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Australian Soldiers Fighting on score, the Kokoda Trail During WW2. Why was it so difficult for phillis thesis, the Australians to fight on the Kokoda Trail in 1942 during WW2? The battle of the score essays Kokoda Trail occurred from July 1942 until January 1943 and is known as one of the most important battles of WW2. Located in Papua New Guinea, the Australian soldiers fought against the Japanese army in order to protect Australia. Paper! The Kokoda was the ‘bloodiest’ of all battles in WW2 and included great involvement from the Australian soldiers. It was very difficult for the soldiers to fight in the battle. They had to rely on the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels for help while they were struggling with the conditions and illnesses that the battle had to offer. Score Essays! The Kokoda Trail was a very difficult battle to be involved in and the Australian soldiers looked to of a and relied on the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels for help and assistance.

The Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels were the indigenous people of score Papua New Guinea. The Australians gave them their nickname because of their crazy and fuzzy hair. As the a new war was very difficult, the Fuzzy Wuzzys got involved and score essays, helped out the Australians as much as they could. Need essay sample on Australian Soldiers Fighting on the Kokoda Trail During WW2 ? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you for only $12.90/page. As there was no time to help the sick and wounded, the soldiers had to rely on the Fuzzy Wuzzys to treat them. They would turn into ‘human ambulances’ and carry the page of a research paper apa wounded back to their village where they would then treat them and make them feel better (Ham, 2004, p. 211). When the Australians were injured they would take off the bandages and rub their wounds with bush medicine or give them what they needed to have a fast recovery. Score! The Fuzzy Wuzzys would be there at every call at any time of the page paper day or night to assist the essays patients.

Considering they knew nothing about the war until the troops started moved through their area, they were very generous and kind-hearted. P Ham stated “The men were not the youtube dessay only ones helping; the woman would carry the essays food too” (Ham, 2004, p. 211). The Fuzzy Wuzzys also helped the essay men come to terms with the score essays conditions and what was happening during that time. If it wasn’t for the Fuzzy Wuzzys the conditions and circumstances would have been far more difficult to deal with. While the battle was taking place, the soldiers formed a close friendship with the Fuzzy Wuzzys and the relationship they had made them even more determined to keep on fighting. Because the soldiers had formed a good friendship with the Fuzzy Wuzzys, they knew that they could count on them to dissertation economy be there when the score essays soldiers needed them the most.

They usually needed them the most to help and critical thesis statement, mend the sick and injured, deliver food to them while fighting or help protect the frontline from the enemy (Lindsay, 2009, p. 62). The Fuzzy Wuzzys saved hundreds of soldier’s lives and Australia has hailed them as heroes’ for their brave commitment. Without them, the essays soldiers wouldn’t have been able to win due to the difficult conditions. Throughout the battle of Kokoda there were many problems that the soldiers had to overcome due to the difficult conditions such as shortages in food, ammunition and equipment that they required. Apart from the difficult fighting, half of the men died from the northwestern education essay harsh conditions such as exhaustion and lack of food and water. The soldiers were fighting every minute and it became very exhausting.

The terrain was undulated to the extreme and essays, there was no short cut. There was only one way and that always meant they had to climb the steepest mountains. Bill James stated “A modern day bushwalker could walk the same distance in one hour that it took the soldiers all night to do” (James, 2006, p. 53). This proves that the conditions of the track made it very difficult to survive especially when they were exhausted and some wounded. Along with the difficult conditions, the thesis soldiers had to carry all of their belonging on essays, their back. They were required to carry 25-30kg of food, ammunition and equipment. ‘The Australian’ WWII Kokoda and New Guinea magazine stated, the equipment that they had to carry included; headgear, weapons, uniforms, footwear and very often walking sticks. Write Critical! Carrying all of this made everything far more difficult.

The Australians struggled with food and score essays, ammunition because it was so difficult to get the supplies up the track due to the conditions. Sometimes, by the time the food and materials reached the northwestern education essay soldiers it was either wet from the rain or half of it got lost on the way. Dealing with the food and ammunition shortages, the track conditions they also had to score deal with the weather. While fighting on the Kokoda it rained almost every day. Patrick Lindsay stated that the total rainfall that was recorded while the battle was taking place was approximately five metres (Lindsay, 2009, p. 55). The rainfall along with the other conditions made it extremely difficult for the Australians to fight. The soldiers also suffered emotionally when their friends and other Australians died as they were all very close to youtube dessay each other. Some statistics from the Field Guide to Kokoda howed that there was over 400 Australian soldiers killed due to the fighting and sicknesses and 1600 wounded. All of the struggles that the soldiers had to deal with contribute to how just how difficult the battle actually was.

At the score essays battle of Kokoda, the conditions were so difficult and beyond imaginable that it caused many illnesses and youtube dessay, diseases that the soldiers had to overcome. While the battle was taking place there were more soldiers brought out of the battlefield due to illnesses than wounded. Both sides suffered many casualties due to sickness caused by essays, tropical diseases. Due to the weather conditions, the wetness made the diseases spread even faster. The most common tropical diseases were malaria, parasitic infections and cover page of a research, diseases caused by insects and mosquitoes (The Kokoda Trail). As these diseases were spreading around the soldiers, some of the time they had to call in doctors to operate. Saying this, the score doctors could not operate near the front line due to the atrocious conditions and the continual attacks from the Japanese. Youtube Dessay! This meant that if a soldier was not given medical help within a certain amount of time he would die. This happened in some cases. Men with serious wounds would get little treatment to essays ease the youtube dessay pain. McKinlay stated that they needed eight men to relieve the score wounded and nation essay, eight men to carry the stretcher (McKinlay, 2004, p. 45).

Carrying a wounded soldier was a very difficult task. Through some parts of the score essays track a stretcher had to be passed hand over hand up hill. This made it very difficult for the sick and wounded to get the help that they needed. Not only did the wetness cause the paper tropical diseases. Soldiers would quickly become malnourished, weakened and susceptible to catch one of the diseases (McKinlay, 2004, p. 5). Sublet, a lieutenant Colonel that fought in the Kokoda battle stated that having an alliance with the United States offered great relief for those Australians who were sick and wounded. The Kokoda Trail was so difficult for the Australian soldiers to fight in as the conditions were so horrific.

The soldiers were faced with supply shortages, illnesses and wounds along with the help from The Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels. The Kokoda Trail was an important part in Australian history and all of the soldiers are to be remembered and honoured as heroes for protecting our country.

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Roanoke Island: The Lost Colony Essay Sample. Of the countless words written about the beginnings of English America, perhaps none carries more of a story as these three letters: CRO. Not even a word, this syllable, this fragment, carved into a tree that stood in front of the essays, abandoned English fort at Roanoke, encapsulates the legend of the Lost Colony. When John White returned to Roanoke in nation, 1590 in the hopes of relieving, rescuing, or rejoining the colony he had left there three years earlier, he found all one hundred and ten people gone and the cryptic message left behind. The whole existence of the colony — its population, its habitation, its history — were condensed into a “secret token”: CRO. And yet John White believed this was a history he could read. In his narrative of these events, published by Richard Hakluyt in essays, his Principal Navigation of 1600, he describes why: …upon a tree, in the very browe thereof were curiously carved there faire Romane letters CRO: … A secret token agreed upon between them and me at my last departure from then… [to] write or carve on the trees or posts of the program in medical, dores the name of the place where they should be seated….If they should happen to essays, be distressed in any of those places, that then they should carve over the letters of the name a Crosse in dissertation, this forme, but we found no such sign of distress. Score Essays. (Hakluyt, 1600)

The story of the Lost Colony has the earmarks of a myth: recurrence, plasticity, and indeterminacy. The narrative has been repeated in different genres, and reworked toward different ends, from cover research paper apa, 1590 till the present time. The story can shrink and grow, from the dense encoding of a three-letter engraving to the endless dispersal of speculation upon what might have come before or after the making of score essays that mark. This narrative elasticity is linked to the story’s failure to statement, conclude. As an unsolved mystery, it both invites elaboration and essays forbids closure, and thus remains available as a cultural medium.

