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Bio CO2 Anlage selbstgemacht (Anleitung) Moin, ich hatte meiner Freundin, um dem Pflanzenwuchs in on customer representative, ihrem Aquarium auf die Sprunge zu helfen, vor ein paar Wochen eine Bio-CO2-Anlage von Dennerle geschenkt. An Essay. Ich finde diese Anlage ganz gut geeignet, um schon einmal das Equipment, was zur Dungung mit Bio CO2 notig ist, zusammen zu haben. On Customer Service. Was wird benotigt fur die Bio Co2 Anlage? Kernstuck der Anlage ist logischerweise die CO2-Flasche, die im Handel mit einer Nahrlosung und einer Hefetablette erhaltlich ist. Barangay Health Center. Man kann diese alle 3-4 Wochen neu kaufen, oder nimmt sie, spult sie aus und fullt selber Nahrboden ein. Essay On Customer Service. Dazu will ich hier kurz schreiben, wie ich da vorgehe: Oben seht Ihr, was wir brauchen, um eine eigene neue Fullung fur die Bio-CO2-Anlage herzustellen: eine leere Flasche (optimal ware eine Dennerle-Bio-CO2-Flasche, da diese gleich einen Schlauchanschlu? im Deckel hat) ein Tutchen Tortenguss (Farbe je nach Lust und Laune;)) eine Messerspitze Hefe (bitte nicht das ganze Tutchen!) 200-300 g Zucker einen Schu? Speiseol (Spezial-Trick!) So, man kocht nun den Tortenguss nach Anleitung auf, lost den Zucker unter Ruhren auf und fullt es in online, die Flasche: Nun nur noch die Gahrlosung in on customer service representative, die Dennerle-Flasche fullen. Dann lasst man das noch flussige Gemisch abkuhlen und stellt es uber Nacht in thesis, den Kuhlschrank, um auszuharten.

Ich wurde dabei nicht hoher als auf folgenden Foto gezeigt, den Tortenguss einfullen. Essay Representative. Es konnte sonst zu uberma?igen Reaktionen kommen genauso ist es, wenn man zuviel Hefe nimmt. Admissions. Lieber zu wenig als zuviel! Die Bio Co2 Flasche von Dennerle dient als praktischer Grundbehalter. Representative. Nun fullt man ca. 20°C warmes Wasser (Leitungswasser reicht!) bis zur Markierung auf den Dennerle-Flaschen (auf dem ersten Foto erkennt man oberhalb des gro?en CO2-Schriftzug den Strich) in scatter radiation, die Flasche. Essay Service. Dann kommt wirklich nur eine Messerspitze der Trockenhefe und fertig ist die Selbstmischung zur CO2-Versorung des geliebten Aquariums. Radiation. Als extra Tipp habe ich mir angeeignet, die Wasseroberflache in essay on customer, der Flasche mit 1-2 mm Speiseol zu bedecken, um ein Aufschaumen der Gahrflussigkeit zu verhindern. College Admissions. Die Gahrflussigkeit sollte auf keinen Fall ins Aquarium gelangen! Wer auf Nummer sicher gehen will, nutzt eine sogenannte Gaswaschflasche (oder einen Blasenzahler).

Das Rezept verwendet Ihr auf eigene Gefahr so berechenbar wie CO2 aus der Druckdose ist das Bio-CO2 nicht. Essay On Customer. Weitere Anleitungen, die sich auf Aquascapia.deangesammelt haben, findet Ihr unter dem Thema ANLEITUNGEN. Admissions. Wem jetzt noch die passende Garflasche fehlt, und Herumbasteln nicht mag, greift einfach auf bspw. Essay Service Representative. eines der Dennerle Bio Co2-Sets zuruck. On Sports. Diese beinhalten je nach gro?e alles, was man zum Start der Co2-Dungung braucht: Vollautomatische CO2-Produktion und Zugabe Ideal fur Einsteiger oder zum Ausprobieren Pflanzen wachsen deutlich besser, sind gruner, kraftiger und vitaler Produziert uber 30 Tage lang konstant CO2 CO2-Menge durch Temperatur regulierbar. Noch Fragen, oder habt Ihr gar ein besseres richtig gleichma?ig Bio Co2 produzierendes Rezept? Dann lasst es mich in service representative, einem Kommentar wissen! Darf es noch ein bisschen mehr sein?! Timo, ausgebildeter Mediengestalter ist schon seit Jahren dem Aquascaping- und Garnelenfieber verfallen und lasst Euch von Post zu Post gerne daran teilhaben!Du findest mich auch auf Facebook und auf Google+ 22 Gedanken zu „ Bio CO2 Anlage selbstgemacht (Anleitung) “ welchen Reaktor benutzt du bei Bio-CO2?

also man kann die guten alten Lindenholzausstromer nehmen. College Admissions. Die mag ich optisch aber nich so gerne. Essay On Customer Representative. So nehme ich einfach einen kleinen wei?en Keramik-Ausstromer. Radiation Tomosynthesis. Selbst diese Glasdiffusoren klappen bei Bio-CO2 allerdings hat man da die Gefahr, dass der Druck im Gahrbehalter zu stark ansteigt und die darauf folgende Exlosion dein Zimmer und vielleicht sogar dein Becken zerstoren kann;) Ist also mit Vorsicht zu genie?en. Die Pfaffratsche Schale soll bei der Co2-Dungung ubrigens auch sehr gut sein einfach mal googlen.

Klingt nach #8217;ner echt gut umsetzbaren Anleitung. Essay Service. Werde ich mal ernsthaft druber nachdenken, ob ich in online book review, einem meiner alten Tanks eine kleine Teststation aufbaue um zu sehen, ob mein Knowhow/techniches konnen ausreichend ist, so etwas zu bauen ohne mich in essay service, die Luft zu jagen. Federalist Essay. Danke fur die Anleitung und Gru?e, reicht hier der Tortenguss ? Muss nicht generell immer Zucker dabei sein ? 200-300g Zucker fehlen. On Customer. Stimmt das wirklich das Zucker fehlt. Barangay. Jo, das stimmt, es fehlt Zucker. On Customer Service. Ich werde es nachpflegen! Danke fur#8217;s Melden:) hi, hab auch das Starte Set gekauft, und auch 2 mal die Nachfullung, allerdings muss ich sagen fur das was drin ist, ist der Preis wirklich happig. Darum koche ich meine Mischung nach diesem Rezept selbst und muss sagen: Es funktioniert fast besser als die gekauften. Book. Verwende jedoch auch etwas mehr Hefe (1 kleiner Teeloffel voll). Essay On Customer Service Representative. Hab noch eine kleine Anmerkung, verwendet man das Tortengelee eines gewissen Dr#8217;s so kann man mit dieser Menge 3 von den Bio-CO2-Flaschen wieder befullen.

Habe mir die jetzt auch gebaut. Scatter Digital Tomosynthesis. Ist echt unglaublich gut was so etwas leistet fur so wenig Geld. Service. Ist echt jedem zu empfehlen. Thesis About Barangay Center. Als Ausstromer wollte ich erst den aus Glaskeramik nehmen. On Customer Service. Das war aber dann zu heikel. What Thesis. Benutze jetzt einen mit einer Filzscheibe. Representative. Den kann man durch zusammendrehen sehr fein einstellen. Write An Essay On Sports. finde die anleitung fur Bio-CO2 super. Habe alles nach Vorschrift gemacht.

Mu?te mich beeilen bei 1/4 Liter Wasser + 250 g Zucker die richtige Menge in essay on customer service representative, die 2 Dennerle Flaschen abzufullen. Book. Was daneben lief war schnell fest. in essay, den Flaschen ist es nach 24 Stunden + Kuhlschrank immer noch zahflussig. Write On Sports. Funktioniert es dann trotzdem? Was habe ich evrl. Essay Service Representative. falsch gemach? Sollte eventuell die doppelte Menge Tortenguss oder vielleicht Gellatine nehmen. Thesis Health. Ich bin dankbar fur Anregungen. On Customer. Gru?e an online review, alle Schreiber. On Customer Service. solange die zahflussige Masse beim Wasser einfullen nicht aufgewirbelt wird, sollte nichts passieren. Essay. Nachstes mal nimmst du beim Einkochen halt etwas weniger Wasser :)

Aber es geht hierbei ja eigentlich darum, der Hefe kontinuierlich Nahrung zuzufuhren. On Customer Service. wie gefahrlich ist dieser ding #8230;kann mann gelatine statt tortenguss nehmen #8230;als austromer benutze ich das jbl schale #8230;wie lange halt es und ist der co2 zuvor gleichmassig#8230; gefahrlich ist es nicht. Write On Sports And Games. Nutze einfach eine Gaswaschflasche, wie beschrieben und die Gefahr, dass die Losung ins Aquarium gelangt, ist minimiert. Representative. Trotzdem alles auf eigene Gefahr! Die Losung halt, je nach Temperatur 2-4 Wochen und ist je nach Temperatur schwankender Gleichma?igkeit! Also ich empfehle eine Flasche, die etwas uber 8 Bar aushalt. Write And Games. Dann kann man auf Tortengu?/Gelatine verzichten. Essay Representative. Normale Backhefe stellt bei 8 Bar die Garung ein. Online. So hat man nahezu einen konstanten Druck im CO2-System. Service Representative. Durch ein Regelventil kann dann die Zugabemenge reguliert werden. What Is Argumentative. Gegen Garschaum reicht es die Flasche nur halb zu fullen.

Gegen Olfilm auf dem #8222;Gargut#8220; ist auch nichts einzuwenden. Service. Eine Gaswaschflasche und ein Blasenzahler sollten selbstverstandlich sein :) Wie lange Dauert die Auflosung bis was sprudeld? Hi Christian, es lost sich nichts auf, sondern es lauft eine biologische Reaktion ab. An Essay On Sports And Games. Innerhalb von 24 Stunden sollte etwas sprudeln :) hat schon mal jemand Speisestarke statt Tortenguss verwendet? nein habe ich noch nicht verwendet solltest Du das mal testen (muss ja nicht gleich am Aquarium sein), lass es mich wissen! :) welche Menge muss ich denn fur ein 250 L Becken nehmen? Danke fur eine Ruckmeldung. Essay On Customer. fur ein 250 Liter Aquarium wurde ich dann schon auf einen Kanister, der 5 Liter fasst, zuruckgreifen. Scatter Radiation Digital Tomosynthesis. Die Dennerle-Flaschen umfassen 500 ml.

Also musst Du das Rezept einfach mal 10 rechnen: ABER: Bitte, bitte verwende eine Pfaffratsche-Rinne, sodass deinen Aquarienbewohnern nichts passiert. Ich personlich wurde allerdings bei so einer Beckengro?e doch eine gunstige Druckgasanlage in essay service, Erwagung ziehen.

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Essay about customer service representative

Essay: Gene transfer techniques – pros and cons. Gene transfer is a technique to stably and efficiently introduce functional genes (that are usually cloned) into the target cells. Genetic transfer is the mechanism by which DNA is representative transferred from a donor to a recipient. Once donor DNA is inside the recipient, crossing over can occur. The result is a recombinant cell that has a genome different from either the donor or the online book recipient. A recombination event must occur after transfer in order that the essay change in the genome be heritable (passed on to the next generation).The genes are the blueprints essential to generate all the proteins in federalist, our bodies which eventually perform all the biological functions. Therefore, when a gene is efficiently introduced into a target cell of the host, the protein which is essay representative encoded by that gene is produced . Gene transfer technologies developed initially as a research tool for studying the gene expression and its function.

A range of techniques and naturally occurring processes are utilized for the gene transfer. Techniques are available for online book review, the introduction of DNA into essay, many different cell types in culture, either to study gene function and regulation or to produce large amounts of recombinant protein. Cell cultures have therefore been used on a commercial scale to synthesize products such as antibodies, hormones, growth factors, cytokines and viral coat proteins for immunization.The most important application of this technology is in vivo gene therapy, i.e. the no 10 introduction of DNA into essay on customer, the cells of live animals in order to online review, treat disease. Essay On Customer Service Representative. The extraordinary potential of altered DNA molecule is to give rise to new life-forms that are better adopted for survival. Change in base sequence of DNA leads to change in protein causing disease condition which can be corrected by manipulation of gene. Much emphasis has been given to the gene manipulation in cardiovascular diseases, parkinson’s disease, lysosomal disorders, ocular gene therapy and osteoarthritis. Overview of write an essay on sports and games gene-transfer strategies: Gene transfer can be achieved essentially via three routes. The most straightforward is direct DNA transfer, the essay on customer service physical introduction of foreign DNA directly into the cell.

For example, in cultured cells this can be done by microinjection, whereas for cells in vivo direct transfer is often achieved by bombardment with tiny DNA-coated metal particles. The second route is termed transfection, and this encompasses a number of techniques, some chemical and write an essay on sports some physical, which can be used to persuade cells to take up DNA from their surroundings. The third is to package the DNA inside an. animal virus, since viruses have evolved mechanisms to naturally infect cells and essay on customer introduce their own nucleic acid. The transfer of foreign DNA into a cell by this route is termed transduction. The choice of methods of DNA transfer depends upon scatter digital tomosynthesis the target cells in service, which transformation will be performed.

It also depends upon the objectives of gene manipulation. The transfection may be either stable or transient. Although, choice of DNA transfer method is very important, the other important steps are selection of gene, isolation of gene, preparing recombinant DNA and selection of transformed cells. The regeneration of organism with new characteristics is also equally important. The delivery of genes in vitro can be done by treating the cells with viruses such as retrovirus or adenovirus, calcium phosphate, liposomes, particle bombardment, fine needle naked DNA injection, electroporation or any combination of these methods. These are the powerful tools for research and have possible applications in gene therapy. FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN SELECTING A GENE DELIVERY METHOD. The advancement of new technologies has made gene delivery both more efficient yet more confusing given the formidable array of reagents and methods now available. Determining the best gene delivery approach for any particular experiment requires careful consideration of a number of different factors as stated below. 1. Cellular Context or Environment – The context or environment of the cells (i.e., in vivo vs. in.

vitro vs. ex vivo) to which nucleic acids will be delivered is the first factor to federalist no 10, consider when. deciding upon a gene transfer method. The obstacles and challenges posed by delivery to in. vitro cell cultures are very different than those posed by in vivo or ex vivo cells, and essay on customer service representative require. different tools and techniques for scatter digital tomosynthesis, overcoming them. For example, targeting nucleic acids to. particular cells while avoiding other cells is usually a major concern for in vivo gene transfer.

applications, sometimes a concern for ex vivo applications, but usually not a concern for in vitro. Another important issue that must be addressed when planning in representative, vivo (but not in vitro) gene. delivery studies is the immunogenicity of the gene transfer system. This is particularly important when considering the thesis about center use of certain viral vectors discussed previously, which may be highly immunogenic. Also related to immunogenicity is the issue of general safety, both for the experimenter and for the subject of any study utilizing transfection. Almost always, the use of viral vectors requires very extensive safety precautions than does the use of synthetic transfection methods. 2. Cell or Tissue Type – The origin of the cells or tissue to which nucleic acids will be.

transferred is representative typically the second parameter considered when selecting a gene delivery. method. For a number of different reasons, the difficulty of cellular nucleic acid delivery varies. from cell type to cell type. Because of this, it is college admissions always important to review the literature to. determine if the cell type of interest has previously been utilized for gene transfer experiments, which exact methods have been used, and what delivery efficiencies were achieved, i.e., what. percentages of cells actually transfected or transduced, with each method.

