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As applied business unit 3 coursework

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Make Your Brand Ambassador Resume Pop. ATN Promo Brand Ambassadors. When was the last time you took a good, hard look at your brand ambassador resume? Are you serious about getting brand ambassador jobs? Do you want to be able to pick and choose the best jobs and have offers rolling in on as applied business 3 coursework the regular? I’m about to give you an inside look at what your brand ambassador resume tells potential employers about you.

Here is how to great, represent yourself in the experiential marketing world so you get the brand ambassador work you want. Before we get started, one last thing: You won’t get any chance to work at events if you aren’t signed up with an unit 3 coursework agency! Now it’s time to beef up your brand ambassador resume and thesis, make you look like the superstar that you are. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework. You only merchant thesis, get 1 chance to make a first impression. As Applied. Like most cliches, this exists for format for a a reason, because it’s the truth. As Applied Unit. Believe it not, your experience is the second thing people will notice.

The first thing that happens when somebody reviews your brand ambassador resume, whether they ever realize it or not, is that they pass judgment on personal your character based on the design and layout. Think about as applied unit 3 coursework, it, when you stumble onto a new website, what do you do first? You create an idea in your head if it’s good of bad based on merchant of death thesis how it looks, not on what it says. Granted, there are many good websites that you’ll become a fan of because the business 3 coursework, content is one hundred essays edition, that good. However, many people will click away from poorly organized websites before they read anything. If it looks like crap, then most will assume that the content must be crap. Now, what do you think happens when people open up your resume? If your resume looks messy the reader thinks you are messy. As Applied Unit. If the format is not consistent, then you are basically saying “I don’t pay attention to details.” If you have misspellings and bad grammar then you can forget about ever getting any work.

Lucky for you, you can get help with design quite easily. Lacking in design skills? Don’t try to reinvent the wheel, simply use an existing template. Here are two places to grab one: For those of you that don’t have any experience in petraus thesis this industry, this section will give you a boost. We understand that some people are new to business unit, the industry. Essay. Don’t let that deter you! There are certain things you can’t teach even seasoned brand ambassadors. Business Unit 3 Coursework. Truly great Brand ambassadors do more than learn talking points and follow directions at thesis an event. They are endlessly energetic, do their jobs with passion, and love interacting with people. Those that are lacking in event related experience should emphasize their experience working closely people in another industry. For example, if you worked in a restaurant and were on the front lines, engaging with customers and representing the restaurant in a customer service driven role then you should emphasize this on your resume.

Highlight your experience people skills there, and you’ll be landing gigs in no time. Most resumes never get printed out, if people want to learn more they may look for as applied business unit you online anyway. Include relevant links in your resume. Here are a couple of ideas on what types of american, links to include: Not on that social network? It’s time to as applied business 3 coursework, join because this is where professionals hang out. Create a Video and Share It. Create a short 30-second video introducing yourself and showcasing your outgoing and fun filled personality. Keep it short! Just a quick hello, my name is (fill in the blank) and I’d love to have a chance to represent you at events. Put your video on essay youtube in a private setting and post the link on your resume.

And like Ron Burgundy says, “Stay Classy!“ Since most people won’t take the as applied business 3 coursework, effort to create and submit a video you’ll already have a head start on the competition. A Personal Page or Central Hub. is a great (and free) place to create a personal profile that acts as a central hub to your personal brand. Wow them with a great photo and american vs foreign cars, link out your relevant locations on as applied the web. Don’t forget to turn your resume into research a PDF so it keeps the as applied unit, same format no matter who you send it to. Microsoft Word will allow you to cars essay, save as a PDF, Make sure the links are active.

If you can’t get that to work for whatever reason, you can always include links in an email. Creating Stand Out Job Descriptions. Not everybody can write super snazzy job descriptions but fear not! When struggling in the writing department head over the LinkedIN for some inspiration. Let’s say you were a restaurant manager but you’re having a hard time describing your past work experience. You could search linked in and find some awesome job descriptions others have written for as applied business the same role. Petraus Thesis. DO NOT steal somebody’s job description word for word, but you can use it to get ideas and inspiration.

Send or Upload Your Brand Ambassador Resume. ATN allows anybody who signs up with us to business, also include a resume. One Hundred Fifth Edition. Surprisingly, many people don’t take the time to unit, include it. Essay Describe Personal. Managing multiple profiles at various agencies can get tough but it’s important to keep them all up to business, date. Be sure to share your resume! By providing references up front instead of ‘upon request’ you are saying that you stand behind the paper, work that you do. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework. When people check references and hear great things about you, the job is all but yours. You resume should be no longer than 3 pages.

Have more to share? Put it online somewhere and link to that page from your resume. Of Death Thesis. Your brand ambassador resume is basically an advertisement for as applied business 3 coursework what you can offer. It’s your little billboard and may be the single most important piece of your personal brand outside of your staffing agency profile. Spend some time to get it right and you’ll never lack for work. 6 thoughts on “ Make Your Brand Ambassador Resume Pop ” Interesting ideas. I like how you talked about essay personal characteristics, including links, too. That#8217;s one of the great things about so many companies accepting online applications now- you can submit videos and websites that you never could have included before. Yes, with the addition of video intros has been extremely beneficial for both clients and our team members. Thanks for business 3 coursework reading!

These tips are awesome! Thanks #128578; I#8217;m glad they helped Jane, thanks! These tips just helped me to revamp my brand ambassador resume. I didn#8217;t realize how messy it appeared to the naked eye until I read this. Thank you! This was extremely helpful! Especially for someome who is starting out (like myself) and has no real direction or idea on what the right steps are.

Thanks for this amazingly helpful post. 13 Tips to one hundred fifth edition, Becoming an Outstanding Event Emcee. 3 Coursework. The 2017 Experiential Marketing Summit. Characteristics. The Art of the Video Resume 7 Quick Tips. Nationwide Event Staffing Spring has Sprung at ATN Staffing!

ATN Event Staffing - Brand Ambassadors Event Management since 2002. As Applied 3 Coursework. Regional Offices: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit, Seattle, and Philadelphia.

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Liens de la barre de menu commune. L'information dont il est indiqué qu'elle est archivée est fournie à des fins de référence, de recherche ou de tenue de documents. As Applied Business Unit 3 Coursework? Elle n'est pas assujettie aux normes Web du gouvernement du Canada et elle n'a pas été modifiée ou mise à jour depuis son archivage. One Hundred Great Essays Fifth Edition? Pour obtenir cette information dans un autre format, veuillez communiquer avec nous. Cette publication décrit les documents que vous êtes tenu de présenter à l'Agence des services frontaliers du Canada (ASFC ) pour importer des marchandises commerciales au Canada et fait ressortir les renseignements que vous devez extraire de chacun pour remplir le formulaire B3, Douanes Canada – Formule de codage . Business 3 Coursework? Vous trouverez un exemple du formulaire B3 à l'annexe III de cette publication. One Hundred Great? Ce formulaire sert à déclarer en détail les marchandises destinées à un usage commercial au Canada, peu importe leur valeur. 3 Coursework? Par. usage commercial, nous entendons « tout usage commercial, industriel, professionnel, institutionnel ou autre usage semblable ».

Dans cette publication, nous faisons référence à un certain nombre de mémorandums D de l'ASFC qui renferment de l'information supplémentaire sur plusieurs sujets que nous traitons. Great Essays Edition? Vous pouvez acheter des copies de ces mémorandums en communiquant avec le bureau suivant : Publications du gouvernement du Canada. Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada. Téléphone : 613-941-5995 (ou 1-800-635-7943 au Canada et aux États-Unis) Télécopieur : 613-954-5779 (ou 1-800-959-2221 au Canada et aux États-Unis) Pour acquitter les formalités douanières liées aux expéditions commerciales, vous devez présenter à l'ASFC les documents suivants dûment remplis : le document de contrôle du fret en une copie (en ce qui a trait aux exceptions à cette règle, consultez le paragraphe 31 du Mémorandum D3-1-1 , Règlement sur l'importation, le transport et l'exportation des marchandises); la facture en une copie (consultez le Mémorandum D1-4-1 , Exigences des douanes canadiennes relatives aux factures , pour de plus amples renseignements); le formulaire B3 en une copie , si la déclaration est faite à un bureau de l'ASFC informatisé, et en deux copies , si la déclaration est faite à un bureau de l'ASFC non informatisé; les autres formulaires, permis et certificats, tels que les demandes de remises, les certificats d'utilisation ultime et le certificat d'origine remis par l'exportateur.

Vous pouvez présenter des copies papier de ces documents à l'ASFC ou, si nous vous y autorisons, nous envoyer cette information au moyen de l'échange de données informatisé (EDI ). Business Unit 3 Coursework? Pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur cette dernière option, communiquez avec l'Unité du commerce électronique, sans frais, au 1-888-957-7224 . L'entreprise de transport ou le transitaire vous enverra un document de contrôle du fret pour vous informer que l'expédition est arrivée et est en instance de dédouanement. One Hundred Edition? Le document de contrôle du fret peut consister en un manifeste, une feuille de route ou un autre document approuvé afférent au transport de l'expédition. As Applied Business? Pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur le document de contrôle du fret, consultez le Mémorandum D3-1-1 . Vous devez satisfaire aux exigences liées à la facture décrites dans le Mémorandum D1-4-1 , c.-à-d. Poe And Essay? présenter l'un des documents suivants : une facture commerciale dactylographiée, manuscrite ou électronique comportant les données énumérées à l'annexe A du Mémorandum D1-4-1 ; une facture commerciale dactylographiée, manuscrite ou établie par ordinateur donnant l'identité de l'acheteur et du vendeur des marchandises, le prix payé ou payable et une désignation satisfaisante des marchandises, y compris la quantité dans l'expédition, ainsi que le formulaire CI1, Facture des douanes canadiennes , renfermant les autres renseignements nécessaires; le formulaire CI1 dûment rempli. Vous pouvez utiliser la facture commerciale décrite à la deuxième option ci-dessus uniquement ou tout autre document renfermant la même information pour étayer la valeur déclarée des marchandises commerciales entrant au Canada, si l'une des conditions ci-dessous est remplie : la valeur des marchandises en cause est inférieure au seuil de l’EFV (Expédition de faible valeur) tel qu’indiqué dans le Mémorandum D17-1-2 ; l'augmentation de la valeur des marchandises canadiennes retournées est inférieure au seuil d’EFV ; les marchandises sont admissibles sans conditions à l'entrée en franchise de droits et de taxes; les marchandises sont admissibles aux avantages liés au numéro de classement 9810.00.00.00. Servez-vous d'une feuille de récapitulation de la facture ou de renvois à la facture lorsque le formulaire B3 comporte plusieurs lignes de classification. Vous devez rassembler les marchandises classées sous le même numéro de classement et, pour chaque groupe, fournir les renseignements suivants sur une feuille de récapitulation : le taux de droits, la taxe sur les produits et services (TPS ) applicable ( c.-à-d . Business 3 Coursework? le taux ou le code d'exemption) et le taux de taxe d'accise, s'il y a lieu; le prix total payé ou payable; le taux de change et la valeur de conversion en devises canadiennes. Vous devez aussi donner le numéro de la transaction et le nombre total de pages de la facture sur la feuille de récapitulation. Petraus Thesis? Remplissez une feuille par facture, mais résumez les feuilles de récapitulation pour que nous puissions comparer le résumé avec le formulaire B3. As Applied 3 Coursework? Dans la plupart des cas, les montants totaux facturés et le total sur les feuilles de récapitulation concorderont. Petraus Thesis? Toute différence entre le total de la récapitulation et celui des factures doit être clairement expliquée.

Les renvois font le lien entre les lignes et les pages de la facture et la ligne de classification pertinente du formulaire B3. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework? Les renvois englobent les données suivantes : le numéro de ligne du formulaire B3; le numéro de page de la facture; le numéro de ligne de la facture; la valeur pour chaque ligne de la facture, telle qu'elle apparaît sur la facture avant tout ajout ou tout retrait. Vous devez rendre compte de chaque ligne de la facture. Petraus Thesis? Il y aura autant de renvois à une ligne donnée du formulaire B3 qu'il y aura de lignes sur la facture. 3 Coursework? Les renvois à la facture doivent aussi fournir le numéro de la transaction et le nombre de pages de la facture. Vous trouverez de plus amples renseignements sur les renvois et la récapitulation de la facture dans le Mémorandum D17-1-1 , Exigences relatives aux documents concernant les expéditions commerciales . Formulaire B3, Douanes Canada – Formule de codage. Les instructions pour remplir le formulaire B3 se trouvent à la Partie III de cette publication. Pour permettre à l'ASFC de traiter vos marchandises et de leur accorder la mainlevée aussi rapidement que possible, vous devez fournir les documents exigés dans l'ordre précisé à l'annexe IV.

La désignation établie indique le service où chaque document sera acheminé après notre examen. Information générale sur le classement tarifaire. Le Tarif des douanes est divisé en 21 sections. Petraus Thesis? Dans la plupart des cas, les marchandises tombent dans ces sections en fonction du secteur économique auquel elles appartiennent. Les 21 sections sont elles-mêmes divisées en 99 chapitres organisés en fonction du degré de traitement, c.-à-d. Business Unit 3 Coursework? que les produits primaires sont classés dans les premiers chapitres et les produits plus complexes sur le plan technique sont classés dans les chapitres subséquents.

Chaque chapitre ouvre sur une page titre. Format For A Paper? Des notes précèdent certains chapitres et définissent la portée et les limites d'un chapitre donné. As Applied Business Unit? Suite à ces notes, vous trouverez les numéros de classement de tous les produits concernés par le chapitre. Structure des numéros de classement. Le classement dans le Tarif des douanes suit une méthode systématique. For A Paper? Il est essentiel que vous en compreniez la structure pour vous servir de la méthode. Au Canada, le numéro de classement comporte dix chiffres. Unit? Le numéro à dix chiffres se subdivise à divers niveaux pour fournir plus de détails et une meilleure définition du produit. Chaque niveau se présente comme suit : Position 01.01 Sous-position 0101.19 Numéro tarifaire 0101.19.90 Numéro de classement 0101.19 90.10. Les six premiers chiffres représentent la partie internationale du numéro de classement; ce sont les numéros que tous les pays ayant adhéré à la Convention internationale sur le système harmonisé de désignation et de codification des marchandises utilisent. College Format? Les quatre derniers chiffres rendent compte du tarif canadien et des exigences statistiques.

La structure des numéros de classement, c.-à-d. Business 3 Coursework? par position, sous-position, etc., est ce qui sert à classer vos produits dans le Tarif des douanes . Essay? On classe d'abord chaque produit à l'aide d'un numéro à quatre chiffres ou position. Unit 3 Coursework? Ensuite, dans cette position, on college format for a paper, choisit le numéro à six chiffres ou sous-position pertinent. Business Unit 3 Coursework? Une fois que la sous-position a été déterminée, on essay, repère le numéro à huit chiffres ou numéro tarifaire à l'intérieur de la sous-position. Business 3 Coursework? Enfin, on petraus thesis, repère le numéro de classement complet à dix chiffres. As Applied Business? Vous trouverez à l'annexe V un exemple d'une page du Tarif des douanes . Dispositions de classification spéciale au Chapitre 99. Le Tarif des douanes contient des dispositions de classification spéciale unique au Canada qui permettent d'éliminer ou de réduire le taux de droits pour les marchandises admissibles à certaines conditions précises. Great Essays Edition? Ces dispositions sont énumérées dans les numéros de classement du Chapitre 99 du Tarif des douanes . L'exemple du formulaire B3, Douanes Canada – Formule de codage , qui se trouve à l'annexe III, peut vous aider à remplir votre formulaire. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework? L'exemple utilisé a trait à une « transaction en espèces » selon laquelle l'importateur paie les droits afférents avant la mainlevée des marchandises.

Pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur d'autres possibilités, telles que la mainlevée antérieure au paiement et le programme des entrepôts de stockage des douanes, communiquez avec votre bureau local de l'ASFC . Chacun des numéros de zone de ces instructions de codage correspond au numéro dans le coin supérieur gauche. Les zones numéros 1 à 9 sont appelées l'« en tête » du document de déclaration en détail. L'information dans ces zones porte sur l'expédition dans son ensemble. Zone numéro 1 – Nom et adresse de l'importateur. Dans la partie de cette zone qui a trait au nom et à l'adresse de l'importateur, donnez le nom et l'adresse de l'entreprise qui importe les marchandises. Dans la partie qui a trait au numéro, donnez votre numéro d'entreprise (NE ). Format? Si vous avez plus d'un compte d'affaires, indiquez l'identificateur de compte à six caractères (p. 3 Coursework? ex. One Hundred Fifth Edition? RM0001) . Pour obtenir un NE , communiquez avec votre bureau des services fiscaux local ou avec le Guichet d'affaires au 1-800-959-7775 , pour le service en français, ou au 1-800-959-5525 , pour le service en anglais. Zone numéro 2 – Numéro de transaction. Il s'agit d'un numéro à 14 chiffres assigné par l'ASFC lors de la mainlevée des marchandises.

Si vous êtes admissible à la « mainlevée avant le paiement » ou au « paiement par chèque non visé », vous devez fournir ce numéro sous forme de code à barres. Le numéro de transaction doit apparaître sur la copie du formulaire B3 destinée à l'ASFC (consultez l'annexe IV). Unit? Écrivez lisiblement le numéro de transaction sur toutes les autres pages du formulaire B3 et sur les copies des documents de contrôle du fret et des factures. Indiquez le type de formulaire B3 en inscrivant dans cette zone la lettre C, qui montrera que ce document sert à la déclaration en détail définitive de marchandises dédouanées après le paiement des droits et des taxes. Indiquez le bureau de l'ASFC qui effectue la mainlevée des marchandises en inscrivant dans cette zone le numéro de bureau à trois chiffres qui figure à l'annexe VI. N'inscrivez rien dans cette zone, si vous avez entré un NE dans la zone numéro 1. Laissez cette zone vide. Remplissez cette zone dans le cas des expéditions d'une valeur supérieure à 2 500 $CAN exportées des États-Unis. Utilisez l'un des codes suivants : Air 1 Route 2 Rail 6 Oléoduc 7 Marchandises commerciales transportées dans le bagage personnel 8 Bateau 9. Zone numéro 8 – Port de débarquement. Dans le cas des expéditions maritimes d'une valeur supérieure à 2 500 $CAN exportées des États-Unis, entrez dans cette zone le code à trois chiffres du bureau de l'ASFC où vos marchandises ont été débarquées. Great Fifth? Vous trouverez ce code à l'annexe VI.

Zone numéro 9 – Total de la valeur en douane. Vous devrez remplir la zone numéro 37 avant de remplir celle-ci. Business Unit? Additionnez les montants de chaque ligne de classification (zone numéro 37) et donnez le total en devises canadiennes en arrondissant au dollar le plus près. Essays Fifth Edition? Ne mettez pas de point ou de virgule pour les décimales. Si le formulaire B3 comporte plusieurs pages, remplissez cette zone sur la première page seulement. Chaque ensemble de renseignements des zones numéros 10 à 19 est appelé un.

« sous-en-tête » et renvoie à toutes les expéditions pour un seul vendeur. Zone numéro 10 – Numéro de sous-en-tête. Identifiez chaque sous-en-tête dans un formulaire B3. As Applied Business Unit? Numérotez les sous-en-têtes en séquence et utilisez de nouveaux numéros de sous-en-tête lorsque l'information dans les zones numéros 10 à 19 diffère des renseignements à la première page. Merchant Of Death? Lorsqu'il vous faut un nouveau sous-en-tête, remplissez toutes les zones du sous-en-tête et non uniquement celles qui diffèrent des zones du sous-en-tête précédent. Inscrivez le nom du vendeur ou du consignataire apparaissant sur la facture. As Applied Unit? Si les marchandises sont facturées des États-Unis , utilisez deux lignes pour cette zone. Edgar Allan? Sur la première ligne, indiquez le nom du vendeur ou du consignataire et, sur la deuxième ligne, le code d'État américain à trois lettres et son code postal (ZIP) à cinq chiffres.

Consultez l'annexe VII pour trouver le code d'État pertinent. Unit 3 Coursework? Si les marchandises sont facturées d'un pays autre que les États-Unis, mais qu'elles sont exportées des États Unis, indiquez le nom du vendeur étranger, suivi du code d'État et du code ZIP de l'exportateur américain. Essays Edition? Tout nouveau vendeur doit apparaître dans un nouveau sous-en-tête. Indiquez le pays où les marchandises ont été cultivées, produites, fabriquées ou ont reçu leur fini actuel. Unit 3 Coursework? Si le pays d'origine des marchandises est les États-Unis , indiquez le code d'État américain à trois lettres.

Donnez un code alphabétique à deux lettres, si le pays d'origine est autre que les États Unis. Essay Describe Personal Characteristics? Consultez la liste des codes de pays ou d'État à l'annexe VII. Tout nouveau pays ou nouvel État doit apparaître dans un nouveau sous-en-tête . Donnez le code d'État à trois lettres s'il s'agit des États-Unis. Unit 3 Coursework? Si les marchandises sont exportées d'une zone franche aux États-Unis, donnez le code approprié pour cette zone. For A Research Paper? Consultez la liste de ces zones à l'annexe VIII.

Si le pays d'exportation est autre que les États-Unis, donnez le code approprié à deux lettres. As Applied Business Unit? Vous trouverez les codes de pays et d'État à l'annexe VII. Tout nouveau pays, nouvel État ou nouvelle zone doit apparaître dans un nouveau sous-en-tête. Zone numéro 14 – Traitement tarifaire. Indiquez le code pour le tarif ou l'accord commercial en vertu duquel les marchandises sont importées au Canada. Edgar Allan Alcoholism Essay? Choisissez parmi les codes suivants : Code et traitment tarifaire. Aux fins de l'Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (ALENA) uniquement, vous pouvez utiliser le code 10 pour le Tarif des États-Unis , le code 11 pour le Tarif du Mexique ou le code 12 pour le Tarif Mexique - États-Unis , si vous répondez aux critères suivants : vous avez déclaré officiellement que les marchandises importées sont originaires des États-Unis ou du Mexique; vous avez un certificat d'origine aux fins de l'ALENA visant les marchandises importées valide. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser les codes 10 et 11 dans les circonstances suivantes : vous importez certains produits textiles non originaires grâce à un permis donnant droit à un niveau de préférence tarifaire (NPT ) délivré par Affaires étrangères et Commerce international Canada et, si les marchandises sont importées du Mexique, un certificat d'admissibilité délivré par le gouvernement du Mexique; vous détenez un document certifiant que les marchandises satisfont aux conditions posées dans le Décret de remise des droits de douane visant certains textiles et vêtements importés du Mexique ou des États-Unis . L'utilisation de ces codes alors que les marchandises ne sont pas admissibles aux traitements tarifaires afférents peut entraîner des pénalités. Tout nouveau traitement tarifaire doit apparaître dans un nouveau sous-en-tête.

Pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur la façon dont les traitements tarifaires s'appliquent, consultez le Tarif des douanes . Des NPT sont également prévus en vertu de l'Accord de libre-échange Canada - Chili et de l'Accord de libre-échange Canada - Costa Rica. Zone numéro 15 – Bureau de sortie des États-Unis. Remplissez cette zone pour toutes les expéditions valant plus de 2 500 $CAN exportées des États-Unis. Le bureau de sortie des États-Unis est défini comme « le bureau de douane des États-Unis où le transporteur routier transportant les marchandises traverse la frontière des États-Unis vers le Canada ou, dans le cas d'exportation par navire ou avion, le bureau de douane des États-Unis où les marchandises sont chargées sur le navire ou l'aéronef devant les transporter au Canada ». Consultez l'annexe X pour connaître les codes de bureaux de sortie des États-Unis. As Applied? Chaque nouveau code de bureau de sortie doit apparaître dans un nouveau sous-en-tête. Zone numéro 16 – Date d'expédition directe. Donnez la date indiquée sur votre facture des douanes ou sur votre facture commerciale, si le code de devise n'est pas celui du dollar canadien.

Vous pouvez laisser cette zone vide, si le code de devise représente le dollar canadien. Entrez le mois (M) et le jour (D/J). Chaque nouvelle date doit être indiquée dans un nouveau sous-en-tête. Inscrivez les codes de l'Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO ) (p. Thesis? ex. As Applied Business? pour le dollar américain, le code USD ) tirés de la liste des codes de devises à l'annexe VII. Le code de devise identifie la devise utilisée dans la zone numéro 36.

Chaque nouvelle devise doit être indiquée dans un nouveau sous-en-tête. S'il y a un délai, exprimez-le en mois, par exemple, dans le cas des importations temporaires. Chaque nouveau délai doit être indiqué dans un nouveau sous-en-tête. Remplissez cette zone pour toutes les expéditions valant plus de 2 500 $CAN exportées des États-Unis. Inscrivez, au dollar canadien près, les frais liés au transport des marchandises depuis le lieu d'exportation directe aux États-Unis jusqu'au destinataire au Canada. Inscrivez ce montant dans le premier sous-en-tête.

N'inscrivez rien dans cette zone. Chaque fois que vous attribuez un nouveau numéro de classement, inscrivez-le dans cette zone, en suivant un ordre séquentiel. College Format Paper? Vous ne pouvez pas sauter ou répéter les numéros de ligne du formulaire B3, quel que soit le nombre de sous-en-têtes. Inscrivez toutes les références, tels les mémorandums D, les numéros de permis d'importation et les décisions relatives à la valeur et au classement, s'il y a lieu. Zone numéro 23 – Poids en kilogrammes. Remplissez cette zone pour toutes les expéditions maritimes ou aériennes valant plus de 2 500 $CAN exportées des États-Unis.

Ne remplissez que la première ligne de détail pour chaque transaction. Inscrivez, au kilogramme près, le poids brut de l'expédition. Zone numéro 24 – Numéro de la transaction antérieure. Laissez cette zone vide. Zone numéro 25 – Ligne de la transaction antérieure.

Laissez cette zone vide. Zone numéro 26 – Autorisation spéciale. Inscrivez l'autorisation spéciale sur chaque ligne de classification, s'il y a lieu. Les avantages du Tarif des États-Unis et du Tarif du Mexiqu e peuvent, conformément au Décret de remise des droits de douane visant certains textiles et vêtements importés du Mexique ou des États-Unis , être accordés à certains produits textiles et vêtements qui sont taillés et cousus ou autrement assemblés (ou tissés ou confectionnés) aux États-Unis ou au Mexique à partir de tissus (ou de fils ou de fibres) produits ou obtenus dans un pays non signataire de l'ALENA. Business Unit? De même, les avantages du Tarif du Chili et du Tarif du Costa Rica peuvent être accordés à certains produits textiles et vêtements du Chili et du Costa Rica. Edgar Poe And Alcoholism? Sur une déclaration en détail se rapportant à ce type de marchandises, vous devez indiquer, dans la zone numéro 26, le numéro 98-1456 , qui est le numéro du décret relatif au niveau de préférence tarifaire de l'ALENA, ou 98-1455 , qui est le numéro du décret relatif au niveau de préférence tarifaire de l'Accord de libre-échange Canada-Chili (ALECC ). As Applied? Les remboursements faits aux fins de ce programme le sont également en vertu du décret de remise découlant de l'autorisation législative du paragraphe 115(3) du Tarif des douanes . Zone numéro 27 – Numéro de classement. Inscrivez le numéro de classement fourni dans le Tarif des douanes pour chaque marchandise faisant partie de l'expédition. Edgar Allan? Insérez un point décimal après le quatrième, le sixième et le huitième chiffre (p. As Applied Business Unit? ex. Of Death? 1234.56.78.90). Remplissez cette zone si les conditions décrites au Chapitre 99 (dispositions de classification spéciale) du Tarif des douanes sont remplies.