This research offers a genealogy of the Lost Colony. This entails reconstructing events from White’s success in finding the island of Roanoke in 1587 to his failed rescue mission in write critical thesis, 1590. The story of Roanoke began in 1587 when John White led a group of English colonists to plant permanent and self-perpetuating English settlement in North America. The plan for the City of Raleigh, as the settlement was to be known, differed from earlier English attempts in several important ways. Score. The first difference was demographic. This group was largely comprised of civilians and not soldiers, and of families and not individual young men sent out on tours of duty as with Grenville’s group. It was to be a community rather than a military outpost. The second difference was its destination. The colony was headed for the richer lands and deeper ports of the Chesapeake Bay, and not for the storm-ridden and dangerous shoals of the economy, Outer Banks that had proven all but fatal to score essays, English ships and, consequently, to the interests of English investors. Essay. The third difference was its economic base.

The colony would sustain itself agriculturally while producing goods for essays English markets, instead of youtube dessay relying on essays English supply ships while settings its sights on dissertation economy privateering or the discovery of gold. A fourth difference was in its administration. The colonists were part of a corporation, and as such were granted status, land, and a form of self-governance. They thus held personal interest, responsibility, and advantage in score essays, the success of their colony. Youtube Dessay. All of these changes were intentional, meant to repair the damage that had been done to the prospects for score essays Virginia by youtube dessay earlier ventures.

By all rights, things should have turned out very differently. Culturally and historically, the score essays, “mysteries” of the lost colony get played out in cover of a research paper, series of essays questions: How did the group end up in Roanoke? Why did they stay there? Why did John White agree to leave? What might have happened had White returned with a supply?

And most importantly, where did all these people go? What happened to them in nation, the end? It is a story that has only a beginning — no middle and, definitely, no end. Scholars do concur on essays many facts about the 1587 settlement. White and his group set out cover of a apa as part of score a larger fleet, and intended to stop in Roanoke only to check on economy Grenville’s men before continuing north to Chesapeake Bay. There in the northern Bay, probably near Kecoughtan, the colony was supposed to score essays, plant itself while the thesis, fleet continued on its privateering mission. Score Essays. For some reason, after stopping at Roanoke and finding the fort abandoned the pilot Simon Fernandez announced that he would not take White’s group any further north but would leave them at Roanoke; in whose interests this decision was made remains uncertain. White yielded. From there, things happened rather quickly.

By July 25, 1587 the City of Raleigh settlers took up residence at Roanoke. On August 18 a baby girl was born, White’s own granddaughter to his daughter Eleanor Dare, and christened Virginia Dare on August 24. By August 20, it was clear to the group that they could not survive without immediate relief from England. The day after the christening, August 25, the group urged John White to go back to England and he reluctantly agreed. As the most influential person among the dissertation, settlers, he was deemed the best qualified to make sure supplies were on their way. Score Essays. White arrived in England on November 8, 1587. From that point on, things happened very slowly.

Because of the sea war between England and Spain, White could not get back to America for three long years[1]. Repeatedly, he tried and failed. Finally, on August 19, 1590, almost three years later, he returned to Roanoke to find his people gone, the fort razed, and the letters CRO engraved on the trunk of a tree. And here, the facts of the matter grind to a halt. A New Essay. In the midst of score terrible storms, White could not convince the youtube dessay, pilot and mariners to continue searching for score essays the people he left three years earlier, although he strongly suspected at least some were waiting for him at Croatoan. The ships headed back to England, and (but for the chorus of voices who later told their story) the Roanoke settlers were never heard from again. Historians speak in agreement on these central facts and near unison in this ominous finale, even if they then diverge into dissertation economy, speculative epilogues about “what may have been.” However, take a look first at White’s careful account of the days between July 19 and August 25, before his colony was ever considered missing, or abandoned, or lost. The events of those days echo, in a less mysterious but more deeply uncanny way, the world the English already knew in Roanoke. The birth of the infant Virginia Dare remains well-remembered as a first, a landmark event — even her name sounds like a motto for colonial valor. In the meantime, more significant occurrences in White’s colony are well-forgotten: the death of a stray settler, an essays, Indian battle report, a misguided attack that proved the perils of mistaken identity.

These events both continue and repeat the catastrophic past of English colonial relations, and a new essay also recur in essays, future settlements. Furthermore, unlike the fate of the lost colonists, these incidents are all in the record. It may have only been five weeks, but it is a history. Page Research Paper Apa. For now, the mystery of “what happened next” can wait while we revisit what did happen, or what seemed to happen, while the English were still attempting a settlement at Roanoke. Recall that White’s own history in Roanoke starts well before his colony in essays, 1587. He was with Lane’s colony in 1585-86, when he undertook his explorations and collaborations with Thomas Hariot, and may have even accompanied Barlowe and Amadas in their 1584 reconnaissance trip.

When he called in of a research, Roanoke in 1587, John White, now governor of the City of Raleigh, was back on familiar ground. Even before he reached the fort, he reckoned that Grenville’s men were gone, seeing no “sign that they had been there, saving only we found the bones of one of score essays those fifteen, which the write critical, Savages had slain long before.” This was the essays, third time English people had found that very patch of land mysteriously forsaken in the two years since Queen Elizabeth had granted it to found deserted by the supply ship that arrived after the evacuation of Lane’s colony. Although White “hoped to find some signs, or certain knowledge of our fifteen men,” he admitted to returning to the larger company “without hope of ever seeing any of the fifteen men living.” Looking for life and finding bones, shuttling between hope and loss of youtube dessay hope, White’s search depicts a confusing synchronicity of score essays signs. Even the dawning realization that people have disappeared conjures how the people themselves realized that they were truly finished. At some point, they came to know what any disappointed searcher now knows. White’s group took up the sacked English outpost and set the City of Raleigh upon write statement, the remnants of Roanoke. They could clear out the deer and melons that had taken over the standing English houses, but they could not clear out the essays, history of page paper Anglo-Native relations that surrounded the essays, razed fort. This became clear within days. An air of melancholy, mystery and economy powerlessness surrounding White’s colony serves to fogs over score essays, the next month’s chain of events, but re-capturing even some of those incidents — the stray death, the a new, battle report, the attack damaged by score mistaken identity — can help us see that although John White may have found the fort deserted, it was never empty.

George Howe was the first casualty of the fort’s third occupation. White offers a thick description of Howe’s death. He reports on that on July 28, “diverse savages” came to Roanoke either to hunt deer or to spy on northwestern program education essay the new arrivals, keeping cover among the tall reeds. The contrast between Howe’s position — alone, naked, unarmed, astray, concentrated on the single basic task of trying to score essays, feed himself — contrasts sharply with the natives’ position, who coordinate, conceal themselves, attack suddenly, overkill, mutilate, and flee. English representations of these attacks resonated within their own narrative folk tradition the lost hero beset by evil nature — a single human figure wandering unawares into a landscape that suddenly grows animate and deadly. White depicts the nation essay, Indians on score the cusp of killing George Howe as the predators of vulnerable creatures. It was only after George Howe’s death that White and the new group at a new nation essay, Roanoke became intent on discovering what happened to score, Grenville’s men. As White puts it, “we hoped to page of a paper apa, understand some news of our fifteen men, but especially, to learn the disposition of the essays, people of the country towards us.” The story came in the shape of a report from Manteo, who had returned to England with Lane’s colony, and was now an established go-between whom the English relied upon to ease native relations. The reunion of Manteo with his people on Croatoan was not without tension. At first the Croatoans poised to fight, and then fled from the English, returning only after Manteo called them in their own language.

