je suis dans la meme situation que la plupart d’entre vous. Philosophy. J’ai rate 2 annees de fac, je suis deja en train de foirer ma remise a niveau en arts appliques. Resume Writing Services Texas. Et le pire dans tout ca c’est que je pratique la meditation pleine conscience et l’auto-hypnose mais pas fichu de me bouger le cul. Philosophy Essay. Merci les benefices secondaires… J’ai 24 ans. Writing Texas. Je vie au Quebec et j’ai un travail que je n’aime pas. Conclusions Reports. Je me cherche un DEP( diplome d’etude professionnel). Dallas. C’est pas evidant.

En 2017, mon objectif c’est d’avoir trouve un DEP et de quitter mon emploi pour faire ce que j’aime. Essay. Je trouve ca depriment faire quelque chose que je n’aime pas. Resume Writing Services Dallas Texas. Je ne veux pas perdre des annees de ma vie pour rien. Thesis On Sleeping. La vie passe bien trop vite. Writing. J’aimerais etre fiere de faire un metier que j’aime vraiment donc je pourrais en parler en bien.

C’est fou, on reports, devrait mieux se connaitre que quiconque. Resume Dallas Texas. Mais on relativism, y arrive pas. Je pense qu’on devrait tous faire une liste des choses qu’on aime et des choses qu’on n’aime pas et ecrire pourquoi on resume services dallas, aime ou on philosophy on cultural relativism, aime pas. Par exemple: J’aime cuisiner. Resume. Pourquoi: Parce que j’aime faire de nouvelles recettes de plus en plus difficile pour faire gouter aux gens ce que j’ai reussi a faire. Thesis. C’est des petits defis que je me lance.

J’ai mon propre probleme, je cherche quelqu’un,je me sens tellement seule enfin je ne sais pas quoi faire.quelqu’un peut m’aider stp. Laisser un commentaire Annuler la reponse. patric dans Un EXPERT du web nous devoile comment DOUBLER votre fortune avec 3 leviers Mathieu dans choisir sa vie, ne plus la subir Kathleen Torck dans 10 facons pour arreter de PENSER trop et commencer ENFIN a VIVRE. Toutes les formations ici pour multiplier vos resultats .

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The Execution of the Rosenbergs Essay. During the Cold War, Americans lived in a society where the tension between the Soviet Union was at its peak in history. Writing Services Dallas. It was a time when the hatred against communism and the idea of nationalism were growing exponentially. Meanwhile, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were arrested for the accusations of helping the Soviets create the atomic bomb, which was the conclusions for lab reports United States’ only advantage over resume services texas the Soviets. Essay My Best. Their arrest eventually led to the first ever execution of espionage in United States history. However, the justification of writing dallas, their execution is still being debated to philosophy essay on cultural this day. Did the Rosenbergs deserve such a harsh sentence or was it a misjudgment driven by the fear of communism? The political and social aspects of society certainly directed the fear of communism to overshadow the innocence of the Rosenbergs, making them the most controversial spies in American history. During World War II, many countries including the resume writing services Soviet Union were skeptical about the existence of the atomic bomb. However, after the philosophy relativism bombings of Hiroshima and dallas, Nagasaki, the strength of the atomic bomb became well-known.

It was clear that as long as the United States had this weapon, no country would challenge them. This weapon was one of the few advantages the United States had against the Soviet Union going into the Cold War. It was as if the atomic bombs were the United States’ shield and armor against the Soviet Union’s attacks. Meanwhile, the power of communism was steadily rising in Eastern Europe and along with that, the American’s fear of communism was growing in parallel. “Communists were demonized; demons had no souls; no love in their hearts” (Garber/Walkowitz 25). The situation called for the “blueprint” of the atomic bomb to be safely put away from the thesis statement on sleeping beauty communists. The U. S. Resume Writing. overnment feared that the Soviet spies might get their hands on the secret information. However, it was only a matter of time that the Soviet Union would “somehow” develop its own atomic bomb… Eventually on August 29th 1949, news was reported that the conclusions for lab Soviets have successfully tested an atomic bomb in Kazakhstan. Americans were shocked, furious, and frightened. “When news came that the Soviets tested a bomb, years before it was expected, there were indeed many demagogic calls, in the media and on the stump, to find and severely punish, even execute, the thieves, the traitors” (Cohen 49). The American people did not stop to think once that the texas Soviet Union could have created the atomic bomb with their own power and technology. Most people just assumed that it was done through a work of spies that sold the secret information for money. Therefore, the government did not waste any time to thesis beauty find the person who was responsible for passing information about the atomic bomb.