Certain cell types are often described as ‘notoriously difficult to transfect’. These include primary cell cultures of many varieties. Successful gene transfer to such cells. usually requires a good deal of research before selecting any particular gene delivery method. 3. Delivery Efficiency – For most applications, transfecting or transducing as many cells as.

possible is preferred, especially when it is necessary to detect the presence of rare transgene. products. Thus, it is important to essay on customer representative, determine the level of delivery efficiency required for a given. application before deciding on a particular gene transfer method. In most cases, it is found that. viral vectors provide the highest delivery efficiencies. For some commonly used and what thesis easily transfected cell lines, cationic lipids nearly match viral vectors in their gene transfer efficiency, while providing safer and much quicker procedures.

4. Stable vs. Transient Gene Delivery – Gene transfer procedures are frequently categorized. by whether the on customer service representative delivered gene remains separate from the host cell chromosome or whether it is integrated into the host cell chromosome. In the first case, known as transient gene delivery, expression of the transgene typically dissipates after a given period of time – usually within. several days – because the expression vector is either degraded or expelled from the host cell. In the second case, known as stable gene delivery, expression of the transferred gene is.

prolonged, or stable, because the vector is integrated into the host cell chromosome. Book. Obviously, different applications require different time periods of transgene expression. Thus, a careful. comparison between different gene delivery methodologies will allow a suitable choice for. generating the desired transient or stable expression.

In the case of viral vectors, determining whether a particular virus is suited for stable or transient. transduction is simply a matter of learning the general characteristics of the vector. In the case. of chemical or physical/mechanical gene transfer, determining whether a given method is. suitable for service, transient vs. stable delivery may be as easy as reading sales literature from the. manufacturer or checking primary research literature.

5. Is Argumentative. Type of Delivered Molecule – Another factor to consider when selecting a gene delivery. method is what type of nucleic acid or other molecule is being transfected or transduced. For. example, a reagent that efficiently delivers plasmids may not efficiently deliver DNA. oligonucleotides. It is frequently easiest to on customer service, simply review the literature to learn what methods have been used successfully, and to contact other researchers who have experience delivering the molecule of federalist interest. 6. Cytotoxicity – Another issue that comes up frequently when choosing among different gene. delivery methods is the cytotoxicity of the essay service various methods and reagents. Some methods, such.

as electroporation and online book review gene guns, can be extremely harsh on cells and often result in the death. of a majority of cells. Also, the DEAE-dextran can be quite harsh on some cell types, especially. when a DMSO or glycerol shock step is used as part of the essay on customer representative procedure. In some applications, such as when a small number of transfectants are required from online a recalcitrant cell type, this is.

not a problem. In the majority of applications however, a high percentage of cell death is simply. not acceptable. The plethora of essay service representative available cationic lipids and polymer reagents have varying. degrees of toxicity with different cell types, and their concentrations during transfection can be. optimized as needed to minimize cell death. 7. Engineering. Suspension vs. Adherent cells – Most commonly transfected cells grow – and are. transfected – while attached to some type of on customer representative support, whether that support is the tissue from. which they are derived, some inert membrane or scaffolding, or the surface of a tissue culture. plate.

Less common are cells that grow while suspended in medium, such as those derived from. blood and other bodily fluids. Suspension cells are generally more difficult to transfect; therefore, it may be necessary to rely on harsher gene delivery methods, such as. electroporation, gene guns, microinjection, or viral vectors for acceptable transfection levels. Also, some cationic lipids can effectively transfect suspension cells, and should be tried when. possible due to their simplicity and cost-effectiveness. 8. Expertise – The degree of difficulty in performing the various transfection techniques can. vary significantly, and therefore the expertise and experience of the engineering researcher is usually an. important factor to consider. For example, methods like microinjection viral transfection methods are invariably more complex than cationic lipids and polymer reagents. Also, of the chemical methods, calcium phosphate co-precipitation can be quite tricky due to service, its sensitivity to slight changes in experimental conditions.

9. Time – Another important factor to consider is the time required for gene delivery. Viral. methods, while highly efficient, can be quite time consuming, typically taking anywhere from two weeks to one month to complete. Barangay Health Center. In contrast, chemical and physical/mechanical methods can usually be completed within a few days, but frequently provide lower transfection efficiencies. Thus, it is not uncommon to have to weigh the on customer service benefits of faster results and less labor against the benefit of higher efficiency. 10 Cost – Finally, cost can be a major factor when deciding on the best gene delivery.

method for a given application. The most expensive methods tend to be the. physical/mechanical methods, such as electroporation and gene guns, due to the specialized. equipment they require.Viral gene delivery is perhaps the second most expensive method, since it requires the college essay vector reagents, extensive time and labor to essay, complete lengthy vector preparation procedures, as well as proper disposal of viral waste materials. The third most expensive gene delivery methods utilize polymers and federalist essay cationic lipids, which do not require any specialized equipment or lengthy viral vector preparation steps. On Customer Service Representative. Such reagents typically cost in the hundreds of dollars, depending on an essay and games the number of essay on customer representative transfections to be completed.

Finally, the online least expensive methods utilize calcium phosphate, which is service a cheap and engineering college abundant mineral, and naked DNA, which obviously requires no transfection reagent cost, but can be highly inefficient. GENE TRANSFER TECHNIQUES. Transformation is the naturally occurring process of gene transfer which involves absorption of the service genetic material by a cell through cell membrane causing the fusion of the foreign DNA with the native DNA resulting in write, the genetic expression of the received DNA. Transformation involves the service representative uptake of “naked” DNA (DNA not incorporated into structures such as chromosomes) by competent bacterial cells. Cells are only competent (capable of taking up DNA) at college a certain stage of their life cycle, apparently prior to the completion of cell wall synthesis . Transformation is usually a natural method of essay service representative gene transfer but as a result of technological advancement originated the artificial or induced transformation. Thus there are two types called as natural transformation and thesis artificial or induced transformation. In natural transformation, the foreign DNA attaches itself to the host cell DNA receptor and with the help of the protein DNA translocase it enters the host cell. The presence of essay on customer service representative nucleases restricts the entry of two strands of the DNA, destroys a single strand thus allowing only one strand to enter the host cell. Book Review. Any DNA that is not integrated into the chromosome will be degraded. This single stranded DNA mingles with the host genetic material successfully.

The artificial or induced method of transformation is done under laboratory condition which is either a chemical mediated gene transfer or done by electroporation.. Genetic engineers are able to induce competency by putting cells in certain solutions, typically containing calcium salts. At the entry site, endonucleases cut the DNA into fragments of 7,000-10,000 nucleotides, and essay on customer representative the double-stranded DNA separates into online review, single strands. The single-stranded DNA may recombine with the host’s chromosome once inside the cell. This recombination replaces the gene in the host with a variant – albeit homologous – gene. DNA from a closely related genus may be acquired but, in general, DNA is not exchanged between distantly related microbes. Not all bacteria can become competent. Conjugation is a means of gene transfer in many species of on customer representative bacteria.

Cell-to-cell contact by a specialized appendage, known as the F-pilus (or sex pilus), allows a copy of an F- plasmid (fertility plasmid) to transfer to federalist essay, a cell that does not contain the plasmid. On rare occasions an F-plasmid may become integrated in the chromosome of its bacterial host, generating what is essay known as an Hfr (high frequency of recombination) cell. Such a cell can also direct the essay synthesis of essay on customer service a sex pilus. As the chromosome of the Hfr cell replicates it may begin to cross the pilus so that plasmid and about barangay health center chromosomal DNA transfers to the recipient cell. Such DNA may recombine with that of its new host, introducing new gene variants. Plasmids encoding genes for virulence factors antibiotic-resistance are passed throughout populations of bacteria, and between multiple species of bacteria by conjugation. In the laboratory, conjugation can be used to representative, transfer disrupted genes on a self-transmissible plasmid, to develop a mutant strain. Scatter Radiation Digital. A gene of interest from a recipient E. coli strain is on customer representative cloned into a self-transmissible vector and maintained in digital tomosynthesis, a donor strain for genetic manipulation. Representative. The deleted gene construct is then transferred by conjugation from the donor strain back into the recipient strain. Transduction is another method for scatter digital tomosynthesis, transferring genes from one bacterium to another; the transfer is mediated by bacteriophages. A bacteriophage infection starts when the virus injects its DNA into a bacterial cell.

The bacteriophage DNA may then direct the synthesis of new viral components assembled in on customer service representative, the bacterium. Bacteriophage DNA is replicated and then packaged within the phage particles. Online Book. Early in the infective cycle the phage encodes an enzyme that degrades the DNA of the host cell. Some of these fragments of bacterial DNA are packaged within the bacteriophage particles, taking the place of phage DNA. As the essay representative number of phages increases it breaks open (lyse) the cell. When released from the infected cell, a phage that contains bacterial genes can continue to infect a new bacterial cell, transferring the bacterial genes. Sometimes genes transferred in this manner become integrated into the genome of their new bacterial host by center homologous recombination. On Customer Service. Such transduced bacteria are not lysed because they do not contain adequate phage DNA for viral synthesis and these phages can enter an alternate life cycle called lysogeny. College. In this cycle, all the virus’s DNA becomes integrated into the genome of the essay on customer service host bacterium. The integrated phage, called a prophage, can confer new properties to write an essay on sports, the bacterium. Researchers use transduction as a means of gene transfer as it requires a media like virus for transferring genes from on customer service one cell to write an essay on sports, the other.

Viruses are thus as a tool to service representative, introduce foreign DNA from the selected species to the target organism. There are two types of transduction called as generalized transduction in which any of the bacterial gene is transferred via the bacteriophage to the other bacteria and no 10 essay specialized transduction involves transfer of on customer service limited or selected set of genes. Viral vectors for gene transfer: The use of viruses as vectors for transduction, i.e. the introduction of genes into animal cells by exploiting the natural ability of the virus particle, within which the digital tomosynthesis transgene is packaged, to on customer service representative, adsorb to the surface of the cell and write an essay gain entry is essay service representative being employed . Due to the efficiency with which viruses can deliver their nucleic acid into cells and the high levels of no 10 essay replication. and gene expression it is possible to achieve, viruses have been used as vectors not only for gene expression in cultured cells but also for essay on customer service, gene transfer to living animals.

Four classes of viral vector have been developed for use in human gene therapy and have reached phase 1 clinical trials. These are the retrovirus, adenovirus, herpesvirus and adenoassociated virus (AAV) vectors . Before introducing the individual vector systems,we discuss some general properties of viral transduction vectors. Transgenes may be incorporated into. viral vectors either by addition to college admissions, the whole genome or by replacing one or more viral genes. Essay Service Representative. This is generally achieved either by an essay on sports and games ligation (many viruses have been modified to incorporate unique restriction sites) or homologous recombination. For many applications, it is favourable to use vectors from which all viral coding sequences have been deleted.These amplicons (also described as ‘gutless vectors’) contain just the cis-acting elements required for packaging and on customer service representative genome replication. The advantage of such vectors is their high capacity for foreign DNA and the fact that, since no viral gene products are made, the vector has no intrinsic cytotoxic effects. The choice of vector depends on the particular properties of the virus and the intended host, whether transient or stable expression is required and how much DNA needs to be packaged. For example, icosahedral viruses such as adenoviruses and retroviruses package their genomes into preformed capsids, whose volume defines the maximum amount of foreign DNA that can be accommodated. Conversely, rod-shaped viruses such as the baculoviruses form the capsid around the genome, so there are no such size constraints.

There is no ideal virus for gene transfer ‘ each has its own advantages and disadvantages. In recent years, a number of hybrid viral vectors have been developed incorporating the beneficial features of two or more viruses. 1) viral vectors that especially efficient at transducing the intended cell type but not other cell types. 2) retroviruses are particularly proficient at delivering genes to dividing cells, such as cancer cells or immortalized cell lines. 1) cannot deliver genes to terminally differentiated cells. 2) viral vectors may be highly immunogenic. TRANSFECTION BY CHEMICAL METHODS. One of the methods of gene transfer where the genetic material is deliberately introduced into the animal cell in view of studying various functions of scatter radiation proteins and the gene is transfection.

This mode of gene transfer involves creation of essay representative pores on the cell membrane enabling the cell to engineering, receive the essay service foreign genetic material. When transformation is carried out in eukaryotic cells it is college essay termed as transfection. 1) Calcium phosphate mediated DNA transfer. The process involves a mixture of isolated DNA (10-100ug) with solution of. calcium chloride and potassium phosphate. . When the two are combined, a fine precipitate of the positively charged calcium and the negatively charged phosphate will form, binding the DNA to be transfected on its surface .Cells are then incubated with precipitated DNA either in solution or in tissue culture dish. A fraction of cells will take up the calcium phosphate DNA precipitate by a process not entirely understood but thought to be endocytosis. Transfection efficiencies using calcium phosphate can be quite low, in on customer representative, the range of 1-2 % . It can. be increased if very high purity DNA is used and the precipitate allowed to form slowly. 1. Frequency is very low.

2. Integrated genes undergo substantial modification. 3. Many cells do not like having the solid precipitate adhering to them. and the surface of their culture vessel. 4. Integration with host cell chromosome is random. 5, Due to above limitations transfection applied to somatic gene therapy.

This technique is used for introducing DNA into mammalian cells. This process has been a preferred method of identifying many oncogenes. 2)DNA transfer by an essay on sports DAE-Dextran method: DNA can be transferred with the on customer service representative help of DAE Dextran also. DAE-Dextran may be used in the. transfection medium in which DNA is present. This is radiation a polycationic, high molecular weight substance and is convenient for transient assays. The negatively charged DNA binds to the polycation and the complex is taken up by the cell via endocytosis.

If DEAE (diethylaminoethyl )-Dextran treatment is coupled with Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) shock, then upto 80% transformed cell can express the transferred gene. The advantage of this method is that, it is cheap, simple and essay service can be used for transient cells. which cannot survive even short exposure of calcium phosphate. The major advantages of the technique are its relative simplicity and speed, limited expense, and remarkably reproducible interexperimental and essay intraexperimental transfection efficiency. Disadvantages include inhibition of cell growth and on customer service induction of heterogeneous morphological changes in cells. Furthermore, the concentration of serum in federalist no 10 essay, the culture medium must be transiently reduced during the transfection. It does not appear to be efficient for the production of stable transfectants. For cells that grow in suspension, electroporation or lipofection is service representative usually preferred, although DEAE-dextran-mediated transfection can be used. Transfer of DNA by online review polycation-DMSO: As calcium phosphate method of DNA transfer is reproducible and efficient but there is narrow range of optimum conditions.

DNA transfer by. Another polycationic chemical,the detergent Polybrene is carried out to increase the adsorption of DNA to on customer service representative, the cell surface followed by write an essay and games a brief treatment with 25-30% DMSO to service, increase membrane permeability and enhance uptake of on sports DNA. In this method no carrier DNA is required and stable transformants are produced. This method works with mouse fibroblast and chick embryo. LIPOSOME MEDIATED GENE TRANSFER. Liposomes are spheres of lipids which can be used to transport molecules into the cells. These are artificial vesicles that can act as delivery agents for exogenous materials including transgenes.

They are considered as spheres of on customer service representative lipid bilayers surrounding the molecule to be transported and radiation digital promote transport after fusing with the cell membrane. Liposomes for use as gene transfer vehicles are prepared by service representative adding an appropriate mix of bilayer constituents to book, an aqueous solution of DNA molecules. In this aqueous environment, phospholipid hydrophilic heads associate with water while hydrophobic tails self-associate to exclude water from within the lipid bilayer. This self-organizing process creates discrete spheres of on customer service representative continuous lipid bilayer membrane enveloping a small quantity of DNA solution. The liposomes are then ready to be added to target cells. Germline transgenesis is write an essay and games possible with liposome mediated gene transfer.Lipofection is the most common and generally utilized gene transfer technique in the recent years and on customer service it utilizes cationic lipids. The combined DNA and cationic lipids act instantaneously to form structures called as lipoplexes that are more complex in structure than the simple liposomes. Cationic lipids have a positive charge and these form cationic liposomes which interact with the negatively charged cell membrane more readily than uncharged liposomes. This leads to a fusion between cationic liposome and the cell surface resulting in quick entry by endocytosis and the delivery of the write an essay and games DNA directly across the plasma membrane.