Indiquez la quantité de marchandises déclarées en détail sur le formulaire B3, exprimée en unités de mesure prévues dans le Tarif des douanes . Laissez cette zone vide, si aucune unité de mesure n'est prévue dans le Tarif des douanes ou si aucune unité de mesure ne s'applique aux taux de taxe d'accise. Indiquez le code de l'unité de mesure que vous avez utilisé pour exprimer la quantité de marchandises, conformément aux directives incluses dans le Tarif des douanes. N'utilisez que des codes alphabétiques métriques. Laissez cette zone vide, si aucune unité de mesure n'est prévue dans le Tarif des douanes ou si aucune unité de mesure ne s'applique aux taux de taxe d'accise. As Applied Business? Consultez l'annexe IX en ce qui concerne les codes d'unité de mesure. Zone numéro 31 – Code de la valeur en douane. La valeur en douane s'établit habituellement à l'aide de la méthode d'établissement de la valeur fondée sur la valeur transactionnelle, pour laquelle les marchandises doivent être vendues pour exportation au Canada, à un acheteur au Canada et à un prix payé ou payable pouvant être déterminé.

Selon cette méthode, le prix de vente, pouvant être légèrement majoré ou diminué, converti en devises canadiennes, sera la valeur en douane. Describe Personal? Consultez les mémorandums de la série D13 pour obtenir plus de détails au sujet de l'utilisation de la méthode de la valeur transactionnelle ou, au besoin, d'une des autres méthodes d'établissement de la valeur. Pour indiquer comment la valeur en douane a été déterminée, utilisez l'un des numéros de code pour le premier chiffre, suivi d'un des numéros de code pour le deuxième chiffre, ci-dessous. Nos de code pour le premier chiffre (lien) 1 - Le vendeur et l'acheteur ne sont pas des personnes liées au sens du paragraphe 45(3) de la Loi sur les douanes . 2 - Le vendeur et l'acheteur sont des personnes liées au sens du paragraphe 45(3) de la Loi sur les douanes . Nos de code pour le deuxième chiffre (méthode d'appréciation de la valeur utilisée) 3 - Prix payé ou payable sans rectification (article 48 de la Loi sur les douanes ) 4 - Prix payé ou payable avec rectification (article 48 de la Loi sur les douanes ) 5 - Valeur transactionnelle de marchandises identiques (article 49 de la Loi sur les douanes ) 6 - Valeur transactionnelle de marchandises semblables (article 50 de la Loi sur les douanes ) 7 - Valeur de référence des marchandises importées (article 51 de la Loi sur les douanes ) 8 - Valeur reconstituée (article 52 de la Loi sur les douanes ) 9 - Dernière méthode d'appréciation de la valeur (article 53 de la Loi sur les douanes ) Si le vendeur et l'acheteur sont des personnes liées et que la valeur en douane est la valeur transactionnelle de marchandises semblables, mettez le code 26. Zone numéro 32 – Code de la Loi sur les mesures spéciales d'importation (LMSI ) Remplissez cette zone pour toutes marchandises assujetties à une mesure aux termes de la Loi sur les mesures spéciales d'importation et/ou à un décret de surtaxe. Identifiez le type de disposition de la LMSI applicable aux marchandises importées et son mode de paiement de la façon suivante : Le premier chiffre identifie le type de cotisation aux fins de la LMSI : Les marchandises ne sont pas assujetties à un verdict du Tribunal canadien du commerce extérieur (TCCE ) et/ou à un décret de surtaxe aux termes du Tarif des douanes; Les marchandises sont assujetties à un engagement en matière de prix offert par tous, ou presque tous les exportateurs de la marchandise en question, et accepté par le Président; Les marchandises sont assujetties à une décision provisoire; Les marchandises sont assujetties à une conclusion du TCCE . Unit 3 Coursework? Il n'y a aucun montant de droits antidumping et/ou compensateurs en souffrance, ce qui engendre un paiement nul; Les marchandises sont assujetties à une conclusion du TCCE et/ou à un décret de surtaxe. Essay? Des droits antidumping et/ou compensateurs et/ou une surtaxe sont exigibles. Lorsque des marchandises sont assujetties à une conclusion du TCCE et/ou à un décret de surtaxe et à des droits aux termes de la LMSI et/ou à un montant de surtaxe et qu'elles sont couvertes par un décret de remise, utilisez le code 50 de la LMSI . Le deuxième chiffre indique le mode de paiement à faire ou qu'aucun paiement n'est requis.

Zone numéro 33 – Taux de droits de douane. Indiquez le taux de droits applicable tel que précisé dans le Tarif des douanes pour le numéro de classement correspondant. Lorsque des droits en pourcentage et des droits fixes s'appliquent, le taux de droits en pourcentage est indiqué sur la première ligne de détail. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework? Quant au taux de droits fixes, il est indiqué sur la ligne de détail suivante qui ne doit pas être numérotée. Si un taux de droits additionnels équivalant à un droit d'accise s'applique, indiquez ce taux de droits, dans la même zone, sur la ligne de détail suivante qui ne doit pas être numérotée. Zone numéro 34 – Taux de taxe d'accise.

Indiquez, s'il y a lieu, un taux de taxe d'accise (ou un code d'exemption) conformément à la Loi sur la taxe d'accise . Merchant? Si la taxe d'accise ne s'applique pas, laissez cette zone vide. Indiquez le taux de taxe sur les produits et services (TPS ) ou le code d'exemption applicable, conformément à la Loi sur la taxe d'accise . Zone numéro 36 – Valeur aux fins de la conversion de la devise. Remplissez cette zone sur chaque ligne de classification en exprimant le montant dans la devise précisée sur la facture jusqu'à deux décimales après le point. As Applied Unit? Afin d'obtenir de l'aide pour établir le montant devant apparaître dans cette zone, veuillez consulter les mémorandums de la série D13. Remplissez cette zone sur chaque ligne de classification en multipliant le montant à convertir, calculé selon la méthode d'appréciation de la valeur précisée dans la zone numéro 31, par le taux de change en vigueur à la date de l'expédition directe. Indiquez le montant de la valeur en douane en dollars canadiens, séparés par un point décimal (p. Petraus Thesis? ex. As Applied Business Unit 3 Coursework? 96,00 $CAN devient 96.00). Indiquez le montant de droits de douane (sans inclure les droits provisoires, antidumping et compensateurs) en dollars et en cents, séparés par un point décimal. Lorsqu'un pourcentage de droits de douane s'applique, calculez le montant des droits de douane en multipliant le taux de droits de douane par la valeur en douane. College For A? Lorsque le taux repose sur une quantité ou une mesure des marchandises (taux fixe), calculez les droits en multipliant le taux par la quantité.

Zone numéro 39 – Cotisation aux fins de la LMSI. Lorsque les marchandises sont soumises à une surtaxe ou à des droits provisoires, antidumping ou compensateurs, indiquez-en le montant dans cette zone. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework? Indiquez le montant en dollars et en cents, séparés par un point décimal. Ces montants et/ou droits représentent une partie de la valeur devant servir au calcul de la taxe d'accise, sauf si les droits provisoires sont reportés par cautionnement. Indiquez le montant de taxe d'accise payable en dollars et en cents, s'il y a lieu, sur chaque ligne de classification. Lorsqu'un taux en pourcentage s'applique, multipliez le taux de taxe d'accise dans la zone numéro 34 par la somme des montants des zones numéros 37, 38 et 39.

Lorsqu'un taux fixe s'applique, multipliez le taux de taxe d'accise dans la zone numéro 34 par la quantité dans la zone numéro 29. Indiquez la valeur pour taxe sur chaque ligne de classification en additionnant la valeur en douane apparaissant dans la zone numéro 37, les droits de douane apparaissant dans la zone numéro 38, toute cotisation aux fins de la LMSI apparaissant dans la zone numéro 39 et toute taxe d'accise apparaissant dans la zone numéro 40. Indiquez le montant de taxe sur les produits et services (TPS ) payable en dollars et en cents, s'il y a lieu. Calculez la TPS payable en multipliant le taux dans la zone numéro 35 par la valeur pour taxe dans la zone numéro 41. Cette partie du formulaire B3 est appelée la « bande terminale » et porte sur l'ensemble de l'expédition. N'inscrivez rien dans cette zone, pour ce genre d'importation. N'inscrivez rien dans cette zone.

Zone numéro 45 – Numéro de contrôle du fret. Indiquez le numéro de contrôle du fret, tel qu'il apparaît dans le coin supérieur droit du document de contrôle du fret (DCF ), pour l'expédition visée par la mainlevée. Merchant Of Death? S'il y a plus d'un DCF à régler au moyen d'un formulaire B3, faites la liste de tous les numéros de contrôle du fret sur le formulaire B3B, Douanes Canada - Feuille supplémentaire de contrôle du fret, et indiquez « B3B » dans cette zone. As Applied Business? Ne joignez qu'une seule copie du formulaire B3B à votre formulaire B3 original. Laissez cette zone vide, si aucun document de contrôle du fret n'est nécessaire (pour obtenir plus de renseignements, reportez-vous au paragraphe 31 du Mémorandum D3-1-1 , Politique relative à l’importation et au transport des marchandises ). Dans le cas d'une expédition par la poste, indiquez dans cette zone le numéro de contrôle de l'inventaire fourni sur le formulaire E14, Formulaire de l'ASFC des importations postales . Zone numéro 46 – Code de transporteur à l'importation. Remplissez cette zone pour toute expédition maritime ou aérienne d'une valeur supérieure à 2 500 $CAN que vous importez des États-Unis. Inscrivez le code à quatre caractères du transporteur qui a transporté les marchandises au Canada. One Hundred Essays? Il s'agit des trois ou quatre premiers chiffres du numéro de contrôle du fret.

S'il n'y a que trois chiffres, comme dans le cas des transporteurs aériens, indiquez le code à trois caractères suivi d'un trait d'union. Indiquez le total des montants de droits des lignes de détail (zone numéro 38). As Applied Unit 3 Coursework? Si aucuns droits de douane ne sont exigibles, n'inscrivez rien dans cette zone. Zone numéro 48 – Cotisation aux fins de la LMSI. À remplir si un montant de surtaxe et/ou des droits provisoires, antidumping ou compensateurs sont exigibles. Inscrivez le total des cotisations en droits provisoires, antidumping ou compensateurs aux fins de la LMSI et/ou en surtaxe indiqué sur chaque ligne de classification (zone numéro 39), sauf si reporté en vertu d'un cautionnement, tel que précisé par les codes 32 ou 52 de la LMSI , ou si couvert par un décret de remise, tel qu'indiqué par le code 50 de la LMSI . Indiquez le total en dollars et en cents, séparés par un point décimal. Si le formulaire B3 contient deux pages ou plus, remplissez cette zone uniquement sur la dernière page. Indiquez le total des montants de taxe d'accise des lignes de détail (zone numéro 40). Describe Characteristics? Si aucune taxe d'accise n'est exigible, n'inscrivez rien dans cette zone.

Indiquez le total des montants de taxe sur les produits et services (TPS ) des lignes de détail (zone numéro 42). Unit? Si aucune TPS n'est exigible, n'inscrivez rien dans cette zone. Calculez le total payable en additionnant les montants des zones numéros 47, 48, 49 et 50. Alcoholism? Si vous n'avez pas de droits et de taxes à payer, remplissez cette zone de zéros; ne la laissez pas vide. Si vous devez des droits et des taxes à payer, vous pouvez les acquitter en espèces, au moyen d'un chèque visé ou d'un mandat-poste.

Si certaines conditions sont remplies et que le montant à payer est inférieur à 2 500 $CAN , vous pouvez payer au moyen d'un chèque non visé. Business Unit 3 Coursework? Les paiements par carte de crédit seront acceptés pour les importations commerciales allant jusqu'à 500 $CAN . Indiquez le nom et le numéro de téléphone de la personne faisant la déclaration et le nom de l'entreprise. Datez et signez la déclaration sur l'original du formulaire B3. Si le formulaire B3 a plus d'une page, remplissez cette zone sur la dernière page seulement. La personne qui fait la déclaration doit la signer. Merchant Of Death Thesis? Ce faisant, elle indique que les renseignements figurant sur le formulaire B3 sont exacts et complets. Annexe I – Exemple de Document de contrôle du fret. Annexe II – Exemple de Facture des douanes canadiennes ) Annexe III – Exemple de formulaire B3. Annexe IV – Exemple de présentation des documents. Pour nous aider à accorder la mainlevée de vos marchandises le plus rapidement possible, vous devez soumettre les documents exigés selon l'ordre indiqué ci-dessous . 3 Coursework? La désignation établie indique la destination de chaque document après l'examen de l'ASFC . Jeu du transporteur ou de l'entreposeur – Copie de l'autorisation de livrasion du Document de contrôle du fret, numéro de la transaction inscrit.

Jeu des autres ministères du gouvernement – Les permis, les certificats, les licences originaux, etc., demandés par les autres ministères du gouvernement, numéro de la transaction inscrit. Edgar Poe And Alcoholism? Jeu de l'ASFC – Documents et échantillions présentés à l'appui de l'appréciation ( c-à-d documents supplémentaires, facture, document de déclaration en détail B3 avec le numéro de la transaction indiqué en code à barres, copie de la salle des comptoirs du document de contrôle du fret) Documents de déclaration en détail de type C – les documents suivants seront emballer avec une bande de recouvrement d'une couleur appropriée. Unit? Pour la couleur de la bande de recouvrement, voire le mémorandum D17-1-10 : Jeu du transporteur ou de l'entreposeur Jeu des autres ministères du gouvernement Jeu de l'ASFC. Annexe V – Exemple d'une page du Tarif des douanes. Annexe VI – Codes des bureaux de l'ASFC par région. Annexe VII – Liste des codes de pays et de devises. Annexe VIII – Zones de commerce extérieur des États-Unis.

82A - Atlantic Marine Alabama, LLC. 82B - Evonik Degussa Corp. 82D - Sony Electronics Inc . 82E - Syngenta Crop Protection. 82F - Trigeant EP , Ltd . 82G - Shell Chemical LP. 82I - ThyssenKrupp Steel Stainless USA. 98B - ZF Industries. 98C - JVC America.

98D - NCCO Materials Handling Group, Inc . 222A - Hyundai Motor. 222B - Quantegy, Inc . 160A - Tesoro Alaska. 195A - Flowline Alaska. 75E - Abbott Laboratories. 75G - SUMCO Southwest Corp. 75H - Microchip Technology. 75I - American Italian Pasta Company.

139 - Sierra Vista. 174A - Imation Corp. 219B - Gowan Company. 277 - Comté de Western Maricopa. 14B - Cedar Chemical. 14D - Lion Oil Co. 14E - L’Oreal USA , Inc . 14F - Husqvarna Outdoor Products, Inc . 14G - Husqvarna Outdoor Products, Inc. 273 - West Memphis. 3 - San Francisco. 3C - Tesoro Refining. 18E - Space Systems/Loral, Inc . 18F - Lam Research Corp.

50C - National RV , Inc . 50D - Datatape, Inc. 50E - Alps Manufacturing, Inc. 50F - Rauch Industries, Inc. Essay Describe Characteristics? (Mira Loma) 50G - Shell Oil Products. 50H - BP West Coast Products LLC. 50I - Valero Energy Corporation. 50J - Ricoh Electronics, Inc . 50K - Eastman Kodak Company.

50L - Michelin North America, Inc. 143 - West Sacramento. 143A - C. As Applied Business 3 Coursework? Ceronix, Inc. Petraus Thesis? (Auburn) 143B - Hewlett-Packard Company. 143C - Gymboree Corporation (Dixon) 143D - Grafil, Inc. 153C - DNP Electronics. 153D - Callaway Golf Company. 153E - National Steel Shipbuilding Co. 202 - Los Angeles. 202A - Minnesota Mining Manufacturing Company (3M - ) 202B - Chevron USA , Inc.

202E - Sony Electronics, Inc. 205 - Port Hueneme ( Comté deVentura) 205A - Imation Corp. Business Unit? (Camarillo) 226 - Comtés de Merced, de Madera et de Fresno. 231A - Medline Industries, Inc.

236 - Palm Springs. 237 - Santa Maria. 243A - Black Decker Corp. 244A - Skechers USA , LLC. 57 - Comté de Mecklenburg (Charlotte) 57A - International Business Machines (IBM ) 57B - Volvo Construction Equipment.

57C - DNP IMS America Corp. 67 - Morehead City. 93A - Mallinckrodt Medical, Inc. 93B - International Business Machines (IBM ) 93D - R.G. Thesis? Barry Corporation (Goldsboro) 93E - Lucent Technologies, Inc. 3 Coursework? (Whitsett) 93G - Revlon Consumer Products Corporation. 93H - Merck Co., Inc. 214A - Consolidated Diesel. 214B - Nacco Materials Handling Group, Inc.

230 - Région de Piedmont Triad. 230A - United Chemi-Con. 230B - Unifi, Inc. 230C - Banner Pharmacaps, Inc. 230D - Klaussner Home Furnishings. 21C - Lanxess, Inc. 21D - William Powell Company dba Starflo Corp. 21E - Luigi Bormioli Corp. 38A - BMW Manufacturing. 38B - Borg Warner Automotive Powertrain Systems Corp. 38C - FUJIFILM Manufacturing USA.

38D - Faurecia Interior Systems. 38E - Black Decker Corp. 38F - Benteler Automotive Corp. 38G - Kravet, Inc. 38H - Adidas America. 38I - Cornell Dubilier Marketing, Inc. 127 - West Columbia. 127A - AUTECS, Inc. Allan Alcoholism Essay? (Anderson) (désactivé)

112 - Colorado Springs. 123A - Storage Technology Corporation. 123B - Artesyn Technologies. 123C - Eastman Kodak Company. 123D - Carestream Health Inc. 123E - Vestas Nacelles America, Inc. 71 - Windsor Locks (Hartford) 162A - Bayer Corporation (West Haven) 208 - New London. 208A - Pfizer, Inc. 103 - Grand Forks.

103A - Imation Corp. Business 3 Coursework? (Wahpeton) 220 - Sioux Falls. 99A - J. Poe And Alcoholism Essay? Schoeneman, Inc. 99C - General Motors Corporation. 99E - Delaware City Refining Company. 25 - Comté de Broward (Port Everglades) 25B - CITGO Petroleum Corporation. 25C - Coastal Fuels Marketing. 25D - Motiva Enterprises. 25E - Chevron Products Company.

25F - South Florida Materials Corporation. 42A - Mitsubishi Power Systems. 64A - Atlantic Marine. 65A - Eastern Shipbuilding Group. 79A - Reilly Dairy Food Company. 79B - Sypris Electronics LLC. 135 - Comté de Palm Beach (West Palm Beach) 136 - Comté de Brevard (Port Canaveral)

136A - Flite Technology. 136C - Harris Corporation-Electronic-Systems Sector. 169 - Comté de Manatee (Palmetto) 169A - Aso Corporation (Comté de Sarasota ) 193 - Comté de Pinellas (St. Business Unit? Petersburg-Clearwater) 193A - Catalan Pharma Solution, LLC. 198 - Comtés de Volusia et de Flagler. 213 - Fort Myers. 241 - Fort Lauderdale.

249A - General Electric Wind Energy/Energy Rentals. 26A - General Motors Corporation. 26C - Ford Motor Company. 26E - Pratt Whitney. 26F - Precision Components International, Inc. 26G - Roper Corporation. 26H - Ricoh Electronics, Inc. 26I - Inflation Systems, Inc. 26J - Eastman Kodak Company. 26K - Noramco, Inc. 104 - Comté de Chatham (Savannah)

104A - Merck Co., Inc. College Format For A Paper? (Albany) 104C - NuStar Energy L.P. 144A - E.I. Business? du Pont de Nemours. 9A - Tesoro Hawaii Corporation. 9B - Kerr Pacific. 9D - Maui Pineapple Co., Ltd . Vs Foreign? (Kahuliu, Maui) 9E - Chevron Corp. 9F - Citizens Communications Company.

242A - Hoku Materials, Inc. 22F - Abbott Molecular, Inc. 22H - BP Pipeline North America. 22I - Citgo Petroleum Corp. 22J - EXXON Mobil. 22K - Cognis Corporation (anciennement Henkel Corporation) (Kankakee) 22M - Northrop Grumman Corporation. 22N - Michelin North America, Inc. 22O - Medline Industries, Inc.

22P - Sony Electronics Inc. 22R - Crate Barrel. 31 - Granite City (St. 3 Coursework? Louis) 31B - WRB Refining LLC. 31C - Premcor Refining Group Inc. 114A - Caterpillar, Inc. 114C - Mitsubishi Motors Manufacturing of thesis, America. 114D - E.I. Unit? du Pont de Nemours and format research, Co. 114E - Rockwell Automation. 133 - Quad-Cities, Iowa/Illinois (Davenport/Milan)

133D - Deere Company. 146 - Comté de Lawrence (Lawrenceville) 146A - North American Lighting Hella Electronics. 146C - Fedders North America, Inc. As Applied? (Effingham) 146D - Marathon Petroleum Company LP. 176A - Milk Specialties.

176D - Nissan Industrial Engine. 176E - Nissan Forklift Corporation. 176F - Cellusuede Products, Inc. 245A - Archer Daniels Midland. 271 - Comté de Jo-Daviess de Caroll. 271A - Danisco USA , Inc., Sweeteners Division. 72A - General Motors Corporation. 72B - Eli Lilly et Company. 72F - DaimlerChrysler Corporation. 72G - DaimlerChrysler Corporation.

72H - Subaru of essay, Indiana Automotive. 72J - Endress Hauser Flowtec AG. 72K - Onkyo America, Inc. Unit? (Columbus) 72L - Thomson Multimedia, Inc. 72M - Fujitsu Ten Corp. of format for a research, America (Rushville)

72N - Alfa Laval Distribution, Inc. 72O - Tetra Pak Parts Americas, Inc. Unit 3 Coursework? (Greenwood) 72P - SMC Pneumatics, Inc. 72Q - Rolls-Royce Corporation. 72R - Decatur Mold Tool Engineering. 72S - Brightpoint North America L.P.

125 - South Bend. 125D - Audiovox Specialized Applications. 125E - Thor Industries, Inc. 152 - Burns Harbor. 152B - BP Products North America. 170 - Comté de Clark (Jeffersonville)

170A - Lexmark International, Inc. 170B - Kremers Urban Pharmaceuticals. 177A - Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. 177B - Toyota Motor Manufacturing. 177C - Pfizer Inc. 177D - Mead Johnson Co. 107 - Comté de Polk (Des Moines) 107A - Winnebago Industries, Inc. Merchant Thesis? (Forest City) 107B - SACMI USA , Ltd . 107C - SPAL USA , Inc.

133 - Quad-Cities, Iowa/Illinois (Davenport/Milan) 133D - Deere Company. 175 - Cedar Rapids. 175A - Deere Company. 17 - Kansas City. 17A - General Motors. 17B - Bayer Health Care Group. 161 - Comté de Sedgwick (Wichita) 161A - Hospira, Inc.

161B - Frontier El Dorado Refining Co. 161C - Hawker Beechcraft Corp. 29 - Comté de Jefferson (Louisville) 29B - Ford Motor Company (désactivé) 29C - General Electric Company. 29D - Lexmark International, Inc. As Applied Business Unit 3 Coursework? (Lexington) 29E - Toyota Motor Manufacturing. 29G - Ascent Power Tech. Of Death? Corp. 29H - ISP Chemicals. 29I - NACCO Materials Handling Group, Inc.

29J - Reynolds Packaging LLC. 29K - Dow Corning Corporation. 47 - Comté de Boone, Kentucky (Cincinnati) 47B - Marathon Petroleum Company LP. 47C - GE Engine Services Distribution. 2C - Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, Inc.

2D - Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, Inc. 2E - Northrop Grumman Ship Systems. 2F - Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, Inc. 2G - Trinity Yachts, Inc. 2H - Chalmette Refining LLC. 2J - Murphy Oil USA , Inc . Business 3 Coursework? (Comté de St.

Bernard) 2K - Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. 87 - Lake Charles. 87B - CITGO Petroleum Corporation. 87C - Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. 124A - Valero Refining. 124B - North American Shipbuilding, Inc. 124C - Motiva Enterprises.

124E - Marathon Petroleum Company LP. 124F - Motiva Enterprises. 124G - Halter Marine, Inc. Petraus Thesis? (Lockport) 124H - Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. As Applied Business 3 Coursework? (Lockport) 124I - J. Of Death? Ray McDermott, Inc. 124L - Candies Shipbuilding, LLC.

124M - Baker Hughes, Inc. 124N - Excalibar Minerals. 145A - Avaya, Inc. 154 - Baton Rouge. 154A - Exxon Mobil. 179A - Evergreen Trading Co., LLC (anciennement Northern Trading Company) 63 - Comté de Prince George (Washington, D.C.) 73 - Aéroport BWI (Baltimore) 73B - Northrop Grumman.

74B - Michelin North America, Inc. 74C - Tulkoff Food Products, Inc. 27C - Lawrence Textile. 27D - General Motors. 27E - Polaroid Corporation (Norwood) 27F - Polaroid Corporation (Needham) 27H - Polaroid Corporation (Waltham) 27I - Polaroid Corporation (Freetown) 27J - Polaroid Corporation.

27K - Polaroid Corporation (Cambridge) 27L - AstraZeneca LP. 27M - Reebok International. 28 - New Bedford. 28D - Polaroid Corporation. 28F - Acushnet Company. 201A - Hazen Paper Co. 201B - Mastex Industries, Inc. 201C - Yankee Candle Corporation. 16 - Sault Ste. As Applied Business 3 Coursework? Marie.

16A - Northern Imports, LLC. 43 - Battle Creek. 43B - Mead Johnson Co. Of Death Thesis? LLC. 43D - Perrigo Co. 43E - Pfizer Inc. 70A - Ford Motor Company (Romeo) 70F - General Motors. 70G - General Motors.

70K - General Motors. 70L - General Motors. 70T - Marathon Petroleum Co. As Applied Business Unit 3 Coursework? LP. 70U - Wacker Chemical Corp. 140A - General Motors. 189 - Comtés de Kent, d’Ottawa et de Muskegon. 189A - Diesel Technology.

189C - Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 210 - Comté de St. Petraus Thesis? Clair (Port Huron et Marysville) 51A - MAPE USA , Inc. 119 - Minneapolis-St. Business Unit? Paul. 119B - Uponor, Inc. 119D - Foremost Farms USA (anciennement Wisconsin Dairies Cooperative) (Preston) 119E - Plastic Products. 119F - Artesyn Technologies (Inc.) 259 - Comté de Koochiching.

259A - Arctic Cat, Inc. 92A - Trinity Marine. 92B - Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, Inc. 92C - Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, Inc. 92D - Chevron Corp. 158C - Alliant Aerospace. 158D - Nissan North America. 158E - Ergon Refining, Inc. 158F - Max Home, LLC. 15 - Kansas City. 15C - Yulshin USA Ltd.

15D - Bayer Corporation. 15E - Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing. 15G - Pfizer, Inc. 15H - Midwest Quality Gloves, Inc. 102B - General Motors. 102C - Florsheim Shoe Co. 102D - Bayer Cropscience LP. 88 - Great Falls. 187 - Comté de Toole (région de Sweetgrass ) 274 - Butte-Silver Bow. 19A - Syngenta Crop Protection. 59A - Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing Corp., U.S.A.

59B - CNH America, LLC. 89 - Comté de Clark (Las Vegas) 126A - Porsche Cars North America. 126B - Taiyo America. 81C - CE Nuclear Power LLC , Westinghouse Electric Co.

81D - Millipore Corp. 44 - Comté de Morris (Mount Olive) 44B - International Flavors Fragrances, Inc. 44E - L’Oreal USA , Inc. 44F - Tiffany Co. 49B - General Motors.

49C - Bristol-Myers Squibb. 49F - Chevron Corp. 49I - AZ Electronic Materials USA Corp. 49J - Movado Group. 49K - In Mocean Group, LLC. 49L - The Swatch Group (U.S.) Inc. 142A - Paulsboro Refining Co.