After a greeting and critical festive welcome, the Croatoans tactfully showed White a lame man who had been injured by Lane’s company, when the score essays, English mistook the friendly Croatoan for an enemy Secotan. Still, the Croatoans asked for youtube dessay some emblem of friendship to avoid further confusions. White did not record fulfilling this request, but did claim he also was willing to forgive and forget, and asked the Croatoans to help secure the promise of future friendship from the Secotans and nearby Aquosconocs and Pomeioks. At this point, Manteo pledged that the Croatoans would do their best to score essays, broker a detente, but he also reported it was common knowledge in the country that late Wingina’s Secotans, in company with the former English traveler Wanchese, were responsible both for Howe’s recent death, and also for the forceful ousting of Grenville’s men. By August 8, John White “thought to defer revenge… no longer.” His group, which was expressly not a military deployment, had been at Roanoke fourteen days when a midnight crew of men, including Manteo as their guide, “passed over the water” into Dasamonquepeuck. It had been fourteen months since Lane’s 1586 attack on the same village which ended with the death of Wingina/Pemisipan. Like Lane’s, White’s report is focused most intently on moments when injured Indians are in an indiscernible state between life and youtube dessay death. Seeking to avoid just this kind of revenge, the residents of Dasamonquepeuck, “Wingina’s remnant,” left their village directly after killing George Howe, and left their crops un-harvested. The “miserable souls” thus “amazed” by the attacking English were actually Croatoans, mistaken once again for score essays hostile Secotans. They had gone to Dasamonquepeuck to gather the cover of a research apa, corn, tobacco, and pumpkins the essays, Secotans left behind. In the dark, however, White claimed he could not distinguish his friends from his enemies.

Because the people sitting at the fire were either naked or “appareled all so like others,” White wrote that he and his party did not even recognize that women and children were among them; they literally only a new nation, stopped from slaying the Croatoan werowance’s wife by suddenly realizing she had a child at her back. In the immediate aftermath of this debacle, White reported two christenings, solemn and deliberate acts of bequeathing identity and the status of belonging. The one remembered is Virginia Dare’s, “the first Christian borne in Virginia.” But in the days after the score essays, English attack on the Croatoan group, White wrote, “our Savage Manteo, by the commandment of Sir Walter Raleigh, was christened in Roanoke, and called Lord thereof, and of Dasamonquepeuck, in reward of his faithful service”[2]. Not long after the christenings, a third and final seal was issued in the settlement of Roanoke. Northwestern Honors Education. It was a testimony sworn and sealed by the English settlers and delivered to their governor. It certified that they were sending John White back to score essays, England “for the present and speedy supply of certain our known and apparent lacks and needs”[3]. White was not abandoning them, they vowed, but was only answering the write statement, incessant and urgent plea of score his colony. Though much against his will White had finally yielded to leave his government in their hands, and to return to a new, England on score their behalf. Youtube Dessay. This was the last official act of the City of Raleigh before it became the Lost Colony. White was afraid that he would be discredited if his intentions to save the colony were not made clear.

Due to the naval war between England and score Spain, it was three years before White returned. As White describes it, nineteen men on two boars anchored in the “exceeding dark” night, “sounded with a trumpet, a call, and afterwards many familiar English turns of songs, as called to them friendly; but we had no answer.” Despite this silence, White came onto shore at daybreak and phillis wheatley statement found two kinds of human signatures. One was “in the sand the print of the Salvages feet 2 or 3 sorts trodden that night.” These were traces of people who had heard the songs coming from White’s boat. The other war “upon a tree, in the very brow thereof were curiously carved these fair Roman letters: CRO.” This was the trace of people who had not heard those songs. White followed these signs, and approached the fort that had been abandoned for the fourth time.

Passing through the gate, White found bars of iron and score pigs of lead, guns, and light cannons “almost overgrown with grass and thesis statement weeds.” At the shore there was no sign of them. Hidden buried chests hoarding valuables, including many of White’s own, were dug up and pilfered through. These chests had been buried in score, trenches originally dug by crew of Barlowe and Amadas, and now their contents were scattered all around the cover page of a research apa, empty ditches. And so, while over a hundred people had simply vanished, the bark of a tree, gnarled like a troubled brow, bore the symbols of score essays empire in the shape of Roman letters and a truncated Indian word. The second inscription was a repetition of the first, five feet up White noted, just about as high as an English body of that time could reach and still make a letter fair. The tools of colonization were there — books, pictures, and maps — but they were torn and spoiled. The means of enforcement were there — armor, cannons, iron — but they were corroded and northwestern honors program essay entangled. The story of Roanoke is, by its very nature, unmappable, but despite its dislocated status it exerts considerable power in the literature and history of English settlement. Roanoke’s Lost Colony has mystified researchers from the time it disappeared until present. There exists a basic historical consensus on the problems that consigned Roanoke to failure such as the geographical problems of a shallow shoreline, the economic problems of score privateering’s influence, the political problems of a military outpost’s relation with native cultures, and the twin pressures of rumor and abandonment[4].

Early settlements, and especially there first colonial forays, relied almost entirely on dissertation continued, reliable sponsorship and supply coming from groups in England. Score Essays. But these groups were notoriously unstable. Thus, misrepresentation when combined with rumors of abandonment, became ruinous to the fate of colonies. Some believe (even White) that the settlers had voluntarily moved to the Indian village of northwestern honors in medical Croatoan, 40 miles south of Roanoke, where they had secured at least a temporary safe haven through their alliance with Manteo. However, if they moved further northward, they will be inevitably killed by either the Powhatans or the severe winter. John White, however, was not given the chance to confirm his hypothesis. He did not make it to Croatoan to recover his colony, or its remainder. The small English fleet that carried White back to Roanoke in 1590 was interested in finding an established colony only insofar as it might be used as someplace to spend winter months while waiting to score essays, seize upon Spanish ships in the West Indies in honors program in medical education, the spring. Score. On White’s urging, they briefly considered going on cover page of a apa to Croatoan but the vagaries of ship faring on the North Carolinian coast decidedly intervened.

Weather grew foul, cables broke, anchors were lost, ships almost grounded, and fresh water supply rapidly dwindled. Score Essays. John White’s objectives came no where close to prevailing, and he was left to commit his “discomfortable company the planters in Virginia, to the merciful help of the nation, Almighty.” And to the pages of history. In 1937, there circulated rumors of a stone beside a swamp in Georgia bearing a writing: Ananias Dare and Virginia went hence unto Heaven 1591. The grocer who had found the essays, stone realized that this is an answer to the puzzle that mystified America for about 400 years and so brought it to dissertation, Emory University in Atlanta for study. Score. The university then invited a specialist in American History, by the person of thesis Samuel Eliot Morison, to have a closer look at the stone. Morison agreed that it certainly looked like real. Essays. Additional stones were found many bearing Eleanor Dare’s name. However, when the professors searched for the grocer, they found that there are no records of such a person in California.

Beginning to doubt the authenticity of the stone, they brought the honors in medical education, stones to an Elizabethan scholar in England for a closer look. The scholar disagreed that the stone may not be authentic since were in Roman letters and early Elizabethans wrote in Gothic script unless they were highly educated. Moreover, there are two words in the writings that are not yet known in England at that time. Thus, the stones were a ruse[5]. Many projects have been established in order to search for clues and find answers behind the story of the Lost Colony. Since 1653, researchers and archaeologists have been digging to the supposed location of Roanoke’s Lost Colony.

In 1895, Talcott Williams, a journalist in Philadelphia and an amateur archaeologist, attempted to score essays, search for artifacts by digging the supposed site of the Lost Colony. During the late 1940s, professional archaeologists dug on some excavations and were able to find some artifacts that might belong to Harriot’s science laboratory built during the a new essay, English’s first attempt to colonize the Roanoke Island. However, they were still unable to find the actual location of the lost colonist’s village. Some believe that the failure of these projects to find the actual location of White’s Roanoke Colony and artifacts from the said colony is score essays, linked with the islands shoreline erosion[6]. Dolan and Bosserman explain that although researches and studies have not found the actual location of the essay, settlement site of White’s Roanoke Colony, there are evidences that indicate the site is score, located within a short distance from the shore of the island.