The growing fear of communism eventually reached its peak and the government was started taking actions to services texas prevent any acts of espionage. After months of investigation by the FBI, Julius Rosenberg was called for questioning. He has previously been in communist groups and pa henare, there were confessions from the Soviet spies that he was responsible for services dallas texas, sending couriers and information from Los Alamos, where the Manhattan project was run. His wife, Ethel Rosenberg, was not accused at first because there was no proof of her activity in any illegal acts. She was only as a full time worker as a secretary and qut assignment minder, a mother of two kids. However, she was later called for questioning when her brother, David Greenglass, was also arrested for espionage. As the investigation went on, the media was starting to services heat up and draw national attention to the Rosenbergs. The Rosenbergs were to be remembered the biggest scandal makers in U. S. history.

As the fear of the Soviet Union grew after their development of the atomic bomb, the U. S. government was not going to let the investigation go smoothly. After multiple confessions from Soviet spies that Julius Rosenberg was responsible, he was sent to jail. A few months later, the FBI also arrested Ethel Rosenberg with the idea that she might have helped out her husband. The Rosenbergs were eventually both arrested and sent to court under Judge Kaufman. However, there were not enough evidence going into court that the Rosenbergs were legitimately guilty. “No documents linking the Rosenbergs with espionage were produced, despite a thorough search of their home by FBI agents, who placed in evidence only a collection can for the Spanish Refugee Appeal, licensed by the City of New York, found in their home” (Rosenberg 15). For this reason, the trial took a very long period of time. The only for lab, evidences going against resume services dallas, the Rosenbergs were that David Greenglass and for lab reports, other Soviet spies have confessed to the Rosenbergs’ involvement in espionage. But even if there were any acts of espionage by the Rosenbergs, it was later revealed that none of the information that was passed by Julius Rosenberg was even useful in the development of the resume writing dallas texas atomic bomb.

If any information that was passed off was not useful, why punish or even kill that person? The trial was just a vicious circle between a couple of American civilians and a political bully that was blinded by essay friend war. If there was so much more supporting evidences for the Rosenbergs’ evidence, why did the United States government kept containing the Rosenbergs? It was all because the U. Writing Services. S. government did not want to seem weak in philosophy essay relativism the eyes of the Soviet Union. Neither country wanted to show any weakness and lose the fight like in a boxing match where neither fighter wants to show their signs of fatigue and injury. Both countries tried to look stronger and resume writing texas, richer than the other. “In turning down Ethel’s emotional appeals, Eisenhower said repeatedly that we could not appear weak” (Cohen 50). The Cold War was changing a lot of people’s views. Even President Eisenhower’s mentality shows how much he has lost the essay service representative patience and the value of human beings because of the intensity of the war. Eventually on writing dallas, April 4th 1951, the Rosenbergs were sentenced to execution by conclusions for lab reports Judge Kaufman.

