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"The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci essays

Leonardo da vinci the last supper essay

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Bioscience essay - Life Sciences bibliographies - in Harvard style. Leonardo Supper Essay? These are the sources and citations used to research Bioscience essay. This bibliography was generated on Cite This For Me on essay Wednesday, March 15, 2017. Your Bibliography: The Last? (2017). WHO | 10 facts on mental health . [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Mar.

2017]. Your Bibliography: (2017). Read The Code online . Cyber? [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Mar. 2017]. Leonardo? Integrating the being Neurobiology of Schizophrenia, Volume 78. The Last Supper? In-text: (Abi-Dargham and Guillin, 2007) Your Bibliography: Abi-Dargham, A. and Guillin, O. Thesis? (2007). Integrating the Neurobiology of Schizophrenia, Volume 78 . 1st ed.

Burlington: Elsevier, pp.41-43. Biological aspects of mental health nursing. 2000 - Churchill Livingstone - Edinburgh. In-text: (Rinomhota and Marshall, 2000) Your Bibliography: Rinomhota, A. and Marshall, P. (2000). Biological aspects of leonardo da vinci mental health nursing . 1st ed. Corruption Essay? Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, pp.7-9. Dopamine and glutamate in psychiatric disorders. Leonardo Supper? Your Bibliography: Reith, M. (2011). Dopamine and glutamate in psychiatric disorders . 1st ed. Totowa, N.J.: Humana, pp.3-6.

Seeman, P., Niznik, H. B., Guan, H. Stereotyped Essay? C., Booth, G. and Ulpian, C. Link between D1 and leonardo da vinci supper essay D2 dopamine receptors is reduced in schizophrenia and Huntington diseased brain. 1989 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Your Bibliography: Seeman, P., Niznik, H., Guan, H., Booth, G. and Ulpian, C. (1989). Link between D1 and D2 dopamine receptors is reduced in schizophrenia and Huntington diseased brain. And Argument? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , [online] 86(24), pp.10156-10160. Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2017]. Andreasen, N. Da Vinci The Last Supper? C., Paradiso, S. and O#39;Leary, D. And Argument? S. Cognitive Dysmetria as an Integrative Theory of Schizophrenia: A Dysfunction in Cortical-Subcortical-Cerebellar Circuitry? In-text: (Andreasen, Paradiso and leonardo essay O'Leary, 1998) Your Bibliography: Andreasen, N., Paradiso, S. and thesis O'Leary, D. (1998). Cognitive Dysmetria as an leonardo the last, Integrative Theory of Schizophrenia: A Dysfunction in Cortical-Subcortical-Cerebellar Circuitry?. Schizophrenia Bulletin , 24(2), pp.203-218.

Recent Advances in the Neuropathology of Schizophrenia. Your Bibliography: Bogerts, B. (1993). Recent Advances in the Neuropathology of Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin , [online] 19(2), pp.431-445. Persuasive Essay Finn? Available at:

RohAPKHSHXAA5yex3ufog__Key-Pair-Id=APKAIUCZBIA4LVPAVW3Q [Accessed 3 May 2017]. Delvecchio, G., Bellani, M., Altamura, A. C. and Brambilla, P. Leonardo The Last Essay? The association between the serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters and personality traits. 2016 - Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. Your Bibliography: Delvecchio, G., Bellani, M., Altamura, A. and Brambilla, P. (2016). The association between the serotonin and paper about bullying dopamine neurotransmitters and personality traits.

Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences , [online] 25(02), pp.109-112. Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2017]. Schizophrenia - Symptoms - NHS Choices. Your Bibliography: CHOICES, N. (2017). Schizophrenia - Symptoms - NHS Choices . [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2017]. Waters, F., Allen, P., Aleman, A., Fernyhough, C., Woodward, T. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Supper Essay? S., Badcock, J. C., Barkus, E., Johns, L., Varese, F., Menon, M., Vercammen, A. and Laroi, F. Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia and Nonschizophrenia Populations: A Review and Integrated Model of Cognitive Mechanisms. Your Bibliography: Waters, F., Allen, P., Aleman, A., Fernyhough, C., Woodward, T., Badcock, J., Barkus, E., Johns, L., Varese, F., Menon, M., Vercammen, A. and Laroi, F. (2012).

Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia and Nonschizophrenia Populations: A Review and Integrated Model of Cognitive Mechanisms. Schizophrenia Bulletin , [online] 38(4), pp.683-693. Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2017]. Ring, N., Tantam, D., Montague, L. and Morris, J. Negative symptoms in chronic schizophrenia. Relationship to duration of illness. 1991 - The British Journal of finn Psychiatry. Your Bibliography: Ring, N., Tantam, D., Montague, L. and Morris, J. Essay? (1991).

Negative symptoms in chronic schizophrenia. Relationship to duration of illness. The British Journal of Psychiatry , [online] 159(4), pp.495-499. Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2017]. Being Essay? Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia: Understanding Them - Living With Schizophrenia. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Supper Essay? In-text: (Living With Schizophrenia, 2017) Your Bibliography: Living With Schizophrenia. (2017).

Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia: Understanding Them - Living With Schizophrenia . [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2017]. Your Bibliography: Boundless. (2017). Synaptic Transmission . [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2017]. Thesis Report? Glutamate and Schizophrenia: Beyond the Dopamine Hypothesis. 2006 - Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. Your Bibliography: Coyle, J. (2006). Glutamate and Schizophrenia: Beyond the Dopamine Hypothesis. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology , [online] 26(4-6), pp.363-382. Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2017]. S32.02 Quality of life and new antipsychotic medications in schizophrenia. Your Bibliography: Awad, A. (2000).

S32.02 Quality of life and da vinci essay new antipsychotic medications in schizophrenia. European Psychiatry , [online] 15, p.s278. Available at: hmac=a65eb56dc3fcd6fee8523a368f8757a7017e862d869b8cb54eb17e205d291a4b [Accessed 3 May 2017]. Li, Q., Xiang, Y., Su, Y., Shu, L., Yu, X., Correll, C. U., Ungvari, G. S., Chiu, H. F., Ma, C., Wang, G., Bai, P., Li, T., Sun, L., Shi, J., Chen, X., Mei, Q., Li, K., Si, T. and Kane, J. M. Clozapine in schizophrenia and its association with treatment satisfaction and quality of thesis life: Findings of the three national surveys on use of essay psychotropic medications in China (2002–2012) Your Bibliography: Li, Q., Xiang, Y., Su, Y., Shu, L., Yu, X., Correll, C., Ungvari, G., Chiu, H., Ma, C., Wang, G., Bai, P., Li, T., Sun, L., Shi, J., Chen, X., Mei, Q., Li, K., Si, T. and Kane, J. (2015). Clozapine in essay, schizophrenia and its association with treatment satisfaction and quality of life: Findings of the three national surveys on use of psychotropic medications in leonardo da vinci the last essay, China (2002–2012). Schizophrenia Research , [online] 168(1-2), pp.523-529.

Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2017]. The experience of essay who am i paper weight gain as a result of taking second-generation antipsychotic medications: the mental health consumer perspective. 2012 - Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Leonardo The Last Essay? In-text: (Usher, Park and Foster, 2012) Your Bibliography: Usher, K., Park, T. and Foster, K. (2012). The experience of weight gain as a result of taking second-generation antipsychotic medications: the mental health consumer perspective. Journal of essay Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing , [online] 20(1), p.n/a-n/a. Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2017]. Psychosocial interventions for schizophrenia. Your Bibliography: Adams, C. The Last Supper Essay? (2000). Psychosocial interventions for schizophrenia.

Quality in Health Care , [online] 9(4), pp.251-256. Essay? Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2017]. The Easiest Tool to leonardo da vinci essay, Create your Bibliographies Online. Save Time and Improve Your Marks with Cite This For Me. 10,587 students joined last month! ? Save your bibliographies for thesis for research report, longer ? Super fast and accurate citation program ? Save time when referencing ? Make your student life easy and fun ? Pay only once with our Forever plan ? Use our extensive Premium features (Plagiarism checks, Word Add On. ) ? Create and edit multiple bibliographies.

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Essay: Symbolism in Leonardo da Vinci s The Last Supper

Initiation la conception de bases de donnes relationnelles avec MERISE. Ce cours est conu pour ceux qui souhaitent s'initier rapidement la conception d'une base de donnes relationnelle l'aide de la mthode d'analyse MERISE. Leonardo The Last. Il est en rapport direct avec le programme de certaines formations d'tudes suprieures comme le BTS Informatique de Gestion ou encore le DUT informatique. Vous pouvez commenter l'article en suivant ce lien : 39 commentaires. Article lu fois. Publié le 28 fvrier 2012 - Mis à jour le 17 octobre 2012. I. Thesis. MERISE au service des systmes d'information^ Le systme d'information ou SI, peut tre dfini comme tant l'ensemble des moyens humains, matriels et immatriels mis en ?uvre afin de grer l'information au sein d'une unit, une entreprise par exemple.

Il ne faut toutefois pas confondre un systme d'information avec un systme informatique . Da Vinci. En effet, les systmes d'information ne sont pas toujours totalement informatiss et existaient dj avant l'arrive des nouvelles technologies de l'information et des communications dont l'informatique fait partie intgrante. Le SI possde 4 fonctions essentielles : La saisie ou collecte de l'information La mmorisation de l'information l'aide de fichier ou de base de donnes Le traitement de l'information afin de mieux l'exploiter (consultation, organisation, mise jour, calculs pour obtenir de nouvelles donnes, . Thesis And Argument. ) La diffusion de l'information. Autrefois, l'information tait stocke sur papier l'aide de formulaires, de dossiers, … et il existait des procdures manuelles pour la traiter. Leonardo Da Vinci Supper Essay. Aujourd'hui, les systmes informatises, comme les systmes de gestion de bases de donnes relationnelles (SGBDR), sont mis au service du systme d'information. MERISE est une mthode franaise ne dans les annes 70, dveloppe initialement par Hubert Tardieu . Persuasive Essay Finn. Elle fut ensuite mise en avant dans les annes 80, la demande du Ministre de l'Industrie qui souhaitait une mthode de conception des SI. MERISE est donc une mthode d'analyse et de conception des SI base sur le principe de la sparation des donnes et des traitements. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Supper Essay. Elle possde un certain nombre de modles (ou schmas ) qui sont rpartis sur 3 niveaux : Dans ce cours, nous ne nous intresserons qu' certains schmas permettant la conception d'une base de donnes relationnelle puis sa ralisation sur un SGBDR.

II. For Research. Modlisation d'une base de donnes au niveau conceptuel^ Il s'agit de l'laboration du modle conceptuel des donnes (MCD) qui est une reprsentation graphique et structure des informations mmorises par un SI. Leonardo The Last Essay. Le MCD est bas sur deux notions principales : les entits et les associations , d'o sa seconde appellation : le schma Entit/Association . L'laboration du MCD passe par les tapes suivantes : La mise en place de rgles de gestion (si celles-ci ne vous sont pas donnes), L'laboration du dictionnaire des donnes , La recherche des dpendances fonctionnelles entre ces donnes, L'laboration du MCD (cration des entits puis des associations puis ajout des cardinalits ). II-A. Persuasive Essay Finn. Les rgles de gestion mtiers^ Avant de vous lancer dans la cration de vos tables (ou mme de vos entits et associations pour rester dans un vocabulaire conceptuel), il vous faut recueillir les besoins des futurs utilisateurs de votre application. The Last Supper. Et partir de ces besoins, vous devez tre en mesure d'tablir les rgles de gestion des donnes conserver. Prenons l'exemple d'un dveloppeur qui doit informatiser le SI d'une bibliothque. Persuasive On Huckleberry Finn. On lui fixe les rgles de gestion suivantes : Pour chaque livre, on da vinci, doit connatre le titre, l'anne de parution, un rsum et le type (roman, posie, science fiction, . Who Am I Paper. ). Leonardo The Last Supper Essay. Un livre peut tre rdig par aucun (dans le cas d'une ?uvre anonyme), un ou plusieurs auteurs dont on thesis and argument, connat le nom, le prnom, la date de naissance et le pays d'origine.

Chaque exemplaire d'un livre est identifi par une rfrence compose de lettres et de chiffres et ne peut tre paru que dans une et une seule dition. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last. Un inscrit est identifi par un numro et on paper bullying, doit mmoriser son nom, prnom, adresse, tlphone et adresse e-mail. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Supper. Un inscrit peut faire zro, un ou plusieurs emprunts qui concernent chacun un et un seul exemplaire. Corruption. Pour chaque emprunt, on da vinci supper, connat la date et le dlai accord (en nombre de jours). Ces rgles vous sont parfois donnes mais vous pouvez tre amen les tablir vous-mme dans deux cas : Vous tes la fois matrise d'?uvre (MOE) et matrise d'ouvrage (MOA), et vous dveloppez une application pour votre compte et/ou selon vos propres directives. Finn. Ce qui arrive le plus souvent : les futurs utilisateurs de votre projet n'ont pas t en mesure de vous fournir ces rgles avec suffisamment de prcision ; c'est pourquoi vous devrez les interroger afin d'tablir vous mme ces rgles. Leonardo The Last Supper. N'oubliez jamais qu'en tant que dveloppeur, vous avez un devoir d'assistance matrise d'ouvrage si cela s'avre ncessaire. C'est une tape intermdiaire qui peut avoir son importance, surtout si vous tes plusieurs travailler sur une mme base de donnes, d'un volume consquent. Le dictionnaire des donnes est un document qui regroupe toutes les donnes que vous aurez conserver dans votre base (et qui figureront donc dans le MCD).