They further explain that since 1587, the time White arrived at the fort of the island, the shoreline has not been stable. Regarding the stability of the island’s shoreline, it is, therefore not surprising that no one has found neither the write thesis, actual location of the score, settlement site nor any artifacts that suggest of the existence (or disappearance) of the colony. The most recent addition to the many projects attempting to discover the truth behind the disappearance of research paper apa Roanoke’s Colony is the First Colony Foundation launched early on March 2004. The project was started by Phil Evans, a North Carolina attorney. Essays. The project aimed to find further clues about a new nation, Harriot’s science laboratory and the actual location of the score essays, colonists’ village[7]. Phillis Wheatley Thesis. The project has the score essays, same hypothesis as Dolan and Bosserman — that the colonists’ village must have been eroded away. Given the diversity of these sources it is most interesting to wheatley thesis, find that, despite different aims and audiences, almost all treatments of essays Roanoke end similarly, trailing off into a resonant silence in which the northwestern honors in medical essay, lost or abandoned settlers are neither absent nor present, but finally un-locatable even to history. This reverberating sentiment — “and they were never heard from essays, again” — is honors program in medical essay, a negative corollary to the classic narrative finale — “and they lived happily ever after.” It keeps a story going as much as the latter phrase seals one off. Score Essays. While popular sources pluck this final string with varying degrees of unabashed theatrically, academic treatments also participate in recreating the aura of mystery.

As Evans said, “As long as the Lost Colony is unexplained, it stays fascinating for a lot of people.”[8] Roanoke was left to speak for itself, because it stopped the speech of others. Even John White’s words for the people he led were few and honors program education essay conflicting, first rejoicing that they must have found relief in Croatoan, but later calling the colonial attempt “luckless to many” and “sinister to essays, myself.” Like the planters, the nation essay, soldiers, the slaves, the dead bodies; the wrecked books and drawings, the wrecked houses and ships; the knowledge of rivers and essays blunders of honors education essay identity; the villages de-populated willingly or unwillingly; the Indian leaders bound, murdered, beheaded or crowned — like all of these other missing things, the story of a Lost Colony itself was “left there,” both part and not part of the English plan for America, both compelling and resisting further action. Appleby, John C. “War, Politics and Colonization, 1558-1625.” In The Origins of essays Empire: British Overseas Enterprise to the Close of the Seventeenth Century , ed. Nicholas Canny. Dissertation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. Dolan, Robert, and Kenton Bosserman. Score. “Shoreline Erosion and the Lost Colony.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 62, no. 3 (1972): 424-426. Drye, Willie. “America’s Lost Colony: Can New Dig Solve Mystery?” National Geographic News (2004). [accessed November 10, 2007]. Fritz, Jean. “Looking for the Lost Colony.” Book Links 14, no.

1 (2004): 28-29. Hakluyt, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voiages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the youtube dessay, English Nation . London: George Bishop, Ralph Newberie, and Robert Baker, 1600. Quinn, David B., ed. The Roanoke Voyages 1584-1590 . Vol. Essays. 115. London: The Hakluyt Society, 1955.

________. Set Fair for Roanoke, 1584-1606 . Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1985. [1] Appleby, John C. “War, Politics and Colonization, 1558-1625.” In The Origins of nation essay Empire: British Overseas Enterprise to the Close of the Seventeenth Century , ed. Nicholas Canny. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

[2] Quinn, David B., ed. The Roanoke Voyages 1584-1590 . Vol. 115. London: The Hakluyt Society, 1955. [3] Quinn, ed. The Roanoke Voyages. [4] Quinn, David B. Set Fair for Roanoke, 1584-1606 . Essays. Chapel Hill, NC: University of northwestern honors program essay North Carolina Press, 1985. [5] Fritz, Jean. “Looking for the Lost Colony.” Book Links 14, no. 1 (2004): 28-29. [6] Dolan, Robert, and Kenton Bosserman. “Shoreline Erosion and the Lost Colony.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 62, no.

3 (1972): 424-426. [7] Drye, Willie. Score. “America’s Lost Colony: Can New Dig Solve Mystery?” National Geographic News (2004). [accessed November 10, 2007]. [8] Drye. Critical Statement. “America’s Lost Colony: Can New Dig Solve Mystery?” Is this the score, perfect essay for write statement you? Save time and order Roanoke Island: The Lost Colony. essay editing for essays only $13.9 per page.

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Energy, ecology, and economics revisited. We must understand the concept of net energy in order to see the underlying energetic basis for score society. Yet net energy is northwestern in medical often misunderstood, typically through optimistic measures of valuation that do not address the hidden inputs. Perhaps HT Odum’s clearest, simplest, most understandable paper on the topic was written 40 years ago, in a special issue of the Royal Swedish Academy of essays, Science’s Energy in youtube dessay, Society issue of Ambio (1973). The article was republished in Mother Earth News, still available online through Minnesotans for Sustainability. The paper remains as relevant and fundamental to the arguments for net energy today as it did 40 years ago. Each time I read the paper, I find new meaning from score it.

Perhaps it is time to revisit the a new, principles quoted below from the paper, to essays update the economy, terms and give modern examples of the essays, interrelationships between the 3Es of energy, ecology, and economics. Some of the terminology and accounting methods have been refined over thesis statement, time, but the general principles remain unchanged–principles that are essential to the energy dialogue. 1. Score? “The true value of energy to society is the net energy, which is what’s left after the energy costs of getting and concentrating that energy are subtracted.” All processes in the world involve energy, materials, and information. Materials are transformed through energy, which drives the process of creating every good, service, and environmental process.

Information guides the process of transformation. Energy has different qualities, so a calorie of one form of energy is not the same in quality as a calorie of another form, as certain forms of energy are not substitutable, depending on the situation. A calorie of sunlight may not be substituted for cover page of a research apa a calorie of oil or of food. In order to compare apples and oranges, we need to create a common denominator. Score? So all processes can be assessed or valued on page of a paper apa, a common basis using a lowest-common-denominator unit of solar energy—the seJ (solar emjoules). The science of Emergy accounting places values on the energy, information, and materials in score essays, the processes, allowing us to choose more efficient policies.

Emergy is defined as the available energy of one kind that is used up in transformations directly and indirectly to make a product or service. Real wealth, then, can be measured as the research, emergy memory that exists in human goods and services, and in non-human environmental goods and services. Odum’s updated term for net energy is net emergy or net empower. Essays? The true cost of a process to society is the net emergy, which is the emergy delivered after the emergy costs of getting and concentrating that energy are subtracted. Net emergy contribution of any process within the economy including energy production can be calculated using an Emergy Yield Ratio, which is the net energy yield of a process expressed in emergy, divided by the purchased goods and write statement, services, which are also expressed in emergy. The EYR includes the contributions for renewable and non-renewable sources, and inputs such as human labor/services and environmental contributions, using a quality correction factor for energies of different qualities. Net emergy is an essential concept in the science of descent, during a period of waning energy availability. Brown, Cohen, Sweeney, 2009.

2. Essays? “Worldwide inflation is dissertation economy driven in score essays, part by the increasing fraction of our fossil fuels that have to be used in getting more fossil and other fuels.” An updated explanation of this phenomenon can be found in Energy Basis for Man and Nature (Odum Odum, 1976, pp. Dissertation Economy? 49-59), as summarized by Hanson, “The buying power of money is the amount of real goods and services that it can buy. Score Essays? If the amount a dollar can buy diminishes, this is called inflation. Northwestern Honors Program Education Essay? Inflation can be caused by increasing the amount of money circulating without increasing the amount of essays, energy flowing and doing work, for example, when more money is printed. It can also occur when the money supply is constant but less work is done, for dissertation economy example, because energy becomes scarce. As long as there is unused fuel energy to be tapped, increasing the money supply can increase the flow of energy through the system, causing growth as well as some inflation.” And in essays, the current era of declining energy availability and expanding money supply and debt, the degree of inflation relative to Emergy is particularly egregious. The graph below illustrates the calculated steady decline of Emergy per dollar value of gross world product since 1970, demonstrating a loss in value of about 33%. Brown Ulgiati 2011

3. “Many calculations of energy reserves which are supposed to offer years of supply are as gross energy rather than net energy and thus may be of a new nation essay, much shorter duration than often stated.” Because the emergy valuation method is notable for score including human labor and environmental goods and services in the valuation of a process, the net emergy yield for energy sources tends to be lower than other methods that do not include all inputs. Below is a diagram from Chapter 3 of a pending book by thesis, Mark T. Brown and score, Sergio Ulgiati on statement, Emergy and score, environmental accounting, posted here with permission. An in wheatley, depth discussion of the history and score essays, fundamentals of the various method will be included in northwestern program essay, the book. One can see the different inputs that are considered in various types of accounting methods for essays energy production and other processes. Dissertation? If one were to include a fifth diagram reflecting the traditional economic demand-based approach, which does not measure environmental contributions, then that diagram would be even simpler, with a single-arrow output that is viewed or measured by the purchaser’s subjective ideas about willingness to pay, with minimal consideration for the inputs and no regard for limits of environmental contributions.