Cationic liposomes can be produced from a number of cationic lipids that are commercially available and sold as an in service representative, vitro-transfecting agent, termed lipofectin. However this pathway would usually result in no 10 essay, the fusion of lipoplexes with lysosomes and undergo degradation. This problem is overcome by on customer utilizing the neutral helper lipids, which are generally included along with the cationic lipid. This allows entrapped DNA to escape the endosomes, reach the nucleus and get access to the cell’s transcriptional machinery.The endosomal structure is destroyed by increasing the osmotic pressure created by the lipids’ buffering action within the thesis endosomes and by the fusion of the lipid with the endosomal membrane. The ability of a lipid to destroy endosomes is on customer service one of the about barangay center main characteristics of essay on customer service representative a transfection reagent. 2. Long term stability.

4. Protection of nucleic acid from degradation. 5. particularly proficient at delivering genes to dividing cells, such as cancer cells or immortalized cell lines. 6. cationic lipids effectively transfect suspension cells. 1) Cannot deliver genes to terminally differentiated cells. A rapid and simple technique for tomosynthesis, introducing genes into a wide variety of microbial, plant and animal cells, including E. coli, is electroporation. Electroporation uses electrical pulse to produce transient pores in the plasma membrane thereby allowing macromolecules into the cells. These pores are known as electropores which allow the molecules, ions and water to pass from one side of the membrane to another. The electropores reseal spontaneously and the cell can recover. The pores can be recovered only if a suitable electric pulse is applied .The formation of electropores depends upon the cells that are used and on customer the amplitude and about barangay duration of the electric pulse that is essay on customer service representative applied to them. When subjected to what, electric shock, cells take up exogenous DNA from the suspending solution. Once inside the cell, the DNA is integrated and the foreign gene will express.

A proportion of these cells become stably transformed and can be selected if a suitable marker gene is carried on essay service the transforming DNA. The most critical parameters are the barangay health intensity and service duration of the electric pulse, and these must be determined empirically for different cell types. Electric currents can lead to dramatic heating of the cells that can results in cell death. Admissions Essay. Heating effects are minimized by using relatively high amplitude, a short duration pulse or by using two very short duration pulses. However, once optimal electroporation parameters have been established, the method is simple to essay representative, carry out and thesis highly reproducible. Many different factors affect the efficiency of electroporation, including temperature, various electric-field parameters (voltage, resistance and capacitance), topological form of the DNA, and various host-cell factors (genetic background, growth conditions) and on customer representative post-pulse treatment. General applications of electroporation. 1. Introduction of exogeneous DNA into animal cell lines, plant protoplast, yeast protoplast and bacterial protoplast. 2. Electroporation can be used to increase efficiency of transformation or transfection of engineering bacterial cells. 3. Wheat, rice, maize, tobacco have been stably transformed with frequency upto 1% by this method.

4. Genes encoding selectable marker may be used to introduce genes using electroporation. 5. To study the transient expression of on customer representative molecular constructs. 6. Electroporation of early embryo may result in engineering college, the production of transgenic animals. 7. Essay On Customer Service. Hepatocytes, epidermal cells, haematopoietic stem cells, fibroblast, mouse T and B lymphocytes can be transformed by this technique. 8. Naked DNA may be used for gene therapy by applying electroporation device on animal cells. Advantages of book review electroporation. 1. Method is fast. 3. Applied for a number of cell types. 4. Simultaneously a large number of cell can be treated. 5. Essay Service. High percentage of stable transformants can be produced.

1)Limited effective range of. 1 cm between the electrodes. 2)Surgical procedure is required to place the electrodes deep into the internal organs. 3)High voltage applied to tissues can result in irreversible tissue damage as a result of thermal heating. The technique has high input costs, because a specialized capacitor discharge machine is engineering college required that can accurately control pulse length and amplitude.

4) Larger numbers of cells may be required than for on customer, other methods because, in many cases, the most efficient electroporation occurs when there is up to 50% cell death. Sonication is the act of applying sound energy to agitate particles in a sample. Ultrasonic frequencies (20 kHz) are usually used, leading to the process also being known as ultrasonication . Sonoporation, or cellular sonication, is the radiation digital use of these ultrasonic frequencies for modifying the permeability of the cell plasma membrane. This technique is usually used in molecular biology and non-viral gene therapy in essay service representative, order to allow uptake of large molecules such as DNA into the cell, in a cell disruption process called transfection or transformation. Sonoporation employs the acoustic cavitation of microbubbles to enhance delivery of such large DNA molecules. Write On Sports And Games. Although the early results could achieve only 10- to 30-fold increases in transfection efficiency in vitro, technical refinements have lead to enhancements of up to on customer, several thousand fold in vitro ,sufficient to encourage ultrasonication mediated gene transfer in vivo. 1) It is non-invasive and well tolerated, 2)extraordinary safety record over a wide range of frequency and intensity. 3)high levels of public acceptability and understanding.

there are highly sophisticated, flexible, cost-effective and readily available diagnostic and therapeutic systems that can achieve site-specific transfer of federalist essay ultrasound energy almost anywhere in the body, except perhaps the lung. 4) The bioactivity of this technique is essay service similar to, and in some cases found superior to, electroporation. 5) in vivo is relatively nontoxic. 1)Extended exposure to low-frequency (MHz) ultrasound has been demonstrated to result in complete cellular death (rupturing) as well as microvascular hemorrhage and federalist no 10 disruption of tissue structure, thus cellular viability must also be accounted for when employing this technique. 2) Whether ultrasound affects later steps in the transfection process, particularly plasmid entry into the nucleus, remains unclear. Sonoporation is on customer representative under active study for the introduction of foreign genes in tissue culture cells, especially mammalian cells.

Sonoporation is also being studied for what, use in targetedGene therapy in vivo, in a medical treatment scenario whereby a patient is given modified DNA, and an ultrasonic transducer might target this modified DNA into specific regions of the patient’s body. In microinjection DNA can be introduced into cells or protoplast with the help of very fine needles or. glass micropipettes having the essay diameter of scatter digital tomosynthesis 0.5 to 10 micrometer. The DNA may be directly delivered into the nucleus or in the cytoplasm. Some of the DNA injected may be taken up by the nucleus. Service. The desired gene in the form of plasmid or alone is injected directly into the plant protoplast. Injection into federalist no 10, the nucleus is more efficient than that into service, the cytoplasm. Micro-injection is carried out with automatic equipments (robotics) using a micro-needle. Computerized control of holding pipette, needle, microscope stage and video technology has improved the efficiency of health center this technique.

Advantages of microinjection. 1. Frequency of stable integration of DNA is far better as compare to other methods. 2. Method is service effective in transforming primary cells as well as cells in established cultures. 3. The DNA injected in this process is subjected to what thesis, less extensive modifications. 4. Mere precise integration of recombinant gene in limited copy number can be obtained.

2. Skilled personal required. 3.Has not been successful for many plant cells . 4. Essay. Embryonic cells preferred for manipulation. 5. Knowledge of scatter digital tomosynthesis mating timing, oocyte recovery is essential. 6. Method is useful for essay, protoplasts and not for the walled cells. 7. Process causes random integration. 8. Rearrangement or deletion of host DNA adjacent to site of integration are common.

9. The technique is laborious, technically difficult, and limited to the number of scatter digital cells actually injected. Applications of microinjection. 1. Process is applicable for plant cell as well as animal cell but more common for animal cells. 2. Technique is ideally useful for producing transgenic animal quickly. 3. Procedure is important for essay service, gene transfer to embryonic cells. 4. Applied to inject DNA into plant nuclei. 5. Method has been successfully used with cells and protoplast of. tobacco, alfalfa etc. Fig: microinjection in mouse egg. Biolistics or particle bombardment is book review a physical method that uses accelerated microprojectiles to.

deliver DNA or other molecules into intact tissues and cells. Essay On Customer Representative. Biolistics transformation is relatively new and novel method amongst the physical methods for artificial transfer of exogenous DNA. The nucleic acid is federalist no 10 essay delivered through membrane penetration at representative a high velocity, usually connected to microprojectiles like microscopic particles of tungsten or gold coated into cells using an electrostatic pulse, air pressure, or gunpowder percussion. As the particles pass through the cell, the DNA becomes free to integrate into the plant-cell genome. The gene gun is a device that literally fires DNA into target cells . The DNA to be transformed. into the cells is coated onto microscopic beads made of barangay either gold or tungsten. Beads are carefully. coated with DNA.

The coated beads are then attached to on customer representative, the end of the an essay plastic bullet and loaded into. the firing chamber of the gene gun. Essay. An explosive force fires the engineering college essay bullet down the barrel of the gun. towards the target cells that lie just beyond the end of the barrel. When the bullet reaches the on customer end of. the barrel it is caught and stopped, but the DNA coated beads continue on toward the target cells. Some of the beads pass through the cell wall into the cytoplasm of the target cells.

Here the bead and. the DNA dissociate and the cells become transformed. Once inside the target cells, the thesis center DNA is. solubilised and may be expressed. 1. Biolistics technique has been used successfully to transform soyabean, cotton, spruce, sugarcane, papaya, corn, sunflower, rice, maize, wheat, 2. On Customer Representative. Genomes of about subcellular organelles have been accessible to genetic. manipulation by biolistic method. 3. Mitochondria of plants and chloroplast of chlamydomonas have been. 4. Method can be applied to essay representative, filamentous fungi and yeast (mitochondria).

5. The particle gun has also been used with pollen, early stage. embryoids, meristems somatic embryos, plant cells, root section, seeds and pollen. 6. This approach has been shown to be effective for transferring transgenes into mammalian cells in vivo . 1. Federalist. Requirement of protoplast can be avoided. Unlike electroporation and microinjection, this technique does not require protoplasts or even single-cell isolations and is applicable to even intact plant tissue. 2. Walled intact cells can be penetrated. 3. Manipulation of genome of essay subcellular organelles can be achieved. 4. This is also a highly mechanized or robotic mediated technique in review, which the. speed of the micro-projectile particles is controlled by foolproof mechanisms.

5) It is also gaining in use as a method for transferring DNA construct into whole animals. 6) This technique is fast, simple and safe, and it can transfer genes to a wide variety of tissues. 7)there appears to be no limits to the size or number of genes that can be delivered. 1. Integration is random. 2. Requirement of essay on customer service equipments. 3.It can be a challenge to obtain a sufficient number of cells modified by this method to see a biologically significant effect. A new technique is presented to incorporate exogeneous gene materials (DNA) into cells with a microbeam irradiation from an write on sports uv pulsed laser. A frequency-multiplied Laser, 355 m wavelength, 5 ns pulse duration, punches a self-healing hole of submicrometer aperture in essay on customer, cell membrane under selected irradiation conditions.

At the site of the beam impact, due probably to local temperature changes, the cell membrane modifies its permeability. As a consequence of the barangay health center hit, circular areas, whose radius may be apparently regulated by changing the irradiation time and/or the radiation intensity (energy), appear on the wall, last for a short time and fade spontaneously . It takes a fraction of on customer representative a second for the aperture to close, long enough to allow the foreign DNA, contained in the medium, to slip into the cell. It is well established that a strong pressure wave, known as a laser-induced stress wave (LISW), accompanies laser-induced plasma. We have extended their method to deliver macromolecules, such as genes. Write On Sports And Games. Plasmid DNA (circular DNA residing in bacterial cytoplasm) is used as a vector of the gene of interest. Essay Service. We inject the plasmid into target tissue, on which a laser target is online book placed, and subject the essay on customer service target to irradiation with a high-intensity, nanosecond laser pulse to induce plasma and essay hence an essay service LISW. An Essay On Sports And Games. By placing optically transparent material on the target, the plasma is confined, resulting in an increase in the LISW’s impulse.

Interaction of tissue cells with the on customer service representative LISW allows plasmid to enter the cytoplasm. 1) it only takes advantage of the presence of online book review phenol-red, a normal cell medium component, with no need of on customer service representative addition of extraneous substances; (2) it is a very mild treatment virtually suitable for any cell type and. (3) it allows transfection of selected cells even in the presence of center cells of different type (providing that they are morphologically distinguishable). 4) . it is rapidly replacing virus mediated techniques as they have serious side effects caused by immune response and limited targeting characteristics rendering them inappropriate for clinical application. 5) The method offers a clear advantage over existing methods: increases the essay service representative success rate of DNA transfection as well as the efficiency of engineering college admissions essay cell modification by orders of magnitude. 6) . It enables minimally invasive tissue interaction. Thus there are a number of ways by which the genes can be introduced into the cells. With the advent of molecular tools and technologies it is now comparatively easy to introduce gene into cells without losing its integrity and biological activity. Moreover the recent development in molecular biology has made the transfer of gene with great accuracy to the target cell. The transfer of essay service representative gene through different gene transfer technologies has cured a number of diseases. Research is on progress to cure those diseases which cannot be cured by using drugs.

Moreover the federalist no 10 treatment of diseases by service representative gene transfer provides better result for a prolong period of time. It is the need of hour to discover new and cheap method of gene transfer technologies so to make the treatment of the federalist essay diseases a little easier and affordable. Improvements in gene transfer are required in terms of transfection approaches to allow improved transgene uptake efficiencies. 1)Society of Applied Sciences. Gene Transfer Technologies and their Applications: K.H.KHAN.

Medical Biotechnology Division, School of Biosciences and Technology, VIT University, Vellore-632014, Tamil Nadu, India. 2)Principles of gene manipulation: R.W.Old ,S.B. Essay On Customer. Primrose and R.M.Twymann ‘ sixth edition,chapter 10 and scatter digital tomosynthesis 11. 3) BIOTECHNOLOGY 2020-From the Transparent Cell to. the Custom-Designed Process–Prof. Gerhard Kreysa Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr.h.c.

Dr. R??diger Marquardt. 4) INTRODUCTION TOBIOTECHNOLOGY AND GENETIC ENGINEERING. 5)From genes to essay, genomes- concepts and applications of DNA technology–Jeremy W Dale, Malcom von Schantz. Search our thousands of essays: If this essay isn't quite what you're looking for, why not order your own custom Science essay, dissertation or piece of coursework that answers your exact question? There are UK writers just like me on hand, waiting to help you. Each of us is qualified to a high level in our area of expertise, and we can write you a fully researched, fully referenced complete original answer to book, your essay question. Just complete our simple order form and you could have your customised Science work in essay service representative, your email box, in as little as 3 hours. This Science essay was submitted to us by a student in order to help you with your studies. This page has approximately words.

If you use part of federalist no 10 this page in your own work, you need to provide a citation, as follows: Essay UK, Essay: Gene transfer techniques – pros and cons . Essay Service Representative. Available from: [05-10-17]. If you are the original author of this content and no longer wish to have it published on our website then please click on engineering college essay the link below to request removal: 13-09-17 - The Human Genome project (HGP) 22-08-17 - Adeno associated virus (AAV) vectors 01-08-17 - Test methods on essay on customer service representative the alkali carbonate reaction in concrete - fluxonic diode - Identifying an unknown organism from a cell phone 05-07-17 - Risk factors for alcohol abuse in thesis about barangay center, men who have sex with men 01-06-17 - Monsanto vs. the world 19-05-17 - Patterns formed by increasing the scale factor – maths 12-05-17 - Swine influenza infections 24-04-17 - Medicinal plants and wound healing. We offer professional custom essay writing, dissertation writing and coursework writing service.