Pour chaque donne, il indique : Le code mnmonique : il s'agit d'un libell dsignant une donne (par exemple « titre_l » pour le titre d'un livre) La dsignation : il s'agit d'une mention dcrivant ce quoi la donne correspond (par exemple « titre du livre ») Le type de donne : A ou Alphabtique : lorsque la donne est uniquement compose de caractres alphabtiques (de 'A' 'Z' et de 'a' 'z') N ou Numrique : lorsque la donne est compose uniquement de nombres (entiers ou rels) AN ou Alphanumrique : lorsque la donne peut tre compose la fois de caractres alphabtiques et numriques Date : lorsque la donne est une date (au format AAAA-MM-JJ) Boolen : Vrai ou Faux La taille : elle s'exprime en nombre de caractres ou de chiffres. Macbeth Corruption Of Power Essay. Dans le cas d'une date au format AAAA-JJ-MM, on da vinci supper, compte galement le nombre de caractres, soit 10 caractres. And Argument. Pour ce qui est du type boolen, nul besoin de prciser la taille (ceci dpend de l'implmentation du SGBDR). Leonardo Supper. Et parfois des remarques ou observations complmentaires (par exemple si une donne est strictement suprieure 0, etc). Reprenons l'exemple de notre bibliothque et du systme de gestion des emprunts que nous sommes chargs d'informatiser. I Paper. Aprs l'tude des rgles de gestion, nous pouvons tablir le dictionnaire des donnes suivant : Les donnes qui figurent dans le MCD (et donc dans le dictionnaire des donnes) doivent tre, dans la plupart des cas, lmentaires : Elles ne doivent pas tre calcules : les donnes calcules doivent tre obtenues, par le calcul, partir de donnes lmentaires qui, elles, sont conserves en base. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Essay. Cependant, il existe quelques cas o il s'avre pertinent de conserver, pour des raisons d'optimisation, une donne calcule, le montant d'une commande par exemple. Research Paper About Cyber. On ne conservera cependant pas les donnes calcules intermdiaires sauf en cas d'obligation lgale (c'est le cas pour un montant HT par exemple, o les composantes peuvent d'ailleurs avoir un prix variable dans le temps). Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Supper Essay. En effet, cela vite de refaire les calculs plusieurs fois pour un rsultat qui restera fixe. About Cyber Bullying. Elles ne doivent pas tre composes : les donnes composes doivent tre obtenues par la concatnation de donnes lmentaires conserves en base.

Par exemple une adresse est obtenue partir d'une rue, d'une ville et d'un code postal : ce sont ces trois dernires donnes qui sont conserves et donc qui figureront dans le MCD (et dans le dictionnaire des donnes). Da Vinci. Lorsque l'on n'effectue jamais de calcul sur une donne numrique, celle-ci doit tre de type AN (c'est le cas par exemple pour un numro de tlphone). II-C. Being Stereotyped Essay. Les dpendances fonctionnelles^ Soit deux proprits (ou donnes) P1 et P2. Da Vinci The Last Essay. On dit que P1 et P2 sont relies par une dpendance fonctionnelle (DF) si et seulement si une occurrence (ou valeur) de P1 permet de connatre une et une seule occurrence de P2. Cette dpendance est reprsente comme ceci : On dit que P1 est la source de la DF et que P2 en est le but . Par ailleurs, plusieurs donnes peuvent tre source comme plusieurs donnes peuvent tre but d'une DF. Macbeth Corruption Of Power Essay. Exemples : En reprenant les donnes du dictionnaire prcdent, on da vinci the last supper, peut tablir les DF suivantes : id_em > date_em, delais_em, id_i, ref_e. id_i > nom_i, prenom_i, rue_i, ville_i, cp_i, tel_i, tel_port_i, email_i, date_naissance_i. id_l > titre_l, annee_l, resume_l, id_t, id_ed.

id_a > nom_a, prenom_a, date_naissance_a, nom_p. On peut dduire les conclusions suivantes de ces DF : partir d'un numro d'emprunt, on research paper, obtient une date d'emprunt, un dlai, l'identifiant de l'inscrit ayant effectu l'emprunt, la rfrence de l'exemplaire emprunt. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Supper Essay. partir d'une rfrence d'exemplaire, on for research, obtient l'identifiant du livre correspondant. Leonardo The Last. partir d'un numro de livre, on for research, obtient son titre, son anne de parution, un rsum, l'identifiant du type correspondant, son numro d'dition. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Essay. . Une DF doit tre : lmentaire : C'est l'intgralit de la source qui doit dterminer le but d'une DF. Corruption Of Power. Par exemple si P1 > P3 alors P1,P2 > P3 n'est pas lmentaire. The Last Supper. directe : La DF ne doit pas tre obtenue par transitivit. Thesis Report. Par exemple, si P1 > P2 et P2 > P3 alors P1 > P3 a t obtenue par transitivit et n'est donc pas directe. Les DF qui existent entre les donnes sont parfois videntes et ne ncessitent pas toujours une modlisation mais celle-ci peut s'avrer utile car elle permet, entre autres, de distinguer les futures entits du MCD et leur identifiants. II-D. Leonardo Da Vinci Supper Essay. Le Modle Conceptuel de Donnes (MCD)^ Chaque entit est unique et est dcrite par un ensemble de proprits encore appeles attributs ou caractristiques. Macbeth Essay. Une des proprits de l'entit est l'identifiant. Leonardo Essay. Cette proprit doit possder des occurrences uniques et doit tre source des dpendances fonctionnelles avec toutes les autres proprits de l'entit.

Bien souvent, on thesis, utilise une donne de type entier qui s'incrmente pour chaque occurrence, ou encore un code unique spcifique du contexte. Le formalisme d'une entit est le suivant : Ainsi, si on the last supper, reprend notre dictionnaire de donnes prcdent, on on huckleberry finn, schmatise par exemple une entit « Auteur » comme ceci : partir de cette entit, on da vinci, peut retrouver la rgle de gestion suivante : un auteur est identifi par un numro unique (id_a) et est caractris par un nom, un prnom et une date de naissance. Une entit peut n'avoir aucune, une ou plusieurs occurrences. Thesis. Pour illustrer ce terme d'«occurrence» qui a dj t utilis plusieurs fois, voici un exemple de table d'occurrences de l'entit Auteur : Cette table est compose de trois occurrences de l'entit Auteur . Les occurrences sont parfois appels tuples . Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Supper. Par ailleurs, la table d'occurrence peut tre compare l' instance d'une relation (implantation relationnelle d'une entit ou association) un moment donn. Thesis And Argument. Nous reviendrons sur cette notion de relation dans la partie III.

Au niveau conceptuel, on leonardo da vinci, devrait plutt parler d' entits-types , les entits tant en fait des instances d'entits-types. Persuasive Essay. Par soucis de simplicit, on leonardo supper, gardera les termes d'entits et associations tout au long du cours. Une association dfinit un lien smantique entre une ou plusieurs entits. Macbeth Corruption Of Power Essay. En effet, la dfinition de liens entre entits permet de traduire une partie des rgles de gestion qui n'ont pas t satisfaites par la simple dfinition des entits. Le formalisme d'une association est le suivant : Gnralement le nom de l'association est un verbe dfinissant le lien entre les entits qui sont relies par cette dernire. Leonardo. Par exemple : Ici l'association «tre n» traduit les deux rgles de gestion suivantes : Un auteur est n dans un et un seul pays, Dans un pays, sont ns aucun, un ou plusieurs auteurs. Vous remarquerez, que cette association est caractrise par ces annotations 1,1 et 0,N qui nous ont permis de dfinir les rgles de gestions prcdentes. Essay. Ces annotations sont appeles les cardinalits . Une cardinalit est dfinie comme ceci : Les cardinalits les plus rpandues sont les suivantes : 0,N ; 1,N ; 0,1 ; 1,1 . Da Vinci The Last Supper Essay. On peut toutefois tomber sur des rgles de gestion imposant des cardinalits avec des valeurs particulires, mais cela reste assez exceptionnel et la prsence de ces cardinalits imposera l'implantation de traitements supplmentaires.

L'identifiant d'une association ayant des cardinalits 0,N/1,N de part et d'autre, est obtenu par la concatnation des entits qui participent l'association. Being Stereotyped. Imaginons l'association suivante : Ici un auteur rdige au moins un ou plusieurs livres et pour chaque livre, on leonardo, connat le nombre de chapitres rdigs par l'auteur (on connat aussi le nombre total de chapitres pour chaque livre). L'association «rdiger» peut donc tre identifie par la concatnation des proprits id_a et id_l. I Paper. Ainsi, le couple id_a, id_l doit tre unique pour chaque occurrence de l'association. Supper. On peut galement dfinir la dpendance fonctionnelle suivante : id_a, id_l > nb_chapitres. On dit que nb_chapitres (nombre de chapitres rdigs par un auteur, pour un livre) est une donne porte par l'association «rdiger».

Cette association est donc une association porteuse de donnes. Pour une association ayant au moins une cardinalit de type 0,1 ou 1,1 considrons dans un premier temps que cette dernire ne peut tre porteuse de donnes et qu'elle est identifie par l'identifiant de l'entit porteuse de la cardinalit 0,1 ou 1,1. Nous reviendrons plus en dtail sur la notion d'identification d'une association lors du passage au modle logique. Avec toutes ces connaissances, il nous est donc possible d'laborer le MCD complet partir des donnes prsentes dans le dictionnaire des donnes : Souvent, pour un mme ensemble de rgles de gestion, plusieurs solutions sont possibles au niveau conceptuel. I Paper. Par exemple, rien ne nous obligeait ici crer une entit Type . Da Vinci Supper. Une simple donne porte par l'entit Livre aurait pu convenir galement. Research Cyber. Pour que le MCD soit smantiquement valide, toute entit doit tre relie au moins une association. Da Vinci The Last Essay. Les entits et les proprits peuvent tre historises.

Dans ce cas on paper bullying, met un (H) la fin du nom de l'entit ou de la proprit que l'on souhaite historiser (cela permet de prciser que l'on archivera toutes les modifications sur une entit ou une proprit donne). Leonardo Essay. Cela doit galement rpondre une rgle de gestion. Being Stereotyped Essay. Il existe des outils de modlisation payants et d'autres gratuits pour MERISE (powerAMC, OpenModelSphere, AnalyseSI, JMerise, etc). Da Vinci The Last Essay. On aurait pu, dans ce cas prcis, conserver galement une date de rentre des livres, calcule partir de la date de location et de la dure de celle-ci. Thesis For Research. C'est un exemple de donne calcule dont la conservation peut s'avrer pertinente (notamment pour faciliter l'envoi de rappels). III. Da Vinci. Modlisation d'une base de donnes au niveau logique et passage au SQL^ Dans cette partie, nous allons voir comment tablir une modlisation des donnes au niveau logique (ou relationnel) partir d'un modle conceptuel, puis comment passer l'tape de cration des tables (cela suppose d'avoir une connaissance pralable des requtes SQL de cration de tables).

III-A. Persuasive. Le passage du MCD au MLD et SQL^ Le modle logique de donnes (MLD) est compos uniquement de ce que l'on appelle des relations . The Last Essay. Ces relations sont la fois issues des entits du MCD mais aussi d'associations, dans certains cas. Corruption Essay. Ces relations nous permettront par la suite de crer nos tables au niveau physique. Une relation est compose d'attributs. Da Vinci Supper Essay. Ces attributs sont des donnes lmentaires issues des proprits des diffrentes entits mais aussi des identifiants et des donnes portes par certaines associations. Une relation possde un nom qui correspond en gnral celui de l'entit ou de l'association qui lui correspond. Who Am. Elle possde aussi une clef primaire qui permet d'identifier sans ambigut chaque occurrence de cette relation. Leonardo The Last Essay. La clef primaire peut tre compose d'un ou plusieurs attributs, il s'agit d'une implantation de la notion d'identifiant des entits et associations qui se rpercute au niveau relationnel. Voici un premier exemple de relation (issue de l'entit «Edition» de notre prcdant MCD) : Edition ( id_ed , nom_ed) x : clef primaire.

Ce premier MLD est reprsent de manire textuelle. And Argument. C'est notamment cette reprsentation que l'on retrouve dans beaucoup de formations d'tudes suprieures. Leonardo The Last Supper Essay. Il existe toutefois une reprsentation graphique quivalente. Essay. Il est important d'accompagner un MLD textuel d'une lgende (ce dernier n'ayant pas de formalisme norm). Da Vinci The Last Supper Essay. Ceci est d'ailleurs exig dans certaines formations. Il existe un autre type de clef appel clef trangre . Thesis. La clef trangre est un attribut d'une relation qui fait rfrence la clef primaire d'une autre relation (ces deux clefs devront donc avoir le mme type de donnes). Compltons notre premier exemple avec une autre relation o apparat une clef trangre : Edition ( id_ed , nom_ed) Exemplaire ( ref_e , id_ed #) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. Au niveau relationnel, on leonardo the last supper essay, devrait plutt parler de clef candidate qui permet d'identifier sans ambigut une occurrence de la relation pour les clefs primaires.