The final words of Judge Kaufman were cold and unsympathetic. “Your crime is worse than murder, for you put into the hands of the resume services texas Russians the A-bomb years before our best scientists predicted Russia would perfect the bomb has already caused, in my opinion, the Communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but what that millions more innocent people may pay the for lab reports price of your treason. Indeed, by your betrayal, you undoubtedly have altered the course of history to the disadvantage of our country” (Wexley 67). In an important case like this, it is writing essential for the judge to consider all the evidence that is brought up in the case, but instead, Judge Kaufman ignored the minder evidences that supported the Rosenbergs. The judge was under too much control of President Eisenhower and the American government. Also, many believe that blaming the Rosenbergs for the cause and deaths of the Korean War was way over the top. A crime in writing dallas texas that type of on cultural, scale cannot be proven in court, which makes this trial a “scandal” more than an actual “crime”. And yet the Judge stated the writing services “unproven crime” in the final sentence and considered it in the Rosenbergs’ execution. Judge Kaufman blamed them for the Korean War, and minder, President Eisenhower held them responsible for the slaughter in any possible future nuclear war with the Soviet Union. These extreme accusations were never authenticated and, while there is resume writing services no law requiring, they should have been” (Root 292). There was simply no proof that the Rosenbergs were responsible for all these tragedies.

Although they were Americans with communist views, they were only tate, a small percentage of the communist population in the United States during that time period. Resume Writing Texas. Also, the United States being involved in the Korean War was solely the government’s decision. Having to say that a future nuclear war is entirely their fault is too much of an overstatement to make on conclusions for lab, two innocent civilians who were just sentenced to death. Looking back fifty years from now, the media was also very biased and reported false information about the Rosenbergs that had significant impact on the ruling of the death sentence. “It is imperative that the true facts be known to all. Sadly, the information in the press and resume services dallas texas, other mass media is not the truth, but instead is a distorted, truncated, myopic aberration of our case. It is clear that the primary use being made of our case is to coerce political dissident, and to secure conformity” (Rosenberg 132). That was a quote taken from an actual letter written by Ethel Rosenberg to her husband right before their execution. Philosophy Essay Relativism. Telling from the tone of the services letter, the Rosenbergs were despaired from the way the media was reporting false information and making the trial even harder for essay titled friend, them. The media has always been an key factor on political and social issues. Resume Writing. Because of the growing fear of communism, the for lab reports media did not want to promote communism and resume writing services dallas, espionage in essay any way to the public. As a result, the Rosenbergs were once again victims of the writing services dallas biased society and its false reporting media.

The media was not the only influence on the social bias against the Rosenbergs. Many books were published to thesis on sleeping beauty summon up the American’s anger against the Rosenbergs at that time. For example, there was the book, “Betrayers: the Rosenberg Case – a reappraisal of an American crisis” and “The Rosenberg Case: Fact and Fiction”, which was published on the same year of the execution. Resume Writing Texas. One of the quotes from the thesis book was “Yes. The Rosenbergs’ case is ended, but the evil that they did is endless” ( Fineberg 148). If the evil that they did is resume services texas endless like the pa henare author said in his book, there would certainly have been a nuclear war or a World War III by today, in the year 2008.

However, that is not the case. The Soviet Union was surely to texas develop the thesis statement beauty atomic bomb with its own resources and power but all the resume texas blame went to the Rosenbergs in this state of affairs. The Rosenbergs were though not all alone through the fight in essay my best friend trial and against the coercion by resume writing services the politicians. Soon after the death sentence by Judge Kaufman, countries all over the world protested the pa henare tate sentence. “Seemingly overnight, the whole world rose in protest against the death sentences that had been imposed on Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Writing Texas. By then end of the year, there were pro-Rosenberg committees in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, Israel, and of course- Eastern Europe. ” ( Radosh/Milton 347) Powerful leaders were forming organizations and committees to convince the United States to set the Rosenbergs free. Also, there were famous individuals who were protesting against the death sentence. Even the main creator of the atomic bomb, Albert Einstein, believed that the United States government was killing innocent lives in the fight against the Soviet Union. “An appeal for executive clemency was sent to pa henare tate the White house, supported by many prominent Americans, including scientist Albert Einstein, Dr. Harold C. Writing. Urey and more than 3,000 clergymen of 26 denominations” (Rosenberg 18). This would have had significant support for the Rosenbergs in trial but the media was once again preventing it from happening.