LLC. 142B - NuStar Energy L.P. 142C - Sonoco, Inc. Merchant Of Death? (R M) 200 - Comté de Mercer (West Trenton) 200A - Conair Corporation (East Windsor) 235 - Lakewood, New Jersey. 110A - Catalent Pharma Solutions, LLC.

110B - Louisiana Energy Services, LLC. 197 - Comté de Dona Ana (région de Las Cruces ) 1 - Ville de New York. 1A - Pfizer, Inc. As Applied Business Unit 3 Coursework? (Brooklyn) 1B - Bulova Corporation. 23C - Buffalo China, Inc. 34 - Comté de Niagara (Niagara Falls) 37A - General Motors.

37C - Schott Lithotec USA Corp. 52 - Comté de Suffolk (New York) 52A - Festo Corporation. 54 - Comté de Clinton (Champlain-Rouses Point) 109A - New York Air Brake Company. 111 - Aéroport international JFK.

121A - AMRI-Rensselear, Inc. 121C - MPM Silicones, LLC. 141 - Comté de Monroe (Rochester) 141A - Eastman Kodak Company. 141B - Xerox Corporation (Webster) 141D - Gleason Corporation. 172A - Oneida Ltd . Poe And Alcoholism Essay? (Sherrill et Oneida) 8E - Giant Products. 8F - BP -Husky Refining, LLC. 8G - Lima Refining Company.

8H - Toledo Refining Company LLC. 40B - General Motors. 40D - Lincoln Electric Company. 40E - Mr. As Applied Business? Coffee (Glenwillow) 40G - Ben Venue Laboratories, Inc. Thesis? (Bedford) 40H - Motch Corporation.

46A - General Electric Aircraft Engines. 46E - Nine West Distribution Corporation. 100B - Delphi Automotive Systems. 100C - Behr Dayton Thermal Products, LLC. 100D - Thor Industries, Inc. 101 - Comté de Clinton (Dayton) 138 - Comté de Franklin (Columbus) 138G - Abercrombie Fitch. 151A - Cooper Tire.

181A - Marathon Petroleum Company LP. 53B - TEPPCP Crude Pipeline LP. 106 - Oklahoma City. 106A - General Motors. 106C - Imation Enterprises Corp. As Applied Business Unit? (Weatherford) 106D - Xerox Corporation. 227A - Valero Refining Company. 45A - Beall Pipe. 45C - Alcatel Submarine Networks. 45E - Tofle U.S.A., Inc. Personal? (Tualatin)

45F - Epson Portland, Inc. 132 - Comté de Coos (Coos Bay) 184 - Comté de Klamath (Klamath Falls) 206 - Comté de Jackson (Medford) 206A - Carestream Health, Inc. 24 - Pittston (Wilkes-Barre/Scranton) 24A - Olivetti Corporation (fermé) 24B - Cherokee Pharmaceuticals, LLC.

33B - Verosol USA , Inc. As Applied 3 Coursework? (désactivé) 33C - Sony Technology Center-Pittsburgh (anciennement Sun Company Inc .) 33D - Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc. 33E - DNP IMS America Corporation. 35C - Sunoco, Inc. Cars Essay? (R M) 35E - Aker Philadelphia Shipyard. 147A - CJ Clark America. 147B - Souriau USA. 272 - Comtés de Lehigh et Northampton. 7C - Bristol-Myers Squibb. 7D - Bristol-Myers Squibb.

7E - E.I. As Applied 3 Coursework? du Pont de Nemours Co. 7G - Schering-Plough Products. 7H - Ortho Biologics, LLC. 7I - Abbott Pharmaceuticals PR Ltd ./Abbott Diagnostics International Ltd . 7J - Bristol Myers Squibb Holdings Pharma, Ltd . 7K - Lilly del Caribe, Inc. 7L - Patheon Puerto Rico, Inc. 7M - Amgen Manufacturing Limited. 61A - Searle Company. 61B - Pfizer Pharmaceuticals LLC. 61C - SB Pharmco Puerto Rico. 61D - MSD International GmbH.

61E - MSD International GmbH. 61H - Baxter Healthcare. 61I - Buckeye Caribbean Terminals, Inc. 61K - Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. 105 - Providence et North Kingstown. 77A - Sharp Manufacturing Company of describe personal, America.

77B - Brother Industries (U.S.A.) Inc. Business? (Bartlett) 77C - Komatsu America. 77D - Black Decker Corporation. 77E - Cummins, Inc. 78G - Columbia Specialties, Inc. Edgar Poe And Essay? (Birmingham) 78H - Sanford LP. 148B - Cornell Doubilier Electronics, Inc. 204A - Siemens Industrial. 36A - Deepsea Flexibles. 39 - Dallas/Fort Worth. 39B - General Motors.

39C - Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. 3 Coursework? (Wylie) 39E - Fossil Partners L.P. College Format Research? (Richardson) 39F - Zale Corporation. 39G - Exel Global Logistics, Inc. 39H - American Eurocopter LLC. 39I - Turbomeca USA. 39K - Dal-Tile Corporation. 80 - San Antonio. 80A - Bausch Lomb, Inc.

80B - Colin Medical Instruments Corporation. 80C - Friedrich Air Conditioning Company. 80D - R.G. As Applied Unit? Barry Corporation (San Angelo) 84 - Comté de Harris (Houston)

84E - Gulf Coast Maritime Supply, Inc. 84F - Valero Refining. 84H - Shaffer, Inc. Merchant Thesis? (Comté de Harris ) 84I - Tuboscope Vetco International, Inc. 84J - Shell Oil Company (Comté de Harris) 84K - Dril-Quip, Inc. Business 3 Coursework? (Houston) 84L - Tadiran Microwave Networks. 84M - Hydril USA Manufacturing LLC. 84N - Pasadena Refining System, Inc. 84O - EXXON Mobil. 84P - Houston Refining LP. 84Q - Equistar Chemicals.

84R - Michelin North America, Inc. 84S - Academy Sport Outdoors. 113 - Comté de Ellis (Dallas/Fort Worth) 115A - BASF Corporation. 115B - EXXON Mobil. 116 - Port Arthur. 116A - Motiva Enterprises. 116B - Total Petrochemicals USA. 116C - Premcor Refining Group. 116D - U.S. Great Essays Fifth Edition? Department of as applied business unit, Energy Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

122 - Corpus Christi. 122C - BTB Refining , LLC. 122D - Gulf Marine Fabricators. 122H - TOR Minerals Int’l. 122I - CITGO Refining Chemicals Company LP. 122J - Valero Refining Company-Texas. 122K - Sherwin Alumina, LLC. 122L - Flint Hills Resources LP. 122M - Valero Three Rivers Refinery. 122N - Equistar Chemicals LP (Comté de Nueces ) 122O - International Resistive Company.

122P - Kiewit Offshore Services. 122Q - Baker Hughes, Inc. 122R - Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. 149A - BASF Corporation. 149B - DSM Nutritional Products, Inc. 149D - Seaway Crude Pipeline. 149E - BP Products North America. 149F - Equistar Chemicals. 149G - Dow Chemical Company.

155 - Comtés de Victoria et de Calhoun. 165A - WRB Refining LLC. 168 - Dallas-Fort Worth. 168A - BF Systems. 171 - Comté de Liberty (Cleveland) 183A - Dell Computer Corporation. 183B - Samsung Austin Semiconductor, LLC. 196 - Fort Worth. 199 - Texas City.

199A - BP Products North America. 199B - Marathon Petroleum Company LP. 199C - Valero Refining. 199D - Seaway Crude Pipeline Company. 199E - ISP Technologies. 234A - Eubank Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc.

234B - Letourneau, Inc. 265 - Conroe (Comté de Montgomery ) 265A - WLS Drilling Products, Inc. 265B - Sondex, L.P. 265C - Materials Science Technology, Inc. 30 - Salt Lake City. 55B - PBM Nutritionals, LLC. 20 - Suffolk (Norfolk-Newport News) 20B - Newport News Shipbuilding. 20C - Western Refining Yorktown, Inc. 20D - Canon Virginia.

20E - STIHL Incorporated. 137 - Aéroport international Dulles de Washington. 185 - Comté de Culpeper (Culpeper) 207B - Hewlett-Packard Company. 207C - A.Wimpfheimer Bro., Inc. 238 - Dublin (Comté de Pulaski) 86A - Tacoma Boatbuilding.

86D - Tesoro Refining Marketing Co. 86E - Panasonic Shikoku Electronics. 120 - Comté de Cowlitz (Longview) 120A - Shin-Etsu Handotai America, Inc. 129A - BP West Coast Products LLC. 173 - Comté de Grays Harbor. 173A - Lamb-Grays Harbor Company (Hoquiam) 203 - Moses Lake. 203A - TK Holdings Inc. 203B - REC Silicon. 212 - Tacoma, Washington.

229A - Toyota Motor Manufacturing. 229B - E.I. One Hundred Essays? du Pont de Nemours Co. 240 - Martinsburg (Comté de Berkeley) 41C - General Motors. 41E - Bay Shipbuilding. 41H - Mercury Marine. 41I - CNH America, LLC. 167 - - Comté de Brown (Green Bay) 167A - Robin Manufacturing U.S.A., Inc. Business Unit? (Hudson)

167B - Polaris Industries, Inc. Petraus Thesis? (Osceola) 167D - Marinette Marine Corporation. Unités de mesure: Volume ou capacité Millimètre cube- MMQ. Centimètre cube- CMQ. Millier de mètres cubes - TMQ. Million de mètres cubes- HMQ. Litre, d'alcool pur- LPA. Hectolitre, d'alcool pur- HPA. Carat métrique- CTM. Kilogramme de la matière mentionnée - KNS.

Tonne métrique- TNE. Grande grosse - GGR. Nombre de paquets - NAP. Douzaine de paires- DPR. Nombre de colis - NPL. Nombre d'ensembles- SET.

Annexe X – Codes des bureaux de sortie des États-Unis. Aberdeen-Hoquiam, WA - 3003. Aéroport Addison Dallas, TX - 5584. Aguadilla, PR - 4901. Air Cargo Handling Services Inc - 2773. Air Cargo Handling Services, San Francisco, CA - 2871. Air France (Mach Plus), aéroport international JFK , NY - 4774. Airborne Express, @ SEATAC , WA - 3074. Alameda, CA - 2813. Albany, NY - 1002.

Albuquerque, NM - 2407. Alexandria, VA - 5402. Alexandria Bay, NY - 0708. Algonac, MI - 3814. Alitalia (AliExpress), aéroport international JFK , NY - 4777. Allentown (aéroport international de Lehigh Valley), PA - 1119. Allentown Bethlehem, PA - 1181. Alpena, MI - 3843. Amarillo, TX - 5502. Ambrose, ND - 3410. Anacortes, WA - 3010.

Anchorage, AK - 3126. Andrade, CA - 2502. Annapolis, MD - 1301. Antler, ND - 3413. Arkansas Aeroplex, Blythville, AR - 2083. Ashland, WI - 3511. Ashtabula/Conneaut, OH - 4122. Astoria, OR - 2901. Atlanta, GA - 1704. Atlantic City aéroport avec frais d’usager, NJ - 1182. Austin, TX - 5506.

Avion Brokers @ SEATAC , WA - 3072. Avondale, LA - 2012. Baltimore, MD - 1303. Bangor, ME - 0102. Bar Harbor, ME - 0112. Baton Rouge, LA - 2004. Battle Creek, MI - 3805. Baudette, MN - 3424. Beaumont, TX - 2104. Beaufort Morehead City, NC - 1511.

Beecher Falls, VT - 0206. Belfast, ME - 0132. Bellingham, WA - 3005. Binghamton aéroport régional, NY - 0981. Birmingham, AL - 1904. Blaine, WA - 3004. Aéroport Bluegrass, Lexington, KY - 4184.

Boca Grande, FL - 1807. Boston, MA - 0401. Boundary, WA - 3015. Bridgeport, CT - 0410. Bridgewater, ME - 0127. Brownsville-Cameron, TX - 2301. Brunswick, GA - 1701. Buffalo-Niagara Falls, NY - 0901. Burlington, VT - 0207.

Burlington Air Express, OH - 4192. BWI Aroport - 1305. Calais, ME - 0115. Calexico, CA - 2503. Calexico-East, CA - 2507. Cambridge, MD - 1302. Camden, NJ - 1107. Cape Vincent, NY - 0706. Capital Region aéroport international, Lansing, MI - 3883. Capitan, CA - 2715. Carbury, ND - 3421.

Carquinez Strait, CA - 2830. Champlain-Rouses Point, NY - 0712. Charleston, SC - 1601. Charlestown, WV - 1409. Charlotte, NC - 1512. Charlotte Amalie, VI - 5101. Chattanooga, TN - 2008. Chester, PA - 1102. Chicago, IL - 3901. Christiansted, VI - 5104.

Cincinnati-Lawrenceburg, OH - 4102. Clayton, NY - 0714. Cleveland, OH - 4101. Columbia, SC - 1604. Columbia Snake River, OR - 2904. Columbus, NM - 2406. Columbus, OH - 4103.

Coos Bay, OR - 2903. Coral Bay, VI - 5103. Corpus Christi, TX - 5312. Crisfield, MD - 1304. Crockett, CA - 2815. Cruz Bay, VI - 5102. Dallas-Fort Worth, TX - 5501. Dallas Love aéroport avec frais d’usager, TX - 5588.

Dalton Cache, AK - 3106. Danville, WA - 3012. Davenport, IA - 3908. Dayton, OH - 4104. Aéroport de Daytona Beach, FL - 1884. Decatur aéroport avec frais d’usager, Decatur, IL - 3985. Del Bonita, MT - 3322.

Del Rio, TX - 2302. Denver, CO - 3307. Derby Line, VT - 0209. Des Moines, IA - 3513. Destrehan, LA - 2009. Detour City,MI - 3819. Detroit, MI - 3801. Aéroport métropolitain de Detroit, MI - 3807. DHL Airways, NY - 4772. DHL Worldwide Express, WA - 3073. DHL Worldwide Express, San Francisco, CA - 2870.

DHL , Cincinnati, OH - 4197. DHL-HUB Riverside, CA - 2792. DHL , Los Angeles, CA - 2770. DHL , Miami, FL - 5296. Douglas, AZ - 2601. Duluth, MN - 3510. Dunseith, ND - 3422. Aéroport de Dupage, IL - 3984. Durham, NC - 1503. Dworkin/Cosell Courier aéroport international JFK NY - 4775.

Comté de Eagle Aéroport regional - 3385. Eagle Pass, TX - 2303. East Chicago, IN - 3904. Eastport, ID - 3302. Eastport, ME - 0103.

Edinburg aéroport avec frais d’usager, TX - 2381. El Paso, TX - 2402. Emery Courier, Dayton, OH - 4195. Emery Worldwide, aéroport international JFK , NY - 4773. Escanaba, MI - 3808. Eureka, CA - 2802. Everett, WA - 3006.

Fabens, TX - 2404. Fairbanks, AK - 3111. Fairport, OH - 4111. Fajardo, PR - 4904. Fall River, MA - 0407. Federal Express, Anchorage, AK - 3195. Federal Express, Memphis, TN - 2095.

Federal Express, Oakland, CA - 2895. Federal Express, Indianapolis, IN - 4198. Federal Express Corp. Business Unit 3 Coursework? - 4770. Federal Express Noyau de messagerie, Miami, FL - 5297. Fedex ECCF , NJ - 4671. Fernandina, FL - 1805. Ferrysburg, MI - 3844. Fort Fairfield, ME - 0107. Fort Kent, ME - 0110.

Fort Lauderdale aéroport international d’Hollywood, FL - 5210. Fort Meyers, FL - 1822. Fort Pierce, FL - 5205. Aéroport de Fort Wayne, IN - 4183. Aéroport Alliance de Fort Worth, TX - 5583. Fortuna, ND - 3417.

Frederiksted, VI - 5105. Freeport, TX - 5311. Fresno, CA - 2803. Friday Harbour, WA - 3014. Front Royal, VA - 1410. Frontier, WA - 3020. Galveston, TX - 5310. Gateway Freight Services Inc., CA - 2772. Georgetown, SC - 1602.

Gloucester City, NJ - 1113. Gloucester, MA - 0404. Good Hope, LA - 2014. Gramercy, LA - 2010. Grand Forks, ND - 3427. Grand Haven, MI - 3816. Grand Portage, MN - 3613. Grand Rapids, MI - 3806. Aéroport Grant County, WA - 3082. Great Falls, MT - 3304. Aéroport de Greater Rockford, IL - 3909.

Green Bay, WI - 3703. Greenville, MS - 2011. Greenville-Spartanburg, SC - 1603. Guayanilla, PR - 4912. Gulfport, MS - 1902. Hannah, ND - 3408. Hansboro, ND - 3415. Harrisburg, PA - 1109. Hartford, CT - 0411. Highgate Springs-Alburg, VT - 0212.

Hidalgo, TX - 2305. Aéroport international de Honolulu ,HI - 3205. Aéroport de Honolulu, HI - 3295. Honolulu, HI - 3201. Hopewell, VA - 1408. Houlton, ME - 0106. Houston Intercontl, TX - 5309. Houston, TX - 5301. Aéroport régional de Hulman, IN - 4185. Humacao, PR - 4906. Huntsville, AL - 1910.

IBC Courier HUB, FL - 5298. IBC Pacific, Burlingame, CA - 2873. IBC Pacific, CA - 2776. Indianapolis, IN - 4110. International Falls-Ranier, MN - 3604.

International Courier Association, Los Angeles, CA - 5270. Aéroport international JKF , NY - 4701. Jackman, ME - 0104. Jacksonville, FL - 1803. Jonesport, ME - 0122. Juneau, AK - 3101. Kahului, HI - 3203. Kalama, WA - 2909.

Aéroport de Kalispell, MT - 3324. Kansas City, MO - 4501. Kenmore Air Harbor, WA - 3018. Ketchikan, AK - 3102. Key West, FL - 5202. Knoxville, TN - 2016. L.G. Merchant? Hanscom Field, MA - 0481. Lake Charles, LA - 2017. Lancaster, MN - 3430.

Laredo, TX - 2304. Las Vegas, NV - 2722. Laurier, WA - 3016. Lawrence, MA - 0416. Aéroport de Lebanon, NH - 0181. Aéroport régional de Leesburg, FL - 1887.

Limestone, ME - 0118. Little Rock, N. As Applied Business? Little Rock, AR - 2003. Aéroport de Logan, Boston, MA - 0417. Long Beach, CA - 2709. Longview, WA - 2905. Lorain, OH - 4121. Los Angeles, CA - 2704. Los Angeles, CA - 2791.

Aéroport international de Los Angeles, CA - 2720. Louisville, KY - 4115. Lubbock, TX - 5503. Lukeville, AZ - 2602. Lynden, WA - 3023. Mackinac Island, MI - 3820. Madawaska, ME - 0109. Manchester aéroport avec frais d’usager, Manchester, NH - 0182. Manitowoc, WI - 3706.

Marinette, WI - 3702. Marquette, MI - 3809. Martinez, CA - 2820. Massena, NY - 0704. Mayagues, PR - 4907. Aéroport de Meadows Field, CA - 2786. Medford Jackson aéroport de comté, Medford, OR - 2982. Aéroport régional de Melbourne, FL - 1885. Melville, RI - 0503. Memphis, TN - 2006.

Metaline Falls, WA - 3025. Aéroport international de Miami, Cargo Facilities Service Inc., FL - 5272. Aéroport international de Miami, FL - 5206. Aéroport Midamerican, IL - 4581. Aéroport international de Midland, TX - 5582. Milwaukee, WI - 3701. Minneapolis-St.

Paul, MN - 3501. Aéroport de Minot, ND - 3434. Mobile, AL - 1901. Monterey, CA - 2805. Morgan City, LA - 2001. Morgan, MT - 3319. Aéroport de Morristown, Newark, NJ - 4681. Morro Bay, CA - 2719. Muskegon, MI - 3815. Aéroport international de Myrtle Beach , Myrtle Beach, SC - 1681.

Aéroport municipal avec frais d’usager de Naples, FL - 1880. Nashville, TN - 2007. Aéroport international du comté de Natrona, WY - 3382. Nawiliwili-Port Allen, HI - 3204. Neah Bay, WA - 3027.

New Bedford, MA - 0405. New Haven, CT - 0412. New London, CT - 0413. New Orleans, LA - 2002. Aéroport de New River Valley, Dublin, VA - 1412. New York, NY - 1001. Newark, NJ - 4601. Newport, OR - 2902. Newport, RI - 0501.

Newport News, VA - 1402. Nighthawk, WA - 3011. Nippon plaque tournante des messageries, Chicago, IL - 3991. Nogales, AZ - 2604. Noonan, ND - 3420. Norfolk, VA - 1401. Northgate, ND - 3406.

Norton, VT - 0211. NYACC , Jamaica, NY - 4771. Oakland, CA - 2811. Aéroport d’Oakland Pontiac, Detroit, MI - 3881. Ogdensburg, NY - 0701. Oklahoma City, OK - 5504. Olympia, WA - 3026. Aéroport international d’Ontario, CA - 2721. Opheim, MT - 3317. Orange, TX - 2103.

Orlando, FL - 1808. Aéroport d’Orlando, FL - 1888. Aéroport d’Orlando-Sanford, FL - 1809. Oroville, WA - 3019. Oswego, NY - 0904. Otay Mesa Border Station, CA - 2506. Owensboro-Evansville, KY - 4116. Aéroport municipal Pal-Waukee Wheeling, IL - 3983. Palm Springs aéroport régional, CA - 2781. Panama City, FL - 1818.

Pascagoula, MS - 1903. Paulsboro, NJ - 1105. Pembina, ND - 3401. Pensacola, FL - 1819. Peoria, IL - 3902. Perth Amboy, NJ - 4602. Petersburg, AK - 3112. Aéroport international de Philadelphie, PA - 1108. Philadelphie, PA - 1101. Phoenix, AZ - 2605.

Piegan, MT - 3316. Pinecreek, MN - 3425. Pittsburgh, PA - 1104. Plymouth, MA - 0406. Point Roberts, WA - 3017. Port Angeles, WA - 3007. Port Arthur, TX - 2101. Port Canaveral, FL - 1816. Port Everglades, FL - 5203. Port Hueneme, CA - 2713. Port Huron, MI - 3802.

Port Lavaca, TX - 5313. Port Manatee,FL - 1821. Port San Luis, CA - 2707. Port Sulphur, LA - 2005. Port Townsend, WA - 3008. Portal, ND - 3403. Porthill, ID - 3308. Portland, ME - 0101. Aéroport international de Portland, OR - 2910. Portsmouth, NH - 0131. Presidio, TX - 2403.

Presque Isle, MI - 3842. Progresso, TX - 2309. Providence, RI - 0502. Provincetown, MA - 0409. Racine, WI - 3708. Raymond, MT - 3301. Redwood City, CA - 2821. Reidsville, NC - 1506. Richford, VT - 0203. Richmond, CA - 2812.

Richmond-Petersburg, VA - 1404. Rio Grande City, TX - 2307. Rochester, NY - 0903. Rockland, ME - 0121. Rogers City, MI - 3818. Roosville, MT - 3318. Roseau, MN - 3426. Sabine, TX - 2102. Sacramento Int’l Airport, CA - 2835. Saginaw/Bay City, Flint, MI - 3804.

Salt Lake City, UT - 3303. San Antonio, TX - 5507. San Bernadino Int’l Airport, Los Angeles, CA - 2782. San Diego, CA - 2501. San Francisco, CA - 2809.

San Francisco Int’l Airport, CA - 2801. San Joaquin River, CA - 2828. San Jose Int’l Airport, San Francisco, CA - 2834. San Juan Int’l Airport, PR - 4913. San Juan, PR - 4909. San Luis, AZ - 2608. San Pablo Bay, CA - 2829.

San Ysidro, CA - 2504. Sand Point, AK - 3125. Santa Teresa Airport, NM - 2481. Santa Teresa, NM - 2408. Sarasota-Bradenton Airport, FL - 1883. Sarles, ND - 3409. Sasabe, AZ - 2606. Sault Ste. Fifth? Marie, MI - 3803. Savannah, GA - 1703. Scobey, MT - 3309.

Searsport, ME - 0152. Seattle, WA - 3001. Seattle-Tacoma Int’l Airport, WA - 3029. Segundo, CA - 2711. Sheboygan, WI - 3707. Sherwood, ND - 3414. Shreveport-Bossier City, LA - 2018. Sioux Falls, SD - 3502. Skagway, AK - 3103. Sodus Point, NY - 0905.

Spirit of as applied 3 coursework, St. One Hundred Great? Louis Airport, MO - 4506. Spokane, WA - 3022. Springfield, MA - 0402. Springfield, MO - 4505. St. As Applied Unit? Albans, VT - 0201. St. Format For A? John, ND - 3405. St. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework? Joseph, MO - 4502. St. One Hundred Great Edition? Petersburg, FL - 1814. St. Business? Rose, LA - 2013. Stockton, CA - 2810. Sugar Land Regional Airport - 5381. Suisan Bay, CA - 2831.

Sweetgrass, MT - 3310. Swift Sure Courier Services Limited, NY - 0972. Swiss Air (Skyracer), Int'l Airport, NY - 4776. Syracuse, NY - 0906. Tacoma, WA - 3002. Tecate, CA - 2505. Texas City, TX - 5306. TNT Express Consignment, IL - 3971. TNT Express LAX, CA - 2775.

TNT Skypak, NY - 4778. TNT Skypak, Buffalo, NY - 0971. TNT Skypak, San Francisco, CA - 2872. Toledo, OH - 4105. Trenton/Mercer County User Fee Airport, NJ - 1183. Tri-City User Fee Airport, Bountville, TN - 2027. Trout River, NY - 0715.

Tucson, AZ - 2609. Turner, MT - 3306. UPS - Noyau de messagerie, Miami, FL - 5295. UPS - Noyau de messagerie, Philadelphie, PA - 1195. UPS - Noyau de messagerie, Seattle, WA - 3095. UPS , Miami Int’l Airport, FL - 5273.

UPS , Anchorage, AK - 3196. UPS , Honolulu, HI - 3295. UPS , Louisville, KY - 4196. UPS , Newark, NJ - 1069. UPS , Ontario, CA - 2795. UPS , Seattle, WA - 3071. Valdez, AK - 3107. Valley Int’l Airport, TX - 2383.

Van Buren, ME - 0108. Vanceboro, ME - 0105. Vancouver, WA - 2908. Ventura, CA - 2712. Vicksburg, MS (including Jackson Municipal Airport) - 2015. Virgin Atlantic Cargo, CA - 2774.

Walhalla, ND - 3407. Warroad, MN - 3423. Washington, DC - 5401. Aéroport de Waukegan, Waukegan, IL - 3981. West Palm Beach, FL - 5204. Westhope, ND - 3419. Whitetail, MT - 3312. Whitlash, MT - 3321. Wichita, KS - 4504.

Wildhorse, MT - 3323. Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, PA - 1106. Aéroport de Williston, ND - 3433. Willow Creek, MT - 3325. Aéroport de Willow Run, MI - 3882. Wilmington, DE - 1103. Wilmington, NC - 1501. Winston-Salem, NC - 1502. Worchester, MA - 0403.

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974 Words Essay on the Problems of Old Age. The old age is an integral part of human life. It is the business 3 coursework, evening of petraus thesis life. It is business unavoidable, undesirable, unwelcome and problem- ridden phase of life. But it is really interesting to note that everybody wants to live a long life, but not to be old. It is ironical that however undesirable the old age, it is bound to come in life. A man is compelled to go through the pains and pleasures of this age like the other phases of life before making an exit from this mortal world. An old man is full of experiences and even though experiences are of immense help to the younger generation, he is taken as an unwanted burden. He himself is caught in a terrible feeling of redundancy. Thinking of college format for a paper old age visions of loneliness and neglect emerge in mind. The picture becomes all the more awesome with the failing health and illness.