De mme, on persuasive essay on huckleberry finn, devrait dsigner une clef trangre par une contrainte d'inclusion vers une clef candidate. Da Vinci The Last Supper Essay. Par souci de simplicit, on for research, gardera les termes de clefs primaires et trangres. Leonardo Essay. Par convention, on research paper cyber bullying, fait prcder ou suivre la clef trangre du symbole #. Supper. Ceci n'est pas une obligation partir du moment o les lgendes sont suffisamment prcises. Persuasive Finn. Ici la clef trangre prsente dans la relation «Exemplaire» fait rfrence la clef primaire de la relation «Edition». The Last Supper. Une relation peut possder aucune, une ou plusieurs clefs trangres mais possde toujours une et une seule clef primaire. Enfin, vous pouvez galement rencontrer le terme de cardinalit de la relation qui signifie ici le nombre d'occurrences d'une relation (ou nombre d'entres dans la table correspondante) et le terme de degr de la relation qui correspond au nombre d'attributs d'une relation. Comme cela a dj t dit prcdemment, les relations du MLD sont issues des entits du MCD et de certaines associations. Being Stereotyped Essay. Nous allons maintenant aborder ces rgles de conversion de faon plus prcise.

III-A-2-a. Leonardo Da Vinci Supper. Rgle 1 - conversion d'une entit^ En rgle gnrale, toute entit du MCD devient une relation dont la clef est l'identifiant de cette entit. Essay. Chaque proprit de l'entit devient un attribut de la relation correspondante. Il existe toutefois quelques cas particuliers que vous pourrez voir au paragraphe . III-A-2-b. Da Vinci The Last Supper. Rgle 2 - conversion d'associations n'ayant que des cardinalits de type 0/1,N^ Une association ayant des cardinalits 0,N ou 1,N de part et d'autre devient une relation dont la clef est constitue des identifiants des entits relies par cette association.

Ces identifiants seront donc galement des clefs trangres respectives. Macbeth Corruption Essay. On parle de relations associatives . Les cardinalits plus restrictives (comme 2,3 ; 1,7 ; . Leonardo. ) seront perues comme des cardinalits de type 0/1,N galement (il s'agit en effet de sous-ensembles). Essay I Paper. Cependant, les rgles de gestions qui ne seront plus satisfaites par cette modlisation logique devront l'tre par des traitements supplmentaires (via le code de l'application qui exploite la base de donne ou encore par des triggers (dclencheurs) si le SGBDR est suffisamment robuste). Voici un exemple de relation associative issu de l'association «rdiger» de notre MCD : x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre.

Dans le cas d'associations porteuses de donnes, les donnes portes deviennent des attributs de la relation correspondante. Leonardo Da Vinci Supper Essay. Si l'on reprend cet exemple : L'association «rdiger» devrait maintenant tre traduite comme ceci : Rediger ( id_a #, id_l # , nb_chapitres) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. III-A-2-c. Essay. Rgle 3 - conversion des associations ayant au moins une cardinalit de type 1,1^ Plusieurs possibilits s'offrent nous pour ce cas de figure.

La rgle de conversion la plus rpandue aujourd'hui est d'ajouter une clef trangre dans la relation qui correspond l'entit se situant du ct de cette cardinalit 1,1. Leonardo The Last. Cette clef trangre fera donc rfrence la clef de la relation correspondant la seconde entit relie par l'association. Prenons un exemple issu de l'association «tre originaire de» et des entits «Auteur» et «Pays» : Auteur ( id_a , nom_a, prenom_a, date_naissance_a, nom_p #) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. Lorsque l'on applique cette rgle de conversion, deux restrictions s'imposent : L'association ne peut tre porteuse de donnes.

Les donnes portes sont en dpendances fonctionnelles directes avec l'identifiant de l'entit dont la clef correspondante sera rfrence par une clef trangre dans une autre relation. Corruption Of Power. L'association doit tre binaire (c'est dire relier uniquement deux entits et pas plus). Lorsque deux entits sont toutes deux relies avec une cardinalit 1,1 par une mme association, on leonardo the last, peut placer la clef trangre de n'importe quel ct. Who Am I Paper. Par convention, on leonardo supper essay, choisit de la placer du ct de la relation correspondant l'entit ayant le plus de liaisons avec les autres. Being Stereotyped. Certains considrent d'ailleurs que deux entits tant relies par une association ayant une cardinalit 1,1 des deux cts, doivent obligatoirement fusionner. Leonardo The Last Supper Essay. Cette rgle s'appuie encore une fois sur la notion de dpendances fonctionnelles directes mais n'est pas toujours respecte (il est parfois smantiquement prfrable de garder une distinction entre les deux entits). Une autre solution (moins rpandue) consiste crer une relation associative dont la clef est cette fois compose uniquement de la clef trangre qui fait rfrence l'identifiant de l'entit du ct oppos la cardinalit 1,1. Si on persuasive essay, reprend le mme exemple, voici ce que l'on devrait obtenir : Auteur ( id_a , nom_a, prenom_a, date_naissance_a) EtreOriginaireDe ( id_a # , nom_p #) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. Dans ce cas, l'association peut tre porteuse de donnes.

Ces dernires deviendront donc des attributs de la relation associative comme dans le cas des cardinalits 0,1/N. Il va sans dire que la premire solution est aujourd'hui prfrable cette dernire en terme d'optimisation et de simplification des requtes. III-A-2-d. Da Vinci Essay. Rgle 4 - conversion des associations ayant au moins une cardinalit de type 0,1 (et dont les autres cardinalits sont de type 0,1/N)^ De mme que pour les cardinalits 1,1, une association ayant une cardinalit 0,1 doit tre binaire, et les deux mmes possibilits s'offrent nous : Crer la clef trangre dans la relation correspondant l'entit du ct de la cardinalit 0,1. Research Paper About. Rappelons que dans ce cas, l'association ne peut pas tre porteuse de donnes. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last. Crer une relation associative qui serait identifi de la mme faon que pour une cardinalit 1,1. Cependant, dans le cadre d'une cardinalit 0,1, nous verrons qu'il n'est pas toujours prfrable de privilgier la premire mthode comme c'est le cas pour une cardinalit 1,1. Imaginons par exemple qu'un livre puisse appartenir 0 ou 1 catgories, on research about cyber bullying, obtient le MCD suivant : Certains diront que toutes les associations binaires de type pre-fils ayant des cardinalits 1,N/0,N - 1,1/0,1 sont caractrises par l'existence d'une dpendance fonctionnelle entre l'identifiant de l'entit pre (ici id_cat) et de l'entit fils (ici id_l). The Last Supper. Cette dpendance fonctionnelle se schmatiserait ainsi : Dans ce cas, il apparat logique de traduire le MCD de cette faon (premire mthode) : Categorie ( id_cat , libelle_cat)

Livre (id _l , titre_l, annee_l, resume_l, id_cat #) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. C'est pourquoi d'autres pensent (avec raison) qu'il vaut mieux crer une relation associative de cette manire (seconde mthode) : Categorie ( id_cat , libelle_cat) Livre ( id_l , titre_l, annee_l, resume_l) Appartenir ( id_l #, id_cat #) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. La pertinence de l'une ou l'autre mthode varie en fonction du nombre d'occurrences caractrises par la cardinalit 0 ou la cardinalit 1. Stereotyped Essay. En effet, lorsque les occurrences avec la cardinalit 1 sont plus nombreuses que les occurrences avec la cardinalit 0, la premire mthode est prfrable. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Supper Essay. Dans le cas contraire, c'est la seconde mthode qui est la plus adapte. Enfin, dans le cas o une association binaire possde la fois une cardinalit 0,1 et une cardinalit 1,1 (ce qui est rarement le cas), il est prfrable que la clef trangre soit du ct de la relation correspondant l'entit situ du ct de la cardinalit 1,1.

III-A-3. Essay. laboration du MLD et passage au SQL^ Avec ces diffrentes rgles de conversion, il nous est dj possible de convertir notre MCD au complet : Pays ( id_p , nom_p) Auteur ( id_a , nom_a, prenom_a, date_naissance_a, id_p #) TypeLivre ( id_t , libelle_t) Livre ( id_l , titre_l, annee_l, resume_l, id_t #) Edition ( id_ed , nom_ed)

Exemplaire ( ref_e , id_ed #, id_l #) Inscrit ( id_i , nom_i, prenom_i, date_naissance_i, rue_i, ville_i, cp_i, email_i, tel_i, tel_portable_i) Emprunt (id_em, date_em, delais_em, id_i #, ref_e #) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. Comme vous pouvez le constater, le schma de la base est dj fait. Leonardo The Last Essay. Les rgles de passage au SQL sont assez simples : chaque relation devient une table chaque attribut de la relation devient une colonne de la table correspondante chaque clef primaire devient une PRIMARY KEY chaque clef trangre devient une FOREIGN KEY. Voici ce que cela donnerait : Remarque : Il est possible de ne pas avoir grer l'incrmentation des identifiants par soi-mme lors des INSERT avec la plupart des SGBD.

Exemple d'auto-incrmentation sous MySQL : SERIAL crera implicitement une squence qui s'incrmente avec un pas de 1. For Research Report. Sous Oracle, il faudrait crer soi-mme cette squence. III-B. Supper Essay. Rgles de vrification des niveaux de normalisation^ Il existe diffrents niveaux de normalisation (ou formes normales). Macbeth Corruption Essay. Les 3 premiers niveaux de normalisations sont les plus rpandus et les plus appliqus. La classification de ces trois premiers niveaux de normalisation repose sur les dpendances fonctionnelles entre la clef primaire de la relation et ses autres attributs. Pour tre en premire forme normale (1FN ou 1NF) : Les attributs d'une relation doivent tre atomiques et doivent tre en dpendance fonctionnelle avec la clef primaire de cette dernire. Pour tre en deuxime forme normale (2FN ou 2NF) : Il faut tre en 1FN et que toutes les dpendances fonctionnelles entre la clef primaire et les autres attributs de la relation soient lmentaires. Da Vinci Supper Essay. Autrement dit, les attributs doivent dpendre de la totalit de la clef.

Pour tre en troisime forme normale (3FN ou 3NF) : Il faut tre en 2FN et que toutes les dpendances fonctionnelles entre la clef primaire de la relation et les autres attributs soient directes. Il ne s'agit pas de dfinitions prcises mais de simples rgles de vrification des trois premiers niveaux de normalisation. Pour plus de dtails sur les formes normales, vous pouvez consulter ce cours. Pour que le MLD soit valide, il faut que chacune de ses relations soit au moins en 3FN. Being Stereotyped. Si un MCD est correctement conu et que les rgles de conversion nonces plus haut ont bien t respectes, les relations seront donc automatiquement normalises en 3FN.

III-C-1. The Last Supper Essay. Les associations rflexives^ Il est possible de relier une entit elle mme par une association, on thesis for research, parle dans ce cas l d' association rflexive. Da Vinci. Imaginons que l'on veuille connatre les inscrits qui sont maris entre eux tout en conservant leur date de mariage, voici ce que l'on obtiendrait au niveau conceptuel : Dans ce cas, c'est la mme . Thesis And Argument. Il faudra cependant diffrencier les noms des clefs trangres de la table associative correspondantes tout en rfrenant la mme clef primaire : Inscrit ( id_i , nom_i, prenom_i, date_naissance_i, rue_i, ville_i, cp_i, email_i, tel_i, tel_portable_i) EtreMarie ( id_epoux #, id_epouse # , date_mariage_i) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. On aurait pu choisir des cardinalits 1,1 et mettre la date de mariage comme donne de l'entit Inscrit.

Ce modle permet tout de mme de mettre la date de mariage en commun avec deux inscrits (ce qui est plus juste au niveau des dpendances fonctionnelles). Supper Essay. Si l'on souhaite limiter le nombre de mariages 1 pour une personne, il suffira de mettre un place un traitement qui vrifiera le nombre d'occurrence pour un inscrit dans la relation EtreMarie. Comme exemple de traitement de vrification, nous pouvons utiliser un trigger si le SGBDR le permet. Essay Who Am I Paper. Voici un exemple de trigger avec une procdure stocke vrifiant la prsence d'une occurrence pour un identifiant donne dans la table EtreMarie : Pour cet exemple, nous avons choisi le langage PL/PgSQL qui est propre au SGBDR PostgreSQL. Leonardo Essay. Vous pourrez toutefois trouver des syntaxes ressemblantes ou quivalentes sur une grande partie des SGBDR connus. Thesis And Argument. C'est ce type de traitements qui permettent de rpondre aux rgles de gestion non satisfaites par le MCD.

Ne pas limiter le nombre d'occurrences de cette relation, permettrai en outre de conserver les diffrents mariages des inscrits en cas de divorce (l'intrt est certes trs limit dans le contexte de la gestion des emprunts pour une bibliothque). III-C-2. Leonardo The Last Supper. Rgle de conversion exceptionnelle pour certaines entits simples^ Dans certains cas, il n'est pas toujours pertinent de convertir une entit au niveau conceptuel, par une relation au niveau logique. Macbeth Corruption Of Power Essay. C'est le cas pour certaines entits simplement composes d'un identifiant, l'exemple des entits de type Date ou Heure qui sont souvent utilises dans des associations ternaires.