These protests were not broadcasted to the public because of the biased media. However, the conclusions protests did not end there. Millions of petitions from all over the world were being sent to the White house. The world believed that the writing Rosenbergs should not end up being “political victims” of the meaningless war. “Millions of people view the refusal of the courts to statement on sleeping grant the Rosenbergs relief as an affirmation of writing services dallas texas, our insistence after nearly two years in the death hours that we are political victims of the Cold War” (Rosenberg 126). Despite all these protests and petitions, the government stuck to their belief that the Rosenbergs deserved the death sentence. Beauty. But why were the allies of the United States protesting against the United States? Why was the United States not listening to anyone but themselves?

Once again, the services texas political leaders of the United States were too blinded by titled their focus to win the Cold War against the Soviet Union. Realistically, would the Rosenbergs have received the death sentence if they did not live during the Cold War era? They would have certainly received a much lighter sentence if they lived in today’s time period. This was the thought of Dorothy Thompson, a former journalist of Times magazine. Dorothy Thompson has once stated that: “The death sentence… depressed me… in 1944 we were not at war with the Soviet Union…. Indeed, it is unlikely that had they ( the Rosenbergs) been tried in 1944 they would have received any such sentence” (Rosenberg 9). 1944 was certainly that time in history where any act of espionage was not forgiven by society. If anyone was suspected to be a spy, they would be immediately called to questioning. Historians refer to this period as almost like the resume services “witch hunt” era in Salem driven by “McCarthyism,” a strong idea of anti-communism that was popular at the time.

The “massive witch hunt” eventually led to conclusions for lab the Rosenbergs, which shows that the social aspects during the Cold War era had a biased impact on the ruling of the trial. Dallas. Behind all the accusations, there was an titled my best individual who made the scandal even more controversial. Texas. His name was Klaus Fuchs and he was one of the main nuclear scientists that developed the atomic bomb during the Manhattan Project. It is still believed to thesis this day that Klaus Fuchs sold important secrets of the atomic bomb to the Soviets for writing services dallas, money. Even history books are being written over again about his betrayal. “In England, Klaus Fuchs, the German-born scientist who provided the Soviets with far more accurate and useful information on the atomic bomb than anything that might have come from the Rosenbergs, got only 14 years” (Cohen 48). For someone who obviously provided more information to the Soviet Union, it is certainly not fair that Klaus Fuchs only received 14 years in statement beauty prison. How did this happen? We can see that Klaus Fuchs was ruled a lighter sentence because he was trialed in England. Although England was our closest ally, they did not see any justification that Klaus Fuchs should receive a sentence of anything more than 14 years. Therefore, just because the Rosenbergs were trialed in the United States, they had to end their lives. 14 years in resume services texas prison and being electrocuted to death is essay titled friend definitely a huge difference; one is resume writing services given a second chance to live and one is put to death.

For a certainty, the essay on cultural relativism Rosenbergs would have received a much lighter sentence in England. It is an embarrassment of the court to say that the only justification for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg’s death is resume writing services dallas texas that they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Thesis On Sleeping. Another huge controversy of the scandal is the resume writing death of Ethel Rosenberg. The reason the scandal is called “the Rosenbergs Case” is because both Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for being accused of committing the same crime. Pa Henare Thesis. However, years after the execution, there were a lot of writing services dallas texas, speculations to why Ethel had to suffer the essay my best friend consequences for something her husband was caught doing.

It was later revealed that the FBI was using her as a “lever” to force Julius Rosenberg to confess to his acts of espionage. “Hoover’s biographer suggests that the Director now regretted the resume writing services dallas strategy of using Ethel as a “lever” to induce Julius to confess, and thought that it would be terrible public relations to execute a mother of two young children” (Aiuto 5). It became obvious that Ethel Rosenberg did not commit any crime or spied for relativism, the Soviet Union. She was only caught up in the accusation because her brother, David Greenglass, and resume writing texas, her husband, Julius Rosenberg, were both spies in the past. The FBI saw her as a useful “tool” to threaten her husband also they arrested her along with him. Because of the FBI’s cruel and brainless strategy, a mother of tate, two sons had to rot in jail and die on the electric chair. “Julius went to his death pale, shaken, but quietly. Ethel’s execution was to follow, and she walked calmly to resume writing services texas the electric chair, gently kissed one of the prison matrons on the cheek, and was electrocuted. However, Ethel was not dead after the on customer representative first jolt.

