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Remise des diplomes de 1ere et de 13e. Brand. Le 05.07.2013 a eu lieu dans notre salle de fetes la remise des diplomes de fin d'etudes secondaires a nos eleves de 1ere et de 13e. Nous leur felicitions encore pour leurs bons resultats et leur souhaitons un avenir plein de succes et de satisfaction. Brazil Essay. Sur la photo, on brand loyalty voit le laureat Pol Krier (1CM) pendant son allocution. Pour voir toutes les 178 photos, veuillez cliquer ici: Bilan vun de Stagen vun den T1GC-Klassen. Den 10. Juli war den offiziellen Ofschloss vum Stage um Chantier vu 84 Schuler aus den T1GC-Klassen vun der Bautechnikerausbildung. Synonyme Fr Dissertation. Si woren an brand deene leschten 8 Wochen an enger Bauentreprise an essay z polskiego hunn do vill praktesch Erfaarunge gesammelt an dissertation loyalty des an essay engem Rapport dokumenteiert.

Aus enger Enquete dei no dem Stage gemaach gouf geet ervir, datt 97 % vun de Schuler soen, si hatten ganz vill zu Baumaterialien a Bauverfaare baigeleiert. Dissertation. Ganz positiv hu 95% vun de Schuler de respektvollen a kollegialen Emgang mat den Aarbechter um Chantier bewaert. War In Research. D'Aarbecht am Team an dissertation loyalty d'Ambiance um Chantier hunn am beschte gefall, wahrend d'Schaffen am Reen an dat freit Opstoe moies (op ville Chantieren ass et um 7h00 ugaang) eischter manner gutt gefall hunn. Research Paper. Nieft dem Ofschloss vun Stage sinn och nach 10 Zertifikaten un dei Schuler verdeelt ginn, dei am beschten am Projet integre intermediaire 2013 ofgeschnidden hunn. Den 21. Brand Loyalty. Juni huet d'12GE beim Rallye Citoyen an der Staat matgemaach. D'Thema vum Rallye war “Tabou” an extended essay z polskiego d’Schuler hu misse Froen zu verschiddenen Tabuthemen (Doud, Gefiller…) beantwerten an brand dissertation och Aufgabe leisen. Eng Grupp vun hinnen huet mat groussem Ofstand gewonnen. Write. Felicitatiounen un si fir dei gudd Leschtung! D'7STP1 bei der Reimervilla zu Giewel. Brand Loyalty. De 11.

Juni war d'7STP1 zesumme mat hirer Geschichtsproff Jessica Wilmes de Musee vun de Georges-Kayser-Altertums-fuerscher besichtegen an dunn op Giewel bei d'reimesch Villa selwer Ausgruewunge maachen. Reunion d'information sur les formations BTS. Essay Z Polskiego. Depuis l'annee scolaire 2010-2011 le Lycee Josy Barthel a Mamer offre la formation BTS Conducteur de travaux dans le domaine du batiment. Brand Dissertation Loyalty. A partir de l’annee scolaire 2012-2013 l’offre scolaire du LJBM a ete elargie par le BTS Batiments et infrastructures. Essay On Food. Ces formations de l'enseignement superieur de type court menent au diplome de brevet de technicien superieur (BTS). Sont admissibles a ces formations les detenteurs d'un diplome luxembourgeois de fin d'etudes secondaires ou secondaires techniques, d'un diplome de technicien ou d'un diplome etranger reconnu equivalent. Brand Dissertation Loyalty. Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter cordialement a une reunion d'information le mardi, 18 juin 2013 a 17h30 dans la salle D006 du LJBM. Nous presenterons les formations BTS Conducteur de travaux et BTS Batiments et infrastructures: contenus des modules et des cours, l’organisation, les modalites d’inscription, les debouches. Synonyme Fr Dissertation. Vous trouvez deja quelques informations concernant les BTS en general et les BTS Conducteur de travaux et Batiments et infrastructures en particulier sur le site du lycee (cliquer 'BTS' a gauche) Den 2. Brand Dissertation Loyalty. Juni 2013 wor den LJBM um Lernfest zu Mamer vertrueden. D'Lernfest gett vun der Landakademie vun der LEADER-Regioun Reiden-Wolz organiseiert an extended wor dest Joer fir dei 4. Brand Loyalty. Keier.

Et ass eng Veranstaltung wou all Altersgrupp d'Meiglechket huet an essays and ethics in the de Beraicher Bildung, Wirtschaft, Konscht, Kultur, Sport a sozialem Engagement duerch Atelieren an brand dissertation loyalty Ausprobeieren z'experimenteieren, erauszefannen, ze entdecken. War In Paper. Leiere soll Spass maachen, sou ass de grousse Motto. Brand Dissertation Loyalty. (ls) Am Mee waren e puer vun eise Klassen zu Holzgau an iraq research paper Eistraich, wou si vill an brand dissertation loyalty der Natur ennerwee waren an essay och divers Atelieren ugebuede kruten. E Resume vun hiren Aktiviteite gett et op hirem BLOG! Realisations d'eleves de 9STP2 et 9STP5, sous la direction de Mme Veronique Museur. Cliquez pour voir toutes les animations!

Organisee au large de la petite ile de Porquerolles, la «School's Cup» a reuni plus d'une soixantaine d'eleves d'ecoles luxembourgeoises, dont du LJBM, pour une regate sur la grande bleue. Brand Dissertation Loyalty. Lisez les articles ci-dessus: Die Klasse 01BA2 hat im Rahmen einer Klassenfahrt die weltgro?te Ausstellung von Baumaschinen und Baugeraten in Munchen besucht. Synonyme. Die Schuler waren beeindruckt von der ausgestellten Technik und konnten sich detailliert informieren. Brand Loyalty. Sie konnten einen Muldenkipper von 385 Tonnen Einsatzgewicht erklimmen und den dazu passenden Miningbagger mit 22 m? Loffelinhalt in fr dissertation Aktion bestaunen. Dissertation. An einem Turmdrehkran hangend machten sie einen Rundflug uber das Messegelande.

Die Schuler wurden von ihren Lehrern M. Essay. Kass, M. Dissertation. Hartmann und M. Brazil Essay. Gockel begleitet. Brand Loyalty. Die Gruppe ubernachtete in a short on christmas Augsburg und konnte diese Stadt mit ihrem historischen Kern kennenlernen. (jg) Um leschte Schouldag vum 2. Dissertation Loyalty. Trimester huet eis Schoulcommunauteit um Tossebierg gebotzt. Essays. Si hunn am Ganzen 139,29 kg Dreck gesammelt. Dissertation Loyalty. Beim Concours em di schweierst Tut hu sech folgend Klasse placeiert: 1. Plaz fir d'T3GC3 (20,6 kg), 2. On Skepticism Relativism And Ethics. Plaz fir d'7STP4 (16,88 kg), 3. Brand. Plaz fir d'5CM1 (16,3 kg) a 4. A Short Essay. Plaz fir d'7STP3 (8,75 kg). Brand. Mir wenschen der T3GC3 vill Spaass mat hire Kinosticketen a soen dem GreenTeam merci fir di flott Organisatioun! Prix jeune artiste 2013 pour une professeure-architecte du LJBM. (c) LW, 12.04.2013, 14. Extended Essay Z Polskiego. Diplomiwerreechung Eischt-Hellef-Cours.

Zesumme mat hire Professeren Tania Simon (Biologie) an brand dissertation loyalty Eric Schweicher (Englesch) huet d'10PS1 e padagogesche Rallye vu Miersch op Huelmes gemaach, wou et ennert anerem em d'Liewen am Besch an write essay okologescher Hisiicht goung. Brand Loyalty. Klickt op d'Bild fir weider Fotoen! Deser Deeg waren eng Rei vun eisen Enseignanten op Besuch am Groussen Theater um Glacis, wou si agefouert goufen an essays on skepticism and ethics in the zhuangzi dat, wat ee bei engem Theaterbesuch normalerweis net matkritt, namlech wat hannert de Kulissen ofleeft. Dissertation Loyalty. Mamer Schuler bei LuxSkills ausgezeichnet. Synonyme. De Mamer Lycee op der Kielener Schoulfoire. Op der Kielener Schoulfoire zu Keespelt, organiseiert vum Elterecomite vun do, war natierlech och de Mamer Lycee vertrueden. Weider Fotoe gett et hei: Virtrag vum Claude Turmes am Mamer Lycee. Brand. Dese Meindeg ass den Europadeputeierte Claude Turmes bei eis 11e-Klasse vum Genie Civil op Besuch komm.

Am Festsall vum LJBM huet en e spannende Virtrag iwert erneierbar Energie gehalen. Write A Short On Christmas. Enner anerem goufen d'Schuler iwert Null-Energie-Haiser opgaklaert, an loyalty di erneierbar Energie vun der Zukunft, wei Offshore-Parks, goufen hinne mei no bruecht. A Short On Christmas. No sengem Virtrag huet den Har Turmes sech nach Zait geholl, fir de Schuler hir vill Froen ze beantwerten. Brand Loyalty. Vum 18.-23. Februar haten drai Schuler vun der 11TG, d'Diana Battista, de Cedric Kass an war in iraq research de Joe Prange, d'Geleegenheet, am Kader vum COMENIUS-Projet Schools on brand dissertation the mov(i)e d'Schoul IES Pedro Jimenez Montoya zu Baza (Andalusien, Spuenien) ze besichen. Brazil Essay. Hei hu si workshops iwert dubbing beluecht. Doderniewt hate si awer och d'Meiglechkeet, mei iwert di spuenesch Kultur gewuer ze ginn an dissertation loyalty nei Frendschaften ze knappen. Brazil Essay. Begleedt goufe si vun de Professeren Sandra Fratini an brand loyalty Patrick Schmitz.

Visite du Centre hospitalier a Eich. War In Research Paper. Vendredi, 11 janvier 2013, les eleves de la 10PS1 ont visite le CHL d’Eich. Brand Dissertation. Cette visite a eu pour but de rencontrer des professionnels de la sante, de decouvrir les differents metiers qui participent au bon fonctionnement d’un hopital et d’avoir un apercu des differentes activites du CHL. Write A Short On Christmas. A travers une visite guidee, les eleves ont ete emmenes dans les coulisses du CHL ou ils ont pu decouvrir le bloc operatoire, la radiologie, le service ORL et la cardiologie. Nous tenons a remercier M. Manou Lentz et ses collaborateurs pour l’excellente organisation et le bon deroulement de cette visite qui a vraiment plu aux eleves. Enn Januar an brand dissertation Ufank Februar waren eis Schuler vu 6e a 8e an brazil essay der Classe de neige zu Saalbach-Hinterglemm an Eistraich. Wei ee gesait, hunn se Spueren hannerlooss: Mobilite individuelle des eleves.

Am Kader vum Programm “Comenius – mobilite individuelle des eleves” vun der EU ware vum 15. Brand Dissertation. September bis de 15. Essays On Skepticism Relativism And Ethics Zhuangzi. Dezember 2 Schuler aus dem LJBM een Trimester am Ausland. Den Daniel Dupont (11TG) war 3 Meint zu Eeklo an brand dissertation der Belsch an de Kevin de Lima (4M1) as een Trimester zu Pola de Siero a Spuenien an war in research paper d’Schoul gaang. Loyalty. Glaichzaiteg waren 2 Schuler aus Spuenien 3 Meint zu Mamer op enger 4e ageschriwwen an hun dei 3 Meint bei Famillen aus dem LJBM gelieft. Essays On Skepticism Relativism Zhuangzi. Presentation de la classe preparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles de commerce et de management francaises. Brand Loyalty. Mardi dernier, M. Write A Short On Christmas. Romain Nehs, directeur-adjoint au LCE, a presente, en presence d'une collegue de Metz, a nos eleves des classes terminales la classe preparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles de commerce et de management francaises qui fonctionnera a partir de l'annee academique prochaine au Lycee Classique d'Echternach. Loyalty. Den 3. Chains. Dezember 2012 war eis T1GC4 op Besuch an der Chamber um Krautmaart an dissertation loyalty huet sech d'Raimlechkeeten an write de Funktionnement vun deser wichteger Institutioun erklaere gelooss.

Club d'activites et section sportive. Le formulaire d'inscription pour les activites organisees au cours de l'apres-midi pour le deuxieme trimestre est en ligne. Loyalty. Vertrieder aus der Europaschoul (EEII) op Besuch. Brazil Essay. Op den traditionelle Neijorspatt no der Chreschtvakanz hat d'Direktioun vum Mamer Lycee dest Joer och d'Direktioun an brand dissertation loyalty d'Enseignante vun der neier Europaschoul, dei zenter dem September um Campus Tossebierg funktionneiert, agelueden. Essay On Food Chains And Webs. An hire jeweilegen Usproochen hunn d'Direkteren Emmanuel de Tournemire (EEII) a Claude Christnach (LJBM) ennerstrach, datt d'Bezeiung teschent deenen zwou Schoule bis elo ganz gutt war an brand datt an essay on food chains and webs Zukunft op verschiddene Plang soll zesummeschafft ginn. Brand Dissertation Loyalty. Olympiad vun den Naturwessenschaften. E Mettwoch, den 19.

Dezember, hu 24 Schuler un der Finale vun der Olympiad vun den Naturwessenschaften am Lycee Michel Rodange deelgeholl. Essays On Skepticism Relativism And Ethics In The. D'Aufgabe goufe vum Har Jacques Pir, Biologiessprofesser am Mamer Lycee, gestallt. Dissertation Loyalty. Virstellung vum BTS Visite vum OAI. Write A Short Essay. De 17. Dezember 2012 kruten eis Schuler vun der Sektioun Genie civil verschidde BTS-Formatiounen (Brevet de Technicien Superieur) virgestallt. Ausserdem ware Vertrieder vum OAI (Ordre des architectes et ingenieurs-conseils) op Besuch, fir mat hinnen am Bezuch op Beruffsmeiglechkeeten an dissertation d'Gespreich ze kommen. Synonyme. Eis 3e-Schuler vun der Optioun Theater sinn amgaangen, ennert der Leedung vun hire Sproocheprofesseren Francoise Christnach a Jessy Medinger, en zaitgenossescht Theatersteck anzeuben.

Konferenz « Leiere mei liicht gemaach » Le 14 novembre 2012, le SPOS et le comite des parents du LJBM ont invite a une soiree parents intitulee «Leiere mei liicht gemaach». Loyalty. La conference en langue luxembourgeoise a ete donnee tenue par Madame Manuelle Waldbillig-Schank, pedagogue et experte en legasthenie. Essay On Food. Lors de la soiree, differents sujets ont ete traites, dont entre autre: Comment remedier aux differentes difficultes d’apprentissage? Comment creer une bonne atmosphere pour etudier? Le role des parents. Brand Dissertation. Combien d’encadrement, combien d’autonomie pour les enfants? Comment motiver mon enfant?

Mon enfant a du mal avec les devoirs a domicile, quoi faire? Le mardi 8 octobre 2013 a eu lieu la remise de diplomes des laureats des diverses formations de niveau BTS en presence de Martine Hansen, ministre de l’Enseignement superieur et de la Recherche. Essay. Actuellement 17 formations de niveau BTS sont offertes dans differents lycees de notre pays, dont deux au Lycee Josy Barthel. Brand Dissertation. Le diplome BTS est un diplome national de niveau superieur en forte demande sur le marche de l’emploi. A Short Essay On Christmas. Photo: Martine Hansen, Ministre de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche, Marc Fischbach, Directeur adjoint du LJBM, Michel Pundel, Coordinateur du BTS « Conducteur de travaux », et les diplomes du LJBM Nicolas Dos Santos, Charel Kemp et Mike Soares.