Imaginons par exemple que des inscrits auraient le privilge de rencontrer un auteur une date donne (une rencontre organise par la bibliothque). Leonardo The Last Supper Essay. La rencontre est organise avec un nombre de places limit, il faut donc garder une trace de ceux qui ont dj fait une rencontre afin de favoriser ceux qui n'ont pas encore eu cette chance. Research Paper Cyber. Voici comment nous pourrions reprsenter cela au niveau conceptuel : La date de rencontre ne doit pas tre une simple donne porte par l'association car cela limiterait le nombre de rencontre d'un inscrit avec un auteur 1 (la relation correspondant l'association aurait dans ce cas un couple identifiant unique qui imposerait cette restriction). Le fait de crer une relation Date aurait pour incidence de crer de la redondance inutile, c'est pourquoi, il est recommand dans ce cas de figure, de passer au niveau logique de cette faon : Inscrit ( id_i , nom_i, prenom_i, date_naissance_i, rue_i, ville_i, cp_i, email_i, tel_i, tel_portable_i) Auteur ( id_a , nom_a, prenom_a, date_naissance_a, nom_p #) Rencontrer ( id_a #, id_i #, date_rencontre ) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. IV.

Les extensions apportes par MERISE II^ Elle intervient lorsque l'identifiant d'une entit ne suffit pas l'identifier de manire unique. Quelques exemples de cas o cela peut arriver : On identifie un immeuble par son numro de rue, or il faut connatre le nom ou l'identifiant de la rue pour trouver l'immeuble (14 rue du gnral Leclerc, . Da Vinci The Last Essay. ). Research Cyber. On identifie un appartement par une lettre mais il faut connatre le numro d'tage pour le retrouver (appartement A au premier tage, . The Last Essay. ). And Argument. Pour identifier un tage, il faut connatre l'immeuble dans lequel il est situ. Voici comment on da vinci the last essay, pourrait schmatiser ces rgles de gestions au niveau conceptuel : Les parenthses autour des cardinalits signifient que les entits du ct de ces cardinalits seront identifies par la concatnation de leurs identifiants (qui ne suffisent pas les identifier de manire unique) avec l'identifiant de l'entit oppose. Thesis And Argument. Ainsi on leonardo da vinci supper, obtient au niveau relationnel : Rue ( code_rue , nom_rue) Immeuble ( num_immeuble, code_rue # , nb_etages_total) Etage ( num_etage, num_immeuble #, code_rue # , nb_appartements_tot) Appartement ( lettre_appartement, num_etage #, num_immeuble #, code_rue # , nb_pieces_total) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. Dsormais, MERISE II permet aussi de modliser l'hritage entre les entits.

L'hritage a du sens lorsque plusieurs entits possdent des proprits similaires. Thesis And Argument. On parle alors de gnralisation avec un sur-type (ou entit mre) et de spcialisation avec des sous-type (entits filles). Voici comment on leonardo essay, pourrait reprsenter un hritage sur notre MCD : Dans cette partie, les types des proprits apparaissent (ceci est d au logiciel utilis qui est plus adapt pour reprsenter l'hritage). I Paper. Cependant, les types ne devraient pas tre reprsents au niveau conceptuel. Il existe diffrents types d'hritage : l'hritage sans contraintes comme nous venons de le reprsenter, l'hritage par disjonction (ou exclusion), l'hritage par couverture (ou totalit) et enfin l'hritage par partition (totalit et exclusion). IV-B-1. Leonardo Supper. L'hritage par disjonction (ou exclusion)^ Toutes les occurrences du sur-type ne peuvent se trouver que dans aucun ou un seul sous-type. Who Am I Paper. Dans notre exemple ci-dessus, un auteur ne peut pas tre galement un inscrit et un inscrit ne peut pas tre galement un auteur (une personne peut tre un auteur, un inscrit ou quelqu'un d'autre). IV-B-2.

L'hritage par couverture (ou totalit)^ Toutes les occurrences du sur-type se trouvent dans au moins un des sous-type existants. Essay. Dans notre exemple, une personne est forcment un auteur ou un inscrit (ou les deux). IV-B-3. Who Am. L'hritage par partition (totalit et exclusion)^

Il s'agit d'une combinaison des deux hritages prcdents : toutes les occurrences du sur-type se trouvent forcement dans un et un seul des sous-types. Da Vinci The Last Essay. Une personne est soit un auteur, soit un inscrit. And Argument. Cette contrainte est parfois note «+». IV-B-4. Leonardo. Passage au niveau relationnel et limites^ son apparition avec Merise II, l'hritage n'tait pas encore implant sur l'ensemble des SGBDR rpandus (ce n'est d'ailleurs toujours pas le cas aujourd'hui). Essay On Huckleberry Finn. Il a donc fallu le simuler au point de vue relationnel. De faon gnrale, l'hritage peut tre implant au niveau relationnel en utilisant une clef trangre vers la relation mre, comme clef primaire pour les relations filles. Da Vinci Supper. Reprenons notre exemple prcdent : Personne ( id_p , nom_p, prenom_p, date_naissance_p)

Inscrit ( id_p # , rue_i, ville_i, cp_i, email_i, tel_i, tel_portable_i) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. Ainsi pour satisfaire les contraintes de totalit, d'exclusion ou de partition il faudra mettre en place des traitements supplmentaires au niveau de la base de prfrence (triggers, procdures stockes). Aujourd'hui, la plupart des SGBDR performants sont capables de grer eux-mmes l'hritage. Essay Who Am. C'est notamment le cas avec la clause INHERITS de PostgreSQL. Leonardo Supper Essay. Cette solution est en gnral prfrable parce qu'elle vite les jointures coteuses entre tables mres et filles. Thesis Report. En effet les attributs du sur-type seront automatiquement accessibles depuis le sous-type. Leonardo. Par consquent, une insertion, modification ou suppression dans le sous-type se rpercutera galement dans l'entit mre. For Research Report. Cependant, cette solution a pour inconvnient de pouvoir crer des tuples en double au niveau de la relation mre et de violer ainsi les contraintes d'intgrits rfrentielles en quelque sorte. Par ailleurs, certains font parfois abstraction de la relation mre dans le cas d'un hritage par partition, et se contentent de crer les relations filles comme relations distinctes ne partageant pas de donnes communes.

Exemple : Auteur ( id_a , nom_a, prenom_a, date_naissance_a) Inscrit ( id_i , nom_i, prenom_i, date_naissance_i, rue_i, ville_i, cp_i, email_i, tel_i, tel_portable_i) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. Pour conclure, bien qu'apprcie par l'enseignement, la notion d'hritage est trs souvent mise de ct par les dveloppeurs dans le cadre d'une base de donne relationnelle. IV-C. The Last Essay. Les contraintes entre associations^ De mme que pour l'hritage, il existe diffrentes contraintes qui peuvent exister entre deux ou plusieurs associations.

Bien que non implantes au niveau relationnel, ces contraintes qui sont des rgles de gestion devront tre satisfaites par des traitements supplmentaires (triggers, etc). La prsence d'occurrences d'une ou plusieurs associations doit obligatoirement se rpercuter sur l'association cible de la contrainte d'inclusion. Par exemple imaginons qu'on l'on souhaite recenser les prsentations des ouvrages par leur auteurs une date donne. Being Stereotyped Essay. Voici comment cela pourrait tre reprsent (de manire simpliste) au niveau conceptuel : Cela signifie que si un couple livre-auteur est prsent dans l'association «presenter», alors il doit obligatoirement tre prsent dans l'association «rediger». Leonardo The Last. Cela traduit simplement la rgle de gestion qui impose que pour qu'un auteur fasse la promotion d'un ouvrage, il doit en tre l'un des crivains. Lorsqu'une occurrence est prsente dans l'une des associations concernes par la contrainte d'exclusion, elle ne doit pas tre prsente dans une des autres associations concernes par cette contrainte. Passons cette fois dans le cadre d'une librairie/imprimerie qui dispose de plusieurs services d'impressions qui lui sont propre. Persuasive Essay. On souhaite dterminer quels sont les livres imprims et les livres achets tout en gardant une trace des fournisseurs et des services d'impressions : Dans cet exemple, un livre ne peut pas la fois tre achet chez un fournisseur et tre imprim par un service d'impression interne. Chacune des occurrences d'une entit doit tre prsente dans au moins une de ses associations qui font l'objet d'une contrainte de totalit. Reprenons notre exemple prcdent et adaptons-le la contrainte de totalit : Dans cet exemple, un livre est toujours imprim dans un service interne ou achet par un fournisseur.

Une occurrence prsente dans une des associations concernes par la contrainte d'galit l'est galement dans toutes les autres associations concernes par cette contrainte. Prenons l'exemple d'un magasin qui vend des livres et qui souhaite archiver les dpts et les imprimeries du livre : Un livre achet dans un dpt sera donc galement imprim dans une imprimerie et vice et versa. IV-C-5. Leonardo Da Vinci Supper Essay. Combinaison entre contraintes^ Comme dans le cadre d'un hritage, il est possible de combiner les contraintes (TI, T=, XT ou + pour la partition, etc). Stereotyped Essay. Voici un exemple de contrainte de partition : Pour cet exemple, le livre sera soit imprim dans un service interne, soit achet. IV-D. Leonardo The Last Essay. Les CIF (contraintes d'intgrits fonctionnelles) et agrgations^ Il s'agit de dpendances fonctionnelles qui sont directement reprsentes sur le MCD afin de rduire les identifiants d'associations jugs «trop larges». Essay On Huckleberry Finn. Ces DF sont des rgles de gestion faire apparatre sur votre schma.

Reprenons l'exemple de l'auteur qui fait la promotion de son ouvrage une date donne : Cela se traduit par la dpendance fonctionnelle suivante : id_a, vdate > id_l. Ainsi, l'association «presenter» serait implante comme ceci au niveau relationnel : Presenter ( id_a #, vdate , id_l #) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. L'identifiant du livre ne fait donc plus partie de la clef primaire afin de garder une dpendance fonctionnelle directe et lmentaire. Cette notion de dpendance fonctionnelle peut tre aussi reprsente sous la forme d'agrgation (encore appele «association d'association»). Imaginons par exemple qu'une rgle de gestion nous impose le fait qu'un livre, pour une librairie donne, ne puisse tre achet que par un et un seul client. La rgle de gestion serait ici implante par la dpendance fonctionnelle suivante : id_lib, ref_l > id_c.

Cette DF pourrait trs bien faire l'objet d'une CIF au niveau conceptuel, o bien tre reprsente sous cette forme : Voici comment cela se traduirait au niveau relationnel : Librairie ( id_lib , rue_lib, ville_l, cp_l) Livre ( ref_l , titre_l, resume_l) Client ( id_c , nom_c, prenom_c) ProposerEnVente ( id_lib #, ref_l # , id_c #) x : clef primaire. x # : clef trangre. On retrouve bien la mme implantation au niveau relationnel que l'on aurait eu pour une CIF.

Avec les diffrentes notions abordes dans ce cours et quelques connaissance en SQL, il vous est maintenant possible de concevoir et raliser des bases de donnes relationnelles. The Last Supper Essay. Il est important de matriser les diffrentes notions de ce modle qui est aujourd'hui le plus enseign au niveau des formations, mais aussi le plus utilis en entreprise. Cependant, ce modle a souvent montr ses limites au niveau de certains systmes d'informations. Paper About. Par exemple, vous pourriez tre amens travailler sur des systmes d'informations o les SGBDR ne servent qu' persister des donnes au format XML. Da Vinci Supper. Le traitement de l'information, qui doit parfois se faire en temps rel, se fait donc au niveau de l'application afin de ne pas surcharger de requtes les serveurs de donnes. Je souhaite remercier alassanediakite, CinePhil, fsmrel, LittleWhite, et MacFly58 pour leur relecture technique et leurs conseils. Je tiens aussi remercier Erielle pour son effort de relecture orthographique. Vous avez aim ce tutoriel ? Alors partagez-le en cliquant sur les boutons suivants : Copyright 2012 Idriss NEUMANN.

Aucune reproduction, même partielle, ne peut être faite de ce site et de l'ensemble de son contenu : textes, documents, images, etc. Report. sans l'autorisation expresse de l'auteur. Leonardo Supper. Sinon vous encourez selon la loi jusqu'à trois ans de prison et jusqu'à 300 000 € de dommages et intérêts.

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The Last Supper Painting By Leonardo Da Vinci - Essay - 993 Words

Charmian Gooch: Meet global corruption’s hidden players. Charmian Gooch is an anti-corruption campaigner who in 2014 was named on Bloomberg Markets’ 50 Most Influential list. When we imagine corruption it tends to be a minister or despot of a small overseas nation, living in leonardo essay, fabulous luxury. Charmian lists a few perfect examples of this behaviour. However, these people cannot operate without support from the rest of the world. Their mansions and art purchases are arranged through global banks, and stereotyped despots in leonardo the last supper, oil-rich nations must do deals with the persuasive on huckleberry finn, largest oil companies. Many corrupt leaders make their profits through anonymous shell companies, which they secretly own. They are commonly used around the world to leonardo the last supper avoid paying taxes, but can also be used steal massive amounts of who am money from poor countries. A recent example involved Democratic Republic of Congo selling off state owned mining assets to a shell company, which quickly onsold them for massive profits. The people of Congo lost $1.3 billion from these deals – more then twice their education and da vinci health budgets combined.

Charmian investigated the deal but many of the details are locked away in the shell companies. There’s a view that corruption just happens, and it is impossible to change. But 2/3 of oil mining companies (by value) are now covered by a transparency standard because groups demanded it. In a globalised world, corruption is a global business that needs solutions right here. There were a lot of examples throughout this talk, and I struggled to find a take-away message from it. The main point was that corruption is everywhere – involving companies that are household names, and they are part of the corruption instigated by international despots. Dave Meslin: The antidote to apathy. Dave Meslin is a Toronto-based artist, activist, community organizer, writer and paper cyber the Creative Director of PigeonHat Industries. Often it is leonardo da vinci the last supper said people are too stupid, selfish, or lazy to care about local politics.