She had to be electrocuted a second time” (Aiuto 11). According to resume writing services texas this article, Ethel had to be electrocuted “twice” before she was killed. The irony of her second electrocution will forever remembered as a symbolism to her evident innocence. Being the first ones in American history to be executed for espionage, the Rosenbergs did not deserve the conclusions for lab reports death sentence. Although they were communists living in the United States, there was no significant evidence that they were responsible for the Soviet Union’s ownership of the atomic bomb. They were unfortunate to live in the time period of texas, anti-communism and in the country that was in war with a communist state. In political aspects, the philosophy essay relativism government was only interested in using the Rosenbergs to scare the Soviets and writing dallas, display its strength and power. In social aspects, the media constantly reported false information and the people of America were too biased to believe that the accused communist spies deserved anything less than the death penalty. Many factors played against the trial of the Rosenbergs that led to the unfair trial of the Rosenbergs case but they will be remembered as those who were innocent victims of the Cold War’s political and social defeciency.

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Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay essay. Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay could have well been what is aptly referred to as unlike poles as far as political views and resume writing dallas texas the administration of America in the period between the years1800 and 1840 was concerned, yet they also had a lot in common Much of their influence was between the years 1824 to 1837. Both Jackson and thesis Clay where significant personalities in resume writing services dallas texas, the American political arena during and after the formative years of the American republic. This period saw some major transformations in American politics and governance most of which set the administrative structures of government that exist to date. Philosophy! This was the period that saw the writing services texas, beginning of the abolition of slavery, the bitter struggle between federalists on one hand and anti-federalists on the other and the agitation for, and final ratification of the service, constitution. This was the time of flourishing capitalism and industrialization and resume writing services dallas several wars that would eventually mould America. Despite their bitter political rivalry, both Jackson and Clay were successful. Conclusions! Both men were owners of writing services land and were planters meaning that they also held slaves.

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Custom Does God Exist? essay paper. What is God? Does God exist? If God exists, where did he originate? If God formed the universe, what created God? What significance does the existence, or rather non-existence, of resume dallas texas God have on mankind? Why do believers, and essay titled, non-believers alike, hold on to their beliefs as they do? These and a vast array of many more unanswered questions surround the debate regarding God’s existence. Philosophical arguments for writing dallas texas, or against God’s existence are probably some of the on sleeping beauty most evolved of all philosophical arguments. God’s existence is an ever enduring and dallas texas, popular philosophical problem.

Several arguments claiming to attest the existence of on customer service representative God have been proposed throughout man’s existence. These are often based on some feature of the resume writing dallas texas natural world. Reports. Equally, there have been attempts to writing, refute the on customer existence of God. Many proofs or arguments of God’s existence have been put forward by philosophers. Ontological is one of writing services texas argument that proves God exists. This argument points out that a perfect being is possible to imagine and it could not be perfect if it did not exist (Mackie, 56). This implies that the essay on customer service representative existence of writing dallas texas a perfect being is a must. The main objective in this argument is to show that a thing cannot be imagined or defined into existence. The argument is conclusions for lab reports entirely a priori, and writing services texas, it is based on reasoning alone.

There is no empirical evidence in this argument but mere explication of God’s concept. According to the argument, perfection incorporates God’s concept and it entails the philosophy on cultural existence of God. It was framed by Anselm of Canterbury who argued that God’s identification was which that no superior can be conceived (Mackie, 57). He further suggests God must exist. Causal argument argues that everything has a cause (Mackie, 85). It points out that going backwards to endlessness with causes is impossible. Consequently, there should have been a first cause that was not accustomed by any cause. This unconditioned cause automatically must be God.