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Resume Format Guide - Reverse-Chronological, Functional, Combination Styles. By Resume Genius. Making a perfect resume needs more than just error-free spelling and grammar. A resume must be framed and formatted to present you in the best way possible, a process that requires combining creativity, composition, and marketing. Therefore, we’ve written this resume format guide to essay representative, be a comprehensive resource to center, those looking to format their own resumes. We provide writing tips, expert advice, and sample images covering every resume format for your convenience. Looking for more resume samples? Click the link below. How to Choose the essay Best Resume Format.

Use the chart below to get a quick idea of which resume format will be best for presenting your unique job experience. As you may have seen above, job seekers have three options when it comes to formatting their resume: Chronological, Functional, and Combination . Each resume format has their own set of engineering admissions, advantages and disadvantages for different kinds of job seekers, so be sure to essay representative, choose wisely. Check out the in-depth writing guides below to get every bit of information needed to create the best resume for federalist no 10, you: To get inspiration and representative, an idea of what thesis, what your resume can look like, we’ve created three huge libraries of on customer, resume format examples . The links below are separated by engineering college admissions essay, resume style and include industry-specific samples. Visit each library and find your industry. As the name suggests, a reverse chronological resume presents your work experience information from essay service, newest (most relevant) to oldest (least relevant).

This means the resume will begin with your most recent job, and end with your oldest experience. This structure allows you to present yourself in terms of your promotions and upward career mobility , and federalist no 10 essay, is therefore particularly useful for entry to mid level applicants looking to boost their careers. I should use a reverse chronological resume format if… I want to demonstrate a vertical career progression. Essay On Customer Service Representative? I want to apply to a job in a similar field.

I don’t have large work experience gaps. I shouldn’t use a reverse chronological style if… I have multiple gaps in my employment history. I am considering working in a new industry I frequently change jobs. To learn more about about health what should be in included in a reverse-chronological resume, click here. The functional resume format frames the essay service candidate in terms of the skills and on sports and games, abilities he/she believes are most relevant to the job opening . Unlike the reverse chronological resume, the functional resume ignores when and where the candidate learned or performed those skills . The candidate and simply lists them at the top of the resume in order of most relevant to least relevant skills.

Even the essay “least relevant” skill should still be relevant to the job you are applying for. “Least relevant” here really means “the least relevant of your most relevant skills.” Warning: Many human resources professionals have negative impressions of thesis barangay health center, functional resumes precisely because they do not reveal chronological information, making it seem like the candidate is hiding something. By using the essay on customer service representative functional format, job candidates can achieve three big goals: provide evidence that they are strong candidates for the job, and hide work experience gaps (if they haven’t been working for periods of time.) help hiring managers quickly locate specific skills that are required for a particular position, which is beneficial. I should use a functional resume format if… I have unusually large gaps in radiation digital tomosynthesis my employment history.

I am in essay on customer service the midst of write, a big career change into a new industry. I want to promote a specific skill set. I shouldn’t use a functional style if: I want to essay, highlight my upward career mobility. Thesis Barangay Health? I am a student or entry-level candidate that lacks experience. Essay? I lack relevant or transferable skills. To learn more about what should be in included in a functional resume, click here. A combination resume is literally a combination of the reverse-chronological and functional resume formats. Combination resumes will often begin with a professional profile or summary of qualifications that includes skills, abilities, and achievements relevant to what, the job opening. Essay On Customer? (This is the functional part.) This introductory section is then followed by your reverse-chronological professional experience, education, and additional sections. (This is the federalist reverse-chronological part.) I should use a combination resume format if…

I want to showcase a relevant and well-developed skill set. I want to transfer to a different industry. I am a master at essay service representative, what I do. I shouldn’t use a combination resume format if… I am a student or entry level candidate. I want to emphasize my educational experience. I lack relevant qualifications and skills.

To learn more about what should be in included in no 10 essay a combination resume format, click here. If you have any specific questions not answered in this guide please feel free to post them in the comments at the bottom of the page and one of our Senior Resume Experts will be glad to answer them for you! PS. Representative? Need that job? Be sure to download our Resume Checklist to engineering college essay, ensure that you’ve written a complete, professional resume. Click Here to Download.

Our Resume Checklist. If I apply a admin. Essay On Customer Service Representative? job but I only admissions essay have relevant experience several years ago, and essay on customer service, now in school learning social service. How can I make my resume? Emphasize old skills and transferable skills from write an essay and games, social service in a combination or functional resume. Good luck on the job hunt! Yes, if you have several impressive awards/honors then they can definitely be place above your professional experience. Good luck on essay on customer service the job hunt! We suggest using a combination format. Best of online book review, luck on the job hunt! We suggest that you stick with the traditional reverse-chronological format. Good luck!

I did a career shift recently to teaching after having a graduate degree and 10 years experience in planning and development. I have recently completed a graduate degree in education and have 2 years of teaching experience in a preschool setting and trying to on customer, now make the shift to elementary age. Do you think I should use a combination resume? A combination resume should work for your situation. Engineering Admissions? Check out essay representative our combination format writing guide for on sports, more info: For a chronological resume, if I completed an internship with a past employer — while simultaneously being employed by them — does the internship go above or below the primary employment experience? (E.g., I worked at HSBV from essay on customer service representative, 8/2013 – 12/2015, with my internship — also at HSBV — from 1/2015 – 5/2015, so right in book the middle of my employment with them. Essay Representative? Should the what thesis internship be listed before, or after?)

You should list you internship after your employment. Good luck! I have what I perceive to be a unique situation (I understand everyone thinks they are different). I am an on customer service, army veteran of nearly 7 years and now I am studying to get my BS is Homeland Security. I joined the army at 19 in federalist no 10 2006 and essay on customer service, got out in online book review 2013. From 2013 until January of this year, I have been trying to make my own way as an essay service representative, entrepreneur. I was largely unsuccessful and in order to stay on top of my bills I ended up taking odd jobs during the day while working as a bouncer at various bars and clubs at night. Online Review? I am currently looking for an internship as part of my degree program so i need to create a resume. I thought a functional resume would be ideal so as to blur the essay representative past 3 years. However, I understand from this article that students should use a chronological resume.

I need to know how firm that rule is. Also, if anyone has any specific guidance for my resume I am very willing to accept advice. Thanks. In your situation, we would suggest using a functional format. This will allow you to focus on your skills that are relevant to the internship you are applying for. Good luck on the job hunt and thank you for your service! Okay so I am a third year college student looking for a part-time job that fits my class schedule and what is argumentative thesis, isn’t in the fast-food industry to help me pay rent next year. I have never had to on customer service representative, write a resume for any of my other jobs so I’m at a loss as to what to do. I am applying as an entry-level applicant but I also didn’t work during my freshman year and about half of my sophomore year.

Therefore I’m not really sure how to what is argumentative, approach this and I really need this job. Please help! Thanks! Good luck on the job hunt! Consider adding a ‘Publications’ section to include your research and writing experience. Good luck on the job hunt. Several positions require a chronological resume be included. Essay On Customer? I am over online book 40, most recent position was over 5 yrs ago as a Seasonal Tax Professional with HR Block. Recently received my AA degree. I do not include employment start – end dates on representative my resume for many reasons but I am not trying to look like someone who can not or will not follow directions either. Please share your thoughts.

Hi I used to be a pediatric nurse for two years till moved to this country on 2012 and have been working at Walmart since then, recently got my RN license and want to start working as a nurse…what type would you recommend me? In your case, we suggest using a functional resume. Best of digital, luck on the job hunt! Hi, I am presently working as Project Manager in construction company and before this I worked as Operations Manager in a different company. Now I want to essay on customer representative, apply for a job (Title : Plant Manager).

I am confused which format I should choose to post for this job opportunity. Please recommend. We suggest sticking with the online review traditional reverse-chronological format. Best of luck! Detailing all 18 years of your experience might be overdoing it. With three pages, there is likely some redundant information that you could cut.

However, if you truly feel that all of service representative, your content is what is argumentative thesis relevant and of interest to the employer, then stick with what you have. Best of on customer, luck on the job hunt! I am now trying to scatter digital tomosynthesis, rejoin the full-time workforce after almost a 17 year absence. Essay? Prior to marriage mother hood I was a very successful Director of Public relations for a well known beauty company in NYC (1990-1996). After that I joined a small firm on Long Island as their first ever Director of PR and advertising (1997-1999). Then babies came. 6 years later I joined a local firm as their Director of Operations (office manager) from 2006-2009. Then my family and I moved to Switzerland and just returned after 7 years. I was a teacher of English as a Second Language. I am looking for work in engineering college admissions almost any capacity: From Communications manager to administrative assistant.

I am struggling with how to present my resume. Essay Service Representative? I’ve been letting my cover letters explain the online review history and why I would be a good fit for essay service, any given position, but I’m sure my resume is no 10 essay holding me back. Any ideas. Thanks in advance! If you’re looking to get back into communications or office management, then it might be better to use a functional format. This will allow you to emphasize your skills instead of the dates of your work experience. Essay Representative? As far as explaining work gaps in write an essay your cover letter, check out this how-to guide: While I was in high school I did my internship at for State Farm. After I graduated I was offered a job there and service, stayed there for 2 years.

I have recently worked at the National Instituted of review, Health for essay on customer, a year. Barangay? I currently want to go back to finding an office job or something related and need help deciding what type of resume I should use? Based on the info you’ve given us, a ‘Chronological’ format would still be appropriate. On Customer Representative? Best of luck! If the the position you are applying for is also an administrative job, then stick with the traditional Reverse-Chronological resume format.

Good luck on online review the job hunt! Glad you liked it! Hi there! This is great. I was just wondering, if I’ve been at the same position for 3 years (2014-present) but did a second job for 6 months in 2015 that I would like to list, would I put that first (since technically 2015 is more recent than 2014)? Or would I list that after my current position, since I’m still presently in this role? Thanks! List your current position first.

Best of luck! A combination or functional resume would be suitable. Best of on customer service, luck! It sounds like a functional format would be a good choice. Good luck on the job hunt! Hi there Elizabeth, You have a bit of an essay, flexibility with the resume format, but when in doubt go with reverse-chronological. Because you’re lacking in transferable skills, I’d recommend working on on customer service representative your resume objective to on sports and games, get your application started on the right foot. Also consider the soft skills you’ve built during your time working in a call center. Many of on customer service, these could potentially be transferable. Online Book Review? Good luck with your job application!

Yes, a combination resume is perfectly suited to someone of essay service representative, your experience, even with the career change. Good luck making the shift back into your previous field! If you are aiming for an essay on sports, a new industry, you can’t go wrong with the classic “reverse-chronological” resume format. Good luck landing your fellowship! Share Resume Format Guide – Reverse-Chronological, Functional, #038; Combination Styles Our code geeks and HR experts are proud to introduce our new Free Resume Builder software to help you land more interviews in today’s competitive job market. Essay On Customer Service Representative? We provide HR-approved resume templates, built-in job description bullet point phrases to choose from, and easy export to MS Word and PDF. Get awesome job opportunities sent directly to your inbox. By clicking Send Me Job Alerts, I agree to the Resume Genius Terms of is argumentative thesis, Use and Privacy Policy.

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Every office is thesis barangay center bound to have that one person that abuses the call-out policy. These people go above and. Resume Genius' builder, resources, advice and career tips are regularly featured on some of the world's leading online and representative, offline publications including: Our code geeks and HR experts are proud to scatter digital tomosynthesis, introduce our new Free Resume Builder software to help you land more interviews in today's competitive job market. On Customer Service Representative? HR-proven resume templates, built-in job description bullet point phrases to choose from, and easily export to MS Word and PDF.

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a christmas carol essay Explore the theme of a change in Christmas carol by Charles Dickensquot; Extracts from this document. On Customer Representative. Saad Ijaz 11xr Mr. Parry English group 11x3 A Christmas carol essay Explore the essay, theme of a change in Christmas carol by Charles Dickens The Christmas carol is a story, which can be called novella (a big story but short for essay representative, a novel). Charles Dickens wrote this in 1843 and it soon became a very famous book. The character that I will be looking at who changes in this novel is write on sports Scrooge. Service. Ebenezer Scrooge is college essay known as a very selfish, stingy and cruel man. Scrooge runs his own business that provides him with lots of wealth but it's his heart that never shows any goodness. His former business partner was Jacob Marley who died seven years ago in the novella. So to start of Scrooge's reclamation from a misanthropist to a philanthropist he meets his former business partner Jacob Marley's spirit.

Jacob was a character who had a heart just like Scrooge, which is probably why they liked working together, and on customer, they were very successful. Engineering College Essay. However, this time Jacob appears as a very different character his spirit has a frightening appearance. He is chained from his feet to his arms and he comes to Scrooge as a beggar or desperate for help. His purpose to be there is to warn Scrooge of a future as miserable as his. Representative. He tells Scrooge that three sprits would visit him and what thesis, show him the past, present and the future. . read more. Scrooge once again as he did to his previous childhood he gave sympathy to tiny Tim. Tim was in danger of death from illness and before Scrooge would have thought that deaths would decrease the population in this country and therefore les people have to share their money. On Customer. However he doesn't even dare think about tiny Tim that way in fact he gives a special concern, he asks the about health center, spirit is there any chance that boy will be spared!. Essay Service Representative. The ghost replies that at the moment there is none but if things change then tiny Tim might have the ability to radiation stay alive. Scrooge in reply to that holds his head in disbelief. This shows definitely that Scrooge is service not the same character any more, he is much more dissimilar and changed his attitude.

When Jacob cratchit wants to drink to Scrooge his family object and say that why should we drink to a mean and selfish bastard. What Is Argumentative. Jacob however defends Scrooge a lot as he says to his wife and kids my dears it's Christmas day. For the sake of it everyone drinks to Scrooge and essay on customer representative, caries on talking about something else. When Scrooge sees this himself he feels that lack of respect, which he doesn't deserve but Jacob certainly gives him some. Scrooge feels extremely miserable about scatter tomosynthesis, this and it's a part that changes him. The spirit then takes Scrooge to his nephew's house who is rich and wealthy just like Scrooge but unlike Scrooge he is celebrating Christmas and having fun. . read more. It shrunk, collapsed, and dwindled down into a bedpost.

The ending is near and now Scrooge as he told the spirit has dramatically changed. He is now a totally different and new character. To identify his new change Scrooge quickly tells a young boy to run to the shop and tell the butcher to buy the largest turkey available and essay service representative, bring it over. Surprisingly the review, boy would even get paid for his help, which Scrooge would totally never even think about doing. On Customer Representative. Scrooge pays the butcher money to go and drop the essay, turkey at Jacob cratchit's house and not to mention that it was from Scrooge. On Customer. This shows that Scrooge has a heart, which he is not telling (showing off) to cratchit's that it was master Scrooge who sent you this turkey.

Finally when Scrooge sees Jacob at work he raises his salary. To Jacob's surprise it's a totally polarised character of Scrooge to the previous one. The one happy thing about cratchit family was that tiny Tim survived so Scrooge had got what he wished the poor boy to be spared. Engineering College Essay. The main catalyst for the change was al the spirits and people that Scrooge saw in his exploration. The novella contains a message from Dickens (didactic), which is: we all can change for different reasons, we are changeable. We need to essay service representative understand the moral and scatter radiation digital, theme that dickens has chosen for this book. * The reality chance of a change * The true meaning of Christmas * The good and bad ways of using money * A person's offences carry its own punishments.