Dave proposes the opposite thesis view: that people do care but there are barriers put in their way to prevent action. Leonardo. These barriers are: City Hall: ‘community engagement’ for a project may be by placing an on huckleberry finn ad in the local paper, but the ad is in tiny font with the the last essay, details (what is proposed, how to object) hidden within a page full of essay on huckleberry finn pointless text. If people were supposed to be involved, the ad would have just a picture, large font next to it with the proposal, and contact details – similar to when a business advertises. When people don’t respond, it isn’t because they are apathetic: they have been intentionally excluded. Leonardo Supper. Public Spaces: Public advertising goes only to thesis report the highest bidder. But some important messages are unprofitable to say. Media: Media subtly discourages engagement. When they review theatre or a restaurant they often include a short paragraph describing price, address, opening hours in case people want to go. For political campaigns or messages there is no similar way for people to get involved or read more (eg a website address).

This sets the the last supper, tone that politics isn’t something that people can be involved in. Heroism: movies teach us that heroes are ‘chosen’ by prophecy. Persuasive On Huckleberry. In truth leaders voluntarily step forward, form a collective team and work to achieve their goal. Political parties: They should be an entry point to getting involved in politics, but are so poll-driven they just tell us what we want to hear. This feeds cynicism and shows they cannot be trusted to be bold leaders.

Charitable status: (In Canada) Charities are not allowed to politically advocate. This prevents some of the most passionate people from getting involved. Elections: (Canada’s) system creates random results, with the winner someone who most people didn’t vote for. It’s no wonder people struggle to vote. If we believe people are NOT too stupid, selfish or lazy to care, then we can fix each of these issues. We have to redefine apathy as a series of barriers, then identify and dismantle them.

This is a good list of da vinci the last barriers, but I’m disappointed so few solutions. His solution is to identify then dismantle each one, but that process is paper about cyber blocked by leonardo supper the same barriers he identifies, and being stereotyped essay the political process itself. Major Political Parties benefit from the leonardo da vinci the last, election system: and people will (probably rightly) greet attempts to change it with cynicism. Other vested interests will also fight against corruption of power any change, especially if noone can propose something fairer. Given Canada has a first-past-the-post system with 3 significant parties, so a preferential system would probably work better, but plenty of people will fight to prevent that. ‘Community engagement’ has been reduced to fine print ads to make things easier for people implementing projects. While the ads are one barrier in the process, would they really take on board community suggestions anyway? Would you expect them to? Ken Jennings: Watson, Jeopardy and leonardo the last supper essay me, the obsolete know-it-all. Ken Jennings is a game show star who holds the stereotyped, record for the last supper, the longest winning streak on the U.S. game show Jeopardy! and as being the second highest-earning contestant in American game show history. Ken Jennings loved game shows from a young age, and felt extreme satisfaction when he beat his parents at Trivial Pursuit “Knowledge is Power”.

In 2004 he appeared on Jeopardy for essay, the first time, but in 2009 he got a call from the producers asking him to leonardo da vinci the last essay play against thesis IBM’s Jeopardy machine: Watson. Because of his love of the leonardo da vinci, game he agreed, but also because he knew about AI at the time and thought he could win. It is macbeth corruption extremely difficult for da vinci the last essay, computers to understand language and the nuance of natural communication, so Ken was confident. As the time came closer, he saw graphs of corruption of power essay Watson’s performance against the last other Jeopardy players’ skill level, slowly creeping towards his own. He knew the AI was coming for him – not in the gunsights of Terminator, but in a line of research paper cyber data slowly creeping upwards. On the day IBM programmers came out to support Watson, and Watson won handily. He remembers feeling the same way a Detroit factory worker did – realising his job had been made obsolete by a robot. He was one of the leonardo da vinci the last supper essay, first, but not only knowledge worker to have this feeling: pharmacists, paralegals, sports journalists are also slowly being overtaken by thinking machines. Being Essay. In a lot of cases, the machines don’t show the same creativity, but they do the job much more cheaply and quickly than a human.

As computers take over thinking jobs, do humans still need to learn anything, or know anything? Will our brains shrink as more tasks get outsourced, and computers remember more facts? Ken believes having this knowledge in your head is still important because of leonardo da vinci the last supper essay volume and time. Volume because the amount of information is doubling every 18 months, and report we need to leonardo da vinci essay make good judgements on cyber these facts. We need the leonardo the last supper, facts in our head to assemble a decision, it is harder to essay who am i paper judge these facts while looking them up. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last. Time because sometimes you need a quick decision, or need to know what to do. Ken talks about a child remembering a fact from persuasive essay Geography at the beach: the tide rushing out is a precursor to a Tsunami. Her knowledge and quick response on the day of the 2004 boxing day tsunami saved the leonardo supper, people on that beach, which couldn’t be done unless she knew it.

Shared knowledge is also an important social glue: people can bond over persuasive, a shared experience or knowing something in a way that can’t be simulated by looking things up together. Ken doesn’t want to live in a world where knowledge is obsolete, or where humanity has no shared cultural knowledge. Right now, we need to make the decision of da vinci the last supper what our future will be like: will we go to an information golden age where we use our extra access to knowledge, or will we not bother to learn anymore? Ken wants us to keep being curious, inquisitive people – to have an thesis report unquenchable curiosity. I’m unclear if Ken is talking out against AIs in general, or just about the last supper, how we manage a transition to increasingly prevalent AIs. I agree with him that people must continue to thesis and argument learn and do things, however I also feel like there is the last supper essay no reason to force us to being stereotyped do jobs once a computer can do it.

Instead people should be free to explore, learn, find new hobbies for the last supper essay, themselves. This talk is interesting, especially if you are a fan of who am i paper Jeopardy or Ken. His experience is one that I’m sure a lot of people will have over the coming years. However, it is supper essay mostly of the anecdotal variety: I don’t think it adds much insight to about cyber bullying the topic of da vinci the last essay AI. Regardless, it isn’t supposed to: know that going in corruption of power essay, and it should be great. I for leonardo supper essay, one welcome our new robot overlords. Marco Tempest: A cyber-magic card trick like no other. Marco Tempest is a Swiss magician based in New York City. He is known for his multimedia magic and corruption of power use of interactive technology and computer graphics in his illusions and presentations. Marco introduces artificial reality glasses then shows us some card tricks from his point of view. He spins a fun tale as he deals the deck and reveals cards corresponding to the story he tells.

As this happens, special effects explode from the cards and the computer voice acts as a foil – revealing probabilities and talking back to him. Fun video, and at 6 minutes long is worth a watch. Da Vinci Essay. I’m unsure if the special effects improve a magic show: it seems to make it easy to trick people when anything can be modified at thesis and argument, a whim – taking some of the skill out of leonardo da vinci the last supper magic. Even so, the novelty of special effects and essay interesting story he tells makes it worthwhile. As for how he does it, I think the cards appearing in order are ‘real’, with the leonardo da vinci the last essay, deck in order before he starts and the shuffles all a trick. Chris McKnett: The investment logic for sustainability. Chris McKnett is a Vice President of ESG Investing at Boston-based State Street Global Advisors, the essay who am i paper, world’s largest institutional investment manager. Sustainability is the investment logic looking at social, environmental and governance (ESG) issues. The main players to influence this are institutional investors, and Chris promises to prove sustainable investments are easy, and high performing. Investors currently tend to focus on economic metrics, but with depletion of the last natural resources, increasing pollution and an increasing population, it is hard to ignore the persuasive essay on huckleberry, economic impacts of sustainability metrics.

The private sector is also seeing the da vinci the last essay, need: 80% of CEOs see sustainability as an innovative, competitive advantage, while 93% see it as important for research paper about bullying, the future of their business. On the share market, stocks with good sustainability (ESG metrics) perform as well as other stocks, and supper the large blue chip stocks with high ESG outperform their low-ESG rivals. Some institutional investors are taking ESG into account in report, the investment process, for example Calpers is the da vinci supper essay, second largest investment fund in thesis, the US and moving towards 100% sustainable investment. The philosophy is that value comes from a combination of financial, human, and physical capital. On the flipside, plenty of other funds claim they are focussed only on high returns, or don’t want to use the fund to make political statements.

Chris counters that returns are compatible with sustainability, and leonardo supper essay it doesn’t need to be seen as a trade-off. Institutional investors hold 8 times more money than the US GDP, so have plenty available. Thesis. If we could channel that towards companies that improve social and environmental causes it could have a huge impact towards solving problems such as hunger, or access to clean water. John F Kennedy stated “There are risks and costs to a program of leonardo the last supper essay action, but they are far less than the long-range risks and report costs of supper comfortable inaction”. It makes sense to invest sustainably so that we can retire wealthy, but also into stereotyped, a better world. I thought this talk was a little light on details, especially examples of da vinci the last supper what a sustainable company is. It didn’t seem clear whether sustainability had to be a core product of the company (eg delivering water infrastructure to developing world), or whether it could be a bank / resources company with a strong sustainability culture. Macbeth Essay. I tend to think the latter, but a lot of the benefits seemed like they only made sense if the company actively solved ESG issues. Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of leonardo the last life. Jane McGonigal is an American game designer and author who advocates the use of mobile and essay who am i paper digital technology to channel positive attitudes and collaboration in leonardo da vinci supper essay, a real world context.

Jane is a game developer and commonly hears it said that games are a waste of your life, and you’ll regret playing them when you die. She reviewed studies on the regrets of dying people heard by hospice workers and they tended to be the following. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard I wish I’d spent more time with friends I wish I’d let myself be happier I wish I’d had the courage to research bullying express my true self I wish I’d lived a life true to my dreams instead of what others expected of me. Games can help with all of leonardo the last supper essay these, by playing with others you can be with friends, and who am virtual avatars allow people to imagine themselves as a more idealized ‘true’ version of da vinci essay themselves. Also, none of the comments were that people wish they’d played fewer games. Jane spent some time with brain damage after being knocked unconscious. This gave her suicidal thoughts – since she couldn’t do anything and convinced herself there was very little reason to live. Report. She developed a mental Role Playing Game to stave off suicidal thoughts – recruiting her family as allies to battle the bad guys (triggers to leonardo the last stress that caused her pain), and persuasive finn complete simple quests that let her be productive in small ways- cuddling her dog or walking around. By focussing on her alter ego and completing the basic powerups she quickly felt better mentally.

She released the rules for the game online as “Super Better”, and many terminal patients responded saying it made them a lot happier and focussed. People who survive traumatic or near-death experiences often go through post traumatic growth: they clarify their goals, become happier and more productive. They quickly develop traits counter to the last supper essay the regrets of the dying – they live a life without regret. Jane was looking at these benefits, and how people can gain them without going through trauma in essay who am, the first place. They are related to 4 types of resilience, which can be trained by 4 quests from Super Better. Physical resilience: eg walk 3 steps or put your arms up: physical activity lets the body heal better and withstand more stress. Mental resilience: by snapping fingers 50 times or counting backwards from leonardo da vinci supper essay 100. Mental activity gives you more willpower.

Emotional resilience: look through a window or google image search on your favourite baby animals. You can dramatically improve your health by feeling 3 positive emotions for every negative one. Social Resilience: shake someone’s hand or send a message to a friend. Finn. This gives you more strength from da vinci the last others. People who regularly boost these resiliences gain 10 more years of life, and should build the mindset to live that life without regrets. 10 years may finally give you the chance to for research report play some games too! Jane promises a lot from her game. Leonardo The Last. The activities at the end seem to be aimed at and argument, sick people – giving them a quest to achieve something. I can see this working – by focusing on small goals and victories that will improve their health it will help mentally.

I don’t know if a healthy person will get a strong resilience benefit from the same activities, or whether those same traits can be developed by more advanced activities. Nonetheless, it is fascinating to see that resilience can improve your perspective and length of life. Ben Goldacre: Battling Bad Science. Ben Goldacre is a physician, academic and science writer. As of 2014 he is a Wellcome research fellow in epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a founder of the AllTrials campaign to da vinci supper require open science practices in clinical trials. As an essay on huckleberry epidemiologist, Ben’s job is to use evidence and science to decide what is good for leonardo da vinci the last supper essay, the body. An example of bad science is newspaper headlines, which categorise things that increase or decrease cancer risk – and sometimes contradict themselves by declaring coffee in both categories. The thrust of this talk discusses ways evidence can be manipulated through either ignorance or deception. Bad science uses authorities – people or experts while ignoring their evidence. Good science should be carried by persuasive on huckleberry the weight of argument or evidence rather than who says it. Authority status can be easily contrived – TV doctors can create a pHd after their name or sign up online for advanced certificates of something or other.

Evidence can also be confused: a newspaper headline declared red wine reduces breast cancer risk. Da Vinci Supper. The study this was sourced from looked at persuasive on huckleberry, a single chemical extracted from leonardo da vinci supper grape skins fighting some cancer cells in a petri dish – it has no relevance outside of this scenario. In truth the being, alcohol content of wine increases your cancer risk. Another example was a study showing decreased skin wrinkles in people who eat olive oil and da vinci essay vegetables. The paper was correct that people who ate olive oil and report vegetables had fewer wrinkles, but they also tended to leonardo supper essay be wealthier, better educated, do less manual labour, smoke less, drink less. Thesis And Argument. These other factors had far more to do with fewer wrinkles. The medical trial is one of the bases of epidemiology, and leonardo the last should be the basis for a doctor’s decisions, but so many people still get it wrong. A trial on fish oil tablets in school children didn’t use a control group – instead comparing their results against a projection of their results taken a year ago. The placebo is a place to abuse trials: the on huckleberry finn, placebo is da vinci a powerful effect but new medicines should be testing themselves against the current best medicines rather than just a placebo. Stereotyped. It is much more useful to see how a drug compares to the best competitors – since we would never prescribe a placebo. New drugs can compare themselves to a competitor that is not dosed correctly.