A sense of despair glooms over all his pleasant feelings. Though it is true that no stage of life has its ever smooth sailing and every stage has its attendant problems, those of old age are more difficult and insurmountable because the as applied, physical strength and mental capability required to cope up with the adverse situations of life are immensely reduced. The situation becomes all the more difficult when one finds himself/herself left alone without anyone to attend him. Image Source : Indeed the loneliness and neglect associated with the old age is alcoholism essay a rather recent phenomenon. It is the outcome of 3 coursework break up of the tradition of joint family system. Growing urbanisation and essays, fast moving modern life have contributed to the problem. Furthermore, the erosion of moral values has also aggravated the situation. Earlier, when life was simpler and values counted for more, those who reached a ripe old age held an enviable place in society where they could really release and enjoy the twilight years of life. They commanded great respect, regard, love and attention and were taken as source of inspiration, guidance and experience for the younger generation.

These words of Elbert Hubbard are true to business unit 3 coursework, the situation, #8220;where parents do too much for their children, the children will do not much for themselves.#8221; Every phase of life has its own problems which require prudence, wisdom, courage and strength to attend to. In childhood and american cars, youth one has parents and other close elderly kith and kin to help, cooperate and guide. Besides, one himself is full of energy, strength, stamina and courage. But the situation takes a reverse turn in as applied business, the old age. For his every work he needs someone to help. He becomes dependent to allan alcoholism essay, others largely due to his physical infirmity. As Applied Business Unit 3 Coursework? He is, in fact, filled with a feeling of emotional insecurity.

He wants someone to take care of his needs and share his feelings. But in this materialist society, everybody is short of time. Nobody has enough time for describe characteristics, him. Business Unit 3 Coursework? Even his own children, to whom he dedicates his life and his earnings, do not find time for him. The problem gets accentuated especially as the world ceases to have any resemblance to one hundred essays edition, what the elderly were once accustomed to and changes at a bewildering pace with every passing moment. Debilitating body and failing health, make things worst. Unit? Having rendered service for a lifetime, the body parts appear to have become tired and weak. He becomes highly vulnerable to ailments-minor or major. Diseases both minor and major always follow them and their waking hours are preoccupied with symptoms and pills, diets and therapies. Regular medical aid and assistance becomes routine at this stage of life.

Besides, social security and emotional support are terribly needed. A feeling of loneliness adversely affects their mental health which shows through some physical problems. In recent times, insecurity of the old, particularly in metropolitan cities, has emerged as a matter of merchant of death grave concern. Usually, they are alone with servants to take care of them. Business Unit? After some time, the servants become familiar with everything in the household, they rob them of all their belongings, often become cruel enough to kill them and ran away. The news of such incidents are frequent in national dailies. The problem of american cars loneliness and isolation is the gift of modern society. Business Unit 3 Coursework? The society forces an old person to live like an american vs foreign cars essay, island. Often he faces the as applied unit, loss of of death spouse and old friends. In fact, during the old age one is faced with multi-dimensional problems. One of the major problems is the financial constraint which is really more difficult in case of those old persons who are not entitled to any social security and have no source of income, completely depending on their spouse or children.

People of this consumer culture do not have sufficient money to provide financial support to as applied 3 coursework, their parents; neither do they take it as their moral responsibility. This situation is thesis really unfortunate and needs to be addressed properly. Added to this is the depressing anxiety of not knowing just how far ahead one must plan or for how long one is forced to dependent financially on his children to meet his requirements. This brings more despondency to him. This plays havoc with the lives of the elderly. The picture is really grim in the twilight years of the business, life which ought to have been the best years of a person#8217;s life, when man is american cars essay free from every kind of responsibilities. Unit? In fact, it is an appropriate time for him to enjoy life without care and concern. He finally has time to live-#8220;sit in merchant, shade/reliving the good old times/letting bad memories fade.#8221; Keeping in mind these words of Henry Ward Beecher, #8220;There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child,#8221; we should be sincere and business unit, caring enough to take care of them when they most need it, but not pamper them. Welcome to! Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Essay.

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concert cover letter February 25th, 2016: WHY I AM NOT ATTENDING THE ACADEMY AWARDS. by Anohni, Oscar Nominee for best song (“Manta Ray” with composer J. Ralph) I am the only transgendered performer ever to have been nominated for an Academy Award, and for that I thank the 3 coursework, artists who nominated me. (There was a trans songwriter nominee named Angela Morley in the early 70’s who did some great work behind the scenes.) I was in of death Asia when I found out the news. I rushed home to prepare something, in case the music nominees would be asked to perform. Everyone was calling with excited congratulations. A week later, Sam Smith, Lady Gaga and as applied 3 coursework, the Weeknd were rolled out as the evening’s entertainment with more performers “soon to be announced”. Confused, I sat and waited.

Would someone be in touch? But as time bore on I heard nothing. I was besieged with people asking me if I was going to perform. My anxiety increased as weeks passed. I slowly realized that the positive implication of this nomination was being retracted. The producers seemed to american, have decided to stage performances only by the singers who were deemed commercially viable. Composer David Lang’s song “Simple Song #3” performed by South Korean soprano Sumi Jo was also omitted. It was degrading to watch the articles in Variety, The Daily Telegraph, Pitchfork, Stereogum, etc. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework. start to appear. Eclipsing earlier notices of congratulations, now the papers were naming me as one of petraus thesis, two artists to have been “cut” by the Academy due to “time constraints”. In the as applied unit, next sentence it was announced that Dave Grohl, not nominated in describe personal characteristics any category, had been added to the list of as applied business 3 coursework, performers. Everyone told me that I still ought to attend, that a walk down the red carpet would still be “good for essay my career”.

Last night I tried to force myself to 3 coursework, get on the plane to fly to great essays, LA for all the nominee events, but the feelings of embarrassment and anger knocked me back, and I couldn’t get on the plane. I imagined how it would feel for me to sit amongst all those Hollywood stars, some of the brave ones approaching me with sad faces and condolences. As Applied Business 3 Coursework. There I was, feeling a sting of shame that reminded me of America’s earliest affirmations of my inadequacy as a transperson. Format For A Research Paper. I turned around at the airport and 3 coursework, went back home. As if to rub salt into the wound, the next morning the american essay, Oscars added that I was transgendered to the trivia page of their website.

I want to be clear I know that I wasn’t excluded from the performance directly because I am transgendered. As Applied Business 3 Coursework. I was not invited to perform because I am relatively unknown in the U.S., singing a song about ecocide, and that might not sell advertising space. It is not me that is picking the performers for the night, and I know that I don't have an automatic right to be asked. But if you trace the petraus thesis, trail of breadcrumbs, the deeper truth of it is impossible to ignore. Like global warming, it is not one isolated event, but a series of events that occur over years to 3 coursework, create a system that has sought to undermine me, at first as a feminine child, and american vs foreign cars, later as an business unit 3 coursework, androgynous transwoman.

It is a system of social oppression and diminished opportunities for transpeople that has been employed by capitalism in the US to crush our dreams and our collective spirit. I was told during my 20s and 30s there was no chance that someone like me could have a career in music, and petraus thesis, this perspective was reiterated by as applied unit so many industry “professionals” and media outlets that I lost count. I almost gave up. Thankfully, fellow artists like Lou Reed advocated for me so intensely that I got a foothold despite the worst intentions of others. In that sense, I am one of the luckiest people in the world. I enjoy that wild and allan alcoholism, reckless exhilaration that comes from naming my truth as best as I can; it is what Nina Simone might have called a “boon”. The truth is that I was not groomed for stardom and watered down for your enjoyment.

As a transgendered artist, I have always occupied a place outside of the mainstream. I have gladly paid a price for speaking my truth in the face of loathing and 3 coursework, idiocy. At the age of 35 I was awarded the UK’s Mercury Prize. College Research Paper. All the nominees were invited to as applied, perform that night. They lifted me from obscurity and edgar essay, celebrated me, setting off a chain of events that changed my life forever.

Now ten years later, I have sung for as applied business 3 coursework millions of people in some of the most beautiful theaters in the world, from the Royal Opera House in poe and alcoholism London to a tiny shed full of Aboriginal women elders in the Western Australian desert. I have accomplished so many of my dreams. I have collaborated with musicians and artists whom I deeply respect. Unit. I have held space for describe personal characteristics feminism, eco-consciousness, and trans advocacy for 2 decades. I have been afforded a platform to participate in as applied business unit the cultural conversation.

I brought my earnings from around the world home to New York City and paid my taxes. That money was spent by the U.S. government on american cars essay Guantanamo Bay, drone bombs, surveillance, capital punishment, prisons for whistleblowers, corporate subsidies and bank bailouts. In the United States it is all about money: those who have it and those who don’t. Identity politics are often used as a smokescreen to distract us from this viral culture of wealth extraction. When we are not extracting wealth from as applied unit nature, we are extracting it from the working and middle classes. So I have decided not to attend the Academy Awards this election year. Essay. I will not be lulled into unit 3 coursework, submission with a few more well manufactured, feel-good ballads and a bit of good old fashioned T. and A. Essay Describe Characteristics. They are going to try to convince us that they have our best interests at heart by waving flags for identity politics and fake moral issues. As Applied Business Unit. But don't forget that many of these celebrities are the trophies of billionaire corporations whose only intention it is to manipulate you into college research paper, giving them your consent and business unit 3 coursework, the last of your money. They have been paid to do a little tap dance to occupy you while Rome burns. These are the last days of a great American fake-out sponsored by Exxon Mobile, Walmart, Amazon, Google and Phillip Morris.

America, a country that is no longer contained by physical borders, aspires only for more power and control. I want to maximize my usefulness and advocate for the preservation of biodiversity and the pursuit of thesis, human decency within my sphere of influence. November 29th, 2015: Production by Hudson Mohawke and Oneohtrix Point Never. In solidarity with the climate conference in Paris, giving myself a good hard look, not my aspirations but my behaviors, revealing my insidious complicity. It's a whole new world. November 27th, 2015: ANOHNI: HOPELESSNESS shows are being put together. Dates and information will be popping up in our upcoming events page.

November 5th, 2015: Manta Ray by J. Ralph and Antony to appear in Racing Extinction. See Rolling Stone article and as applied 3 coursework, youtube link of the track. October 3rd, 2015: I am glad the Vatican has chosen to clarify the situation with Kim Davis, and essay, I want to business 3 coursework, believe that Pope Francis doesn't support her position. Given his long record of essay, opposing gay marriage, I doubt that his view of it strays far from hers. Gay and transgendered people have been brutalized by the Catholic church for 3 coursework so many years, and petraus thesis, I am weary and defensive. The institution that he represents is steeped in business unit 3 coursework violent homophobia and misogyny. One Hundred Essays Fifth. I appreciate Pope Francis' courageous statements about unit, climate change. Petraus Thesis. I believe that the subjugation of unit, women and college for a research paper, the earth is as applied business 3 coursework one and the same; the same element that persecutes gay people and enslaves women is the one that perpetuates genocide against indigenous people and rapes the earth for short-sighted gain. So to one hundred great, me, the protection of nature and as applied 3 coursework, the civil rights of one hundred great, women, gay people and transgendered people are parallel and as applied, interdependent.

And next week, the safety and well-being of so many gay and trans kids and adults around the world will be determined by the message that the pope has projected. -ANOHNI. September 30th, 2015: Apparently Pope Francis was working behind the scenes to undermine gay rights in America. Allan Poe And Essay. How shameful and pathetic of him. I have been so impressed with his approach to climate and his call to end the as applied 3 coursework, death penalty in the US. But for him to make insidious comments about how the traditional family is under threat (presumably from gay marriage) and then to secretly meet that poor misguided cretin Kim Davis.

I am glad that he is mobilizing his flock to care about nature, but i would still prefer that they would all just evacuate to their heaven now and leave the rest of for a research paper, humanity and nature in peace here on as applied business unit earth. Pope Francis seems still to be causing harm and burning witches in petraus thesis the name of Christ, just like his forefathers. Pope Francis should line up one hundred gay, lesbian and unit 3 coursework, transgendered people from around the one hundred great fifth edition, world and wash and kiss their feet. He should issue a formal apology on behalf of the Vatican for centuries of persecuting, torturing and killing gay and transgendered people in the name of their god. Or are we not worthy of his humility, unlike criminals, the American indigenous, and the poor? And he doesn't even have the as applied business 3 coursework, political courage to speak of his bigotry directly. Knowing it would hurt his popularity, he slithers around in secret, watering the seeds of hatred and violence against gay, lesbian and transgendered people. Jesus Wept. Edgar Poe And Alcoholism Essay. - Anohni.

September 23rd, 2015: “I miss the times when I was really free.” Some beautiful quotes from 3 coursework Billy Name. September 23rd, 2015: Goodbye, dear Edwige, butch elegance, punk legend. photo of Edwige, Antony and american vs foreign essay, Tilda Swinton NYC 2012 by Chuck Fiorello. August 5th, 2015: the empire state building event this weekend. all the turning. to face eachother. It's like I never. without my home. with no reflection.

I cease to exist. August 4th, 2015: In collaboration with Josh Ralph, Antony wrote a song called Manta Ray for as applied business unit the film Racing Extinction about the edgar allan alcoholism essay, plight of as applied business 3 coursework, endangered species. July 13th, 2015: Antony, Yoshito Ohno (with Kazuo puppet!) and Johanna Constantine after their concerts in São Paulo last week. July 9th, 2015: from the Sydney Morning Herald this morning. July 8th, 2015: Amazingly, more than 2 weeks since the Q and edgar poe and alcoholism, A episode on ABC in Australia and the Murdoch press is business STILL printing detractions and college format research, character defamations about as applied business, me. I must have said something right!

I have never received so many emails and pledges of popular support while being so uniformly defamed by the journals. Wonder what Murdoch's memo said to great, get all his dogs to heel so obediently! Australians, like the as applied business 3 coursework, rest of vs foreign cars essay, us, must take their power back from these corrupted and delusional monied interests. The environment, and the welfare of us all, lies in the balance. Unit 3 Coursework. - Antony. June 29th, 2015: Antony confronting Australian politicians on Q and A about the effects of coal and uranium mining near remote communities. June 21st, 2015: Uranium mining ban a must for Antony Hegarty and the Martu. June 17th, 2015: Antony and the Johnsons performance review from Dark Mofo in Hobart, Tasmania. June 10th, 2015: I am performing next week at the Dark Mofo festival in Tasmania, Australia, in order to raise some funds to petraus thesis, support the Martu of Parnngurr in the Western Australian Desert in their fight to prevent Cameco and Mitsubishi from building a uranium mine next to business, their village.

On Monday July 22nd we are having a press conference at the MCA in Sydney at which time Martu elders from Parnngurr will discuss their campaign. Great Edition. Antony May12th, 2015: Please check out business unit our good friend Chris Levine's show at The Fine Art Society thru May 23rd. March 7th, 2015: URGENT APPEAL FROM ANTONY. Parnngurr is located near a site that the poe and alcoholism, Canadian multinational company Cameco and Japanese company Mitsubishi wishes to exploit for as applied 3 coursework uranium. This will have devastating consequences on the region. I have personally seen other mines in the area. They are horrific. The Martu have always known of the uranium at Kintyre; they have spoken of it for generations in format for a paper their storytelling as something dangerous that should be left undisturbed. Please watch this video.

This project poses a direct threat to the integrity of WA’s largest National Park, surrounding communities, the Karlamilyi watershed and a number of threatened and business, endangered species. This week the WA Environment Minister approved the proposed uranium mine at Kintyre. February 23rd, 2015: My new album is co-produced by petraus thesis myself, Oneohtrix Point Never and business, Hudson Mohawke. It's an electronic record with some sharp teeth. We are mixing it now. It's called HOPELESSNESS. My name for this project is edgar allan poe and ANOHNI. xx. January 29th, 2015: ANTONY HONORED BY NYFA. In 1997, the as applied business unit 3 coursework, New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) awarded Antony a Fellowship in of death the category of as applied business, Performance Art/Multidisciplinary Work.

He used the merchant thesis, award to record his first album and as applied unit 3 coursework, well, you know the rest. On April 14, NYFA will be inducting Antony into its Hall of Fame. For more information click here. An anonymous individual has agreed to match any donation made to the event on his behalf. January 5th, 2015: Two of Antony's art projects were listed in the Top 5 Art Shows in NYC for 2014.

See here. December 26th, 2014: Lady Bunny interviewed Antony for the Huffington Post regarding Antony and Charles Atlas' You Are My Sister installation for Midnight Moments here in NYC. Allan. Check it out here. December 24th, 2014: Antony recently did an interview with CUEPOINT about TURNING. Please check it out as applied business unit here. December 2nd, 2014: YOU ARE MY SISTER now live in Times Square from 11:57pm-Midnight through December 30th! Some pics from last night below.

November 11th, 2014: To celebrate today's release of the TURNING documentary and concert on edgar DVD+CD, during the month of December, Antony and the Johnsons and Charles Atlas’ “You Are My Sister” will be featured each night at 11:57pm as part of the Midnight Moment program, a massive digital art gallery on the electronic billboards of Times Square presented by the Times Square Advertising Coalition and curated by Times Square Arts. The film will count down the business 3 coursework, final three minutes of each day leading up to essay characteristics, New Year’s Eve. More info to come. A special screening of TURNING will take place on November 21st at 7pm at Charles Atlas’ Luhring Augustine gallery in Brooklyn. As Applied 3 Coursework. For more information, visit here.

October 28th, 2014: Antony and petraus thesis, Charles Atlas recently did an 3 coursework, interview with Dangerous Minds about the upcoming release of TURNING . The review and interview can be seen here. Additionally Antony sat down with Billboard, The Quietus, FlavorWire, The Forumist. More to allan, come. October 6th, 2014: TURNING - A concert film documentary captured during the as applied business unit, critically acclaimed tour of Europe by Antony and allan essay, the Johnsons and Charles Atlas during the fall of 2006, it explores the heart and experience of as applied business, that series of essays edition, performances. Through its synthesis of Antony’s songs and Atlas' unfurling video portraiture of the as applied business unit 3 coursework, 13 women who performed on cars stage, TURNING is an intimate and cinematic journey exploring themes of as applied business unit, identity, transcendence, and the revelation of a revolutionary feminine essence. TURNING saw its theatrical release from fall 2011-summer 2012, premiering at festivals, including Meltdown in London, The Melbourne Festival in Melbourne, DOC NYC in research New York and CPH:DOX in Copenhagen, amongst others. Secretly Canadian and business unit, Rough Trade will now co-release a deluxe edition of the TURNING dvd to coincide with select tv screenings around the world. This will include a cd of the complete audio recording of the TURNING concert, live at The Barbican in London in November 2006. The concert contains songs from the first three Antony and the Johnsons’ full length albums Antony and the Johnsons, I Am A Bird Now, and merchant of death thesis, The Crying Light, as performed by an ensemble of musicians including Maxim Moston , Rob Moose , Julia Kent , Parker Kindred , Jeff Langston and Thomas Bartlett . The cd will also feature two rare Antony and unit 3 coursework, the Johnsons studio recordings from that period. September 4th, 2014:

Antony, Kembra Pfahler, Johanna Constantine, Bianca Casady and format for a, Sierra Casady present. FUTURE FEMINISM: 13 Tenets of Future Feminism. SEPTEMBER 1127 2014 NYC. Exhibition and Event Series. Thurs Sept 11 : Opening 6-9PM. Fri Sept 12 : Bianca and business unit 3 coursework, Sierra Casady, Sarah Schulman, Rebecca Wright. Sat Sept 13 : Johanna Constantine, Lydia Lunch. Sun Sept 14 : The Factress aka Lucy Sexton, Clark Render as Margaret Thatcher, Laurie Anderson. Wed Sept 17 : Narcissister, Dynasty Handbag, No Bra. Thurs Sept 18 : Ann Snitow speaks with the Future Feminists.

Fri Sept 19 : Kiki Smith presents Anne Waldman, Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge and Anne Carson. Sat Sept 20 : Kembra Pfahler and The Girls of Karen Black. Sun Sept 21 : Lorraine O’Grady. Wed Sept 24 : Marina Abramovic. Thurs Sept 25 : Carolee Schneemann, Jessica Mitrani, Melanie Bonajo. Fri Sept 26 : Terence Koh as Miss OO. Sat Sept 27 : Viva Ruiz, Julianna Huxtable, Alexyss K. Tylor. The Hole // 312 Bowery New York NY 212.466.1100. Exhibition Dates: Sept 11- 27, 2014. Exhibition Hours: Daily 12-6pm. Doors open 7:45pm / Performance Begins 8 pm.

Suggested Donation of $10. If you are interested in essay describe attending attending the unit, entire series, 10 limited seats are available for edgar alcoholism advance purchase. Contact Krysta at The Hole for more details. There are 100 seats per event and they are first come first serve. Antony is part of a group show at Sikkema Jenkins in NYC called Works on as applied Paper.

The exhibition is open now thru October 4th. Cars. More info can be found here. June 25th, 2014: We have added a fourth concert of as applied business, Swanlights on July 21st at Teatro Real in american Madrid. Please see here for ticketing information. July 26th, 2014: We completed the Swanlights series at Teatro Real in Madrid, the final installation of this piece.

Thank you to all the artists and symphonies around the world that have helped to business 3 coursework, develop this piece and describe personal, give it such a joyful life. March 27th, 2014: The Great Barrier Reef: an as applied unit 3 coursework, Obituary. Last year Antony wrote a song about the disappearing Great Barrier Reef for allan alcoholism Lynette Walworth’s film “Coral: Rekindling Venus Today The Guardian has created a significant interactive piece echoing the concerns of Lynette ’s film. March 18th, 2014: Antony is proud to be a part of David Tibet's fantastic new album, Current 93: I am the Last of All the Field That Fell. Support the artist and buy it direct here. You can hear a preview of the song featuring Antony here. March 9th, 2014: Antony visited a group of Martu elders in the Western Australian desert last November and collaborated with artist/film-maker Lynette Wallworth in as applied business unit responding to the Martu women's painting process. The resulting film is now being exhibited, along with the exquisite large canvas that was rendered for the occasion, as a part of this year's Adelaide Festival. A review from raven “It is special to teach others, Martu and non-Martu, how we live”, reads the wall text for the Martu artists’ spectacular 5 x 3 metre painting, Yarrkalpa (Hunting ground) Scale 1:2500 (or thereabouts).

This work warrants special mention, not only for the astounding beauty, colour and light that the Martu women’s painting throws over the whole show. It’s also paired with some of the best collaborative work exploring Indigenous art I’ve come across, from essay describe personal Lynette Wallworth and Antony (of Antony and the Johnsons fame). Business Unit 3 Coursework. Wallworth’s slow and atmospheric video work paired with Antony’s ethereal soundtrack is striking in its ability to capture the Martu women’s process and of death, their connection with country. January 23rd, 2014: Watch this wonderful documentary about Marsha P. Johnson, the saint of Sheridan Square, and the namesake of Antony's band. Pay it No Mind: The Life and Times of Marsha P. Johnson January 9th, 2014: Antony on BBC4's Loose Ends last year. Antony: People can more easily imagine the collapse of the ecology than we can imagine a shift in our systems of governance, like a shift away from capitalism. a shift towards more feminine systems of governance. Clive Anderson: Are you guys calling for more women to be involved, or for more men to be more in touch with their feminine side, or for the structures to be more related to both sexes or the as applied 3 coursework, feminine sex? Antony: All of the petraus thesis, above.

I am calling for a seismic shift in the ratio of business, women in the highest seats of corporate and civic governance, and we are asking men, using myself as an example, to american vs foreign essay, retreat to as applied unit 3 coursework, the interior, and to examine their seat of privilege and examine the edgar allan alcoholism, systems of power that they are operating within, and not to take it for granted, but to dismantle it, to deconstruct it, in order to better serve their families and their communities, and even to [better] serve their own interests. January 1st, 2014: i'm holding on business unit 3 coursework dear. it is a waxwork of echoes. set my hands of fire. an angel on fire.

to escape the cold. I'm swimming in the dead sea. to shine in the darkness. set my hands on fire. an angel on fire. to escape the cold. December 13th, 2013: Two paintings by essay describe personal Antony are now on view at the Louvre in Paris as part of an exhibition curated by Robert Wilson from the Watermill collection. The show, entitled Living Rooms, also includes work by Paul Thek, Robert Mapplethorpe, Peter Hujar, Kiki Smith, Dash Snow, Clementine Hunter, Malick Sidibe, Larry Clark, Frank Lloyd Wright, C. Opie, Man Ray, and a pair of Marlene Dietrich's shoes. December 10th, 2013: The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic makes it's US Premiere at NYC's Park Avenue Armory this week.

Shows run from business unit December 12th - 21st. Petraus Thesis. For ticketing information please see here. Photo: Lucie Jansch. November 26th, 2013: Antony and Franco Battiato played two shows together in Italy this summer and made a recording of business 3 coursework, some of the live tracks. It is currently available on iTunes in cars essay Italy here. November 19th, 2013: Antony has a track called Angel on Fire on the Catching Fire Soundtrack which is out now on iTunes. It is business 3 coursework a song that Antony wrote in 1992. The backing track for the song is american vs foreign cars essay partly comprised of 4track recording that Antony once used in club performances in NYC.

October 31st, 2013: Lou's last stage performance: Candy Says as a part of Laurie Anderson's Domaine Privé festival at as applied business unit 3 coursework Salle Playel in March. Essay Describe. Musical director Steve Bernstein. October 28th, 2013: at Carnegie Hall 2006 photo by Timothy Greenfield Saunders. Lou was like a father to me. I have never felt so perceived and loved for who I actually am by a man than by as applied unit Lou Reed. Merchant Of Death Thesis. He fought tirelessly for me to have a place in the daylight culture. My career would never have taken off without Lou's tremendous influence. Those close to Lou knew him as a lion-hearted and intensely caring friend. When discussing death a couple of unit 3 coursework, weeks ago, he told me that I was focussed on american essay the wrong thing. His goal especially recently has been to exercise his mental discipline to stay in the present and not be held hostage by fear of an illusory future.

He faced death with dignity and unit 3 coursework, courage, and even then remained a teacher and mentor to me. i miss him with all my heart. It is hard for me to reconcile that such a giant could really be gone. Antony October 28th 2013. October 10th, 2013: From The New York Times: By 2047, Coldest Years May Be Warmer Than Hottest in allan poe and essay Past, Scientists Say. A new paper based on top climate models says that by about 2047, average temperatures across the globe will be higher than any highs recorded previously, with tropics hit earlier.

September 26th, 2013: Antony has a new song called Angel on Fire featured on The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Soundtrack which will be released November 19th. It is available for pre-order here. August 31st, 2013: Antony's concert in Florence on August 31st and in Verona on September 2nd will feature songs from as applied Antony's catalog and duets with Franco Battiato. The event in petraus thesis Verona is as applied 3 coursework being recorded for a release by Franco. For more information please see the events page. August 26th, 2013: ANTONY: The Cut will be on display at american cars Maloney Fine Art in as applied business 3 coursework Los Angeles September 12th - October 26th with an allan essay, opening reception on September 12th from 6-8.

For further information please see the exhibition page here. August 8th, 2013: Please see reviews of Antony and the Johnsons: Swanlights performance at as applied business unit The Royal Opera House in London with the Britten Sinfonia. Please click the following links for the reviews: The Guardian, The Independent, The Times, The Telegraph, and a feature on Antony in The Times. July 3rd, 2013: Yoko Ono on a visit to Antony's exhibition The Cut at Sikkema Jenkins gallery says that this photo is a portrait of her becoming a part of essay, Antony's work. June 28th, 2013: Antony's exhibition The Cut has been reviewed by the NY Times. You can see the review here.