Word count= 1,927 . Essay On Customer Representative. read more. This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE A Christmas Carol section. Start learning 29% faster today 150,000+ documents available Just £6.99 a month. Join over an essay on sports, 1.2 million students every month Accelerate your learning by 29% Unlimited access from essay on customer service, just £6.99 per an essay on sports and games month. Essay Service. Related GCSE A Christmas Carol essays. Dickens did this to engineering college essay strengthen the opinion of scrooge for the reader and sets them up for a big contrast between the first and last staves. Essay On Customer. Dickens use of adjectives changes dramatically in the last stave. Phrases such as He looked so irresistibly pleasant are used to describe scrooge. How does Charles Dickens present the character of Scrooge In the online book, opening chapter of . Scrooge obviously feels that as long as poor people are surviving, charity doesn't concern him. The charity collectors are so taken aback by Scrooges attitude that they misinterpret his rejection to give money. They think he wants to remain anonymous.

Examine how dickens uses the supernatural as a vehicle for change in 'A Christmas . was in decline and he wanted to essay service representative make known tat Christmas could be celebrated anywhere and by anyone as well as the scatter radiation tomosynthesis, min meaning of Christmas which I interpret to be loving and sharing. Essay On Customer Service Representative. Fred is having a party, and Scrooge is bought by the spirit to see and hear it. Dickensamp;amp;#146; A Christmas Carol and Priestleyamp;amp;#146;s An Inspector Calls have strong messages for the . By doing so Priestley makes them seem slightly pompous and almost too perfect which makes the reader dislike them. Mr Birling is written by Priestley to make the audience in particular dislike him, as he is the most arrogant one of all. A Christmas carol by Charles Dickens-what do we learn about the conditions of the . Federalist. In a Christmas carol the poor are represented by on customer representative Bob Cratchit and thesis, his family ' Bob had but fifteen Bob a-week himself; he pocketed on Saturdays. This citation shows that Bob is very poor. In addition to essay on customer service representative this the young children of the federalist, Cratchit family also had to work very. A Christmas Carol - Explore Scrooges Transformation from the beginning of the novel to . Will you not speak to me? It gave him no reply.' Even though Scrooge is very scared of the on customer service, Ghost, he says that he will go where it will take him, so that he can improve. He is an essay on sports admitting that what he was like before was wrong, and he wants to change. How Does Dickens Convey His Moral Message In a Christmas Carol?

He treats his employees in a mean way. He gives them small wages and when it is bitterly cold, he won't let them have coal for the fire. The firm is a cold dark place at any time of the year. What do you see as Dickens' social aims in 'A Christmas Carol' and how . However, Scrooge is still shown to be unwilling to learn the truth, as he physically tries to extinguish the spirit's light. He is unsuccessful in this, which is perhaps meant to explain to the reader that although they may not want to hear the essay, truth, once they have, they can. of student written work Annotated by.

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Customer Service Essay - Making Good Customer Service - UK Essays

conflict essay holes Although the city of Dayton is essay on customer, small and has been hit hard by what, the decline of industry, in Xenia and Yellow Springs the land is green, fecund, and essay on customer representative alive, even in the relentless heat of summer. Xenia is three miles from what is argumentative thesis, where the first private black college, Wilberforce, opened, in 1856, to service meet the educational needs of the growing population of freed blacks that crossed the book Ohio River. Yellow Springs, a stop on on customer representative, the Underground Railroad, was initially established as a utopian community in 1825. College Essay! In 1852, Horace Mann founded Antioch College and essay service served as its president.

During the ’50s and ’60s, Antioch and Yellow Springs were hamlets of thesis health anti-McCarthyism and antiwar and civil rights activism. Today there are a lot of hippies and essay representative there’s even more tie-dye. Between the villages, you can drive over rolling hills and pastures and not see another car for miles, and only far off on the horizon will you be able to spot a farmhouse. I spent a week in this part of Ohio, and during my stay I was invited to radiation digital tomosynthesis do all sorts of things with people of on customer all kinds—rich and poor, white and black. I was invited to go flying, dig for worms at midnight, and plant raspberry bushes. My request to drive a tractor was turned down, not because I don’t know how to drive but because the tractor had been put away. In Ohio, there is space for people to do what they want.

There is essay, a lot of land, plenty of essay on customer service representative it. Thesis! This is essay on customer service, where enslaved people ran to, certain that they had finally evaded capture. This is where America’s first prominent black poet, Paul Laurence Dunbar, wrote “We Wear the Mask.” And somewhere in the midst of it all is what is argumentative thesis, Dave Chappelle’s home. From above, everything seems smaller and less complicated—or at the very least things are put into perspective. From a plane at thirty-five thousand feet it was much easier for me to understand why Dave Chappelle quit his hit TV show, Chappelle’s Show , and said goodbye to all that, and didn’t stop until he got home to Yellow Springs, Ohio. Essay Representative! When news of his decision to cease filming the third season of the show first made headlines, there were many spectacular rumors. He had quit the show without any warning. He had unceremoniously ditched its cocreator, his good friend Neal Brennan, leaving him stranded. Chappelle was now addicted to crack. He had lost his mind.

The most insane speculation I saw was posted on a friend’s Facebook page at 3 a.m. A website had alleged that a powerful cabal of black leaders—Oprah Winfrey, Bill Cosby, and others—were so offended by Chappelle’s use of the on sports n -word that they had him intimidated and banned. Service! The controversial “Niggar Family” sketch, where viewers were introduced to an Ozzie and Harriet–like 1950s suburban, white, upper-class family named “the Niggars,” was said to have set them off. The weirdest thing was that people actually went for such stories. Chappelle’s brief moment in television had been that incendiary. It didn’t matter that Chappelle himself had told Oprah on book review, national television that he had quit wholly of his own accord.

Chappelle didn’t seem to understand that these rumors of drugs and insanity, though paternalistic, were just the result of disbelief and curiosity. Like Salinger’s retreat from fame, Chappelle’s departure demanded an explanation: how could any human being have the willpower, the chutzpah, the determination to essay service refuse the amount of money rumored to be Chappelle’s next paycheck: fifty million dollars. Say it with me now. Fifty. Million. Dollars. Scatter Radiation Digital Tomosynthesis! When the essay service dust settled, and Chappelle had done interviews with Oprah and James Lipton in an attempt to recover his image and tell his story, two things became immediately apparent: Dave Chappelle is without a doubt his generation’s smartest comic, and college the hole he left in comedy is so great that even ten years later very few people can accept the reason he later gave for leaving fame and fortune behind: he wanted to find a simpler way of life. You know you must be doing something right if old people like you. Dave Chappelle was in essay on customer his teens when he first appeared on the comedy-club circuit. He was twenty-three when he and his friend Neal Brennan wrote Half Baked , a now-classic stoner flick about four hapless friends who try to enter the drug-dealing game so they can get bail money for their friend Kenny, who has landed in jail after inadvertently killing a cop’s horse.

They were young and had no expectations except to scatter radiation tomosynthesis have fun and be funny. They certainly had no idea Chappelle’s Show , another collaboration, would become the most talked-about show on television. But early into the show’s first season, critics at the New York Times would take notice of Chappelle’s “kind of laid-back indignation” and his “refusal to believe that ignoring racial differences will make anyone’s life better.” What Brennan and Chappelle were doing every week was so unusual that the Times declared that “it almost looks like a renaissance for African-American humor on television.” Chappelle’s comedy found fans in many worlds. At a recent barbecue in on customer service Philadelphia, a friend of the engineering admissions host dutifully but disinterestedly interrogated me about essay service representative my life, and got excited only when my mother let it slip that I was working on a piece about Dave Chappelle. “Aw, man. I miss that guy,” he said. “He was my friend. What Thesis! I really felt like he was my friend.” I hear this a lot, usually from white people, and essay usually from white people without many black friends—like this seventy-year-old comparative literature professor in Birkenstocks. Part of what made the show so ingenious was that Chappelle’s racial invective found friends in strange places. Thesis Barangay! With a regularly broadcasted television show, Chappelle was finally able to display what writer and activist Kevin Powell described in service an Esquire profile as a “unique capacity to stand out and blend in, to cross boundaries and barangay health set up roadblocks.” Almost overnight, Chappelle became America’s black friend. Essay On Customer Representative! He was a polyglot. He told Powell that, growing up, h e used to “hang out with the thesis about barangay health center Jewish kids, black kids, and Vietnamese immigrants,” and it was apparent that Chappelle had used these experiences to become America’s consul and translator for essay on customer service representative, all things racial.

More than any comic of his generation, he lanced the boil of how race works and also prodded at how nuanced race had become. “Sometimes convention and what’s funny butt heads,” Chappelle confessed to Entertainment Weekly in 2004, “and when [they do], we just err on the side of what’s funny.” Besides race, three things make Dave Chappelle’s comedy innovative and universal: wit, self-deprecation, and toilet humor. Tomosynthesis! This is the same triumvirate that makes Philip Roth’s writing so original. Woody Allen’s movies, too. Service! Chappelle had a keen sense of the archetypal nature of college admissions race, and understood just as acutely how people work on a very basic level. Essay On Customer Service! In a Chappelle’s Show sketch about the reality show Trading Spouses , a black man sits on college admissions, a toilet in essay representative a white family’s house and flips through a copy of People magazine while taking a dump.

He looks up: “Who the fuck is center, Renee Zellwedger?” In another sketch, a stodgy, Waspy white man (Chappelle in essay representative whiteface) lies in bed with an attractive black woman in thesis about barangay classy lingerie. He wants her. Essay On Customer Service Representative! But he wants to make love with his pajamas on. Chappelle did such a good job of truth-telling, on every subject, that nobody knew what to do when he just stopped talking. In no way did his quitting conform to our understanding of the federalist no 10 essay comic’s one obligation: to be funny. To talk to essay on customer representative us.

To entertain us. To make us laugh. We aren’t used to taking no for barangay, an answer, to being rejected, especially not by the people who are supposed to essay representative make us smile. Is Argumentative Thesis! Especially not by black men who are supposed to make us smile. And yet Chappelle did just that. And so, like everyone, I wondered what had happened. What had happened, and, more so, what had brought Chappelle to—and kept him in—Yellow Springs?At a stand-up appearance in on customer service representative Sacramento in 2004, a frustrated Chappelle lashed out at his hecklers from the stage, yelling, “You people are stupid!” So what was it about this small college town—where hippies slipped me bags of Girl Scout cookies, where Tibetan jewelry stores and fair-trade coffee shops dotted the main street, and where kindly white ladies crossed the street to tell me my wild hair was giving them life—that made it more satisfying than celebrity or fame? Even before Chappelle himself, politely but firmly, turned down my interview request, I had begun to suspect that the write an essay on sports keys to everything he was doing politically and essay service representative culturally—block parties with Erykah Badu, videos with Mos Def and De La Soul, and campaigning for scatter digital tomosynthesis, young black candidates like Kevin Powell, who stressed social responsibility—were interests deeply informed by his parents. His mother is a historian and his father was a dean of community services and a professor of music.

Edward Countryman, the American historian, has pointed out some worthwhile context: “Until John Hope Franklin joined the on customer service University of online book review Chicago in 1964, no black person held a senior rank in a major history department that encouraged research and trained doctoral students.” But Chappelle, like Kanye West, grew up in essay a home where black activism and black leftist thought were the languages of the book household. No wonder, then, that both Chappelle and West have wrestled so bitterly and publicly with their sense of responsibility to and also their failure to service representative meet those same obligations. “It’s a dilemma,” Chappelle told Kevin Powell. “It’s something that is unique to us. White people, white artists, are allowed to be individuals. But we always have this greater struggle that we at least have to federalist keep in mind somewhere.” Chappelle’s throwback kind of celebrity and his many concerns about essay on customer representative “social responsibility” are faintly reminiscent of the work that his mother, Professor Yvonne Seon, did in federalist no 10 the ’60s and essay service ’70s as a scholar of the Negritude movement. In 1939, the poet Aime Cesaire would return to his island homeland of radiation tomosynthesis Martinique, in the Caribbean, after spending years in Europe. On Customer Service! The move would prompt his book-length piece of prose poetry, which Andre Breton would call a masterpiece: Cahier d’un retour au pays natal (Notebook of a Return to the Native Land) . Cesaire, a gifted writer, was sent to online review Europe as a young man to essay study in scatter radiation digital the center of the French-speaking world. Once there, he reunited with his childhood friend Leon Damas and a young Senegalese poet and on customer future president named Leopold Sedar Senghor. Together, as black men in France, they attempted to scatter radiation digital educate themselves in a culture where the word negre was inherently a pejorative. Essay On Customer Service! To cope while living under the double bind of colonialism and racism, they created “Negritude,” literally a “Blackness” movement. Sometime after my first few interviews with Seon, she mailed me an essay that she wrote in 1975 that had been published in a magazine called Black World . The issue features Muhammad Ali on the cover, and in her essay Seon describes Negritude as being more of a sensibility than a literary movement that is fixed in the past. To me, more than anything, it voices the no 10 dilemma her son would experience decades later:

When one speaks of essay service Negritude, one may be speaking of either of two quite different things. In its narrow definition, Negritude is a literary movement of the late 1930’s. Write An Essay On Sports! In this restricted sense, it represents the use by Black French-speaking poets, of the techniques of French Impressionism to break away from on customer, French culture and to give creative expression to an inner, African self that had been hidden away. Federalist No 10! But the on customer service representative broader, more important meaning of Negritude has to do with a process isolated and identified by these poets. It is the process by which Black people, who have been cut off from and what is argumentative made to learn to know themselves again, come to accept themselves, and begin to believe in (i.e. to value) themselves. Seon was born in Washington, DC. Her father was a fair-skinned man who was adopted by a black woman.

Although he self-identified as black, by on customer service, all accounts he looked Greek. He was also blind. On the thesis day Martin Luther King Jr. was shot, Chappelle’s grandfather was on essay, a city bus and overheard rumblings of a beat-down about to happen to a white fellow on his bus. That guy’s gonna be in trouble, he thought. He did not realize that he was the white man being threatened. This anecdote about his grandfather would inspire Chappelle’s “Clayton Bigsby” sketch—the unforgettable short mockumentary about a blind white supremacist who does not know he is black. Beginning in 1944, Seon’s mother worked as an administrative assistant for the NAACP. Seon tells me about early memories of review sitting outside of NAACP meetings and waving hello to the organization’s chief counsel, Thurgood Marshall, who was working on essay on customer representative, the cases that would dismantle the thesis center Jim Crow laws.

In the ’50s, when Africa began to hammer off its colonial shackles, her family found itself in the front lines as black American allies. “My mother was very much one of the essay people who was paying attention to what was going on college admissions essay, in Africa; she knew the ambassadors, we went to the celebrations of independence. So we were following Africa and that part of the involvement, just watching what they were doing. We were aware of the avant-garde, the people who were questing for on customer representative, liberation in Africa.” Seon was twenty-two when she met Patrice Lumumba, the on sports young, energetic prime minister of the Congo, at a society mixer. Essay On Customer Service! That same afternoon, he offered her a job.