For example they can prove themselves more effective by taking the alternative in too low a dose. They can also prove they have fewer side effects by taking the competitor’s drug in too high a dose. For these reasons industry sponsored trials give a flattering result 4 times more often than independent trials. But this is true even when the industry’s trial is done correctly, because negative data can go missing. This can be analysed with statistics, with normal data giving a mix of false positives and false negatives and a few large trials with low error. If data has been hidden, the small false negatives will not be visible – the worst results will be the leonardo essay, largest low error trials. Ben discusses one pill he has prescribed to patients, and discovered 75% of persuasive on huckleberry finn all the trials had never been released. Likewise Tamiflu has had billions invested in it because governments want to show it reduces serious complications associated with flu, but none of the evidence for this has been released.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. All results should be published, but they are currently protected by da vinci supper a forcefield of tediousness. Interesting to essay who am see how pharmaceuticals can abuse evidence by not publishing. Leonardo Supper Essay. I can understand commercial pressures not to publish negative results though, and not sure what the for research report, solution is. Should it be compulsory for companies to run trials through a central organisation and under specific rules?

Even more concerning is the the last supper essay, ethics of treating people with excessive or insufficient doses of research about cyber a drug. The Last Supper. This is unforgivable – effectively putting someone’s health at risk to prove that an stereotyped opponent’s drug is leonardo essay dangerous or ineffective. About Cyber Bullying. Directly hurting people as a marketing tactic doesn’t sit well with me at all.

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7 Reasons This Is An Excellent Resume For Someone Making A Career Change. Writing a resume can be a daunting task. And if you're changing careers or industries, it's even more challenging. When you're attempting to change careers, you're often going up against many other candidates who possess a more traditional (and regularly accepted) work history for the role or industry you're targeting, says Amanda Augustine, a career expert at da vinci supper essay, TheLadders, an online job-matching service for who am i paper, professionals. But a standout resume will help you get noticed when you might otherwise be passed over. . In order to create an eye-catching resume that'll help you stand out from the competition, you'll have to leonardo the last supper essay look at all your experience and accolades in a different light, she says. You must evaluate your experience, education, and professional development and on huckleberry finn, skills to da vinci the last essay determine what's considered important for your new career, and then you'll have to re-position or re-brand yourself. Being. . To do this, you'll need to become well versed in your target industry's terminology so you can express your previous experience and skills in terms that your new audience will understand and appreciate, Augustine explains. Da Vinci Supper Essay. That can take a lot of effort on the part of the job seeker; it may even require you to speak with people who work in your target field €” which you should be doing anyway €” to learn which of your skills are transferable and persuasive, most prized.

She says when you have a well-crafted document and an advocate in da vinci essay, your corner, you're much more likely to succeed with your career transition. To get a clearer picture of what makes a resume stand out, we asked Augustine to create a sample of an excellent one for and argument, a professional changing careers. Leonardo Supper Essay. . While your resume may look different depending on the job or industry you're targeting, the one below from someone hoping to transition from HR to sales should serve as a useful guide: Skye Gould/Business Insider. What makes this an excellent resume for being essay, someone transitioning careers or industries? Augustine outlines the following reasons: 1. The job seeker's new career objective is clear. . If you want to change careers, it's best to da vinci supper have your new job goal well-defined, as this will dictate how you reposition your experience and which qualifications you decide to highlight in your new resume, Augustine says. . 2. This resume focuses on the skills, achievements, and qualifications that are most relevant to and argument the job seeker's new career track. . Da Vinci The Last Essay. While HR and sales may not seem like similar career tracks, many of the persuasive essay finn skills leveraged by leonardo da vinci supper recruiters can be transferable to a sales or marketing career, she explains. It's important to identify which of your skill sets are valuable to another field, and in what capacity. I can rattle off a list of common skills that are easily transferable to a variety industries and functions €” problem-solving, strategic thinking, strong written or oral communication, people management, innovation, negotiation, etc. €” but it gets trickier when you're considering a switch from a very specialized role to a completely different field. In these cases, talk to people who work in the industries that interest you. Once they have a good understanding of your background and i paper, strengths, they'll be able to provide insight into which roles in leonardo da vinci, their field might be relevant to macbeth essay you. 3. This resume sells what the job seeker has to leonardo da vinci the last supper essay offer. Paper About Cyber Bullying. . Hazel is leonardo the last essay, a technical recruiter seeking a position selling recruiting software to corporations, so her extensive knowledge of the recruitment process and her experience using and training others on various social recruiting platforms and applicant tracking systems work is emphasized in thesis for research, her professional summary and highlighted throughout the rest of her resume.

4. The job seeker's experience is repackaged into terms that her target prospective employers will understand. . Da Vinci The Last Supper Essay. Wherever possible, this job seeker's experience was translated into sales terminology, says Augustine. For example, the essay finn terms 'clients' or 'internal clients' were used to describe the hiring managers. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Supper Essay. Candidates were turned into prospects or potential leads. Corruption Essay. In her list of essay core competencies, 'Hazel' used sales keywords such as 'lifecycle management' and 'pipeline management,' leaving out the terms that would make these competencies recruiter-specific (i.e. 'recruitment process lifecycle' and 'candidate pipeline'). . Every field has its own acronyms and terminology. It's your job to figure out how to translate your experience and past successes into terms that resonate with your new target audience. Subscribe to industry-specific publications, conduct informational interviews, and who am i paper, start attending events that are relevant to your target field to the last gain this insight, and update your resume accordingly. 5. This resume is concise and only includes relevant information. . Even though the job seeker has over six years of experience and has worked in at least three positions, her resume is only one page long.

Her earlier positions only essay contain small blurbs about her work with a couple achievements highlighted, Augustine notes. Supper. Rather than listing out a laundry list of finn your skills and experience, carefully select the accomplishments and da vinci supper essay, responsibilities that will support your current career objectives. 6. The job seeker's major contributions and achievements are quantified . . Macbeth Of Power. Include numbers whenever possible, whether you're describing the size of your budget, the leonardo da vinci the last number of events you helped organize, or the number of people you managed, to demonstrate your value to the employer. 7. The job seeker included non-work related skills and activities. . Hazel listed her membership in Toastmasters, since employers value good communication skills in their sales employees. Showcase any memberships to professional associations, volunteer work, internships, or other extracurricular activities that allowed you to either leverage relevant skills or exposed you to your target field or industry, Augustine says.. SEE ALSO: This Is An Ideal Resume For A Mid-Level Employee. NOW WATCH: 7 smart questions to ask at the end of stereotyped essay every job interview. Recommended For You Powered by Sailthru.

7 Reasons This Is An Excellent Resume For Someone Making A Career Change.

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"The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci essays

Free Essays on Say No To Plastics. The Plastic Age is going strong. Plastic rules our lives and how! It’s durable, does not perish, and da vinci the last essay you don’t need to essay finn cut trees to make it. And despite being much frowned upon leonardo da vinci the last essay, and debated, plastic has a strong presence in almost every nook of our lives. So deep is the thesis plastic connection that we use. Say No TO Plastics :-Not long ago in leonardo supper Cairns a beautiful whale beached itself and finn sadly the leonardo da vinci supper wahle died.

When the scientists conducted an autopsy to find out what made it die they found 6aq m – that’s 6 sq m – of plastic bafs inside the essay whale’s digestive system. The poor thing had beached itself because. and your school lunch tray? They can all be made from recycled plastic bottles or containers. In fact, the bottle you recycle in your own town can end up being spun into a pair of mittens worn by supper a child who lives in Japan. The plastic containers you recycle can take quite a journey once they leave. ------------------------------------------------- Say no to plastics — Presentation Transcript * 1. SAY NO TO PLASTICS By Dibakar Bose * Plastics is one of the few new chemical materials which pose environmental problem. Essay! Polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyester is largely used in the manufacture of Plastics Plastics is the general. SAY NO TO PLASTICS !! As quoted by Lord Byron, “There is leonardo da vinci the last supper a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore, There is essay society, where none intrudes, By the leonardo deep sea, and music in essay its roar: I love not man the leonardo essay less, but Nature more.” The earth is the being only known.

Industry Analysis, the Plastic Industry. Industry Analysis, the Plastic Industry The economy affects the plastic industry in many areas. You can find plastic in almost every industry from automotive to medical devices. Even the price of leonardo da vinci gas can shape the plastic industry. Over the next three years the top three areas that will increase. It would be an understatement to stereotyped say that plastic surgery has its fair share of critics. After all, people should be able to accept the way that they look and there is leonardo da vinci the last essay something so superficial about about cyber, changing the way that you look with cosmetic surgery, which is da vinci the last essay how the argument goes. However, the thesis and argument numbers. Plastic Surgery in relation to Beauty Myth According to Naomi Wolf, Beauty myth is a notion that women have developed in leonardo supper essay their mind that make them feel insecure when it comes to their looks. Many people are ashamed of thesis their physical appearance in public, for example black people think that being black. SHOULD BAN PLASTIC BAG The society's consumption rate is now estimated over leonardo da vinci 500,000,000,000 plastic bags annually.

The Malaysian Federal Government is considering banning plastic bag for environmental reason. There are some big company have take the challenge to make “ say no to plastic bag” campaign. Benefits of and argument Using Plastic Furniture. about plastic Specific Purpose : To inform my audience the leonardo da vinci the last benefit of using plastic furniture Central Idea : Using plastics furnitures are affordable, convienient and environmentally friendly. INTRODUCTION I.We have seen, in the recent days, a rise in the number of people opting for plastic furniture. What will the effects be if we don't stop plastic pollution in our oceans? future if plastic pollution in macbeth corruption of power our oceans does not stop? ABSTRACT Plastic Pollution has become a global issue in the last supper essay our oceans. Although we hear about persuasive essay finn, this from time to time the problem has grown tremendously beyond our knowledge.

There are a growing number of animals dying each day due to plastic particles. Introduction Zen plastics are a manufacturer of moulded plastic products which only leonardo da vinci, operates in the home market. Thesis And Argument! This report gives some researches and advices for assisting the company’s future decision making and strategy for entering a new market. 1. The reasons for why marketing internationally. mailboxes, plastic forks, Vaseline, bats, and lastly a car. Da Vinci Essay! It all started when Kenny and Brian being bored and coming up with stupid ideas to amuse ourselves.

Brian being me, had a great idea to mess with the essay mailman and da vinci essay switch everyone’s mailbox to the other neighbors yards. I didn’t say it was the. herself on her first day in high school. She is immediately thrown into being reluctantly involved with the popular pretty-girl clique, the “ Plastics ”. Erickson would say she is in the Identity vs Identity Confusion stage where Cady is developing a concept of of power what is da vinci the last essay unique and distinctive about paper about cyber bullying, herself. Leonardo Da Vinci Supper Essay! Cady. The Pacific Garbage Patch Problem. in the glorious rays of thesis report sun, a plastic bag blows by and hits me in the face. I am able to leonardo da vinci the last supper pick it up and throw it into and argument, the closest trashcan, although it’s quite a walk. Unfortunately, there are many creatures, most, who don’t have opposable thumbs to remove the plastic can rings from their necks. We. China to Provide Major Impetus to Styrene Acrylonitrile (SAN) Resins Production, Says TMR.

130 Page Report Buy Now Request Sample Press Release China to Provide Major Impetus to Styrene Acrylonitrile (SAN) Resins Production, Says TMR Transparency Market Research State Tower, 90, State Street, Suite 700. Albany, NY 12207 United States . ? Norlie John Turqueza BEEd-II Plastic waste Littering Arctic seafloor Dec. 13, 2012 — Biologists record increasing amounts of plastic litter in the Arctic deep sea: studies confirm that twice as much marine debris is the last essay lying on the seabed today compared to ten years ago The seabed in. Plastics should be banned. Macbeth Corruption Of Power Essay! Coz It can destroy our air water and da vinci the last essay land. Yes! Some people says that plastics are important but do you think that it is good?

No! right? So why do we use plastics ? We can use recycled materials instead of plastics . Plastics can destroy lots of paper about cyber people’s life. It can cause. Rising Construction Activities in Emerging Economies to Keep Demand for da vinci Pigments High in Forthcoming Years, Says TMR. Now Request Sample Press Release Rising Construction Activities in Emerging Economies to Keep Demand for Pigments High in Forthcoming Years, Says TMR : TMR Transparency Market Research State Tower, 90, State Street, Suite 700.

Albany, NY 12207 United States www.transparencymarketresearch. Global Automotive Plastics Industry: Polypropylene to Remain Leading Contributor, says TMR. Automotive Plastics Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2012 - 2018 Published Date 28-March-2013 123 Page Report Buy Now Request Sample Press Release Global Automotive Plastics Industry: Polypropylene to Remain Leading Contributor, says TMR Transparency. and foremost, most plastic bags are not biodegradable and end up in landfills or worse, floating around in the environment. It takes hundreds of years for plastic bags to decompose and essay i paper while they do, they release toxins into our soil, lakes, rivers and oceans. Secondly, littered plastic bags are a threat.

queen after a slew of plastic surgery procedures--a brow lift, lower eye lift, mid-face lift, fat transfer to her lips and cheek folds, laser treatments for leonardo da vinci the last aging skin, tummy tuck, breast lift, liposuction of her inner thighs and dental procedures. Thesis Report! The Fox show gives contestants plastic surgery and then has. Self-Esteem and Plastic Surgery Many women have resorted to plastic surgery as the new “drug” for low self-esteem and leonardo da vinci the last depression. More than thirty-four percent of women got plastic surgery in persuasive on huckleberry 2011. Leonardo The Last Essay! And over ten billion dollars was spent on finn, plastic surgery in 2010. Plastic surgery is becoming increasingly.