3 eleves de la 2CM1 (2012-2013) a l’Universite d’ete “” Les eleves Maxime Placidi (2e B), Mandy Karger (2e B) et Nils Struck (2e C) ont participe du 4 au 10 juillet 2013 a la 7eme universite d’ete “Leonardo” organisee par l’Universite du Luxembourg. Brand Dissertation Loyalty. Pendant une semaine, ils ont pu echanger leur salle de classe a Mamer pour les auditoires du Campus Limpertsberg de l’ et prendre un preapercu du monde des etudes universitaires. Essay. Den 1. Juli 2013 waren d’Klassen 2CM1 an loyalty 11TG1 vum Lycee Josy Barthel vu Mamer op Besuch am Europaparlament zu Stroosbuerg, enner Begleedung vun hire Professeren Sandra Fratini, Jessica Wilmes an Thierry Origer. And Ethics In The Zhuangzi. Si goufen empfaange vum Har Charel Goerens a senger Assistentin Corinne Weis. Am Mettelpunkt vum Echange mam Har Goerens stounge Froen iwert dei aktuell Situatioun souwei d’Zukunft vun der Europaescher Unioun. Dissertation. De Schuler hir duerchaus pertinent Froen haten haaptsachlech dei wirtschaftlech Aspekter an deem Zesummenhang am Bleck. Essays On Skepticism In The. Um Enn vum Gespreich goufen si vum Har Goerens derzou encourageiert, sech politesch ze intresseieren an brand dissertation ze engageieren, well et och em hir perseinlech Zukunft geet. War In Research. Le 27.06.2013 a eu lieu dans la salle de fetes la remise de prix annuelle aux eleves meritants des differentes classes. Brand Dissertation. A la meme occasion, l'entreprise TASA a remis des certificats Autodesk/ AutoCAD aux eleves qui suivent une formation de BTS dans notre etablissement. Eischt-Hellef: Spezialcours Reanimatioun Auszeichnung fur Schuler im Fach Deutsch. Extended Essay. Am vergangenen 19.

Juni 2013 wurden drei Schuler unserer Schule - Conny Godefroy, Mandy Kollmesch und Philippe Sprunk - im hauptstadtischen Athenaum fur besondere Leistungen im Fach Deutsch ausgezeichnet: Die Auszeichnungen wurden uberreicht von Frau Christine Glaser (Botschafterin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland), Herrn Urs Hammer (Botschafter der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft) und Herrn Dr. Thomas Oberreiter (Botschafter der Republik Osterreich). Dissertation Loyalty. Wir gratulieren! ScienceForKids heeschen d'Atelieren, dei all Joer am dretten Trimester vun eise Sciences-Professeren fir Kanner aus der Primarschoul (Cycle 4) ugebuede ginn. Op zwee Nometteger kenne si selwer als Fuerscher aktiv ginn, an essays on skepticism relativism and ethics in the drai Gebitter vun den Naturwessenschaften: Biologie, Physik a Chimie. Dissertation Loyalty. D'Fotoe vun de Veranstaltunge vun desem Joer gett et demnachst hei: Am Freijoer huet de Mamer Lycee deelgeholl un der School's Cup, dar eischter Regatta fir Letzebuerger Schuler, op der Cote d'Azur. Essay On Food. D'Equip vum Mamer Lycee, mat hirem Direkter, kruten den zweete Prais an brand zousatzlech d'Fair-Play-Trophy. On Christmas. Vum 3. bis de 7. Dissertation Loyalty. Juni 2013 war d'Ausstellung DechetLand vu Frere des Hommes bei eis am Gebai. Fotoe gett et hei: Den Erleis vun den Talentowender 2011 an chains 2012 goung un d'ONG Stroossekanner Sao Paulo. Um Bild gesitt Der eise Baufachsproff Chrescht Cornette, deen sech fir des ONG engageiert a regelmeisseg dohinner flitt. Brand Dissertation Loyalty. Am 24.

April hatte der Bibliothekar Bob Leurs im Rahmen der Journees internationales du livre et du droit d’auteur den Luxemburger Schriftsteller Roland Harsch eingeladen. Essay On Food Chains. Der fruhere Deutschlehrer las den amusierten Schulern der Klassen 12GE und 4CM sowie ihren Lehrerinnen Yvonne Krier-Pleger und Jessy Medinger unter anderem Texte aus seinen Werken „Duda – Kurioses aus dem Rotstiftmilieu“ und „Kalendarium fur geplagte Stadt- und Landleut“ vor. Dissertation Loyalty. Studentenmusik des Klosters Einsiedeln zu Besuch im LJBM. Comeniusprojet Schools on fr dissertation the mov(i)e Vum 16. Dissertation. bis den 20. Fr Dissertation. Abrell war zu Eeklo an dissertation loyalty der Belsch een europaescht Treffen am Kader vum aktuelle Comeniusprojet vum LJBM. Essay. Fir de Mamer Lycee waren d'Lily Palgen (5e), de Cedric Kass (11eTG) an dissertation de Pit Klepper (11eTG) zu Eeklo.

Mat hinne waren och nach Schuler aus Spuenien, Polen, Zypern an Danemark derbai. Synonyme Fr Dissertation. Um Programm stounge Visiten zu Gent an brand loyalty zu Bruges, an war in iraq research eng ganz Rei Aktiviteite ronderem d’Thema Film. Dissertation Loyalty. Dest war de sechsten a leschte Meeting am Kader vun desem Projet, bei dem den LJBM wahrend deene leschten zwee Joer mat senge fennef Partnerschoule matgemaach huet, a bei deem eng ganz Rei Schuler vu Mamer vill nei Erfahrunge gemaach hunn an on skepticism and ethics in the nei Kollege queesch duerch Europa kennegeleiert hunn. D'6CM1 war mat der Madame Simon zu Huelmes op engem Stage, wou et em d'Thema Energie goung. Brand Dissertation Loyalty. Remise de prix a l'Ambassade de France. Extended Z Polskiego. En date du jeudi 21 mars, les laureats du concours national des meilleurs eleves de francais ont ete honores a l'Ambassade de France.

La direction du LJBM felicite les eleves Fabio Oliveira Norte (1re G) et Alexandre Afonso Mesquita (1re D) pour leurs excellents resultats. Dissertation. (cc) Le programme interregional SCHUMAN s’adresse aux eleves qui seront en classe de 6e, 5e, 8e ou 9e pendant l’annee scolaire 2013-2014 et qui desirent participer a un echange scolaire individuel. Cet echange devrait permettre a des jeunes de 14-15 ans de faire l’experience d’un sejour de deux semaines dans une famille d’accueil au-dela des frontieres, dans la Grande Region (Lorraine, Wallonie, Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz) et d’accueillir egalement un ou une eleve partenaire dans leur propre famille pendant deux semaines. Les eleves interesses a poser leur candidature pour participer a ce programme d’echange peuvent telecharger ci-dessous le formulaire de candidature. Write. Le formulaire de candidature complet est a remettre en quatre exemplaires au secretariat-eleves immediatement apres les vacances de Paques (pour le 9 avril 2013 au plus tard). Brand Dissertation Loyalty. (ps) Den 8. Fr Dissertation. Februar war d'4CM1 mat hirer Geschichtsprofessesch Martine Nollomont am Musee Drai Eechelen. Vendredi dernier, quelques-unes de nos classes de 8e ont passe deux heures a la patinoire de Kockelscheuer.

Pour voir les photos, cliquer ici: Pour les classes de 3e, les comediens Jean-Marc Barthelemy et Cathy Baccega ont presente differents extraits de trois pieces de Moliere: Le Malade imaginaire, Le Bourgeois gentilhomme et Le Misanthrope. Am Kader vum Module Visites war d'T1GC3 (Genie civil) desen Denschdeg d'Philharmonie kucken. Si kruten allgemeng Erklaerungen zum zum Gebai an eng Afeierung an brand dissertation den technesche Funktionnement. Essay On Food Chains. Um 20h00 hunn se dann um Concert, deen deen Owend op der Affiche stoung (Uergelmusek an Danz) deelgeholl. Brand Dissertation Loyalty. Si goufe begleedt vun der Madame Bintener an brazil essay dem Har Origer. Dissertation Loyalty. Deslescht waren d'7ES1, d'7ES2 an d'7ST2 mat e puer vun hiren Enseignanten op d'Kockelscheier Schlittschong fueren. Z Polskiego. Klickt hei, fir d'Fotoen ze gesinn: Participatioun un der Regatta School's Cup Aktuell Informatiounen zu deser Regatta (22.-27.03.2013), bei dar de Mamer Lycee mat zwou Gruppe vertruede waert sinn, ginn et hei:

De Mamer Lycee mecht seng Diren op. Dissertation Loyalty. Deemols war et nach e Lycee technique, haut ginn och am Classique d'Klasse bis Premiere ugebueden. Fr Dissertation. D'lescht Woch waren d'Klassen 11PS, T2GC1 an 12GE zu Stroosbuerg, wou se d'Europaparlament vum Europadeputeierte Charel Goerens erklaert kruten. Brand Dissertation Loyalty. Si goufe begleedt vun hire Professeren Guido Lessing, Yvonne Krier-Pleger, Elisabeth Bram a Beatrice Kieffer. Z Polskiego. (c) Bureau de M. Brand Dissertation. Goerens. Essay On Food Chains. (Ordre Luxembourgeois des Geometres) Zur Geleenheet vun hirem 25. Jubilaum inviteiert den Ordre Luxembourgeois des Geometres op eng Seance academique de 24.10.2013 an de Festall vum Mamer Lycee.

Fir dei Geleenheet prasenteieren si (vum 21. Dissertation. bis de 25. Oktober) op dar Plaz och eng Ausstellung iwert de Beruff vum Ingenieur-geometre. Visite beim Syndicat des eaux du Sud De 14. Januar 2013 huet d'T1GC4 mat hirem Regent Christian Cornette de Syndicat des Eaux du Sud zu Kaerch besicht an chains sech erklaere gelooss, wei d'Drenkwaasser gewonne gett a wei et an brand d'Basenge vun deenen entspriechende Gemenge kennt. Fr Dissertation. Projet de carrelage de la classe C1BA1. Brand Loyalty. Projet de carrelage de la classe C1BA1 avec leur enseignant M. Amir Heldovac en decembre 2012. War In Research Paper. Das „Lycee Josy Barthel“ in loyalty Mamer feiert 2013 sein 10. Jubilaum.

Zwei Schuler fir een Trimester am Ausland. Den Daniel Dupont (11TG) an de Kevin De Lima (4CM1) hunn dat ganzt 1. Fr Dissertation. Trimester an brand dissertation loyalty enger Partnerschoul vum LJBM am Ausland verbruecht. Write A Short Essay. Dei zwei Schuler aus dem LJBM hu matgemaach beim Comenius-Programm “Mobilite individuelle des Eleves”, dee vun der Europaescher Kommissioun ennerstetzt gett. Loyalty. Den Daniel Dupont war fir een Trimester Schuler am “College O.-L.-V. Essay. Ten Doorn” zu Eeklo an loyalty der Belsch. Extended Essay Z Polskiego. De Kevin de Lima war wahrend deser Zait am “I.E.S. Loyalty. Escultor Juan de Villanueva” zu Pola de Siero (Spuenien) an research paper der Schoul. Glaichzait hate mir och zwei Schuler aus Spuenien op Besuch zu Mamer. De Jaime Rodriguez an brand d’Rebeca Lapuerta waren drai Meint zu Mamer op der 4e ageschriwwen, an brazil essay hu wahrend hirem Openthalt bei de Famillen vun zwou Schulerinnen aus dem LJBM gewunnt. Vum 30.

September bis de 6. Oktober 2012 hunn 3 Schuler vun der 11TG (Cedric Kass, Pit Klepper, Joe Prange) den LJBM beim Comenius-Treffen zu Grudziadz (Polen) vertrueden. Dissertation. Zesumme mat Schuler aus 5 anere Lanner hun sie hei eng Woch am Kader vum aktuelle Comenius-projet “Schools on the mov(i)e” vum LJBM verbruecht. Chains. Emissioun iwert de Brevet de technicien superieur:

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How to write a great cover letter for a scientific manuscript. You have worked hard to prepare your manuscript for submission to a journal you have chosen carefully. Now, introduce your manuscript with a great cover letter . Dissertation Loyalty! Although many authors hastily compose this document, the cover letter can make or break your chances of publication : it can make the difference between being granted a peer review and being rejected outright. Follow the on food guidelines below to make your cover letter and manuscript stand out. Feel free to use this template to construct your cover letter, and modify it according to your needs. The basic elements of the cover letter include a heading/salutation, the body, and the closing: The heading includes the brand loyalty name and title of the brazil essay Editor-in-Chief or handling editor, the dissertation loyalty name of the journal, and z polskiego the date. See a sample heading here. The salutation is a standard greeting (e.g., Dear Dr xxx:) addressed to the Editor-in-Chief or handling editor. If you cannot find the name of the appropriate editor, you can write “Dear Editor:”

The body is the heart of the brand cover letter; this is where you will make the case for write why your paper should be granted a peer review. Begin with a concise opening statement announcing that you are submitting a manuscript entitled [“ your title ”] for consideration as a Research Article, Letter, Brief Communication, Note, or other format tailored to the journal. See a sample opening statement here. Brand! Next, provide a brief but compelling description or summary of the most important or interesting findings addressed by war in iraq research, your manuscript. If you have previous publications that provide the context for your study, you can briefly mention them here with the supporting citations. This summary will help to determine whether the brand dissertation loyalty editor will consider your paper further . The summary should be limited to just a few sentences.

Consider the following points to help you craft your summary: Why is your study important? What are your most interesting findings? What are the implications and broader significance of the findings? What gaps in the research does your study fill? After the synonyme description of dissertation, your study, provide a brief statement of z polskiego, how or why the work is relevant to dissertation the scope of the war in research target journal and brand dissertation loyalty of interest to its readership. This should be based on the stated “ Aims and Scope ” of the journal and on your knowledge of the journal’s content . A strong statement says more than that you “ believe ” your findings are relevant and of interest.

How does your work relate to the journal’s focus and other research published in it? This section should show that you have made a well-informed choice when selecting the target journal for essays and ethics your manuscript. Dissertation! See a sample summary and statement of essay, relevance here. The final paragraph of the body covers a few formalities (see example here). This paragraph should confirm that: The research is original. The manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by any other journal.

All the authors have approved of the submission of the manuscript to this journal. There are no conflicts of interest. Informed consent was provided (humans), and appropriate ethical standards were followed (humans and animals)—if relevant. Suggested reviewers: Many journals invite or require authors to list recommended peer reviewers for their manuscript and to brand mention any individuals they would strongly prefer NOT to review the manuscript (e.g., because of a conflict of interest). Select these individuals carefully, and keep these statements polite. The final sentence should simply express appreciation for the editor’s consideration. For example, “Thank you for your consideration of our manuscript. I look forward to on skepticism relativism in the hearing from you.” An appropriate and common closing is “Sincerely.” The closing is followed by your signature and typed name, institutional affiliation and address, and contact information (see a sample closing here). Editors want to know that you have selected their journal based on your familiarity with its focus and content and the appropriateness of brand dissertation, your work to its scope and readership.

It is on christmas advantageous to brand loyalty you to help the Editor-in-Chief to understand how your paper complements other research published in the journal. Doing this does not guarantee that your manuscript will receive a peer review, but failing to do this may reduce the chances that your work will stand out and be taken seriously. The cover letter should be concise. Editors read many cover letters each day and may simply skim over letters that are longer than a few short paragraphs. Clearly emphasize why the extended essay z polskiego research is important, novel, or interesting. Avoid presenting numeric details and other highly specific results unless they are essential to your conclusion. Some journals have specific requirements for cover letters. Dissertation Loyalty! Read the journal’s “Instructions for authors” carefully, and make sure that all required contents are included.

If your study builds on previous work that you have published, or directly relates to other papers published in iraq research paper, the target journal, it is appropriate to mention that and to cite these studies in the letter. The cover letter must be well written and free of spelling and dissertation loyalty grammar errors . If there are glaring errors in essay on christmas, this important document, the Editor-in-Chief may assume that your manuscript will also be sloppy. At best, the editor is likely to brand dissertation have low expectations for extended your manuscript if the cover letter is poorly written. Always run a spelling and grammar check, and have a colleague review your cover letter before you send it. Do you have questions or insights about writing cover letters? Please leave your comments and questions below.

Like this article? Share it with your colleagues. I am deeply thankful to you and appreciate your esteemed efforts to guide the junior and young researchers. I have learned a lot from your guide lines on the subject. Thank you for your kind comment. Brand Loyalty! I am very glad this post was helpful! Thank you very much for the very helpful tips!!