Antony is a contributor to fellow Future Feminist Bianca Casady's new publication G.A.G. (Girls Against God). As Applied Business. For more info please see here. June 16th, 2013: Antony's exhibition The Cut at Sikkema Jenkins in NYC has been featured in poe and alcoholism essay ArtInfo and includes a slide show gallery of some of the work along with a QA. The feature can be seen here. This exhibition was listed as pick of the week in this weeks NY Magazine. June 14th, 2013: This month Antony and Marina Abramovic grace two different covers of The Lab Magazine. Antony is interviewed by Debbie Harry and photographs by Francesco Carrozzini. The Toronto run of The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic kicks off tonight at The Luminato Festival staring Antony, Willem Dafoe and Marina Abramovic. For tickets and information please see here. Later in the month Antony performs She's So Blue in Barcelone on 28th and Rome on July 1st.

For more info on as applied business unit 3 coursework those events please see the events page here. The cut on her face. The blood from under her skirt. A red fountain carries me. Towards my destiny. Out pour father's eyes. Dive deep in the snow. Cold seed for essay describe personal characteristics the spring.

Harvest of my creativity. Portal of our race. Spurned majesty sighs. Sikkema Jenkins Co. is pleased to present The Cut, a solo exhibition of work by Antony on view from May 31st through July 12th, 2013. Antony has created a body of work including drawing, collage, and sculpture alongside his critically acclaimed musical career as both a singer and as applied business 3 coursework, composer. Both his music and visual art are marked by intuitive and accumulative practices that reflect a shared visual and psychological vocabulary. The initial inspiration that provided the framework for the exhibition was a poem written by the artist entitled The Cut, which describes the source of creation as a slit in the sky. The marks that the artist makes on the surface of his artwork can at once be understood as scars as well as applications that have the ability to heal the surface of the paper, fabric, or canvas. A delicate line can be juxtaposed with a harsh application of paint or a torn edge. Many of the works are intimate in scale and ephemeral in their materiality, but they are monumental in the emotional depth that they convey.

Like Joseph Beuys, Antony's work originates in personal experience yet it also addresses universal artistic or social ideas and poetically suggests the healing potential of edgar alcoholism, art. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework. For further information please see here. May 9th, 2013: ANTONY AND THE JOHNSONS: SWANLIGHTS will be staged for the first time in London at american vs foreign cars essay the Royal Opera House July 25th and 26th. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework. These performances will be backed by the Britten Sinfonia with arrangements by college format for a research paper Nico Muhly, Rob Moose and as applied 3 coursework, Maxim Moston. This is a collaboration with set designer Carl Robertshaw, light artist Chris Levine, lighting designer Paul Normandale and lighting director Emma Weil. For tickets please see here. March 25th, 2013: Please read this article on edgar poe and essay a courageous young woman in Tunisia who is threatened with stoning.

February 20th, 2013: The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic is coming to Toronto in June at the Luminato Festival and to The Park Avenue Armory in NYC in December. For more infomation, please see our events page. February 16th, 2013: Please see Antony's performance of You Are My Sister at the San Remo Festival here. January 30th, 2013: 3 of Antony's drawings are included in a group show in Manhattan at the Clocktower Gallery that is opening February 5th: Dark Paradise featuring Antony, Zipora Fried, Nancy Holt, Joan Jonas, Thiago Rocha Pitta,and Patti Smith. Curated by Tim Goossens. Tuesday, February 5th, 2013, 6pm 8pm. The Clocktower Gallery, 108 Leonard Street, 13th Fl. January 28th, 2013: Please read this amazing interview. For me, Thich Nhat Hanh is now one of business, our most important world leaders. He is college format research like an artist in the way he has embodied his beliefs, and speaks so poetically and yet straight-forwardly about our future on the planet. He sees our inability to care for the earth as an as applied 3 coursework, indication of our spiritual broken-ness.

I love how he seems to talk about the spiritual world and the earth as the same place. - Antony. January 25th, 2013: On March 6th at Salle Pleyel in Paris, Antony will present an evening of american vs foreign cars, songs by other composers. Business Unit 3 Coursework. He is cars working with an ensemble put together by musical director Steve Bernstein of Sexmob. Expect some favorites Antony has sung in the past (including If It Be Your Will, Candy Says, and Child of unit, God) amongst many others. December 4th, 2012: Antony and Charles Atlas recently did an college format, interview with Paper Magazine discussing their film TURNING.

The feature can be seen here. Antony's artwork is also featured in the latest issue of Paper Magazine. Check it out here. November 28th, 2012: Antony lends vocals on Janitor of Lunacy for X-TG's Desertshore . For more information, please see here. November 16th, 2012: TURNING screenings through Tuesday November 16 at IFC Center here in NYC. For further information please seen here. As Applied 3 Coursework. Antony and Charles Atlas recently did an interview with Bullett on TURNING, politics, etc. See it here.

October 20th, 2012: The US premier of Antony and Charles Atlas' TURNING film documentary will screen November 11th as part of DOCNYC at edgar allan poe and alcoholism the SVA theater in NYC. For ticketing and theater information please see here. Further screenings will take place at IFC Cinema in NYC from business unit 3 coursework November 16th - 22nd. More information on these screenings to come. TURNING will have it's Austrian premier at the Vienna International Film Festival on November 3rd and 4th. For further info please see here. Sing Me The Songs That Say I Love You: A Concert For Kate McGarrigle will also make it's US premier at DOCNYC. More info here. October 15th, 2012: There is format paper a review of Antony and the Johnsons performance Swanlights in Melbourne on over at The Age. Please see the article here. The video for as applied business unit CUT THE WORLD has been nominated for a UKMVA in the Best Alternative video category.

More info here. October 12th, 2012: Last night was the format for a paper, first performance of Swanlights at The Melbourne Festival. Boy George guest appeared and will do the same tonight. Antony's exhibition Paradise is now open at as applied business unit 3 coursework the Melbourne Festival Arts Center. Paradise will be on essay describe display until Saturday October 27th. For more details plase click here. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework. This coming Tuesday, TURNING will have it's Australian premier at The Australian Center for the Moving Image as part of the Melbourne Festival.

The screening will be followed with a QA. More details here. One Hundred Fifth Edition. In addition, Lynette Wallworth's film Coral: Rekindling Venue will be screened at the Melbourne Planetarium as part of the Melbourne Festival on Monday October 15th. 3 Coursework. For more information please see here. September 20th, 2012: Check out the Director's Cut of of death thesis, CUT THE WORLD on over at Pitchfork. September 4th, 2012: Antony was blown away by this gorgeous rendition of Bird Gerhl by the young singer Birdie and the riveting dance by David Toole from the 2012 Paralympics opening ceremony. Unit. Birdie's performance begins at american vs foreign essay 3hr 11min. August 6th, 2012: Antony and the Johnsons - CUT THE WORLD video Directed by business unit 3 coursework Nabil, staring Willem Dafoe, Carice van Houten and Marina Abramovic. August 1st, 2012: Antony takes over Dazed Digital this week featuring articles everyday, so far including interviews with Laurie Anderson, Planningtorock, Cyclobe, Antony and Buffy Sainte-Marie! Antony is also featured in The Skinny and vs foreign cars, Metro.

Check out Dazed here,The Skinny here, and Metro here. Antony recently said on as applied 3 coursework his choices for Meltdown, I want to create a kind of paradise. I want to walk through that forest and see and hear the hardcore beauty and strength in art and music that makes sense to me. The weather is one hundred fifth changing and everybody knows it. As Applied Business. I want to participate What is alcoholism essay my relationship and responsibility to the world around me? Frontier expressions of emotion and beauty can be fantastic tools with which to enter that discussion. July 31st, 2012: Antony's Meltdown lineup is featured in The Guardian.

Check it out here and full lineup details for Meltdown below. July 28th, 2012: Due to circumstances out of our control, our performance tonight at KKL in business Luzern has been canceled. Tickets can be returned to the place of purchase from August 3rd - September 31st, 2012. After that date no ticket returns will be accepted. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and we hope to edgar alcoholism essay, play in Luzern again soon. July 17th, 2012: Antony was rencently interviewed by The Independent and as applied 3 coursework, The Quietus talking about the upcoming album CUT THE WORLD and currating MELTDOWN 2012. July 8th, 2012: Antony on MELTDOWN 2012 - I dreamed of assembling a constellation of courageous artists, all of whom have used their platforms as cultural producers to challenge us, says Hegarty of his chosen line-up. They have exhibited a ferocity in their pursuit of beauty, and, falling like a guillotine behind it, justice. Today I am among a group of artists from NYC (some of whom are performing at this Meltdown Festival) who reject patriarchy in its myriad virulent and apocalyptic manifestations, and who advocate for a fundamental shift towards the feminine in all our systems and structures of governance. American Vs Foreign. We have named this approach Future Feminism. Antony recently recorded Landslide for the Fleetwood Mac tribute album called Just Tell Me That You Want Me which will be released by Concord Records on August 14th.

You can hear the Landslide cover here. June 23rd, 2012: Here is a picture of Antony and cast of The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic meeting Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands after their performance last night at as applied unit Le Carre in Amsterdam. May 31st, 2012: Antony recently collaborated with CocoRosie on a new song called Tearz for Animals on their upcoming single We Are On Fire. You can hear the track here. May 26th, 2012: Antony has contributed a new song titled Rise to the film CORAL REKINDLING VENUS directed by Lynette Wallworth about the diminishing coral reef systems. To support the quest to save the world’s coral reefs Antony and Lynette are making the song available exclusively from the Coral RKV website. You can see the film's trailer, hear Rise and donate all on the Coral website. Photo by Inez and Vinoodh. Antony and the Johnsons will release CUT THE WORLD through Rough Trade August 6th and August 7th via Secretly Canadian.

CUT THE WORLD is a collection of petraus thesis, live symphonic performances of as applied unit 3 coursework, songs from the band's 4 full length albums (SWANLIGHTS, THE CRYING LIGHT, I AM A BIRD NOW, S/T). Describe Personal Characteristics. Recorded in as applied business unit 3 coursework Copenhagen, DK with The Danish National Chamber Orchestra, CUT THE WORLD features arrangements by college for a Nico Muhly, Rob Moose, Maxim Moston and Antony. Additionally the title track Cut The World is featured here for the first time. It is one of Antony's new songs for The Life and Death of Marina Abramovi? directed by Robert Wilson and staring Antony, Marina Abramovi? and Willem Dafoe. CUT THE WORLD was recorded live on September 2nd and 3rd, 2011 at the DK Concert Hall in Copenhagen, DK and represents Antony's continued meditation on light, nature femininity. Antony discusses his ideas on the track Future Feminism, a speech he made during one of the concerts. Addressing the affects of as applied business unit, patriarchy on the global ecology, Antony explores the possibility of shifting towards feminine systems of governance in a gesture to restore our world. Cripple and the Starfish. You Are My Sister. Epilepsy Is Dancing.

I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy. The Crying Light. May 1st, 2012: Antony's MELTDOWN festival line-up at the Southbank Centre in London has been announced and merchant, includes: Diamanda Galas, Planningtorock + Light Asylum, Selda, Laurie Anderson, Cocorosie, Cyclobe, Myrninerest, Marina Abramovic, Elizabeth Fraser, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Joey Arias, Marc Almond, The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black + Tenderloin, Charles Atlas: TURNING premiere with Antony, William Basinski, Hal Wilner Freedom Rides. More events to be announced soon. For further information including membership options please see the MELTDOWN website. Antony spoke with Pitchfork about business unit, curating the MELTDOWN festival this year and Elizabeth Fraser did an essay, interview with The Guardian about her two concerts at the festival. March 24th, 2012: Antony and Shalom Harlow are featured in as applied unit this months I-D Magazine Royalty Issue shot by Daniele Duella + Iango Henzi. March 14th, 2012: Antony to currate MELTDOWN at The South Bank Centre in London August 1st - 12th. More info to come. February 8th, 2012: Here are some recent reviews from essays fifth Antony and the Johnsons: Swanlights performance at Radio City Music Hall on January 26th, 2012.

New York Times, The Huffington Post, Brooklyn Vegan, Village Voice, Black Book, and Art In America. Antony was interviewed by Klaus Bisenbach of The MoMA for the Radio City show which can be seen here. February 3rd, 2012: Antony will be performing for the Tibet House 22nd Annual Benefit at Carnegie Hall February 13th. Show and unit 3 coursework, ticketing information can be found here. Antony will be a guest performer with Sissy Nobby in Krems at great essays edition the Donau Festival April 28th.

For ticketing and show information please see the events page. January 25th, 2012: Antony recently did an interview with W Magazine about working with Ohne Titel who designed Antony's costume for his January 26th performance at Radio City Music Hall. As Applied 3 Coursework. You can see the college for a, article here. Antony also spoke with Art Info, NY Times Magazine and Time Out NY leading up to his performance at Radio City. January 22nd, 2012: To commemorate the Hammer Projects exhibition, we are posting a link to an article that appeared in the Gaurdian in which Antony discusses many of the business, works being shown now in LA.

For a first look at american vs foreign cars essay Antony and Charles Atlas' film TURNING please see the clip here. Antony and as applied business, Charles also did an extensive article about the film in, you can see that article here. January 17th, 2012: Antony recently did a series of interviews with V Magazine, W Magazine, Interview Magazine and Out Magazine ahead of Antony and the Johnsons: Swanlights performance at Radio City Music Hall on January 26th. Tickets are still available here. November 12th, 2011: HAMMER PROJECTS: ANTONY January 22nd-May 13th. Hammer Projects: Antony is his first one-person museum exhibition in the US and will feature collages and drawings made between 2004 to 2011.

This exhibition will be presented at petraus thesis The Hammer Museum's Vault Gallery in Los Angeles and opens January 22nd running through May 13th. Business Unit 3 Coursework. The exhibition is petraus thesis organized by guest curator James Elaine. ANTONY AND THE JOHNSONS: SWANLIGHTS Performance at unit Radio City Music Hall on-sale now. Antony and the Johnsons: Swanlights MoMA commissioned performance is now on-sale via Ticketmaster phone charge at 1-866-858-0008, and edgar allan poe and, online at and as applied business unit, November 1st, 2011: ANTONY AND THE JOHNSONS: SWANLIGHTS One-Night-Only Performance Commissioned by petraus thesis The Museum of Modern Art at business 3 coursework Radio City Music Hall January 26th. Photo by Clive Osborne. The Museum of Modern Art has commissioned Antony and the Johnsons to edgar allan poe and, perform Swanlights , on Thursday, January 26th, 2012 at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Featuring a 60-piece orchestra, the performance piece is conceived as a new commission especially developed for the January 26th performance, and an evolution of the highly acclaimed The Crying Light , which was presented at the Manchester Opera House for as applied business 3 coursework the 2009 Manchester International Festival. Envisioned as a meditation on edgar light, nature, and femininity, Swanlights includes songs from all four of Antony and the Johnsons’ albums ( self-titled, I am a Bird Now, The Crying Light , and Swanlights ), set to symphonic arrangements by Nico Muhly, Rob Moose, and Maxim Moston. As Applied Business Unit. It is of death thesis produced in collaboration with light artist Chris Levine, lighting designer Paul Normandale, and as applied 3 coursework, set designer Carl Robertshaw. Antony and the Johnsons: Swanlights is organized by Klaus Biesenbach, Chief Curator at Large of The Museum of Modern Art and Director of MoMA PS1, with the assistance of of death, Eliza Ryan, Curatorial Assistant, MoMA PS1.

Klaus Biesenbach spoke with The New York Times today about the upcoming event. Tickets go on-sale November 12th at as applied business unit 10a.m. For further information please see our events page. October 29th, 2011: A work-in-progress screening of personal characteristics, Antony and Charles Atlas' tour documentary film TURNING is being presented at the closing night gala at CPH:DOX on November 11th in Copenhagen. Unit. Click on the image above for further information on edgar the screening. Produced by business unit Bullitt Film and essays fifth edition, Turning Film in association with BeoFilm With the support of as applied 3 coursework, Danish Filminstitute and Nordisk Film TV Fund. October 26th, 2011: Antony and american vs foreign cars essay, Jessica 6 have teamed up on a video for Prisoner of unit 3 coursework, Love, the bands newest single. American Cars Essay. For an exclusive look at the video head on over to Interview. Antony will be performing this week with 3 Teens Kill 4 in NYC.

For more info please click here. October 2nd, 2011: Antony and the Johnsons are playing a series of symphony events in Italy and Norway showcasing arrangements by Antony, Nico Muhly, Rob Moose and Maxim Moston. The first concert was in Bari at the Frontier Festival on October 1st, Fondazione per Roma in as applied business unit Rome on October 3rd followed by the UKA Festival in Trondheim on October 8th, and at Spektrum in Oslo on October 11th. All concerts are conducted by college Rob Moose and include lighting by Paul Normandale, lasers by Chris Levine with set design by Carl Robertshaw. Please see the events page for further information. Antony recently did a series of interviews with Italian press.

La Repubblica's interview can be seen here. September 1st, 2011: Antony and the Johnsons are playing Friday September 2nd and 3rd in Copenhagen with the as applied 3 coursework, Danish National Chamber Orchestra conducted by Rob Moose with special lighting by Paul Normandale and one hundred great essays, Chris Levine. For tickets please visit here and for as applied business unit 3 coursework information on Chris Levine please see his site here. July 12th, 2011: Antony was interviewed by Linda Yablonsky for The Art Newspaper. See the article here. July 9th, 2011: The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic opens tonight in Manchester at The Manchester International Festival. Show info and tickets can be found here. Photograph by Lucie Jansch. June 28th, 2011: Antony was recently interviewed for Pitchfork's new feature 5-10-15-20.

You can see the feature here. June 22nd, 2011: Antony and the Johnsons announce 4 upcoming symphony events this fall. October 1st in Bari, Italy, October 3rd in Rome, Italy, October 8th in american vs foreign cars Trondheim, Norway and October 11th in Oslo, Norway. Ticketing and show infomation can be found on our events page. June 21st, 2011: Antony is featured in W Magazine's July issue. Please see below for as applied unit 3 coursework more details.

Photograph by describe personal Max Vadukul. June 6th, 2011: Antony was interviewed by Anders Botter on Danish National Radio recently in as applied unit Copenhagen. You can hear the interview here. May 5th, 2011: Antony has contributed vocals on Jessica 6's latest single Prisoner of edgar essay, Love off their upcoming album See the Light coming out June 7th. You can here their duet here.

April 16th, 2011: We are happy to announce that the Swanlights 10 is now available through Record Store Day participating stores. As Applied Business. Digital downloads of the EP will be available April 26th and a CD version is to paper, come. April 13th, 2011: Antony will be joining Rufus and Martha Wainwright for A Celebration of Kate McGarrigle May 12th and as applied unit, 13th at Town Hall in NYC. Ticketing info can be found here. April 11th, 2011: Antony and for a, the Johnsons have added two more orchestra concerts in business unit 3 coursework Copenhagen, Denmark on September 2nd and 3rd at the DR Concert House with The Danish National Chamber Orchestra. Research. Ticketing and show info can be found here. Business 3 Coursework. The upcoming summer orchestra events will be a culmination of their work to date featuring arrangements from the most recent release Swanlights and previous releases. Please see our upcoming events page for further infomation. We are pleased to great fifth edition, announce the premiere of 3 coursework, Antony and the Johnsons Swanlights video directed and produced by Sara Hegarty.

Footage is of death taken from her upcoming film The Last Hymn featuring Sierra Paris. Please click here to see the video. Pitchfork has described the video as gorgeous, highly impressionistic. Go on over to the TED Blog for some pics from as applied 3 coursework Antony and the Johnsons most recent performance in March at the TED Conference in Long Beach, CA. March 31st, 2011: Antony and the Johnsons will perform at The Wilderness Festival in Cornbury Park, UK August 14th, 2011. Ticketing information can be found here. More details to come. March 30th, 2011: Please see Antony and Yoko's performance of I Love You Earth from merchant last nights benefit for as applied business 3 coursework Japan at one hundred great fifth edition Le Poisson Rouge. Photograph by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders.

March 24th, 2011: Antony will join the Plastic Ono Band at business 3 coursework Yoko Ono's benefit for Japan at Le Poisson Rouge in NYC on Tuesday March 29th. Ticketing and benefit information can be found here. We are also happy to announce that MATMOS will be joining us for one hundred edition The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic premiering at The Manchester International Festival in July. March 2nd, 2011: Antony and the Johnsons are set to perform tonight in Long Beach, CA at the TED conference. As Applied Unit. Please check the TED website for further information. February 24th, 2011: Antony and the Johnsons will release their four track EP “Swanlights” on 10 April 16th through Record Store Day followed by releases through Secretly Canadian and Rough Trade on April 26th. Edgar Allan Poe And Alcoholism Essay. The EP includes a remix of the title track by Oneohtrix Point Never and two exclusive B-sides. The CD version will include the Swanlights music video directed and produced by Sara Hegarty. 2 - Find The Rhythm Of Your Love. 3 - Kissing Noone.

4 - Swanlights OPN edit. February 16th, 2011: Take a look at this video for business unit the new MEN single Who Am I To Feel So Free featuring Antony. January 26th, 2011: Givenchy's Spring 2011 Couture show was inspired by the work of Kazuo Ohno and most recently by the film Mr. O's Book of the one hundred great fifth edition, Dead directed by Chiaki Nagano and as applied business unit 3 coursework, starring Kazuo Ohno which Antony screened as the backdrop to last October's special event concert in New York City. Thesis. To find out more information and see slides from Givenchy's show please see here. January 14th, 2011: Antony will be on as applied business 3 coursework Studio 360 discussing Kazuo Ohno. Please click here for american vs foreign cars more info. January 13th, 2011: Antony has collaborated with J. As Applied 3 Coursework. Ralph on the soundtrack to Wretches and Jabberers with a song called Killingly Hard.

You can find the soundtrack here. More information of the film can be found here. January 10th, 2011: Antony set to perform at TED in Long Beach, CA March 1st. Infomation regarding the TED conference can be seen here along with a full program here. January 6th, 2011: Everglade appears in Inez Vinoodh's stakeout of Kate Moss on american Check it out here. January 5th, 2011: Antony will appear on VPRO (Dutch National Television) in a program called Winterguests Saturday January 8th at 1:55PM. You can view a sneak peak here.

December 14th, 2010: Adélie penguins struggle to save eggs submerged by snowmelt. Climate change is warming the poles faster than many other places on unit the planet, which means that polar scientists are coming to grips with these changes sooner than most anyone else. Now, the long carbonic reach of industrialized society is alcoholism essay quickly wiping out one of the toughest creatures on earth, a species that’s hard-wired to the polar desert and cannot adapt. Adélie penguins, like other polar species, have always faced daunting challenges. Business. But today, Adélies are confronting conditions for which nothing in their evolutionary history has prepared them. According to Fraser, the colonies around Palmer Station have reached a tipping point: they’ll be gone within his lifetime.

“Fraser’s Penguins,” portions of which appeared in The New Yorker, warns that what’s happening on the Antarctic Peninsula now is vs foreign cars essay a taste of unsettling changes, elsewhere, to come. Should the West Antarctic Ice Sheet continue to melt, global sea levels could rise dramatically, in as applied business one NASA scientist’s opinion inundating Washington and other coastal cities by the end of allan alcoholism essay, this century. excerpts from December 12th NY Times. November 4th, 2010: Here is an extended interview with Antony on 3Sat, and in response to the rumors that Antony is retiring, they are not true. October 30th, 2010: Click here to see a feature on Antony in as applied business 3 coursework Italian Vogue, there is also a feature with photo's by Mark Seliger in German Vogue's November issue out now. October 15th, 2010: This is Antony's performance of Thank You For Your Love from american vs foreign Friday October 15th's taping of business unit, Later with Jools Holland. October 15th, 2010: Antony will perform today on NPR's Soundcheck at 2:30PM EST. October 14th, 2010: Antony's takeover of The Guardian Music page will be adding it's final postings tomorrow with an essay on Copenhagen by Jerry Mander, a video by Charles Atlas of NY star Page, and a feature on Kembra Pfahler for the Volptuous Horror of Karen Black.

Click below to go to describe characteristics, the takeover homepage. October 13th, 2010: Antony performed Thank You For Your Love last night on Later with Jools Holland. The program will re-air Friday October 15th on BBC2. Antony would like to business, respond to the article in essay characteristics El Pais yesterday: I would just like to say that I suspect the translation of my interview was a bit rough, and the artistic statement I made was in reference to myself: As a transgendered person, I am like a wild animal, beyond the realm of Christians and patriarchies. I never said that Transsexuals are wild animals as the title suggests. I also expressed my strong desire to move towards the feminine in as applied unit 3 coursework our empathetic relationship with each other and our environment. I believe that such a direction might help us to navigate the problems that we are facing now as a species. Christianity and college format for a research, other religions have historically cast nature itself as female. It is no secret that almost all the world's religions are structured and governed by hierarchies of unit 3 coursework, men.

They have sought to subjugate the feminine and redirect our focus towards themselves as the spiritual conduits who can teach us of paradise elsewhere, beyond the realm of this life. But our intuitive sense of connection to the natural world is precisely what we need to re-engage now if we hope to overcome our alienation and of death, restore balance to as applied business unit, our relationship with the essay, ecology of our home, the Earth. It is true that women have also supported patriarchal systems throughout the course of history. However, I would like to propose that this would be a very good time to lean upon and empower the feminine wisdom of circles of women, grandmothers, sisters. I believe that a massive change in unit 3 coursework the consciousness of all people on this planet will be necessary if we hope to dismantle the dangerous systems that we have constructed for ourselves and of death, which we are inflicting upon our planet.

It is the biological nature of business unit, women to tread more carefully on the face of this earth and in relation to one another, and we must search for merchant of death this feminine power in as applied business unit each of our hearts now. As a transgendered person, I am more aware than most that masculine and feminine properties lie within all of us. This is why I advocate for a movement toward the feminine in all our systems of essay describe characteristics, operation and governance today. Thank you for allowing me to clarify my position. - Antony. October 12th, 2010: Antony and the Johnsons to perform tonight on Later with Jools Holland on BBC 2 at 10pm. We are also please to as applied business 3 coursework, release a music video for The Spirit Was Gone directed by Peter Sempel. October 11th, 2010: We are happy to of death, announce that Swanlights is out now and Antony and the Johnsons take over of The Guardian Music pages has begun. October 8th, 2010: Antony and unit, the Johnsons performed a new version of Thank You for your Love tonight on Letterman. To celebrate the Swanlights album release, Antony will be taking over the Guardian music website for a week starting on essay characteristics Monday.

We have prepared interviews with Marina Abromovic and Bjork, essays including one on Native American Two Spirit traditions, video debuts by Charles Atlas, Peter Sempel and Antony and the Johnsons, features on unit 3 coursework several musicians and an art series. We are really excited about it! Check in throughout the week for daily updates. Antony will be performing next week on Jools Holland in the UK, check back for air date. October 5th, 2010: Antony writes about the SAVOY track Shoot Yer Load for Altered Zones.

He also writes a feature in October's WIRE about his favorite record cover, Marc and the Mambas' Torment 12. October 4th, 2010: Have a first listen to Antony and describe characteristics, the Johnsons newest release Swanlights one week before it's released on The Guardian website along with a slide show of personal shots from Antony's daily life in a feature called My Week In Pictures. October 1st, 2010: Antony is collaborating with performance artist Marina Abramovic and director Robert Wilson on a play about Marina's art and 3 coursework, life called The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic. For more infomation please see The Manchester International Festival site. Photo by Antony Crook. September 8th, 2010: Antony and the Johnsons are excited to announce their upcoming concert at Alice Tully Hall on October 30th in New York City as part of the american vs foreign cars, White Light festival. The concert will be performed with the Orchestra of business unit, St. Luke's and conducted by Rob Moose. Of Death. The program will feature director Chiaki Nagano's work Mr. O's Book of the business unit, Dead staring Kazuo Ohno. Merchant. For further infomation please see our upcoming events page.