Second advantage of recycling is the leonardo da vinci the last supper essay reducing of raw products which are used in usual type of production. This problem concerns paper, glass, plastic , metal, electronics, etc. The traditional type of manufacture needs to purchase a lot of raw material and conduct different procedures before the abovementioned. Plastic can be defined as: any group of synthetic or natural organic materials that may be shaped when soft, which will later harden. Plastic has been around for more than 150 years. In 1839 Charles Goodyear accidently discovered the process of for research report vulcanization, the process of making rubber more durable. houses to collect plastic waste. Da Vinci The Last Supper! P.B. Essay! Kochu Moideen, Edavilangu panchayat president, says , “Joy has come out with the technology of the last essay making floor tiles from paper cyber, plastic waste. “Using the da vinci supper essay technology we have started a unit here.

We collect the plastic waste from houses.” Joy’s plastic mix can be used for. Dysmorphic Disorder, 2007). Most resources say that the causes of BDD are still unknown, but it is widely thought that BDD can be a combination of causes. These causes include Biochemical, Genetic, and and argument Environmental factors (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2008). Researchers say that biochemical causes of BDD have something. Cosmetic Surgery: Self Improvement or Self Mutilation. Cosmetic Surgery: Self Improvement or Self Mutilation? Webster’s Dictionary defines plastic surgery as surgery concerned with the repair, restoration, or improvement of lost, injured, defective, or misshapen body parts.

There are two types; cosmetic surgery, usually for da vinci the last supper essay superficial purposes and reconstructive. ban plastic bags? They are the ultimate symbol of thesis for research our throwaway culture. But, as the Welsh Assembly announces plans to tax plastic bags, some believe they are distracting us from more important environmental issues Massing in leonardo their millions, crucified and shredded on barbed wire fences, plastic bags have. Teenage Girls and Plastic Surgery. Mr. Archer English 11 AP 1 April 2011 Underage Girls Going Under the Knife Should teenage girls under the age of eighteen be allowed to undergo plastic surgery? According to recent statistics, rhinoplasty was performed on paper about cyber, nearly 35,000 patients between the ages of thirteen and nineteen in 2009. Leonardo The Last Essay! The. Chemicals Plastic Do you ever wonder what your plastic water bottles are made of, or the containers you keep your food in?

Is it safe? Sources say that there are no harmful chemicals in plastic , but is there? Studies have shown there is a harmful ubiquitous compound that is found in report baby. Lubricating material type and usage of drying equipment. Dryer timing lubrication is an important job, and leonardo essay today we are saying is the subject dryer lubricant. Leaving aside the dryer does not say , there are many types of lubricants, lubricating material is the most high-end gas-lubricated material because its performance is very good, so just use a gas lubricating.

Plastic is infinitely useful and makes life unbelievably simpler for macbeth of power essay everyone. Leonardo Essay! Plastic however can have harmful effects on not only the environment but also on human health. Whether plastics advantages out persuasive essay, way it potential health causes is the subject of leonardo da vinci supper essay debate. Essay Who Am I Paper! Plastic is used in everything from cell. Memo on Issues on leonardo the last, the Usage of Plastic Bags. of the co-op for paper about bullying inviting me to talk about the issues on plastic bags.

First of all I would like to talk about the discuss environmental issues for example a plastic bag entered the Pacific Ocean and a sea turtle spotted it then ate the plastic and da vinci the last essay when it entered the turtle straight away it passed away. opposites that never meet. Essay I Paper! Andy Warhol I always thought I'd like my own tombstone to be blank. No epitaph, and no name. Well, actually, I'd like it to leonardo the last say figment. Andy Warhol I always wished I had died, and I still wish that, because I could have gotten the whole thing over with.

Andy Warhol . When they are thrown to who am i paper garbage cans, plastic bags do not simply decay unlike biodegradable ones like paper and leftovers. Try doing that and observe for many days to see what the da vinci essay plastic becomes afterwards. If they are scattered anywhere on the ground, they become the sources of being stereotyped essay water pollution. It. COOLING TOWERS: BIGGER AND BETTER IN PLASTICS Factory-assembled towers boast competitive advantages over those that are field-erected Cooling towers – bastions of wood, fiberglass, steel or concrete – could someday go the way of da vinci the last galvanized pipe, aluminum cable and other equipment that has. Gather from All Sources - Ban Plastics Now. Planet Ark Plastic Bag Reduction Navigation • Home • About Plastic Bags o Environmental Impacts o Effects on Wildlife o In Other Countries • Go Plastic Bag Free! • Information Resources • FAQs • News • Media • Case Studies •. While plastic surgery can be helpful for those suffering from essay who am i paper, physical abnormalities, the physical and emotional scarring that can follow may outweigh the positive outcome. There are many reasons to get plastic surgery and leonardo the last most of those reasons depend primarily on the individual views one has on it.

massive role that consumerism plays in the progression of culture (and plastic pop-culture), I can discuss just in what ways consumerism is destroying true culture (progression of culture) and the American roots. I Paper! But first, let me just say that American culture is not the only culture in peril from this. Growth of Global Polycarbonate Market Shifts to High Gear with Rising Demand from Automotive Sector, TMR Says. Now Request Sample Press Release Growth of Global Polycarbonate Market Shifts to High Gear with Rising Demand from Automotive Sector, TMR Says Transparency Market Research State Tower, 90, State Street, Suite 700. Albany, NY 12207 United States sales@transparencymarketresearch. may go away with time.

They claim that teens choose surgery based on da vinci supper, peer pressure and low self-esteem. However, Michael Olding, Chief Division of Plastic Surgery at The George Washington University School of Medicine, states that the vast majority of cosmetic surgeries are “not only reasonable but appropriate”. Flourishing Automotive Industry and Demand for report Lightweight Electronics Fuel Growth of Molded Plastics Market, reports TMR. Transparency Market Research Molded Plastics Market - Global Forecast, Market Share, Size, Growth and Industry Analysis, 2013 - 2019 Published Date 10-Jan-2014 92 Page Report Buy Now Request Sample Press Release Flourishing Automotive Industry and Demand for Lightweight Electronics. Brittany Bradley 10/29/2007 Mr.

Magee Comp II Too bad it is not a plastic world. Society emphases that woman need to look a certain way to be accepted. The poem, Barbie Doll, written by Marge Piercy tells the story of a young girl growing up through the adolescence stage characterized by leonardo supper essay appearances. Plastic bags are one of the worst and macbeth corruption most unnecessary plastic polluters of the ocean and da vinci the last supper the easiest to replace. Carry and shop with reusable sustainable bags. And Argument! A single reusable bag can eliminate hundreds to thousands of leonardo da vinci the last essay disposable bags over being stereotyped its lifetime. Da Vinci The Last Supper! Look for reusable bags that are made out of.

what their state driver’s license says . There has always been an ongoing search for the “Fountain of Youth”. Stereotyped! Claiming to be in a jar, full of cream, promising dramatic results in leonardo da vinci the last supper essay three to six weeks, with the continuation of constant use, or one going to the plastic surgeon, trying to knock back ten years. Cons of plastic surgery In this cutting-edge technology to the rapid development of society,people now enjoy a higher standard of living.Consequently,the number of people who did plastic surgery is essay increasing,however,there have many disadvantages also.The three cons of plastic surgery. Healthy Living Trend to da vinci the last Open New Avenues of Opportunity in Flavored and Functional Water Sales, Says TMR.pdf. Report Buy Now Request Sample Press Release Healthy Living Trend to Open New Avenues of Opportunity in thesis and argument Flavored and Functional Water Sales, Says TMR Transparency Market Research State Tower, 90, State Street, Suite 700. Albany, NY 12207 United States . Chapter I INTRODUCTION Plastics play an important role in almost every aspect of our lives. Plastics are used to manufacture everyday products such as beverage containers, toys, and da vinci the last essay furniture. The widespread use of finn plastics demands proper disposal after its use.

Plastics make up almost 13 percent. Plastics Bags: A Devil To Be Banned. Plastics Bags- A Devil To Be Banned Plastic bags are normally given to customers by vendors when buying. It is a very convenient method for transporting goods. Moreover, it is highly popular to the customers and leonardo da vinci essay retailers because of its light weight.

But, ultimately this much usage of the plastic bags. Peraud ENG 102:620 21 April 2015 Perfectly Plastic What do a water bottle, The Kardashians, and about car components all share in common? It's not a trick question, and the answer is more elastic than you would think. They're all fake, or should I say , plastic ! The principles that involve and da vinci the last solidify. Plastic a modern invention that changes the world. ? Plastic –Modern Invention that changes the world Born in the 20th century and thesis grew up in the 21st century, my life involves many new development and invention from head to toe and every aspects to benefit our life.

Things are changing around us very dramatically and very quickly in each century subject. How Does Crude Oil Pollute Environment? long chains are solids like wax or tar. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Essay! By chemically cross-linking hydrocarbon chains you can get everything from synthetic rubber to nylon to and argument the plastic in tupperware. Hydrocarbon chains are very versatile! Classes of hydrocarbons in leonardo da vinci supper crude oils include: * Paraffins its general formula is CnH2n+2. Ugly Trend Plastic surgery is defined as repair, restoration, or improvement of lost, injured or defective body parts. It can also be used as a synonym for thesis report “fake” or “superficial.” Although the meaning of plastic surgery fluctuates between different people, the origin of the word “ plastic ” comes from. Global Antimicrobial Coatings Industry: Rising Demand from Healthcare Sector to Drive Production, says TMR.

Report Buy Now Request Sample Press Release Global Antimicrobial Coatings Industry: Rising Demand from da vinci the last essay, Healthcare Sector to Drive Production, says TMR Transparency Market Research State Tower, 90, State Street, Suite 700. Albany, NY 12207 United States . growing, as it is a necessity of life. Freshwater sustains life and economic activity Economic Growth Water is used even more in urban areas than say a rural area. Thesis! As a result, it is demanded more in the cities as more people tend to shift from rural areas to da vinci the last supper essay urban areas for many reasons. Climate. Increasing Demand for Nylon 66 Presents Appreciable Growth Opportunity for research paper about cyber Muconic Acid Market, says TMR. Report Buy Now Request Sample Press Release Increasing Demand for Nylon 66 Presents Appreciable Growth Opportunity for Muconic Acid Market, says TMR Transparency Market Research State Tower, 90, State Street, Suite 700. Albany, NY 12207 United States . Plastic Ban 101 We never know the worth of water till the well is da vinci the last essay dry (Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732). There are garbage everywhere. Water forms are polluted and underwater beauties are damaged due to different activities of humans. Do we still have to wait for the worst to come before we make.

Plastic Surgery - a Wrong Decision. Plastic Surgery a Wrong Decision Are you happy with your body? This is macbeth corruption of power a question that sometimes makes you feel uncomfortable in da vinci supper essay all senses. There are people that will answer “yes I am”, but the majority of them will say , “I do not think so or a simple not”. Thesis And Argument! There are many people around.

A Call to Action: Plastic Pollution INTRODUCTION In the time it takes for me to read this sentence, more than 5,300 pounds of plastic will have entered the world's oceans. That's 2.4 million pounds an hour, every hour of every day (Chris Jordan, Running The Numbers). Leonardo Da Vinci Supper! Plastic pollution is one of stereotyped essay the.

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Art, Identity, and Culture » Da Vinci – Last Supper Essay

How to Write a Reading Response Essay with Sample Papers. VirginiaLynne has been a University English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and supper, easier. Summarizes what you read. Gives your reaction to the text. Your reaction will be one or more of the following: Agreement/disagreement with the ideas in the text. Reaction to how the ideas in the text relate to corruption of power your own experience.

Reaction to how ideas in leonardo the last essay the text relate to other things you've read. Essay! Your analysis of the author and leonardo da vinci supper essay, audience. Your evaluation of how this text tries to convince the about cyber, reader and whether it is effective. Your introduction will be 1-3 paragraphs. For this essay, because you want to leonardo supper give both information about the subject and also briefly summarize the article you are responding to, you probably need at essay who am i paper, least two paragraphs. The Last! In all introductions, you want to:

Get the reader’s attention. Describe your subject. Give your thesis. For a responsive reading essay, you also need to: Mention the author and title of the being essay, article you are discussing. Give a brief summary of the article or the part of the leonardo da vinci, article that you are responding to. Paragraph One . Get the reader’s attention by describing the subject in one of the following ways: Use a startling statistic. And Argument! Cite an interesting fact.

Pose an appropriate quotation. Tell an anecdote. Describe a scenario. Write a conversation. Leonardo The Last Supper Essay! Tell a story. Put forth a question your essay will answer. Give an example. Explain general information about the topic. Using a Frame for Your Introduction and Conclusion. One of my favorite techniques is to paper use a “frame” story or conversation for the opening and the conclusion. Leonardo The Last Supper Essay! The way this works is research about cyber that you tell half of a story or conversation in leonardo the last essay the introduction and then tell the rest of the story in the conclusion.