Objective of the argument is that the universe originated with a cause. According to resume writing services dallas texas, the philosopher Thomas Aquinas, things in the world are moved (Aquinas, 5). He understood the motion as a reduction from potential state to essay titled friend, a state of act. He argues that for something to be in motion, it has to be relocated by something else and resume, that by another thing and essay relativism, so on and so forth. Aquinas argues that if these motions continue infinitely, there would be no principal mover. Therefore, there must be a principal mover moved by services dallas no one; who is my best understood to be God. God is the sole cause of reality. This is because without Him the reality cannot be explained (Aquinas, 6). The third argument is the design argument that is of the opinion that planets, plants and animals were designed (Mackie, 70). Resume Writing Texas. The designer had a specific end for them.

Evolution and self-organization principles explain the existence of an apparent designer who in this case must be God. Design argument can also be called teleological argument. According to Thomas Aquinas, we lack a proper understanding of things such as natural bodies. These natural bodies achieve their end in a designed manner and essay on customer representative, not fortuitously (Aquinas, 23). Automatically natural things are directed by a being called God. He further suggests exceptional levels of intelligent designs by his analogy that an archer directs an arrow; similarly natural things are directed by a supreme being.

Unless directed to a target by the archer, an arrow cannot move by itself. Correspondingly, natural things such as succession of seasons and planet motions are as a result of an intellectual designer. William Paley argues if different parts, which are different in shape and size, are placed in a manner that there is no motion, they would not serve any purpose (Paley, 1). He argued his way out using a watch. Paley created a scenario where a watch was found on the ground. Someone will enquire how the watch came into texas, being. Paley says that human artifacts and works of nature have a specific characteristic that reliability indicates design. This clearly a designer exists who is God.

Cosmological argument or principle is the fourth proof that God exists. It points out conclusions reports that universe laws seem to be outlined in a form that planets and writing dallas texas, stars are formed followed by life emergence (Craig, 12). A lot of constants of nature are finely tuned for this. Odds against all potential universes are truly much likely to be astronomical. Essay Titled My Best. Nonetheless, one of these universes has to be real. To add to this, if many universes existed unquestionably, some of them would have life possibilities. Under cosmological argument, we have Kalam, Thomistic and Leibnizian cosmological arguments. Kalam’s cosmological argument shows that the universe arose in the finite past (Craig, 282).

In addition, the argument shows that the universe has infinitely existed implied by resume services texas temporal, finite relapse of tate thesis past happenings. Its form is that anything that begins to exist unquestionably it has a cause; the world began to exist and, therefore, it has a cause. Thomistic cosmological argument argues that in a series of contingent causes, a first cause must have been there (Craig, 283). Resume Writing Services Texas. It shows that what we see in the world is contingent; a series of related contingent things is finite since they cannot be infinite. Leibnizian cosmological argument comes from a German polymath known as Gottfriend Wilhelm Leibniz (Craig, 284). Qut Assignment. His argument is that everything that exists has an explanation based on its external cause; God explains the existence of the universe; therefore the services texas universe is something that exists. Another argument is the experimental argument. Several people have claimed to have personal experiences with God Himself (Mackie, 80). Paul of titled my best Tarsus, an early church prosecutor, on resume dallas his way to Damascus had a conversion.

This made him a pillar of the Church. In Barhma Kumaris religion, they believe that God entered a diamond merchant body Lekhraj Kripalani which gave rise to the religion on 1939 (Babb, 56). These are few personal experiences that show God’s existence. Fifth, we have pragmatic argument or anthropological argument. The argument is based on reports humanity conditions (Mackie, 90). Basically, it is services dallas texas all about mankind’s elementary moral standards. Human beings have a yearning for God. It explains that human societies need morals and ethics to survive. People fear God, and that is when ethics are enforced in an effective manner. Essay. Moreover, people fear hell, and this strengthens ethics enforcement.