It would be helpful to this discussion if we examined the various energy accounting methods and the ranges of net energy estimated from essays each one, and placed them on a continuum. That exercise would show how scattered the valuations are, with varying rates of optimism. Page Of A Paper? But that is not today’s goal in this post. From a pending book by Brown and Ulgiati, chapter 3, used with permission. The goal of this post is to essays re-examine Odum’s statements of in medical education essay, 40 years ago in light of the current science. In the period after Odum wrote the Ambio paper, Emergy scientists developed emergy accounting and calculated the essays, net emergy or EYR for a variety of wheatley thesis, renewable energy and nonrenewable energy reserves. The ranges in the table below show values of EYR for a number of settings and processes over score, several decades. Essay? Net emergy is score essays declining over time for these sources, so many of these values are now lower than what is published in dissertation, the table. How many wrong policy guesses have occurred in various countries attempting to produce marginal sources?

What are the environmental impacts of trying to produce marginal sources such as fracked natural gas, tar sands, shale oil, aquaculture, ethanol, and palm oil? How many wrong guesses on net energy policies are we allowed? Odum, 2007, p. 201. 4. Essays? “Societies compete for economic survival by Lotka’s principle (1922), which says that systems win and dominate that maximize their useful total power from all sources and flexibly distribute this power toward needs affecting survival.” Odum refined the phillis statement, idea of Maximum Power from score essays Lotka (1922) as a proposed 4th energy law, and northwestern program in medical, its corollary, Maximum Empower. Essays? Individuals and systems that maximize energy flow and power flow (empower) through systems have an advantage in competing with other systems for available energy. Systems develop mechanisms of feedbacks, high quality storages, and systems of page of a apa, exchange to maximize energy flow (see diagram above). For examples of score essays, this in modern economies, look at the United States.

After World War II, our intact infrastructure and rich natural resources allowed us to maximize power through rapid expansion of economy, energy production, development of a high quality education system, and domination in world trade. These means allowed us to overtake other countries in the development of technology, information, and military might. Essays? All of those adaptations served to improve feedback loops in our competition for even more resource acquisition. Power begets more power. 5. “During times when there are opportunities to expand one’s power inflows, the survival premium by Lotka’s principle is on rapid growth even though there may be waste.” Using this same example, America’s empire development in wheatley statement, the 1950s and 1960s resulted in rapid expansion of energy production, industrialization, highway systems, suburbanization, industrial agriculture, and finally a high-tech information society.

Competitive and predatory capitalism, an expansive, debt-based financial system, and a large construction industry promoted rapid growth which gave the United States a great advantage in global trade, creating inequities and power imbalances. 6. “During times when energy flows have been tapped and there are no new sources, Lotka’s principle requires that those systems win that do not attempt fruitless growth but instead use all available energies in long-staying, high-diversity, steady-state works.” from Mark T. Brown’s Democracy Lecture. When Odum wrote this paper 40 years ago, he was hopeful that global opinion and national policies could be changed through central planning so that societies could avert catastrophe by slowing growth and achieving a climax society in relative steady state. But that did not happen. We are now in overshoot, and over the past 40 years, signs that the score, United States and the world at northwestern honors in medical essay, large are slowly losing emergy flow per capita can be seen in score, indirect proxies such as failing wages, failing middle class, and a new, collapsing empires. While some countries are doing better than others, the global trend in emergy flow is downwards. Maximum Power dictates that countries with less energy will adapt through increased efficiency. We can see this happening in the United States, for score essays example, in slowing growth of various industries, including transportation and construction. 7. “High quality of life for humans and equitable economic distribution are more closely approximated in steady-state than in of a research, growth periods.” For points #7 and #8, I will let Odum’s words speak for score essays themselves: “During growth, emphasis is on competition, and large differences in phillis wheatley thesis statement, economic and score essays, energetic welfare develop; competitive exclusion, instability, poverty, and unequal wealth are characteristic.

During steady state, competition is controlled and eliminated, being replaced with regulatory systems, high division and diversity of labor, uniform energy distributions, little change, and a new essay, growth only for replacement purposes. Love of stable-system quality replaces love of net gain. Religious ethics adopt something closer to that of essays, those primitive peoples that were formerly dominant in nation, zones of the world with cultures based on the steady energy flows from the sun. Socialistic ideals about distribution are more consistent with steady state than growth” (Odum, 1973, p. 222). 8. “The successfully competing economy must use its net output of richer-quality energy flows to subsidize the poorer-quality energy flow so that the total power is maximized.” “In ecosystems, diversity of species develop that allow more of the energies to be tapped.

Many of the species that are specialists in getting lesser and residual energies receive subsidies from the richer components. For example, the sun leaves on score, top of economy, trees transport fuels that help the shaded leaves so they can get some additional energy from the last rays of essays, dim light reaching the forest floor. The system that uses its excess energies in getting a little more energy, even from sources that would not be net yielding alone, develops more total work and more resources for total survival. Write Critical? In similar ways, we now use our rich fossil fuels to keep all kinds of goods and services of our economy cheap so that the marginal kinds of energies may receive the subsidy benefit that makes them yielders, whereas they would not be able to generate much without the subsidy” (Odum, 1973, p. 223). 9. “Energy sources which are now marginal, being supported by hidden subsidies based on fossil fuel, become less economic when the hidden subsidy is removed.” Stephanie McMillan Code Green. There are many examples of marginal or net-negative energy sources that are only essays, being produced because of hidden or overt subsidies. Cover Page Of A Research Paper? Hidden subsidies may consist of unfair trade, such as inputs to processes via expansion of empire, cheap goods from China such as solar photovoltaic panels, or rare earth minerals from Afghanistan. In an empire, many resources are subsidized through military actions or unfair trade that do not get calculated into costs of score, goods–yet these costs impact societal power.

Externalization of environmental damage is another large covert subsidy. Costs of goods do not include environmental costs of damage and pollution which get absorbed by the broader society over critical, time. Overt subsidies include tax credits, production subsidies, or agricultural subsidies. Score Essays? How many overt or covert subsidies are involved in the creation of corn and marginal ethanol fuel in the diagrams below? Which components are not reflected in the economic price? If you want to learn more about northwestern education this specific topic or what inputs contribute to an emergy analysis, the folio by Brandt-Williams (2002) analyzes the emergy basis including the inputs for 25 Florida agricultural commodities. Cambell 2008 Emergy Brief Comparative Corn Production 4 states. 10. “Increasing energy efficiency with new technology is not an score essays, energy solution, since most technological innovations are really diversions of cheap energy into hidden subsidies in northwestern honors in medical, the form of fancy, energy-expensive structures.” One of the ways that systems maximize empower is to develop high quality storages of information, materials, and score, energy that increase power inflows. New technology is highly transformed, energy-intensive machinery and cover apa, processes that add to essays the transformity and emergy basis of processes.

Technology acts as a driver to promote faster use of energy. Technology in and of nation, itself cannot power a system. For example, high-tech GMO-modified seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, feed lots, aquaculture, and other technologies expand rates of power flow through the system, technology by itself is useless without energy. Technologies add to the emergy basis of produced foods. While the essays, required other fuels, chemicals, and phillis thesis, services allow larger yields in essays, the short run, the phillis wheatley statement, system creates more wastes and is not sustainable when the fossil fuel subsidies are withdrawn.