Or you could open with a dilemma or problem and then close with a solution. Another approach is to retell the same story in the conclusion with a different (usually better) ending. Examples: In an essay about cell phone use in cars, you could open with a scenario showing a person getting a call while driving and thinking about what to do. In the thesis for research, conclusion, you could tell the end of the scenario—maybe the driver pulls over to take the call or decides to let voicemail take it. In an essay about da vinci essay dealing with a family member with Alzheimer’s, you could open with a conversation between family members trying to figure out what to do and conclude with a conversation between the same people after they have decided to place that person in a nursing home.

In an essay about oil drilling in the Gulf, you could open by describing vividly the oil-soaked coastline and the dying wildlife. You could conclude with what that coastline looks like now. Stereotyped Essay! On any topic which you have personal experience, you can open with part of your story, and then conclude with the ending of your story. How to Become a Republican. My analysis of a Harvard study that reported that watching 4th of July parades makes people vote Republican. Reading Response Example Paper: A reader response about Chris Adrian's article Under My Skin from the New York Times. Introduction and Conclusion Ideas. Paragraph 2 : After your introduction, transition by leonardo the last, explaining what the author of the article you have written has to say about this topic. Briefly explain the main points of the article that you want to talk about.

Then you will give your thesis. Example: According to Mary Johnson in “Cell Phones are Dangerous,” we should not use our phones while driving and should educate others not to use them either. Johnson gives statistics showing that talking on a cell phone is as dangerous as driving drunk. Moreover, she points out the increasing number of accidents caused by cell phone use. Her conclusion is that we need to personally decide not to i paper use a cell phone while driving and da vinci essay, that we need to educate our friends and family to give up cell phones while driving, too. Then add a thesis statement like one of the and argument, following examples:

(Agree) I agree with Johnson because I have observed many people driving dangerously while talking on cell phones and leonardo supper essay, have even been in an accident myself while talking on the phone. (Disagree ) I disagree with Johnson because I don’t think that using a cell phone is any different from eating in persuasive essay a car or talking with other passengers. (Reflect on author’s experience ) I believe Johnson has come to her conclusions because of her own traumatic experiences while using a cell phone while driving. (Optional: you could add an extension, like but personal experiences are not a good basis for public policy.) (Expand on an assertion made in leonardo the last supper the essay ) I agree with Johnson’s assertion that cell phones are dangerous, but I’d go even further than she does because I think we cannot control this problem by being stereotyped, merely educating the public. We need to have laws prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving. Here are six different ways to respond to an essay: You can agree with the supper, article and explain three or more reasons why you agree. You can disagree with the article and explain three or more reasons why. Essay Who Am I Paper! You can agree with some parts of the article and disagree with other parts and explain why. You can analyze the rhetorical situation (occasion, purpose, audience, and leonardo da vinci the last supper, context) of this article and explain why the thesis, author’s personal experience causes them to write this piece. Da Vinci The Last! You can take one part of the essay, agreeing or disagreeing with it, and thesis report, expand on essay, that idea, giving reasons for your reader to on huckleberry agree with you.

You can explain your reaction to the last supper the article and then analyze how the writer’s style, tone, word choice, and examples made you feel that way. Remember that all essays have three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. There are many ways to write a good essay, but I will give you a general guide to macbeth corruption of power essay follow which will help you to organize your ideas. Here you will argue your thesis and give support for your ideas from your personal experience and your own thinking and reading. You can also use evidence from the article you read but don’t just repeat the ideas in the article.

The body of leonardo your paper should have three or more paragraphs. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence which communicates one response idea you have about the paper such as, I agree with Jones that _________ or My personal experience makes me relate to persuasive essay _____ because _______. The rest of the da vinci essay, paragraph should give details to essay back up that point. You can use examples from the the last supper essay, reading, your own life, something else you have read, or common experiences we all have. Thesis! You can also use reasoning to prove your points. Explain why you think this way. Don't forget to use author tags when you are talking about something in the story. The best essays do refer back to the text and explain why and how the reader's response relates to the article. The first time you talk about the article, you should give the full name of the author and the title of the article in leonardo parenthesis: John Jones in his article, “Taking Back Our Lives,” states _________.”. After that, you need to always tell when you are paraphrasing the article instead of i paper giving your own view.

Use “author tags” to show you are talking about something in the article and not your own ideas. Leonardo! Author tags use the last name of the author and thesis for research, a verb. Da Vinci Supper! Try these variations: Differentiating Your Voice from the for research report, Author's: Instead of Jones says, you can use: Contrary to what you may have learned in previous writing classes, you should not repeat or summarize your arguments in the conclusion. That is sometimes appropriate for in-class essays when you are not sure you’ve been clear about your main points, but it is not appropriate for da vinci essay college writing. Instead, you need to actually conclude your arguments. Corruption Of Power! You can often use the da vinci supper, same type of technique that you use in paper an introduction.

You can also: call attention to larger issues call for da vinci a change in action or attitude conclude with a vivid image appeal to finn the reader to agree with you or link back to your introduction by finishing the story/scenario, revising it, or explaining how it proves your point. This is a sample reading response essay to leonardo the last supper essay an article titled “Cell Phones are Dangerous by Mary Johnson, agreeing with the article and extending one of the thesis and argument, ideas. Paragraph 1 : Dramatic re-telling of a personal story of picking up my cell phone and then realizing that I am going to leonardo da vinci the last supper crash into paper cyber bullying another car. Leonardo The Last! Stop the story right before the corruption, crash. Paragraph 2 : Like most people, I thought I was a good enough driver to leonardo handle using a cell phone while driving. Thesis For Research Report! I found out I was wrong. It turns out da vinci essay, I’m not unusual. In her article “Cell Phones are Dangerous,” Mary Johnson argues that as statistics of cell phone use while driving goes up, so do accidents.

According to Johnson, we should not use our phones while driving and should educate others not to use them either. Johnson cites statistics showing that talking on persuasive finn, a cell phone is as dangerous as driving drunk. Moreover, she points out the the last supper essay, increasing number of accidents caused by macbeth, cell phone use. Her conclusion is leonardo the last supper that we need to personally decide not to use a cell phone while driving and macbeth of power essay, that we need to da vinci the last essay educate our friends and family to persuasive essay on huckleberry finn give up using cell phones while driving too. I agree with Jones that cell phones are dangerous and leonardo the last essay, that we should personally choose to not use one while driving; however, I’d go further than Jones by adding that we need to have laws that prohibit anyone from using cell phones in cars. Each of research cyber bullying these statements would be the topic sentence of one of the body paragraphs. Leonardo Da Vinci Essay! For the first one, I also give examples of the type of arguments and support I would use to write that paragraph and stereotyped essay, prove my point.

1. Laws make people realize that cell phone driving is dangerous. (Below is an example of some support I could use to back up this idea—you can use ideas from the article but do not repeat the the last essay, article.) support with an anecdote of friends or family thinking a call is more important than driving use statistics from article argue some people will be convinced by being educated, but not everyone use example of seatbelt laws saving lives argue that using a cell phone endangers others and not just yourself. 2. New technology requires changes in public policy. 3. People in who am i paper my generation feel obligated to take a call, but if it is leonardo da vinci essay illegal to stereotyped call while driving, they won’t feel that pressure. 4. Using hands-free headsets won’t work because it is the da vinci the last supper, call which is distracting, not holding the phone.

5. This law will save a lot of lives. I would return to my personal story and pick it up where I left off. I do crash and there is a lot of damage to my car, but no one is hurt. I can explain my great relief that my cell phone use did not end more tragically, and macbeth corruption, my personal decision to put my cell phone where I can’t reach it while driving. End with an appeal to the reader to do the same, but to leonardo da vinci essay also support legislation to prohibit cell phone use while driving. Additional Information for Essay on persuasive finn, Cell Phone Use While Driving. You formulate an da vinci the last supper, evaluation any time you answer someone’s question, “What did you think of that book (article, movie, class, or news report)? Responding personally to an article is usually the start of thesis for research report any analysis of writing, so it is a good first paper type to write. However, unlike a review or evaluation paper, your purpose in a response paper is not to tell someone else whether or not they should read this article. The Last! Instead, your purpose is to explain your reaction and to essay on huckleberry finn give reasons (this will be the body of your paper) why you reacted that way. Doing an evaluation paper would take the reading response a step further and is probably one of the papers you will do next in your course.

How long does your instructor give you to leonardo essay write each essay? How long does your English Instructor usually take to grade your essays? by Virginia Kearney 4. How to Write an Exploratory Essay With Sample Papers. by Virginia Kearney 8. Reading Response Sample Paper on Why We Crave Horror Movies by Virginia Kearney 6. How to Write a Summary, Analysis, and Response Essay Paper With Examples.

by Virginia Kearney 56. How to Write a Proposal Essay/Paper. by Laura Writes 40. 100 Problem Solution Essay Topics with Sample Essays. by Virginia Kearney 42. Coming into my assignment, I was very nervous. Essay! I've never written a reader-response paper. The information I found on your site gives me the confidence to move forward! Thanks so much! Carmel Therese C. Crauz 6 weeks ago.

Hi Ms. Virginia, thanks a lot for supper a very helpful article. Report! Been searching for a while on how to write a synopsis on our assignment. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! GOD BLESS YOU! Virginia Kearney 23 months ago from United States. Maria, I'm so glad that you found this article helpful to you.

Writing responses to leonardo the last supper things you read is such a fundamental part of many college tasks that mastering this ability makes you a much better student overall. Maria I Reyes 23 months ago. Ms. Lynne thank you so much. This was extremely helpful.

I like the fact that you added examples for essay a better understanding. I also added it as a favorite so that I can refer to it as often as possible. Thanks again! Virginia Kearney 2 years ago from United States. ChocoMoco--all papers need to have a thesis sentence because a thesis sentence is the main idea of the paper. However, not all thesis sentences are roadmap ones which tell everything you will talk about. A thesis sentence for a Reading Response paper will say the main response you have to the what you've read. Here is a Reading Response paper with examples about a thesis: For a responsive paper is leonardo da vinci the last supper essay it necessary to have a thesis sentence? Thank you this saved life!

Virginia Kearney 2 years ago from United States. Hi Lex--I have several other sample papers that you can see if you just search on HubPages for Reading Response sample essays. I really like how you give your example , it sure help me a lot . Please add more to help other people that need it! Kristi Tipps-Deutsch 3 years ago from Colorado Springs. I enjoyed this hub very much.

It's so helpful to have sample papers that students can try to recreate with their own content. I will happily rob you of who am this fabulous step by step tutorial. Thank you for taking such time and effort to da vinci supper essay make it so accessible. Thank you it was so helpful I had two videos and the Dr. asked us to write responds I did what have said thank you. Thank you for your response examples. i was awesome i got lots of thesis for research report idea . thanks. : ) Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from United States. Glad that my Hub reassured you reniesaenz. I have been so happy to find that many students both in my class and out have been able to write better and faster when given clear instructions.

To be honest I was a little nervous going into leonardo da vinci supper essay your class. After reading this hubpage I'm actually not as nervous because I know that following your hubpages will give me the help I need to right the essay's this semester. Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from United States. Thanks so much for stopping by! Thanks! it is really helpful 5 years ago.

Thanks! It is i paper really helpful. Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from United States. Thanks so much peytons for letting me know that this has helped you. Da Vinci! I can't believe how many people are reading this hub, which I originallly put up mostly for my own students to use. Finally, I Googled this topic and realized that there isn't much on the web explaining how to write reading responses, even though that is a very common essay topic in a lot of for research report disciplines. The Last Essay! In fact, I've especially noticed that my ESL students were required to do these projects in their classes. Thanks for essay who am your hub, and I have learned a lot about the skills of supper essay writing a reading reponse. You recommended ways of introduction are exceptionally engaging and essay, desirable. Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from the last supper, United States. Hi--the two samples in the blue block are reading response essays my students have done.

Good luck on your assignment! Check out some of my other hubs for other writing help. Claudia Tello 5 years ago from paper about cyber, Mexico. Thanks for leonardo supper essay taking the time to answer my question. I have also been thinking about writing book reviews, this hub might help me on that. Cheers! Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from United States. Thanks for your comments Claudia. I have written reading response hubs on Chinese books for kids and essay who am, early readers. My Stone Age hub is leonardo the last essay really a reading response too.

Actually, I have a ton of hubs planned of this type but I haven't gotten to them yet. Reading Response is really a lot like a book review, and so that is always fun! Claudia Tello 5 years ago from Mexico. I used to write reading response essays for a literature course I engaged in during my college years. I enjoy writing and analyzing my response to the things I read. It was quite fun in those days because the report, professor obviously chose books that where especially thought provoking and leonardo the last supper, that made it much more interesting and thesis for research, easy too. Do you write many reading response hub-essays? Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from United States. Thanks Carol3san--I've been very surprised at the number of people who have looked at my writing hubs and I'm always grateful for positive feedback. Thanks for stopping by!

Carolyn Sands 5 years ago from Hollywood Florida. Thanks for da vinci supper the hub. Great info. I voted you up. Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from being, United States. Thanks somethingblue!

I appreciate your comment and leonardo the last supper essay, the time you've taken to research paper bullying respond at length. Although my hubs on writing instruction don't always have a lot of comments, they have gotten more views than I expected. I know that many writing instructors don't have a lot of previous experience or instruction in teaching writing before they are put in a class. Sometimes the leonardo da vinci the last essay, books they use aren't particularly helpful at explaining the research paper about, process. I try to take the steps of writing these essays and break them down so they are easier.

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