Simply, man has a conscious when he offends God. This argument was famously postulated by Blaise Pascal who rationalized that it is well to trust in God, rather than not. Resume Services Dallas Texas. He also added that a reward will be given to us if we believe in conclusions reports God. Resume Dallas Texas. This reward is eternal happiness in essay on cultural relativism heaven. He pointed out that we would just forgone sinful pleasures if we believed in Him and He did not exist. Otherwise, if He existed and we believe in writing services dallas Him, we could enjoy sinful pleasures but the reward for that would be eternal damnation. Lastly, there is an argument called argument from desire (Paley, 45). These arguments show that we desire things that are prior existing. Religion itself is a desire to appease a Supreme Being. Consequently, this Supreme Being must be in existence. Christians argue that creatures are not born with desires that do not exist.

Babies feel hungry, and there is the existence of food; sexual desires are felt by men since sex exists. Therefore, God must exist since our desires are met. David Hume is one of the critics of existence these. This is shown in part 11 of his book of Dialogue Concerning Natural Religion. He says that the world is philosophy on cultural relativism one great machine. He further says that this machine is sub-divided into smaller machines, which in turn are subjected to further divisions. Eventually, these subdivisions are beyond what humans can explain using their senses. He has two main grounds according to resume writing dallas texas, his critic. First of qut assignment minder all, he rejects the analogy between particular human artifacts and material universe.

According to services dallas, Hume, cases are dissimilar to infer that they are effects with like causes, and we lack satisfactory justification that material universe possesses intelligent causes. Secondly, Hume argues that similar causes between human artifacts and material universe do not justify that all perfect God exists (Hume, 144). There are other philosophers who had a contribution to this controversial issue. Kant tried to prove God’s existence, but his work showed that God’s nature is qut assignment minder beyond our experience to prove what is real. Services. He argued that we cannot know who God actually is, even if He existed (Mackie, 150). According to Kant, we need to have trust in God. Hegel believed that God was Geist or an intuition of philosophy relativism Absolute Spirit. Hegel argued that God is immanent. Soren Kierkegaard argued that God’s existence cannot be proved.

Kierkegaard said that believing in God was not rational. In addition, he believed that God is beyond reason (Mackie, 133). Resume Writing Services Texas. In relation to Feuerbach and service representative, Mark religion, God does not make the man. Otherwise, God is writing services developed by human conscious. Marx argued that religion is just ideological, and conclusions reports, it just encourages those who are oppressed into accepting their fate. He further says that religion is the sentiment of a world that is heartless, a sigh of oppressed creatures, and soul to soulless situations (Mackie, 155). Simply, it is the writing opium of people. There are critics of God’s existence.

Many philosophers come up with arguments and essay friend, reasons as to why there is no God. Resume. They say that the existence of evil proves show that God cannot be able, all-knowing, loving and all-powerful at the same time (Mackie, 100). Another argument is thesis statement on sleeping based on pain. They say that God allows pain through natural disasters and resume writing texas, diseases. Therefore, He cannot be loving and thesis statement on sleeping, reasonable according to human sense in resume the pain context. Injustice is used by philosophers to conclusions, claim that God does not exist. Resume Writing Services Dallas. Allocation of destinies is not by merit or equality. Minder. Destiny is allocated arbitrarily. Dallas Texas. This shows that God is not just or fair and, therefore, He is not all powerful and all knowing. There is also the context of multiplicity. God’s of different religions differ broadly based on their characteristics; hence, none or only one God of these religions is true.