We are told that energy sources that are marginal at present will become producible in the future, through technological innovations. We tell ourselves that smart grids and essays, net metering will make solar photovoltaics the renewable resource of the 21st century. Youtube Dessay? Or electric vehicles are touted as energy solutions, even though the solar emergy required for an electric car is even higher than that of an internal combustion engine car, due to hidden costs of electricity, batteries, and new infrastructure. It is essays time for us to look beyond the hoods of our cars at the real cost to society, beyond the sticker price. Ortega Miller-Soybean Comparison Odum, 1987, Crafoord Lecture, modified from A. Brown. So, forty years after the original article, what is Odum’s track record on accuracy? Except for his hopeful stance on cover of a paper apa, a climax steady state, Odum and colleagues’ estimates of which sources measure net benefits to essays society seem to be on track. This is part 1–that’s enough for now. Phillis Wheatley Thesis? There are ten more important principles from essays that article to dissertation economy be covered in Part 2 at a later date. Score? I’ve avoided discussing nuclear and solar photovoltaic in this first part of the series, as Odum covered those specifically in the ideas in the next section of youtube dessay, his paper.

I am continually amazed, both at what your father understood 40 years ago, but also at how profoundly he’s been ignored over those 40 years. Why isn’t this part of basic high school curriculum? Why are so few people exposed to these concepts? Because HTO was a dangerous man. In a totalitarian system, he’d have been imprisoned, but in essays, a capitalist “democratic” system, he’s simply out-shouted. Pity. Yes, heads can roll when paradigms shift. Nation Essay? Net energy is so important, IMO it was HT’s most important contribution.

Yet we don’t even understand that one, relatively simple construct. Instead we get unicorns–magic technology: Every year I reread the Ambio paper and ask myself, is the world ready to get it yet? See the above reply. Ah, that’s a really good one, Mary. Essays? Really good. I’m always trying to figure out northwestern honors education, how we get to essays an “Emergy for Everyone” exegesis of program, these critical concepts. This post is a real step in that. Jan said: “Because HTO was a dangerous man. In a totalitarian system, he’d have.

been imprisoned, but in a capitalist ‘democratic’ system, he’s simply. Exactly. But HT and score essays, his brilliant work is dangerous to the bosses and. what we now call the one-percenters. And it is they and their systems, incompatible with a world of reduced energy flows, that threaten us all. as a society and a species. But the much greater danger, of. course, is that we will, collectively, continue to fail to absorb and.

act on the insights that HT’s work has afforded us. If we do fail, it. will be despite your fine efforts. Brava! And thanks. Hmmm. Don’t understand the weird line breaks. Maybe need a techie consult. ;^) Hi, Doug. Cover Page Paper? If you cut and paste something into Disqus, it picks up odd line breaks? Emergy for everyone–working on it.

It’s complex enough that I can’t start at the final product, which is the quantitative science of valuation. We have to score begin with the reasoning behind net energy and the dialogue that led to the science–what is the energy memory of things, explained in words? I don’t think we’re able to see hierarchy in youtube dessay, systems anymore. We are trained so thoroughly in breaking things apart and looking at the smallest piece we can find. Another Great Post. I especially appreciate those links to the somewhat “older” papers… In terms on ?how to transmit Odum?s science in a readable way, personally I entered thanks to David Holmgrens conceptualization of essays, Permaculture – thats, it his words, “Systems ecology for the commons”… but still a bit difficult to grasp for people with difficulties in abstract conceptual thinking… Another Great Post. I especially appreciate those links to the “older” papers… ?how to transmit Odum?s science in critical thesis, a readable way, personally I leared about essays Odums Energy Principles thanks to David Holmgrens conceptualization of Permaculture – it his words, PC was originally conceived as “Systems ecology for the commons”… but his book on that (Principles Pathways beyond Sustainability) is still a bit difficult to grasp for northwestern honors education the more practical people. Thanks, Holger.

I haven’t read the book, but I suppose it goes on my list now. Score? Here’s the cliff notes, apparently: “Essence of permaculture” is a very condensed version of the book…gives you a good idea of Davids writing style. The book is important, actually its even dedicated to H.T.Odum, and gave me a good idea of a new, emergy concepts even before reading “A prosperous way down” and “Environment, Power Society” (the original version of 1971 and essays, the update from 2008) – “Environmental Accounting” I have at home, but its a bit too difficult for me at statement, the moment…needs time and essays, concentration, and people to discuss the ideas (i do not have them around here on the mexican countryside…) – a good synopsis of Davids book is youtube dessay here: Though still quite “cerebral” and (at least for many PC-folks) very theoretical conceptual, the 12 PC principles developed in the book (by themselves they represent a major renovation actualization of the score essays, PC Concept) translate the sometimes complex language of systems ecology into easy to remember and practical principles… definitely an important read. Here you get the book: and of course amazon. I’ve studied under Holmgren, and he is brilliant and has a wealth of information, but it’s too bad he didn’t hire a good editor, because his writing is all passive voice and rather academic. But it is a rigorous and well-crafted description of Permaculture. Chapter Three of a new, Holmgren’s Principles and Pathways is Odum 101.

I recall being shocked and puzzled when I read that efficiency is not all it’s cracked up to be. Score Essays? I had to read that chapter over and over before I “got it.” Thanks again for the links and book recc. I’ve got the book, and it looks really good–I’ll get to it soon. Youtube Dessay? Lots of hits on the website this morning, Jan. I went to see what the fuss was about. Manchurian Candidate? LOL.

Thanks for the props. And I really liked this explanation of yours: “There exists a “maximum power point” on the effort/efficiency curve. Go beyond that, and essays, you’re into net diminishing returns, no matter how good things look. That Prius that gets 60 MPG? It took way more resources than a first-cut look at materials reveals. With its heavy reliance on hi-tech semiconductors and software, it requires essentially all of modern civilization to manufacture and maintain. I think my non-computerized diesels from the ’80s will be running long after the last electronic module for honors program the Prius ceases to be available.

A skilled machinist in a large village or a small town can keep a mechanical diesel running on locally sourced fuels, but that Prius requires a global supply chain of exotic materials that require the long-distance transportation industry, semiconductors and software that requires much of the industrial education system, and billion-dollar semiconductor wafer fabrication plants that require the banking and finance industries. And we aren’t even to the point of discussing where the score essays, fuel comes from yet! (They are only rated “E85? — 15% ethanol, unlike the diesel that can run on 100% plant oil.)” It sounds like it’s time to take all of that frustration that you are venting in comments, and nation, write a post for me on essays, the topic of efficiency, max power, emergy basis? Consider this sentence, from youtube dessay Odum’s May, 1974 paper. It is why your father was ignored (and rightly so). “14. Energy is measured by calories, Btu’s, kilowatt hours, and other intraconvertible units, but energy has a scale of quality which is not indicated by these measures.” You cannot just arbitrarily differentiate energy flow, entropy, the Laws of Thermodynamics and the rest of the natural world by a new scale using a subjective category of “quality.” This is the theoretical flaw in “emergy.” Okay, so let’s give up on your new paradigm and look for an even newer paradigm – a metric that crosses all platforms. Joules will work; so will kilocalories. Score Essays? Kilocalories have the advantage of being known by just about everyone who reads. [And just ignore the nation essay, nerdboys who insist on a difference in kilocalorie measure from 14.5-15.5 C, versus 15.5-16.5 C.]

Using joules or kilocalories you can indeed compare the work done by a human to the work done by a bullock to the work done by a tractor. Score? You can also compare the embedded energy in the tractor to the embedded energy in a tiller. [Embedded energy is still better than emergy because it is strictly quantitative.] Those who insist on a difference in cover research apa, energy (like your father and score essays, yourself) just provide a way for the power brokers to keep everyone confused. Youtube Dessay? If you just use joules or kilocalories you can devise your own methods of energy auditing – AND it is applicable across the board (i.e. Score? crosses all platforms). There is no big conspiracy here. It is just hard science. Emergy does use joules as a measure, Ralphieo. The difference in the joules of brain energy that is typing this response is different than the equivalent joule used to drive my car, or to grow a cabbage in economy, my garden. They cannot be transposed. And the joules of score, brain and finger energy used to type this Disqus response is not just a couple of write statement, neurotransmitter exchanges at the axonal synapses and finger muscles on computer keys.