You’re very welcome! I’m glad the information was helpful. Thank you for your comment! Many thanks for this helpful guidelines on how to write a cover letter. Paper! I really appreciate. You’re welcome – I’m glad the guidelines were helpful! And thank you for your comment. Your guidelines on how to write a cover letter are very helpful. Thank you very much for brand dissertation these great tips and synonyme fr dissertation instructions! I am currently writing a cover letter and I would like to include a citation. Could you comment on the style of the citation?

In the template it says to provide the citation in parentheses. Is the full (bibliographic) required? Could you give an example? Any comment from you on this subject would be much appreciated. Thank you for brand your comment.

I’m glad this post has been helpful to you. Brazil Essay! Thank you also for your question about citations in cover letters. There are no hard-and-fast rules about including citations in brand loyalty, cover letters, but here are some pointers: 1. Include only the most relevant citations. Essay On Food Chains And Webs! Every piece of information in a cover letter should support the goal of your letter, which we’ll assume is to convince an dissertation, editor of the research value and relevance of your manuscript. 2. In keeping with point #1, keep the number of brand dissertation loyalty, citations to a minimum – the cover letter is an introduction to you and your current work, not an extended, in-depth piece of literature. 3. Including citations that relate directly to the work you are submitting can show that you have a track record and history of research in the subject area. I would recommend using the journal’s citation style in your letter. Simply look at a recent issue to see how citations are formatted in the text and in the reference section. 4. Authors sometimes cite other researchers’ work in dissertation, their cover letter, when it is directly relevant to and supportive of synonyme, their submission.

This is more common in loyalty, responses to reviewers, however. In general, work cited in the cover letter should be your own. Here is an a short, example of an introductory paragraph with a citation: We are pleased to submit the attached research article entitled “ Herbaceous wetlands: a critical and brand dissertation loyalty threatened carbon sink ” for consideration for publication as a Report in Ecology . We previously showed that herbaceous wetlands continue to war in research paper be lost at an alarming rate despite protections offered by brand dissertation, the Clean Water Act (Altor et al., 2015). Here, we expand on that work to discuss carbon storage in emergent wetlands and essays on skepticism in the the important role these ecosystems play in the context of climatic change. You would include the full citation(s) as it would appear in loyalty, your References section at the end of the cover letter, after the essay on christmas closing. I hope this is helpful.

Best wishes with your submission, and feel free to brand dissertation loyalty reply with any additional questions! Thanks for your guidelines in write essay, this matter. Do you could provide to me and brand example about fr dissertation, how to mention that the current work is a continuation and extension of a previous published work?. Brand! And how to cite it?. Thanks in advance. Thank you for your question.

It is important (and advantageous) to let the brazil essay editor know when the dissertation loyalty work you are submitting is a continuation of previous work or builds on earlier findings. This shows that you have a publication history and track record in that area of research. You can mention this very simply, such as in this example: We are pleased to war in iraq research submit the attached research article entitled “ Mycorrhizae in tidal wetlands: key players in nutrient cycling ” for consideration for publication as a Report in loyalty, Biogeochemistry . We previously showed that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are more common in tidal salt marshes than was previously thought and that these mutualistic relationships improved the photosynthetic capacity of brazil essay, Spartina patens over plants that were not colonized by mycorrhizal fungi (Figueroa Millan et al., 2015). Here, we expand on that work to dissertation discuss our findings that extensive networks of AMF play a significant role in phosphorus and nitrogen cycling by improving the survival of colonized plants in salt-affected systems. We discuss the implications of these findings in the context of climate change and rising sea levels. Then, at the end of your cover letter (after the closing), you would include the full citation(s) as it would appear in the References section of your paper, formatted according to the style used by war in research, the target journal. I hope this is helpful. Best wishes with your research and writing! thanks v much, it is informative. Thank you Hiwa!

I’m glad the post was useful to you. I am grateful for brand loyalty your detailed well-organised article. I just have a question, if the journal doesn’t require cover letter, may I use similar but more concise form in the comment for editor section? If no, please tell me what is the best to mention in this section. Thank you in advance, Thank you for your question. If a journal does not require a formal cover letter, it is still in your interest to take this opportunity to let the editor know why you have selected his or her journal for extended essay z polskiego your paper and to make a case for considering your manuscript. Make the comments for the editor as concise as possible so that your statement is easy to read and remember. Focus on the points discussed in the “Body” section of loyalty, this blog post.

If you have answered questions in other parts of the synonyme fr dissertation submission process about the research being original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, do not restate these points here. Close your comments with a simple, brief statement of your appreciation for brand loyalty the editor’s consideration. I hope this is helpful. Best wishes with your manuscripts, and feel free to post any other questions! Thank you for a very useful blog. Brazil Essay! It is insightful. I am submitting a second article to the same journal. The present one is a follow up investigation of our previous report. I am thinking to request the Editor to brand loyalty send the and ethics article to the same reviewers who evaluated our previous study. I feel they can evaluate better as they are aware of the subject. Do you think such a request makes sense.

Any suggestion would you give on how better i can frame the request in the cover letter. Thank you for your comment and question. I so not see any harm in dissertation loyalty, requesting the same reviewers; however, the Editor may or may not grant your request, and keep in mind that those reviewers might not currently be available. I would not place strong emphasis on your request for the same reviewers, because that could give the impression that you are not confident that other researchers would also give your work a favorable review. You could consider wording your request like this: “The researchers who provided anonymous peer reviews of our previous paper (citation here) showed a good understanding of our work and z polskiego provided constructive feedback. Because our current manuscript describes a follow-up study, we suggest that those reviewers be considered for this paper. Other suggested peer reviewers include…” and then provide the brand loyalty names and contact information for a couple other researchers who you think would give a fair and competent review. Such wording should make your request known without giving the extended z polskiego impression that you lack confidence in the peer-review process. I hope this is helpful. Best wishes with your manuscript! Dear Anne Altor.

Thanks for this useful stuff. I will use it definitely. Thank you for your comment. I’m glad you found the information useful. Thank you so much, specially for template file. You’re very welcome!

I’m glad you found the template useful. Dear Anne. Thank you for your tips. If I am the loyalty only author of the article, can I use “I” instead of “We” in the cover letter? Thanks for your comment and question. You can certainly use “I” instead of “We” if you are the only author, and in essays relativism zhuangzi, my opinion it makes more sense to loyalty do so. However, if a research group performed the work you are describing, you might want to use “We”. Write Essay! That is not generally the case though for single-author papers. Good luck!

Thank you very much for your guide lines which have been posted on the website. recently I have submitted a manuscript in a reputed journal, but unfortunately rejected. The editor said “there are many mistakes throughout the manuscript and brand advised me to take help from synonyme fr dissertation professional writer “. Dissertation! However, before submitting the same, I have checked the essays on skepticism relativism and ethics in the zhuangzi manuscripts in different softwares for better expression. Brand Loyalty! Now, I don’t know, what to do. Please suggest me some advice to improve my english language. I’m sorry that your manuscript was rejected, but the fact that it was rejected for language problems rather than technical content is positive, in my opinion. I commend all researchers whose first language is not English but who nevertheless must publish their papers in English, because the z polskiego process takes significant extra effort.

Many native English speakers have trouble writing clearly as well. Using software to help with language issues may be a good first step. May I ask what programs you used? However, software cannot capture the nuances of meaning and expression used in writing. I recommend that you find a colleague who you trust and kindly ask him or her if s/he is brand dissertation available to read and critique your paper.

However, it might not be fair or appropriate to ask a colleague to edit the paper for you, because that could take more time than they can afford. You could also seek the on skepticism relativism help of a professional editor with expertise in your field. I provide editing services, as do many other individuals and agencies. You could upload your paper and request a free estimate for the work. Loyalty! Many researchers find that professional editing is very helpful and improves the probability that the paper will go through the research peer-review process. Thank you for sharing your insights with us. I have revised my manuscript and want to re-submit it, but I am not sure if the brand loyalty cover letter should to written to editor-in-chief or handling editor. The decision about the paper was sent by z polskiego, editor-in-chief to me and in this letter he introduced the handling editor. The letter included the handling editor’s comments as well.

Thank you for your advice in advance! Thank you for your comment and question. Based on the details you’ve provided, I would recommend that you send your revisions and responses to brand dissertation both the editor-in-chief and brazil essay the handling editor. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! It is synonyme fr dissertation important to provide direct responses to all comments made by brand dissertation loyalty, each of them and by any any other reviewers. Both people are involved in fr dissertation, reviewing your paper and both will want to brand dissertation know that their questions or concerns have been addressed. Best wishes with your paper! p.s. You might also want to synonyme fr dissertation check out loyalty, my blog post on responses to reviewers. Dear Dr. Anne Altor. I am writing my first cover letter and essays on skepticism relativism and ethics in the zhuangzi this web site was very useful.

I have learned a lot from your guide lines on the subject. Thank you very much in advance. Thank you for your comment. I’m glad the guidelines were helpful to you. Best wishes with your paper! First of all, Happy New Year! May this 2017 be charged with great things for you. As well as many of the previous comments, I would like to thank you for your post, since I am writing my first cover letter and dissertation loyalty I found it really helpful. On the other hand I have a question regarding citations: In the statement, is iraq it appropriate to cite articles from the same journal? I’m writing a methodology article and based my writing style in these.

Maria Gabriela Pastor Jimenez. Happy New Year to you too! Thank you for your comment, and good luck with your cover letter and manuscript. You asked, “is it appropriate to cite articles from the same journal?” Yes it is. In general, it is a good idea to cite a variety of sources, but it is okay if some of your important sources occur in brand loyalty, the same journal.

Does this answer your question? Dear Dr. War In Iraq Paper! Anne Altor, Thank you very much for wonderful insight how to write submission letter for brand dissertation publication. I used this wonderful formatting skill to submit my first PhD article to journal. I benefited much from your contribution as junior researcher. Thank you again for your support again. Dear Dr. Anne Altor,

Thank you very much for wonderful insight how to write submission letter for write a short on christmas publication. I used this wonderful formatting skill to submit my first PhD article to journal. Brand! I benefited much from your contribution as junior researcher. Thank you again for your support again. Thank you for your kind comment. Extended! I am glad you found the article helpful! Best wishes with your manuscript. Dear Dr. Anne Altor. I would like to brand dissertation loyalty thank you a lot for this very informative and interesting guideline . Extended Z Polskiego! In fact I made use of it to write a cover letter for my article and I made a summary of it in my notebook to be used in future. Dear Dr.

Kompani, You are very welcome. Dissertation Loyalty! I’m glad the brazil essay guidelines were helpful! Dear Dr. Anne Altor, Thank you very much for your guidelines on how to write a great cover letter. It is very helpful. I appreciate your endeavor to support the junior and young researchers. I am currently preparing a cover letter.

I would like to use your guidelines and ask you simple questions. Loyalty! They are as follows: 1. According to your template to construct a cover letter, it seems okay, e.g., “Dr Michael Blatt”. I wonder if “Dr. Michael Blatt” is not correct in extended essay, a cover letter. I would like to know which is the brand dissertation precise form, “Dr Michael Blatt” or “Dr. Brazil Essay! Michael Blatt” in dissertation, a cover letter. 2. Similarly, as per your template to on christmas construct a cover letter, it seems okay, e.g., “Dear Dr Blatt:”. I wonder if “Dear Dr. Blatt,” is not appropriate in a cover letter. I would like to know which is the precise form, “Dear Dr Blatt:” or “Dear Dr.

Blatt,” in a cover letter. Thank you for your assistance and patience. I look forward to your excellent answers to my questions. Thank you for your comment and for your question about whether to dissertation loyalty use a period (full stop) after the abbreviation for Doctor. The answer depends on essays whether you are writing in brand, American or UK (British) English. If you are writing in American English, you use a period: “Dr.” If you are writing in UK English, you do not use a period: “Dr”.

In my opinion, while it is important that your manuscript be formatted in the correct language style, your cover letter can be in the style most natural to you (American or UK). However, if you want to be completely consistent, then you can prepare the cover letter in the style required by on food chains, the journal. As to your question about dissertation, whether to use the first name, it is fine to use it or to not use it, so either “Dr Michael Blatt” or “Dr Blatt” is ok. On Skepticism Zhuangzi! Use of the first name can help make sure the letter goes to the correct person in cases where there is more than one person with the same last name. However, that scenario is unlikely when you include the person’s title (e.g., Editor in Chief).

I hope this helps! Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved Precision Science Editing.

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Top 10 Details to Include on a Nursing Resume. As healthcare recruiters, we reviewed thousands of brand nursing resumes. Unfortunately, the essay, vast majority of them were missing multiple details that were important to the Nurse Managers and Nurse Supervisors who were largely responsible for making the brand, hiring decisions. Synonyme Fr Dissertation! Moreover, missing these critical details can ultimately lead to loyalty a lower ranking within the brazil essay, Applicant Tracking Systems so prevalent in today’s hiring process. We hope the information provided here will help you create an amazing resume! First, it’s important to brand dissertation loyalty have an idea of how the hiring process typically works in order to thoroughly understand the importance of these critical details. When a job opens up to the general public, the essay z polskiego, healthcare employer can sometimes receive hundreds of brand dissertation resumes. In some cases, the brazil essay, resumes are electronically ranked by Applicant Tracking Systems that award higher rankings for resumes that include the critical skills and experiences sought for the job. In any case, staffing office representatives, mostly recruiters, will review the rankings and brand dissertation loyalty resumes and relativism and ethics zhuangzi pass along the “best” candidates to the hiring managers. Brand Loyalty! It’s important to note that being the “best” often means having a resume with all the critical details. If the information isn’t there, then the resume stands a far greater chance of being removed from the essay on food chains, process.

It’s important to loyalty note that missing these details is a short on christmas not the nurse’s fault. Brand Loyalty! Unfortunately, the vast majority of informational resources pertaining to resumes is very general in nature. General resources are useful only for people with very general careers like “Sales”. These resources are mostly useless for nurses. Meanwhile, many resources specifically related to brazil essay nurse resumes offer insufficient detail. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! Moreover, healthcare employers do a terrible job at conveying what they’re looking for in their job descriptions, so candidates have no clue what to include in a short on christmas, their resumes. Skimming the brand loyalty, list below may leave the impression that everything on it is obvious. However, reading the details provided for each item will most likely uncover items which are missing from your nursing resume . What to Include on Your Nursing Resume.

There are literally thousands of extended z polskiego potential professional affiliations for brand dissertation loyalty nurses. In most cases, employers want to know if you belong to any. For example, if you belong to the American Association of fr dissertation Critical Care Nurses or the Emergency Nurses Association, then most employers would like to know this. Include the following information: Affiliation name Your date of admission Offices held Brief description of your role or reason you chose this group over others. 9. Honors/Awards/Special Assignments: As with every other resume, a nurse’s resume should include any honors and awards they’ve received. Examples include honors and awards from school, work, volunteer work, professional affiliations, and loyalty even social clubs.

Nurses should also include any special assignments they were given at work. Essays And Ethics! Did you ever take charge duty? Did you do any scheduling or mentoring? You may choose to place these items under their own heading. However, this isn’t necessary.

You can also add them where applicable throughout the rest of your resume. 8. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! Specific Nursing Education Details: Including the degree you earned (ADN, ASN, BSN, MSN, etc.) is a must. Not including it increases the chances that your resume will be removed from consideration. Synonyme! This is because the information is often required for the resume to move through the process and it isn’t easily attainable by the staffing office. So, they’ll often pass on a resume that doesn’t include the brand, information in favor one that does. Provide at least the following information about your education: Name of school Degree earned Beginning date Completion date City, and essay State. You might also consider adding a description that includes achievements, awards, scholarly organizations and brand dissertation activities, or your GPA if it was really high. Of course, scholastic achievements are more important the earlier you are in your career, so keep that in mind when crafting the education section of your resume. Finally, you may also wish to include details on write a short essay, any continuing education units you’ve taken within the brand loyalty, last 2 years.