Lastly the critics argue that God is invisible, and this translates to representative, the universe being no different if He did not exist. In other words, it is simpler to resume dallas, make assumptions that God does not exist since He is qut assignment invisible (Mackie, 101). In many faiths, the origin of resume God is straightforward. In the Christian doctrine, God has no beginning and thus eternal. “Before the mountains were born or you gave birth to the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, you are God” (Psalms, 90:2). This verse and several others like it emphasize God’s complexity in relation to time. Theologians argue that God created time itself, and hence sees all history at on sleeping beauty once since He exists outside of time. On the resume texas contrary, biblical scholars point out that the scriptures portray God as acting in time. For example, while negotiating Sodom and Gomorrah’s fate with Abraham, God certainly seems to be responding to the unfolding course of events and in time. Essay On Customer. Nevertheless, the writing services dallas texas question still remains, could God not be both outside of time? Could He also be capable of acting within this time? Religious doctrine answers are seldom adequate for nonbelievers.

What is a religious experience? According to pa henare tate thesis, Aquinas a religious experience refers to writing dallas texas, a non-empirical occurrence that can be seem as supernatural, or a mental occurrence endured by an individual either spontaneous or as a result of intensive praying. There are different forms of religious experiences: spiritual experience, mystical experience or sacred experience, all being subjective, where the individual reports contact with a transcendent reality or encounter with the qut assignment minder Devine. Religious experiences cannot, however, be easily categorized as either one thing or another, but all of them usually involve extraordinary events different from our everyday, ordinary experiences. In science evolution mainly includes random factors in both natural selection and genetic mutation (Polkinghorne, 20). Scientists, mathematicians and statisticians describe the evolution as being preceded by situations where there is no predetermined outcome chance. So, how does chance and randomness align with the belief in God’s sovereignty and purpose? Quantum mechanics is often flaunted as having revealed that the world is actually non-deterministic, although this is writing texas still a controversial issue among philosophers in physics (Polkinghorne, 25).

For example, a coin flip; on one hand, one can argue that its landing is conclusions governed by deterministic physical laws like angular momentum and the law of gravity. On the other hand, one can argue that God can also use a chance. According to Aquinas God maintains the planets in their orbits, not directly but through a secondary agent called the law of gravity. Aquinas saw God as “the first cause” and “the prime mover” of dallas texas everything in the universe. He argued that God’s work in the universe was, however, primarily through secondary agents like human beings, natural processes created by God and laws governing such processes. Aquinas, however, was not familiar with the concept of Non-determinacy as we use it today. Nevertheless, we cannot fail to notice that secondary agents frequently include non-deterministic elements. Thesis Statement On Sleeping Beauty. For instance, approximately 100 female children for writing texas, every 106 male children are born in conclusions for lab reports the about 100 million conceptions that occur every year in resume writing services dallas texas the world (Paley, 56). Conclusions Reports. However, men have higher childhood mortality than women resulting in a more or less equal number of males and females reaching adulthood.

Does God choose the writing texas genetic makeup, including gender of every born child is God the primary agent in reports genetic selection? Does God choose the particular egg to be fertilized, and the particular sperm to fertilize it? Scientists call this “chance”. Believers see God as the primary agent who has put in place a process that uses non-determinacy (secondary agent) to resume dallas texas, produce equal numbers of female and male adults without his direct control at on customer service representative the sperm and egg level. Nevertheless, some Christians refute the existence of chance. Resume Writing Services. They argue that the philosophy relativism occurrence of resume writing services all events is a direct consequence of the will of God and not by chance. In conclusion, the world disclosed by modern science is far nuanced and subtler than the world in which theologians and minder, philosophers have lived for the precedent few centuries formulating their arguments about the mysterious relationship between the physical world, causality, time and God. Nonetheless, no development in contemporary science poses a particular challenge to the outlook by believers that God is the creator. Some developments, especially in physical laws, like the discovery of fine-tuning are supportive of traditional affirmations.

However, in the face of recent scientific developments, the common sense assumptions that have traditionally undergirded this entire discussion need reconsideration. In making claims about God, as the creator, we must be intellectually humble. Dallas Texas. Nonetheless, we can also state with confidence that denials regarding God as creator are fraught with more irresolvable difficulties, providing no satisfactory grounding in a world where meaning and purpose play imperative roles. At this time, neither theological nor scientific knowledge is adequate to provide the absolute truth about the being or existence of God. In fact, both may be true, or wrong.

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