This response is the result of score essays, my formal schooling, my upbringing, my cultural values that give me the passion, the knowledge of navigating the statement, web and score, creating this website, and some small component of dissertation, both my Apple computer and the associated high tech company, and the overall internet that allows you and me to talk here, today, in this corner of the internet. Arguably, the joules of information energy being laid down in essays, this response are of much higher quality, with much higher transformity, with potentially much greater impact through the wonders of copied information. Youtube Dessay? People say that electrons are free on the internet . . . Score Essays? well, that is only the case if you don’t see what went into the making of them. This is heresy and thesis statement, a huge emotional threat for engineers who see technology as the answer, through “free energy.” This business of not seeing the energy memory of things is the biggest blind spot in our energy sciences. The blind spot about the energy memory of things allows us to believe that we have created a free lunch, and that things are not as bad as they really are–that we can keep the current society and BAU. Score? I just responded to Dwig’s excellent question about the relationship of power and efficiency on the previous Transformity post, and that explanation is useful here, so I will repost a paragraph of that response. Easy copying and youtube dessay, sharing of information is essays a transformational use for the internet, even though we don’t see the true costs of both the internet and the original knowledge generation. Originals are expensive.

Copies are cheaper. Efficiency from a thermodynamic standpoint is the ratio of outputs to ALL energy inputs. including the “ultimate energy value of bought goods and services” (Odum Odum, 1976, p. 4). But the honors in medical, contributing energies are of different qualities, and are not always readily visible from the perspective of the high tech engineer at the top of the score, hierarchy, especially the environmental contributions. Odum states that “engineers should realize that most technological advances during the last century of growth have involved the hidden, indirect, additional forms of energy. Research Paper Apa? As such forms of energy become less, many technological advantages will evaporate. What was an advance becomes wasteful and must be discarded” (OO, 1976, p. 4). No it is not different. It is measured the same. It cannot even be measured! It must be calculated!

I don’t believe you are talking about the same thing that the rest of the world is talking about when it comes to emergy. Hmm, it seems to me that ralpheio is talking and thinking in terms of a different scientific discipline (based on his quote from Wikipedia). There, heat is heat, no matter what its effects are. Essays? Odum, however, thought and worked as an ecologist; a given amount of energy expended can do very different things in an ecosystem; in of a paper, this context, the essays, difference is very important. Here’s a loose analogy from cover of a paper apa economics: GDP as a measure of the US economy has been criticized because it counts all economic activity as equal. The expense of building a house and the expense of tearing down a house are measured equally, regardless of the value they add to the neighborhood (and yes, both can be valuable, but in different ways).

Another example: was Superstorm Sandy good for score the economy? Certainly, it caused a lot of economic activity to a new nation essay occur. So, various measures have been proposed to capture the value added or destroyed by score, a particular economic activity. Thanks, Dwig and Jan. Ralphie, I’m not sure if you are really open to phillis wheatley ideas, or if you’re stuck on essays, details and dogma, or just venting your spleen in an anonymous venue. Please be polite if you want to converse here. The figure below illustrates a generic energy chain which transforms energy of lower, dilute quality into higher, more concentrated forms. Write Critical Thesis Statement? Sunlight becomes plants, plants are eaten by bigger and bigger animals and humans, and plants become peat, which eventually becomes coal, and is extracted to essays create electricity by humans. For a joule to get to the higher levels and exist there, as a joule of economy, electricity or a solar PV panel, or as DNA, or as information on the internet, it has been transformed many, many times, with associated very large losses in essays, the form of critical statement, heat entropy. Does a joule of bear exist without the supporting plants?

Does a joule of score essays, tiny energies on the internet exist without the supporting contributions from lower levels? No. And if it takes 4 or 5 joules of coal to create a joule of electricity, then there may be relative differences in youtube dessay, the ability to do work. Complex work requires a lot of score essays, different kinds of high quality energy. Could we run our current society based on coal, without the electricity? No. Can electricity based on renewables run our society?

No, not so much. Wheatley Thesis Statement? Can we drop too many middle layers or power flow from loss of nonrenewable energy and still have the higher levels function? Energy is transformed and score essays, upgraded through energy chains which store progressively higher quality energy as assets at cover page of a apa, each level, then feeding back at each level to score promote pulling in more energy. Mary – You and Jan are being impolite, not me. If you are not willing to take criticism of your ideas without taking cheap shots, you are no scientist. The commentator, Dwig, gets it but still buys into the abstract concept of emergy. Here is a tip for all of you. No matter how hard you try, you cannot alter the laws of physics. Dissertation? You can certainly define things differently, but it is merely a parlor game and essays, your definition does not square with the real world. As the Wikipedia entry says so succinctly, “The idea that a kilocalorie of heat is different is absurd.”

I’m not sure I understand you. Odum writes of “intraconvertable units” of energy, which you seem to say only applies to joules or kilocalories. Certainly one could also use ergs or dyne-centimetres or “barrels of oil equivalent” if one wished, because all these units are “intraconvertable.” Odum then goes on to note that not all energy is dissertation created equal, and essays, thus Odum originated the page research paper, concept of “EMbedded enERGY.” I agree that the ambiguous term “quality” itself lacks quality and precision. “Quality” generally refers to an immediate aspect of something, rather than a historical aspect. In the vernacular, a closely regulated source of score essays, precision flow of electrons might be thought of as a “high quality” energy source, whereas the a new essay, chaotic, random nature of a lightening bolt could be thought of as lower quality because even though it may provide vastly more power than a typical 200-amp household electrical service, it’s nature is too unpredictable to be of much practical use to anyone except for some plants that get off on the nitrogen it fixes. On the other hand, the embedded energy that goes into the making of a photovoltaic solar panel means that electrons from such a source have a different cost to them than do, for example, electrons coming from a coal-fired power plant.

So either I misunderstand you, or I think you may misunderstand the subtle meaning that Odum ascribed to “quality” in this context. Score? Not all electron flows are created equal! Thanks, Jan, you addressed Ralphie’s question better than I, with more clarity. My head was still resonating with the issue of energy memory, which is the application of the idea of quality. I agree that the word quality has been loosely used and open to misconstruction. Yes you misunderstood me.

Odum’s concept of embodied energy, or “emergy” was a way to differentiate between human energy and that of fossil fuels. It is a false distinction. Energy can be low-quality because it is dissipated over a large area, like sunlight. Write Critical Thesis? It can be high-quality because it is score essays concentrated in a coal seam. However, regardless of its quality, it is measured the same – in joules, kilocalories, BTU’s etc.

Arbitrarily assigning a new qualitative category and changing the measurement units to fit your arbitrary standard is not acceptable. Physics trumps politics. There is a very good reason for SI units (look it up). This is why Odum got no traction with his new units. I still think we’re talking past each other. Emergy units are not just another unit for expressing energy. No, emjoules are not at all the same thing as a statement of the energy they contain. You cannot burn a photovoltaic panel and dissertation, obtain the amount of heat implied by score, it’s emjoule content, any more than you can cool a cooked egg and get a raw egg back. This is not politics.

It is not some “arbitrary standard.” It is measuring a different thing. One might just as well say a kilowatt-hour or a light-year is just an arbitrary, political way of measuring time, simply because they sound like something other than what they are. I understand Systeme International units quite well, and kilocalorie is not even one of them, as it’s been superseded by the watt*second. Jan – I am not talking past you at all. You have bought into an absurd concept. Since you cannot seem to northwestern program in medical essay understand what I am saying (whether willfully or not I will leave to your conscience), here is a quote from essays a the Wikipedia entry on emergy. “The idea that a calorie of sunlight is youtube dessay not equivalent to a calorie of fossil fuel or electricity strikes many as absurd, based on the 1st Law definition of energy units as measures of heat (i.e. Joule’s mechanical equivalent of heat).”[28] Sciubba, E., 2010. On the Second-Law inconsistency of Emergy Analysis. Energy.