Bonus: Are you bilingual? If so, be sure to include it on your resume! According to a recent study from Wanted Analytics, “bilingual” was the second most commonly required skill listed on war in iraq paper, nursing job advertisements. 7. Brand Dissertation! Nursing License and Certification Details: It is highly recommended that you include the following for brazil essay your licenses: License type (LPN, RN, NP, CRNA, etc.) Licensing State/Body Name on brand dissertation, license if different from name on resume License expiration date License number If the essay z polskiego, license is part of the brand dissertation loyalty, Nurse Licensure Compact, then state it clearly. Many people argue that a nursing license number should not be included on a resume as a matter of chains privacy. However, nursing license numbers are a matter of public record. Loyalty! They can be easily obtained from each state’s Board of Nursing using the standard information included on your resume. Extended Essay Z Polskiego! Providing the license number simply makes the recruiter’s job easier.

And in a competitive job market, that could make all the difference in the world. When it comes to certifications, it is highly recommended that you include the following for dissertation every certification you hold: Certification name (BLS, ACLS, PALS, TNCC, etc.) Certifying body (AHA, etc) Expiration date, or date acquired if it has no official expiration date. Unlike most professions, nursing is synonyme conducted round-the-clock. Therefore, it’s best to convey the shifts you’re willing to work on your nursing resume. Are you open to working 8, 10, and/or 12 hour shifts? Are you open to working Days, Mids, PMs, and/or Nocs? You should include this information even if you’re applying for a specific job with a specific shift. You never know if the employer has another opening that is brand loyalty unadvertised which you maybe qualified for.

Moreover, resumes aren’t always submitted to specific job advertisements. In fact, many sources indicate that 80% of all jobs are filled through networking. Write! Including your availability is very helpful for dissertation general job inquiries. In addition, you should indicate your willingness to relocate when applicable. These statements regarding availability can be given their own heading, but it’s best to simply add them to your Professional Summary. The healthcare industry is going electronic. Paper charting will soon be a way of the past. Fr Dissertation! It’s imperative to list any and all Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) experience you have. According to a recent study by Wanted Analytics, “Electronic Medical Record” was the most commonly required skill for nurses listed in brand, nursing job advertisements. “Epic Software” and “Meditech”, popular EMR software packages, were also on the list.

Of course, billing codes are a big part of EMRs. And both ICD10 and ICD 9 are among the most commonly listed skills in job advertisements. So if your scope of practice deals with this in any way, then be sure to extended essay add these to your resume. You may also want to include any other computer experience you have just in case it may be of value to the employer, or to at least demonstrate that you have computer skills if you lack experience with EHRs and EMRs. Signifying the type of facility you worked in tells the loyalty, potential employer a ton about your experience with very few words. You should know the exact designation of iraq research paper all the loyalty, facilities you worked with and if you don’t, now is the time to find out. Short term acute care? Long Term Care? Long Term Acute Care? Senior Nursing Facility?

In addition, if you worked at research paper, a Trauma Hospital, then you should include this on your resume along with the trauma designation (1, 2, 3, etc). If you worked at a teaching hospital, then you should include this information. Such information can be included under the brand dissertation loyalty, specific job description in your resume’s Work History section, or in brazil essay, your resume’s Summary. Brand Dissertation! For example, if the job listing you’re applying for lists trauma hospital experience as necessary or desired, then it’s a good idea to identify your trauma experience in the resume Summary to make it stand out. Include the number of total beds at the facilities you worked at, as well as the number of beds in the specific units on which you worked. Just like the facility type, providing the essay on food and webs, number of beds tells the potential employer a ton about loyalty your experience with very few words.

We regularly saw resumes that listed things like “3 West” as the relativism and ethics, unit. Unfortunately, only people who work at that facility know what that means. Dissertation! Instead, include the type of unit (MS, TELE, ICU, CVICU, ER, LD, etc) in order to convey the essays on skepticism zhuangzi, message. We can’t stress enough how important this is. Also include your caseload. Dissertation! What was the nurse to essay patient ratio in this unit, and how much support was there in the form of LPNs, CNAs, or MAs? Include any other unit specific details as well. Did the unit take trauma patients?

Did the unit routinely deal with overflow from other units? If so, what types of patients were seen from overflow? 1. Brand Loyalty! Specific Details/Duties and Accomplishments Regarding Your Nursing Experience: Up to this point, the focus has been on incidental, although very important, details. But what about the meat of your resume, the job descriptions and extended experiences that make up the bulk of your resume?

When it comes to this, nurses are in the precarious position of dissertation balancing duties with accomplishments. You see, the current standard recommendation for resumes is to make them accomplishment driven. The idea is that you should provide specific accomplishments, as opposed to duties, that illustrate how your work translated into quantifiable and tangible results for your current and previous employers. War In Paper! Advocates of this approach advise against brand dissertation loyalty, listing duties on your resume. However, healthcare employers need to know that you have experience with the highly technical duties that are integral to the job you’re applying for. At the synonyme, same time, they too want to dissertation know about your accomplishments. Therefore, it’s important to include details about the specific day-to-day duties you performed. However, at the same time, you don’t want to fall into the trap of creating a “duties-driven resume”.

Managing this challenge represents a key difference between nursing resumes and essay on food chains general resumes. Before we continue, it’s best to address the 800 pound gorilla in this conversation. Loyalty! Nurses sometimes have hundreds of duties and responsibilities. Brazil Essay! How do you choose which ones to list because you certainly can’t list them all? We hate to brand say it, but including things like, “Provided patient care” is a complete waste of space. It’s simply too general. Brazil Essay! Our experience indicates that many nurses believe that nursing is very similar no matter where you go which may be the reason that such general statements are so often included in nursing resumes. In reality, the differences are stark between various facilities.

For example, the Step-Down Unit at one hospital may not work with Swan-Ganz Catheters while the SDU in another hospital may. With that in mind, here are some general themes to consider when determining the types of duties to include on your resume. This list is brand loyalty not comprehensive, but it should help you understand the level of specificity that we’re talking about: Did you start IVs? Did you administer medications? Which medications? What type of on skepticism relativism zhuangzi patients did you care for? Renal? Cardiovascular? Neuro? Ortho?

Rehab? What was the age range of the patient population you cared for? What specific equipment do you have experience with? Did you read strips? Work with vents? Trachs? Balloon pumps? Swan-Ganz? da Vinci Surgical System? Which industry-wide protocols, processes and procedures are you experienced with? For example, AIDET is among the most commonly listed requirements in dissertation, nursing job advertisements. There are many similar protocols, processes and war in iraq paper procedures throughout the industry, so be sure to make note of those that were used by dissertation your previous employers.

Now, we’re still in the tough spot of brazil essay determining exactly which skills and dissertation duties to include on the resume. First, start by including any duties specifically mentioned in the job description that you have experience with. Next, do some research on the employer in question to find specific details that may help you decide which duties might be important to list. Use the company website, news, and any professional connections you have in brazil essay, an effort to determine the types of patients, processes and brand loyalty procedures common to essay the specific employer in question. Once you have the brand loyalty, duties narrowed down, there are a couple of ways to convey them on your nursing resume. First, you can incorporate the duties into your “accomplishment statements”.

We discuss this approach below. Second, you can simply list out the duties. While this is less preferred, it is sometimes not possible to accomplish any other way. Your summary is a good place for this. For example, you might include the following in your resume summary if you’re applying for a position in the CVICU: Proficient with starting IVs, Intra-aortic balloon pumps, 12-Lead Placements, 12-Lead Interpretation, AICD Insertion, Beta Blockers, Argotroban, Atropine and essay other cardiovascular medications. Bonus: Given the large number of skills and duties nurses are responsible for, you may consider utilizing a “Skills Checklist” during your job search.

Skills Checklists are self assessment tools commonly used throughout the healthcare industry. BluePipes provides members with free access to dissertation loyalty over 100 comprehensive skills checklists that can be completed, saved and downloaded as PDF documents. You can view a sample here. They’re a great way to convey your skills to iraq research potential employers. You might consider uploading them along with your resume when applying for jobs or you can bring them to your job interviews. Considerations for Accomplishments. Now that we’ve covered duties, let’s take a look at brand loyalty, accomplishments. First, you can try to frame duties inside “accomplishment statements” in order to knock them both out at the same time. In other words, offer an explanation about how you achieved results while performing your duties. Again, this isn’t always possible, but here are some considerations: Did you receive recognition or awards from your previous/current employer?

Did your previous/current employer receive recognition or rewards? How did performing your duties contribute to that? When framing accomplishments, it’s also useful to know how your previous and current employers quantified their success as an fr dissertation organization. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! For example, patient satisfaction is typically tracked with programs like HCAHPS or Press Ganey. Did your employer experience improvements with such indicators? How did performing your duties influence that? Next, it’s important to understand how your current and former employers measured your individual performance as this is iraq research paper very helpful when framing accomplishments. Dissertation! Nearly every healthcare employer conducts employee evaluations.

Evaluations typically offer both qualitative and quantitative information that can be leveraged when framing accomplishment statements. Again, you may choose to list specific duties you’re proficient with separate from your accomplishments. War In Iraq! Or, you may choose to frame the duties within your accomplishment statements. Or you may choose a combination of the brand dissertation loyalty, two approaches. On Food Chains! In any case, it’s important to brand dissertation loyalty provide both job-specific duties and accomplishments on your nursing resume. Bonus: Healthcare is very diverse. Many hiring managers would also like to know what other skill sets you have outside of your primary area of expertise. Did you float to the ER or LD units when needed? If so, then you may want to provide some reference to the skills and accomplishments you achieved in these areas. General perspective on nursing resumes. This may seem like a ton of information to incorporate into a standard resume.

However, nursing is not a standard profession and concerns over resume length are becoming antiquated with the advent of Applicant Tracking Systems. Moreover, the push to force nursing and fr dissertation healthcare resumes to brand dissertation loyalty conform to brazil essay the standard format that serves general professionals, like salespeople, is a disservice to brand dissertation loyalty both healthcare professionals and fr dissertation employers. Healthcare professionals often miss opportunities to dissertation loyalty highlight skills and and webs experience that are highly sought after. Brand Dissertation! As a result, healthcare employers often miss out on perfect candidates. This push toward generalized conformity is war in iraq research paper even prevalent on the most popular job boards, like Monster and CareerBuilder, and professional networking services like LinkedIn. Nurses and other healthcare professionals are better served by brand dissertation loyalty industry specific professional networking services like BluePipes. Chains And Webs! For example, BluePipes provides nurses with a profile builder capable of recording healthcare specific career details as well as the brand dissertation, ability to print the profile to PDF as a resume formatted specifically for war in paper healthcare professionals. So it’s like a cloud based resume service.

It also offers several other tools that help nurses manage their careers more effectively and efficiently. Loyalty! As always, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please let us know what you think by posting a comment! 16 Tips To Prepare Your Nursing Resume For Applicant Tracking Systems We’ve spoken to countless nurses and other healthcare professionals who. How to Write the Best Nursing Cover Letter A well crafted nursing cover letter can be just as. Essays On Skepticism Relativism In The Zhuangzi! Nursing Resume Objective or Summary?

Nurses often wonder if they should include an brand dissertation objective or. I am wondering how to list my experience as a maternal-child float RN of 2+ years. I worked 4 different units, all quite different, ranging from mom baby, to peds, peds ed/uc, and brazil essay nicu. How do i go about addressing those different areas and responsibilities and skills, when they all fell under 1 position? Thank you for the information, its very helpful. This site is of so much help to me. thank you, and it is also free. Its amazing, I just can’t appreciate it enough. I was wondering, i am a one year experience nurse at a step down ICU (PCU), I am now looking for a job in an ICU.

The locations and brand dissertation facility i am looking at have nothing for experience nurses, but have a lot of iraq paper positions for new nurses that want to work in ICU. I just want to apply to loyalty the new nurse position and i really don’t mind the pay. Iraq Paper! Now my question is, should i just use my new grad resume with my clinical experience or i should update my resume with my one year experience and apply although the position is for new grads. please i will really appreciate any advise. thanks you. How can I include my Medical-Surgical Certification from brand dissertation ANCC on my resume. Can I include it on my credentials area on top of essays relativism in the my resume – following my name and degree? I ask because the ANCC instructs to do so on their website. I’ll be honest it’s somewhat confusing though, at brand dissertation, least to me.

I plan to war in iraq paper include my Medsurg certification in certification section of my resume where BLS and RN licensure are, etc. I just wanted it to stand out and pop so to speak – as to not have to read on to notice it. On ANCC site, on dissertation, a “How to Display Your Credentials” page they instruct you to include RN- BC (Registered Nurse-Board Certified). Was hoping you could clarify or add something else. Great web site … thanks. Thanks for the inquiry, Jesse, and my sincerest apologies for the delay! Your Medical-Surgical Certification from ANCC is war in paper considered a “National Certification” and dissertation should be listed after your name at the top of your resume and in the Licenses and Certifications section of your resume.

The order for essays on skepticism and ethics zhuangzi listing credential after your name is: Highest Degree Earned State License National Certification Nationally Recognized Honors and Awards. I hope this helps! I have been working out of the acute care setting in public health nursing for 7 years. Brand Loyalty! I have heard over war in research paper and over that because I have been out of the acute care setting for so long that I don’t qualify for a lot of the positions that I have applied for. Admittedly, I have not used many nursing skills for the last 7 years, except for giving immunizations and brand loyalty occasionally drawing blood. I have gotten very weary and feel like I will not be able to find another job, and I am really not happy with my current job. I am unsure of how to make my resume “pop” and have prospective employers want to give me a chance. I am not looking to get back into areas that are highly skilled, but I would not mind getting back into acute care. Any ideas. Kurt, I am an RN at a VA hospital in cardiac telemetry.

One of the biggest hurdles to applying at any VA facility is the fact that USA Jobs is a digital screening tool as much as it is an online application portal. Synonyme! Matching as many keywords in the functional statements for your desired role in loyalty, your application can be the brazil essay, difference between getting an dissertation loyalty interview and being passed over. Synonyme Fr Dissertation! Hope this helps! In your article you talked about whether or not your previous/current employer received recognition or rewards. I’m working on applying for a position that is open for an orthopedic nurse after quitting my previous orthopedic nurse job. The hospital that I previously worked received recognition for their total joint replacement program. Dissertation Loyalty! I was wondering if this would be something that is good to include as part of my resume, considering I was a part of the unit during that time for the hospital’s certification/recognition. If so, how would you go about including that in research paper, without making it seem just a random fact listed and make it more as an accomplishment for myself also since I was a part of that unit/team during that time. Thanks for brand the inquiry, Jessica. Yes, this is definitely something you can include on your resume.

If you feel that you’re not able to write a short on christmas expand in loyalty, a way that adequately describes your role in the achievement, then you may want to expand in your cover letter. On your resume, you might want to couple this team achievement with one of your own that demonstrates you were a key contributor. For example, you might have received an individual award or a high employee evaluation score. You may also want to include this in your summary as opposed to the job description to make it stand out a little more. I hope this helps! I am an experienced OR nurse who has performed in just about every surgery setting from on skepticism in the Open heart to Ophthalmology, outpatient as well as pre-op admitting and recovery In the brand, past I have managed a surgery department at a busy hospital and also ran a surgery center. I have been fortunate to have been able to take off time to stay home and brazil essay be with my children. That being said, I am worried about the brand dissertation, years off and blank space on essays zhuangzi, my resume.

How would you go about filling in the gap? I have volunteered in multiple areas at their schools, from organizing an Emergency Preparedness fair, fundraisers and teaching Compression Only CPR. My license and continuing CEU’s have always rained current. Do you think this will make it difficult for brand dissertation me as I try entering the war in, job setting? I appreciate any suggestions you might have. Thanks for the inquiry. There is no steadfast rule on how to handle this situation, but there are two fundamental approaches to consider. First, you can consider a “Functional Resume.” Functional resumes are resumes that focus on skills instead of brand experiences. In your case, you would focus on all of war in iraq research paper your OR experience. You might have a small section to list your previous employers. or you may even choose to leave it out entirely.

There are many examples of Functional Resumes available on the internet. Second, you could use a traditional chronological resume. In this case, you would list your experience raising the kids as one of the entries in your chronological work history. You could include details on the experiences mentioned in your comment on this blog post. Again, there is dissertation loyalty no right or wrong way. Extended Essay Z Polskiego! Each has its advantages and disadvantages. To answer your question, yes, this situation is always a bit of challenge. However, experienced nurses are in high demand at the moment, so you should be fine. Also, I’m personally inclined to recommend the chronological format. The main advantage of Functional Resumes in this particular case is to draw attention to dissertation loyalty your skills and away from the a short essay on christmas, gap in recent experience. However, employers are going to find the gap no matter what.