August 20th, 2010: Please see our video for as applied business Thank You For Your Love comprised of Super 8 footage Antony shot upon his arrival in New York City as a teenager in the early 1990's. Format For A. Edited by David Boatman. August 9th, 2010: Antony and Oneohtrix Point Never have teamed up on reworking the title track Returnal from OPN's latest album. The 7 version is as applied out August 31st thru Editions Megu. You can hear Antony's version here. August 5th, 2010: Antony and the Johnsons will release their five track EP “Thank You For Your Love” on August 24th via Secretly Canadian. The title-track is the lead single from the forthcoming album “Swanlights” also being released by Rough Trade on October 11th and Secretly Canadian on October 12.

The album is now available for personal pre-order including bundles consisting of the as applied business unit 3 coursework, full length CD and EP, vinyl LP and EP, and book with CD and EP will be available for sale on August 4th. Those who purchase the bundles will instantly receive an advance download of the EP. The pre-order is up here. Artwork for the EP features photographs Antony took when he first arrived in NYC as a teenager in the early 90’s. 1 - Thank You For Your Love. 2 - You Are The Treasure. 3 - My Lord My Love. June 30th, 2010: Antony and the Johnsons will release their new album, “Swanlights”, on american vs foreign essay October 11th in the UK EUR via Rough Trade and October 12th in North America via Secretly Canadian.

Abrams Image will simultaneously release a special edition of as applied unit 3 coursework, “Swanlights” which will include the CD inside a 144-page hard cover book containing Antony’s paintings, collages, photography and writing. The album only version of “Swanlights” on Secretly Canadian Rough Trade will include the song “Flétta”, a duet with Björk. The album and book are a continuation of personal, Antony’s work exploring his connection to as applied 3 coursework, the natural world. 1 - Everything Is New. 2 - The Great White Ocean. 7 - The Spirit Was Gone. 8 - Thank You For Your Love. 10 - Salt Silver Oxygen. 11 - Christina's Farm. June 28th, 2010: Antony is participating in Jerome Sans It's Not Only Rock and Roll Baby! exhibition at college format for a paper the Triennale Bovisa in Milan. The exhibition features works by Patti Smith, Devendra Banhart, Alan Vega and others.

Open until September 26th, you can also see images of the installation here. Antony appears on as applied business Laurie Anderson's new album, Homeland, released this month via Nonesuch. And there is a list of things Antony is looking forward to this summer in Out magazine. June 24th, 2010: OPN: Antony | Fennesz Returnal Antony collaborates with Oneohtrix Point Never for describe characteristics a recording of Returnal released as a 7 vinyl on 30th August 2010 via Editions Mego. Remixed by Fennesz, with artwork by Stephen O'Malley. June 21st, 2010: Antony has participated in an article about artists' perceptions of Cocorosie published on Stereogum today.

June 8th, 2010: Antony wrote an article memorializing the passing of Kazuo Ohno, which has been printed in the Guardian today. Kazuo Ohno obituary. Tender and ethereal interpreter of the modern Japanese dance form butoh. Monday 7 June 2010. Ohno performing in business unit 1977. The image was later used on the cover of the format, 2009 album The Crying Light by Antony and the Johnsons. Business 3 Coursework. Photograph: Naoya Ikegami. Kazuo Ohno, who has died aged 103, was one of the pioneers of format for a paper, butoh, Japan's striking contribution to contemporary dance. Butoh, which incorporated elements of unit 3 coursework, existentialism, surrealism, German expressionism, kabuki theatre and eastern spiritual thought, was a reaction in part to the horrors of the second world war. In 1938, Ohno had been drafted into the Japanese army as an intelligence officer.

He spent nine years in petraus thesis China and New Guinea, and as applied unit 3 coursework, was held for two years as a prisoner of war. Ohno presented his first solo performance, Jellyfish Dance, in petraus thesis Tokyo in 1949. The performance was thought to be a meditation on the burials at sea that he had observed on board a vessel bearing captives to be repatriated to Japan. The young artist Tatsumi Hijikata was hypnotised by business Ohno's performance that night, and their destinies became entwined. With Ohno as his muse, Hijikata spent the next several years developing Ankoku Butoh-ha the dance of utter darkness. Using memories of maternal love and the archetype of the divine child as the basis for much of his tender expression, Ohno frequently reduced his audience to tears. Traversing the stage in a hypnotic reverie, he would gesture skyward with his long, curling hands. Petraus Thesis. He was a masterful and exacting improviser, and performed in as applied schools, gardens and hospitals, as well as avant-garde institutions around the world. Ohno was born in allan poe and essay Hakodate, Hokkaido; his father was a fisherman and his mother a musician. A gifted athlete, he attended Japan Athletic College, in Tokyo. 3 Coursework. His life changed in vs foreign cars essay 1926 when, while still a student, he attended a performance by the Argentinian flamenco dancer Antonia Mercé, known as the Queen of the Castanets.

Soon after, he began to study with the modern-dance pioneers Baku Ishii and Takaya Eguchi. Upon completion of his studies, Ohno began teaching physical education in as applied business unit 3 coursework a private Christian school in Yokohama. Under the format paper, influence of the school's headteacher, he converted to the Baptist faith in business unit 1930. Its influence would later become apparent in his work. He married Chie Nakagawa in american vs foreign cars essay 1933; they would have two sons, Yoshito and Yukito. From 1960 onwards, Hijikata directed a host of business 3 coursework, solo performances featuring Ohno. The first, Divine, was a tribute to the dying transvestite prostitute from Jean Genet's subversive 1943 novel Our Lady of the Flowers. From the beginning, Ohno was yin to Hijikata's yang.

While some butoh dancers later came to embody an almost impenetrable stoicism, and others grotesque horror, Ohno expressed something more ethereal, feminine and ecstatic in essays his reveries. Ohno shed all social constructs in pursuit of essence, believing that form comes by itself wherever there is spiritual presence. His revelations of love, pain and ghostly innocence were conveyed with the as applied, intuition of a great elder. His first piece to gain international attention was Admiring La Argentina in 1977, directed by poe and essay Hijikata, in which he paid a dreamlike homage to Mercé. The production won the business, Dance Critics' Circle award in Japan. Ohno frequently danced with his son Yoshito, and they performed together in works such as My Mother, Water Lilies and The Dead Sea. As a teenager in 1987, I stumbled across an image of Ohno on a peeling poster in american cars essay the streets of Angers in north-west France. Captivated by as applied 3 coursework this mysterious portrait, I placed the of death thesis, picture above my bed, where it has remained to this day. As I discovered more about the artist and his work, Ohno's dance and philosophy became a source of as applied 3 coursework, great inspiration to petraus thesis, me. In 2009, I featured a portrait of him on the cover of my album The Crying Light. Earlier this year, I visited the Kazuo Ohno dance studio in Yokohama, established some 60 years ago, and as applied 3 coursework, collaborated with Yoshito on a performance celebrating his father's life and work.

At Ohno's bedside, I witnessed a surprising vitality and sensed an almost invisible movement reverberating through his elderly frame. One Hundred Great Edition. As he lay there, his window open to reveal a cherry blossom tree and as applied unit, a view of Mount Fuji, I realised that Ohno had developed a creative process that was a byproduct of his spiritual practice. Yoshito told me during my visit to the studio that they aspired to total freedom in american vs foreign their dance, and that it emerged from a place of universal love. Kazuo's last international performance was Requiem for the 20th Century, at the Japan Society in New York in 1999. His 101st birthday was marked by the Japan Society with a butoh festival including performances by business unit Yoshito and an array of younger dancers. Ohno's appearances grew less frequent as he became increasingly immobile, although he continued to make gestures from his wheelchair, interacting with some invisible spirit with his hands. Once hospitalised, he continued to dance with his eyes and, at the last, with his breath.

Even upon taking leave of my flesh and bones, he wrote in the book Workshop Words, I want to continue dancing as a ghost. He is survived by Yoshito and Yukito, and by his brother and two sisters. Chie died in 1997. •Kazuo Ohno, dancer, born 27 October 1906; died 1 June 2010. June 1st, 2010: I want to express my sorrow at one hundred essays the passing of Kazuo Ohno, who died today in a hospital in Yokohama at the age of 103.

He was my hero and my teacher. I feel so honored to have had the opportunity to unit 3 coursework, meet him and get a little closer to his family and his work earlier this year when we visited the Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio in Japan. Thesis. I thank him for awakening a sense of a child inside me. I will dream of him forever, and I will search for his footsteps in the dust of life before me. I wish only for 3 coursework his flourishing joy. Antony.

May 21st, 2010: On Creation Of A Bacterial Cell Controlled By A Chemically Synthesized Genome By Venter Et Al. Seven generation sustainability is an ecological concept that urges the current generation of humans to live sustainably and work for the benefit of the seventh generation into the future. In every deliberation, we must consider the impact on the seventh generation. Great Law of the alcoholism essay, Iroquois. The Seventh Generation originated with the Iroquois when they thought it was appropriate to think seven generations ahead (a couple hundred years into the future) and decide whether the decisions they make today would benefit their children seven generations into the future. In every deliberation, we must consider the unit 3 coursework, impact on the seventh generation. even if it requires having skin as thick as the bark of a pine. One Hundred Essays Fifth. What about the seventh generation? Where are you taking them? What will they have? Lyons O (1980) An Iroquois Perspective. As Applied Business Unit 3 Coursework. Pp.

171-174 in American Indian Environments: Ecological Issues in american Native American History. Vecsey C, Venables RW (Editors). Syracuse University Press, New York (Lyons 1980, p. 174) May 20th, 2010: Gays Jailed in Malawi. Here's 2 young people from Malawi who went to jail yesterday for up to 14 years in a hard labour work camp convicted of unnatural acts and gross indecency. One is 20 yrs old, the other is 26.

That one on the right especially looks like some kind of angel. Across Africa it seems the as applied 3 coursework, right wing are seeking to kill, jail and discriminate gay and transgender people. They are calling for edgar alcoholism the execution of gay people in Uganda. The right wing in the US has done the same thing; the Republicans often glide into office on a manipulative platform rallying against gays and business 3 coursework, reproductive rights, only then to turn their influence to serve the corporations once they are in power. A friend of mine from the essay describe personal, Ivory Coast wrote this to me today:


See Antony's recent interview in 3 coursework Sydney with Arts journalist Fenella Kernebone below. February 24th, 2010: Please see the article on Stereogum about one hundred essays, collaborating with The Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio from our recent shows in Tokyo. January 31st, 2010: Antony performed 2 sold out symphony concerts at the Sydney Opera House with Rob Moose conducting, with guests William Basinski and Johanna Constantine. After stoping in business 3 coursework Perth to edgar allan poe and alcoholism, do 2 more shows, Antony heads to as applied 3 coursework, Tokyo, Japan with Billy, Johanna and Rob to petraus thesis, do a pair of concerts with Yoshito Ohno and as applied unit, the Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio. An image of Kazuo Ohno was featured on the cover of The Crying Light and merchant thesis, so there couldn't be a more perfect way to commemorate the final dates of the Crying Light tour. Excerpts from the film Mr. 3 Coursework. Ohno's Book of the Dead will also be screened. It's an honor to be on merchant thesis stage with Yoshito Ohno for our first concerts in Japan.

January 1st, 2010: Check out Antony's performance of Here Comes The Sun filmed for Live At Abbey Road here. December 7th, 2009: Hi all, i spent last night writing letters to my government representatives asking them to fight hard for success at unit 3 coursework the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit. Coverage of this is essay describe better in Europe than in the US media because of the powerful oil lobby. I just hope they are building space ships big enough for all of us. I for one have no interest in human life without Nature. I am tied to the mast of this place. The Casa do Menor campaign against child abuse which features Antony's cover of Current 93's song Soft Black Stars has won a silver Epica Advertising Award. Watch the advertisement here. November 24th, 2009: Swedish Singer Ane Brune has performed a cover of Another World along with Benny Andersson (ABBA) as the anthem for the No More Lullabies concert in business 3 coursework Sweden this past Oct. 24th..

November 18th, 2009: Elisa Toffoli's new album is out in Italy and features a duet with Antony called Forgiveness. November 3rd, 2009: We recently added a video entitled FEMININE to the front page of our site; It was made by format Joie Iacono and features Dr. Julia Yasuda, Ph.D. October 19th, 2009: You can hear Antony's recording of Nessun Dorma with the Roma Sinfonietta Orchestra for Lavazza here. It's a great idea to unit, sign Prince Charles' Rainforest petition and it just takes a few moments. October 14th, 2009: Our friend Uman Warsame recently sent us a Sphinx-like portrait of Antony; more of her paintings, as well as her great blog, can be seen on research paper her website. September 28th, 2009: We have updated our video page to include all high resolution streaming versions of the music videos, collaborations with designers and animations, check them out here. There is also an online preview of as applied 3 coursework, Antony's artwork entitled Epilepsy is Dancing in american essay SOME/THINGS magazine. September 25th, 2009: On October 4th Antony will be performing at New York City's legendary Carnegie Hall as part of 'Hal Willner Presents An Evening With Gavin Friday and Friends.

Along with Antony, other performers inculde Laurie Anderson, Bono, Scarlett Johansson, Courtney Love, Lydia Lunch, Martha Wainright, Rufus Wainright and many more. As Applied Business Unit 3 Coursework. A portion of of the proceeds goes directly to the Global Fund. Tickets can be purchased here. has two live clips of Antony's duets with Yoko Ono accompanied by college format paper Sean Lennon from this year's Meltdown Festival in London. As Applied Business. Watch the clips here. September 13th, 2009: : from Antony: I want to post this shocking news excerpt that I read in the Guardian today, reporting the essays fifth, militia style torture and execution of gay people in Iraq. ALLAH TREASURES HIS GAY AND TRANSGENDERED CHILDREN. JESUS ADORES THESE GAY CHILDREN AND RESERVES A SACRED PLACE FOR THEM IN THE FOLDS OF HIS CLOTHES.

IT IS A SIN TO HURT A GAY OR TRANSGENDERED PERSON. YOU HURT ALLAH WHEN YOU HURT ONE OF THESE MEN OR WOMEN, BOYS OR GIRLS. August 27th, 2009: Antony and the Johnsons now have an business unit, Official Facebook Page. You can add the page to your Facebook profile here. In other news, Antony's rendition of 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door' closed Valentino's Fall/Winter 2010 Haute Couture show during Paris Couture Week. You can view the show here. August 25th, 2009: A message from Antony: The Summer Symphony tour in Europe and the United Kingdom has drawn to a close. Working with the orchestras in Europe has been an interesting adventure; each group seemed to have its own approach to the songs. The biggest cheer was always for the local musicians who were making most of the the music. Thank you to everyone who came to see us and to everyone in front of and behind the scenes who helped to make it happen.

I am in the studio mixing a new release for describe personal the Spring. Unit 3 Coursework. Julia Kent has been working on her new album and is set to launch back to Italy for a solo tour in the fall. American Essay. Rob Moose is off with Beth Orton. Max has been producing a new album for Baby Dee.Thomas is traveling the world doing concertinas. Johanna Constantine is dreaming intensely and chasing blind cats through the back streets of business 3 coursework, Philadelphia. In world events, we are weeks away from one hundred great essays fifth edition creating the business, first life forms out of the wedlock of the evolutionary chain. I think this is a mistake. And sacred Cree representatives from the petraus thesis, First People of unit 3 coursework, Canada are joining protests in petraus thesis the UK against as applied unit companies including British Petroleum and the Royal Bank of Scotland who are investing in the devastating tar sands projects, which are destroying Cree homelands and contributing to global warming.

August 17th, 2009: Last January The UK Sun published an petraus thesis, insightful article about The Crying Light. Read it here. August 4th, 2009: Check out our new video for Crazy In Love directed by as applied business 3 coursework Joie Iacono with footage of Pink Lady by James Elaine. The video was also premiered on Pitchfork TV. August 4th, 2009: Today marks the release of the petraus thesis, Aeon CD single and 7 featuring a cover of as applied business unit 3 coursework, Beyonce's Crazy In Love. To coincide with the new CD single, Pitchfork has released a new feature on Antony. In this in-depth profile, we examine the life and career of of death thesis, Antony Hegarty, one of today's most compelling musical artists.

Read more here. July 27th, 2009: Leah Nash won first place in the Music Moment Photography contest presented by Photo District News and Billboard. Her prize winning photo is of Antony performing live at the Time Based Art festival in Portland, Oregon last September. Leah Nash's prize winning photo of Antony. July 23rd, 2009: Spin Magazine called The Crying Light one of the 20 best albums of 2009 so far. Read more here. Antony on stage at the Manchester Opera House. July 20th, 2009: The Crying Light production at the Manchester Opera House was an incredible experience; the unit, BBC rated it 11 our of of death, 10 stars on as applied business unit their website! Listen to the review here.

Antony wore the tiger Givenchy haute couture ballgown on stage in Paris. While in Montreux, Antony was spotted sprawled out in a rented paddling boat in the middle of Lake Geneva at noon. The Montreux Jazz festival orchestra were a lot of vs foreign cars, fun to be with for business the two concerts in Switzerland. The band will perform at the Grand Theatre Romain in Lyon tomorrow night. It's an ancient Roman amphitheater, full of wild spirits. Then the group is off to Rome where they will perform at vs foreign cars essay the Parco della Musica with the Roma Sinfonietta. Meanwhile an exhibition of Antony's prints has opened in Turin. Givenchy Haute Couture by as applied business Riccardo Tisci. June 23rd, 2009: A portion of research paper, Antony and the Johnsons performance at Le Carre Theatre in Amsterdam can be seen here.

June 17th, 2009: We have now completed our European tour and will soon embark on the start of as applied business 3 coursework, our Summer Symphony Tour with dates in Europe and UK and two band shows in Madrid on July 7th and Paris on petraus thesis July 9th. The tour includes an unusual visual staging of The Crying Light for the Manchester International Festival on July 3rd and 4th which was designed in collaboration with Paul Normandale, Chris Levine and as applied business unit, Carl Robertshaw. Antony also recently collaborated with Givenchy designer Riccardo Tisci on the creation of costume which Antony will wear during his concert in Paris during Paris Couture Week. An exhibition of Antony’s artwork will be at the Accademia Albertina on July 6th in Turin, Italy as part of the Traffic Music Festival. Much of the artwork from the recent releases along with other material can also be seen in the Summer Issue of american vs foreign essay, Francis Ford Coppola’s Zoetrope Magazine of which Antony was the Guest Designer.. We are also releasing a new single which includes ‘Aeon’ and Antony’s cover of Beyonce’s ‘Crazy In Love’ on 3 coursework August 3rd in Europe and August 4th in the US. The single will be released on CD and 7” vinyl.

Check out the latest article about Antony in Flaunt magazine and in addition there are new features in S Magazine, Dazed Confused and L'Uomo Vogue. Antony in petraus thesis Givenchy photographed by Nacho Alegre for L'Uomo Vogue. May 19th, 2009: Antony will be performing with Yoko Ono in Yoko's Plastic Ono Band at The Southbank Center - Royal Festival Hall in London on June 14th. Guests include Sean Lennon, Cornelius, Yuka Honda and others. For ticketing and as applied business unit 3 coursework, show infomation please click here. April 24th, 2009: Antony and allan, the Johnsons will be on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson Wednesday April 29th performing Another World. Business. Craig Ferguson aires on essay CBS at 12:35am EST/PST. April 23rd, 2009: Antony is featured in the current issue of BlackBook Magazine speaking about work done for current art projects and exhibitions including Six Eyes at Galerie du Jour in as applied business Paris. Also please see articles in French Vogue and Stiletto Magazine.

April 14th, 2009: Antony and the Johnsons performed last friday on the Dutch TV program Mooi! Weer de Leeuw, their performance of One Dove can be viewed here. April 3rd, 2009: Antony and the Johnsons performed Kiss My Name on Jonathan Ross last night. Please view their performance here. April 2nd, 2009: Please see Antony and petraus thesis, the Johnsons performance on business unit 3 coursework NPR's World Cafe where they perform Her Eyes Are Underneath The Ground, Epilepsy Is Dancing and Another World here. April 1st, 2009: Friday, 22:35 on BBC One Jonathan Ross continues his current series. Edgar Allan Poe And Alcoholism. Guests include Academy Award-winning force of nature Whoopi Goldberg; Harry Potter star Jason Isaacs; and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert star, Jason Donovan. Plus Antony and business unit, the Johnsons perform their new single Kiss My Name live in the studio. March 23rd, 2009: Antony and the Johnsons Announce Summer Symphony Events,

Collaboration With Matthew Herbert for Coachella, Six Eyes art show at Agnes B gallery in Paris. Ghost photograph by Don Felix Cervantes. SUMMER SYMPHONY CONCERTS : Antony and the Johnsons will play a series of unique concerts in collaboration with symphonies across Europe this summer. Presenting a wide array of petraus thesis, material including songs from “The Crying Light”, the concerts will feature large format orchestras (36-52 players) presenting arrangements developed by Antony and Nico Muhly and conducted by Rob Moose. Premiering at the Manchester Festival, Antony has also been commissioned to create a stage environment for “The Crying Light” inspired by unit 3 coursework Bauhaus stage lighting design and cars essay, considering the dreams of crystals inside mountains. Events listed below with more concerts to be added in the coming weeks: June 21 22 - Amsterdam , Holland - Holland Festival at unit 3 coursework Royal Theatre Carré with the Metropole Orchestra. July 3 4 - Manchester , UK - Manchester International Festival at the Opera House with the Manchester Camerata. July 21 Lyon, France - Les Nuits de Fourviere with the Opera de Lyon Orchestra. July 28 - Rome , Italy - Cavea at Il Parco della Musica with the Rome Sinfonietta.

August 9 - Oslo, Norway - Oslo Jazz Festival (for the inauguration of the open air venue of the Opera House) with the Oslo Opera House Orchestra. August 14 - Gothenburg, Sweden - Way Out West Festival with the one hundred essays, Gothenburg Symphonic Orchestra. EPILEPSY IS DANCING SINGLE : Secretly Canadian and Rough Trade will release the “Epilepsy Is Dancing” single in Europe April 6/US April 7. The single will be released in CD and 7” vinyl formats and includes live favorite “Where Is My Power?” Check out the striking video for as applied unit the single produced by AFAS and thesis, directed by the Wachowski Brothers (THE MATRIX, V for VENDETTA) which can be viewed here and on Pitchfork here. ANTONY AND MATTHEW HERBERT AT SUMMER FESTIVALS : Antony and the Johnsons will play the Coachella Music and Arts Festival on Sunday April 19th. Antony has collaborated with avant-garde composer and electronics wiz Matthew Herbert. The duo will present stark electronic re-imaginings of business unit 3 coursework, songs from Antony and the Johnsons' new album The Crying Light. SIX EYES AT AGNES B'S GALLERY IN PARIS : Antony has been invited by designer and research paper, gallerist Agnes B to business unit, curate an art show at Gallery Du Jour in Paris, opening on April 11th. Entitled Six Eyes the exhibition will feature work by describe Peter Hujar, Kiki Smith, Alice O'Mally, William Basinski and unit, James Elaine, Antony and Barbara Cummard. March 16th, 2009: Munich Show Update : Please note that we have had to make a date and venue change for the upcoming Munich show. Fifth. This event was to take place on April 23rd at Postpalast but for unforseen circumstances we've had to move the venue location to Circus Krone on April 26th.

People holding tickets for the April 23rd concert at Postpalast will be accepted at Circus Krone on business unit 3 coursework the 26th. Please see the events page for further info. March 11th, 2009: During Paris Fashion Week Shake That Devil was heard on the catwalk of Anne Valérie Hash and then at Kris Van Assche..check out the american cars, article here. March 8th, 2009: In the coming weeks we will be announcing many summer orchestra concerts all over Europe and the UK. More info to come via the events page. We have also added a new show in Antwerp on March 23rd at the Koningin Elisabethzaal. Please see the events page for business 3 coursework details. March 5th, 2009: Hear Antony and the Johnsons' recent concert in Washington DC on essay describe personal NPR's All Songs Considered with Bob Boilen. Watch excerpts from the concert on as applied business unit 3 coursework or song by song on Thank you everyone for a North American tour that we will never forget. College Format Research Paper. We all had such a good time, we felt free up there so often!

It was the first time we have played in as applied business 3 coursework the South; thanks to the folks in Knoxville and Atlanta for giving us such a heartwarming welcome. San Francisco, we will never forget you! Vancouver, you break my heart! New York, you keep killing me softly. - Antony. There were a fair ton of reviews which you can track down via if you are so possessed. Antony and the Johnsons are playing as part of petraus thesis, a very special triple bill with Florence and the Machine and V V Brown on Tuesday March 24th at the Royal Albert Hall to benefit the Teenaged Cancer Trust. Get yer tickets here. The concert at the Holland Festival on June 22nd with the Metropole Orchestra at as applied business unit La Carre just sold out in of death thesis half an hour! We are going to as applied business 3 coursework, inquire about adding another one. There is also a possibility of an edgar poe and alcoholism, added show in unit 3 coursework Belgium this month; stay tuned for more details.

March 2nd, 2009: Antony talks about his experience helping Lou bring the album to college for a paper, the stage, the origins of the pair's friendship and musical bond and as applied unit 3 coursework, his love for the music of of death thesis, “ Berlin”. Watch the interview here. February 19th, 2009 : Antony and the Johnsons performed Aeon last night on The Late Show with David Letterman. You can see their performance here. Also please see The NY Times piece on Antony that hit the stands today. February 18th, 2009 : Antony and as applied, the Johnsons will be performing tonight on The Late Show with David Letterman on CBS 11:30PM EST PST. February 17th, 2009 : Please see Antony's interview and performance on Germany's Titel Thesen Temperamente . February 13th, 2009 : Antony and the Johnsons have been added to this years Teenage Cancer Trust charity concert at edgar allan alcoholism London's Royal Albert Hall on March 24th, 2009. The event is 3 coursework co-headlined with Florence and the Machine. For information on great fifth the Teenage Cancer Trust, ticketing and show information please see: February 9th, 2009 : Antony's performance and interview on Spinning on as applied business unit Air with David Garland on WNYC airs this week. Please check here for thesis details.

February 7th, 2009 : Another review in, click here and 3 coursework, some nice pictures from the Washington DC show, click here. February 4th, 2009 : First reviews from the US show in Spin, Columbus Dispatch and Washington Post. Photo by Michael Alan Goldberg. Antony will be on vs foreign cars NPR's Day to Day today from 5pm - 6pm. February 1st, 2009 : A message from Ground control: I am plainly shocked that the record has been number one in Europe this week, and I want to pause and thank all the people around the world that made that happen, and as applied business unit 3 coursework, who have supported me with so much heart over the last few years, and come to my shows, and petraus thesis, collected up all the press from around the as applied business unit, world on the justonestar website, and wished me well, and shared some time with me at live shows. Thank you for urging me forward through a glorious dream, the likes of merchant, which is more your creation than mine. Antony x January 29th, 2009 : ANTONY Makes Spinning On Air And Fresh Air Appearances Next Week. On the as applied business, heels of releasing the critically acclaimed The Crying Light, ANTONY will make two public radio appearances next week to discuss his haunting, touching art.

Early next week, the great David Garland will feature an interview and merchant thesis, performance from Antony on his left-of-center and out-music WNYC radio program Spinning on business unit Air. Cars Essay. During his visit with Garland, Antony performed the songs Another World and Epilepsy Is Dancing from The Crying Light. Once the show airs, it will be available for streaming at the Spinning on Air site HERE. Then, on Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, Antony will appear on National Public Radio's Fresh Air program for an in-depth interview with host Terry Gross. Listeners may stream the show on the day of its broadcast by visiting the Fresh Air site HERE. Antony and the Johnsons have been confirmed for Coachella Sunday April 19th. Tickets are on sale HERE. The Crying Light currently is number 1 in as applied business the Billboard European Top 100 Album charts for it's first week of release. January 27th, 2009 : Youtube has removed the Epilepsy is petraus thesis Dancing video because it is supposedly indecent!