I understand what you are saying. You do not understand what I am saying. Good day to you! Hello Walter (Ralphieo), Good discussion here. I appreciate the score, worthwhile contributions of nation, all the score essays, participants. I agree with most everything said by Mary, Jan, and Dwig.

I also think the points raised by Walter are significant – there are serious objections to honors essay Odum’s concept of emergy, and they need to be dealt with in a rigorous and scientifically sound way. As Dwig indicated, emergy needs to be considered in the context of Odum’s work in systems ecology, and alongside the parallel concept of score essays, transformity. As Odum pioneered the field of systems ecology, he looked at how these systems processes energy – in flows, storages, transformations, feedbacks, and sinks. The concept of emergy helps to quantify the energy used in these processes. To me, the concept of emergy makes intuitive sense in a number of ways. It does not make sense to me to youtube dessay look only at energy quantity. Energy itself is a nebulous thing – we know it only by its ability to do work, which immediately brings it into the qualitative dimension. What kind of work, and what scale of results? And yes, heat energy is heat energy, but does the essays, burning of a book tell us it’s true energetic value, or is there a way to phillis thesis statement take into account all of the energy that went into making the score, book possible? One can argue about and refine how the math is phillis thesis statement done to calculate it, but Odum’s efforts were an attempt to bring this closer to a common apples to apples standard, which continues to be refined (Giannantoni, 2003). I think it is an extremely helpful and essays, important concept.

I’m currently reading Environment, Power Society in the Twenty First Century, and am continually amazed by dissertation, Odum’s broad perspectives and how the concepts interact and support one another across many systems, scales, and score, depths. I think it is a work of genius. OK, having said that…I also recognize that new concepts such as emergy, and fourth and economy, fifth laws of score essays, thermodynamics need rigorous analysis from a wide body of critical thesis, experts…and that blog comments are not the greatest forum to undertake such an exploration. I did a quick Google search. One paper I found discussing the criticisms of emergy was “Promise and Problems of Emergy Analysis” by score, Hau and Bakshi. The paper above is sympathetic to Odum’s view, so I also looked up one of the papers they reference as critical of Odum’s view. I chose to look up Cutler Cleveland’s paper, because I have a respect for Cleveland’s work in ecological economics and the concept of EROI.

The paper is page of a apa called “Aggregation and the Role of Energy in score, the Economy” This comment is too long already, so I won’t try to summarize the papers here. I did note to my surprise that Cleveland very early on extols the importance of energy quality. “Despite its widespread use, aggregating different energy types by youtube dessay, their heat units embodies a serious flaw: it ignores qualitative differences among energy vectors.” Cleveland notes various researchers considering energy quality back to essays at least 1960. Secondly, Cleveland praises Odum for laying the foundation of research into biophysical energy and economy, material flows in systems that provided the intellectual backbone for the discipline of ecological economics. He does criticize emergy analysis as being one dimensional (he has the score, same criticism of exergy analysis). I would be interested in hearing about any other more academically oriented criticisms or defenses of emergy and the laws of maximum em-power and hierarchies of energy. I’m especially interested if anyone has a good quote from Charles Hall on these subjects…perhaps something from the 1995 book he edited, “Maximum Power: The Ideas and Applications of H.T. Odum.” Hi, David.

No, this isn’t the place for honors program rigorous analysis, thanks. I’ve heard these complaints so many times over the past 40 years–yet Odum’s explanations for how the score, world works have been borne out over time in dissertation economy, what’s happening in the world today. That is such rock solid evidence for me that I’m not much interested in these arguments. We stopped and saw Charlie and score, his wife in late July on my bike trip–it was good to cover research paper see them. Here’s an email that has been sitting in my box for 2 months now waiting for some opportunity to copy and paste. So here’s Charlie’s take, with his permission. I was trying to wheedle him into expanding it into a guest post, but I guess this will do: “Odum was my PhD adviser and I have written a book called “Maximum Power ” (Colorado Univ.

Press). The idea is not that entropy should be maximized but that there is selection for an optimal rate of doing each process where rate and score, efficiency are opposite and what is thesis statement selected for is maximum power at score essays, an intermediate efficiency. This concept would operate so that organisms do not operate at maximum efficiency or as fast as possible but at an intermediate rate of each. Odum thought that as resources change the location on the power curve change and successful (surviving) organisms would adjust their rates accordingly. There was nothing necessarily about over the cliff for northwestern honors other organisms or humans or civilizations in what he said. But it was still uncomfortable for us grad students who thought humans should restrict their appetites. I think he would say from this perspective “If the US does not use the middle East oil then the Chinese will” but also “as the oil is depleted successful nations will adjust their spending appropriately.

There is much more of this available on the website and elsewhere, and I have written “the continuing importance of maximum power” published in Ecological Modelling in a special tribute to Odum. Score Essays? Do not despair quite yet, although H.T. and I both think the world is likely to research paper apa be quite different” (email, CAS Hall, July 26, 2013). The PDF version of the 2004 Ecological Modelling article is linked below: I have thoroughly enjoyed the comments this time round. Funny how I send you an email asking this very question and essays, it blows up in the comment section.

The world is a strange place and coincidence abounds. Brian, yes, I find myself wondering the a new nation, same thing about the series of coincidences. Serendipity, but maybe mostly a number of score, connected people with two or 3 degrees of separation who are thinking about the dissertation economy, same things. Mary, thank you! That paper by Hall is like gold to me, with its review and analysis of essays, Odum’s career! I highly recommend everyone give it a read. “For most of us who have been exposed to dissertation it [Maximum power principle] in essays, some detail, there is no doubt as to its veracity.” “I believe it to be extremely interesting, and enormously more important than most things with which we fill our students’ heads.” I keep a short list of articles to recommend for basic energy literacy, and this 1973 paper by Odum is at the top of that list. I also love the research apa, introduction given by score, Mother Earth News when they reprinted it: “In early November of 1973—during a visit to MOTHER’s new home in the mountains of western North Carolina—New Alchemist John Todd gave the cover of a research apa, magazine’s editors about the 14th-generation Xerox copy of score, what can conservatively be described as a dynamite paper. “We had only to glance at this extraordinary document to realize that the paper (originally written at the request of the of a research, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences) is one of the most concise—yet most sweeping—examinations yet made of the real problems of. the world.

Read it and essays, see for yourself.” I’m also glad to economy see another person here who recognizes the strong connection between Odum and David Holmgren’s articulation of Permaculture. Holmgren wrote the first Permaculture book (Permaculture One), with Bill Mollison serving the role of editor and score, advisor. Youtube Dessay? The very first reference in Permaculture One is to Odum’s Environment, Power and Society. And as Holger notices, Holmgren’s “Permaculture Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability” is full of score, constant references to Odum’s work. Write? Holmgren should be read side by side with A Prosperous Way Down and Environment, Power and Society for the 21st Century. These works complement and reinforce one another so well. In terms of how to apply the information, Odum focused on suggesting appropriate governmental policy, whereas Holmgren focuses on grassroots, bottom-up actions from individuals and alternative community.

In fact, the other paper at the top of score essays, my list for energy literacy is Holmgren’s “Energy and Permaculture.” I see it as an early draft of his later book (the 12 permaculture principles had not yet been developed, but he does offer a nice list of suggested strategies). It is almost entirely a tribute to Odum. The third paper on my list is Energy Follows Its Bliss by John Michael Greer. I think misconception of solar PV electricity is youtube dessay that you also have to make do with less. The reality is that you can be more productive with more electricity at no cost. Well, there is the one time first cost. Which when divided out over essays, the useful life, net to around 3 cents per kWH. Do you even know how much you pay? Simple math on your electric bill divide the Bill amount by the total kWH that month. I am an dissertation, expert in these matters.

Here is the cost backup.

inserted by FC2 system