She went home and federalist no 10 essay asked her parents for permission, and on customer representative they came back and talked with Lumumba. It was agreed she would fly to the Congo and help Lumumba, who, unlike Ghana’s President Kwame Nkrumah, didn’t have a college degree or much of a background in government. Instead, Lumumba was a beer-selling postmaster who had crushed one of the write on sports and games most dehumanizing, despotic colonial regimes with pure rhetoric and was now learning how to essay representative establish a new nation. She made plans to leave in on sports the winter, but on essay on customer representative, December 1, Patrice Lumumba was arrested. “The hardest part was not knowing,” she says. In the weeks to come they found out: Lumumba had been murdered, most likely by American and federalist essay Belgian operatives; Lumumba’s pan-Africanism, his vision of a unified Congo, and on customer service his utter lack of patience had alarmed the West so much they had had him killed. (Belgium apologized in 2002 for its “moral responsibility” in the murder.) But here is the part you should remember if you want to understand Dave Chappelle’s unbridled wit and compulsion to be free: a young Yvonne Seon still decided to take off for the Congo, not knowing what to engineering college essay expect, but knowing that her contact there—a man who was being mourned by Malcolm X and essay on customer service Che Guevara, whose death incited outraged protests all around the write an essay on sports and games world— had been murdered. She needed to fulfill her promise to on customer service representative the dead man and his hope for radiation, a “history of dignity” for African people. “We were very much aware that if America was going to service representative have its independence, our independence was tied to the independence of the African countries. And I personally believed at online book, the time that African Americans would not be able to get civil rights until Africa had won its independence, that the two things were interrelated.” Before she left, her father told her that if he hadn’t been blind, he would have gone to Africa with her.

When she returned to the States two years later, Seon attended graduate school and met her husband, William David Chappelle (who died in 1998), in those times of great hope and unrest. Service Representative! In the write an essay on sports late ’60s, they came to Yellow Springs to visit friends for the weekend, and, besotted with the town’s counterculture, diversity, and leftist vibe, her husband didn’t want to leave. When Chappelle was two, his parents divorced, and his father returned to Yellow Springs to service representative teach at Antioch while his mother stayed in Washington, DC, with the children. Dave Chappelle has said of his childhood, “We were like the about health broke Huxtables. Essay Service Representative! There were books around the house; everybody was educated to a college level. We used to have a picture of Malcolm X in Ghana. Last Poets records. We were poor but we were cultured.” When they reached the age where he and his siblings could start “running the streets,” his mother sent them to Yellow Springs to live with their father. Chappelle returned when he was fourteen. Write An Essay On Sports! He later told Kevin Powell, “I left in pre-crack Washington and came back inpost-crack Washington, so I got the before-and-after picture.

It was literally jolting, like, what the on customer representative fuck happened? My freshman year of high school, over five hundred kids my age were murdered.” In addition to thesis the typical growing pains that accompany adolescence, Chappelle found himself having to navigate what he described to essay on customer service James Lipton as being “a very segregated city, especially at an essay, that time. Statistically speaking to this day—statistically speaking—there’s not one poor white person in Washington.” DC was a far cry from essay representative, Yellow Springs, and he struggled to no 10 adjust to the culture shock. It was his mother who gave him a copy of a magazine with Bill Cosby on the cover. Chappelle felt instantaneously connected to the comic. When he finished reading, he says, “I put it down. And it was like: I’mma be a comedian. And, man, I’m telling you, I could see it so clearly, so clearly, man—this is on customer representative, it.

I was so excited I told my family, ‘I have an announcement to make: I’m gonna be a comedian.’” Because he was fourteen and his mother took him to gigs around the thesis barangay city, other comics called him “the kid .” He remembers telling his grandmother once before he went onstage, “You might hear me say some things that you might not want to hear your grandson say… And she said, ‘Just relax and do that shit.’ I was like, Wow. I had never heard her curse!” Over lunch in Ohio, Seon tells me, with the same optimism as every other time we’ve talked, about the years she spent in essay on customer service Kinshasa. Her stories are populated with dangers she still seems impervious to: Evariste Kimba, a prime minister who soon succeeded Lumumba, was also executed, and college the Congo was at essay service representative, the start of a long period of federalist war. But her memories also retain a sense of hope I have trouble even imagining. Service Representative! “You know,” she says, “I’ve never gone back to the Congo, because it is difficult, you know, to look back at a place that was so full of possibilities and see what has happened. An Essay! That is always hard to on customer service see, isn’t it?” There is a strange moment in James Lipton’s interview with Chappelle where the comedian discusses his decision not to digital attend college. “I was the on customer first person in my family not to go to online review college, that had not been a slave.” The audience laughs. I can never tell if they realize that he is serious.

In his fantastic profile of Muhammad Ali, Hunter S. Thompson writes that “the Champ, after all, had once hurled his Olympic gold medal into on customer representative, the Ohio River, in a fit of pique at some alleged racial insult in Louisville.” The medal was a symbol of a white world that Ali “was already learning to treat with a very calculated measure of public disrespect.” Like most people of the post–civil rights generation, I think that Chappelle, whose family had long been free, educated, leftist, and radical, had hoped that his success would not need to follow that same militant path. Despite the fact that four in online book review ten white Americans do not have any black friends, and more pressingly, that all too many workplaces are integrated only in theory, I think Chappelle hoped that he could bring Yellow Springs’ open-mindedness to the world. For a while he did, but then he became aware that his brand of on customer humor was not without a history and was forced to acknowledge its context. Next came conferences with suits at no 10, Comedy Central about his use of the n-word and his being chastised in the press, and finally he was humiliated and called insane. Like Thompson once wrote of Ali, Chappelle was put through “one of the meanest and essay service most shameful ordeals any prominent American has ever endured.” Without knowing his history, Dave Chappelle’s decision to figuratively toss his gold medal into no 10, the Ohio River does seem like a bizarre, illogical act that abbreviated a successful career on its ascent. Service! But was it illogical? Hardly. College! Revolutionary?

Possibly. To turn his back on essay, Hollywood, to walk away from the federalist essay spotlight because it was turning him into a man he didn’t want to be—a man without dignity—was a move that was, in a way, Chappelle’s birthright, his own unwieldy kind of Negritude. There’s no friends like the old friends. “I wasn’t crazy but it is incredibly stressful,” Dave Chappelle explained to Oprah on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2006. With his mother sitting in service the front row, he was trying to explain why ten months years earlier—without explanation to his wife, to federalist Brennan, or to his bosses at Comedy Central—he had quit his show. “I would go to on customer work on the show and I felt awful every day,” he said. “I felt like some kind of prostitute or something.

If I feel so bad, why keep on showing up to this place? I’m going to college essay Africa.” Five years have passed since that interview, and Brennan has gone on to write for President Obama at essay on customer service, the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and to work with comedians like Amy Schumer and Chris Rock. Brennan repeats to online review me how much he respects Dave, but he tells me that being “trashed” by Chappelle on Oprah still bothers him. In 2011, he told a reporter: “You know, for a black artist that’s beloved to go on TV and representative say he was victimized by book, a white corporate structure, that is like white-people nectar, it’s like white liberal nectar, like, ‘Oh my god, this young black man has been victimized.’ Dave did real well from the essay service representative show, you know. There was a huge benefit to online book review Dave. So the idea that somehow he was victimized . . . My experience was he wasn’t victimized and essay service representative that it was a matter of pressure and needing to eject from the pressure.” Over salads at a cafeteria-style table that we share with a tall, thin, tan European family at and games, a luncheonette in Midtown Manhattan, Neal Brennan tells me his nigga jokes (or rather his jokes where he says the word nigga ). Two weeks earlier, in New Orleans, I had hung out in the whitewashed wings of the Civic Theatre and watched Brennan direct his first Comedy Central one-hour special. There I’d heard some PAs discussing what they called his n-word jokes , but because I had to catch a cab to the airport, I never got a chance to see the show.

In New York, sitting a few feet from each other, I tried to on customer prepare myself for the inevitable, but each time I thought about it my hands had instinctively cocked and curled into fists under the table. Brennan says Chappelle’s Show told two stories: “What it was like to and games be a dude, and what it was like to be a black dude.” He grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs and is a former altar boy, the youngest of essay service representative ten kids in a large Irish Catholic family. He is very thin and he has what he himself calls a “roguish charm.” Brennan is really, really funny and quick. He wears a uniform of thesis barangay health jeans, sneakers, and a T-shirt. He has large ears and wide eyes and spiky hair that is essay on customer service representative, often gelled to a point, cockatoo-style. As we talk, I realize that I recognize many of his expressions from the what show. Brennan tells me that as a writer he knows how to essay service representative shape and structure a joke. He directs the jab. “My job and life are basically just saying, ‘Hey, say this.’ Say, ‘Doctor says I needs a backiotomy.’” Brennan met Chappelle when they were both eighteen.

Everyone else in the New York comedy scene was in their late twenties. “Comedy,” he shrugs and sighs deeply, “is incredibly racially integrated. Digital! Probably the most diverse workplace there is, and it’s not clannish—there is essay service representative, a table at the Comedy Cellar where we all go, and online book you can look around some nights and it is on customer, Mexican, white, Jewish, black. You are friends based on and games, your comedy ability, not based on your age or something. Like race is almost irrelevant.”Brennan studied film at on customer service representative, NYU during the day, and at night he stood outside and worked as the essay annoying guy who yells, “Hey! Come inside and check out the service representative comedy show!” Chappelle had moved to New York to do stand-up and engineering college admissions essay was working in Washington Square Park, learning from a street comic named Charlie Barnett. Neal and Dave had similar sensibilities: they liked the same movies (Spike Lee Joints), the essay on customer representative same music (hip-hop), the same TV shows ( Family Ties ). It was kismet. “Chappelle had been on engineering admissions essay, all of these pilots and essay representative had been paired with all of the wrong writers, wrong actors; like no thought to chemistry. About Center! Just: ‘He’s a hot writer and you’re a hot stand-up,’” Brennan says. Entertainment Weekly would say of Chappelle’s first sitcom: “The worst thing about Buddies is essay service representative, that it makes racism boring.” Years passed, and Brennan left New York to live in Los Angeles and write comedy for Nickelodeon, but he stayed in touch with Chappelle. Their film, Half Baked , was totally unexpected and came about quickly. In fact, they had only a month to outline it. Engineering College Admissions Essay! “We pitched it.

Universal sold it in, like, March, and we were shooting it in July. Which is crazy. Really crazy. But we didn’t know anything because we were, like, twenty-three.” From the moment they arrived on the set, Brennan says he knew that something was off about the production. “First of essay service all, it should have looked more like Kids and radiation tomosynthesis Trainspotting . So we get there and Dave turns to me and asks, ‘Is this how you pictured the service set?’ And I go, ‘Nope.’ And he goes, ‘Me neither.’” Neal shrugs again. “But again, twenty-three. And there is just nothing you can do.

I’m not a fan of the movie. Dave’s not a fan of the movie.”Directed by Tamra Davis, Half Baked was released in 1998, the same weekend as Titanic , and flopped. Brennan and Chappelle stopped talking for a while. These silences are themes in their friendship. I ask him why. “I guess not wanting to no 10 essay acknowledge responsibility, negative association, you want to leave the scene of the crime. Like having a child die and the parents want to get a divorce.” It would be the first defeat in essay representative a series of many.

After Half Baked , Dave bought his “Fuck you, Hollywood” farm, sixty-five acres of land in Ohio. He was living there and having a tough time professionally. Killin’ Them Softly , his one-hour special, came out in 1999. Scatter Radiation Digital! Brennan is blunt about it: “No one cared. But Killin’ Them Softy is a great one-hour special. “Dave called his manager the on customer service Monday after it aired,” Brennan says, “and [his manager] goes, ‘Sorry, man, the phone’s not ringing.’” That is scatter tomosynthesis, how it was. It cemented a sense within Brennan and Chappelle that show business is built upon what’s hot and what’s not, and, worse, that show business is random, anti-intellectual, and often pretty far behind. “We were the service representative underdogs.

We were left for dead and came from what, behind and did CPR on ourselves.” He pauses and peers over the heads of the towheaded European family sitting next to us. “To give you a sense of things, this is how little respect Dave was getting: we pitched Chappelle’s Show to essay service representative one station and they literally looked at us like we were lepers. Like, because Chris Rock had just gone off the engineering college admissions essay air, they were like, ‘Chris Rock is everything and you’re nothing, Dave.’ Then we walk up Fifth Avenue and pitch it to essay on customer service representative Comedy Central. About! They buy it. And it becomes the show. Service! And now Chappelle’s Show has sold three million copies on what is argumentative, DVD.” (It remains the world’s top-selling TV-to-DVD series.) In Brennan’s mind, he and Dave Chappelle had literally beaten the Philistines and had finally made it in television. But, as Chappelle told Oprah, this was not at on customer service representative, all true. When Brennan discusses the demise of the engineering show, he discusses it as a conflict about renegotiating the terms of the third season. Or, as he told fellow comedian Joe Rogan in service an interview where Brennan looks visibly pained, “It became an tomosynthesis, ego thing, once the negotiations started. It was the worst period of my life… but as Lorne Michaels once said, ‘Comedians don’t like admitting they have help.’” Brennan says that at the height of the contretemps, they both said awful things to each other. When Chappelle discusses his exit, he does not deny that things went haywire, but he attributes it mostly to essay on customer representative his discomfort with the material, the thesis politics of the show, and the climate on the set.

He told Oprah, “ I was doing sketches that were funny but socially irresponsible. On Customer! It was encouraged. I felt I was deliberately being encouraged and I was overwhelmed.” I ask an older friend who is black and a theorist of sorts what he thinks about Chappelle’s Show . About! I get an answer that surprises me with its vitriol: “Chappelle was at essay, the end of the one-hundred-and-fifty-year minstrel cycle and fifty years after the height of the digital civil rights movement and ten years after the beginning of Southern hip-hop and in service the midst of the federalist no 10 most coonish aspects of dirty South hip-hop. Essay Representative! He wrung the write an essay last bits of potential energy out of taboos that had been in guarded reserve that show niggas as violent, unintelligent, unlettered beasts. Service! And he portrayed niggas that way (while maintaining an ironic distance from those caricatures). No 10 Essay! The thing was, many took his shit literally, which is service representative, why he ultimately quit.” I go back and scatter radiation watch “The Mad Real World” sketch, a spoof of the on customer representative MTV reality show. Online Book! In the sketch a white man moves into essay service, a house full of black roommates and, in the ensuing weeks, his father is stabbed while visiting, his blond girlfriend is turned out by what thesis, two guys, and essay on customer service the living room is regularly transformed into a makeshift nightclub. The black characters are indeed portrayed as “violent, unintelligent, unlettered beasts,” but the whole skit is pitched on a high register of irony.

When I ask Brennan how he dealt with backlash about the show’s use of the n -word and its edgy racial humor, he objects. “As much as people say that about Chappelle’s Show , no one ever got pissed. People ask, ‘Were you worried?’ and it’s like, no, because it was all founded on book review, real, empirical observations and lived lives. Like, that ‘Real World’ sketch was a discussion we had been having for a decade about black people on essay service representative, The Real World . The guy who pulled the blanket off the write an essay girl was Dave’s best friend. So we knew what that shit was like. “Look,” he says, appearing exhausted, “I think I have a fairly decent gauge of what the line is. It is not perfect, but, like, I say the essay on customer service representative n -word eight times in my stand-up. And it works. People can tell if you mean it. And the other thing is essay, I never say it, I’m always paraphrasing someone.

And… I open up by shitting on white people. And pedigree. Essay On Customer Service! I think people know that I’m known for being friends with black dudes, especially Dave. And I talk about is argumentative thesis that, I talk about being called it. I talk about the first time I was called the n -word. I get called the n -word every day. I can show you texts.” Scrolling through his phone without looking up, he tells me, “So it is a weird thing where you expect me to inhale something and not exhale. And people are like, ‘You can’t say that.’ But I get called it every day. On Customer Representative! Constantly, for twenty years.”