So, I think it’s best to embrace it. With the chronological resume, you can still include all the applicable skills. I hope this helps! I have worked in home health and brand loyalty corrections for about 5 years now. I have done a lot of basic nursing ranging from blood draws, interpreting labs, starting IVs, wound care, peritoneal dialysis, picc line care (including using clot busters) and removal. IV anti biotics, med passes small and large including mental health medication passes.

I have responded to chest pain calls, shortness of fr dissertation breath, hangings, falls, knife wounds, self inflicted wounds, and unresponsive patients. I have worked in dissertation loyalty, a corrections hospital with acute and long term patients as well as hospice patients, but it isn’t seen as ER work even though it seems from talking to other nurses that that isn’t so far different than those working in a hospital ER.. Trying to format my resume to brazil essay make my experience fit into what the Veterans Administration would want/be attracted to.. I am a soon to be retiring Military Nurse and will be transitioning to the civilian workforce. How important are listing awards?

I have numerous military awards based on my work ethics and performance on the job, but I am afraid that the general public is not going to have any idea what they are or mean. Also, any good tips on turning military missions into civilian language? Thanks for your service!! I think it’s a great idea to add the awards to dissertation your resume. You could do one of two things. Essay! Simply list them out by brand dissertation loyalty their official name. Essays On Skepticism Relativism In The Zhuangzi! There’s a good chance that the reviewer will search for the award on the internet and find it. Or, you could add a very brief description of the award in brand, parentheses. For example: X Award (earned for valor in action).

Either way, if you have a lot of awards, then you may want to include only the highest ranking awards. War In Iraq Research! If you choose to list many of brand dissertation them, then put them in columns or in a continuous stream separated by commas to save space. Conveying your military experience in civilian language can be challenging if you did not work in a military hospital. My apologies, but I lack the write essay, technical expertise to provide detailed recommendations. That said, I’d recommend reviewing the job descriptions for the jobs you’re applying for dissertation loyalty use them to guide your efforts whenever possible. I hope this helps and war in iraq thanks again!

I have a position working in a “float pool” (we call it the Mobile Unit). Brand Dissertation! The unit is split into two different tracks, med/surg (HV general acuity patients; ortho/urology/gen/gyn surgery; neuro/ENT; Onc [recent unit merge means I don’t float here anymore]; gen med; adult psych; child/adolescent psych; Postpartum (moms and extended essay babies); inpatient rehab) and critical care track (Onc/Med/Surg IMCU; ICU; HV high acuity patients; ER; Neonatal ICU). How do I discuss bed numbers for each unit and descriptions that highlight any specific training I have had to play into each patient population? It seems like there’s no way for brand dissertation me to cover all of z polskiego this detail without leaving a lot out or getting too wordy. I also accepted a critical care position, but have not transitioned yet. My husband just got a job out of state, so we have to relocate, as much as I love my current employer. This is a great question; thanks for posting it here! You’re right, you’re probably not going to be able to convey the broad spectrum of brand dissertation your experience without getting too wordy for iraq your nursing resume. So, you’ll need to offer some general details as well as some specific details.

When it comes to dissertation loyalty specifics, it’s best to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. Find out what they’re looking for and be sure to convey that you have the skill set, or convey relevant details about your experience. Write A Short Essay On Christmas! I believe this is the brand, most important consideration for your resume. When it comes to generalizations, you could offer a description similar to essay on christmas the one you’ve provided here. For example:

I worked on a Mobile Unit, or Float Pool, caring for Med/Surg patients 50% of the time and ICU patients 50% of the brand dissertation, time. The Med/Surg patients included Postpartum, PSYCH, general Med/Surg, and extended z polskiego Neuro/ENT. Dissertation! The ICU patients included ER, NICU and general ICU. Unit sizes varied from essay 5 beds up to 25 beds. You might also try utilizing skills checklists to convey your experience, especially if you make it to dissertation the interview stage. Also, many applicant tracking systems allow applicants to upload documents, so you might be able to upload skills checklists there.

You can complete and brazil essay save skills checklists on brand dissertation loyalty, BluePipes and utilize them at your convenience. I hope this information helps! My husband was an write a short on christmas ICU nurse for 5 years (18 months of that he was an ICU travel nurse) but took 2.5 years off to work in another field. He’s now applying for nursing positions as we prepare to move. Should he address the clinical gap in dissertation loyalty, his resume? With just his last RN job listed, it looks like he last worked in 2013 though he’s been employed as a youth minister since then. How should he handle this? Yes, you should address the essay z polskiego, gap in the resume. Brand Loyalty! It’s fairly common for hospitals to require the synonyme fr dissertation, last 7 years of work history to be included on their job applications. A large percentage of the hospitals I worked with had similar requirements for resumes.

Unfortunately, the brand dissertation, default assumptions when it comes to employment gaps are all negative. Do your best to tie the experience into nursing. I believe most career advisers would recommend the same. I hope this information helps! I am applying for on food and webs RN jobs, but am still waiting to brand dissertation take my boards (will take them within the next 1-2 months).

How should I address this on my resume? You may want to add an excerpt under Licenses and Certifications or your Summary (or wherever appropriate) that provides the fr dissertation, date you’re scheduled to take the exam. Brand! For example: RN: Scheduled for NCLEX on July 9, 2015. I hope this helps! Thank you! I think that’s what i’ll do. For a new graduate of essays on skepticism relativism a second-degree BSN program, would you recommend including GPA (3.9) on a resume? Thanks for the question, Emily! Yes, I recommend adding a great GPA to your nursing resume.

We discuss this in our blog post on new grad resumes and in our blog blog post on job search tips nurses should avoid. Many people argue that your GPA doesn’t matter. They say that all that matters is brand dissertation that you’re licensed. If that were the case, then no details about you as a person, your work ethic, or achievements would matter either. Write A Short Essay On Christmas! And we know that’s not true. It is HIGHLY unlikely that your resume is passed over because you included your high GPA. Brand! Meanwhile, many hospitals and hiring managers love to essay z polskiego see it, and assign value to it. So yes, by brand all means, add it. Fr Dissertation! I hope this helps!

Great work, by the way! I am wondering if I should include phone numbers for my previous employers? If yes, which number should I use – the general number, the dissertation loyalty, unit, or HR? Also, some of my employment history goes back many years and the identifying information(number of beds, etc.) has changed. I do not have the correct information from when I worked there. How should I list this information?

Is there a good way to war in iraq paper find current identifying information for a hospital? Thanks in loyalty, advance for your response. Thanks for posting these great questions! First, there are no set rules for and ethics in the zhuangzi nursing resumes, so you’ll find some disagreement on brand loyalty, almost every resume recommendation. Write Essay! That said, the general rule is that you should not include the contact telephone numbers for dissertation your previous employers on your resume.

In fact, you don’t need to include the complete address either. The city and synonyme fr dissertation state will suffice for dissertation your resume. On a side not, chances are that you’ll be applying for most jobs on the company’s website through an applicant tracking system. These online applications may allow you to enter the telephone numbers and addresses for your former employers. In this case, I always recommend adding every last bit of information you can to your online applications. Again though, that’s separate from your resume. On a another side note: If you are applying for travel nursing jobs, then you should include the telephone numbers and the supervisor names for your previous jobs. In order to extended z polskiego find current information for your former employers, you can use a website like The American Hospital Directory. They have a free hospital profile lookup tool. I recommend using the “advanced search” for best results.

Please note that the dissertation loyalty, links to these pages are underlined in blue. Here you will find the current contact information, number of beds, teaching hospital status, trauma status, etc. If you are unable to locate the information here or if your former employers are not hospitals, then you can simply try a google search for them or try the site. If your former employer does business with Medicare, then they should be in the database with current information…assuming they want to get paid :-). Now, about your older work history. Many resume experts recommend including only the paper, last 10 years of work history on your resume. However, that assumes that your prior experience may no longer be applicable to your current job search. Others argue that you shouldn’t include more than 10 years of work history because you don’t want to brand loyalty date yourself.

They’re concerned about “ageism” in the hiring process. These same people recommend not to research include the brand, dates you attended college. Ultimately, it’s up to you to include this information, I just wanted to brazil essay provide some considerations. I hope this information helps. Please let me know if there are further questions!

Help! I have over 22 years of clinical experience including ICU, hemodialysis, and outpatient surgery ctr (pre and pacu), and for brand loyalty the last 6 years (in addition to essay the 22 years) I’ve been reading electronic charts to extract data and support level of care (I’m told this is utilization review by a friend but we never called it that in dissertation loyalty, work). Now Ive been laid off (it was a large comp layoff). I’m trying to get into on skepticism relativism in the zhuangzi QA, UR, pre cert or case managment. I was told I have a solid resume but I’ve gotten 3 calls in 3 months, I blew the first interview and brand dissertation the next 2, they said they wanted CM experience. What do I need to do to and ethics zhuangzi get into these fields? Any suggestions? We’re sorry to hear about your current situation! It’s always difficult to break into dissertation loyalty an entirely new field.

However, it sounds as though you have some experience to war in research paper build on. Typically, Case Management and Utilization Review require InterQual experience. If you have experience with that system, then be sure to dissertation loyalty include it on your resume. Otherwise, see if you can obtain some training in essay and webs, it. Check with local and state agencies to see if there are any offerings for people in your situation. Also, review the brand, specific details of each job opening and on skepticism relativism in the zhuangzi tailor your resume to include the key requirements where applicable. Check to see if there is a local association that you can network with like the Case Management Society of brand loyalty America for example. Ask anyone you speak with if a Case Management Certification would improve your chances, perhaps even call the people you’ve interviewed with previously to essay see what they say.

If so, look into certification. We hope this information helps! I have been reading through some of this thread and was wondering if you do any resume/cover letter revisions? I can tell you put a lot of useful/productive feedback into your responses and would value your opinion if you were to review a copy of brand dissertation loyalty mine! P.S. When you mention Computer Experience in the article above, do you suggest adding these details under each individual job (under work experience/history) the comp. experience applies to or under a separate section such as the one you have listed as Comp. Experience? Thank you for all your time and essay on christmas effort! Thanks for reaching out! My sincerest apologies, but I do not do resume/cover letter revisions. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! Thanks so much for your interest though.

As for the computer experience, you can add it with any of the methods you described. The important thing is that it’s there. The resume builder on lists computer experience under a separate heading. We do this as way to ensure that members recognize and record it and perspective employers and recruiters are able to easily locate the details on synonyme fr dissertation, the members’ profiles and resumes. Given that EMR experience is becoming such a prevalent requirement, it’s good to have it easily accessible on your resume.

However, it’s also good to add these details under each individual job when creating your own resume. It may not be as easy to locate, but it takes up less space, avoids redundancy, and still presents the information. We hope this information helps! I am currently an RN with 4 years solid experience in a 16 bed transitional care unit. Now I’m trying to move to a more challenging position. Prior to immigrating to America I was a medical doctor for 9 years in ER. Would it be wise to mention that experience? …maybe describing my duties and medical college? I work in a program that enrolls military medic and corpsman and gives credit for dissertation their military experience towards an intensive BSN-RN program. Brazil Essay! My question is what should the graduates highlight on their resumes?

Many have extensive trauma and nursing care experience. Suggestions? Hi! I have a question / concern. I just finished my 2nd year of brand nursing and on paper, a med Surg unit. I have been asked to dissertation loyalty apply to an ICU position and I need to update my resume.

I don’t know what to include. Prior to nursing, I was a surgical tech for 16+ years and active duty for 10 years. I really enjoyed your blog and will refer to brazil essay it when updating my resume! We’re glad to hear the information was useful. Dissertation! Congratulations on being asked to apply for an ICU position. Write A Short On Christmas! That’s a good sign! #128578; Sounds like you have a lot of great experience to dissertation include on your resume. We recommend focusing most attention on your recent experience in MedSurg as it is the most applicable to the ICU role you’ll be applying for.

However, you can also include brief descriptions of your surgical tech and active duty experience as they are certainly desirable experiences. Relate all your work history descriptions to brazil essay the ICU position. To do so, find out as much as possible about the job and dissertation the unit. Chains! We hope this helps!! Oh MY! I’m sooOOO grateful to have found your blog page! I was about to dissertation do my sister a grave disservice –as you’ve mentioned.

Indeed, the brazil essay, day of the one page crammer is passe’. Especially with the value of the keyword in electronic filing. Thanks so very much; you may have saved my Sis’s resume from becoming fodder for the shredder. [[shudder]] We’re glad to hear the information is useful. To be clear, 1 page resumes are still useful, particularly for job fairs or any other instance where the resume will be given directly to an individual. However, in most cases, people are attaching their resume in an Applicant Tracking System. In this case, it’s still good to be brief and choose your words wisely. Brand! Don’t be overly verbose and don’t “keyword stuff.” However, you also shouldn’t be worried about a 2-3 page resume if your background requires it.

Be sure to war in paper tailor the resume’s wording to brand the job posting where applicable based on your background. We hope this helps! Thank you for this article! I realized that my resume was not up to par by reading this. I had many generalized statements, which I have replaced with information on war in iraq, what I really did on the day to day. Dissertation! I recently worked at a hospital for 4 months and resigned due to it not being a good fit. It was a cardiac surgery step down unit, so it gave me experience with tele that I have not had in write on christmas, my 5 years as a nurse.

Should I include it on dissertation loyalty, my resume? You’re welcome! We’re glad to hear you found the information useful. This is a tough question. I assume you’re asking because you’re concerned that the short employment duration might raise some questions in the minds of potential employers. That’s a valid concern. On the flip side, you did gain some valuable experience that would be great to add to your nursing resume. There is on skepticism relativism in the another issue to consider. Hospitals often have strict policies requiring that healthcare professionals provide them with every last bit of the healthcare professional’s employment history.

Omitting a previous job on your employment application could be grounds for dismissal depending on how they have their clauses worded. Of course, this depends on brand loyalty, their ability to verify the omitted employment. This may not necessarily affect you during the candidate review process when your resume is brazil essay typically the brand, document they’re working off of. Synonyme! However, if you land a job offer, then they’ll eventually require an application to dissertation completed. On Skepticism In The Zhuangzi! If you choose to add the omitted job at that point, then you’ll have some explaining to do. Utltimatly, the decision is yours. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! If you choose to add the employment to your resume, then you may want to offer a brief explanation of why you left in your cover letter. It’s all about the story you tell.

We hope this helps. This is all great information but I do have a question. I am a recent BSN grad and licensed RN trying to land my first job. Would you recommend including my preceptorship under clinical experience or as work experience? I have seen it both ways in examples online.

Thanks, Kristin. We’re glad to hear this information on was useful. You’re correct, you’ll find preceptorship experience displayed both ways…under clinical and work experience. To further confuse the issue, some people believe that clinical experience and work experience are one and the same while others believe they are two different things entirely. War In Paper! We view the preceptorship as something akin to a highly advanced internship. For all intents and purposes, it is work experience.

However, it doesn’t constitute a traditional employment relationship. Therefore, feel free to include it under either category on dissertation, your resume, but be sure to on skepticism and ethics clearly indicate that it’s your preceptorship. On a side note, we cannot stress enough the brand dissertation, importance of professional networking when landing your first job. 70%-80% of all jobs are obtained through networking. While your resume is important, networking is the key…especially for new grads. Essay! We hope this information helps.

Best of luck!! Great info – I could have used that for my last job application! Do you have any tips / strategies to prepare for brand loyalty job interviews? I am finding these horribly stressful and hard to get my point across even when I know I’d be really good at the job I’m applying for. Thanks, Heidi! We don’t have any blog posts regarding interviews yet. Thanks for the suggestion. We’ll explore the topic soon. Thank you! This is very informative. Research Paper! Do you have any sample resume and dissertation application letter?

We’re glad to hear the information is useful, Meth! Yes, you can view our sample nursing resume which you can create for free as a member of BluePipes. You can view our recommendations on writing a nursing cover letter. We hope this helps! I LOVE this information! Thank you. Here’s my question.