You can still see it here. Hope noone at Youtube goes to a dance performance in the near future. God forbid they might see someone in a leotard! Also we did a performance on the UK show The Culture Show. Please see the 3 coursework, performance of Epilepsy Is Dancing and Another World here. January 20th, 2009 : THE CRYING LIGHT IN STORES NOW WORLD WIDE and we are proud to present a video for our next single Epilepsy Is Dancing Directed by AFAS. Antony asked his friends the Wachowski Brothers to work with him on a video for his new single Epilepsy is essay personal Dancing.

They in turn invited painters Tino Rodriguez and Virgo Paraiso to create costumes and a mystical environment and choreographer Sean Dorsey and as applied unit, his dancers to bring the dream sequence to describe personal, life. Antony's artistic partner Johanna Constantine stars as herself in the role of Deer Monster. As Applied. The video was lit and edgar alcoholism essay, shot by the up-and-coming directors of photography, Chris Blasingame and Banker White, and business unit, produced by vs foreign cars essay Jim Jerome. As Applied Business 3 Coursework. The production team collectively named themselves AFAS. Edition. Please enjoy the as applied business 3 coursework, fruits of their San Francisco art party. Edgar Allan Poe And Alcoholism. Click below to see the video. January 6th, 2009 : A message from Antony: I want to as applied, apologize to Sean Penn for appearing disrespectful in my recent comments in New York Magazine. Allan. It is not with him, or his virtues as an actor, or his embrace of gay causes, with which I take issue.

Rather it is a Hollywood industry that has not yet evolved to business unit 3 coursework, a point where it can allow gay and transgendered actors to represent themselves and their historic icons on screen. What a sense of pride this would instill in the minds of one hundred great, gay and as applied business unit, transgendered children everywhere, to know that there are dignified roles for merchant of death them in the acting profession and in the world. January 6th, 2009 : In 2009, seahorses will circles our minds. THE CRYING LIGHT AVAILABLE NOW. Starting today you can pre-order The Crying Light through this site and receive the album mp3s TODAY, plus a bonus track My Lord My Love. You will also be among the first to receive the cd on the day of its release, January 19th. Antony spoke extensively about The Crying Light with FACE CULTURE in Holland. See the business unit 3 coursework, interviews here. December 30th, 2008 : From the press release: Isis Gallery presents The Creek (January 17th - February 28th 2009) mountains and the sea, 2008. Isis Gallery is proud to present The Creek - the first exhibition in the UK of artworks by the renown singer Antony. His artworks open up dream landscapes: often fragmentary in appearance, these images map his dreams and liminal states; polymorphic realms give way to indicated spirits; pen marks and scratches conjure archetypes and invite conscious and unconscious visions to emerge.

The primary elements go through many stages - drawn on, burned, soaked in the rain, thrown away and reclaimed, drawn on again, stained or dried over a fire. These are then arranged and photographed. The intimacy of this unique gallery space then heightens the petraus thesis, focus and business unit, clarity of these private spells. Recalling the notebooks of William S. Burroughs and Antonin Artaud, Antony's works describe the arc of one hundred essays edition, a dream atlas in which each diverse aspect is unified through the as applied, desire for healing. For his work in this exhibition, Antony has collaborated with performance artist Johanna Constantine, model Dr. Julia Yasuda Ph.D, photographer Don Felix Cervantes, and artistic advisor Joie Iacono. Isis Gallery 20 Hanway St.

London W1T 1UG, Tuesday to Saturday, 10am-6pm In other news, 2 more magazine features in Europe, one in the German culture magazine Spex, featuring photos of Antony by Wolfgang Tillmans and the other an Italian Music monthly Rumore, featuring photos by Don Felix Cervantes. December 17th, 2008 : Antony and the Johnsons have announced plans for an extensive tour of Europe in Spring 09 in support of their upcoming album release, The Crying Light. Dates are posted on the events page. December 11th, 2008 : Antony and great fifth edition, the Johnsons have revealed the cover art and track listing for 3 coursework the forthcoming full-length, The Crying Light. Following a natural progression from the Another World EP, the one hundred great edition, album art features a 1977 portrait of renowned Butoh dancer, Kazuo Ohno, taken by Naoya Ikegami in Tokyo.

Ohno is shown reaching towards light, his striking visage and reclined posture simultaneously invoking the cradle, the 3 coursework, grave, and transcendence. Antony says, The Crying Light is college dedicated to the great dancer Kazuo Ohno. In performance I watched him cast a circle of light upon the stage, and step into that circle, and reveal the unit 3 coursework, dreams and reveries of his heart. He seemed to essay describe, dance in the eye of something mysterious and creative; with every gesture he embodied the child and the feminine divine. He's kind of like my art parent. 1. As Applied Business. Her Eyes Are Underneath The Ground. 2.Epilepsy is Dancing.

5. The Crying Light. 6. Petraus Thesis. Another World. 7.,Daylight and the Sun. 9. 3 Coursework. Dust and Water. We are happy to fifth, announce that The Crying Light will be released by Secretly Canadian in the US on as applied unit January 20th, Rough Trade in The UK and Europe on January 19th, Spunk Records in Australia on January 17th and P-Vine in Japan on January 20th. Following the album release we will embark on a world tour starting in petraus thesis the US on February 2nd. Please see the business 3 coursework, Events Page for details. Please sign up for our new Email List to be invited to participate in a special offer in the near future. And here's a couple more magazines coming out now, in Norway and the UK: December 2nd, 2008 : A feature article in Wire is essay personal characteristics out now, along with a article / pod cast in The Guardian and the Another World EP is as applied business unit listed in Entertainment Weekly's must have section for the week of Nov.

30th! November 10th, 2008: We played two concerts last week in London at The Barbican Center with The London Symphony Orchestra. Petraus Thesis. Reviews: NME | The Evening Standard | The Guardian | The Times UK. September 30th 2008 : Full length video for Another World directed by business 3 coursework Colin Whitaker taken from Antony and the Johnsons upcoming Another World EP out on October 7th. The video can be viewed here. September 27th 2008 : We made a video for an excerpt of Another World using one of american cars essay, Colin Whitaker's Night Flower films. September 15th 2008 : Bjork's new video for Dull Flame of Desire with Antony on guest vocals can be seen here.

Björk and Antony performed against as applied business 3 coursework green screen in New York. College Format For A Research Paper. The Innocence video project runners-up Christoph Jantos (Berlin) Masahiro Mogari (Tokyo) and Marçal Cuberta Junca (Girona) were each given their own sections of the business 3 coursework, film, to develop how they wished. September 12th 2008 : The Portand Concert and describe, Milan concerts went well, see reviews here and here. PRADA launched their new animation yesterday in the US, a 4 minute animation entitled Fallen Shadows scored by as applied business Antony with a new song called The Great White Ocean. The video is available for viewing here. August 26th 2008 : On October 7th, Antony and the Johnsons will release Another World EP on cd and vinyl. Below is the press release:

Antony and the Johnsons emerged onto the international stage in 2005 with their breakthrough I Am A Bird Now . Vs Foreign Essay. The group were awarded the Mercury Prize in as applied the UK and toured the world. Since then Antony has participated on essay describe characteristics tracks with Bjork on her latest album Volta, appeared in the Leonard Cohen documentary I'm Your Man, featured as vocalist with disco act Hercules and Love Affair, recorded for the Todd Haynes bio epic of Bob Dylan I'm Not There, and collaborated with Charles Atlas on a European tour of their stage spectacle TURNING. The cover features a portrait of Japanese Butoh co-founder Kazuo Ohno, taken by Pierre-Olivier Deschamps in as applied business 3 coursework 1984. Another World track listing: 03 Shake That Devil. 05 Hope Mountain The only format research, confirmed concerts occuring in 2008 are listed in the events section. August 8th 2008: Antony and the Johnsons will release a new 5 song EP, entitled Another World, available in shops on October 7th. To celebrate, Antony and the Johnsons will present 2 special events accompanied by a 20 piece orchestra playing scores co-arranged with Nico Muhly. On October 14th the band will play at the Walt Disney Hall in Los Angeles, and on October 16th they will be resident at the Apollo theater in Harlem.

Please see the as applied unit, events page for details and tickets sales. Björk releases the new single ‘The Dull Flame of Desire’ on September 29th 2008 through One Little Indian Records. Flooded with melancholic passion and format for a research, restrained hope, ‘The Dull Flame of unit 3 coursework, Desire’ sees Björk accompanied on essay describe vocals by Antony. Antony collaborated last year with designer Hussein Chalayan and as applied business, photographer Nick Knight on a soundtrack for a film featuring Hussein's interesting collection. See the film here. June 1st 2008: Antony is participating in a group show of visual work at Palais Des Beaux-Arts in Brussels titled It's Not Only Rock 'n' Roll, Baby!. Antony is collaborating with Don Felix Cervantes, Johanna Constantine, Julia Yasuda, and Joie Iacono on his presentation, entitled Leaves. The exhibition opens on June 19th. In anticipation of a new single to vs foreign cars, be released in mid-October, several concert events are scheduled for Autumn '08. The first 5 are listed below. Business Unit 3 Coursework. For ticket and event information please see the events page: a concert in Portland with The Oregon Symphony for PICA on September 5th.

a concert with The Milan Symphony on September 10th. a second concert at the Expo Zaragoza in Zaragosa, Spain with The Milan Symphony on September 12th. two concerts at the Barbican with The London Symphony Orchestra on October 30th and 31st. Antony is one of the artists represented by John Marchant's Isis Gallery in London, and will be presenting a solo exhibition towards the end of the petraus thesis, year. Antony returned from London after a series of business 3 coursework, shows with Bjork on April 14th, 17th 20th at the Hammersmith Apollo, and a special concert with Current 93 at personal characteristics the Queen Elizabeth Hall on as applied business unit 3 coursework April 21st.

March 4th 2008: The Hercules album and the single Blind is released this week in Europe. Antony sings half the tracks on the album (Blind, Time Will, Easy, Raise Me Up, and duetting with Nomi on petraus thesis You Belong). Antony is also featured on unit 3 coursework the Hercules club track Roar. Antony's voice was heard on several fashion runways this season (Knocking on Heaven's Door and Blind), including those of Gucci, Fendi, Versace and Chanel. Antony will not be touring with Hercules and Love Affair. Merchant Of Death Thesis. HALA live features the as applied unit, stunning Nomi front and center, as well as Kim Ann Foxxman.

Feb 15th 2008: The charity auction for the dress that Antony designed has finished, thanks to merchant of death thesis, all who participated. Hercules and as applied business 3 coursework, Love Affair have been getting some positive reviews in the Observer and the Guardian. Antony did a radio show with Domino Records' Morgan Lebus this week. An interesting video presentation by the chairman of the edgar allan, IPCC outlining the as applied 3 coursework, projections for climate change in petraus thesis the near future can be seen here. Feb 9th 2008: On March 18th a group of NYC artists and producers have collaborated to stage the event PEACE IN IRAQ AND JUSTICE AT HOME. Performers include Scissor Sisters, Norah Jones, Damian Rice, Blonde Red Head, Bill T Jones, Laurie Anderson, Lou Reed and Antony, as well as a plethora of speakers with their own insights on these issues. This event will take place at 8pm at St Ann's Warehouse in 3 coursework Brooklyn. Tickets go on sale on Wednesday at $65 and $125. Proceeds benefit UNITED FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE and IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN VETERANS AGAINST THE WAR.

A limited number of for a research, lower priced tickets will be made available to artists and students in the days to business unit 3 coursework, come. Antony will be one of many guests making a special appearance with Current 93 at the Queen Elizabeth Hall on April 21st. He will also sing Dull Fame of Desire with Bjork at her concerts in London on the 14th, 17th and 20th of April. January 26th 2008: Antony and the Johnsons' recording The Crying Light will be released in Autumn 2008, at which time a schedule of new perfomance events will be announced. Hercules and merchant thesis, Love Affair's single featuring Antony will be released on March 3rd in the UK; the rest of the album (which includes five tracks with Antony, as well as vocalists Nomi and Kim Ann Foxman) will be out later that month. Business Unit. See the video for blind here. Hear Hercules tracks including Blind on the Hercules myspace page. Antony has designed a single white silk dress as part of great essays, a new venture with online boutique

The dress will be auctioned on eBay on Valentine’s Day 08 with the proceeds going to the Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP), the US rights organisation for people to self-determine gender identity and expression regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination or violence. Unit. see in the coming days for more info. December 5th 2007: Antony wrote an article about Peter Hujar in last weekend's Guardian weekend magazine in anticipation of the Peter Hujar retrospective at the ICA in London. Antony's new album will be called THE CRYING LIGHT. Great Fifth Edition. Antony did an interview about his process so far with Harp magazine this month. November 24th 2007: The new bio film Pete Seeger: The Power of Song is business unit incredibly inspiring; we recommend everyone see it if they get a chance. Also take a moment to great edition, read the sythesis report that was released last week by the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change if you havent done so already.

August 28th 2007: We all went to Allaire Recording studio for a week and did a lot more work on the new album. As Applied Business. I am spending my days editing and great essays fifth edition, mulling over different versions of each song, trying to 3 coursework, figure out what goes where. But the record is mostly tracked now. There are just a couple of remaining things to do before we begin mixing. I did a cover of Bob Dylan's Knocking on Heaven's Door with Kevin Barker for it. We did it slow and minor. I had started singing it by myself when i was in Australia at the end of the tour in allan Jan 2006. Business Unit 3 Coursework. Rob Moose was teaching me guitar and we bought a book of thesis, Dylan songs to as applied business unit 3 coursework, learn, but then one day I guess i was just feeling really exhausted and deathy because I just started singing that song over and over, and I did it that night at the show.

Charlie and of death thesis, me are working on editing the TURNING film. Unit. It looks great. Merchant. The interviews with the models are poignant. TURNING was so magic. That was my favorite thing I have ever been a part of. Me and Charlie are doing an interview for BLENDER tomorrow for that project. I got a nice new piano.

I am giving my old one away. The piano we used a few weeks ago at business unit 3 coursework 2nd Story Recording Studio has the long lost old Sorcerer piano in it, the one I recorded Dead Boy and college format for a research, certain songs from the unit, last album on petraus thesis a few years ago. I was so happy to see it again. It seemed different. Business Unit 3 Coursework. I tried to petraus thesis, pretend that I recognized it. But it reminded me of the cat that changed color when it got a new owner.

Norah Jones recorded her first record on that piano too. Anyway it sounded great. I saw Beyonce live last week. She was incredible and cried real tears during Flaws and All. She was just the best. I am listening to Zeki Muren, the 2 new Dave Ruffin Motown collections and Strawberry Jams by Animal Collective.

July 25th 2007: The tour is finished. Business 3 Coursework. Istanbul was wild, the audience in Moscow was great. The Grec in Barcelona was so beautiful. June 6th 2007: The tour resumes. June 28th 2007: Riga is now cancelled. The concert in Moscow is rescheduled for the 6th. Hopefully things will be in order then. Thanks for your patience. June 26th 2007: Antony's is edgar allan alcoholism essay recovering. Business Unit. The doctor said it will take about for a, 10 days for Antony to get better.

Unfortunately this means that Rouen, Lyon, and Belfort are definitely cancelled. Hopefully the rest of the tour will go ahead as planned. Business 3 Coursework. Sorry for petraus thesis any disruption this may cause people. June 25th 2007: Unfortunately, Antony's vocal condition persists. The concert tomorrow in Poland is definitely cancelled. Nothing has been confirmed yet, and we are awaiting a final doctor's exam and recommendation on Tuesday, at which time all revisions of the tour will be announced. June 23rd 2007: Antony was regretfully unable to perform at Glastonbury last night with Bjork because he has injured his voice.

We are hoping that the tour will continue forward. As Applied. More in poe and the days to come. June 15th 2007: The band are getting ready to play a series of business unit, concerts in Europe in between recording stints. The first one will be in Cork on the 21st. Antony joined Bjork at Radio City Music Hall and the Apollo last month, and plans to appear with her at Glastonbury on June 22nd. Then it is off to France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Lavia, Moscow and Istanbul for a month of concerts. The band has grown a little; 2 additional string players (Suzy Pearlman and petraus thesis, Alissa Smith) are joining the 3 coursework, core ensemble (Rob Moose, Julia Kent, Maxim Moston, Jeff Langston, Parker Kindred, Doug Wieselman and Thomas Bartlett) as well as the accordianist Wil Holshouser. Poe And Alcoholism. Expect songs from as applied previous and upcoming albums as well as an array of songs by others, including Millie Jackson and maybe even Beyonce! The shows in personal Scandinavia last week were a blast, and business 3 coursework, we look forward to seeing many of you this summer! And yes, Antony has been working on the new record for for a research paper much of the spring. As things progress we will let you know.

Antony's collaboration with William Basinski has been installed at the Belsay Manor in Northumberland, UK. We hope you get a chance to see it; it's quite an adventurous soundtrack for the cellars underneath the manor, a 20 minute piece full of twists and turns. 3 Coursework. A part of the manor's annual installation, the exhibition is open to the public for college for a paper this summer. Antony and the Johnsons will also present 2 events in business unit 3 coursework Brazil at the end of October (Sao Paolo and Rio). April 12th 2007: There have been some changes made to allan, the touring schedule: the concert in Spello is in 3 coursework question at this time and therefore removed from the schedule, and the concert in Barcelona is poe and awaiting confirmation at as applied business unit a different venue than previously posted. Please pardon these changes and check back soon for updates, thanks. April 9th 2007: Antony is singing with Bjork tonight in Reykjavik for the first concert of her new tour. For A Research Paper. The show is incredible, with a band that includes Mark Bell and a 10 piece Icelandic girls' horn ensemble.

The duet Dull Flame of Desire is on Bjork's new record VOLTA. Antony will be occasionally popping in on the tour along the way. April 2nd 2007: The spring/summer tour schedule is now announced. March 19th 2007: The show at BAM was a special event. thanks to everyone for coming out. As Applied Business 3 Coursework. Antony also did a concert last week for Marina Abromovich's 60th birthday party at the Guggenheim. Antony returns today from Poland where he did a concert with Julia, Rob and Doug in cars Wroclaw. Business Unit 3 Coursework. The band will be in the studio for the next few months recording, except for 2 short bursts of touring in May and June/July in select destinations in Europe, including Istanbul and Moscow! The schedule will be posted shortly. Petraus Thesis. Here are 2 pictures from Marina's birthday party: antony and bjork/ antony and marina. February 1st 2007: A belated happy new year to everyone! Time for an extended update.

Charles Atlas and Antony have begun the process of editing the film of TURNING, having filmed both the London performances in as applied business November in addition to shooting over sixty hours of touring and interview footage. (See The Guardian's review of TURNING here.) Antony is essay personal characteristics preparing for his March 9th concert at the Brooklyn Academy of Music with the as applied business unit 3 coursework, Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra, in collaboration with composer Nico Muhly. Expect a mixture of favorites from Antony's first two albums plus a foreshadowing of things to come. Antony sang a duet with Björk for her upcoming record, which is due out college research this Spring. Antony sings all the as applied business 3 coursework, vocals on the new mini-album by Michael Cashmore of Current 93. The Snow Abides comprises of five thematically linked songs, two of which are instrumental and three of which are sung by Antony.

All song texts are written by David Tibet. The cd is american vs foreign essay available by as applied business 3 coursework mail order through Jnana Records. There are some murmurs of a few Antony and the Johnsons concerts in Europe this Spring. stay tuned for more information. Last week, Antony returned from Lou Reed's Berlin concerts in Sydney, Australia. Of Death Thesis. Antony sang Candy Says with Lou during the business unit, encores each night. Julian Schnabel is now producing a Berlin film of the NYC performances.

Antony and Nico Muhly have composed a score for one of Shakespeare's sonnets under the direction of Gavin Bryars to be performed by the singers and musicians of Opera North in association with the Royal Shakespeare Company. There are 2 concerts at one hundred the Courtyard Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon on the 24th and 25th of February, 2007. Antony is composing a sound installation in collaboration with William Basinski that will be featured as one of many interesting installations at the Belsay Manor this Summer. Songs by Antony and the Johnsons are featured in as applied business two new Italian films: Alessandro Angelini's L'Aria Salata and format paper, Paolo Sorrentino's L'Amico di Famiglia. And finally, we are delighted by the reception of as applied unit 3 coursework, Joan As Police Woman's new album, which has been getting great reviews throughout Europe.

December 31th 2006: Hal Willner's Production Rogue's Gallery, a double album of sea shanties, is available in stores now. Antony is featured on songs with Bryan Ferry and Lou Reed. December 19th 2006: We have added to essay personal characteristics, the Rebis Music mailorder shop the TURNING t-shirts and the few remaining commemorative programs and picture discs from the 3 coursework, recent tour. November 13th, 2006 : The tour of TURNING left us all speechless. Thankyou to the crowds that came out to see us all.

It was a shared dream that none of us will forget. Antony will be performing with Lou Reed in american cars his staging of the classic album BERLIN in as applied unit 3 coursework December at St. Ann's Warehouse and in January in Sydney. Antony will be presenting a concert of his songs at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on Friday March 9th, 2007 accompanied by the Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra. Adam Shecter's book, Like Ghosts, has just been co-published by Printed Matter Inc. in alcoholism essay New York and Imschoot Uitvegers in Belgium. This wordless, technicolor-style book contains images and notions reimagined from Shecter's animations of the past 6 years, including elements from Antony's Hope there's someone, The Lake, and Mysteries of as applied unit 3 coursework, Love. It is available online via September 28th, 2006 : 2 more TURNING dates have been added in Madrid and Braga. Please see the events section for details.

Antony will also be making an appearance at Hal Willner's Leonard Cohen tribute at The Point in Dublin on October 4th and 5th. August 18th, 2006: The Leonard Cohen I'm Your Man motion picture soundtrack from Verve Forecast, which includes Antony's rendition of If it Be Your Will, has been released this week. Nick Knight has posted a captivating video collage that he has put together as the final installment of the one hundred great edition, photo shoot he did with Antony for as applied business unit 3 coursework ID magazine earlier this year. August 1st 2006: Antony and the Johnsons will collaborate with film-maker Charles Atlas and 13 Beauties from NYC on a concert/live video installation to be be staged in London, Rome and Paris this Autumn. During TURNING, Antony and the Johnsons present a concert while Charles Atlas creates live video portraits of essay describe, each of models. TURNING was first presented as a part of the 2004 Whitney biennial in NYC. See the events page for more details. July 31st 2006: The benefit was a great success, and thanks to all who attended and participated, we made over $10,000 for the Ali Forney Center.

They are delighted and so are we. Antony and as applied business unit, the Johnsons will be performing a series of European concerts at the end of August and the beginning of September. see the essay describe personal, events page for details. They are also gearing up to unit 3 coursework, present a major production this fall in Rome, Paris and London, a concert/film collaboration with Charles Atlas called TURNING. Stay tuned for details. July 18th 2006: Antony has organized a benefit for the Ali Forney Center, a NYC organization that provides shelter for homeless GLBT youth.

The lineup is CocoRosie, Antony and the Johnsons, and all the way from San Francisco, MATMOS. The event will take place on July 26th at Warsaw in petraus thesis Brooklyn. It's going to as applied 3 coursework, be a great night. see you there! Unfortunately, the concert in Palermo Sicily has been cancelled because of problems from the municipality. Essays Fifth. To accomodate this shifting schedule, the concert in Udine has also been replaced by one in business unit Verona. May 27th 2006: A MESSAGE FROM ANTONY: It's been a long while since there has been a heroic gesture made in petraus thesis the American political landscape, and Al Gore has made one with his new film An Incovenient Truth. The content is simple, and familiar to many of as applied unit, us, but the call to arms, especially for people in the United States, is unprecedented.

Please see this film and encourage your friends and family to one hundred essays, do the same. May 5th 2006: Collaborating with Nico Muhly, Antony will be performing 5 songs with the London Sinfonietta Orchestra next week as a part of the Fuse Leeds festival. Antony and the Johnnsons will be performing at the end of June in Poland (on a great bill with Animal Collective, Devendra Banhart and Cocorosie) and in Athens on business July 2nd. Antony and the Johnsons will also be appearing at merchant of death the Latitude Festival in business 3 coursework the UK in essay describe characteristics mid July. April 3rd 2006: The great new Wachowski Brothers film V for Vendetta features Antony and the Johnsons song Bird Gerhl in the love scene between V and Natalie Portman. 3 Coursework. In other news, Hope There's Someone is featured in Isabel Coixet's new film 'La Vida Secreta de las Palabras' (the secret life of petraus thesis, words). You can see the trailer here. Hal Willner's tribute concert to Leonard Cohen has been made into unit, a documentary called I'm Your Man and features Antony among many others. The film opens at college paper the Film Forum in NY on June 21st, and in as applied LA on petraus thesis June 30th. March 15th 2006: There are features on Antony and the Johnsons in April's Paper Magazine and in the new edition of as applied business 3 coursework, Fantastic Man, with photos by Inez Van Lambsweerd and Vinoodh Matadin.

Antony will perform a song accompanied by essay describe characteristics Charles Atlas and his video projections at the Paper party on business unit 3 coursework March 30th at the Maritime in NYC. Antony will be performing a short acoustic set with Julia Kent and Rob Moose at the Royal Albert Hall between the 2 main acts (the final one of which is Goldfrappe) on March 28th as a part of Roger Daltrey's benefit for the Teenage Cancer Trust. We have repressed the long out of print I Fell in Love with a Dead Boy EP for your listening pleasure. Richard Soldier has also placed the Johnsons t-shirts up for sale online at personal characteristics Rebis Music. February 18th 2006: See video excerpts from a recent performance of Antony and the Johnsons at a reception for Wolfgang Tillmans in London last September. February 9th 2006: There is a great photo series by Nick Knight featuring Antony in ID Magazine this month. Also on the racks is A Magazine, which features stills from the Hope There's Someone video by Glen Fogel and illustrations by Antony.

Antony will be performing at the Tibet House Benefit organized by Phillip Glass at Carnegie Hall on March 1st. January 13th 2006: I am a Bird Now has been nominated for as applied the New Pantheon Award. Antony has been also nominated in the category of british male solo vocalist for the BRITS. Gadzooks! January 8th 2006: Happy New Year everyone. David Tibet has compiled an epic compilation to benefit the organization Doctors without Frontiers. The 4 cd set features just about of death thesis, every luminary in alternative/experimental music today. For more information visit the Jnana Records website. November 27th 2005: You can view Charles Atlas' new video for You Are My Sister here. The single is out now.

Antony and the johnsons appeared on the UK's Jonathan Ross last night singing You Are My Sister with guest Boy George. They also performed a concert at Saint Luke's Church in London with special guest Marc Almond which will be broadcast on BBC4 on December 16th. Antony makes an business unit, appearance in Devendra Banhart's new video as the Mother of the World. November 7th 2005: Antony and his cohorts are deep into their European tour. travelling with Antony is Maxim Moston, Julia Kent, Jeff Langston, Rob Moose, Parker Kindred on petraus thesis drums and Kevin Barker of Currituck Co. on guitar, as well as playing an opening set. October 11th 2005: A film celebrating Leonard Cohen called I'm Your Man is soon to be released, and features a performance by Antony from Hal Willner's Came So Far For Beauty at the Sydney Opera House in 3 coursework February. Petraus Thesis. NPR will be featuring an interview with Antony on October 13th. Antony and the Johnsons will also perform on David Letterman on the 18th. Adam Shecter has created a new animation for business Hope There's Someone to round off his trilogy of collaborations with Antony and the Johnsons.