Later on, Brennan brings up an idea first posited by about barangay, the psychologist Beverly Tatum about the ways we tend to segregate ourselves as we get older and grow apart from on customer, our friends of different races. Neal tells me, “It’s like when black kids sit at the lunch table with only federalist black kids, and the white kids sit with white kids. I think it is just like, ‘Well, they look like family.’ It is just some animal shit. It is safety.” When I read Tatum’s book, she says something that sticks with me: that so often the difficultly in discussing race is about working around the divide of service that which we do not know. As I listen to Brennan talk, I think about how he is right, that comedy is federalist, different. Comedians live for service representative, the joke and online review the joke alone.

White writers have long written jokes for black comics with great success (my favorites being Ed. Weinberger for Bill Cosby and Louis C.K. for Chris Rock), but at the same time none of this goodwill can negate the possibility that Chappelle experienced what his mother had written about twenty years before: the desire to essay on customer service “learn to know himself again.” And that for health center, all the post–civil rights progress we have made, it is possible that you could be best friends with someone of a different race without being able to enter worlds and spaces that they can, or in the way that they do. After two hours of remarkably easy conversation, I can tell it is time for the moment I’ve been clenching my fist about. Maybe he had needed to feel me out. Neal Brennan, who definitely embodies the best of the easy wit of Chappelle’s Show , goes for it.

“The joke in my act is: ‘It is so bad I call myself it when no one’s around.’ It will be lunchtime and on customer representative I’m like, Nigga, you need to eat. And I’m like, Who are you talking to?” My hand unclenches. His n- word joke reminded me of the weird moments when I’ve been around young white men who identify with hip-hop culture and who, for some strange reason, despite their stated best intentions, need to access that word as proof that they are accepted or acknowledged by the community they are involved with. They do not realize the hubris and dominance inherent in engineering college admissions essay the act of wanting to use that word. Brennan’s joke is on customer service, a joke on those guys, but it is also, inadvertently, a joke on himself. I think he knows this. Neal Brennan inhabits a strange place as a white man whose closest friends are mostly black. An Essay On Sports And Games! But what, if anything, does that mean?

I ask him what I think is the only logical next question: “So do you think you are black?” “No!” he says emphatically, like I had missed the point, because that would be absurd. “I also think that is a silly thing. Like I’ve never spoken Ebonics.” “Do you think that you’re a racist?” I ask, but not because I think Brennan is any more racist than any other white person, especially if racism is viewed as a system of representative white privilege and unearned benefits. I ask this because part of knowing where the line is is knowing where you situate yourself along it or against federalist no 10 essay it. “Uh, I think that everybody is essay service, racist. Radiation Digital Tomosynthesis! It is on customer service, a natural human condition. It’s tribal.” Another evening, Brennan and about barangay I talk about essay on customer service what the ride of success felt like. He remembers hanging out at a club in Arizona where he and online Chappelle were approached by a white fan who was loose with his use of the word nigger and who praised Chappelle for making it so funny. “It was awful,” Brennan recalls. The thing is, I like Neal Brennan. And I got the on customer joke, I think. But when he first told it to me, there was an awkward silence that I think both Brennan and online review I noticed.

The cafeteria seemed to swell with noise. Essay Representative! And for a brief moment, my head clouded, and there was nothing I could think of to say, so to get out of the silence, I did what was expected: I laughed. When I got home, this troubled me deeply. You can’t say anything real when it comes to race. Scatter Radiation Digital! That’s why Bill Cosby’s in such trouble for saying black folks have got to take responsibility for their own lives.

I spoke at my high school last week and essay service I told them, ‘You’ve got to focus. Stop blaming white people for your problems … Learn to play basketball, tell jokes, or sell crack. That’s the no 10 essay only way I’ve seen people get out.’ Last time I was down South I walked into this restaurant, and this white waitress came up to me and said: “We don’t serve colored people here.” I said: “That’s all right, I don’t eat colored people. Bring me a whole fried chicken.” —Dick Gregory, Nigger. You cannot really discuss Chappelle’s Show without discussing the n -word.

One also cannot discuss the n -word without discussing Dick Gregory. Essay! Neal Brennan and what thesis Dave Chappelle weren’t even born yet when Dick Gregory bounded onto the American comedy scene and essay representative asked to stand flat-footed or to sit down and be spoken to like a man. Yvonne Seon tells me that when Dick Gregory campaigned for president in 1968, “we all had our eyes on him.” Dick Gregory is a larger-than-life sort of man. To reach him, you have to get past his wife of fifty years, Miss Lillian. “You were lucky,” Gregory tells me. “She is tough. She once told the president I’d have to call him back.” Although things have slowed down from the days when he commanded a weekly rate of something just shy of fifteen thousand bucks, when the only peers in his earning bracket were Woody Allen, Mort Sahl, and thesis about barangay Lenny Bruce, Dick Gregory is service representative, still on the move.

All of his activity is college essay, made even more remarkable by essay representative, the fact that he is now eighty. Engineering Admissions! He still runs and does regular juice fasts, and his long white beard makes him look like a Methuselah among men. And maybe he is. Richard Pryor once said: “Dick was the greatest, and he was the first. Somebody had to break down that door. He was the one.” Before Dick Gregory, there were no elegant black men in comedy. Essay On Customer Service Representative! The generation before Dick Gregory’s grew up on Stepin Fetchit, the stage name of a black actor named Lincoln Perry and one of America’s most famous black personalities for more than twenty years.

These days it is difficult to federalist find clips of Stepin Fetchit and the existing films are rarely shown. Essay On Customer! Stepin Fetchit acts like a shuffling, befuddled fool, and because of this many of Perry’s films have been deemed offensive. Little remains to show his enormous influence on- and an essay and games off-camera: he was the first black A-list actor, a millionaire during the Great Depression; he owned a fleet of limos and sports cars and he employed a retinue of essay on customer Asian maids and online book review butlers. He carried guns, he wrote essays for black newspapers, he was handsome, he was a Hollywood outlaw—but none of that mattered on-screen. On-screen he stooped his neck, and dropped his bottom lip, and acted as shiftless and stupid as possible. Stepin Fetchit is the id figure, in characterization only, that sits on Chappelle’s shoulder in one of his skits and demands that Chappelle make himself happy and service representative order chicken during a flight.

It is what thesis, not the chicken that is the problem, it is the familiarity of the characterization. That whether Chappelle liked it or not, whether Dick Gregory liked it or not, this was the essay on customer representative precedent. “When the Playboy Club brought me in,” Dick Gregory recalls, “up until then you could sing, you could dance, but you could not stand flat-footed and talk and just tell jokes, because the people upstairs didn’t want folks to know just how intelligent black folks were. [The Playboy Club] brought me in, though, and it opened up the floodgates. Now,” he says, “Will Smith’s movies alone have made three billion dollars.” Dick Gregory’s gig at the Playboy Club started in 1961, and what is argumentative thesis three years later he would write his memoir, entitled Nigger . This is the part of his dedication to his mother that is often quoted: “Dear Momma—Wherever you are, if you ever hear the word ‘nigger’ again, remember they are advertising my book.” When I suggest to essay on customer service representative Gregory that he used his comedy as a weapon, he shouts, “What?” so loud I get scared. “How could comedy be a weapon? Comedy has got to be funny.

Comedy can’t be no damn weapon. And Games! Comedy is just disappointment within a friendly relation.” Chappelle, he says, was very good at it. When Gregory’s son showed him a few episodes of Chappelle’s Show , he told me that he kept thinking, “Damn, I wish I could have thought of that.” Then Gregory volunteers to tell me the names of the three greatest comedians of all time, and in a proud and awesomely fraternal way, he says, in order: “Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, and Mark Twain.” “Yes,” I say. “But isn’t it difficult to on customer service be that profane and that profound, in droves, especially as Twain in Pudd’nhead Wilson ?” “Did you say Pudd’nhead Wilson ?” Gregory shouts. “Yes,” I say, scared again that I’ve said the wrong thing. “ Pudd’nhead Wilson ! Brilliant stuff! I could kiss you! Mmhm,” he says. “And Twain could last and come up with that stuff because he wasn’t onstage having to come up with material.

But listen,” he says, waiting a beat. “Nobody said comedy was easy.” Dick Gregory admires Mark Twain’s audacity as a white man to write discuss race in essay on customer service representative America. He hates the idea of concealing the word nigger behind euphemisms like the n -word, and he seems to is argumentative thesis think it should be a shared burden. “Before Twain, no white people would ever write about lynchings. So his column was ‘There were two people lynched last weekend and then we found out they were just “niggers.”’ And then he did the whole article about essay how the good Christian church people were there. And the what white women brought their babies and children were selling Kool-Aid and lemonade, like, ‘So what? They were just niggers!’ That was the essay on customer service first time that anyone in history wrote anything like that, nothing about those gatherings had ever been written about lynching! That had never been done before! And like that, that is comedy!” When I ask Estee Adoram, the lovely, legendary, no-nonsense booker at New York’s best comedy club, the Comedy Cellar, what sort of person becomes a stand-up comic, the first thing she says is “A very brave person.

A person willing to center be laughed at.” When I read about Twain saying the word nigger , in service the exact same way Neal Brennan did, it does not raise the is argumentative thesis hairs on my neck. I do not think we want censored comics. But I’m given pause. Estee tells me she can sense when there is “an unfunny bitterness behind the joke.” The fun of humor is the way it pushes at essay service representative, the boundaries. The joke is thesis, indeed a tricky thing. Service Representative! But if I’ve learned anything over these past months, it’s that the best jokes should deliver a hard truth easily.

It is the difference between asking girls in on sports the crowd how their butt-holes look—a roast my sister and I endured one night at a comedy club—and mastering the subtlety of the uniquely American art form of stand-up comedy. Dick Gregory has a joke for essay service, me: So I’m standing at the airport and I see this white lady talking to her daughter. Might be five years old, and you know how honest kids are, so she walked up to me and said, “Is your name Dick Gregory?” And I said, “Yes.” And she said, “My mamma says you have a tail.” And I said, “Yes, and you tell her my tail is in what is argumentative thesis my front.” Another book you should buy if you can spare twenty bucks is Pryor Convictions and Other Life Sentences , Richard Pryor’s autobiography. Service Representative! In it, he tells of a dinner party thrown in his honor by Bobby Darin. Pryor is seated across from Groucho Marx, who told him “that he’d seen me on The Merv Griffin Show a few weeks earlier, when I’d guested with Jerry Lewis.” It hadn’t been one of scatter tomosynthesis my better moments—Jerry and I had gotten laughs by on customer representative, spitting on each other, and Groucho, it turned out, had a few things to thesis about health center say about that. “Young man, you’re a comic?” he asked. “Yes,” I nodded. “Yes, I am.” “So how do you want to essay end up?

Have you thought about that? Do you want a career you’re proud of? Or do you want to end up a spitting wad like Jerry Lewis?” The man was right… I could feel the stirrings of an identity crisis. It was coming on online review, like the beginning of an acid trip. Groucho’s comments spoke to me. “Wake up, Richard. Representative! Yes, you are an ignorant jerk, pimping your talent like a cheap whore. But you don’t have to stay that way. You have a brain.

Use it.” The next sentence? “The thing was, I didn’t have to.” The thing about Chappelle is scatter radiation tomosynthesis, that he wanted to use it, and he knew how. There is no doubt that Chappelle’s Show is his finest work, but the on customer block party that he put on and filmed in Bed-Stuy in 2004 is also a revealing production in the sense that we get to see the comedian almost at what is argumentative, rest, listening to the music he enjoys with his celebrity friends. I was there, both in the crowd and backstage, and essay there was a remarkable amount of solidarity, love, and exuberance even in the drizzly September rain. The kind that I can’t forget.

Watching a triumphant Lauryn Hill resplendent in cream slacks and a Yankees cap, reunited with her bandmates from the Fugees. Thesis Barangay Health Center! Looking down from a nearby roof, I believed anything was possible—for them, for us. Chappelle was the essay on customer service kind of celebrity who wanted to reach out to fans who looked like him, and no 10 it was clear that as much as he aspired to universality, he realized that “the bottom line was, white people own everything, and where can a black person go and be himself or say something that’s familiar to him and on customer representative not have to explain or apologize?” So sometimes it was very nice to have, as the comic himself said, “Five thousand black people chillin’ in radiation tomosynthesis the rain,” like a Pan-African Congress right off of Putnam Avenue. When I ask Yvonne Seon what she thinks about the essay n -word and how easily it is used these days in hip-hop culture, she says, “There has always been a tendency to try and rehab a word that has been used as an epithet for you. It’s a way of claiming something that hurt you, hoping that you can say, ‘Now this word won’t hurt me anymore.’ It’s a part of the thesis attempted healing. When James Brown sang, ‘I’m black and I’m proud,’ that is an example of how he tried to service representative rehabilitate that word. Because there was a time when I was growing up when you didn’t call anybody black unless you wanted to get knocked into thesis about barangay health center, next week.

There was too much shame involved.” “Do you think—” I start. And she laughs and cuts me off with a question. “Do I think, like, ‘I’m black and I’m proud,’ ‘I’m a nigga and I am proud!’ could exist?” We both laugh at the absurdity, and also the essay on customer service representative very real possibility, of that song. “Hm,” she says. “I have trouble with the word nigga . I associate that word with lynching, violence, and hate, and I don’t associate the an essay word black with that. But I do associate the word nigga with that history. Essay On Customer! So it’s not a term that I could ever use easily or encourage the use of. Book! There have been articles written about teaching this history, and we’ve discussed them in my black studies class, but what usually happens is that the class eventually decides that they’re going to be part of the movement against the word nigger . Once they understand what the history is and service what the word means, they stop using it and they encourage their friends to stop using it.” “It is about choices,” I say, feeling guilty for a lot of reasons before she demurely stops me. “Yes, it always is,” she says, “about choices.” Just being a Negro doesn’t qualify you to understand the race situation any more than being sick makes you an expert on medicine.

Tamra Davis, the director of Half Baked , is feeding her children, so she can’t say out loud the last lines of the movie she directed. Is Argumentative Thesis! These are lines she had to fight for, and, along with Brennan and Chappelle, she had to try to convince fifteen studio executives that they deserved to be in the movie. She tries to talk around the lines, but finally she whispers, “I love weed, love it ! Probably always will! But not as much as I love pussy!” She giggles. There are probably worse things than hearing your mom talk about the movie she directed with Dave Chappelle. Tamra Davis is nonchalantly cool, despite having the service representative distinction of having directed the early movies of Adam Sandler ( Happy Gilmore ) and write an essay on sports Chris Rock ( CB4 ). She grew up in essay service representative California and has been around comedy all her life. What Thesis! Her grandfather was a comedy writer for Redd Foxx, Sammy Davis Jr., and Slappy White. She understands comedy instinctually, and knows that the difference between a writer and a comic is the energy and essay love a comic must bring to engineering college admissions the stage, to the audience. Like everyone I speak to, Davis thinks exceedingly wonderful things about Dave Chappelle. The man has a hagiography; I hear it from essay service, everyone: from Neal Brennan to a former executive of Comedy Central, who tells me, “I have so, so much respect for Dave. He is a great guy.” For all the online bridges he has supposedly burned, Dave Chappelle is beloved.

Tamra Davis is the most direct. “I just really think his voice is an essay on customer representative, important voice to be heard. I’ve spent my life working with young people who all of a sudden get launched into an incredible position of college essay celebrity and fame and it’s very, very difficult to handle. And people handle it in different ways. And so I’m glad that he is around, you know, because many other people would be crushed by that. Having to have that inner dialogue in your head, knowing that everybody is on customer service, talking about you.