I have had several careers, all with different education components, dating back to the mid 1980’s. How far back should I go? None relate to my current field (new nursing graduate). War In! It’s been a long time since I’ve actually developed a resume and things have changed…Plus, this career doesn’t match those careers…. Is it appropriate to brand ask a nursing instructor to be a reference? Are references included now-a-days? Many, many thanks! We’re glad to paper hear the information is helpful!! Congratulations on your recent graduation from nursing school! Yes, it’s a great idea to ask an instructor to be a reference.

Unfortunately, your questions regarding what to brand include on your resume aren’t so cut and relativism and ethics in the dry. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! I think it’s fair to say that the vast majority of career consultants would say you shouldn’t put references on a resume. However, if you could get a redeeming quote from a strong reference, like an instructor, to put in your resume summary, then it could be an brazil essay eye catcher. You’re right, things have changed! We recommend reviewing our article on optimizing your resume for applicant tracking systems. However, one thing is as true today as it ever has been…networking is the single best approach to dissertation loyalty landing a job.

We discuss the importance in our article with recommendations for New Grad RNs. It’s tough to recommend that you leave off your past education. I’d say it would be good to chains and webs add any College level education as well as healthcare related education. We hope this helps!! Best of luck! Excellent information! Nursing is a second career for me and trying to put together a winning nursing resume has been a challenge. You are right on the money….the resume I had for my corporate career doesn’t translate well into the healthcare field.

I am currently looking for a new position and brand loyalty realized what I had on my resume wasn’t going to work. I was destined to be one of war in research paper those that got lost in the system. The tips you provided have been so helpful. I feel confident that I am submitting a resume that will get me noticed. Thank you again for providing such valuable information.

Congratulations on your new career path! We’re so glad you found this information useful. Brand! We wish you the best of luck in your job search. We hope you’ll consider joining where you can create a resume, access skills checklists for free, and build your healthcare professional network. Please excuse my shameless sales pitch #128578; Please let us know if we can help with any questions. I have read this post with great interest. Due to a job opportunity for write a short essay on christmas my husband, we moved from KS to PA in 2012. Dissertation! Even securing an essay z polskiego interview has been daunting! I have gotten some feedback from dissertation ‘ recruiters’ in a large hospital in essays on skepticism relativism and ethics in the zhuangzi, Pittsburgh, which was to be sure to apply to the job requirements, which interestingly were two pages long.

How is that possible? The other problem I suspect I have is the fact I have more than 20 years as a registered nurse. It seems the loyalty, practice of the three major ‘players’ in this area, is to lay off their experienced nurses, in favor of brazil essay hiring new grads and those with ‘ at least a year experience’. I did secure an interview which ended favorably; just short of brand dissertation loyalty a job offer. The next step at this particular hospital required by the nurse recruiter, was to extended z polskiego list ALL OF MY EXPERIENCE. I have been in nursing since 1974! LPN in 1977 and brand dissertation loyalty BSN in 1989. When she responded to brazil essay my email outlining all this information, which took me more than 2 hours to complete, was ‘we want to make certain we give you recognition for brand all the years you have been a nurse. Relativism In The! AND, that was the last I heard from them. I contend she realized I would have to loyalty start at the upper end of compensation for my experience. Do you know of iraq research anyone who may be advocating for the ‘older nurse?’ Never thought I would use those words to describe myself… I am so much more than my age.

I am effective, reliable, comprehensive in my assessments, professional role model and brand dissertation loyalty delightful as a team member. Research! Please give me some feedback relating to these concerns. I am ready to consult with the department of labor regarding this ‘alleged practice’ to decrease costs per fte.I think it’s a shame! really good information here! I was updating my resume as I was reading your tips – will definitely share with friends and collegues. Thank you so much! Hello, This was very thorough advice. I’ve yet to brand figure how to be concise yet detailed with these tips in mind. I have almost 2 years experience in In-Patient Psychiatry and SNF just because those were the two jobs I landed. War In! However, I always wanted to do LD or NICU. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! I did my preceptorship in 2011 in LD.

How can I use my experience and make it appealing for LD again? We’re glad to hear that you found the write essay on christmas, information useful! You can view the BluePipes sample resume to get an idea for formatting yours. Please bear in mind that our site generates a PDF document and you could get more compact results with a word processor like Microsoft Word. Also, you might be interested in reading our post on resume length. You can find creative ways to brand dissertation translate your Psych and SNF experience to NICU and synonyme L#038;D. Brand Loyalty! However, you most likely won’t be able to research address the unique technical skills required for these units. You could look for volunteer opportunities working with pregnant women and brand newborns in your community. While it’s always tough to extended z polskiego find time to volunteer, you’ll be doing a great service for your community and getting some relevant experience to dissertation loyalty add to your resume. Thank you for this very interesting article.

I have been an RN for 9 years; 4 years at the bedside and and ethics 5 years in dissertation, a hospital-based surgical practice doing outpatient, telehealth and some inpatient care. I would like to transition back to chains the bedside but feel that my lack of brand dissertation direct patient care over the last 5 years may be hamstringing me. How can I turn this perceived negative into extended essay z polskiego a positive and at least get through the front door of the loyalty, interview process? You’re welcome, we hope you found the article useful. Yours is a legitimate challenge that many nurses share. Essay! With respect to your resume, you should focus on demonstrating how your recent experience translates to loyalty bedside nursing. While we’re not familiar with your specific scenario, we’re certain that there are aspects of your experience with outpatient, telehealth and inpatient care that translate to bedside nursing. Carefully review the job duties and qualifications of bedside nurses, and not just those found in the job descriptions of essays in the online job postings, to get ideas for dissertation framing your recent experience in a way that applies to bedside nursing. Next, focus on writing an excellent nursing cover letter in which you present yourself as a solution to the problems facing the employer in question. Of course, you’re still going to have some difficulties ranking highly in the applicant tracking system due to the lack of recent bedside experience. Therefore, networking is a must.

Nearly 40% of all new-hires are the result of essays on skepticism in the zhuangzi employee referral. With 9 years of experience, you’re bound to have some connections and now is the time to leverage them. We realize this type of job searching can feel unorthodox, but its success rate is too good to neglect it. Dissertation Loyalty! Use professional networking sites like BluePipes and LinkedIn to enhance your networking efforts. Finally, we’ve spoken to many nurses who tout the brazil essay, benefits of brand dissertation loyalty refresher courses for bedside nursing.

While we aren’t familiar with such courses, the fact that many nurses recommend them is an indication that they should be further researched as a potential tool when facing your challenge. Essays Relativism And Ethics! We hope this information helps…and Good Luck!! i have a question regarding applying to nursing positions. I am a new grad RN and brand loyalty have several nursing job applications that have been under review for essay over a month. Last week I became certified in ACLS and was wondering how to go about informing the brand dissertation, hospitals that I am waiting to hear back from that I am newly certified in essay on food, this skill, since it is not on my resume that they have on file (that I originally sent in). Congratulations on your recent achievements! This is a great question. You may be able to log in to the hospitals’ applicant tracking systems (the online system you most likely used to apply) and dissertation update your resume and/or profile. Either way, you may also want to research give them a call, ask for the staffing office and pose this question to the representative you speak with. We find that hospitals are quite responsive to candidate inquiries relative to dissertation other employers.

We hope these recommendations help, and we’d love to hear back about what actions you take and how they work out. Good luck! I completely disagree that availability should be included on the resume. Essay Z Polskiego! When a nurse applies for a position it is dissertation usually clear what hours that he/she is essays applying to brand work. I actually think it’s a bit juvenile to synonyme fr dissertation put availability on your resume. What I do think that many nurses omit is a well-crafted cover letter to accompany their resume. The additional touch of a thoughtful and appropriate cover-letter can help give you an edge over other applicants who omit this step. Brand! I found some good details on brazil essay, cover letters for brand dissertation loyalty nurses here: . Thanks for war in iraq paper the feedback, Brittney. Dissertation Loyalty! Including availability on a nursing resume is important for many reasons. First, the job applied for isn’t the only job available, and most jobs are never advertised so candidates will never really know about all of the available jobs with a particular employer. Second, job specs don’t always display every last pertinent detail.

With respect to availability, this can mean that a job advertised for day shifts might in-fact be for mid shifts, or pm shifts. This happens frequently when the essay, job board technology limits the employer’s ability to accurately display the shifts. Third, job specs often change on the back-end and brand are never updated on on skepticism and ethics in the zhuangzi, the front-end. So a job that’s advertised for dissertation loyalty days may have changed to nights without being updated on the job board. Fourth, due to the proliferation of applicant tracking systems, resumes are added to a searchable database these days. So resumes are searchable for future job openings. Extended Essay! Finally, recruiters will almost always contact the loyalty, candidate with the most attributes in common with any given job description. So in all of the war in research, scenarios described above, a recruiter will be more prone to contact the candidate with matching availability assuming all else is equal. Finally, it’s true that nursing resumes should always be tailored for a specific job description when a specific job is being applied for. However, a plurality of jobs are filled via networking and referrals. In such cases, it’s rare that a specific job is being applied for.

Instead, a candidate passes their resume along to dissertation loyalty a contact who has connections with the employer in essay on food, question. The resume is reviewed for potential matches with available jobs and the candidate is contacted. Again, availability is one detail that recruiters and hiring managers are looking for. Lastly, we agree that cover letters are important and related to this topic. Brand Dissertation! However, they necessitate their own discussion and we plan on addressing this in a future blog post. This is great information! As a new graduate RN with no prior experience in synonyme fr dissertation, the healthcare field what would you recommend? I have over brand loyalty 4 years in retail but I’m not sure if this would make much of a difference for fr dissertation recruiters. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks! Hi there!

Wow this information is great! Although I’m still an dissertation undergraduate, I find this site very helpful for tips to keep in mind when applying for a job! I just had a concern that may affect my decision within the Nursing field… For a while, I was thinking of minoring in something in addition to Nursing that I can apply to the work field. I know that computer knowledge is z polskiego a great booster for brand dissertation loyalty a resume, but I wanted to synonyme know if there were any other skills hospitals are looking for in their RNs? Thank you again for the detailed explanations! Thanks, Michele!

We’re glad you found the information useful! Yes, computer knowledge is a great booster for the resume. You can look into Health Care Informatics as an brand dissertation option for brazil essay a minor or additional coursework. Brand Dissertation! You may also consider Healthcare Management or Administration, Nutritional Sciences, Biology, Sign Language, or Spanish. Iraq Research! In fact, Spanish is dissertation loyalty a huge selling point these days. As a side note: make the synonyme fr dissertation, absolute most of your preceptorship. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! Be at your best and paper use the opportunity to network with everyone you can. Dissertation! We hope this information helps!! Please let us know if you have any other questions. This is great information!

Thank you! I am wondering though, as a RN with 1 year of experience in the CVICU, trying to move, with most places wanting more experience than that for hire, how should I market myself? I have done all of these critical care elements, but just not a ton of it. Before nursing school, I was a critical care telemetry tech for fr dissertation 3 years and a hospital pharmacy tech of 3 years as well as a SNE(student nurse extern) during school. Because it is not nursing, but healthcare related, should I include it in my resume? It seems juvenile but pertinent to dissertation loyalty add some experience. Thanks!

We’re happy to hear you found the information helpful, Dashia! You pose an excellent question regarding the inclusion of non-RN healthcare experience on extended, your resume. Dissertation! There isn’t a steadfast rule, unfortunately, and you’re going to find that some people will say yes and some people will say no. Essay Chains! I fall in dissertation loyalty, the yes camp and believe you should include all healthcare related experience on your resume for several reasons. First, it demonstrates progression within the general field of healthcare. Second, it conveys additional experience within the field that other candidates may not have. Third, in many cases (and certainly in your case) the experience is related to the jobs you’re applying for.

Fourth, it may help you stand out from other candidates with otherwise similar experience. Brazil Essay! Fifth, unbeknownst to many candidates, many hospitals require your last 7 to dissertation loyalty 10 years of war in research work history regardless of whether or not it was healthcare related. While this requirement doesn’t factor into their candidate selection process, they will certainly collect the information at dissertation loyalty, some point during the fr dissertation, hiring process. Finally, it may help your resume rank higher in applicant tracking systems. I hope this information helps! This information is very helpfull. Hi. I obtained an MD degree overseas before I even started getting licensed here as RN.

I was told it would not help or matter anymore if I include that in my resume. What would you suggest? Hey Liza, I hope all is well. I recommend including your overseas education. I agree that it most likely will not influence the initial resume screening process. However, it could have influence later in the process.

You may not want to make it a significant part of your resume, but I think including it is better than not. It certainly enhances your personal story. Do you have an example resume? Hey Michaele, My apologies for the delay. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! We’ve been busy transferring our blog to synonyme fr dissertation this new domain. Dissertation Loyalty! We do not have an example nurse resume that we’re able to publish to the blog at this time. However, we will work on getting one up soon. Also, I recommend becoming a member on BluePipes where your professional profile will allow you to record the top 10 details recommended for nursing resumes in this article.

You can then print your BluePipes profile as a resume. Thanks so much!! This clarifies a lot for write essay on christmas me. I am a new LPN attempting to brand dissertation start my career in a new state and have read a lot of advice on that is wrong. I’ll take the advice of write a short on christmas a recruiter over dissertation general opinions anytime. Most on the other sites were saying NEVER to include your license # details until you actually get a job offer. Then I just applied to one that specifically asked that I provide that info as well as any certifications on my resume in order to fr dissertation be considered. Dissertation! I was hesitant since all the threads warn of brazil essay protecting it at all cost due to identity theft?

I’m glad you clarified this and some other points. I do have one question that is not addressed in your article. If you are continuing your education to receive your BSN or MSN for example would mentioning that on your resume make a candidate more desirable to potential employers or would you leave that off? Hey Aimee, I’m glad to hear that you’ve found the information useful. Great question!! I think it’s a great idea to brand dissertation loyalty add your education in progress to your resume.

I recommend including an essay z polskiego estimated completion date and perhaps even the number of units completed to date. There are several reasons adding your education in progress could be beneficial. First, it could result in a higher ranking by the Applicant Tracking System. Second, it shows that you’re interested in advancing your knowledge and your career. Third, it demonstrates your own personal motivation. As for the identity theft claims: Your license number is brand dissertation a matter of public record already. Anybody can go to your state board of nursing and search by name to verify your state license, which includes the license number. Essays Zhuangzi! So, even letting someone know your name, that you’re a registered nurse, and brand dissertation loyalty the state you’re licensed in provides the means to easily obtain your license number. Synonyme Fr Dissertation! Providing it on your resume simply allows the human resources rep to skip this step. Which increases the chance that your resume will be passed up the chain.

And remember, you’re attaching your resume in dissertation, secure Applicant Tracking Systems, many of which also ask for your Social Security Number and Date of Birth (although some states prohibit employers from asking for write SSN on job applications). I recently completed my ADN, passed the NCLEX, and now I am working on my resume. I already have a BA and MSW, which I will include on my resume, but I am wondering how I can state that I intend to pursue a BSN, although have not yet applied and don’t have credits towards the degree. Thanks for brand your advice. Congratulations on essay on food and webs, your recent achievements! You pose a great question regarding RN resumes, one for which there is no steadfast answer. Dissertation Loyalty! My belief is that it wouldn’t be appropriate to include the information in the Education section of your resume because you haven’t yet been accepted to a BSN program. However, you could certainly add it there once accepted to a program. Until then, you could make brief mention of this information in your nursing resume summary. On Food Chains And Webs! We hope you find this response useful.

Please feel free to post any follow-up or additional questions you may have. Good luck!! I have an additional question regarding previous education that I haven’t seen asked by anyone. I’m an brand older new grad. I recently had someone look at extended essay z polskiego, one of my resumes and give me her input.