Over the last two years, Adam has also created animations for allan alcoholism The Lake and Mysteries of business unit 3 coursework, Love. October 3rd 2005: The band continue to tour the college format research paper, midwest before returning home for as applied business unit 3 coursework their debut at of death thesis Carnegie Hall. The evening will begin with a set by business 3 coursework New York’s own hard-driving Pentecostal brass band, McCollough Sons of Thunder. Then Antony and the Johnsons will perform, with a very special guest, the essay describe personal, legendary Little Jimmy Scott. September 21st 2005: Antony appears in Laurie Anderson's new film Hidden Inside Mountains as well as on business unit 3 coursework the soundtrack for it. Originally commissioned for one hundred essays fifth the 2005 World Exposition in Aichi, Japan, this art film was shown last week at the International Film Festival of business, Toronto. A comprehensive fansite for college format for a research paper Antony and the Johnsons can be found at Another interesting source of news about Antony and co. on the web is A chat forum about Antony and the Johnsons can be accessed here. September 14th 2005: Tickets for Antony and the Johnsons' concert at Carnegie Hall on October 13th are now on sale and can be purchased online. September 10th 2005: Antony and as applied business unit 3 coursework, the Johnsons won the 2005 Mercury Award Album of the american cars, Year for I Am a Bird Now.

Also, Antony and Boy George are participating in unit 3 coursework the Warchild online album, for which they recorded a duet of describe, John Lennon's War is Over. September 3rd 2005: There is an in-depth article about Antony in today's New York Times Sunday Magazine written by John Hodgeman. September 2st 2005: Antony, Julia Kent and Rob Moose will be performing at the Mercury Awards program in London next week. Unit 3 Coursework. While in one hundred essays fifth London, Antony will also be performing at Wolfgang Tillman's opening. September 1st 2005: We have added some more details to the European tour and the Dublin show has been moved. August 9th 2005: We have just posted dates for the upcoming North American and as applied business, European fall tours in the events section. A few of these dates may be subject to change, but the general itinerary is outlined. Essay. Stay tuned particularly for additional dates in the US. Cocorosie will be opening for as applied unit Antony and the Johnsons in petraus thesis North America. Kevin Barker of Currituck County will be opening for much of the European tour.

The dates in France are all a part of Les Inrocktibles festival, in which Antony and the Johnsons share the bill with Devendra Banhart. Antony and Boy George finished filming the as applied business, music video for the upcoming single You Are My Sister, which is set to be released as a 4 song EP this fall. The other tracks will be Forest of Love, Poorest Ear and essay, Paddy's Gone. The video is being directed by Charles Atlas, the esteemed director of Hail The New Puritan and Because We Must. Antony and as applied business, the Johnsons will be performing as one of the nominees on the UK's Mercury Award program for Channel 4 in September.

A few links from streaming videos and american, recordings made during the spring/summer European tour: see a comprehensive series of interviews with Antony on Italian MTV here. And view a 4 song acoustic set of Antony on piano in as applied 3 coursework a different Italian tv studio here. Antony's London X-FM session with Bernard Butler can be listened to here. The Dutch VPRO documentary can be viewed here. Antony duets with Cocorosie on their beautiful new record Noah's Ark, appearing on the track Beautiful Boys. Antony will also be doing some recording with Marc Almond this month.

July 24th 2005: The European summer tour wrapped up in the gorgeous Basque region of Spain. Cars Essay. Antony had to play Roberta Flack's piano! He was overwhelmed. Business. The band head home for format research paper a date at unit 3 coursework Town Hall in NYC of the allan poe and alcoholism essay, 28th. July 19th 2005: Antony and the Johnsons' I Am a Bird Now has been nominated for as applied business unit the Mercury Award in the UK. College For A Research. Read more about it here. July 13th 2005: Now heading to Italy after a brilliant trip to as applied business, Iceland, Antony and the Johnsons are on their final leg of the Summer tour in Europe, finishing off with a couple of festivals in Spain.

July 1st 2005: Antony and the Johnsons will be performing at Town Hall in one hundred essays New York City on July 28th. Cocorosie will be supporting. Tickets are available through Ticketmaster or from the Town Hall box office (212) 840 2824. See the Hope There's Someone video here. June 23rd 2005: Antony and as applied unit 3 coursework, Co. head to London today; Antony will be performing at Patti Smith's Meltdown Brecht tribute at Royal Festival Hall.

The following night Antony and the Johnsons will perform at Queen Elizabeth Hall. Petraus Thesis. Joining them as an 3 coursework, opening act in London and also for both shows in petraus thesis Scotland is the business, wonderful Pantaleimon. June 7th 2005: Tonight Antony, Julia and Rob are being filmed for Jools Holland in the UK, which will be broadcast on June 17th. Then they resume they will be joined by the rest of the band (Maxim Moston, Jeff Langston and accordianist Uri Sharlin) in Holland for the second leg of the European tour. May 19th 2005: Antony and the Johnsons are three weeks into their European tour. They played to merchant of death thesis, sold-out audiences in business Italy, Belgium, and Scandanavia. Poe And. They are now starting to business unit, tour in France. Check Upcoming Events for more details. Hope there's Someone was single of the week on vs foreign Radio 1 in 3 coursework the UK last week. Antony and the Johnsons were featued on The Culture Show on petraus thesis BBC 2 last night.

They will also be participating in Patti Smith's Meltdown Festival in London's Royal Festival Hall in June. Hope there's Someone is being released as a CD single and a 10 vinyl by Secretly Canadian and Rough Trade. This release includes 2 new songs: Frankenstein and Just One Star. The CD single also contains Glen Fogel's brilliant video for Hope there's Someone, which features New York legend Joey Gabriel. April 24th 2005: Antony and company have returned from Seattle where they performed 2 concerts at On the Boards with Devendra Banhart, Cocorosie and William Basinski. The show at business unit 3 coursework the Queen Elizabeth Hall in petraus thesis London last week went well. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework. The undisputed highlight of the evening was Marc Almond's heroic delivery of River of Sorrow.

Joining Rob Moose and Julia Kent for the European tour are Max Moston on violin and Jeff Langston on bass. Kevin Barker, who has been accompanying Antony on guitar quite a bit recently, is now heading off on tour with his own band, Currituck County. April 3rd 2005: Antony just returned from great essays 2 small solo concerts in Europe -- one for as applied business 3 coursework Radio 3 in Madrid and the other in Budapest, Hungary. Antony and the Johnsons will be touring all spring in Europe, kicking off in Rotterdam on April 15th and at format research paper Queen Elizabeth Hall in business London on the 16th. Many of the dates are posted on the events page ; parts of the schedule are still being finalized at this time. NPR in the US reviewed the one hundred great essays fifth, new album; you can listen to 3 coursework, it here. March 13th 2005: There are articles about Antony and petraus thesis, the Johnsons in this weeks' NME, Timeout London, ID, and Nylon. March 8th 2005: The North American tour wrapped up last night in Vancouver.

Thanks to everyone who came out in support. Antony, Julia and Rob had an great time. Thankyou also to Currituck Co., Shivaree and Cocorosie for sharing the bill. Antony has a solo show on business unit 3 coursework March 26th in Budapest. please check the essay describe characteristics, events page for details. There is also concert on April 15th in Rotterdam and on the 16th at Queen Elizabeth Hall in London. In May, June and July, Antony will be doing a more extensive tour throughout Europe with band. We will post more details of this in the coming weeks. Antony is also performing in as applied business 3 coursework Toronto as a part of a festival curated by David Michael of Current 93 on June 2nd and June 4th. Please see the event page for more information about petraus thesis, this special event. The April edition of Mojo has an article about Antony by David Frick, as well as a review of business unit, I am a Bird Now. February 3rd 2005: T he audiences at the Sydney Opera House were amazing.

Antony sung The Guests, If It Be Your Will and other songs with Nick Cave, Beth Orton , and Rufus and Martha Wainwright. The new record is out. You can get it from format for a research paper Other Music. There is a great review of I am a Bird Now in this week's Rolling Stone. There are also articles in as applied business The Fader, Out Magazine, New York Magazine, and even Entertainment Weekly. Also check out this week's Blow Up in Italy and Inrockuptibles in France. National Public Radio stations in Belgium, Germany and Holland have added tracks from the new album to their playlists. I am a Bird Now has been licensed by great essays fifth Rough Trade in as applied unit the UK and Scandinavia. Jon Whitney at has put together a comprehensive discography for college format research Antony and the Johnsons. January 22nd 2005: Antony will be doing a couple of solo shows in Australia, joining Joan Wasser for a double bill at the Vanguard in Sydney on January 31st, and then doing a solo show in Melbourne on February 1st at the Manchester Lane.

The final dates for as applied 3 coursework the North American tour have been added in Cleveland, Bloomington and Vancouver. 9 more days until the album is released! A few reviews have already started popping up. there are links to for a research, some of them on 3 coursework the press page. There is an article in this month's Out Magazine about Antony. In France, Les Inrockuptibles has also been brooching the subject. January 13th 2005: Antony will be performing at the Opera House in Sydney, Australia on January 28th, 29th and 30th as part of Hal Willner's presentation of the Songs of Leonard Cohen. Other artists on one hundred essays the bill include Beth Orton, Rufus Wainwright and Nick Cave. The outline of the as applied business unit 3 coursework, North American tour is almost complete as it stands on the events page of this site; we are still finalizing dates in Cleveland OH, Vancouver BC and Bloomington IN.

January 5th 2005: The Joe's Pub show on Sunday the 9th is sold out. One Hundred Essays Fifth. Tickets are on sale at for Antony and the Johnsons' I Am a Bird Now album release concert at Bowery Ballroom in New York City on February 24th. This event will feature Cocorosie, Antony and the Johnsons, and other guests. January 2nd 2005: NPR affiliate American Public Media review a song from Antony and the Johnsons' upcoming album that you can hear by visiting this link and scrolling down to Music Picks. December 11th 2004: Some updates: Antony and the Johnsons' new album I Am a Bird Now will be released around the world on February 1st 2005. We are now finalizing a schedule for Antony and business unit, the Johnsons' US tour in February/March 2005. We have added a new piano/voice demo of an unreleased track called Frankenstein to the downloads page . Antony performed at a benefit for Saint Ann's Warehouse with Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson, Debbie Harry and the Jazz Passengers earlier this week. Next Tuesday he is collaborating with Laurie Anderson, Phillip Glass and Nico Muhly at a benefit for the Buddhist magazine,Tricycle.

November 30th 2004: The European tour with Cocorosie was a great experience for Antony. Thanks to for a research paper, everyone who came out to see them. October 27th 2004: The Lake 3 song ep is being released by Secretly Canadian on as applied business cd and a limited run of 12 vinyl, and one hundred edition, features an incredible unpublished 1974 photograph of CANDY DARLING by Peter Hujar. You can order it here. October 11th 2004: Antony has a show with Julia Kent this Wednesday Oct 13th at Coral Room NYC as a part of Secretly Canadian's showcase. Business Unit. The November shows in the UK and Europe will be Antony solo accompanying himself on keyboard. September 11th 2004: Antony has a solo show coming up at Tonic on Wednesday October 6th with guests Kevin Barker of vs foreign, Currituck Co., The Girls of Karen Black and unit 3 coursework, Among Natives. August 26th 2004: Antony is performing solo at alcoholism essay Bloomingtonfest in Indiana this Saturday. He will have a couple of shows in NYC in as applied business 3 coursework October; check back here for details in the next few days. He is also planning a solo tour of college format for a research, Europe with Cocorosie for this November.

The 3 song EP will be released at as applied business the beginning of November. July 14th 2004: Antony and Julia enjoyed taking part in characteristics the festival is business 3 coursework Jesi, Italy. Special thanks to COIL, Massimo and Pierce, and of death, all who attended this starlit event. June 11th 2004: Antony has signed with Secretly Canadian, an 3 coursework, independent label based in Indiana. Secretly Canadian are reissuing Antony and the Johnsons' debut album in July. Antony is planning tours of college format for a paper, Europe and the US.

Lou Reed's live album Animal Serenade which includes Antony singing Candy Says has been released by SIRE/REPRISE. * May 16th 2004: We have added some photos from TURNING, the recent concert events at Saint Ann's Warehouse in Brooklyn, NY. * May 6th 2004: The show tomorrow at the Whitney will be at 7pm in the film/video gallery. Business Unit 3 Coursework. Antony will perform with Julia Kent and Nathan Salsburg. Come early as space is quite limited. * May 2004: Download a new track by Antony and the Johnsons, 'Find the Rhythm of for a paper, your Love', featured here as a part of the Bonn Biennale. * April 19th 2004: The shows at Saint Ann's were a great experience for Antony, Charles Atlas, the musicians, and the cast. The party at Participant was fun thanks to Lia Gangitano and Craig Hensala from Downtown Arts.

Thanks to everyone who helped make these events such a success. * March 2004: Antony and the Johnsons are playing their debut concert in Germany on June 15th as part of the Biennale Bonn 2004. Special guest William Basinski will be joining them and presenting some of his beautiful ambient music. Antony and business unit 3 coursework, the Johnsons also contributed a theme song for the festival of New York music and characteristics, theater that is taking place in Bonn that week. * February 27th: Devendra Banhart did some beautiful vocals for the record; everything he touches is gold in our books. Antony has also been collaborating on unit 3 coursework recordings with Cocorosie and lovely Bianca Casady. * February 8th: Antony has recorded duets with Boy George and Lou Reed for the upcoming album. * February 3rd: I Fell in paper Love With a Dead Boy, Rebis Music's premiere release, is now exclusively available here. * January 25th: Work continues on the new album.

Antony is spending next week in business 3 coursework Woodstock recording new piano songs. * November 1st: Antony has been selected to participate in essay describe personal characteristics the Whitney Biennial next Spring. * September 26th: In response to queries, we do not have a recording available of Candy Says as performed by Antony in as applied unit Lou Reed's concert. Vs Foreign. However, the track will be included on the soon-to-be-released live album of as applied business unit 3 coursework, Lou's recent tour entitled Animal Serenade. * September 23rd: Antony's tour with Lou Reed in 2003 drew to describe personal, a close in Tokyo last weekend. Business Unit. Over the great fifth, last 5 months, Antony performed with Lou in 70 concerts throughout Europe, North America, Australia and Japan. Business. Antony has returned to New York City and now resumes work on his new album I am a Bird Now. * September 1st: The alternative arts website Get Underground streams Nicolas Jenkin's Product video feature on Antony and edgar poe and alcoholism, the Johnsons.

* July 2003: CANDY SAYS ON AOL: If you have access to AOL and have a broadband high speed connection, you can view a selection of songs from Lou Reed's recent concert at as applied business the Warfield in San Francisco, including Antony's performance of Candy Says. Log onto AOL and enter Lou Reed as the keyword. * Adam Shecter has created a beautiful new streaming animation for Antony's The Lake. * June 2003: Lou Reed interviews Antony for merchant of death the June/July issue of Index Magazine, with photos by Timothy Greenfield-Saunders. * Brainwashed features a 27 minute Quicktime streaming video of antony in interview and in as applied business unit 3 coursework solo performance at edgar allan poe and alcoholism essay Boston's Oni Gallery.

View it here. * May 2003: Listen to this delightful NPR interview with Laurie Anderson, in which she includes Antony and the Johnsons' CDs on a list of things she would bring to business, a desert island. * I Fell in poe and Love with a Dead Boy is being featured in the new independent film The Event, which is currently being screened at numerous international film festivals.

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How to business unit, Keep Good Teachers Motivated. This week, Education World's Principal Files team chats about what they do to keep good teachers motivated. What special things do they do to inspire teachers to keep learning and improving their skills? What do they do to keep up staff morale and great fifth edition, make their schools fun places to work? Our principal team shares their best ideas for encouraging teachers to keep on plugging. Included: More than two dozen practical ideas for as applied business, keeping teachers motivated. Given the state of school budgets, it is extremely difficult for essay personal characteristics, most principals to do substantial things to business, motivate and inspire teachers. Merchant Of Death Thesis! But sometimes little things can make an even bigger difference!

That's why Education World recently asked our Principal Files principals to share with us some of their best ideas for keeping teachers motivated. As Applied Business 3 Coursework! As usual, our principals responded with dozens of practical ideas. This month's P-Files question reminded principal Les Potter about Robert Greenleaf, author of Servant Leadership. Greenleaf's idea is that administrators need to serve the worker, explained Potter. American Vs Foreign Cars! At our school we try to do that. We work hard at making things less difficult and complicated.

We try to cut down the amount of as applied unit paperwork our faculty must do, limit the petraus thesis, number of staff meetings, streamline procedures. Business Unit 3 Coursework! Administrators at Potter's school try to edgar poe and, show teachers every day that they care in many ways. We have an open-door policy, they see us picking up trash and cleaning cafeteria tables, we arrive on business unit campus before they do and we are here when they leave, and we do not have designated parking or other perks sometimes associated with management, Potter said. Administrators always have to american essay, put aside their own issues and as applied unit 3 coursework, do what is petraus thesis, best for as applied business, students and staff in a caring and sensitive way. We try not to say no to teachers, and we always treat them as adults. Principal Tony Pallija agrees. He and the rest of his administrative team try to do lots of special things for the entire staff -- from special little gifts to Cookie Day.

We try to pretend we are at IBM -- we treat everyone as a professional and petraus thesis, we celebrate whenever we can, said Pallija. The material things are nice, but I have a motto that I try to live by each day: My job as principal is to make the teacher's job easier, better, so they can teach and students can learn. Developing a positive school climate is critical to an effective school, added Les Potter. Morale is a very tentative issue. You can do 99 things right and as applied business, make one mistake that will shoot morale forever. RECOGNIZING THOSE WHO GO ABOVE AND BEYOND! All teachers yearn for reassurance that they are doing a good job. Most principals recognize teachers' efforts by offering positive feedback -- both publicly and privately. Of Death Thesis! Weekly memos or e-mails, and regular staff meetings, are the perfect forums for as applied business unit 3 coursework, recognizing special contributions that teachers or other staff members make. Principal Jeff Castle includes such recognitions in staff memos and during a special celebration portion of vs foreign cars each month's faculty meeting.

He also makes a special point of spotlighting efforts teachers make to as applied business, develop projects that involve students across grade levels or with other schools. Castle hopes those special recognitions encourage others to edgar allan poe and, consider projects that extend learning outside the walls of individual classrooms. With all teachers have to do, motivation is the business 3 coursework, key to american essay, keeping them focused and feeling worthy, principal Larry Davis told Education World. Unit! Davis reports that at essays edition, each month's staff meeting at his school two teachers are awarded the Golden Apple for business unit 3 coursework, their above-and-beyond efforts. Edgar Alcoholism Essay! The neat thing about the Golden Apple is that the teachers select its recipients!

Each of the winners of this month's Golden Apples are responsible for passing on the award to as applied unit 3 coursework, another worthy teacher at poe and alcoholism, next month's meeting. Many principals try to leave a little extra money in the budget to as applied unit 3 coursework, recognize outstanding efforts with small personal gifts such as prepaid phone cards or store gift certificates. Recently, one principal gave a phone card to petraus thesis, a teacher who stepped in without being asked (because the principal was out of the building) and business 3 coursework, took over an after-school program for a teacher who was stuck in essay personal, a dentist's chair having a tooth pulled. Not every school can budget for a faculty retreat, but such an effort can go a long way toward building collegiality and as applied unit, morale. For A! At The American School in London, lower school principal Julie Ryan has fond memories of a two-day retreat held an hour north of the city two years ago.

Parts of the conference center where the retreat took place dated back to the time of Elizabeth I (16th century). Retreat activities included a mix of socialization and team-building activities; analysis of the as applied business unit, strengths and weaknesses of the school's culture; and creating essential agreements about how we want to work together, Ryan told Education World. STICKY NOTES, OLYMPIC GAMES, TV STARS, MINI GRANTS, MORE! Principal Teri Stokes tries to observe every teacher at least two times a month. One Hundred Edition! Many of business unit those visits are unscheduled, snapshot stops. Essay Characteristics! Before heading on to the next class, Stokes takes a moment to scribble a positive comment or two on a sticky note. 3 Coursework! On the way out of the room, she sticks that note to the door or the teacher's desk. In addition, Stokes often drops little feel-good cards or inexpensive gifts in allan alcoholism essay, teachers' mailboxes or on their desks. One year she provided each teacher with a Beginning-of-the-Year Survival Bag that included odds and as applied unit, ends, each with a special significance.

Does this sound like an idea you might want to petraus thesis, employ? If so, you'll find some great ideas for as applied 3 coursework, putting together a Teachers' Survival Kit in the Education World article When All Else Fails, Turn to the Survival Kit! Principal Marie Kostick uses a snapshot observation strategy similar to one hundred great essays edition, the one Teri Stokes uses. In addition, she takes advantage of local television stations that reach out into the community to offers awards such as The Class Act Award or the Excellence in Teaching Award. Kostick nominates members of 3 coursework her staff who go beyond the one hundred essays fifth, call of duty. Reporters from the television stations come to school to interview the teachers and as applied, present them with certificates. Each teacher is then recognized in a TV spot that is broadcast several times in essay, one week.

To build a strong team, principal Phil Shaman held an Educational Olympics at this school one year. Teachers were divided into teams and as applied business 3 coursework, competed in a variety of events. All events required that team members support each other to complete a task. Events, planned with the support of his physical education staff, were both athletic (for example, relay events and a team table tennis match in which team members had to alternate hits) and non-athletic (such as going through a maze blindfolded). Many states and some local school districts offer reward monies for schools whose students show improvements on standardized tests. In some schools, those monies are divided among contributing staff. In other cases, that money can be used to support additional purchases for the school. Personal! At Silver Sands Middle School, staff members voted to as applied 3 coursework, set aside a chunk of that money for mini-grants, principal Les Potter told Education World. Merchant Of Death! Staff members complete a simple form to business, request a mini grant that will benefit their students. 20 MORE GREAT IDEAS FOR MOTIVATING TEACHERS. Education World's Principal Files principals shared dozens of great ways to motivate teachers.

So far, we have mentioned just a handful of college research those ideas. Following is a list of more than 20 additional ideas presented by principals already mentioned above: Plan noon-hour lunches for all staff members several times a year. (Don't leave out the paraprofessionals, the school secretaries, or the custodians!) Those lunches can be roving lunches in which people eat during their regularly scheduled lunch period, or they can be whole-staff lunches that kick off professional development sessions scheduled for as applied business, the p.m. part of the day. Organize small fundraising activities to american vs foreign cars essay, raise money for unit 3 coursework, an all-staff holiday or end-of-year banquet. For example, several times during the year faculty might be allowed to pay $2 to thesis, dress casually for the day. Contact local restaurants, sports franchises, movie houses, arts centers, and other businesses to arrange for gifts, gift certificates, tickets, or discount coupons that can be used as special prizes for teachers or coaches who volunteer their time or who go above and beyond. Encourage teachers to seek out professional development courses or workshops. Approve all reasonable requests. Then get extra mileage out of as applied business those sessions: Set aside time during each staff meeting, or arrange a special professional development day, so teachers can share with their peers the petraus thesis, main ideas they learned from each session they attended.

Encourage teachers to ask for the instructional supplies they require to facilitate teaching and as applied business, learning. Edgar Essay! Provide reasonable requests from the budget, or enlist local politicians or businesspeople to sponsor or help you track down other needed supplies. Organize a trip to the movies. Have you seen these articles from the unit 3 coursework, Principal Files Series? Principals share the edgar poe and essay, courses they wish they had taken before they took the job.

Our principal team paints a picture of how school districts manage finding, training, and retaining substitute teachers. Principals share ways in which they are using data to lead their schools to success. Stuck for as applied 3 coursework, ideas for vs foreign cars, effective staff meetings? Looking for ways to make sure everybody is present and interested? Principals share the joys of the job plus words of encouragement for educators who might be considering the path to the principal's office. The December holidays can be such a busy time. Instead of adding one more thing to do and one more expense to the month of December, why not spread around the fun? In October, for example, one school held Secret Spook Week. Those teachers who wanted to participate filled out a profile form that asked questions about favorite colors, foods, drinks, hobbies, and so on. As Applied Unit 3 Coursework! Then each participant drew another staff member's profile form and became that person's Secret Spook.

Each Secret Spook provided small token gifts for the other person all week long. The total expenditure for each participant was set at $10. Include on vs foreign essay each weekly staff memo a quick activity idea that might be tried out in the classroom, a quote related to education, or a short school-related joke. (Note: Each issue of Education World's Weekly Newsletter includes a Last Laugh section with several funny stories and jokes. Feel free to copy and paste them for as applied, use in your own weekly memos or parent newsletters.) Send cards to teachers to welcome them back after an illness, celebrate a birthday or another important event, or recognize a special achievement. Add a copy of for a paper those special achievements cards to teachers' personnel files. Once a semester, or once a quarter, provide all staff members with a come-late-to-work-no-questions-asked form. (Or give that form to staff members who logged one or no absences in the most recent quarter.) That form represents two hours of as applied business unit 3 coursework time that can be taken at the start or end of the school day for any reason -- from sleeping in to getting a head start on the weekend. The only catch is that the form must be cashed in in advance so arrangements can be made to free an administrator or somebody else to essay personal characteristics, cover the staff member's responsibilities. Little things like this cost no money and demonstrate that administrators are willing to go the as applied, extra mile for the folks who work for college research, them. Provide free coffee in the teacher's lounge from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Business 3 Coursework! every day.

Select a Teacher of the Month. Set aside a special parking space close to the main faculty entrance that is marked with a Reserved for the Teacher of the Month sign. To motivate professional development, arrange study groups (perhaps organized by grade level) to american essay, read a book or discuss and business 3 coursework, research a current hot topic. Set up a schedule to ensure that every educator makes at least two visits to essay, other teachers' classrooms or other schools during the year. Arrange coverage for those teachers. You might set up a special arrangement with other schools to open their classrooms to your teachers, but teachers should also be able to make their own arrangements for business unit 3 coursework, visitations to classes/schools they have learned about through the grapevine. Feed the teachers!

Celebrate the end of a busy week by arranging to american, have the cafeteria staff prepare a special continental breakfast -- beverages and muffins, rolls, or coffee cake -- every Friday morning. (Even once a month would be nice!) Don't forget to do something nice for unit 3 coursework, the cafeteria folks a couple times a year. Appoint a teacher to be acting principal when you are out of the merchant, building. (This usually convinces them that they love being a teacher!) Make sure that everyone is on a committee that meets regularly and that they have real tasks and opportunities for as applied business, real input in essay personal, school-level decision making. Arrange to have music played (or piped in) during faculty meetings. Music stimulates the brain. Be sure to publicly commend staff members who go above and beyond outside of the business unit, school day -- by volunteering to be part of district-wide or state-level committees, for example. Approach the parent-school association, local business partners, Jaycees, or other groups to gather materials and labor to accomplish various fix-it projects that the Board of Education is unable to tackle. Organize a social committee to plan events just for fun. One such event might be a monthly Treat-Your-Friends Tuesday.

Each month a different group of teachers brings themed food items to share during the day in essay characteristics, the teacher's lounge. During Teacher Appreciation Week hold a daily drawing for a 1/2-day off certificate. The principal will cover the as applied business, class when you take that time off. For more Teacher Appreciation Week ideas, see a previously published Education World article, Ways to Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. Make a spot on your weekly memo for a special thank-you or congratulations to individuals or the entire team. For example: Thank you for organizing Red Ribbon Week! Thanks for the extra effort on parent teacher conferences! Thank you to the bulletin board fairy who decorated the board in the workroom. Educator recounts how her school's administrators used the Survivor television show as a theme to strengthen teams, build camaraderie, present challenges -- and teach a few lessons about how to create a quality classroom environment for poe and alcoholism, students.

Included: Survivor activity ideas and teacher reactions! Submit your own lesson plan for a chance to unit, receive a FREE $50 Classroom Supplies Gift Card! Receive timely lesson ideas and PD tips. Sign up for vs foreign cars essay, our free weekly newsletter and receive. top education news, lesson ideas, teaching tips and more! No thanks, I don't need to stay current on what works in education!


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