It’s a very difficult thing to have to navigate.” What separated Dave Chappelle not just from federalist no 10, Neal Brennan but also his fans is essay, that he was suddenly vaulted into the awkward position of review being the world’s most famous interlocutor in a conversation about race—the one conversation no one likes having. Yes, it is on customer representative, hard to look back. But it’s easy to understand why Chappelle was done with being misread, tired of explaining, finished talking. Scatter Digital Tomosynthesis! As Brennan, and then everyone else, told me: the essay on customer man turned down fifty million dollars. Online Book Review! You will never get him to on customer service speak with you. “Beware, my body and my soul, beware above all of crossing your arms and write an essay on sports and games assuming the sterile attitude of the spectator, for life is not a spectacle, a sea of griefs is not a proscenium, and a man who wails is not a dancing bear.” —Aime Cesaire, Notebook of a Return to service representative the Native Land. When a chance came to engineering college admissions visit Yellow Springs, I had no expectation that Chappelle would be there.

But I wanted to see it. In Yellow Springs, I met Yvonne Seon. We had a good time. We discussed my wedding, we discussed Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow , and on customer representative she introduced me to thesis her family. It was a lovely day. Idyllic, even.

On my way out of essay service town, I felt tired, so I stopped for some coffee at a local coffee shop. As I was paying, I saw a few guys out what thesis, back in the garden, talking, and then I saw Dave Chappelle, in a weird white tank top that strained to contain his muscles. No longer lean. On Customer Service Representative! Well-defended. So at a cash register in Yellow Springs I stood and watched as the person I had so badly wanted to talk to walked toward me. But when he said hello, I made a decision that—until my plane ride home—I kicked myself for.

Moving on pure instinct, I simply said hello, turned and engineering finished paying my bill, and left. Did I mention that the light is beautiful at dusk in on customer Yellow Springs? The people walk the streets, going to engineering college the grocery store or looking at the theater listings. Service! There is a cafe that was once a house on the Underground Railroad that now serves delicious Reuben sandwiches and plays disco music. People say hello in passing, kids with Afros zip by on scooters. It is small-town America, but with hemp stores. I didn’t want to what thesis leave, because it seems like an easy place to live. Not without its problems, but a place with a quiet understanding that conversation is the minimum for living in a better world. You know, simple things. At a memorial for on customer service, his father a few years back, standing next to his mother at an essay on sports, the podium at Antioch College, Dave Chappelle ended his speech by thanking the on customer service representative community of Yellow Springs. “So,” he said, “thank you to what you all for giving my father a context where he could just exist and service representative be a good dude, because to be a good dude, as many good dudes have shown you before, is just not a comfortable thing to be.

It’s a very hard thing to aspire to. And so thanks for honoring him, because sometimes it is thesis about barangay health center, a lonely, quiet road when you make a decision to try to essay on customer service transcend your own demons or be good or whatever he was trying to do here.” In my car’s rearview mirror, it doesn’t seem strange to me at all that I am watching America’s funniest comic standing in a small town, smoking cigarettes and online book shooting the shit with his friends. Like everyone else on the street, one friend is white, the other is black—the only difference being that they are with Dave. But here Dave is just Dave.

Totally uninterrupted, unheckled, free to be himself, free to have a family, and land, and essay service representative time to write and games recover. Time to be complicated, time to be a confessed fan of fame who one day decided that it was important to learn to service representative be himself again. Chappelle took a drag on his cigarette, and laughed, and it was apparent that he was doing what he said he wanted most in write and games life: having fun and representative being funny. Tomosynthesis! So, for better or for essay on customer, worse, I took this to be my answer.

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closed business plan Write a Winning Business Plan. B usiness P lanning. What are the Benefits? Every wholesale, retail, and/or service business can benefit from the preparation of a carefully written business plan. There are two main purposes for writing that plan. There is an additional benefit if you do business internationally.

Your business plan will serve as your guide during the lifetime of your operation. Service Representative! It is the blueprint of your business and will provide you with the tools to about barangay center, analyze your operation and implement changes that will increase your sales and, ultimately, your profitability. A business plan is a requirement if you are planning to seek financing. Essay On Customer Service Representative! It will provide potential lenders or investors with detailed information on all aspects of your company's past and current operations and provide future projections. If you do business internationally, a business plan provides a standard means of evaluating your products' business potential in a foreign marketplace. Business Plan Outline.

The following pages provide a suggested outline of the what material to be included in your business plan. Your final plan may vary according to your specific needs or individual requirements of service representative, your lender or investor. Cover Sheet (Serves as the title page of your business plan) Name, address, and phone number of the no 10 essay company. Name, title, address, phone number of owners/corporate officers. Month and year your plan was prepared. Name of preparer.

Copy number of the plan. Table of Contents (Quick reference to major topics covered in your plan) The executive summary is the abstract of your business plan. It summarizes the content and purpose of your finished plan, covering all of the key points. This is a key section if you are seeking funding. Your Company (introductory overview - who, what, where it is and why it is service representative, unique) Market Opportunity (opportunities your company is positioned to take advantage of)

Capital Requirements, Breakdown of Uses of Funds, Repayment of Loan or Benefits to Investors. (include only if you are seeking funding) Management (who they are and tomosynthesis strengths each one brings to the company) Competitors (direct and indirect); list their strengths and weaknesses. Your Company's Competitive Advantages. Financial Projections (summary of Income Statement Projections for next 3 years) Note : Write the on customer service executive summary after you have completed your business plan. Scatter Digital Tomosynthesis! It is a summary. Part I: The Organizational Plan.

What is included? This section should include a summary description of your business statement followed by information on essay on customer, the administrative end of your company. Summary Description of the Business. In a paragraph or two give a broad overview of the write an essay on sports nature of your business, telling when and why the on customer company was formed. Then complete the an essay on sports summary by briefly addressing:

mission (projecting short- and long-term goals) business model (describe your company's model and essay service why it is unique to your industry) strategy (give an overview of the strategy, focusing on short- and long-term objectives) strategic relationships (tell about any existing strategic relationships) SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that your company will face, both internal and what is argumentative external) Products or Services. If you are the manufacturer and/or wholesale distributor of a product: Describe your products. Tell briefly about your manufacturing process. Include information on suppliers and availability of materials. If you are a retailer and/or an e-tailer: Describe the products you sell. Include information about your sources and handling of inventory and fulfillment.

If you provide a service: Describe your services List future products or services you plan to essay service representative, provide. Address Copyrights, Trademarks, and what is argumentative Patents. Back up in Supporting Documents with registrations, photos, diagrams, etc. Describe your projected or current location. Project costs associated with the location.

Include legal agreements, utilities forecasts, etc. in essay on customer representative Supporting Documents. Note: If location is important to marketing, cover in Part II - The Marketing Plan. Describe your legal structure and why it is advantageous for scatter your company. List owners and/or corporate officers describing strengths (include resumes). List the people who are (or will be) running the business. Describe their responsibilities and essay on customer abilities. Project their salaries. (Include resumes in Supporting Documents) How many employees will you have in radiation digital what positions? What are the necessary qualifications?

How many hours will they work and at what wage? Project future needs for adding employees. Accounting: What system will you set up for daily accounting? Who will you use for a tax accountant? Who will be responsible for periodic financial statement analysis? Legal: Who will you retain for an attorney? (Keep 'Murphy's Law' in mind.)

What kinds of insurance will you carry? (Property Liability, Life Health) What will it cost and representative who will you use for a carrier? Address security in terms of inventory control and theft of engineering college admissions, information (online and service off). Project related costs. Part II: The Marketing Plan. What is a marketing plan?

The Marketing Plan defines all of the components of scatter radiation digital, your marketing strategy. You will address the details of your market analysis, sales, advertising, and service representative public relations campaigns. The Plan should also integrate traditional (offline) programs with new media (online) strategies. Overview and Goals of Your Marketing Strategy. Target Market (identify with demographics, psychographics, and niche market specifics) Competition (describe major competitors assessing their strengths and weaknesses. Market Trends (identify industry trends and customer trends) Market Research (describe methods of research, database analysis, and results summary) General Description (budget % allocations on- and federalist no 10 essay off-line with expected ROIs)

Method of Sales and Distribution (stores, offices, kiosks, catalogs, d/mail, website) Packaging (quality considerations and packaging) Pricing (price strategy and competitive position. Database Marketing (Personalization) Sales Strategies (direct sales, direct mail, email, affiliate, reciprocal, and viral marketing) Sales Incentives/Promotions (samples, coupons, online promo, add-ons, rebates, etc.) Advertising Strategies (traditional, web/new media, long-term sponsorships) Public Relations (online presence, events, press releases, interviews) Networking (memberships and essay representative leadership positions) Description of Customer Service Activities. Expected Outcomes of Achieving Excellence.

Implementation of Marketing Strategy. Out-Sourced Functions (advertising, public relations, marketing firms, ad networks, etc.) Assessment of Marketing Effectiveness* * To be used by existing companies after making periodic evaluations. Part III: Financial Documents. The quantitative part of your business plan. This section of the business plan is the quantitative interpretation of everything you stated in the organizational and marketing plans. Do not do this part of your plan until you have finished those two sections.

Financial documents are the records used to show past, current, and projected finances. The following are the major documents you will want to about health, include in your Business Plan. Essay Service Representative! The work is much easier if they are done in book the order presented because they build on each other, utilizing information from the on customer ones previously developed. Summary of Financial Needs (needed only if you are seeking financing) This is an outline giving the online book review following information:

Why you are applying for financing. How Much capital you need. Loan Fund Dispersal Statement (needed only on customer representative if you are seeking financing) Tell How you intend to disperse the loan funds. Back Up your statement with supporting data. Pro Forma Cash Flow Statement (Budget) This document projects what your Business Plan means in terms of dollars. It shows cash inflow and outflow over a period of college admissions, time and essay representative is used for federalist internal planning. It is of prime interest to the lender and essay on customer representative shows how you intend to repay your loan. Cash flow statements show both how much and when cash must flow in and out of scatter tomosynthesis, your business. Three-Year Income Projection.

A Pro Forma Income PL (Income) Statement showing projections for your company for the next three years. Use the revenue and expense totals from the Pro Forma Cash Flow Statement for the 1st year's figures and project for the next two years according to essay on customer service representative, expected economic and industry trends. Projected Balance Sheet. Projection of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth of your company at end of next fiscal year. The break-even point is the point at which a company's expenses exactly match the sales or service volume. It can be expressed in: (1) Total dollars or revenue exactly offset by total expenses -or- (2) Total units of production (cost of which exactly equals the income derived by their sales). Engineering Admissions! This analysis can be done either mathematically or graphically. Revenue and expense figures are drawn from the three-year income projection. Note : The following (G-J) are Actual Performance (Historical) Statements. They reflect the essay on customer service activity of your business in the past. If your business is new and engineering essay has not yet begun operations: the financial section will end here and you will add a Personal Financial History.

If yours is an established business: you will include the following actual performance statements. Profit Loss Statement (Income Statement) Shows your business financial activity over a period of essay on customer service, time (monthly, annually). It is a moving picture showing what has happened in your business and is an excellent tool for assessing your business. Book! Your ledger is closed and balanced and the revenue and expense totals transferred to essay service, this statement.

Shows the condition of the business as of engineering, a fixed date. It is a picture of your firm's financial condition at essay on customer representative a particular moment and will show you whether your financial position is strong or weak. It is write, usually done at on customer the close of an accounting period. Contains: (1) Assets, (2) Liabilities and (3) Net Worth. Financial Statement Analysis. In this section you will use your income statements and balance sheets to develop a study of relationships and comparisons of: (1) Items in what is argumentative a single year's financial statement, (2) comparative financial statements for a period of time, or (3) your statements with those of other businesses. Measures are expressed as ratios or percentages that can be used to compare your business with industry standards. If you are seeking a lender or investor, ratio analysis as compared to industry standards will be especially critical in determining whether or not the essay on customer representative loan or venture funds are justified. Liquidity Analysis (net working capital, current ratio, quick ratio) Profitability Analysis (gross profit margin, operating profit margin, net profit margin)

Debt Ratios (debt to assets, debt to is argumentative thesis, equity) Measures of Investment (return on investment) Vertical financial statement analysis (shows relationship of components in service a single financial statement) Horizontal financial statement analysis (percentage analysis of the increases and write an essay on sports and games decreases in on customer service the items on comparative financial statement) Business Financial History. This is health center, a summary of financial information about your company from its start to the present. The Business Financial History and Loan Application are frequently one and the same. If you have completed the rest of the financial section, you should have all of the essay on customer service representative information you need to transfer to this document. Part IV: Supporting Documents.

This section of your plan will contain all of the records that back up the statements and decisions made in the three main parts of your business plan. The most common supporting documents are: Include resumes for owners and what is argumentative management. A resume should a one-page document. Include: work history, educational background, professional affiliations and honors, and a focus on special skills relating to the company position. Owners' Financial Statements.

A statement of personal assets and liabilities. For a new business owner, this will be part of your financial section. Business and service personal from suppliers or wholesalers, credit bureaus, and banks. Copies of Leases, Mortgages, Purchase Agreements, Etc. All agreements currently in force between your company and a leasing agency, mortgage company or other agency. Letters of thesis barangay health, Reference. Letters recommending you as being a reputable and representative reliable business person worthy of what thesis, being considered a good risk. (both business and personal references)

Include all business contracts, both completed and currently in force. Other Legal Documents. All legal papers pertaining to your legal structure, proprietary rights, insurance, etc. Limited partnership agreements, shipping contracts, etc. All other documents which have been referred to, but not included in the main body of the plan. (for example: location plans, demographics, competition analysis, advertising rate sheets, cost analysis, etc.) Putting Your Plan Together.

When You Are Finished: Your Business Plan should look professional, but the essay on customer potential lender or investor needs to scatter digital, know that it was done by you. Essay Representative! A business plan will be the tomosynthesis best indicator that can be used to judge your potential for success. It should be no more than 30 to service, 40 pages in length, excluding supporting documents. If you are seeking a lender or investor: Include only the scatter radiation tomosynthesis supporting documents that will be of immediate interest to the person examining your plan. Essay On Customer Representative! Keep the others with your own copy where they will be available on short notice. Make copies for each lender or investor you wish to approach. Scatter! Keep track of each copy that you give out.

If you are turned down for essay financing, be sure to retrieve your business plan. Keep Your Business Plan Up-to-Date. Your business plan will be beneficial only if you update it frequently to scatter digital tomosynthesis, reflect what is on customer, happening within your business. Measure your projections against federalist essay what actually happens in essay on customer your company. Use the what results to analyze the representative effectiveness of thesis, your operation. You can then implement changes that will give you a competitive edge and representative make your business more profitable. Linda Pinson is a nationally-recognized business speaker, author and educator. On Sports And Games! She is the owner of Out of Your Mind. and Into the essay on customer service representative Marketplace™, publisher of write an essay on sports and games, educational how-to books and software for new and established businesses. Linda has authored nine books, one of which is Anatomy of a Business Plan, winner of the Ben Franklin Best Business Book of the Year Award and basis of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Publication, How to essay on customer representative, Write a Business Plan. No 10 Essay! She is also the developer of Automate Your Business Plan Version 2015 for Windows ® . On Customer Representative! Her books are in libraries and online bookstores throughout the U.S. and have been translated into Spanish, Italian, Chinese and other languages for on customer service representative foreign use.

The books and software are used as course material in universities, colleges, SBDCs, BICs, and technical schools, and also for what is argumentative thesis training and on customer service representative development within corporations. OUT OF YOUR MIND. AND INTO THE MARKETPLACE TM. 13381 White Sand Dr. , Tustin , CA 92780-4565 USA. Tel: 714-544-0248 (CA) or 469-223-4474 (TX) Fax: 714-730-1414.

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