She deleted all but my nursing education (Associates Degree). Brand Dissertation! In some ways I think it’s not a bad idea since the previous education dates me if I include the years I attended (which I don’t but suppose that omission might make HR wonder). Synonyme Fr Dissertation! On the other hand, I attended highly regarded universities for undergrad and grad studies, not to mention it shows I have a Bachelors even though it’s not in the sciences. It seems like the RN to BSN courses are more human and dissertation loyalty social science courses, rather than science courses, however, and that is the iraq research, majority of my BA. OK… That’s some background info, now I’ll get to the point #128578; I know that resumes should cover only the last 10 years of employment history. Do you think this ‘rule’ also applies to education? Should I leave it to discuss in brand dissertation, an interview (as recommended by the person who revised my resume)? I’m feeling very conflicted about this. The new resume doesn’t feel like me, my degrees can be related to the psycho-social aspect of nursing, and when you fill in the online application portion they ask for iraq all education (although you usually have to add on education). I would greatly appreciate your insight and recommendation.

My sincerest apologies for the delay. Congratulations on your recent graduation! This is a tough situation. Both sides of the argument have merit. Moreover, there really aren’t any steadfast rules about resumes…only staunch opinions. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! To me, your nursing resume and cover letter are all about telling your story in a way that convinces the reader you’re the right person for the job while providing them with the details they need.

Personally, I’d keep the education details on the resume, and use a brief portion of the cover letter to tie that education into the story about war in iraq paper you being the best candidate for the job in question. Dissertation! Given the information you’ve provided about brazil essay your previous education, it sounds as though you have a great opportunity to dissertation do just that. Again, there is no right or wrong answer here. You may even try it both ways. Some readers will appreciate it one way and other will appreciate it another. However, I’m of the belief that all education is essays on skepticism relativism and ethics in the valuable.

I hope this information helps. We’d love to hear back about how it all works out!!

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Free Essays on brand dissertation Louis Xiv Absolutism. March 13, 2012 World civ honors Absolutism and Democracy The most effective form of government in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is Absolutism . Absolutism was the most effective form of government according to brazil essay King James I of England in 1609, King Louis XIV of France in 1660, and Machiavelli. Compare and brand dissertation loyalty, Contrast Absolutism in extended essay Fran. and Contrast France and Roman Absolutism Absolutism is the acceptance of, or belief in absolute principles in political, philosophical, ethical, or theological matters. French absolutism started with Louis XIV and Russian absolutism started with Peter the Great. Louis XIV ruled from 1643-1714 and Peter. Kangxi vs. Louis XIV - Absolutism Absolute monarchy or absolutism means that the brand, sovereign power or ultimate authority in essays on skepticism in the zhuangzi the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right. Kangxi and brand, Louis XIV were both shining examples for absolutist rule. Age of Absolutism was between. LOUIS XIV OF FRANCE AND ABSOLUTISM QUESTION: In Louis XIV’s view, what were the qualities of an effective monarch?

In his opinion, what were the main obstacles to essay absolute rule? Louis XIV is known as being one of the brand, most remarkable monarchs in history. He reined for on food chains, seventy-two years (1643-1715). ? Louis XIV : The Greatest King of France Shadi Zaker Ms. Piperias CHY 4U1 Tuesday December 17th, 2013 A country like France has developed over many years and continues to flourish.

French history is well known to countless people for the reason being the loyalty, famous blood. Hope, a balloon rabbit, two children playing, and a life-size bust of Louis XIV . Essay. Koons himself states that the collection is a commentary on art and brand dissertation, society as a whole: “On one end I had Bob Hope, and on the other end, I had Louis XIV . A Short Essay On Christmas. But I was really trying to brand loyalty show the history of art since the French. ? Louis XIV L'Etat, c'est moi. Louis is the embodiment of an absolute monarch. Write Essay. He is the chief example of absolutism throughout the dissertation, second half of the 17th century. Greed is defined in war in paper the dictionary as selfish and grasping desire for possession; especially of wealth for one self’s benefit.

It is. ? Louis XVI and the French Revolution John Hardman, a biographer of Louis XVI, argues that the brand, king at the time of the French Revolution fails to live down to his abysmal reputation. Synonyme Fr Dissertation. Louis XVI of France wearing a phrygian cap, drinking a toast to the health of the sans-culottes.The reputation of Louis. nobility. Loyalty. Minister under Louis XIII Duc de sully- French minister under henri iv. Henri IV- Born catholic but converted to Protestantism. Extreme religious TOLERATION (PARIS IS WELL WORTH A MASS). Edict of Nantes- 1598.

Religious toleration for all Protestants. Revoked by Louis XIV under Edict of write Fontainebleau. helpless victim of fortune. Marie Antoinette was given a complete new lifestyle at age fourteen. She was married off to Austria’s enemy, France, and Louis the 16th was only sixteen years old, to form an dissertation loyalty, alliance. Because of this hatred from the French people, she quickly gained the nickname 'L'Autrichienne'.

The Glorious Revolution of write a short essay on christmas 1688-1689. becoming merely a satellite state, under the control of an all-powerful Catholic monarch, (in the era of the Glorious Revolution, identified with Louis XIV of dissertation loyalty France). This conspiracy theory was given credibility by the existence of zhuangzi some genuine catholic subterfuge, most notably the Gunpowder Plot of. Absolute monarchy is when one person has all the brand dissertation, power and nobody else is more powerful than him except God. According to document 2 it shows Louis XIV controlling everyone with strings. He’s doing that because he was an extended, absolute monarch. Dissertation Loyalty. He called himself ‘The Sun King”. He had the palace of Versailles. leader and country they are adopted by.

Pros of essay absolutism are that if the ruler has the people’s best interest at heart then he will lead the state effectively toward a better future. Brand Dissertation. Also decisions can be made in a short period of time. The cons of absolutism , which was adopted by France, Austria, Prussia. 11 October 2011 Louis XIV and Absolutism Over the past hundreds of years, many monarchs have used absolutism to rule over their nations. Brazil Essay. Louis XIV used absolutism to keep his subjects loyal to him. Loyalty. There were many different aspects in Louis’s absolutism including fear and essay and webs, power. Louis created different. to Crisis: Absolutism By: Gavin Conrad, Hunter Quilici, Emily Wetherington and Gerald Talbott Absolutism 1. Absolutism - the acceptance of or belief in absolute principles in political, philosophical, ethical, or theological matters. 2. Example - France is the best example of brand loyalty absolutism in the early.

Research Essay Absolute rulers like Louis xiv and Peter the Great strengthened there countries butweakened them economically. They made great improvements to the armies and social aspects of the kingdom. But when they were improving all of these things it ended up costing them a great. a lot of historical events deeply rooted. Different events had changed the country and the history: a long period of kings’regime (Francois 1er, Louis XIV called “Sun king”. ), the French revolution to access to freedom and liberty, French colonization. France is also multi-ethnical country due to.

Ethical and Cultural Relativism Compared and Contrasted with Ethical Absolutism. or practices are ethical or not we are introduced to three theories that are most relevant: ethical relativism, cultural relativism, and ethical absolutism . Standards of conduct differ from society to society, therefore there can never be a single standard that dictates what is ethical and what is not. Dr. L. Swart European History Oct. 29, 2008 Question: Louis XIV declared the synonyme, goal was: “One King, one law, one faith.” Analyze the methods the king used to dissertation achieve this objective and discuss the extent to which he was successful.

Absolutism is a political system that concentrated power in the hands. evolution from 985 to 1947. Charlemagne's son, Louis I (emperor 814–840), kept the empire united; however, this Carolingian Empire would not survive his death. In 843, under the Treaty of on food chains and webs Verdun, the empire was divided between Louis ' three sons, with East Francia going to Louis the German, Middle Francia to Lothair. place from 1789 to loyalty 1799 was a crucial period in the history of French, European and Western Civilizations. The uprising that brought the fr dissertation, regime of King Louis XVI to its end is known as the French Revolution. This was the phase, when absolute monarchy was overthrown and Republicanism took its place. During. Dance at Court: the Use of brand Dance and Opera at the Cort of Versailles Under the Sun King. Before Louis was even born, France was struggling with disintegration despite the efforts of CardinalRichelieu for cultural unity by regulation of fr dissertation language and literary expression. The king, Louis XIII had been very sickly his whole life, struggling with tuberculosis, and by 1637, his health began its.

How successful was Louis XIV in achieving religious unity in France in the years 1661-1715? ?How successful was Louis XIV in achieving religious unity in France in the years 1661-1715? (24 marks). For Louis XIV , achieving religious unity in dissertation France was of major concern as it was a challenge to his absolutism . Relativism And Ethics In The Zhuangzi. Being a devote Catholic, Louis wanted to unite France under Catholicism as the presence. Marsilio Ficino Sandro Botticelli Heinrich Isaac Pico della Mirandola 5. (TCO 1) Who was known as the Sun King? (Points : 5) Charles II Louis XIV Henry IV James I 6. (TCO 2) During the early 18th century, which of the following areas was most closely associated with London’s very poor. Turning Points: the French and Russian Revolutions.

the mid-1600s, Louis XIV aimed to glorify France and did so by fighting a series of wars, spending loads on troops and arms. His personal palace, Versailles, which was built in dissertation loyalty 1661, cost $100 Million dollars. His insane spending left the country heavily in debt. In 1774, Louis XV died and left. It is said that Louis XIV proclaimed I am the essays on skepticism relativism and ethics zhuangzi, state! Whether or not he really said it is debatable, but the meaning of such a statement is clear. Through the course of the 17th Century various regimes across Europe began to model their states of off the very theme of I am the state,; that is, the. often associated with the palace of Versailles, which was built Louis XIV . In the production of this grand structure there was no cost spared. It became a symbol of France, and a model by which all other palaces would be judged.

Louis XIV received a great deal of criticism from onlookers as he used. “ Deficit Would Not Have Produced the Revolution, but in loyalty Concurrence with the Price of research Bread. the social tensions of France in dissertation loyalty a tremendous explosion was the synonyme fr dissertation, bankruptcy of the brand, monarchy. The Royal finance was inadequate since the essay, reign of Louis the xiv , and finally succumbed under the burden of the American War of Independence. The end of the war left the brand, monarchy with a burden of debt in the region. Curriculum Vitae Michael S. Kimmel. EDUCATION: B.A.

Vassar College, with distinction, l972. Extended Z Polskiego. M.A. Brown University, l974. Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1981. dissertation: Absolutism and its Discontents: Fiscal Crisis and dissertation loyalty, Political Opposition in Seventeenth Century France and England AWARDS: Carnegie Scholars Program, 2004-6. into the streets.

The National Guard, a citizen militia of bourgeois Parisians, defected from King Louis -Philippe, and the army garrison stationed in Paris joined the revolutionary protesters as well. Synonyme. Louis -Philippe attempted reform, but the workers rejected the halfhearted changes. The king fled and brand dissertation, the. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. country for the best. Louis XIV was born in France in 1638. Extended. He took the throne as king at the tender age of four years old in 1643. It wouldn’t be until he was twenty-three were he would take personal control of his empire due to the death of his Prime Minister. Louis ruled France for brand dissertation loyalty, seventy-two. The Navigational Acts of the English and write a short essay, French from 1650.

and West Africa respectively and thus impaired the profit margin of their trading companies. Brand Loyalty. In France, Colbert, the on food, financial minister of Louis XIV , surmised that there was a particular amount of trade available in dissertation the world.[12] This was due to the mercantilist view that was still prevalent in. ? Louis XIV , King of France A man of many women and children By Brendan J. Herger Louis XIV , King of France a Man of many Women and children While the essays relativism, reign of Louis XIV is well noted for dissertation loyalty, many commendable achievements-a more united, stable France, the palace at Versailles, and a court that. national government and brazil essay, the monarchy, this age in European history is generally called the Age of Absolutism (1660-1789). Brand Dissertation Loyalty. It begins in the reign of Louis XIV and ends with the French Revolution. Synonyme. The way Louis XIV ruled France, provided a model for other absolute monarchs.

The Enlightenment was a foreshadowing. She was born in Austria on November 2, 1775. Her arranged marriage to Louis XIV was for the Franco-Austrian alliance, which some people didn’t seem to agree with. When she was 16, she moved from Austria to France and Married Louis XIV . She was 20 when she took the throne as queen. France and America showed. Marsilio Ficino Sandro Botticelli Heinrich Isaac Pico della Mirandola 1. Brand Dissertation. (TCO 1) Who was known as the Sun King? (Points : 5) Charles II Louis XIV Henry IV James I 1. (TCO 2) During the early 18th century, which of the following areas was most closely associated with London’s very poor? (Points. Who Was the Better Leader, Louis Xiv or Peter the Great? October 10, 2012 Who was the better leader, Louis XIV or Peter the Great? ---A Better France Under the Rule of Sun King: Louis XIV Louis XIV and z polskiego, Peter the Great were two of the most famous absolutism monarchs in Europe. In my point of view Louis XIV did a better job as a leader. In the 17th century. and his brother were New Englanders who were converted under the preaching of Whitefield; became Baptist * * * Chapter 5 * * - Louis Joliet- French explorer; launched from dissertation, Green Bay in 1673; went with Jacques Marquette * * -Jacques Marquette- a Jesuit priest; canoed down.

? Louis XIV An absolute monarch is a ruler who governs alone and is not restrained by laws, or a constitution. Write A Short Essay. Absolutism is the belief that one ruler should hold power within a country. This could be caused by war , religious conflicts, or simply people wanting stronger leaders or protection of some. Absolutism in France versus Constitutional Monarchy in England. The political, economic, religous and social effects on England and brand loyalty, France. whether growth or decline, this change was drastic. After Elizabeth I died at essays relativism zhuangzi the turn of the century, James I took the throne of England and dissertation, took absolutism with him. He and the next five successors would oversee the growth of England from an erratic, absolutist monarchy to a working, stable Constitutional. The Crisis of the 1780s, the Aristocratic Revolt and the Origins of the French Revolution. the royal state lurched into war in iraq, financial crisis after 1783, the changing economic and cultural structures of brand dissertation French society conditioned responses to Louis XVI’s pleas for assistance, Increasing costs of war, maintaining an expanding court and bureaucracy, and servicing a massive debt impelled the monarchy.

? Absolutism In the course of the 17th century, absolutistic regime spread, with varied degrees of success, across much of Continental Europe. Z Polskiego. In most countries, absolute monarchy became the form of the government. In England, although the monarch had no absolute power, its parliament, a governing body. War for Independence, so they needed to end the nobility’s tax exemption. Everyone was pushing back against the absolute monarchy established by Louis XIV , but now being operated by his tension-ball heirs. However, you can’t understand what happened unless you realize that France was a huge electrical. Louis XIV : The Sun King “I am the state.” This quote refers to why Louis XIV was called The Sun King. Louis took the sun as the symbol of his power. He stated, “Since the sun stands at the center of the solar system, The Sun King stands at the center of the nation.” Louis XIV ruled France from brand dissertation loyalty, 1643-1715.

during a period known as the Enlightenment. Their extreme views and brazil essay, ideas made the people of brand dissertation loyalty France, who were being governed under the synonyme fr dissertation, absolute monarch Louis XVI, begin to question society, the dissertation loyalty, monarch and religion, and although not all of them apposed absolute monarchy, what they wrote sparked off an age. Confederate States side the battle was headed by Major General Alexander P. Stewart. Major General George H. Extended Essay Z Polskiego. Thomas was in brand dissertation loyalty charge of only war in research one group: XIV Army Corps. Major General Alexander P. Stewart was in charge of brand dissertation loyalty five groups: Bate’s and Johnson’s Brigades, Stewart’s Division, Hardee’s Corps, the Army. Catherine, Frederick and on food, Louis - Unenlightened Tyrants in dissertation loyalty an Enlightened Age. CHY 4U - Modern Western Civilization - The West and the World Catherine, Frederick and Louis - Unenlightened Tyrants in an Enlightened Age It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both. -- Niccolo Machiavelli, - The Prince The Enlightenment is touted by modern historians as a time of. Me as a Mirror in research paper the Hall of Mirrors. I am a mirror. I know it is a bit odd but I have a great story to dissertation loyalty tell. It is of a great man, the king of France, Louis XIV , the sun king.

I am no ordinary mirror, but one of mirrors in the hall of essays in the mirror and brand dissertation loyalty, not only that I am the first one. I was made by on food chains, glass maker who never made a mirror before. three large European nations colonizing America, attempted to make themselves allies with Native Americas for support in brand loyalty helping them expand. King Louis XIV of France was able to centralize the monarchy’s power like never before, and strengthened everything in preparation for further colonization in essay America. Moral Relativism and Absolutism Morality is the glue that holds society together. It dictates our actions, beliefs and behaviours in order to promote harmony.

In a sense it defines and brand dissertation, separates the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ 4. However, it should not be confused with the law’s ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. Essay Chains. Although. Response paper 2 Louis XIV I read many fascinating things in chapter 21. During the dissertation, times between 1550 and write a short on christmas, 1750, absolutism spread across Europe and Asia. Even in the Muslim world, people were claiming their power was from god directly. France was ruled by the great King Louis XIV , who referred to. Brief History of Haute Couture Haute Couture has come a long way since the days of Louis XIV who promoted French fashion through Fashion Dolls. The fashion history of Haute Couture truly began in France in the 18th century with couturier Rose Bertin as Minister For Fashion and continued with. following years. Brand Dissertation. ** Louis and Toussaint* Jamaica remained relatively uninvolved in the events taking place on Hispaniola, despite requests by essay on food chains, the governor and settlers for help. Jamaica provided aid, but sent no forces to the island until 1793 when French King Louis XIV was killed. After that the.

In reference to our text, The French Revolution of 1789 can be linked to a number of factors. First, the growing resentment of royal absolutism and an out of loyalty control aristocracy. Second, The growing influence of brazil essay enlightenment ideas. Third, severe food shortage in the years immediately prior to the. Revolution was the anointing of humanity. (Hugo). The king who reigned before Louis XVI was his grandfather Louie the dissertation, XIV who spent too much money during his reign and caused the government to essay and webs go into a downward spiral. Louis XVI followed in his grandfathers path and continued to not cut down on his expenditures. about 3:30 minutes. Political Alliances 1. Why did Louis XIV build Versailles outside the city limits of Paris? – He wanted to put distance between his subjects and himself 2. How old was Louis XVI when he married? – He was 15 years old 3. Why did Louis and Marie marry? – Their marriage created a political. Staging Absolutism The Model for Absolute Royal Authority began with absolute monarchy during the fifteenth century in Europe. The ultimate goal of dissertation maintaining power and wealth was the primary focus for the rulers of Spain, France, Italy and Germany.

The strategies developed by kings and nobility. absolute monarchy making it a centralized government. One absolute monarch was Louis XIV who was well respected and ruled for seventy years. The building of Versailles and usage of propaganda directed by Chapelain made Louis the XIV more powerful and made the French nation to synonyme fr dissertation gain strength. Brand Loyalty. However, This. intuitions. He was against Absolute Monarchy stating that ‘Man is born free, but today he is everywhere in chains’ . Charles Louis de Montesquieu was noted for his contempt of absolutism and was amongst the earliest critics of this.

He had a great respect for English liberty which he encountered during extensive. Revolution Thomas Jefferson - American author of the essays relativism zhuangzi, Declaration of Independence; drew heavily from Enlightenment political philosophy Enlightened Absolutism In the later years of the loyalty, Enlightenment, absolute monarchs in several European countries adopted some of the ideas of Enlightenment political philosophers.

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Composing for Film and Television MMus. This course is designed for composers aspiring to work in the media industry and wanting to learn more about techniques for composing and dissertation loyalty producing music for film and TV. Taught by experienced professional film/TV composers, it provides an opportunity to collaborate with filmmakers and animators, as well as the chance to write for ensembles. Find out essays, more about our postgraduate music courses: The curriculum is enriched by loyalty a broad view of musical styles and genres, exploiting the diversity of a repertoire that encompasses Western classical music, popular and world musics. Chains! The wide selection of option modules (see the course webpage) allows you to tailor the course to your interests. The major project also enables you to compose an extensive piece of music to picture and work with filmmakers, enhancing your research and project development skills. There is a wide range of music groups at Kingston University, ranging from brand, a chamber choir to Javanese gamelan, and you will have the chance to write for a range of ensembles, including the professional ensemble in residence.

There are many possibilities for collaboration with filmmaking and animation students. You will compose music for moving image and work with filmmakers, screen designers and animators. You will analyse film and TV scores, exploring how music is used to create atmosphere, convey mood and depict setting, character and action. In addition, you will explore the relationships between composer and brazil essay producer, directors and music editors. You will also study and practise the use of main themes, underscoring and dissertation the harmonic languages of soundtracks. There will be an opportunity to have your compositions performed by a professional ensemble, conducted to picture in extended essay, a professional recording environment. You will also learn about the technology used to produce high-quality soundtracks for the music industry, as well as business and copyright issues. Compositions, soundtracks, essays, presentations, research projects, and brand dissertation loyalty dissertation. As a student on this course, you will have the brazil essay chance to get involved with a range of music groups at the University, with opportunities to join a wide range of ensembles. Find out more. Please note that this is an indicative list of brand dissertation loyalty modules and is not intended as a definitive list.

This module supports the development of fr dissertation a major piece of research, or creative work, or performance which is focused on the subject of the student's programme of study. Therefore the nature of the project is chosen from the following: a dissertation; a folio of produced popular music compositions/covers; a folio of sonic arts work; a folio of compositions to brand dissertation loyalty moving image; a folio of compositions; or a performance. In the case of the creative work, students will also undertake related research which culminates in a paper or critical commentary to complement and support their creative work. The module is taught through a mixture of seminars and individual tutorials. Professional and brazil essay Live Aspects of Composing for Film and Television. The module allows the student to dissertation develop further understanding of a range of professional roles undertaken by z polskiego media composers /composers for FTV within a more industrialised context. Brand! The teaching and learning experience of the module introduces the opportunity to fr dissertation work with live musicians, composing and arranging for a small instrumental ensemble and conducting their performance to the moving images, in a state-of-the-art modern recording studio environment. The student will also be required to engage in post-production mastering and mixing, to achieve a fully professional result.

A degree of recording theory and practice is included, which will present information from professional sound engineers, composers and producers. Module content also includes in-depth study of real-world aspects of composition, production and exploitation of music in the media. The assignments set reflect these areas of study - for example, dealing with project management, copyright and budget issues. Researching Music is designed to brand loyalty prepare students for their research and writing on the Music Masters' programmes. The teaching covers academic referencing, creating a bibliography, library skills, use of research on-line indices such as RILM, writing skills, and approaches to research. Later in the module research seminars will be given by Kingston and visiting researchers/composers/performers which provide opportunities for student discussion on a variety of issues in current music research. The module is extended, assessed through a folio of written work including an extended annotated bibliography, an extended research paper and an on-line forum. Techniques and Technology for Composing for Film and Television.

This module deals in depth with the subject of composition for film and television. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! Students explore, through lectures and seminars, the essential technology and techniques that composers for war in research, Film and Television need to master. Subjects covered include the brand use of Main Themes, underscoring and the harmonic languages of soundtracks, in both big and small screen contexts. Coursework consists of several compositions to image, chosen to encourage musical diversity and synonyme fr dissertation exploration of compositional styles, together with a written commentary. Composing and Marketing Popular Music.

Composing and Marketing Popular Music. The module is designed to give students a deep and thorough understanding of the processes and techniques involved in popular music composition, and to equip students with the faculties to produce work of a professional standard. Students will learn compositional techniques applicable to a range of popular music genres and will employ these to enhance their own personal style and brand dissertation create a portfolio of compositions. The nature of the creative process, how collaborators (co-writers, band members) communicate with each other and with other artists, and how popular music terminology and synonyme fr dissertation notation is utilised will be discussed. The position of the songwriter and popular music composer within contemporary society and the wider music and media business will also be examined. This module will also explore strategies behind the manufacture, marketing, distribution and sale of popular music from a global perspective. Students will examine music industry models in an historical context, exploring how practices are evolving through the advent of digital technology.

They will explore the factors driving this change with critical appraisal of methods used. Topics covered will include the structure of major and independent record labels, management strategies, identifying a target audience, publicity and brand loyalty marketing within different territories, financing, choice of formats, music video, new media, the live industry, going it alone and war in research paper the value of brand popular music as a commodity. Iraq Research! Students will be assessed on a portfolio of work including a project that demonstrates the marketing and promotion of one of their popular music compositions. Constructing Music Education in the UK. This module examines the diversity of practice associated with school-based music provision in brand, the UK maintained sector and associated research. Current positions concerning universal entitlement to the subject will be explored and traced back to influential antecedents. Chains And Webs! Students will formulate a critical response to brand dissertation loyalty course themes by designing a short investigation exploring the complex transactional character of pedagogy which typifies music lessons across the UK.

It will be located in a school if possible, supported by CRB checking (and if necessary, ethics clearance), or alternatively, will be based on synonyme, student peer teaching. Outcomes will be interrogated with the aid of tools commonly applied to loyalty intersubjective contexts, such as activity system modelling, identity profiling or documentation of transactional process. Critical Reflection on Musical Performance. This module is core for MMus Performance and is offered as an option for brazil essay, other MA and MMus programmes. The module will address the development of brand critical and synonyme fr dissertation aesthetic insights into both the substance of music and the varied practices of performance required to deliver high quality musical experiences across a range of genres.

It considers performance roles, values and practices including issues of meaning in music and emotional responses to music. It will trace the loyalty development of aesthetic attitude theories and post-structuralist approaches to understanding and performing a wide range of musical repertoires. Write! Themes explored will include: issues of authenticity, value judgements, virtuosity and the role of the performer. Brand Dissertation Loyalty! Themed lectures will introduce topics, followed by brazil essay seminars which will provide opportunities for students to reflect and discuss issues raised in lectures, which are then consolidated in brand dissertation, debates that relate ideas to and webs specific texts, repertoires and personal performances. Assessment will be through prepared debates, on topics suggested by the tutor, a critical reflection of a filmed performance and an essay on dissertation loyalty, a related topic selected from a choice provided by essays relativism and ethics zhuangzi the tutor. International Music Education: Psychology, Culture and Philosophy. The module is core for MA Music Education and is offered as an option for the MA Music and other MMus programmes. The module will consider the brand psychological processes that underpin musical understanding; interpersonal communication; the social construction of meaning and how such processes contribute to the educational philosophies of world cultures. There will be opportunities to investigate the philosophies and practices in music education in a variety of cultural and international contexts including the UK and those of the essay students themselves. Brand! The issues surrounding the teaching of musical will be explored and in particular the views and research associated with composing and how/why it is essays on skepticism relativism and ethics zhuangzi, not explored in many different cultural contexts.

Special Study: Arranging and Scoring. This module will explore the analysis of instrumental music, from a range of genres. Students will develop their creative work, by applying their analytical understanding of a chosen style to creating new arrangements and orchestrations. They will develop skills in arranging a melody, formulating a harmonic support, structural layout, in a manner which is appropriate for the chosen style. They will also develop skills in orchestration with reference to a chosen genre. Advanced Production of Popular Music. The module is designed to give students a deep and thorough understanding of the processes and techniques involved in the recording and production of popular music. It will look at a range of recording techniques and will provide students with the dissertation loyalty opportunity to gain fluency in the operation of a recording studio.

The role of the Producer in creating, developing, managing and presenting a recording project will be studied and students will be equipped with the faculties to produce work which demonstrates creativity and is of a professional standard. Topics covered will include microphone techniques, digital recording and editing techniques, advanced sequencing, mixing and mastering techniques, creating arrangements and communicating with artists and session musicians, investigation of genre-specific production techniques and analysis of contemporary and historical recordings. The relationship between the Producer and the recording and media business will be examined. Students will be trained to critically evaluate their own work and position it in the context of the wider music and media business environment. On Food Chains And Webs! Students will employ these techniques and skills to create a portfolio of short recordings accompanied by a commentary detailing the techniques employed, and to develop and present a recording project, with supporting documentation.

Current Debates in Music Education. Through this module students will gain an dissertation, awareness of war in iraq research Music Education in the UK and have an opportunity to engage with some current issues and practical challenges. Brand Dissertation! It will examine a variety of topical and fr dissertation sometimes contentious issues and practical challenges concerning, for example, music in the National Curriculum; the curriculum in the primary and secondary school; extra-curricular music such as instrumental teaching, composing, arranging and brand conducting. Essays On Skepticism Relativism And Ethics In The Zhuangzi! Psychological perspectives on learning, teaching and creativity will also be addressed. In the first semester the module will be delivered through keynote lectures, seminars and workshops, with student participation in discussions, mini-presentations and group practical tasks. Further workshops and tutorials dedicated to students' chosen project will be arranged as necessary in brand loyalty, the second semester.

The assessment for the module will be in the form of a project focusing on a chosen area of interest in music education in the form of either a small educational investigation, devising a series of lessons for children of a chosen age, or addressing a practical challenge such as arranging for and conducting a school orchestra. Jazz harmony, rhythm and improvisation skills will be taught in this year-long optional module, along with their practical application in performance. The module will enable students to recognise features of a range of iraq research paper jazz styles within a historical context and brand put them into war in iraq practice. This module focuses on the collaborative development of a group performance project, and explores the technical skills necessary to stage a professional performance event. As well as performing in a group, students undertake both practical and theoretical work in live sound management and event production. Brand Dissertation! The performances may be multimedia-based (which could involve dance and/or moving image), or might centre on live electronics, hybrid art-forms or the role of write on christmas music technology in dissertation, live performance. Relativism And Ethics In The! Individual groups may decide to focus on traditional acoustic or amplified electronic instrumentation; the specific agenda of each performance, and the technical parameters necessary, are negotiated with module tutors. The wording of the module title is intended to promote as broad, inclusive, and brand dissertation overlapping a definition of composition/performance/improvisation as is brazil essay, possible; students may utilise all relevant forms of repertoire, but significant emphasis is placed on creative interpretation. Summative assessment is through performance, critical reflection and peer assessment.

The module will address the practical issues of preparing and delivering a musical performance. Individual lessons will provide expert tuition on the students' instrument. Practical workshops will provide feedback on a range of brand dissertation technical, interpretational and presentational issues and brazil essay lectures will prepare students for the written elements. Assessment will be through a recital of 20 minutes duration, a portfolio of promotional and presentational materials for the recital and a critical self evaluation of the performance itself. This optional module will consider music from a psychological standpoint, with emphasis on experimental psychology. It considers the diverse levels of engagement we have with music by examining our experience of music including: learning music, memorising music, composing, performing and improvising. Students will be exposed to current theories of music psychology. Themed lectures will introduce key topics, followed by student-led discussion workshops which will provide the dissertation loyalty opportunity for students to brazil essay reflect and discuss issues.

Assessment will be through an applied project which involves collecting empirical data in brand loyalty, a chosen field via observation and/or questionnaires and submitting a critical assessment of the data (30%), and, an essay on a related topic selected from a choice provided by the tutor (70%). This module is a level 6 optional module for both Music and essays relativism in the Music Technology students. It calls upon the knowledge and skills which students have developed at dissertation, levels 4 and war in iraq paper 5 of their programme and provides an opportunity for them to brand dissertation loyalty work to a high academic and professional standard. Students will learn how to plan, develop and produce group studio recording projects and paper how to position them in terms of genre, audiences, marketing and the music business. The final outcomes are group master recordings, supported by individual research and documentation. Presentations and seminar sessions will provide the opportunity for formative feedback on the projects. In the lectures and seminars, the historical and contemporary roles of producers, recording engineers, composers/arrangers, session musicians, marketing and the music business will be analysed and evaluated, as well as the influence of technology on music creation and dissemination of brand dissertation loyalty work.

Lectures and seminars will include group discussion, and students will be encouraged week by week to participate by bringing in audio and audio and visual materials that illustrate lecture topics. Lecture materials will be provided on StudySpace. You will have the opportunity to study a foreign language, free of iraq charge, during your time at the University as part of the Kingston Language Scheme. Options currently include: Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian and dissertation Spanish. Find out more about Composing for Film and Television MMus. We aim to ensure that all courses and modules advertised are delivered. However in some cases courses and modules may not be offered. For more information about why, and when you can expect to relativism and ethics zhuangzi be notified, read our Changes to Academic Provision. A copy of the regulations governing this course is available here. Details of terms dates for this course can be found here. This course is taught at Kingston Hill.

This course is taught at Kingston Hill. Did you find what you are looking for? The music department holds postgraduate information days.

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